What can be cooked from salted pink salmon. What to cook from frozen pink salmon? Pink salmon recipes

28.09.2020 Egg dishes

Let's forget about the freshest pink salmon, not familiar with the refrigerator. Residents of the Far East can afford such a luxury, but today we mainly have pink salmon frozen by the factory method.

However, the choice is now great. You can buy fish already cut into "steaks", fillets on the skin, and fillets without the skin, the balykovy part - the back) or amuse - the abdominal part. This will only make your meal easier to prepare.

But first, let's orient ourselves in buying a whole pink salmon.

There are differences here too. It can be whole, gutted and with a head - from which its price is usually lower. But when buying such fish, estimate that at least 37 percent will go to waste - and then imagine the ratio of quantity to price.

Gutted fish are on sale. With or without a head. She also has differences in price. But insignificant. And therefore, in your choice, be guided by what kind of dish you need fish to cook. Whether you bake it whole, stuff it, or maybe you like fish soup - then by all means buy it headlong.

If you are going to cut the fish into pieces, or salt, then you don't need a fish head.

On average, the weight of pink salmon ranges from 800 grams to 1.5 kilograms. Buying a whole fish with a head, I calculate 2/3 for myself in my mind. For example, the weight of a fish is 1.2 kilograms. This means that I will get 800 grams of ready-made boneless fish meat. These are, of course, approximate calculations with a large margin. But the stock has never hurt.

Choose your fish carefully. Although mostly pink salmon is not a very expensive fish, everything

It will also be a shame when, having spent time and effort on its preparation, you will understand that it, for example, tastes bitter.

The old fish is usually bitter. Or a fish that was stored in violation. For example, thawed and frozen again. Unfortunately, sometimes such "old" fish are sorted to fresh by unscrupulous sellers. Therefore, carefully consider the fish you buy.

First of all, if possible, look into her abdomen. The belly of the pink salmon should be pink, but not yellowish. If you do not have the opportunity to look inside, for some reason, for example, you buy fish that is not gutted, or it is so frozen that you cannot do this without damaging the fish, then carefully examine the fish's head, tail and surface.

  • When examining the head - pay attention to the gills, stale fish is quite easy to figure out (remember “fish rots from the head” ?, a very correct saying) and literally it is. Since fish usually begins to spoil from the gills, they turn green and become covered with mucus.
  • Cloudy eyes are not an indicator here, since frozen fish eyes will look cloudy anyway.
  • If the fish has been stored for a very long time, or has been thawed before, then this will be clearly visible by the "windy" and dried tail.
  • Examine the skin to make sure that there is no damage to it, and that it looks evenly clean, and - most importantly - it adheres very tightly to the meat. The pink salmon skin that easily leaves the pulp is the first sign of "old age" or improper storage. And fish with peeling skin is guaranteed to have a "rusty" taste.
  • If you buy pink salmon fillets, then the meat should be pink in color. If it turns white, it means that the fillet has simply been frozen. And then no matter how hard you try to cook the fish, it will still turn out to be rather dry.
Broken fish

There is another type of marriage. This is the so-called "broken" fish. This disadvantage, unfortunately, is very rarely revealed by visual inspection. But when cutting, you will see spots resembling bruises on the pulp. Actually, this is the bruising that the fish receives at the moment when it is pulled out of the water by a trawl (a large fishing net). Sometimes the trawl drags more than one ton of fish, and those fish that are closer to the net are subject to strong pressure. Hence the "bruises".

This marriage does not affect the taste of fish. Another thing is the appearance of the dish.

Therefore, if you come across a "broken" fish - just remove these places by cutting with a knife.

In general, good quality pink salmon in the store is always visible immediately - it shines with a silvery color of scales, fish carcasses are frozen evenly, without bends, no impurities, mucus, bruises, no rusty spots on the surface.

It will not be superfluous to check the quality certificate and quality certificate for a batch of goods, which must be kept by sellers.

The catch of pink salmon takes place in July and September, roughly imagine what path she had to do to your place of residence and from there to the store counter. And through very simple calculations, find out whether you are buying fresh fish, or veterans on the counter, caught two or even more than a year ago.

Sometimes, under the guise of ordinary pink salmon, you can buy river pink salmon. There is one. It differs from the real Far Eastern pink salmon very strongly. Its meat is almost white and bony. The tail and fins of the whole fish are pink. And the surface itself is covered with very slippery mucus.

For some reason, such a fish reminds me of perches, both in "snotty" and in the color of the tail. It really is pink salmon, at least biologically. But this is not at all the favorite sea fish of pink salmon!

A little about pink salmon fish and canned food

The most widespread canned salmon are “Natural pink salmon”, “Far Eastern fish stew”, “Far Eastern fish soup” and, of course, red caviar.

Even when buying canned food, it will become clear to you that before getting directly into canned food, the frozen fish has traveled a very long way.

This means that the contents of the jar do not correspond at all to the image on the label.

Example : production date - November.

Place of production - Kaliningrad region.

Content bank

Another example: production date - month of August.

Place of production: Sakhalin region.

Do you notice the difference?

For some time now, unscrupulous manufacturers began to deceive customers in a cunning way.

On the label of the cans they write in large letters “Produced from fish caught in Kamchatka (Sakhalin, the Far East)”. The expectation is that no one will pay attention to the direct place of canning (very far from the Far East) written in small print. Be careful.

I told you how to choose the right canned food.

But I repeat:

  • Look carefully at the date and place of production, and then you will not be mistaken.
  • The production date should always be on the top of the can. And for pink salmon, it should be July, August and September.
  • Place of production - Sakhalin Region, including the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.

These basic rules will help you make the right choice and not buy a pig in a poke.

A story from life!

Once my assistant Zhenya decided to bake a pie with canned pink salmon. She went to the nearest store and brought back two beautifully designed jars. "Natural pink salmon" - it was written on them. The picture shows juicy pieces of deep pink fish.

I looked at the banks a little more closely.
- We bet that you open the can now, and the fish there will be gray in color and will taste a little dry?
Checked - and it happened.
- How did you know? - asked Zhenya.
- The date on the top cover is the date when the pink salmon was cooked: the month of March. This fish is not caught in March, therefore, canned food was already made from frozen fish. And then - a manufacturing plant - in the suburbs. In the Moscow region, pink salmon is not caught.

Fried pink salmon - steaks

Fried pink salmon - steaks

Let's try to cut the pink salmon by cutting it into "steaks". And we will prepare dishes from fish cut in this way. To do this, cut the fish, cleaned of scales and entrails, into pieces 2 centimeters wide across the carcass. Only the part of the fish that has the rib bones and back will be useful. The tail is not cut into steaks.

In this case, it is better to remove the fins with scissors from the fish cut into pieces. For this option, it is better to choose a large pink salmon, wide in the carcass. On average, from a whole large pink salmon weighing 1.3 - 1.5 kilograms, you should get 8 pieces of fish weighing 100 - 120 grams each.

Cooking such fish is a pleasure. You can, for example, just fry the fish and serve it with French fries and your favorite sauce.

For 8 servings you will need:

  • 1 pink salmon cut into 8 identical steaks
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper
  1. Combine flour with salt and pepper.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put on medium heat.
  3. Bread chunks of pink salmon well in flour.
  4. And fry in oil for 5 minutes on one side and 3-4 minutes on the other.

The fish is fried very quickly, so try not to overcook and therefore do not overdry it. Put the finished fish on a dish with a slotted spoon to get rid of excess oil.

The same pink salmon can be made more tender if, by frying on one side, you turn the fish over. Then pour half a glass of dry white wine into the pan and cover. Stew the fish in wine until it evaporates completely and put on a dish.

For 2 servings you will need:

  • 2 pieces of pink salmon fillet, 150 grams each
  • 4 large mushrooms
  • 1 tomato
  • 50 grams of hard cheese
  • 4 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  1. Pre-defrost the pink salmon fillet, rinse and dry with a napkin. Combine the flour with salt and roll the fish pieces well on all sides in this mixture.
  2. Grease the bottom of a frying pan with a removable handle or a small pan with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Lay out the fish pieces. If you have fillets on the skin, then spread the fish skin side down.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and fry for 5-8 minutes with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
  5. Put tomato slices on the fish, spreading them evenly over the surface of the piece. Then spread out the mushrooms.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese.
  7. Place 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise on top of the cheese for each piece of fish.
  8. Smooth the mayonnaise with a knife.
  9. Put the frying pan with fish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes until the mayonnaise is golden brown.

French fries work well as a side dish.

Thin slices of pink salmon fillets can be fried in an omelet. It turns out to be a very nice dish. And the egg, just like the crust, preserves the juiciness of the fish. Fish or meat fried in this way are called brizol.

Advice, if you just fry the fish by rolling it in flour, then in an egg, try to cover the surface of the egg mixture, and not flour. If you heat the oil in a pan well, then the pieces of fish will not stick, and the appearance will be much nicer. You will get an even and ruddy crust from the egg. And the flour, on the contrary, will burn and spoil the view.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 4 thin slices of pink salmon fillet, 100 grams each
  • 4 raw eggs
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil

You also need a small frying pan, 10-15 centimeters in diameter.

  1. Salt the pieces of fish. For the brizoli, I usually leave thin slices on the tail end.
  2. Beat 1 egg into a small bowl, stir it with a fork.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into the bottom of the pan and heat. Well bread on both sides a piece of fish in flour and dip it into a bowl of egg.
  4. Flip the fish slice in the egg several times so that the egg covers the entire surface of the fish. Then, gently but quickly, place the fish in the pan while pouring the rest of the egg on top.
  5. Fry for 3-4 minutes on one side. Then turn over the resulting "cake" with a wide spatula and fry on the other side for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Remove the finished fish from the pan and transfer to a plate.

Then the surface of the pan, on which there is almost no oil left - the brizol absorbs it, wipe it with a regular paper towel, pour a tablespoon of oil again and repeat the whole process from the beginning. I am sure you will be happy with the result.

The fish prepared in this way is good for a festive, and especially a buffet table. It is always eaten very quickly and with pleasure and looks very elegant. The pieces are small and even dieters are tempted to eat the piece.

For 6-10 servings you will need:

  • 2 halves fillet from one pink salmon (about 800 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons Caucasian adjika
  • 6-8 tablespoons breading flour
  • for batter:
  • 500 grams of premium flour
  • 0.5 liters of light, weak beer
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • for deep fat:
  • 1 liter of refined vegetable oil
  1. Separate the pink salmon fillet from the skin and cut into cubes 4-5 centimeters long, and about 1-1.5 centimeters wide and 1-1.5 centimeters high. Brush the pieces of fish evenly with adjika.
  2. Prepare the batter. Whisk flour, eggs and beer in a deep bowl. Salt. Leave on for 20 minutes for the gluten to swell. You should get a thick dough like sour cream.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a small saucepan.
  4. Take pieces of fish one at a time. Dip in flour on all sides. Dip in batter. Remove from the batter and let the excess dough drain. Dip in deep fat.
  5. Try not to drop a lot at once. Pieces of fish in batter should float freely in the oil, without sticking to each other. Fry the fish in batter on both sides. In well heated oil, the pieces should float immediately and the dough should "swell".
  6. You need to fry no more than 5-7 minutes on each side. Remove the fish from the oil with a slotted spoon and be sure to put it in a colander first. And then shift, along the way separating the drops of fried dough - they will only spoil the look of the finished dish.

Such a dish is usually served either on a common large plate or on portioned plates - spreading it out in a "hut" and eating it with your hands. If you are cooking for a buffet table, you can stick in skewers or toothpicks.

Any fish can be cooked under such a marinade. But most of all, such a marinade is suitable for pink salmon - it becomes soft and juicy soaked in sauce.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 600 grams of pink salmon fillet
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 tablespoons breading flour
  • 6 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • a tablespoon of 9% vinegar

To prepare this dish, you can use both fillet with skin and pure pink salmon fillet. To your taste. You can cook this dish in advance, it is equally good both hot, as an independent dish, and cold as a snack. If you let the cooked fish brew under the marinade for 24 hours, then the taste will only benefit from this.

  1. Wash the pink salmon fillet, dry and cut into small pieces. For the number of fillets in the size of 600 grams, it is optimal to cut into 12-16 pieces, 3-4 pieces per serving.
  2. Breaded each piece of fish in flour on all sides and fry in 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.
  3. Remove the fish pieces from the oil and place in a colander or on a napkin to get rid of excess oil.
  4. Then prepare the marinade. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, it is enough to scald the tomatoes with boiling water and it will be easy to remove the skin. Cut the tomato pulp into small slices.
  6. Peel the garlic and cut each clove into 4 pieces.
  7. Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a small deep skillet. Place the chopped onions in a skillet and sauté in oil, stirring with a wooden spatula for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  8. Then add the garlic and stir fry for another 2-3 minutes while stirring. Then add sugar, salt and red pepper. Stir well and continue to fry for another 2 minutes to dissolve the sugar.
  9. Then put the tomatoes and tomato paste in the pan and fry everything together for 1-2 minutes while continuing to stir.
  10. Pour a glass of water into the marinade and a tablespoon of vinegar. Bring to a boil.
  11. Dip the fried pieces of fish into the resulting marinade. Bring to a boil and slightly simmer the fish in the marinade (about 5 minutes), so that the liquid evaporates a little and the marinade thickens.

You always need to add something to the minced fish cutlet. And in the minced pink salmon - even more so. Most often, ordinary lard is added to minced pink salmon. But if for some reason this option does not suit you, use either unsweetened cottage cheese or ordinary zucchini pulp passed through a meat grinder or finely grated zucchini.

Do not buy ready-made minced pink salmon, which is now abundant in stores. It is usually inexpensive, but its appearance is not credible. We tried it once, but it tasted so bitter that we just had to throw out everything made from this minced meat.

It is better to spend time and effort in order to remove all the pulp from the whole fish and cook the minced meat yourself. But then you will get a lot of pleasure from the prepared dish.

So, we are preparing the minced meat. To do this, you need to cut the pink salmon, remove all bones, separate the pulp from the skin. I sincerely advise you to chop the resulting pulp with a knife. Believe me, chopped pulp products are much juicier and softer than minced pulp. But if you still decide to pass it through a meat grinder, use a large grate. Such is the paradox in the preparation of pink salmon. The smaller the minced meat, the heavier the cutlet mass and, accordingly, the finished cutlets.

But from minced meat you can cook almost all the same dishes that you cook from minced meat. Cutlets, meatballs and meatballs. Dumplings and schnitzels.

Remember only about the ratio of minced meat and additives to it. For 2/3 minced meat - add 1/3 of any of these additives.

For 8-10 servings you will need:

  • 200 grams of zucchini pulp
  • 1 raw egg
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 teaspoon untop salt
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • black pepper on the tip of a knife
  • 4 tablespoons bread crumbs

How to cook:

  1. Defrost the pink salmon, cut it up and separate the flesh from the bones and skin. Chop the resulting pulp with a knife on a board into very small pieces.
  2. Peel the zucchini and seeds. Peel the onion. Cut the courgette and onion into pieces and mince or chop with a blender.
  3. Combine minced fish and minced vegetables. Season with salt and pepper, add a raw egg.
  4. Knead the minced meat well until smooth.
  5. Divide the minced meat into 8-10 equal parts with wet hands, form an oval cutlet from each part. Dip in breadcrumbs.
  6. I always use a wide blade to bread the cutlets in breadcrumbs. I sprinkle a layer of breadcrumbs on a flat surface of a table or cutting board, and horizontally expanding the blade, first press one side to the breadcrumbs. Then, using a knife, I turn the cutlet over and crush it on the other side. I get cutlets with very even surfaces, evenly sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Using the same knife, I level the edges of the cutlets, giving them all the same shape.
  7. Pour vegetable oil into a heavy-bottomed skillet and heat it up. Fry the patties for 4-5 minutes on each side. If you want to be sure that your cutlets are well fried, bring them to readiness by placing them in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Meatballs in spicy sauce

Juicy and spicy meatballs in sweet pepper and onion sauce can be made from the cutlet mass.

For 6 servings you will need:

for cue ball:

  • 1 pink salmon weighing approximately 900 grams
  • 200 grams of unsweetened cottage cheese
  • 1 raw egg
  • 1 teaspoon untop salt
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

for the sauce:

  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 large onion
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • red ground pepper on the tip of a knife
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar

How to cook:

  • Cut the pink salmon and separate the flesh from the bones and skin. Chop the resulting pulp with a knife on a board into very small pieces.
  • Combine minced meat with cottage cheese, add a raw egg, salt and knead well and beat the minced meat. Divide the mass into 12 equal parts.
  • Form each part into round, uniform and slightly flattened patties on top. Dip them in flour.
  • Place on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven. You need to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  • Cool the finished meatballs on a baking sheet. After 15 minutes, gently remove with a thin metal spatula and transfer to a small deep baking sheet or large deep frying pan without a handle.
  • Prepare the sauce. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Remove seeds and stalk from pepper and cut into thin strips.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan and fry the onion and pepper, stirring with a wooden spatula for 10 minutes.
  • Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin. Cut the pulp into pieces.
  • Add the tomato pulp to the pan with other vegetables and stir well. Fry for another 3-4 minutes. Add paprika, salt, sugar and red pepper.
  • Then add a tablespoon of flour, heat it well together with vegetables. To do this, stir it for 1-2 minutes.
  • Then pour 1 - 1.5 cups of cold water and vinegar into the pan. Bring to a boil. Stir well and remove from heat.
  • Pour the meatballs with the resulting sauce.
  • Place the tray with the dumplings in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Only so that the cue ball had time to warm up in the sauce and absorb it slightly, but not boil in it for a long time.

Serve the ready-made chops with mashed potatoes, pouring the remaining sauce on top.

For 10 servings you will need:

  • 1 large headless pink salmon weighing 1 - 1.2 kilograms
  • 1 glass of rice
  • 1 raw egg
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

for the sauce:

  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 200 grams of sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • 1 teaspoon untop salt
  1. Peel the onion. Separate the pink salmon pulp and finely chop it together with the onion or pass it through a coarse-mesh meat grinder.
  2. Rinse the rice, cover with two glasses of water, salt. After boiling, simmer over very low heat until all the liquid has boiled away. The rice should boil well and be sticky. Cool the cooked rice to room temperature. Add minced meat, egg to rice and stir well.
  3. Divide the resulting mass into 20 equal parts with wet hands. Roll each part into a ball. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Cool the finished meatballs a little without removing from the baking sheet. Then transfer to a baking sheet or deep-rimmed tray.

Prepare the sauce separately. Spread the flour in vegetable oil until creamy. Add sour cream, and without stopping stirring, gently pour in 1 liter of cold water. Salt. Stir the sauce so that there are no lumps and bring to a boil. Add dill to the prepared sauce, pour the meatballs with hot sauce and place a baking sheet with meatballs in a preheated oven for 25 minutes.

Meatball soup

For 8 servings you will need:

for meatballs:

  • 1 small headless pink salmon weighing approximately 700-800 grams
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

for soup:

  • 2 liters of fish broth
  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 4-5 green onion feathers
  • 4 tablespoons cream, 33% fat
  1. Separate the pink salmon pulp and chop it very finely with a knife. Add salt, egg. Knead well. Form the meatballs (small balls of minced meat) with wet hands. Put the resulting meatballs in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  2. Cook soup with fish broth. If the broth is unsalted, add one teaspoon of salt to it. Cut the carrots into slices and dip in the boiling broth. Cook the carrots for 10-15 minutes and then lower the diced potatoes. Pour in the cream and cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Boil the meatballs in a separate bowl. Then take out the meatballs with a slotted spoon and dip them into the soup. Bring the meatball soup to a boil and remove from the stove. Sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.
  4. Would need:
  • 1 sheet of thin Armenian lavash
  • 200 grams "Cream Bonjour" with herbs and pieces of greenery
  • 120 grams of cold smoked pink salmon (or any other red fish)

How to cook:

  • Spread out a sheet of pita bread. Cut in half and fold in half, aligning with the cut.
  • Step back 1-2 centimeters from the edge of the pita bread and grease a part of the Bonjour Cream sheet. The width of the cream should be 5-6 centimeters.
  • Cut the pink salmon into small pieces.
  • Place pieces of pink salmon in a strip in the middle of the cream.
  • Roll up.
  • Cut off the thick edge of the pita bread.
  • Cool the finished roll in the refrigerator for half an hour, and then cut into pieces.

Oksana Putan is a cook with 20 years of experience. She has worked in restaurants, cafes, bakeries, cruise ships and parish refectories.

She went from a novice junior employee of a pastry shop to a chef. Over the past few years, Oksana has run a canteen specializing in corporate catering.

Enjoy cooking! Bon Appetit!

Pink salmon is a very useful and fairly affordable fish. It contains vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP. The beneficial properties of this fish rejuvenate the body, improve digestion and have a beneficial effect on the human circulatory system. Also contained useful vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system. When cooked correctly, delicious and aromatic dishes are obtained from it. The advantage of this fish is that there are relatively few bones in it. Pink salmon is cooked in a variety of ways: stew, boil, bake, fried. It is important to clean and prepare it properly before cooking. The taste of the fish will depend on this.

How to prepare pink salmon for cooking

Before cooking, it is recommended to soak pink salmon in vegetable or olive oil for 2-3 hours. Also, before cooking, you can leave the fish in the marinade of mayonnaise, onion and lemon juice for 20-30 minutes. Thanks to this, the fish will be juicy and aromatic. You can also use only mayonnaise or sour cream as a marinade.

How to deliciously cook pink salmon in foil

Pink salmon prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very juicy and aromatic. The foil preserves the flavor and prevents the fish from getting dry.

What you need to cook pink salmon in foil:

  • Pink salmon 0.5 kg.
  • Bow 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper, dill to taste.
  • Vegetable and butter.


  • Cut the prepared pink salmon into portions.
  • Cut the onion into half rings and fry it in vegetable or butter for 1-2 minutes.
  • Combine garlic, salt, pepper and dill.
  • Put the foil on a baking sheet, brush it with vegetable oil and put the pink salmon on it. Sprinkle the fish with a mixture of salt, pepper, garlic and dill. Then put the prepared onion on the fish. Wrap the foil so that it completely covers the pink salmon.
  • Bake pink salmon in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

How to deliciously cook pink salmon in batter

This dish is perfect not only for everyday, but also for a festive table. It cooks very quickly and turns out to be satisfying and delicious.

What you need to cook pink salmon in batter:

  • Pink salmon 700-800 gr.
  • Flour 150 gr.
  • Milk 2-3 tbsp.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Pepper, spices to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.


  • Cut the prepared fish into portions. Then season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with spices if desired.
  • Combine milk, egg and flour. If the batter turns out to be very thick, then you can add a little water.
  • Dip the fish in batter and fry it in a preheated skillet until golden brown.

The finished fish can be laid out on paper towels to absorb excess fat. If desired, sprinkle the pink salmon with fresh herbs on top.

Fried pink salmon with onions

This method is one of the simplest. Fried fish can turn out to be dry, so it is best to first hold it in vegetable oil or sour cream. Any other marinade can be used.

What you need to cook fried pink salmon with onions:

  • Pink salmon 0.5 kg
  • Onion 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream 200 ml.
  • Cheese 50 gr.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.


  • Cut the prepared fish into pieces. Salt and pepper it and leave the pink salmon for an hour.
  • Cut the onion into half rings and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • In another skillet, fry the pink salmon on both sides until tender.
  • Add onion and sour cream to pink salmon in a frying pan.
  • Rub the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle it on the fish, sour cream and onions. Reduce heat to low and simmer fish for 10-15 minutes.

According to these recipes, you can cook delicious and juicy pink salmon. The result is a delicious and healthy dish that can be served as an everyday or a festive dish. As a side dish for pink salmon, vegetables and cereal dishes are perfect. For decoration, you can use herbs, sour cream or sauce.

It is not at all difficult to cook delicious pink salmon fish.If you decide to cook and cook something tasty, but not complicated, the best option is to cook pink salmon - the smallest fish from the salmon family.

When starting to cook pink salmon, you must remember that pink salmon meat is a little dry and the taste of your dishes will largely depend on the cooking method. It's all about the structural features of the fish. The fat is located only under the abdomen and in the fins. So it turns out that a piece of fried fillet will be a little dry, but the whole smoked fish will be juicy.

There are a lot of ways to cook pink salmon deliciously, your task will only be to choose the one that suits you.

How to cook pink salmon fillets in a skillet

Perhaps the most delicious way of cooking pink salmon in a pan can be safely attributed to the recipes of the Bulgarian cuisine. Simple, unusually tasty, and, of course, healthy.

First cooking recipe:

  • For 1 kg of pink salmon fillet, we need:
  • 100 grams of olive oil or sunflower oil,
  • 50 - 60 grams of flour,
  • pepper,
  • various spices,
  • citrus juice,
  • preferably lemon and salt.

First, we cook the fillet, for this, wash the fish, dry it, salt, pepper, sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon. We let them stand a little - a little and, roll the pieces in flour, fry in a frying pan. While the pink salmon is cooking, we proceed to the sauce, which will give the pink salmon cooked in a frying pan the missing juiciness and softness. We take things 3 carrots, cut them into strips (you can also use a coarse grater) and send them, fry them in a frying pan. After 1-2 minutes, throw in the onion cut into half rings there. You can safely take 3-4 heads. We give it a little, it will fry (in no case should it burn). Add two finely chopped tomatoes and spices. For deliciously cooked pink salmon, the best spices are coriander, bay leaves, cloves and black peppercorns. We are waiting for about fifteen minutes, while everything is stewed. Put the fried fish on the dishes, add the sauce on top and sprinkle with parsley. We put it on the table and enjoy the taste of the fish without worrying about the extra pounds that are usually set aside after eating. Fillet of pink salmon in a skillet with vegetable sauce will be approved by any nutritionist!

Second cooking recipe:

The second way to cook delicious pink salmon in a skillet is quite simple. Fillet of pink salmon, previously washed, dried and grated with pepper and salt, must be rolled in a mixture of crackers, flour and spices. Fry until golden brown. When preparing pink salmon, fried in a pan, one must remember that the oil should be hot, and cover the fish with a lid only when we turn it over. We fry, first adding fire to the maximum, then, after the formation of a crust, we reduce the fire. Do not forget when on low heat, during the steaming of the fish, it will look like boiled, become crumbly, which is not at all suitable for this recipe.

Third cooking recipe:

The third method of cooking pink salmon in a pan will be able to say that you are really a hostess with a capital letter and are well versed in culinary business, so be sure to treat your guests to pink salmon according to this recipe.

For two, we need 300 grams of pink salmon fillet with skin, 2 small tomatoes, 7 pieces of olives, half a young zucchini zucchini, 9 pieces of capers, 3 pieces of sun-dried tomatoes, 1 clove of garlic, olive oil, sea salt, various spices including including pepper. So, to cook our pink salmon in a pan, chop the garlic coarsely and fry it in well-heated olive oil. Cut the zucchini into thin slices. Prepare the tomatoes by making cross-shaped cuts, scald with boiling water and remove the skin. Remove the pulp with seeds and cut into cubes. Add to the garlic, following our recipe for cooking pink salmon in a pan, chopped zucchini, tomatoes, pitted olives, sun-dried tomatoes, capers. Pepper, salt and simmer until the zucchini is cooked. At this time, we take the second frying pan and heat it well, put 5-6 tablespoons of salt on the frying pan and fry the pink salmon on it for 60-120 seconds for each side. Our advice is to fry first on the side where the skin is. We take out the fried pieces and put them on a dish, put vegetables on top and sprinkle with olive oil.

How to cook pink salmon in foil

First cooking recipe:

In order to cook tasty and juicy pink salmon in foil, you need

remember a couple of simple tips.

  • - Be sure to rinse the fillet with water and dry
  • -Before baking pink salmon in foil, fillets must be marinated. The easiest way is salt, citrus juice, and pepper. Now we add another drop of mayonnaise, but this is not for everybody.
  • -We wait 40 minutes until the pink salmon marinate, so that cooked in foil, it is juicy and tasty.

Having done these simple preparations and sending the pink salmon to marinate, let's make a vegetable pillow, which will add juiciness to the pink salmon baked in foil. Chop one red onion into cubes. Cut two medium carrots and four celery stalks into medium-sized strips. Grind two garlic cloves and thinly chop five to six lemon slices. To properly cook pink salmon, grease the foil with olive oil, put pink salmon fillets on it. Then in layers, onions, carrots with celery, lemon. You can add a small chili pepper. And pour the juice of half a lemon over everything. We connect the foil on the sides, leaving a small hole on top, through which we add one spoonful of wine vinegar and pinch the edges. We put the envelope in the most preheated oven and wait for about 20 minutes. We take it out, carefully so as not to scald, open the envelope and enjoy the incomparable pink salmon baked in foil.

Second cooking recipe:

Another method of cooking pink salmon in foil is more common and takes much less time to stand at the stove. Having prepared the fillet as described above, place it skin side down in a small foil envelope. Put a piece of tomato and chopped leeks on top, sprinkle generously with grated cheese, seal the envelope so that the hot air does not come out, and send it to the oven for 15 minutes. Do not be alarmed, this means that the cooking process is going well. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, open the envelope and, without taking the pink salmon out of the foil, put the envelope on a plate. So we serve. Such pink salmon baked in foil with dark beer is very tasty.

How to cook pink salmon in batter

One of the ways to cook pink salmon deliciously is to fry the fish in batter. In case you are using fillet, prepare pink salmon as described above. Wash, dry, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon. I would also recommend brushing the slices with olive oil. This will add juiciness and piquant bitterness to the pink salmon. If you take a whole carcass, it must be peeled and all bones removed. Only after that we start working with the marinade. We set aside the cooked pieces of pink salmon, aside and prepare the batter. Drive two eggs into a deep bowl (designed for one medium-sized fish), a quarter glass of milk and 10 tablespoons of flour. In Polish fish restaurants, chefs add a little golden beer to the batter at the same time. In this case, the amount of flour should be slightly increased. And in Greek cuisine, it is common to add green onions or parsley to the batter. We heat the oil in a frying pan, dip the pieces in batter and fry until golden brown. It is not necessary to keep it in the pan for a long time so that the fish remains juicy.

Such preparation of pink salmon in batter takes very little time. Can be used as a main course and as a beer snack. In the latter case, cut the fillet pieces a little less.

How to cook whole pink salmon

For a novice housewife, the whole recipe for pink salmon may seem complicated at first glance. But believe me, there is no particular difficulty here. And the result is - you will lick your fingers! To begin with, we must learn to choose the fish. Unfortunately, urban residents have limited access to fresh, not frozen fish. You shouldn't be upset.

Fresh-frozen pink salmon can also be cooked whole, so that it is tasty and beautiful! When choosing a fish, first of all, we pay attention to its color - it should be silvery-gray with pinkish or dark red gills. We do not hesitate to sniff the carcass. Fresh frozen pink salmon should not smell like rotten. Do not use fish with a large layer of ice glaze. Do you need to pay extra money? And pink salmon, although deliciously cooked, after defrosting, is unlikely to be able to feed the family, because there will be half of it.

First cooking recipe:

After the pink salmon of your choice has been successfully brought home and thawed, we remove the fins, head and crap from it. we make cuts on top. Wash, dry, rub with salt. We take 150-200 grams of hard cheese and frozen butter in the same amount and three on a coarse grater. To cook juicy pink salmon, cut one orange into small pieces, after peeling it. Mix everything, adding salt, the rest of the seasonings and spices, and finely chopped parsley and celery. Put the foil on a baking sheet, fill the abdomen and incisions of the pink salmon with the resulting mixture. Wrap in foil and send to the oven until tender. The whole pink salmon prepared in this way is delicious when it has cooled down. Well, paying tribute to Japanese cuisine, it is worth serving the dish with soy sauce.

Second cooking recipe:

Another interesting way to bake whole pink salmon is to bake fish in salt. At first I was afraid that the pink salmon would come out too salty, but as it turned out, I don't have to worry about it. The fish will take as much salt as it needs. And no more. For cooking, we take a whole carcass of pink salmon. Gut it and wash it well in cold water. It is not necessary to clean the scales, pink salmon, preparing it for cooking, the skin will remain on the salt. To form a salt coat, we need half a kilogram of sea salt. Mix it with a teaspoon of ground pepper and pour the resulting mixture onto a baking sheet 0.5 cm high.Put the fish on top of the salt and add another layer of about 1 cm on top. Set it aside and turn on the oven so that it warms up to 200 degrees. We send our fish into it for 40-50 minutes. After we take out the pink salmon baked in the oven, it must be cooled and only then very carefully break the salt crust. Fish baked in this way can be eaten both hot and cold.

How to cook pink salmon in sour cream

First cooking recipe:

For three or four servings, take 300-500 grams of pink salmon carcass. Cut into pieces 2-2.5 cm wide, lightly add some salt. Cut one large white onion into cubes and fry in sunflower oil. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, spread the pieces of pink salmon directly on top of it. Fill with sour cream. We do not hesitate to take more fat, the higher the fat content of the sour cream, the tastier the cooked pink salmon. Can be diluted with boiled water. Add parsley root, marjoram, black pepper, a little nutmeg and a little dried ginger. We close the lid and simmer for about fifteen minutes. For freshly cooked pink salmon in sour cream, you can serve potatoes, which will precipitate the fat content of fish and sour cream. Simple, fast, delicious. Also, do not forget about raw vegetables, which will also add spice to the dish.

Second cooking recipe:

Another recipe for cooking pink salmon in sour cream is the best fit for a festive table. For this dish, we will need to get at the supermarket, 1 kg of pink salmon fillet, which we thoroughly rinse and dry. After we cut the fillet into small pieces, it must be fried in a frying pan, having previously rolled it in flour. We fry until golden brown, so that in the future, when cooking pink salmon in the oven under sour cream, the fish does not crumble.

We take 200 grams of mushrooms, finely chop and fry in sunflower-based oil, over high heat, so that moisture does not go out of them. Finely chop two onions and add it to the already fried mushrooms. Boil 2 eggs, peel and cut into slices. After that, we take half a kilogram of potatoes, wash them well and cut them directly with the skin into 1 cm thick circles, in order to bake better.

To deliciously cook pink salmon with sour cream, you need to put the fried pink salmon in one layer on a baking sheet or a large frying pan. The next layer consists of eggs and fried mushrooms with onions. The last, final layer will be potatoes. Thoroughly all the salts, pepper, sprinkle with marjoram and top with sour cream sauce. The sauce can be prepared in advance to cool while we prepare the main course. To do this, bring 250 ml of sour cream to a boil. Put in it one spoonful of flour mixed with one spoonful of butter. Salt, pepper and boil for 2 minutes. Before sending the pink salmon to the oven with sour cream, evenly sprinkle the dish with hard cheese, which we grind with a grater. The hump should be cooked for 15-20 minutes at the highest temperature. Preheat the oven to the desired temperature. In order for the pink salmon baked in the oven to be covered with an appetizing crust at the end of cooking, turn on the "grill" mode. Serve as a separate dish, after opening a bottle of semi-dry white wine.

How to cook pink salmon in a slow cooker

First cooking recipe:

Progress makes our life easier in all its areas. Modern technologies

maximally facilitate life in the kitchen and contribute to the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes. Take, for example, a multicooker, which is a container with a non-stick coating, inserted into a housing with heating elements. A huge advantage of multicooker cooking is that the food does not need to be turned or stirred. Unlike a microwave oven, a multicooker does not have radiation harmful to humans.

In order to deliciously cook pink salmon in a slow cooker, you do not need to decide on complex culinary experiments. If we want juiciness and the most pronounced taste from a dish, we do not need to spend a long time on all sorts of tricks. The most important thing is to prepare the fish. Do not forget to wash and dry, rub with a mixture of salt and pepper. In this case, the most relevant will be sea salt and pepper with lemon.

We set aside the preparation of pink salmon in a slow cooker, to the side and turn on the multicar in the "Baking" mode. Add two tablespoons of sunflower-based oil and wait for it to warm up a little. It is necessary to cook pink salmon in a slow cooker a little longer than in a frying pan or in the oven. But the wait is worth the result! Fry the fish on each side for 15-20 minutes, then pour the top with a mixture of sour cream mixed with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with Cheddar cheese on top fifteen minutes before the end of cooking. The cheese forms a hard crust that goes well with juicy and soft pink salmon cooked in a slow cooker. Bon Appetit!

I would like, among other things, to talk about a more complex recipe for the delicious preparation of pink salmon. This is an old recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation in many countries around the world. According to reviews about this dish, we can say for sure that the taste of pink salmon prepared according to this recipe is incomparable, that's for sure! The whole difficulty of cooking stuffed pink salmon lies in cleaning the fish, but it is worth a little torment, and the result will justify your efforts!

Second cooking recipe:

Another recipe for cooking pink salmon in a cartoon cook will take you half the time than the previous one. We start by making pickled onions. Cut one onion into thin rings and add a little apple cider vinegar. Let it stand for ten minutes. At this time, cut the boiled-smoked brisket into cubes along with the skin, which will give the pink salmon cooked in a multicooker an unusual smoked taste. We also cut into cubes one pre-cooked jacket potatoes and a carrot. Mix with brisket and part of the pickled onion. We take the fillet of pink salmon and cut it into large pieces, which we thoroughly wash, dry and rub with a mixture of pepper and salt. Sprinkle with a herbal mixture of origano, basil, rosemary and a little thyme. The bottom of the multicooker bowl, for cooking pink salmon in it, is lined with baking paper. It is necessary to cover it with a margin so that you can remove the pink salmon from the multicooker by the tips of the protruding parchment. Put a mixture of potatoes, carrots, brisket and onions on parchment paper. Put the pink salmon fillet on top and sprinkle with citrus juice and olive oil. We close the multicooker and set the "baking" mode for half an hour. The finished dish has an amazing smell.

How to cook stuffed pink salmon according to an old recipe

First, we need to choose the right fish. Our pink salmon should weigh at least 1 kg and not more than 2. We definitely buy not gutted fish! And after it is defrosted, we clean it. In order to prevent the scales from flying in different directions during cleaning, this can be done in a deep basin of water. Try not to bend or squeeze the carcass of the fish while cutting, as this will impair the quality of the taste of any fish.

To cook deliciously stuffed pink salmon, we cut off the fins, cut the abdomen and take out the insides and remove the spine with rib bones. After that, we wash our pink salmon in cold water and let it dry. While the fish is drying, take 400 grams of fresh mushrooms. Ideally, take wild white mushrooms, boletus, boletus, but champignons will also go. Only mushrooms must be fresh, not frozen or dried. Fry the mushrooms in butter together with two heads of finely chopped onions. Cool the resulting mixture and add red pepper and nutmeg. Literally a pinch.

Further, to make our stuffed pink salmon tasty, grate 200 grams of Dutch cheese on a fine grater and mix with the mushroom mixture and the juice of half a lemon. We stuff our pink salmon carcass with the resulting mixture, and sew up the cuts or fasten them with special culinary skewers. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put stuffed pink salmon on it. Grease the fish with sour cream-mayonnaise sauce and send it to a preheated oven for half an hour to a maximum. After we take out the finished stuffed pink salmon from the oven, pour it with the juice of the remaining half of the lemon. Serve hot with dry white wine.

How to cook pink salmon jellied

First cooking recipe:

Cooking aspic is a simple process. It is only important to take a responsible approach to the preparation of fish jelly. The recipe for this aspic belongs to the Polish national cuisine and in the original it is necessary to use carp. But, replacing pink salmon, the dish does not lose in taste at all, and maybe even wins. Well, for those who do not like to choose bones in aspic - pink salmon is generally just a holiday!

According to legend, aspic according to this recipe was prepared at the court of the Polish king Stanislav, who was a great lover of delicious food.

So, to prepare pink salmon jellied, take parsley root and medium carrots and send them to boil. At this time, we clean and cut the fish. We do not throw out the scales, but carefully collect them in a rag bag. When the parsley and carrots are ready, we throw the pieces of fish into the broth and cook for about seven minutes. We take out the boiled pieces of pink salmon and put them in the molds.

Pour 100 grams of raisins into a gauze bag and cook in fish broth for 10 minutes. After that, add black and allspice peas and scales in a bag. We continue to cook for 10-15 minutes. To make the aspic made from pink salmon tasty, finely chop one medium onion and fry in sunflower oil until it becomes transparent. Mix the onion with boiled raisins and put them in the fish tins. We clean two tangerines into slices and arrange them in the molds. Filter the resulting broth through cheesecloth, add instant gelatin, freshly squeezed juice of two oranges and salt to taste. Pour the broth into fish tins and place in a cold place. In addition to the fact that the dish is delicious, cooked aspic pink salmon is a decoration of the table and amazes with its originality.

Second cooking recipe:

In addition, several original preparation of aspic pink salmon, there is a more traditional one. To prepare it, you need to take 500 grams of pink salmon fillet and boil it with a few drops of citrus juice and salt. We take out the fish, cut it into smaller pieces and lay it out on one large form with high sides. In boiling water, from which we just took pink salmon, put carrots, celery root, on which small cuts are made and the fire is reduced to a minimum. Soak gelatin in water and let it stand until it turns into a mushy puree. Only then add to the boiling broth and stir until completely dissolved. Add salt to taste.

In order for the aspic made from pink salmon to turn out as needed, you should try. The fact is that the jelly in the jellied should be as transparent as possible. A quickdraw will help us achieve this. Pour some fish broth into a mug and cool it. Separate the white of the two eggs from the yolks and mix it with the broth. Pour the resulting mass into the broth and increase the heat. As soon as the broth begins to boil, turn off the fire, and put the pan itself in a cool place for half an hour. After that, filter the broth through cheesecloth and start pouring pink salmon. Add slices of boiled carrots, lemon wedges and parsley sprigs to the fish, neatly laid out in the form. Fill the jelly with layers. The purpose of the first layer is to secure the fish in place. After the first layer has hardened, you can add the next one. The height of the jelly above the fish should not exceed 1.5 cm. The pink salmon jellied in this way maximizes the taste of this fish.

How to cook boiled pink salmon deliciously

Guests from Hamburg shared this simple recipe for pink salmon fish sauce. Traditional German cuisine, in our understanding, is cabbage dishes, ribs and sausages. But in the coastal regions of Germany, you can find equally delicious fish dishes. There is no name for this gravy, I just call it Hamburg.

We take a bunch of greens for the soup, which includes parsley root, carrots, two or three stalks of celery, a green part of leeks, a couple of dill sprigs, tie it with a string, so that later it is convenient to take it out of the pan, and send it to cook.

To properly cook boiled pink salmon, first clean it, cut it into pieces, then put it in boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes. When the fish is boiled, thoroughly clean it from bones and chop it. Prepare a light gravy from 2 tablespoons of pork fat and the same amount of flour. Add part of the fish broth to it. We choose the density of the gravy ourselves. Season with salt and pepper and add the peeled fish. Cut the boiled potatoes into slices, put our gravy on top of it and let it brew. In order to serve this dish hot, it is enough to send it to the oven or microwave for a couple of minutes. The most amazing thing is that even those who dislike fish eat pink salmon cooked in this way.

Garnish for serving with fish

Describing the various ways of how to cook pink salmon deliciously, you should also talk about the side dish with which the fish is served. Some side dishes can add expressiveness, spice and piquancy to a fish dish. Products with a pronounced sour taste are well suited to fish containing a sufficient amount of fat. This is why lemon is so often used to garnish pink salmon. Pickled vegetables are very tasty with pink salmon. In other matters, vegetables have a huge taste and aroma. Their assortment for pink salmon fish garnishes includes potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, bell peppers, sorrel and spinach, and green beans and olives. In truth, among all vegetables suitable for garnish with pink salmon, potatoes occupy a special place. It is customary for professional cooks to use mostly fried potatoes for fried fish, and boiled potatoes for boiled fish. Mashed potatoes go well with fish cakes and meatballs.

Undoubtedly, the story about the preparation of delicious pink salmon will not be complete without a story about fish sauces, which will make the fish even more refined and delicious. First of all, sour cream sauces go well with pink salmon. They are prepared quite simply: sour cream is brought to a boil and gradually poured into flour fried in butter. Unforgettable to stir continuously. Add salt and pepper to taste and bring to a boil. Serve chilled. You can add chopped herbs, green onions or horseradish to the sauce. In eastern Poland, whole baked pink salmon is served with milk sauce with onions. It is prepared almost like sour cream, only from milk. At the end, add finely chopped onion, lightly fried in oil. After adding salt, pepper sauce is cooled and rubbed through a sieve. Served in a separate bowl.

Finally, we would like to advise you not to be afraid to experiment, to look for new tastes and combinations. In order to cook pink salmon deliciously, you do not need to be an excellent culinary specialist, it is enough to have a desire to surprise loved ones with the unusual taste of familiar dishes.

Do not be surprised if many of your friends or acquaintances ask you if you know how to cook pink salmon.

After all, pink salmon is one of the few most popular fish in the former Soviet Union, which even then was the basis of many fish budgetary and, mind you, inexpensive dishes. In addition, pink salmon has been eaten all over the world since ancient times. Therefore, it is no wonder that you will also be interested in learning how to cook delicious pink salmon. The fish still has an affordable price. It is beneficial to cook any dishes from it, since it is very tasty and has few bones. They use pink salmon, fried, baked, boiled, many like this fish raw (remember how popular Japanese fish rolls, especially pink salmon, have become in recent years).

In this article, we will kindly provide you with the best recipes on how to cook pink salmon. We will also tell you in more detail how to cook delicious pink salmon so that it is both juicy and healthy overnight.

So, what to do and how to cook juicy pink salmon. Now the most common and most popular way is to marinate pink salmon with mayonnaise, lemon juice and finely chopped onion. Before cooking pink salmon, the dish must be marinated immediately before cooking, for a couple of hours. Another secret of how to cook pink salmon deliciously, it needs to be kept in lemon juice for several hours. Appetizing, soft, juicy pink salmon is obtained even then, if you put off the fish soaked in olive oil for several hours just before frying it in the oven, it can be in vegetable oil.

Pink salmon, it is recommended mainly to bake in foil in the oven. You can also fry it, although it turns out not as juicy, a little dry and not as appetizing in appearance as in the oven. We think each of you knows how to cook pink salmon in a pan. Apart from spices, flour or bread crumbs, nothing else is needed for the fish. Yes, do not forget that it is better to fry pink salmon together with the skin. You certainly won't be able to make it dry. How to cook pink salmon deliciously so that it has a more exotic look and taste. Drizzle generously with orange juice during frying.

Remember that pink salmon is a salmon red fish. And this means that this fish is noble, although, as we wrote, it is by no means expensive. And as it is useful for the body, it is especially good for patients with blood and liver diseases to take it (any red foods are useful for those who have low hemoglobin or liver problems).

In order to eliminate the lack of juiciness of pink salmon, we will reveal to you one secret of how to cook pink salmon fish. Just cook this fish surrounded by many juicy vegetables, and the more of them, the better. One of the best and most proven cooking methods is pink salmon, baked in foil and in the oven. Therefore, we will tell you in more detail how to cook pink salmon in foil.

Baked pink salmon in foil, in the oven

Despite the fact that pink salmon meat is naturally dry, it may well turn out not only tasty, very juicy and aromatic, but also tender and refined. The main thing here is to know how to cook pink salmon in foil. Many housewives are adopting recipes on how to cook pink salmon baked in the oven. How to cook pink salmon, recipe, photo for you!


pink salmon fillet - 300 grams;

onion - 1 pc .;

hard cheese like Parmesan - 80 grams;

mayonnaise - seventy grams;

vegetable oil;

any greens;

seasoning for fish.


How to cook pink salmon, cooking recipe. First, prepare the fish for baking. To do this, thoroughly rinse the pink salmon fillet in running cold water, salt, add a little black pepper, grease the fish abundantly with mayonnaise on top. Gently spread the foil on a baking sheet, on top of it with pink salmon, sprinkled with herbs and coarse cheese grated on a grater beforehand. Wrap the edges of the foil, pour a little water into the foil (30 grams will be enough) and immediately put in the oven. The dish is prepared for half an hour and always served hot. Vegetables and potatoes work well as a side dish.

How to cook pink salmon in the oven

How to cook pink salmon in the oven so that it turns out tender and juicy, as well as festive and tasty. By the way, even cold salmon fish, fragrant and refined, baked in the oven, will be delicious, so it can pass for an appetizer on a festive table. This fish dish is not quite suitable for today's fasting time, as it contains mayonnaise and cheese. You can replace regular mayonnaise with lean mayonnaise and not add hard cheese if you are on a strict fast. Tomatoes can be used pickled and not large in size. Cut the tomatoes in advance and serve them separately. The New Year is very soon, so such a baked pink salmon is just the way to go.


one large pink salmon,

2 tomatoes and onions,

a little pepper, salt,

for fish spices, if you like greens.


How to cook pink salmon. First, take care of the fish, or rather prepare the fillet of pink salmon, we explain how to cook in detail. Defrost the fish bought in advance, peel it off with a knife, wash it. Then cut the pink salmon along the ridge, separate from the bones first one side of the fish, then the other, check it with your fingers and try to remove the small bones of the fish. Here you have got a fillet of pink salmon with skin.

Place the aluminum foil on a baking sheet. It is nice to lay pieces of pink salmon on foil, but it is better to skin it down. Put the peeled and finely chopped onion on the fish. Grease the onion generously with mayonnaise.

Next, make bumpers from the edges of the foil. Very carefully pour the hot fish broth into the foil so that the bottom is completely covered with a thin layer between the pink salmon pieces. If there is no broth, then just pour hot water there. Put the fish in the oven, up to 180 degrees and at least heated, for twenty minutes.

As soon as twenty minutes have passed, take out the pink salmon, and put a circle of tomato on each piece of it, grind the grated hard cheese on top of the fish and send it back to the oven to melt the cheese a little. You can serve potatoes as a side dish, and sprinkle the fish with herbs. Now you also know how to cook pink salmon. We tried to familiarize you with the photo and the recipe in detail.

How to make pink salmon soup

Soup is an indispensable dish for every person. A delicate soup made from pink salmon on the dinner table will become not only a must-have addition to a hearty and hearty dinner, but, perhaps, the most beloved one.

Still wondering how to make pink salmon soup? It's simple. By buying at a minimum the products you need, you will always have on your table not only an appetizing, delicious and tasty dish, but also a very healthy one. We are sure that pink salmon soup will be enjoyed by every member of your family. In addition, eternally busy housewives at first may even be surprised by the simplicity and speed with which this fish ear is prepared. How to cook pink salmon fish soup so that both your family and guests would like it, what you need to make the soup light and nutritious, allowing you to satisfy your hunger for a long time and cheer you up from eating such delicious, nutritious fish soup.


pink salmon - 1 kg.;

brushes - a couple of things;

1 onion and 1 carrot;

black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;

potatoes - 2 medium tubers;

bay leaf - three things;

salt, herbs.


How to make pink salmon soup. Recipe. First, as with other recipes, clean the pink salmon from all the viscera, bones and head. Set the head and bones aside. Do the same with the brushes. From the ruffs, previously cleaned of the entrails, cook the broth in a separate saucepan. To prevent the brushes from falling apart, tie them together and place in cheesecloth, in this form, cook the broth from them, which, literally after 15 minutes, will immediately need to be filtered. Put the bones and head of the pink salmon in cheesecloth (do not forget that the gills should be removed from the head), cook the broth for another fifteen minutes. Then strain the broth again and put on fire.

In the meantime, tackle the pink salmon, toss in the fish fillet, one onion, fish roe, small cubed potatoes, whole dill with stalks. The ear from pink salmon is not salted immediately, but 5 minutes before being cooked. At the same time, peppercorns and bay leaves should be put in fish soup. So, only after you add all the ingredients to the broth, boil them for another seven minutes. Let the ear of pink salmon brew for 10 minutes under a closed lid. Try it, this fish soup tastes great!

How to cook pink salmon cutlets

This recipe on how to cook pink salmon cutlets with a photo will not seem inaccessible even to a young hostess - a novice in the kitchen, since we tried to describe the recipe so clearly, it explains how to cook pink salmon cutlets

at home, that even a thirteen-year-old teenager can figure it out. However, this recipe of ours will also be useful for gurus of culinary art, as they can cook fish cakes in a more original and tasteful way.


pink salmon - 1 kilogram,
2 medium onions
bacon, lard or brisket - 200 grams,
white loaf without crusts - 150 grams,
chicken egg,
garlic - 3 cloves,
frying oil,
wheat flour or bread crumbs,
salt and pepper to taste.


How to cook pink salmon cutlets. If you bought frozen pink salmon in a store, and such fish comes in most often, then you need to remove it from the freezer in advance if you decide to make cutlets out of it. Clean the thawed fish well, wash, dry, carefully remove the pulp from the bones and cut it into small pieces. Do not throw out the bones of the fish, as you can see, they make an excellent ear.

Soak a white loaf in pieces in milk. Take a meat grinder and pass a loaf through it, squeezed from milk, pink salmon fillet, lard or bacon, cut into slices, garlic and onions. If you have fresh herbs, you can add to the minced fish. Add chicken egg, black pepper, salt. Knead the resulting minced meat well. In appearance, it should look more magnificent and be flexible.

From minced meat, as usual, we make beautiful cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs, if any, but you can also in flour and put them in a well-heated pan with butter. Fish cutlets are fried between medium and high heat until golden brown. Fry for two minutes on both sides, this time will be enough for the minced meat to "grab" on all sides, then reduce the fire to a minimum and fry it already under the lid. This applies to large cutlets. With this method of frying, you will get fishcakes that are juicy and tasty on the inside.

How to cook pink salmon with potatoes

If you cook pink salmon in the oven in the usual way, then do not be surprised that you will get it rather dry. And knowing how to cook pink salmon with potatoes, the fish will definitely not be fish soup, but quite the opposite, fragrant and juicy. All this thanks to roasting pink salmon with vegetables, which are used in this dish as a side dish.


sunflower oil - 50 grams,

fresh frozen pink salmon,

carrots and onions - 2 pieces,

lemon-1/2 pieces,

hard cheese -150 grams,

potatoes - one and a half kilograms,

a mixture of ground peppers and table salt.


How to cook pink salmon with potatoes. As we already wrote, defrost the pink salmon, but not completely, so you can easily peel it by separating the fish fillets from the bones. Slightly thawed meat is easier to separate from the bones.

The next stage is vegetables, with them you will bake pink salmon fish in the oven. Grate the carrots, cut the onion into rings. Fry vegetables in oil until they acquire a beautiful golden color, add a little salt. Peel the potatoes, put them in a saucepan, add water and boil over the fire. The potatoes are boiled after baking for 15 minutes, they should not be boiled, but only half cooked. If the fish in the oven is baked with raw potatoes at the same time, then there is a high probability that the potatoes will not bake enough, and the fish will turn out to be dry.

Cut the potatoes into equal slices, put them in a mold, pour a little vegetable oil, do not forget to sprinkle the potatoes with pepper and salt. Place the dish in the oven, naturally preheated.

While the potatoes are baking, separate the fish fillets from the bones, also pepper and salt. Place lemon slices on top of the fish fillet. Then the vegetables are fried in a thin layer. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top of the vegetables as usual. Remember. That at the time when you spread the pink salmon fillet on the potatoes, it should be soft, half cooked. Expect 20 minutes to cook the fish in the oven.

How to cook pink salmon in a slow cooker

Everyone knows the benefits of pink salmon - numerous vitamins, iodine, phosphorus, proteins, omega-3 acids, which are designed to reduce the risk of heart disease and significantly lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, in order for all these vitamins and minerals in pink salmon to remain in maximum quantity, it is better to cook dishes from it in a multicooker.

Today we will tell you an excellent recipe for how to cook pink salmon in a slow cooker. If someone considers pink salmon to be a dry fish, then this does not apply to this recipe. It remains for you to learn how to cook pink salmon in sour cream. After all, it is the filling of sour cream and eggs that will make the fish both soft and juicy, and potatoes, like a vegetable, will become a pleasant gentle addition for it.


1 pink salmon,

4 medium potatoes,

2 carrots,

4 tablespoons of kefir or sour cream,

100 grams of hard Parmesan cheese,

spices to taste and salt.


To make you a very tender dish, we will reveal the secret of how to cook pink salmon with sour cream. Place the sliced ​​potatoes in thin circles in a multicooker bowl. To prepare this dish, you do not need to pour oil into a multicooker. Salt the potatoes, and put the pink salmon fillets on it, sprinkle the fish with grated carrots. Pour in a glass of water.

Turn on "Steam cooking" - multicooker mode for twenty minutes. You now have time to prepare the following foods for the dish. In a separate bowl, beat two chicken eggs with sour cream or kefir (4 tablespoons). Grate Parmesan cheese.

When you hear the signal, fill the pink salmon with potatoes with eggs, beaten with sour cream and grated cheese. Switch the multicooker to baking mode for half an hour. After the signal, let the pink salmon with potatoes stand a little more often.

How to cook pink salmon caviar

Those who come to a fish store in order to choose pink salmon, most of them buy its carcass, not fillet. The reason is that the buyer has the opportunity to get delicious red fish along with caviar - the most valuable and healthy nutritious product that contains all kinds of substances that the body needs very much. And also, caviar is loved because it is too tasty. And how you want to enjoy it at any time of the year. It is especially good when you know how to cook pink salmon caviar on your own. By the way, this is not at all difficult. You will have to tinker, but not all day!


1 kilogram of caviar goes to 1 kilogram of salt,

3 liters of water

corn oil.

Inventory: cleaning grid, sieve.


How to cook pink salmon caviar. If you intend to preserve pink salmon caviar for long-term storage, prepare glass jars for rolling. Rinse caviar thoroughly. After that, you can start preparing brine - a salty, strong brine intended for salting red caviar. Do not spare the water, prepare more brine, more caviar than you have available.

To prepare the brine, take a kilogram of caviar for three liters of water, heat the water. Add one kilogram of salt before the water starts to boil. As the brine boils, set it aside to cool to room temperature. Pink salmon caviar, while the brine is cooling, you need to free it from the film. To do this, find a lattice so that the size of its cells is 4 times larger than the size of the red eggs. Cut the yastyk open, turn it out, put the caviar down on the wire rack, rub very gently. Do not apply too much pressure to avoid damaging the caviar.

Put the caviar in the brine. How much caviar will be in the brine depends on how mature it is. It is better to taste the caviar in a couple of minutes, so that you can determine the degree of readiness of the caviar by taste. Caviar is often enough in the brine for 25 minutes. Then fold it onto a sieve so that the liquid is glass. Put the red caviar on a paper towel to dry out a little, leave it for 2-3 hours. Grease caviar with vegetable oil, put in jars, close all with lids.

Bon Appetit!

Pink salmon is a valuable product and many people know about it.

Most often, the use of this fish is limited to salting and sandwiches. But in fact, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes from pink salmon: first, second, snacks and salads. The variety will surprise even the most capricious gourmet.

Shall we prepare?

Pink salmon dishes - general cooking principles

In order for pink salmon dishes to delight with taste and always turn out to be successful, it is important to find a good fish.

It is desirable that it has not been frozen. If a frozen product is purchased, then you need to carefully examine it.

The presence of ice, windy crusts, damaged skin and an unpleasant odor are indicators of poor quality. Also, the method of preparation influences the choice of pink salmon. If you want to cook fish soup, then take fish with your head.

For salting, frying, baking, you can take a gutted carcass without extra parts or a finished fillet with or without skin.

What can you cook pink salmon dishes:

Boiled (in water or steamed);




The main problem that can be encountered is the dryness of pink salmon.

The meat of this fish is capricious in cooking and does not like long heat treatment. Usually it does not take more than half an hour.

Also pink salmon loves various fatty sauces, butter, mayonnaise, sour cream.

Well, what kind of red fish can there be without lemon? Citrus sets off the taste, gives the dish a pleasant aroma.

Recipe 1: Butterfish - baked pink salmon dish

The recipe for a delicious pink salmon dish, which cooks quickly enough and can serve as a wonderful dinner. In addition to fish, you will need broccoli, you can take a fresh or frozen product.


One pink salmon;

300 grams of broccoli;

250 ml cream;

A pinch of rosemary;

A little oil.


1. Cut the pink salmon. This dish can be made from clean fillets, skinned chunks, or full-fledged portioned chunks with bone. Butcher the way that suits you best. Only the cooking time will change.

2. Lubricate the mold, place the fish loosely to each other.

3. Put broccoli between the pieces.

4. Mix the cream with salt, pepper, rosemary and pour in the pink salmon. Cover the top with foil.

5. We send to the oven for about half an hour. We are guided by the size of the piece and the capabilities of the stove.

Recipe 2: He in Korean - a spicy dish of pink salmon

He is a dish made from raw fish and is a salad appetizer. Spicy, aromatic, with juicy vegetables. It is especially tasty from red fish. Shall we cook it from pink salmon?


300 grams of pink salmon fillet;


2-3 carrots;

60 ml of oil;

2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;

30 ml soy sauce;

1 teaspoon without a slide of red pepper;

Korean seasoning.


1. Cut the fillets into strips, put them in a bowl.

2. Peel the onion, chop it in half rings and send it to the pink salmon.

3. Add soy sauce, mixed with half the vinegar, pepper, add Korean seasonings to taste. Stir and leave to marinate for 40-60 minutes.

4. At this time we are engaged in carrots. We clean, three straws on a special grater.

5. Add a little salt to the carrots, the remaining vinegar, you can also sprinkle with Korean spices. Mix well.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan, pour in the carrots. We insist for half an hour.

7. Combine the fish mass with carrots. Stir, close tightly and send to infuse in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

If the smell of fresh onion scares you, then you can chop it finely, fry it in oil and send it to carrots. And marinate the fish separately.

Recipe 3: Lavash roll - a simple and quick pink salmon dish

A wonderful appetizer to which you can add absolutely any food. Here is an example of a basic pink salmon dish, but if you wish, you can add a boiled egg, a fresh cucumber, a tomato to it, replace cheese with mayonnaise, add olives, capers and whatever is in the fridge.


Thin Armenian lavash;

200 grams of soft cheese;

200 grams of lightly salted pink salmon;

Any greens.


1. Spread pita bread on the table, grease with cheese.

2. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

3. Lay out thin slices of pink salmon on top. You need to cut the fish as thin as possible. It is not necessary to put the pieces close to each other, you can at a distance.

4. Roll up the pita bread. The seam should come out at the bottom. We wrap our product in cling film or just put it in a bag. We put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, you can put it in the freezer for 15 minutes.

5. Take out and cut into pieces, preferably at an oblique angle.

Recipe 4: "North Pole" salad - a variant of a festive dish of pink salmon

Pink salmon are dry enough and have no fatty layers, so they are great for dishes with mayonnaise sauces. A spectacular, tasty and easy-to-prepare salad will become a guest of honor on the festive table.


250 grams of salted pink salmon;

3 potatoes;

A bunch of green onions;

30 grams of red caviar;

350 grams of mayonnaise;

50 grams of olives;

2 carrots;

A clove of garlic;

100 grams of cheese.


1. Boil potatoes, eggs and carrots until tender. We cool everything, clean and grind on a coarse grater separately. Yolks and whites are also three in different containers.

2. Cut pink salmon into cubes, cucumber.

3. Finely chop the green onion and garlic. Cheese three.

4. Lay out in layers: potatoes, salt, grease with mayonnaise, then pink salmon, green onions. We make a net of mayonnaise, put a cucumber, grated carrots and grease with mayonnaise again.

5. Sprinkle the salad with egg yolks, cover the edges with whites. We grease everything with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese.

6. Arrange red caviar beads around the salad, decorate the center with olives cut in half.

Recipe 5: Fish balls - an interesting dish of canned pink salmon

Delicate and beautiful appetizer that is easy and quick to prepare. The pink salmon dish has an interesting look and original taste, moderately spicy. But if you want, you can add more horseradish. The recipe contains walnuts and sesame seeds, which can be fried in a pan beforehand (separately) to brighten the taste.


150 grams of soft cheese;

50 grams of red caviar;

Bank of pink salmon;

Parsley greens;

1 teaspoon of grated horseradish;

70 grams of walnuts;

Green onions;


1. We open canned food, if there is a lot of oil, then it needs to be drained. Knead the fish with a fork until smooth.

2. Chop a little onion, send it to the pink salmon.

3. Add horseradish, chopped walnuts, cheese and salt to taste. We mix the mass, it should turn out to be plastic, molded.

4. Take a piece of fish mass, the size of a walnut. We form a cake in the palm of our hand, put some red caviar in the center, then connect the edges, making a ball. Roll in the palms to make it smooth, then roll in sesame seeds.

5. Similarly, we sculpt fish balls from the rest of the mass, put on a dish and decorate with parsley.

Recipe 6: Ukha - the royal first dish of pink salmon

After cutting pink salmon, fins, a ridge, a head and a strip of abdomen usually remain. If you add a small piece of fillet to them, then you can prepare an amazing first dish with pink salmon - royal fish soup.


Illiquid pieces of pink salmon;

300 grams of fillet;

4 potatoes;

Onion bulb;


A shot of vodka;

A little oil.


1. Fill fish waste with two and a half liters of water, boil for 35 minutes. Do not forget to remove the foam in time. We remove fish products from the broth. Salt the broth.

2. Cut the fillet into arbitrary pieces, throw into the boiling broth.

3. We cut the potatoes at random and send them after the fish.

4. Fry the chopped onion in a skillet with oil, as soon as it becomes transparent, add the grated carrots and cook together until golden brown.

5. Put the fried vegetables in the fish soup as soon as the potatoes are cooked.

6. Next, pour in a glass of vodka, add chopped herbs, bay leaves and any other spices at your discretion. Turn off the heat and let the pink salmon dish brew for 20 minutes.

Recipe 7: Stuffed pink salmon - a dish with a twist

This dish is really with twists, as it contains them in the filling. To prepare stuffed pink salmon dish, it is better to use a head carcass. But if you didn't manage to get a whole fish, then you can simply pinch the hole with a toothpick.


Pink salmon - 1 piece;

2 small carrots or one large carrot;

A handful of raisins;

A clove of garlic;

70 grams of sour cream;


1. We cut off the fins of the pink salmon, clean off the remnants of the husk, wash the carcass well inside and outside.

2. Squeeze lemon juice, mix with sour cream, season with spices and grease fish abundantly. We leave for half an hour, right on the table.

3. Prepare the filling. To do this, steam the raisins in hot water for a quarter of an hour, then drain the liquid, squeeze the berries. Three peeled carrots, chop the garlic and mix with steamed raisins. Season with salt.

4. We start the carcass with carrot mixture. And we are preparing. This can be done simply in the form, wrap the fish in foil or put in a baking sleeve. We choose any convenient option and send the pink salmon to the oven for 35 minutes.

Recipe 8: Fish in batter - an excellent pink salmon dish

Cooking pink salmon in batter does not take much time, and the result will exceed all expectations. The fish turns out to be tender, juicy. A small amount of pink salmon makes a decent portion.


0.7 kg pink salmon or 0.5 kg fillet;

150 grams of milk;

6-8 tablespoons of premium flour;

Seasonings, oil.


1. Cut the pink salmon into cubes, about 1 cm each. Sprinkle with spices, mix and leave to marinate.

2. Beat eggs with salt, pour in milk and add flour. The dough should be like sour cream.

3. Dip fish pieces in dough and fry in oil. It is important to warm up the fat well so that the dough does not absorb it.

4. Put the finished pink salmon on paper towels to absorb excess oil. We serve fish in batter with herbs, vegetables.

Recipe 9: Fish with cheese - a universal pink salmon dish

Not sure what hot pink salmon dish to cook? Make a fish with cheese! Minimum time, effort and ingredients. We take the number of products at our discretion.


Pink salmon;


1. Take out the ridge with bones from the pink salmon, remove the tail from the head and cut into two fillets. Cut into arbitrary pieces.

2. Sprinkle the fish with spices, pour with lemon juice. Any other citrus can be used, such as orange or tangerine. If you have time, you can leave it to marinate.

3. Fold the prepared fish into a mold, sprinkle with cheese and bake until tender, about 20-25 minutes. Temperature 180-190 degrees.

Red fish loves all kinds of spices: coriander, all kinds of pepper, herbs, curry, ginger. But only in moderation. If you overdo it with aromatic spices, then the taste peculiar to pink salmon will be lost. Season your fish gently!

For frying and stewing pink salmon in portions, it is better to use slices with skin. It will keep the fish from falling apart during the cooking process and will retain its attractive appearance.

To make pink salmon successful, it is better to use high-fat sauces for pickling and cooking. Also, red meat goes well with oils.

If the fried fish turned out to be dryish, then everything can be fixed. For example, stew the slices in cream. Or serve pink salmon with sour cream sauces.

Pink salmon goes well with sour foods and sauces. Fresh and canned vegetables, citrus fruits, prunes, apples, pineapple are great as a complement.

Fried potatoes are served with fried pink salmon. Boiled fish - boiled potatoes. And only mashed potatoes are combined with any pink salmon dishes, regardless of the type of heat treatment.