How much cheese is produced in the netherlands every year. Hard Dutch cheese: composition, fat content, calorie content

09.10.2020 Egg dishes
Holland in the XVII-XVIII centuries, not only brought the country significant profits, but also laid the foundation for a new direction in cheese making: keeping two of their classic varieties - Gouda and Edamer, the Dutch began to experiment. They were the first to add chervil, caraway seeds, star anise and other spices to the cheese mass; to this day, they continue to amaze the world with new ones. tastes.

Dutch cheeses are classified into the following types:

    Naturally aged cheeses

    Peasant cheeses

    Goat's milk cheeses

    Blue cheeses

    Smoked cheeses

    Cheese with a red crust.

TO NATURAL CHEESE include and.

It owes its name to the harbor located north of Amsterdam. Already in the 17th century, this Dutch cheese made from cow's milk was popular both in its homeland and in other countries.The flavor of this cheese is slightly nutty and the flavor intensifies as it matures. Unripe (young) Edamer is mild, slightly sweetish, with a nutty flavor. Mature Edamer is drier and saltier. A true delight for a gourmet is Edamer, aged for one and a half years. However, by far the most popular are the unseasoned versions of Edamer.

Like Edamer, it is traditionally made from cow's milk. This cheese is the most popular export product and plays a very important role in the country's cheese making. Gouda got its name in honor of the small port town of Gouda, in which it appeared back in the 6th century. Today, numerous cheese dairies around the world make it according to the original Dutch recipe. The taste of Gouda cheese - from tender and soft, nutty, to richly spicy. The ripening process plays a very important role in the formation of taste. Slow aging in warehouses gives better results than accelerated maturation of factory-made cheeses. Gouda, like Edamer, can be with caraway seeds, in addition, today in Holland cheese is produced with reduced salt, fat content, as well as Gouda with an Italian flavor, unripe cheese which melts easily when heated.

Fleeting, representing any kind of Edamer, also appeared for the first time in the Netherlands. It later migrated to France, where it has been produced since the First World War. Initially, Mimolet cheese was used only as a soft cheese (mimou - from the French semi-soft), which did not require long ripening and had a slightly oily consistency with a nutty-fruity aroma. Then it turned out that when ripe from six months to two years, it becomes hard and takes on a special bitter hue in the fruity flavor. Mimolet differs from Edamer not only in taste, but also in its rich orange color.

- another representative of naturally ripened cheeses. This cheese got its name from the small town of Maasdam. Cheese is distinguished by large holes and a sweetish taste. Today Maasdam is the most popular cheese in Holland after Edamer and Gouda. Immediately after production, Maasdam cheese looks just like Gouda and Edamer. However, shortly after the maturation process begins, the cheese takes on a completely different shape. This is due to the gases that form inside the cheese during fermentation. This natural ripening process also gives Maasdam its distinctive scent.

- specialty cheese from an assortment of cheeses. Made according to an old recipe from the best milk, this cheese ripens for about a year on wooden shelves, it has a rich creamy and piquant taste. During the 25th World Cheese Competition in Wimconsin (USA), the professional jury recognized the Old Dutch Master as the world champion. You can see this badge of honor on its packaging.

TO PEASANT CHEESES relate Bemster and Stolwijker... They are made from unprocessed whole milk for a richer, creamier taste. It is interesting that in Holland there is also a variant of the peasant Gouda. Peasant-made Gouda has a creamy taste, rich aroma, and in an immature form it smells of fresh hay and nuts. With a longer maturation, the taste becomes more intense, even harsh. The pulp may contain some eyes and white crystals. Many people think that this is ordinary salt (sodium chloride), in fact, these are calcium crystals that make cheese more nutritious and healthy.

CHEESES FROM GOAT'S MILK in Holland are no less popular, the traditions of cheese making from goat milk in the Netherlands go back a long way. Goat cheese with snow-white flesh has the smell and taste of goat milk, but is not spicy. The fat content of Chevret is 50%, which makes the cheese very satisfying. Any white and red wines are combined with goat cheese.

Dutch CHEESES WITH BLUE MOLD less known than German and French.Blaue Bastianse in appearance it is similar to a wheel with a thickened rim. It tastes creamy, initially mild, and then slightly pungent due to blue mold.

The most famous and popular of all Dutch blue cheeses is Delfts Blau... Cream cheese, mild. It is excellent as an appetizer and also as part of hot and cold dishes.

SMOKED CHEESE outside the Netherlands known as Smoked Gouda... Today, the ancient method of smoking over burning wood shavings is often replaced by flavoring the cheese. This cheese goes well with beer or gin.

A bright representative CHEESE WITH RED BREAST is an Doruvael... Despite its clearly Flemish name, it is a Dutch cheese made in a production process. The cheese has a pronounced creamy taste. Doruvael has a uniform consistency and a pungent taste. It is the red mold that forms on the surface of the cheese during the ripening process that gives Doruvael this special taste. In Russia, the culture of consumption of cheeses with a red crust is not yet high; many confuse the noble red mold of Doruvael with secondary mold, which is very dangerous to human health.

However, the abundance of elite cheeses, including blue cheeses, on the Russian market and consumer interest in everything “new” allow us to make the assumption that in the near future cheeses like Doruvael, Chevrette, Old Dutch Master, etc., will be very popular and loved!

You can also find interesting information about cheeses and other dairy products on our website in monthly issues, in particular about Dutch cheeses in.

Dutch cheese is a national product of Holland. Its recipe was invented as early as 400 AD. The most popular varieties of Dutch cheese are Edamskiy, Maasdam, Gouda, Blau Claver, Doruvael, etc.

Back in the 1st century BC, the peoples of the Netherlands adopted the traditions of cheese production from the Romans.

The Dutch did not just copy the recipes of Roman cheese makers, local craftsmen improved the process and brought their Dutch flavor to the cheese recipe. Dutch peasants began a large-scale production of cheese.

It is a hard cheese made from fresh cow's milk with a salty or sweetish - depending on the aging - taste and slight sourness.

The original Dutch cheese has a pale yellow color, a slightly sour taste with a slight nutty flavor and a plastic tender, slightly more noble texture.

A quality product should have a pattern in the form of eyes, which can have different shapes, but should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cheese.

Dutch cheese can be found in 45 and 50% fat. The consistency of this product is dense, but at the same time it is quite elastic.

The cheese making technology has been simple and unchanged for over 150 years, only production equipment has been improved.

Cheese is prepared under sterile conditions, after which it ripens from at least thirty, but not more than sixty days.

On the basis of this cheese, an original and very tasty green color is produced.

The benefits of Dutch cheese

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of Dutch cheese, because during the preparation process the product literally absorbs everything valuable from fresh milk: retinol, vitamins of group B, E, C, folic acid, various minerals: calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, phosphorus, copper.

This cheese increases the absorption of carbohydrates, as well as has a positive effect on mood and regulates blood sugar levels.

Just a few slices of Dutch cheese will help you quickly recover from prolonged physical and mental stress.

Due to the presence of a large amount of phosphorus and calcium, bones are strengthened and the condition of muscle tissue improves.

In addition, you can see a significant improvement in the condition of teeth, nails and hair.

There is sulfur in Dutch cheese, which is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, and it also takes an active part in maintaining the oxygen balance.

Potassium is included in this product, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to its high sodium content, this cheese maintains water balance in the body and thus prevents dehydration.

Dutch cheese can be harmful to people with an individual intolerance to the product. Due to the high calorie content, it is not recommended in large quantities for people who are obese or want to lose weight.

In addition, this product can negatively affect kidney disease. Due to its acidic content, Dutch cheese can irritate the stomach. Contraindications to the use of this product are in people with gastritis, ulcers and enteritis.

BJU and calorie content of Dutch cheese:

  • Proteins, g: 26.0
  • Fat, g: 26.8
  • Carbohydrates, g: 0.0
  • Calories, kcal: 352

How to choose Dutch cheese?

When choosing Dutch cheese, you should first of all pay attention to the color of the head or piece. Natural cheese will be either white or light yellow and the color will be uniform. A bright yellow color can only indicate the presence of a dye.

This type of cheese can only contain milk, sourdough, calcium chloride and the natural annatto dye. If you see other components on the label, you should refuse to buy and use this product.

If you notice cracks on the cheese, then it is better not to buy such a product, as mold can form in it. The surface of a quality product should be slightly damp.

cheese, and in this abundance any gastronomic tourist will find something that will fully suit his taste.


Edam cheese is the most famous in the world. The heads intended for export are covered with a bright red shell, for internal consumption - yellow, but for gourmets there is a special cheese - in a black shell, and once in Amsterdam, it is a sin not to try such a delicacy.


The second line of the rating is occupied by Gouda - there is no corner in the world where she has not penetrated. However, local connoisseurs prefer it smoked. Such a Gouda lasts longer, and it is more fun with beer. That is why in the homeland of cheeses, this particular variety should be tasted - after all, you will not find it anywhere else.


Lovers of Swiss Emmental cheese will appreciate the local Maasdam. It was created precisely as a competitor to the Swiss delicacy. Taste qualities and impeccable consistency put Maasdam on a par with the best achievements of cheese makers of all times and peoples. By the way, Leerdam is not another kind of cheese, but the same Maasdam, only in profile.

Leiden cheese

Lovers of spiced cheeses should definitely try Leiden cheese. Firstly, it is a 100% dietary product - it is made from skim milk. And secondly, additives from caraway seeds and other aromatic herbs give it a unique taste. It is often indicated on the label as “caraway cheese”, komijnekaas.

Blau Claver

Moldy cheeses are the prerogative of the French, but the natives are capable of such delights. For example, Blauw Klaver has a blue crust that does not need to be cut off - it is completely edible, or Doruvael is a red-mold cheese, sharper, somewhat close to Roquefort. Goat cheese is also produced here, although it is not as popular as the traditional hard varieties. The gourmet tourist should pay attention to the Chevret - it is a very light and pleasant snack.

The assortment is not limited to the listed varieties: some do not even have names, but cover the entire spectrum of tastes - from the most delicate to thick garlic.

How to taste cheeses?

When tasting cheeses, a certain ritual must be observed: white bread, fruits and, of course, wine are required - this is like a setting for a precious stone. Yes, and the presence of a stamp (brand) on each cheese head, where the country, grade and serial number are indicated, suggests that cheese is treated here like a jewel

Where to buy Dutch cheese in Amsterdam

In Amsterdam itself, you can buy cheese in supermarketsAlbert heijn, Dirk(close to Albert Kuyp market) or inHenri willig... But the "temple" of cheese is located inDe Kaaskamer(Runstraat 7, The Canal Ring, Amsterdam). In this deli you will find 440 varieties of huge cheese heads, as well as various types of breads, meats and pâtés. By noon, there is a huge queue for tasting. Amsterdam also hasCheese Museum... It is located at Prinsensgracht 112, 1015 EA Amsterdam.

Here they will tell you about the preparation of the product and give it a try, and you can buy it. In fact, this is also a store, but with additional bonuses.

Bon Appetit!

So, after a long break, next in line is the third special post about interesting things that struck us in.

Finally we got to the traditional Dutch Miracle - Cheese! It seems to us that everyone has heard about Edam, Gouda, Maasdam ... These are all primordially Dutch cheeses that have won love and respect not only among locals, but throughout the world. Dutch cheese- this is a real brand, probably, it can only be compared with the fame of Belgian chocolate, Swiss watches, French champagne, etc.

By the way, various manufacturers are actively using this: we think that you have seen a cheese called "Dutch" in stores (though made somewhere in our blue-eyed ... And this is far from the worst option!)

Of course, before the trip, we thoroughly prepared - after all, we simply could not miss the opportunity to learn more, and most importantly, try the legendary Dutch cheese. In this post, we will briefly talk about the history of cheese, the recipe for its popularity in the Netherlands, we will focus on the most famous varieties of Dutch cheese, we will try to explain our emotions that arose after the tasting, and of course, we will give a number of useful tips!

Well?! Have rolled!

So, what is "Cheese", who invented it and how is it made?

Cheese is a dairy product obtained using milk-clotting enzymes and lactic acid bacteria or by melting various dairy products (for example, cottage cheese). In general, the Russian and Belarusian word "cheese" really comes from "raw", in the Netherlands - look for the word " Kaas", Which comes from the Latin" Caseus "- cheese)).

The technology for making cheese is so simple that historians believe that it appeared in primitive times. They say that the birthplace of cheese is the Middle East.

It was there that the nomads tried to maximize the shelf life of dairy products (initially by curdling). But over time, the nomads noticed that if the milk was in bags from goat or sheep stomachs (it was there that milk was combined with a special gastric enzyme), then a new product was obtained that “matured” longer, but at the same time acquired the ability to retain its properties for a long time and did not spoil. By the way, for example, in the markets of Baku you can still find cheese sold in bags made of goat / sheep skin ...

Taking into account the peculiarities of life and everyday life of ancient peoples, new and new recipes for cheeses appeared - Greek cheeses from the island of Demos, Roman "moon" cheeses, etc. are known. They say that in the laws of King Hammurabi, cheese is mentioned as the main component of the daily diet - along with bread and beer. And during the period of the Roman Empire, during the campaigns in Gaul, Caesar's troops, along with the treasures, collected local cheese, which went under the hammer in Rome for fabulous money!

The golden time of cheese making is associated with The middle ages... It was then that the monks (as the most progressive of people) began the process of finding the perfect cheese and producing it (first for themselves, and then for sale). It is believed that it was at that time that cheese and wine (and for Belgium and the Netherlands - beer) became inseparable. Interestingly, during the Renaissance period, cheese was even called a harmful product (possibly due to its addictive properties, more on that below).

However, already in the 18th and 19th centuries, active industrial production of cheese began, which is developing every year!

You probably want to know why exactly is the Dutch cheese considered the reference in the world? The origins, again, must be sought in cheese stories:

The Dutch in cheese making inherited the experience of the masters of Ancient Rome. Taking into account the local specifics of raw materials and traditions, we have improved the existing recipes and the process of making cheese. Initially, the cheese was prepared by peasants: for themselves and for sale. As a result of the development of commodity-money relations in the Netherlands, specialized cheese markets appeared in the townships of Haarlem, Deiden, Alkmaar and Audevater. If you believe history, then in the Middle Ages, cheese was even considered the settlement currency within the Netherlands.

Cheese making received a new round of development in connection with the development of ... fleet and navigation! Suddenly?! And there is logic in this: sailors in search of a “better life” (and for work purposes) went on weekly or even annual voyages. Strong and healthy men need good high-calorie and wholesome food, ideally it should have been stored for a long time and not spoiled ... And then the cheese came in handy! Convenient form, allowing to increase the shelf life, moreover, every day the taste of the cheese only became "richer". You can not explain the usefulness and calorie content at all! The perfect find for a sailor!

In addition to "self-feeding" during trade expeditions, cheese was actively sold all over the world! And since the Netherlands was a powerful commercial and maritime power, accordingly, a lot of cheese was needed, and then a real "race" began to create the best of the best cheese (competition and nothing more)!

As a result of the cheese battles, the real champions became known to the whole world - the best among the best:Gouda, Edam and Maasdam! In addition to these, the Netherlands produces many more excellent local varieties of cheese (such a variety can apparently be compared only with the number of varieties of Belgian beer (about it very soon in a special post)!

So, briefly about the best:

1.Edam(the name comes from the name of the town, north of Amsterdam) - semi-hard traditional Dutch cheese. "Edam" was already known in the 17th century. Made from cow's milk. The structure is very dense, as a rule, has a lighter shade than "Gouda". Its flavor is slightly nutty and the aroma intensifies as it matures. Unripe (young) "Edam" is mild, slightly sweetish, with a nutty flavor. Ripe Edam is drier and saltier. Ripening period of "Edam" is from 1 to 10 months. Perfectly round Edama heads, made for local consumption - covered with a yellow shell, for export - red.

The most popular is the unseasoned version of "Edam" - it is very delicate, soft and if you put it in your mouth, it will melt leaving a rich creamy aftertaste. Mmm..

2.Gouda(the name is also associated with the name of the town) was known already in the 6th century. "Gouda" - from tender and soft, nutty to richly spicy. Made from cow's milk. Has a rich and even light yellow color with small holes throughout the area. Today, numerous cheese dairies around the world make it according to the original Dutch recipe. The more the cheese ripens, the more pronounced its aroma and it becomes drier. Ripens "Gouda" from 1 to 36 months. By the way, the production of "Gouda" makes up the largest share of the total industrial production of cheese products (and not only in Holland).

"Gouda" is often used as a basis for various culinary experiments: for example, there is smoked "Gouda", used exclusively with cold beer; cheese with caraway seeds, herbs, mustard and pepper. Read on to find out where to taste the widest variety of cheese variations.

3.Maasdam- and finally, the last representative of the "Great Dutch Cheese Three". A cheese that originated in a town on the Meuse; which is represented by everyone at the word "Cheese": the owner of yellow color and huge holes - Maasdam! The youngest of these cheeses (its production began only in the 20th century). Has a unique sweetish aroma. An interesting fact is that initially Maasdam looks the same as Gouda and Edam, however, during the ripening process, the cheese takes on a completely different shape (it becomes the owner of luxurious cavities - cheese holes). And this is due to the gases that appear inside the cheese during fermentation.

By the way, the ripening process of Maasdam is very short (therefore it is considered young), only from 1 to 3 months. Someone will say that the Maasdam is a Dutch copy of the Swiss Emmental, this is only partly true. The advantages of Maasdam in comparison with Emmental are its availability (production is faster and less expensive) and of course a mild and delicate sweetish taste.

So, fans of the original scent should try Leiden cheese made from skim milk with the addition of caraway seeds and other aromatic herbs that give the cheese a unique taste (sometimes they write on the labels komijnekaas(caraway cheese).

Connoisseurs blue cheese can appreciate the Dutch "Blauw Klaver"(Blau Claver) or "Doruvael"(Doruvael). "Blauw Klaver" as the name suggests, it is a cheese with a "blue crust" that is edible and gives the cheese a spicy aroma.

"Doruvael"- cheese with a red mold, the taste is sharper. They say that since To work with the red bacteria that produce this mold, special sterility is required, then at the moment only one farm in the Netherlands has permission to make such cheese.

Now we will try to describe our impressions of cheese products that we were lucky enough to try when visiting Holland:

"Oude Graht"

"Oude Graht" (a traditional cheese that we found in Utrecht, the name of the cheese comes from the name of the central water channel of Utrecht).

We tasted this cheese quite by accident in the first city of our travels. It was bought in a small cheese shop "Pakhuis Utrecht" not far from the center (Lijnmarkt 6, 3511 KH Utrecht). Irisha, fortunately, confused the only Dutch cheese that she had heard about "Old Amsterdam" with "Oude Graht", which is why we took it)). We will not paint anything, just say that in order to buy a piece of the cheese head "Oude Graht" (the nearest town where you could buy the original Utrecht "Oude Graht"). “Oude Graht” is very good and, in our opinion, ideal: it is a very mature cheese, but at the same time it has a sweet milky aroma inherent in young cheeses. Examining its surface, you can see small dots (blotches), which indicate a long ripening. It turns out cheese - 2 in 1 (kind of hard, but with a sweet-creamy aroma). The production of "Oude Graht" began in 1908 and continues to this day according to the old recipe based on milk supplied by local farms. The ripening period of the cheese is about 14 months!

Oude Graht has its own website, where you can find out where the cheese is sold and even walk around the factory online.

In fact, Old Amsterdam is a great hard cheese that cheese gourmets will love! Its distribution area is wider than "Oude Graht". So, we bought a piece of cheese in a regular hypermarket. By the way, in essence, Old Amsterdam is a mature Gouda.

By the way, if you see a cheese covered with black paraffin, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that it is matured (mature).

Henri Willig cheeses

Distinctive features of the Henri Willig chain include the possibility of cheese tasting and a huge selection of different types of cheese. So, for example, you can easily try cow, sheep and goat cheese to be served with interesting ingredients. How do you mix cheese with pepper, or with garlic, or with herbs- standard? Then try - cheese with coconut, or truffles, or with pesto sauce! Henri Willig also produces smoked cheeses that the Dutch love to consume with beer. You can find both hard (ripe) and soft (young) cheeses (baby). Convenient portioning format (small round heads) will make it easy to transport cheese directly to your table.

Cheese mix from the grocery market

So mixes are quite common in Dutch grocery stores. The set includes several cheeses of various types (by the way, each cheese is signed and is in a separate bag) and a jar of sweet jam (for example, pear jam). This option is very good for those who want to arrange a real cheese party. Oddly enough, all the cheeses in this package were really tasty and unusual. A great seller's move is to try a cheese sample and come back for it again!

Therefore, our advice is to buy such a mix and try it if you are willing and ready for something new! By the way, from the point of view of the price tag, it really can be called a very budget option! Ask in the grocery stores in the Netherlands, so to speak!)

You can ask us "So where can you taste Dutch cheese?" .
We give you a detailed answer. There are several ways to do this in the Netherlands:

.Civilized Way - Tasting Rooms(aka Tasting Room)

For example, here is the site of similar establishments known in Amsterdam:

Immediately, we ourselves were not in them, so we cannot say anything bad or good. But if you believe the descriptions, then in a ceremonial setting you are offered several types of cheese, usually along with wine (which is selected for each cheese), and in the process of tasting they tell different interesting things (about the production of cheeses, about a specific type of cheese, etc.) ). There is a large number of positive reviews about such establishments on the Internet, so if you want to "sit nicely" - we advise you to consider the option of tasting rooms. Please note that as a rule, your participation must be booked in advance!

.The Soul Way - Food Markets

Cheese is a constant companion to any food market in the Netherlands. If you are lucky enough to get to such events, do not miss the opportunity to taste the cheese! In the markets you can see the soul of the Dutch people, appreciate the unique cheese of small farms, bargain when buying a cheese head. What is not unimportant for budget tourists, as a rule, this tasting option will not require additional investment from you)

An important point is the choice of date and time: markets are held, as a rule, on certain days of the week and have their own time limits, so you need to know in advance when you can get to grocery markets (information can be obtained from the global network - the Internet, travel guides or from local residents) ...

By the way, in the photo is the famous food market of Rotterdam (Markthal), you can read about it in ours!

.Standard method - Cheese shops

Before buying cheese, you can taste it not only in the Henri Willig chain (although it can be done there without contacting sales consultants). Cheese shops are interested in tourists trying and buying, and not only cheeses, but also various additions to them: for example, wine or kitchen utensils (special knives, cutting boards, etc.). The consultants will kindly help you choose the cheese you are looking for or make the perfect pair (cheese + wine).

No less relevant is the question "Where can you buy real Dutch cheese?"

Again, there are several options: the most simple - in the food market, there is always cheese there, but there can be problems with tasting and the choice of varieties. For example, we bought the classic "Gouda" and "Old Amsterdam" in just such a non-specialized shop.

One of the most common grocery chains in the Netherlands where you can find cheese)

It is also not difficult to find (especially in tourist cities) cheese shop where you can try and pick up cheese for every taste and budget. Cheese gourmets should consider this option. By the way, as practice has shown, if you really like the cheese and have a desire to take it as a souvenir, it is better not to pull and buy right on the spot (especially in case of constant movement), otherwise you may not find it in the next city ... (especially mature (hard) cheese, you don't have to worry too much, because at your request, sellers will easily seal the cheese in vacuum packages, which, unfortunately, is not very common in our country so far ...

The third option for a place to buy cheese is food or specialty cheese markets... The advantages of such places have been described above. Sometimes you can try the unique "hand made" cheese. So stay tuned to the markets! The best of all the options is to buy cheese in the general food markets that locals go to: no tourist price markups; quality cheese + the opportunity to see the life of ordinary townspeople!

In the end, we will only note that when choosing a souvenir from the Netherlands - put aside the Chinese magnets, bells, klomps, but rather take more different good Dutch cheese, so that, being far from the Netherlands, some evening, cut the reference cheese into thin slices and remember great trip!

So, the obligatory part of this post can be called finished - you don't have to read it further)) Or you can read it to find out some, in our opinion, interesting facts and cheese news)

Cheese markets in the Netherlands

One of the types of entertainment for foreign tourists can be a visit to specialized cheese markets. In small towns Alkmaar, Gouda, Edam and Horn- there are historical copies of cheese markets that existed in the Middle Ages. Cheese markets are mostly tourist shows, where cheese carriers (kaasdragers) dressed in traditional costumes load cheese heads on their stretchers (rocker arms - weighing at least 160 kg!) And run with them into the weighing house. The cheese is checked for quality, weighed, evaluated and sold.

Despite the fact that the markets are aimed at attracting tourists, they still fulfill their original purpose as a point of sale for cheese from local farmers. If you are planning to visit cheese markets, be sure to check their opening times in advance!

The only limiting factor can be the lack and high cost of natural milk, given its consumption when making cheese ... So if you want your own cheese, it is advisable to have a farm or at least a "house in the village"!)

Summary: Summing up the post, I would like to note that Dutch cheese is a real attraction that every self-respecting tourist should not bypass when traveling to Benelux! Cheese can be so different: hard or tender; salty, sweet, spicy; contain additional zest in the form of spices or amaze with its brevity; be insanely expensive or quite affordable; contain addictive substances and a bunch of healthy vitamins and minerals ... Cheese can even help you learn the story, organize a great party and just have real fun! And if we talk about real Dutch cheese ...) Let's repeat the phrase from

Dutch cheeses - which one to bring from Amsterdam?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when people talk about Holland? Cheese and tulips. The first will be discussed today.
They learned how to make cheese in Holland in the first century BC, having borrowed the know-how from the cheese-makers of Ancient Rome. Subsequently, the students far surpassed their teachers.

To obtain the original taste of the product, the Dutch endlessly selected recipes, additives, aging periods for preparation, brought milk from the northern and western regions and looked for other ways to improve the quality.

The 17th century is characterized by the beginning of rapid trade between European countries, and the Dutch, who had previously supplied the market mainly with spices from the colonies, came up with a new brainchild - cheese. Fresh pastures, cows providing selected milk, colonial spices introduced into the composition have made the taste of the Dutch product unforgettable. The cheese-makers kept the secrets of the recipe behind seven locks. After decades, cheese became the number one product supplied by the country to Europe and other countries of the world. And so it remained in this position: the annual turnover from the export of dairy products, 80% consisting of numerous varieties of this product, is up to 70 billion euros.

Old Amsterdam

The king of cheeses from the Gouda family of cheeses has its own history and mystery related to its recipe. The keepers of the mystery are the descendants of the famous Westland cheese makers, who managed to produce a product worthy of the royal label koninklijk (Royal). Of all the Dutch cheeses "Old Amsterdam" is the most titled.

It is known that only fresh milk is taken for this variety, and it is aged on shelves for at least 18 months. But the main secret is the cheese sourdough.

Heads of grainy Dutch Gouda in a wax coating are aged for a year and a half or more. The resulting cheese has a deep, soft taste with hints of caramel and nuts. Sliced ​​fruits, figs and pistachios are served to complement and enhance the taste of the cheese plate. European sweet mustard is a traditional addition to many aged hard cheeses Edamer, Gouda and Old Amsterdam.

A separate Facebook page is dedicated to this variety:, where various recipes for dishes with this cheese are presented.
It is recommended to buy real "Old Amsterdam" in the Old Amsterdam Cheese Store located at Damrak 62, 1012 JS Amsterdam. Here you will find all kinds of varieties of the famous company, whose branches are represented in 67 countries. In addition to the Old Amsterdam variety, the store sells all Westland Cheese cheeses. But it is Old Amsterdam that is called the hallmark of Holland.



Tastes are debated when it comes to food and drink. The “Edamer”, first produced in the town of Edam, has been holding the palm among cheeses for a long time. Even before the general enthusiasm of European countries for Dutch products, he stood on a par with French and Italian counterparts. "Edamer" is made from cow's milk, a special fat content is suitable for each type. To achieve hardness, it is aged for at least two months on a wooden rack. In the final form, the "Edamer" head has the appearance of an irregular ball, for which it is appreciated by amateurs.


The second step is occupied by the variety “” (Goudse), which received recognition even earlier “Edamera”, the name of which is also associated with the small homeland of this variety. The young product has a delicate creamy aftertaste. With age, Gouda "matures" and is aged up to nine months. Then he acquires a delicate taste, for which he is appreciated all over the world. The finished cheese goes on sale in the form of a cylinder weighing 4.5 kg. This form is considered the best for the aging process. There is another type of "Gouda" - "Dutch master".

Cheese that ripens a year or more is most highly valued by gourmets.


Third place is given to "Maasdam", this variety appeared on the market later, but became the most widespread after the previous two. It was tried and appreciated by Peter I, surprised by the number and shape of holes in the finished product. How do they arise? The movement of bacteria caused by the gas during fermentation leads to the formation of bubbles. They are called "eyes". Since then, the ingredients and percentage of fat content have changed in the Maazdam recipe; in the last century, it was reborn. "Young" by the standards of cheese-makers and by the aging period "Maasdam" is considered the most common in importing countries. Large round holes have become a brand of this variety.

Old dutch master

Literally the name means "Old Dutchman". This is a premium product for the most fastidious gourmets. He has been aging for over a year. Bright spices and delicate creamy aroma made him the real King of cheeses. In 2004, an anniversary cheese competition was held in the state of Wisconsin (USA). The selection was carried out in several dozen categories and among almost one and a half thousand applicants "Old Dutchman" from the company "Frisland Foods Cheese" was recognized as the world champion. The imprint of the Golden Seal on the surface of the wrapper proves his chosenness. And the manufacturing company "Frisland Foods Cheese" has long been included in the top ten cheese-making companies in the world.


The people of the Netherlands themselves give him his due. Cheese is made from unprocessed cow's milk, which is why it has a peculiar taste of meadow grasses.
Almost unknown outside Holland, this species is very popular with the Dutch themselves. "Bemster" comes from the north of the country, where nature itself has created the best pastures for livestock due to the proximity of the sea and the composition of the soil containing blue clay. Thanks to this combination, milk and cheese taste sweeter and softer than those produced in other regions. The Dutch argue about how best to serve Beemster: separately from other food, so that the aroma does not clog, or with a good dry red wine.


Fans of spicy taste prefer products created in the vicinity of the city of Leiden. Semi-hard cheese is made from skimmed skim milk and includes clove and caraway supplements, for which it was named komijnekaas (literally "caraway"). This is how he is usually asked in supermarkets.


This is a "farmer's favorite", the recipe of which the manufacturer patented and revealed over time. It tastes like the popular Gouda. Burenkaas contains only raw milk, which adds a juicy herb flavor to the product. The Burenkaas head is a pressed circle.

In the center of Amsterdam, you can taste a delicacy and buy it as a present in the supermarkets Dirk, Henri Wilig and Albert Heijn. But in a specialized supermarket at De Kaaskamer, Runstraat 7, Canal Ring, you will find the widest choice of offers from Dutch producers according to visitors - up to 440 varieties. Free tasting is timed to 12 noon, but you have to stand in a long line.

Museum in Amsterdam

A favorite tourist attraction in the capital of the Netherlands is the Cheese Museum, located in a small basement at Prinsensрracht 112, 1015 EA.

If you've visited the Anne Frank House, the Cheese Museum is easy to find by walking down the waterfront and across to the opposite side of the canal. An adjacent door leads to the tulip house, so the visitor gets another bonus.

In the museum, try the offered varieties of cheese products produced in Holland; empty trays are immediately replaced with full ones. For lovers of additional sauces and spices, visitors choose and buy their favorite combination here. Prices in the Museum are lower than in supermarkets and shops located closer to the center. For buyers, the heads are compactly packaged in shape and weight. And the memory of visiting such a place will remain for a long time.

Tasting in amsterdam markets and cheese rooms

To plunge into the Middle Ages and taste peasant cheese at the same time, visit the markets in the cities of Alkmaar, Gouda or Edam, where the atmosphere of a typical medieval shopping center is recreated, and dairy products are sold in separate rows by flowering milkmaids in typical Dutch caps and snow-white frilled aprons. In the markets for your purchase, according to the old Dutch tradition, they will vigorously slap their hands - the buyer must not only see, but also feel the aroma of the product.

In addition to markets, you can taste product varieties in the special rooms of the Reypenaer Cheese Tasting Room. And at the same time, satisfy your hunger. Various varieties are served in these rooms:

  • From cow and goat milk;
  • Fused and hard;
  • Young and old;
  • Specific species containing paprika, chili, truffle flavors.

When tasting in Holland, it is customary to serve soft European mustard with the "main course" - this creates an unusual flavor bouquet.

Tasting at dairy farms

To explore the making of cheese from cow's milk, visit yourself or with a tour and guide looking for nearby farms. You will see the process with your own eyes. First, meet a dozen cows on a farm served by one married couple (the barn does not smell of familiar smells), then visit the cheese-making and cheese-making workshop itself, where you will be allowed only in dressing gowns, shoe covers and hair caps.

Unlike dummies in museums, here you will see the complete process of fermenting milk with rennet and lactic acid bacteria in a wooden jug. This is how cottage cheese is obtained. For hard varieties, the mass is crushed until chunks are obtained, which will make the cheese denser. The cheese mass is heated to 50 degrees, stirring constantly. Herbs and spices, coloring agents and salt are added to the mass at this stage. Salt improves the taste and increases the shelf life of the product. At this point, the cheese had already acquired a yellow color due to the carotene content in the milk of the cow. But some species add another natural color called annato, derived from the tropical plant Bixa orellana.

Then the curd is divided into pieces, shaped and placed in special cylinders for shaping. It is the turn of squeezing: excess liquid is removed from the dense curd mass using a press and the result is a traditional round shape, called a "head". At the end of the process, the heads float freely in a large bath.

Cheeses ripen on wooden shelves. Young, soft, up to 4 months old varieties are placed on racks outside. The second rows are occupied by heads with aging up to one year. On the upper shelves, two-year-old dense bright yellow circles ripen. Cheese makers call the period of waiting for full readiness the process of rest.

Wine, in addition to being an ideal match for cheese, serves as a natural preservative. The traditional method in some farms: for long-term storage of the head, a bottle of wine upside down is placed in it.

In the cheese-making shop, ready-made heads are cut into 2x2 cm2 cubes right there with you and placed in trays covered with transparent lids. There is a framed price list on the wall, which is frankly pleasing. After the excursion in English (they are not conducted in Russian), you will definitely buy a head or a piece of cheese home and as a gift.

Goat milk products

Cheeses made from goat's milk, in the Netherlands, are less popular than those made from cow's. But connoisseurs appreciate them precisely for their specific smell and aftertaste. Like dairy, goats are divided into young, matured and old. And in terms of composition, they are traditional and flavored. Despite new technologies, they do not include anything other than natural - only milk, salt and spices. In addition to the division into young and old, there are also goat cheeses extra aged or VSOP (aged for at least two years). VSOP tastes like spicy parmesan, and the specific smell is no longer felt in it. It is customary to add to such varieties:

  • Italian herbs;
  • Meadow nettle;
  • Olives;
  • Sun-dried tomatoes;
  • Coriander;
  • Shambhala.

The last two ingredients bring a light bready and mushroom flavor, for which it is appreciated by the residents of Holland and guests.