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Test pad to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) in the vaginal discharge of a pregnant woman

According to statistics, in at least 10% of pregnancy cases, a premature rupture of the amniotic membrane occurs, which can lead to premature birth, intrauterine infection and other complications. Leakage of amniotic fluid may not always be detectable by conventional clinical examination (if fluid loss is slow or intermittent), and therefore confirmation by a diagnostic test can be very helpful. The FRAUTEST test is recommended for both normal pregnancy and high-risk pregnancies. Many women experience urinary incontinence during the third trimester of pregnancy, which is often confused with amniotic fluid leakage.

Leakage of amniotic fluid increases the risk of infection for both mother and baby, and early diagnosis can help:

- prevent complications or premature birth;

- to determine the possible rupture of the membranes;

- timely contact the maternity ward;


FRAUTEST amnio is a non-invasive self-diagnosis test that can be easily used at home. The test is able to distinguish amniotic fluid from heavy vaginal discharge and urine, which prevents often unnecessary visits to the doctor, which can be regarded as a "false alarm".

The test strip consists of a conventional strip with included test strip with a proprietary polymer containing a colorimetric indicator that changes from yellow to green-blue when in contact with high pH liquids. Normally, the vaginal pH is 3.8-4.5, the pH of the amniotic fluid is 6.5-7. The test strip changes color when it comes in contact with a liquid that has a pH greater than 5.5.

The test distinguishes amniotic fluid from urine due to the use of a polymer matrix, which uses a special composition of ingredients that return the color change back to yellow when it reacts with ammonia concentrations in urine.

The pH indicator is bonded to the polymer and sits internally between the two absorbent layers of the pad. Physical contact of a woman's body with diagnostic components is completely absent.


Before testing, make sure that the test package is sealed and should be opened immediately before testing. Each test is for single use only.

1. Open the foil bag with dry hands and remove the test strip.

2. Stick the spacer onto your underwear (fig. 1). The yellow liner should be against the vagina. The test pad can be worn like a normal pad for 12 hours, or it can be removed as soon as you feel a leak.

3. When the pad is sufficiently moistened, remove it from the underwear.

4. Check the gasket for stains immediately after removing it from the laundry (fig. 2, 3).


Grade the result should be done in a well-lit place.

Positive result

If blue or green spots of any intensity, size, shape, or location appear on the pad, this means that the leaking fluid is most likely amniotic fluid. The spots may be fuzzy and more intense at the edges of the yellow stripe.
Caution: The pad also turns blue or green in case of bacterial vaginal infections (such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis). In any case, if you have received a positive result, immediately consult a doctor.

Negative result

If the pad does not change color, it means that the tested fluid is urine or vaginal secretions, and there is no amniotic fluid leakage. Any minimal amount of leaking amniotic fluid will leave visible stains on the pad.
If the test results are positive, you must inform your doctor. The color coloration is stable for 48 hours. If the test result remains negative, and the heavy discharge continues, then you should see a doctor.


If you suspect you have a bacterial vaginal infection (such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis), you should see your doctor as the test result may be false positive. Confirmation of the presence of a vaginal infection can be assessed using standard diagnostic procedures (smear collection).

During bleeding while reading the results, you may need the help of a specialist.

Stop using the pad immediately if you feel uncomfortable or if your skin is irritated.

The advantages of this test:

Self-monitoring of slow or intermittent leakage, prevention of complications or premature birth, and timely medical attention.
- Highly sensitive and non-invasive (no internal intervention) research method.
- Lack of direct contact of mucous membranes with diagnostic reagents.
- One pad provides 12 hours observation.
- Can be used in any environment. Simple and easy-to-understand result.
- The result lasts for 48 hours.
- Constant accumulation of water (even if water is released slowly, in small doses and intermittently), and not spot checks, as is the case with other tests.
- Keeping calm provided by self-control.

In this article:

During pregnancy, every woman is advised to be attentive to her health. It is important that the baby is born healthy, strong, and the childbirth is successful. An amniotic fluid leak test may be needed if you suspect premature amniotic fluid release.

In the womb, the future baby is reliably protected by the membranes and amniotic fluid. It is these factors that ensure the normal development and vitality of the fetus. Normally, the amniotic fluid leaves the uterus along with the onset of labor. If this happened before, we are talking about pathology. It is necessary to contact a medical institution, as this condition is dangerous for the mother and her unborn child.

How can you tell if water is leaking?

Symptoms to determine that amniotic fluid is leaking should be known to every woman preparing to become a mother.

So, the following circumstances are reliable signs that water is leaking:

  • If it happens prematurely, its amount varies within 400 ml - it is such a volume of water before childbirth at 40 weeks is poured out from the genital tract of the woman in labor. It is impossible not to find out that this particular process has occurred, since the liquid will flow down the legs in a jet, and it is rather difficult to miss this phenomenon.
  • If we are talking about high damage or a slight crack in the fetal bladder, then in this case it is problematic to independently determine the leakage of amniotic fluid before childbirth or shortly before it. In this case, there may not be much amniotic fluid at all. In order not to torment yourself with guesses and not to panic ahead of time, you can purchase a special test to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • If the test is not at hand, you can try to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid regardless of the gestational age (diagnostics can be carried out at 28 and 40 weeks, when the need arises). A woman should urinate, carry out hygiene of the genitals and thoroughly blot the intimate area with a towel. After that, she should lie on a white sheet or cotton cloth and stay in this position for 20 minutes. If during this period of time wet spots appear on the tissue, it is most likely that the amniotic bladder is damaged and the fluid really comes out.

In this case, the expectant mother should understand the difference between vaginal discharge, urine and fetal fluid. How to understand that it is the amniotic fluid that is leaking, and not urine or discharge from the genital tract? Normally, the waters are transparent in color, and their consistency is similar to ordinary water. Less commonly, they are colored and have brown or, which indicates a threat to the unborn child. Urine is endowed with a specific odor and a yellow tint, and vaginal discharge has a thicker structure in comparison with fetal fluids and urine.

How tests work

If it is possible to use a special test that determines the presence of fetal waters, then you should not neglect this method, because it is the most accurate in the current situation.
On the market, you can find two types of tests, both have the same mechanism of action and allow you to find out what environment is in the vagina. Normally, it should be acidic, and the amniotic fluid should be neutral.

And although this is one of the most convenient and reliable ways to determine that water is leaking, it is not recommended to trust these tests 100%, since not all expectant mothers have increased vaginal acidity. In some, it is changed to a neutral or alkaline side against the background of infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital tract. This means that in practice, error is possible. Only a specialist knows how to determine that water is leaking.


Let's consider what tests are.

Test strips

They are produced in the form of pads, the use of which does not imply any difficulties - it is enough to fix the pad on the underwear and wear it for a certain time, periodically observing possible changes. This diagnostic method is based on the differentiation of amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge, male sperm and urine through a chemical reaction to the acidic level of the environment.

Test systems

This diagnostic method is considered more complex, since it is based on the immunochromatographic method. The mechanism of action is similar to test strips: it determines in the vaginal environment exactly that component that can only be contained in the amniotic fluid.

But the test systems do not determine the acidity of the vaginal environment, but special proteins that are contained in the amniotic fluid. You can find two types of such test systems, which are susceptible to different proteins. These are more complex diagnostic methods that should not be mistaken, which means that false positive results in the case of them are practically excluded.

How to do the test?

A test strip is the easiest way to measure amniotic fluid leakage. It allows you to notice how water leaks before childbirth, at home. This test has the appearance of an ordinary sanitary napkin. Inside it there are specific components that, upon contact with amniotic fluid, change color to blue, and when interacting with urine, to yellow.

So, how to understand whether the suspicion of water leakage is justified:

  1. It is recommended that the test strip packaging is sealed before testing.
  2. Attach the test pad to the gusset of the underwear.
  3. Leave the laundry test for the required period of time, usually 12 hours.
  4. Extract the test and interpret the obtained diagnostic result according to the instructions for use.

Determination of amniotic fluid leakage using test systems can also be done at home. This method makes it possible to determine the minimum signs of water leakage as a result of the detection of a specific protein in the secretions - alpha1-microglobulin. It is it that is contained in the amniotic fluid, and it cannot be in ordinary vaginal secretions and urine.

How to determine the fact of amniotic fluid leakage using a test system:

  1. Carry out a thorough hygiene of the external genital organs.
  2. Shake the solvent bottle, open it and place it open on the table.
  3. Gently open the package of the tampon with cleanly washed hands and carefully insert it into the vestibule of the vagina. The tip of the tampon should not come into contact with anything else. The tampon is inserted about 5 cm for 2 minutes, then it must be removed.
  4. The tip of the test strip with arrows, according to the instructions, is immersed in a pre-opened bottle with a solvent. If the fluid really leaks, then the test result will be positive instantly.

Assessment of the result at home

What to do if the research has been carried out, how to read the result correctly?

If a woman used a test strip in the form of a pad, then it is recommended to evaluate the diagnostic result in a room with good lighting. You can draw a conclusion about water leakage by the presence of blue, blue or green spots in any part of the gasket. At the same time, yellow spots may be present, but they must be fixed at the edges.

It is important to keep in mind that bacterial infections such as trichomoniasis or vaginosis can lead to a false positive result by staining the pad blue or green. In any case, such a diagnostic result requires immediate medical advice. Only a specialist will be able to clarify the result and know what to do if amniotic fluid leaks during pregnancy, for example, at 40 weeks.

If a test system was used for the study, then the result can be obtained immediately, provided that the amniotic fluid leaks in large quantities. With a slight leak, it is recommended to wait up to 10 minutes, the test strip should show one or two lines - in the first case, we are talking about the absence of pathology, in the second - about its presence. If the diagnosis does not give any result, most likely the test is defective.

Test advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the test:

  • the ability to obtain reliable information quickly and easily;
  • diagnostics can be carried out at home, it is enough to buy a test at a pharmacy and do everything according to the instructions;
  • no need for a gynecological examination;
  • the possibility of error is minimal.

Cons of the test:

  • if, after rupture of the membrane of the membranes, a time interval of 12 hours has passed, the test may be mistaken and give a false negative result;
  • tests are not cheap, and they can be applied once;
  • for the result to be as accurate as possible, certain precautions are required, for example, do not wrinkle or bend the test strip, it is forbidden to inject medications into the vagina, use disinfectants, etc. a few hours before the diagnosis.

Error probability

Sometimes any system, even a highly accurate system, can fail. This rarely happens, but in this case, the erroneous result of the crane research is undesirable, because we are talking about the health of the child.

The test may show an error in the following cases:

  • a false-positive result may occur not because the woman will soon give birth, but because of a bacterial infection in the vagina;
  • a false negative result can be obtained if the test is used incorrectly, for example, if all recommendations for its conduct are not followed;
  • the test may not determine anything if more than 12 hours have passed since the true damage to the membranes of the membranes.

A test that determines that water is leaking (for example, at 40 weeks, which indicates the onset of labor), is the only diagnostic method for establishing this fact. It can be carried out both at home, which is very convenient for expectant mothers, and in stationary conditions. But if a woman, in addition to leaking water, notices such symptoms as abdominal pain, nausea, weakness, frequent urination and other signs of trouble, do not waste time on the test. In this case, it is better to immediately seek emergency medical help.

Useful video about the outpouring of amniotic fluid

Pregnancy is not always accompanied by only joyful moments. Sometimes it can be overshadowed by various kinds of pathologies and complications. Fifteen percent of pregnant women are faced with a problem such as leakage of amniotic fluid. What is this complication and when is it worth sounding the alarm?

What is amniotic fluid leakage and how dangerous it is

Amniotic fluid is the anatomical fluid of the fetal bladder in which the baby "floats". This is a kind of protection of the child from external influences and its nutrient medium. Normally, amniotic fluid begins to drain in the first stages of labor at the end of the third trimester, when the cervix is ​​fully or partially dilated. But there are times when, as a result of multiple pregnancies, infectious diseases of the genital organs, external shocks, lifting weights, and so on, the fetal bladder ruptures. If the damage is closer to the cervix, then the amniotic fluid flows out faster and more noticeably. But if the gap is in the upper or lateral region, then the leakage is insignificant and it is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary vaginal discharge or involuntary urination. The color of amniotic fluid can range from clear to green, moreover, they do not have a characteristic odor.

Normally, amniotic fluid is clear, like water. If they are greenish, yellowish or grayish in color, this is a sign of intrauterine infection.

Amniotic fluid changes every three hours

Why is the leakage of amniotic fluid dangerous?

Leakage of water is very difficult to notice with the naked eye, even for an experienced specialist. Therefore, at the first suspicion of this pathology or feeling of discomfort, a woman should consult a gynecologist in order to avoid the following consequences:

  1. Leakage of water before the 25th week of pregnancy is fraught with infection of the uterine cavity and the death of the baby.
  2. Leakage of water before the 37th week of pregnancy can cause infection of the mother and baby's body. Respiratory distress syndrome can also develop, in which the lungs stick together and the child cannot breathe on his own. With increased leakage of water, an emergency caesarean section is performed.
  3. Leakage of water at 38 weeks and later may be an indication for an emergency caesarean section. And also if the leakage is insignificant, then the doctors may decide that the woman in labor should wait for a natural birth in the hospital.

At 36 weeks pregnant, I underwent an emergency caesarean section, as I was diagnosed with third degree IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation) and infection of the amniotic fluid. The baby was born with a weight of 1900 and a height of 31 cm. Immediately, the baby was placed in a Kuwaize and connected to a ventilator. After a complete examination, she was diagnosed with congenital pneumonia. The child breathed on his own on the second day after birth. It took us exactly a month to fully recover. We were discharged with the baby just on the day when, according to the plan, she was just supposed to be born.
Rupture of amniotic fluid is one of the reasons for the birth of premature babies.

Test diagnostics: principle of operation, types and features of the technique

Leakage of amniotic fluid is a very serious problem that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. But if the damage to the fetal bladder is insignificant, then the amniotic fluid will leak very slowly and almost imperceptibly. If a woman finds that her underwear becomes wet relatively quickly, especially after minor exertion, even such as sneezing, laughing, then this is the first symptom that indicates a developmental pathology pregnancy.

If a woman has doubts, she can do a test for amniotic fluid leakage at home on her own. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The mechanism for diagnosing this pathology using tests is a reaction to an alkaline environment or the presence of special elements that cannot be in vaginal secretions and urine. Therefore, there are two types of tests:

  1. Test strips. In the normal course of pregnancy, the vagina is characterized by an acidic environment, but when the amniotic fluid flows out, it becomes alkaline. Therefore, the mechanism of these tests is based on a reaction to the acidity of an alkaline medium.
  2. Test systems. The diagnostic method is based on determining the presence of special proteins that are characteristic only of the composition of the amniotic fluid.

It is possible to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid without expensive foreign tests. To do this, it is necessary to carry out all hygienic procedures for the genitals and thoroughly blot the genitals with a towel. Then take a diaper or sheet, lay it on the sofa and lie down. It is necessary to be in a supine position for 30 - 40 minutes. If, after the time has elapsed, the diaper becomes wet, this may indicate a pathology.

You should not blindly trust the tests, since their result depends on many factors that are not always possible to take into account, therefore, even after a negative test for water leakage, you should consult a doctor.

Varieties of tests to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid

It is necessary to choose a test to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid, taking into account the accuracy of their result. And also it is worth focusing on the percentage of error in carrying out a specific methodology and the complexity of the implementation.

Test strips and their effectiveness

Determining the leakage of amniotic fluid using test pads is one of the easiest and safest ways, since it does not cause discomfort and occurs without interfering with the internal genital organs of a woman.


The test looks like a regular panty liner that is attached to the underwear in the crotch area. In the middle of this gasket there is a special yellow strip, which is based on a patented polymer matrix with a special colorimetric indicator. With a low acidity of the vaginal environment, which is formed as a result of leakage of amniotic fluid, the strip becomes blue-green.

FRAUTEST amnio - Hungarian test pads for the detection of amniotic fluid leakage

During normal pregnancy, the vaginal pH is 3.5 to 4.5. When this is increased to 5.5, the strip on the test will change color.

The presence of blue-green spots on the pad indicates leakage of amniotic fluid

Throughout pregnancy, the nature and abundance of vaginal discharge changed with constant regularity: from scanty colorless to abundant white stringy. Therefore, it is quite difficult to notice a slight outpouring of amniotic fluid. Moreover, I personally, especially at the end of the third trimester, even experienced involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing, and so on.

Test rules with FRAUTEST amnio

To achieve the most accurate result, you must:

  1. Check the tightness and integrity of the packaging.
  2. Open the package and attach the pad to the underwear, making sure that the indicator strip is opposite the vagina.
  3. Remove the gasket when filling it. You can wear it for up to 12 hours.
  4. If even slight color changes appear on the strip, this is a sign indicating water leakage. The result is valid for 48 hours.
  5. If the blue-green spots disappear within half an hour, then the test can be considered negative. It is just a reaction to ammonia in the urine.
  6. The test should not be done immediately after taking a shower or bath and douching the vagina. It is also recommended to do it 12 hours after using vaginal suppositories.

You can use the test strip only once.


The principle of operation and use of this test is the same as that of FRAUTEST amnio. The only difference is that a special case is included with the test, in which the used test strip is placed, and the result is visible for half an hour.
Determination of amniotic fluid leakage using this test is carried out by changing the pH of the vagina

Probability of error and disadvantages of determining the leakage of amniotic fluid using FRAUTEST amnio and AL-sense

These types of tests can show a false result in the following cases:

  • a false positive result can be a symptom of vaginal infections such as colpitis, vaginosis and the like;
  • a false negative result can occur if the rules of the testing process are not followed.

Because the test strip contains a special ingredient that distinguishes amniotic fluid from urine and vaginal discharge, the likelihood of inaccuracies is reduced.

Test systems in determining the rupture of amniotic fluid

Test systems determine the outflow of amniotic fluid by changing the hormonal composition of the vagina... They consist of a test strip of two colors like a pregnancy test, a plastic tube with solvent and a swab. The amniotic fluid leakage indicator strip is similar to the strip from a pregnancy test

AmniSureRom Test

AmniSureRom Test is quite expensive, but at the same time a very common test. The probability of a correct result is 99%. The basis for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid is the manifestation of two stripes on the indicator, as a reaction to the placental A1 protein - microglobulin.
Test systems consist of a tampon, a test tube with a solvent and an indicator strip

Scheme of using the test system to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid

To achieve an accurate result, you must follow a certain scheme:

  1. Conduct genital hygiene.
  2. Check the integrity of the package, then open it.
  3. Shake the solution thoroughly in a test tube.
  4. Place the tampon in the vagina for 5 - 7 centimeters for one and a half - two minutes, then take it out.
  5. Immerse in a test tube with a solution for a few minutes and discard.
  6. Place the test strip in the test tube. If the protein concentration is high, then two stripes will appear almost immediately, otherwise it will take about ten minutes. One strip on the test means the absence of leakage of amniotic fluid, two - the presence. If nothing happens after 15 minutes, the test is invalid.

Correct conduct of the test is the key to the accuracy of the result

Often, the leakage of amniotic fluid becomes a cause for concern for the expectant mother. However, not all pregnant women understand what it is and how to distinguish amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge. Let's consider the situation in more detail, let's name the reasons, ways to eliminate the violation.

Amniotic fluid - what is it?

The amniotic fluid is the vital medium for the fetus. By filling the fetal bladder, it prevents trauma to the fetus, creating favorable conditions for it. So directly thanks to her, the baby's body temperature is maintained at the same level. Important is the protection that amniotic fluid provides to the unborn baby.

Its volume is not constant, it increases with the growth of the gestation period. This process is observed throughout the entire gestation period, however, water is produced unevenly. The volume is increasing every week. The maximum is reached around gestation. At this time, the volume of amniotic fluid is 1000-1500 ml. At the same time, immediately before the process of childbirth, its amount decreases.

Why is the leakage of amniotic fluid dangerous?

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy is vital for the unborn baby. A decrease in its volume can lead to irreversible consequences. Among these, doctors distinguish:

  • infection of the baby inside the womb;
  • the development of complications of an infectious nature in the expectant mother:, chorioamniotonitis (inflammation of the membranes of the fetus),;
  • premature delivery;
  • weak labor activity.

Causes of amniotic fluid leakage

When amniotic fluid leaks during pregnancy, a woman should see a doctor. The main task for physicians is to determine and eliminate the cause of the violation. At the same time, a comprehensive assessment of the situation is carried out. Among the possible reasons, there are:

  1. Diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature in the reproductive system. As a result of such pathogenic processes, thinning of the membranes of the bladder occurs, in which the fetus is located. Due to the loss of elasticity, integrity is violated. This is possible with colpitis, endocervicitis.
  2. Isthmicocervical insufficiency. With this type of violation, incomplete closure of the cervix is ​​noted. Due to excess pressure, which is caused by an increase in the size of the fetus, the fetal bladder protrudes into the cervical canal. This leads to a violation of its integrity.
  3. Multiple pregnancy. This phenomenon is considered as a factor contributing to the development of the disorder. Due to the increased load on the walls of the fetal bladder, they cannot withstand and are damaged, causing amniotic fluid to leak.
  4. Developmental abnormalities, benign or malignant formations in the uterus. The wrong size of the genital organ, the presence of cysts and tumors in it interfere with the normal growth of the baby, the amniotic membranes. As a result, injury to the walls may occur.
  5. able to cause the release of amniotic fluid to the outside.

Leakage of amniotic fluid in the early stages

Leakage of amniotic fluid during pregnancy, in its small terms, is fraught with interruption of the process of carrying a baby. If the disorder develops for up to 20 weeks, then the baby cannot save the life. In this case, infection of the membranes occurs, vital processes are disrupted, as a result of which the baby dies. A woman is cleaned of the uterine cavity to prevent infection and life-threatening complications.

Leakage of amniotic fluid in the second trimester

Leakage of amniotic fluid is often fixed for a long time. It is provoked by the increased pressure on the membranes of the fetus, the mass of which increases several times. When a complication of this kind has developed in the first half of the 2nd trimester (up to 22 weeks), doctors are forced to interrupt the gestational process. This helps to avoid complications that adversely affect a woman's health.

If the leakage of amniotic fluid begins after, then in most cases it has a favorable outcome. The pregnant woman is sent to the hospital, where she is monitored. Doctors conduct dynamic observation, by conducting an ultrasound scan, examining the state of the bladder shell in the gynecological chair. At the same time, there is no specific treatment. The efforts of doctors are aimed at improving the condition of the pregnant woman. It all depends on how much time has passed since the start of the leak caused by the violation of the shell.

How to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid?

To protect herself and the unborn baby, the pregnant woman must imagine the signs of this disorder. The leakage of amniotic fluid, the symptoms of which may be mild, has an increasing character - as the volume of fluid progresses, the volume of fluid increases. If the breakdown of the membranes occurred in a place located high from the neck, the water flows out sparsely. In such cases, pregnant women may not pay attention to this phenomenon, mistaking it for vaginal discharge. Among the obvious symptoms of leakage, it is worth highlighting:

  • sudden, profuse vaginal discharge;
  • a change in the nature of the discharge - they became watery, increased in volume;
  • decrease in the volume of the abdomen;
  • appearance.

How to distinguish discharge from amniotic fluid leakage?

To be able to distinguish a violation from the norm, each pregnant woman must clearly understand what the leakage of amniotic fluid looks like. Among the main manifestations:

  • an increase in the amount of fluid released during physical activity, movement, change of position;
  • the tension of the pelvic muscles does not lead to the cessation of discharge (as opposed to spontaneous urination).

When the rupture of the bladder is very small, the definition of pathology is possible only with the use of a special test or a smear. Women can diagnose larger tears on their own, at home. For this:

  1. Go to the toilet and empty the bladder completely.
  2. Thoroughly wash and wipe everything dry.
  3. Lay a sheet on the sofa, dry and clean, and lie down on it without underwear.
  4. If wet spots appear on the sheet after 15-20 minutes, there is a high probability of leakage. The effectiveness of such a simple test is over 80%.

What color is the amniotic fluid when leaking?

The color of amniotic fluid during leakage may be different. This makes it difficult to diagnose the disorder. In most cases, the waters are transparent, colorless, so it is difficult to identify them by marks on the sanitary napkin. Occasionally, the amniotic fluid becomes pinkish. When the amniotic fluid becomes infected, it can become greenish, yellow, and cloudy. However, in such cases, another clinic is noted, which helps to diagnose pathology.

Test to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid

A pregnant woman can diagnose a pathological condition using special means. There are pads for detecting amniotic fluid leakage. Their action is based on changing the color of the indicator, depending on the environment with which it was contacted. Initially, it is yellow (corresponds to a vaginal pH of 4.5). Other liquids give it a greenish-blue color. Amniotic fluid has the highest pH. This allows you to diagnose the leakage of scanty amniotic fluid.

Tests for leakage of amniotic fluid

Talking about how to recognize the leakage of amniotic fluid, doctors note that it is difficult to do this with a small volume of them. In such cases, a violation is diagnosed by laboratory methods, including:

  • a smear of vaginal discharge - "fern effect" (drying the liquid on the slide forms a pattern similar to the named plant);
  • a smear from the posterior fornix of the vagina is a reliable diagnostic method;
  • amniotest - based on the intramuscular injection of a dye into the abdomen, which stains the amniotic fluid released to the outside (it is rarely used because of the high risks and cost of the reagent).

Does ultrasound detect amniotic fluid leakage?

Leakage of amniotic fluid, the signs of which are named above, can also be diagnosed using ultrasound. In such cases, on the monitor screen, the doctor assesses the extent of the violation, the localization of the rupture of the amniotic membrane. With a mild disorder, this technique is ineffective due to the impossibility of visualization and the difficulty of detecting a defect in the amniotic fluid.