Bunk cake proportions. Bunk cake "Winter hut

12.10.2019 Buffet table

Very often in our life there are events that require special solemnity, for example, a wedding or anniversary. Or, on the contrary, small holidays that you want to decorate with something special. In either case, the cake will be a wonderful elegant detail. Of course, the easiest way is to order it from a professional pastry chef, but sometimes you want to try to surprise your guests and cook everything yourself. In this case, our article on how to make a bunk cake at home will be an excellent guide for you.

DIY bunk cake

In order to correctly assemble a two-tier cake with your own hands, a dense biscuit for the lower tier and lighter cakes for the upper tier are the best fit. Moreover, the first should be about twice as large as the second. Perfect as a cream whipped cream with icing sugar If you are planning a two-tiered cake with mastic decorations, it is better to use a thicker butter cream, which is perfect as a substrate.

How to assemble a bunk cake?

We will tell you in detail about the assembly using the example of a two-tier cake with fruits without mastic.


  • cream;
  • biscuits;
  • berries and fruits;
  • aromatic herbs such as rosemary or thyme;
  • jam or liquid jam;
  • any chocolate cream or nutella;
  • melted chocolate icing.


    1. We also need cocktail tubes and substrates, which can be made of thick cardboard and wrapped with cling film.

    1. So, we cut the first biscuit horizontally into three layers, grease not big amount cream the substrate so that the cake does not slip and with the help of a pastry bag or bag we make a side. This is so that the jam layer does not spread and spoil the appearance of the cake.

    1. Put the jam into the resulting pool.

    1. Now you can immerse nuts, berries, chocolate chips, etc. in the middle.

    1. It is better to close the top with cream so that the next cake lies flat.

    1. We repeat the same procedure with the next layer, you can take other berries or fruits.

    1. Cover with the third cake and cover the whole cake with cream. We work especially carefully on the sides to fill in all the voids, hide the irregularities and in no case allow the filling to break through. If your recipe for a two-tiered cake involves coating with mastic or another decorative layer of cream, then you may not bring the surface to perfect smoothness. Considering that in our case the lower tier will remain "bare", we align the sides more carefully.

    1. We do the same with the upper tier, but it is better not to burden it with various fillings, in our case, instead of jam, we use nutella. We send the blanks to the refrigerator, they should solidify well, and the cakes should be soaked. This will take at least a couple of hours, and preferably a whole night.

    1. Now let's move on to the assembly. Using, for example, a saucer, we outline the diameter of the upper tier in order to know where to install the props, which are cocktail tubes. There are two options for installing them. You can immediately insert them and cut off the excess with scissors. And you can first measure the height with a skewer, cut off the required length and only then insert. In any case, the height of the tubes should be 3-4 mm less than the height of the tier, because after a few hours, the whole structure will sag a little and then it may turn out that the upper tier is not on the cream, but on the supports and can easily move out. For the upper tier weighing no more than 1 kg, three pieces will be enough.

    1. We insert the tubes and cover the intended center with cream.

    1. We install the upper tier together with the cardboard backing, level its surface with cream and let the whole structure grab a little in the refrigerator.

    1. Further, imagination enters into work, with the help of which we decorate the cake with fruits and berries. They adhere perfectly to cream and chocolate glaze.

There can be many design options, the main thing is to follow the basic assembly rules and then you will not have to worry about your work.

    Each tier of the cake is installed on a special paper backing, in the bottom of which a small hole is made in the center.

    To stabilize the cake, we will use cocktail tubes and a wooden stick wrapped in plastic wrap.

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    We also need white chocolate and a cooking bag.

  2. We begin to collect a three-tiered cake. In the lower tier in the center we make a hole with a wooden stick, as in the photo.

  3. Around the central hole, at a distance of 2-3 cm from the center, we make holes with the help of cocktail tubes, slightly raise them, cut off the excess and take them back out.

  4. Fill all the holes we have made with white chocolate, previously melted in the microwave. We do everything quickly, as the chocolate hardens quickly.

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    Place back the center stick and cocktail tubes. Next, fill the emptiness in the tubes with melted chocolate, as in the photo. When the chocolate hardens, it will fix our cake base and prevent the upper tier from pushing through the lower one.

  6. We carefully install the second tier of the cake, stringing it onto the central stick, which serves as the basis for the fastening.

  7. We do absolutely the same manipulations with it as with the first tier.

  8. Place the top layer carefully.

  9. We decorate a three-tiered cake with pre-prepared sugar flowers.

If the cake is a pyramid, then there is a possibility that the upper tiers will "crush" the lower ones with their weight. If the cake has three tiers and there is a delicate filling below, then the failure is definitely guaranteed.
Even if you use dense fillings in the lower tiers, they still deform as soon as the cake warms up to room temperature. How to prevent this from happening? This is quite simple, you just need to get rid of pressure from above, the question is how to achieve this?
Columns must be installed in all tiers except the upper one.

The installation procedure is as follows:
- the cake blank (filling) is placed on a tray made of food-grade moisture-resistant plywood, of the same diameter as the cake blank itself, and coated with a leveling cream, it turns out like this:

By the way, who is interested - I buy them in Korobkin. the thickness of the tray is 8mm, usually cutting boards are made from such plywood to the kitchen for cutting meat and vegetables. They are inexpensive, and therefore presenting them with a cake is much more pleasant than driving for a "returnable" stand.

After covering with marzipan and mastic, the tier is pierced by a future column:

Three pieces are needed for each tier. By the way, the columns are made of round timber, you can order it there. Round timber is cut with a knife:

Please note that the columns must be of the same length, so that later the cake does not turn out oblique.
well it turns out something like this:

Schematically in section, it looks like this:

If you don’t know how to make an “oil” cream for a tight-fitting leveling coating, it’s not difficult, this is condensed milk and butter in a 1: 1 ratio.
You need to beat for about five minutes, the main thing is that the products should be warmed up to room temperature.

As a result, after all the manipulations, you can collect this without fear of being crushed at all.

In the life of every person there are a lot of events that he wants to celebrate with a special glamor and scope, that is, so that it would be remembered not only by him, but also by all his guests. It is in order to emphasize the importance and solemnity of the event that you can use a bunk cake. You can make such a product yourself, without contacting professional pastry chefs, today we will teach you how to correctly and tasty make such a difficult at first glance dessert.

How to bake a delicious dessert base

Before proceeding directly to baking, you should stock up on the ingredients necessary for work:

  1. Cream for decoration;
  2. Sponge cakes;
  3. Fruits and berries;
  4. Fragrant herbs;
  5. Jam;
  6. Chocolate cream;
  7. Chocolate glaze;
  8. Cocktail tubes (to fix the future masterpiece).

Process of creation:

  • The previously prepared biscuit must be cut in such a way that three layers are obtained. Smear them with cream (slightly so that the cakes do not run;
  • We create a kind of pool in which the jam is placed;
  • All this is complemented by nuts, berries and poured with cream on top for better fixation of the next layer;
  • Repeat the manipulation with the next layer (in this case, you can use other fruits);
  • Everything is covered with the last cake, and the whole cake is covered with cream. The side parts must be processed very carefully (so that voids are not visible, to hide all possible irregularities). In the event that mastic or two layers of cream is used, then the surface can not be made as even at this stage as possible;
  • We leave the prepared tiers in the refrigerator so that they can solidify well, and the cakes can be fully saturated.

Attention! The workpieces are sent to the refrigerator for at least a few hours, but ideally overnight.

How to assemble a bunk cake with your own hands

Now the most crucial moment has come, so you should consider all the points on how to assemble a two-tiered cake at home so that it looks great.

Work process:

  1. Previously, with the help of a saucer, the diameter of the upper tier is outlined, this is done in order to know exactly where to install the clamps (cocktail tubes will be used as clamps). There are two options for actions, you can immediately put the tubes and remove all excess with scissors, or you can initially measure the height with a skewer, cut off the excess and only then insert the clips. In order for the structure to withstand, you need to use 3 tubes;
  2. The clamps are placed in the middle, which is pre-marked with cream;
  3. The upper tier is installed and the cake is placed in the refrigerator so that the masterpiece "grabs".

Surely many housewives admire beautiful multi-tiered cakes, and are wondering how to make a bunk cake at home? For some, it seems like magic and a work of art, and they are even afraid to try. But, it is not at all as difficult as it seems, if you know how to cook ordinary cake layers and cream.

Of course, there are some secrets in making two-tiered cakes, but they are not so much about the culinary skills as the secrets of cake-making. Often, due to improper assembly, cakes can twist, fall through, or even collapse on their side. All this can be avoided if you use simple techniques that are used by experienced pastry chefs.

Most often, pastry chefs use two types of cake layers to make two-tiered cakes. The lower crust is baked from shortcrust pastry, and the upper from biscuit. If the bottom cake is biscuit, then the top must be lightened and made from a light soufflé. However, it happens that you need a cake with both biscuit tiers, in which case, the cake needs to be strengthened. How to make a two-tiered cake at home from biscuit dough, let's take a closer look.

DIY bunk cake, recipe with photo

A bunk cake with your own hands can be made from ready-made biscuits, or you can bake them yourself. Of course, this requires molds of different diameters, and a lot of time. It is better to prepare the dough for the biscuit separately for the lower tier and separately for the upper tier, so as not to be confused. After all, a biscuit rises strongly during baking, and you do not need to pour the dough into one form.

Biscuit dough for the bottom crust:

Bottom biscuit (shape 26 cm)

  • - 8 eggs;
  • - 250 grams of sugar;
  • - 160 grams of flour;
  • - 50 grams of starch;
  • - 50 grams of butter;
  • - 1 tsp soda, or baking powder;
  • - 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • - citric acid on the tip of a knife.
  • Upper biscuit (form 16 cm)

  • - 4 eggs;
  • - 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • - 100 grams of flour;
  • - 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • - ½ tsp baking powder;
  • - vanilla and citric acid to taste.
  • Cooking a bunk cake with your own hands

    The recipe for making biscuit dough is the same for the top and bottom cakes.

    Separate the whites from the yolks very carefully into different containers.

    Begin to beat with proteins, with the lowest speed. Add sugar gradually (half the total), and gradually increase the speed. The egg whites should be fluffed into a firm foam and not spill out when the bowl is turned over.

    Now you can beat the yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla. When the yolk mass significantly increases in volume and turns white, very carefully pour the yolks to the whites, and mix with a mixer whisk, but do not turn on the mixer itself.

    Mix the flour with baking powder and gradually add it to the egg mixture, being careful not to sediment the foam.

    When the flour is completely mixed with the egg mass and the dough is smooth, melt the butter and add it to the dough.

    The biscuit dough is ready, and you can start baking the cakes.

    Baking cake layers

    Place a circle of parchment paper on the bottom of the mold, according to the diameter of the bottom. Pour the dough into a mold and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

    Look at the biscuit. When the smell of freshly baked biscuit begins to smell in the kitchen and the top turns golden, remove the biscuit, turn the mold over and leave it there until the biscuit cools.

    In the same way, we bake a biscuit for the upper tier.

    When the biscuits have cooled down, they need to be cut into 2-3 layers. It is more convenient to do this with a strong thread or fishing line. Make an incision along the side of the cake with a sharp knife, or install "beacons" from toothpicks, wrap the sponge cake with a thread, overlap the thread, as if tying a knot around the cake, and slowly pull on both ends of the thread. Thus, the biscuit can be easily divided into even layers.

    If you are making a do-it-yourself two-tiered cake for your birthday, choose a thicker cream for spreading the bottom tier cakes. Consider the weight of the cake, and if it is a soft, delicate mousse, it will just come out on the sides. For the same reason, you should not use impregnation, at least for the lower tier. Too soft a biscuit can "float".

    Butter cream for biscuit bunk cake

    This cream is very simple yet versatile. It is suitable both for coating cakes and for decorating a ready-made cake.

  • - 1 can of condensed milk (natural, not boiled);
  • - 350 grams of butter;
  • - vanilla, colorings and flavorings to taste.
  • To prepare butter cream, you need softened butter. Take care of this in advance, and remove the oil from the refrigerator a couple of hours before making the cream.

    Place the butter in a deep bowl and beat with a mixer until fluffy, soft and slightly bulky. While whisking, pour the condensed milk into the butter, gradually increasing the speed. Beat the cream for at least 5 minutes, until the cream is smooth.

    Assembling the cake

    Now you can start assembling the cake. We start assembling from the bottom tier. Spread cream on each layer of the biscuit and fold all the cakes as they should be. In the same way, we separately collect the cakes of the upper tier. You receive two separate cakes, one large and one small.

    Many questions arise, how to decorate a bunk cake with your own hands? After all, not everyone knows how to use a pastry syringe and squeeze out roses with leaves. Working with mastic is also not so easy. She is quite capricious, and you can spoil more than a dozen cakes until you start to get something that looks like beautiful photographs from culinary sites. If you are not special in this business, take a couple of cans of chocolate paste. This is always a winning option, as everyone loves chocolate. Coat both cakes with chocolate paste and smooth the sides with a warm knife.

    Assembling the tiers of the cake is a crucial moment. We first talked about strengthening the cake, and now this moment has come. Sticks are usually used to strengthen the cake. They can be made of wood or plastic. If you are not professionally baking two-tier masterpieces, do not buy these sticks separately, but use ordinary boiler straws. Only the straws should be thick, which are used for milkshakes.

    Insert a straw into the center of the cake and cut it to the level of the cake. Also, stick 4-5 straws in a circle for lateral support for the top tier of the cake, and also cut them to the desired height.

    Transfer with a wide spatula and place the top tier of the cake on the bottom. That's it, this completes the assembly of the cake.

    How to decorate a bunk cake with your own hands?

    It is very easy to spoil a masterpiece with inept decor. Step back a couple of steps from the cake and look at it from the side. Berries, fruits, multi-colored sprinkles, and ready-made mastic decorations look great on a chocolate background. Experienced cooks also use them, so there is no reason to refuse such help for you.

    This is one of the many DIY bunk cake recipes. Despite the seeming complexity, this is a feasible task even for an inexperienced housewife. Skill comes only with experience, and this cake is worth the effort.