Boiled eggs are good and bad. Can I eat eggs every day? What is the harm of daily egg consumption?

25.04.2019 Egg dishes

Each person watching his diet, not once thought about whether you can eat eggs every day. Some people prefer to have breakfast exclusively with this product. They have up to 20 eggs a week. Others consider each such food intake very harmful and capable of undermining the already fragile health. This article will tell you about whether you can eat eggs every day. You will learn what the benefits of this product are and how nutritionists treat it. It is also worth saying what will happen if you eat eggs every day.

About the product

Before you find out whether you can eat eggs every day, it is worth saying that they are different. The most popular is chicken yolk  and protein. Also recently, people began to use in large quantities  In addition, duck and goose products are suitable for food. However, not everyone will like them.

Since chicken products are very popular, it is about them and will be discussed  Further. So, can you eat eggs every day? Consider the main points of view on this issue.

Is there excess cholesterol?

Many people believe that a boiled egg cannot be eaten every day. All due to the fact that it contains cholesterol. In fact, this is a big mistake.

For quite a long time, scientists have found that eggs contain extremely useful (good) cholesterol. It helps the liver cells and improves the blood condition. That is why there is no prohibition about daily use  boiled eggs. It is worth noting that the product prepared in this way is the most useful of all other species.

The effect of protein on the body

Can I eat eggs every day? Of course, yes. If you are a professional athlete or just go to the gym, then you need to eat more than one egg per day. This statement has a fairly simple explanation.

The egg contains a large number of squirrel. It is necessary for building muscle. If you do not make up for the deficiency of this substance through nutrition, then the body will simply begin to suck it out of the bones, brain, and other systems. All this is fraught with consequences. That is why to use boiled eggs  every day is not only possible but necessary.

It is worth noting that some athletes drink raw protein. The product in this form is practically not absorbed by the body. Whereas after cooking, you can get protein in the amount of 90-98 percent by weight of the egg.

Impact on the skin and in women

Is it harmful to eat eggs every day for the weaker sex? Many believe that such food leads to obesity. This is a big misconception. Egg yolk copes with aging skin and maintains its elasticity. The product contains vitamins B, A, K, E, D and PP. In addition, the egg transmits potassium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, iron, iodine and other substances to the body.

All these components not only have a beneficial effect on bones, skin, hair and nails, but also partially regulate the functioning of the reproductive system. Scientists conducted an experiment and found out that women who ate several eggs a day for several years suffer less infertility, benign and malignant tumors of the uterus, appendages and mammary glands. The components of the product regulate the production of female sex hormones and help prevent many diseases.

Impact on human weight

It is a mistake to believe that eating eggs leads to obesity and fullness. The product contains intelligent protein, which in its effects on the body can be compared with meat.

If you regularly eat a couple of boiled eggs for dinner in combination with vegetables and low-fat dishes, then saturation will come faster and will have a more lasting effect. This is what will help you not only to get better, but also to achieve weight loss.

Eggs for children after a year

Can I give eggs every day for children? Pediatricians and nutritionists answer this question in the affirmative. Growing essential vitamins and protein, which are contained in the product.

As you already know, the egg contains in its composition vitamin D. This element is necessary for children for the normal absorption of calcium. A lack of substance can lead to growth retardation and the development of rickets. That is why children not only can, but also need to eat eggs every day.

  for men

Chicken egg contains in its composition phosphorus, zinc and selenium. These substances are simply necessary for every man for the normal functioning of sexual and reproductive function.

With daily use of a boiled egg, spermogram of the stronger sex showed good results, whereas previously they were disappointing.

Why not eat eggs every day?

Despite the great benefit of this product, some people should not abuse it. What is the harm eggs, and why they can not be eaten daily?

Allergic reaction

If a person has a tendency to the occurrence of allergies, then doctors strongly advise against eating eggs every day. If you really want to get such a dish, then you should prefer the quail product. He is unlike chicken eggs  does not cause allergies.

Infant nutrition

Babies of the first year of life are not recommended to eat eggs every day. Even if your child already eats almost all adult food, the daily portion of the egg for him should be no more than a quarter of yolk. Protein is allowed to be consumed only after 12 months.

Bad cholesterol

As you already know, eggs contain cholesterol that is good for the body. However, when misuse  product can become bad and harm your blood vessels and heart.

If you like to eat fried on butter  eggs and add to the dish bacon or sausage, then do not expect anything good from such food. Such food should not be consumed every day. This can lead to a deterioration of health, the appearance of plaques in the vessels and the development of heart disease.

The influence of heredity

There are people in whom the liver works in such a way that it turns all the good cholesterol into bad. Remember if you had relatives who had a heart attack or stroke at a young age. If yes, then you should not eat eggs daily. Limit the amount of this product to 3-4 pieces per week.

In hereditary lower limbs, it is also worth limiting the number of eggs used.

Summing up, or a brief conclusion of the article

So, you now know if you can eat eggs every day. You got acquainted with the benefits of this product and found out what harm it could be from using it. Whether to eat eggs and in what quantities is up to you. If you are still tormented by this question, and you cannot find an answer to it, then you should visit a therapist and a nutritionist. These experts will be able to choose the right diet and tell you whether it is in your case to eat eggs every day. You may need to do some tests beforehand.

Eat timely and properly. Be healthy!

The eggs of birds are individuals of the female sex. Different types  birds carry eggs of various shapes, colors and sizes, it depends on the breed of birds and the place where they lay them. Birds that nest in pits or holes have a round egg shape. Birds nesting on the ledges of the rocks have oblong-shaped eggs.

The chicken lays an egg on average every 24-26 hours.

White eggs carry white chickens, and brown eggs turn red or dark. By nutritional value are white and brown eggs   no different

Egg size depends on age, weight and breed of chickens. More mature chickens carry larger eggs. Stress factors also affect egg size: temperature rise, limited space, poor chicken nutrition, etc.

Colour egg yolk  depends on the diet of the chicken. Natural dyes that are added to the feed (for example, calendula petals) make the color of the yolk more intense.

The surface of the egg may be rough or smooth, dull or shiny, in some species it is covered with specks, sometimes forming a rim around the blunt end.

Calorie chicken eggs

Chicken eggs well nourish and satisfy hunger due to high calorie content - 100 g of raw eggs contain 157 kcal. A boiled hard-boiled egg contains almost 159 kcal, and a fried egg (without oil) can bring 175 kcal. Enough fatty product for people who are watching their figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs - the only product that is absorbed by the body at 97-98%, almost without leaving toxins in the intestine.

Eggs are very rich in proteins necessary for the development and proper functioning of the body.

An egg contains all the amino acids necessary for man, macro and trace elements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, colbalt. Eggs bagaty vitamin B group (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12), they also contain vitamin,,,,, PP, and etc.

Egg yolk is a source of vitamin D. This vitamin is especially necessary for those who spend little time under the open sun (vitamin D is synthesized in the human body under the influence of sunlight). Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the body, contributing to the strengthening of bone tissue. In addition, the yolk contains iron - a mineral that helps a person to fight fatigue and bad mood, and also prevents the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Even in the yolk there is lecithin, necessary for the normalization of the liver and biliary tract.

The yolk contains lecithin, which is an anti-sclerotic agent that nourishes the brain and improves memory. Lecithin is also necessary for normal liver function. Iron and vitamin E, which the yolk is rich in, help fight fatigue and elevate mood. The substance lutein, which is contained in egg yolks, helps to avoid problems with eyesight.

Choline - a nutrient that is contained in the yolk, reduces the risk of breast cancer - the likelihood of tumors is reduced by 24%. Therefore, oncologists recommend women to eat 2-3 eggs daily for the prevention of breast cancer.

Egg protein is no less useful for humans, as it contains vitamins of group B.

In general, the egg contains all the essential amino acids and provides them with the body for 25% of the daily requirement. With all the advantages of chicken eggs, they should not be abused, because the excess protein produced by the body is harmful to the kidneys - it affects the blood circulation and damages health.

Eggs are a source of niacin, which is needed to nourish the brain and the formation of sex hormones; vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting; choline (mentioned earlier) improves memory, removes poisons from the liver; lecithin - dissolves plaque in the walls of blood vessels.

Folic acid (vitamin B9), which is in the egg, is necessary for women during pregnancy - for the child to be born healthy, without congenital defects. And scientists at the University of California at Berkeley found that this acid improves the quality of sperm, so this product is also useful for men. The content of vitamin D eggs are inferior only to fish fat.

Eggs are good for blood formation. The substances contained in the eggs prevent the formation of cataracts, protect the optic nerve, and neutralize the harmful effects of the environment. Eggs strengthen bones and joints, stimulate the immune system. Enhance mental performance. Egg proteins have the highest nutritional value of all animal proteins. Eggs - single productwhich is absorbed by the body at 97-98%, almost without leaving toxins in the intestine.

But, eating eggs lowers wholesome cholesterol level, increasing the "bad" cholesterol, which increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. This can be easily prevented simply by consuming antioxidants. Products: containing the greatest number   antioxidants: prunes, raisins, dates, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, cherries, cranberries, red grapes, cabbage, spinach, brussels sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli (flowers), beets, red pepper, onion, green tea, dry red wine, legumes.

Researchers State University  Louisiana argues that 2 boiled eggs for breakfast - and those extra pounds are gone. The results of the study showed that women who ate eggs for breakfast lost weight faster. Scientists say that an egg contains a large amount of proteins, thanks to which a person is quickly saturated, does not feel hunger and therefore eats less.

Ordinary eggshell contains more microelements than any package of expensive multivitamins: fluorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, silicon and others - only 27 elements! The shell of 1 egg contains 2 g of calcium (the most complete absorption of calcium by the body occurs when it is combined with citric acid). Adults need to apply the shell twice a year, in courses of 15-20 days. How to cook egg shells: wash eggs warm water  with soap, rinsed well. The protein and yolk are poured out of the egg, and the shell is rinsed again and placed in boiling water for 5 minutes. Egg shellHard-boiled is a little less active, but ready to use. Dosage: up to 3g depending on age. Grind the shell into a powder can be in a coffee grinder.

Dangerous properties of chicken eggs

One of the most dangerous microbes that can be found in an egg is salmonella.

This germ does not harm the chicken or the egg, but if it enters the human body, the temperature of which is ideal for the development of the microbe, it can cause blood poisoning, inflammation of the intestine, paratyphoid fever and typhoid.

Sanitary doctors recommend washing eggs before cooking with soap. Boil eggs should be at least 10 minutes. And about the eggs, fried eggs, sweet protein cream  generally worth forgetting for a while.
   Doctors are reminded that you need to take care of their health themselves and in any case not to use raw chicken eggs.

Specialists from Harvard Medical School said that an excessive number of eggs per week - 7 or more - increases the risk of premature death of middle-aged men by 23%. The fact is that cholesterol, which is found in large quantities in the egg, contributes to the formation of fatty plaques in the vessels.

Diabetics are in a special risk group: consuming a large number of eggs increases their risk of dying from heart attack and stroke by 2 times.

Want to learn how easy it is to cook a chicken egg in the shape of a heart and surprise your soul mate? Also current way for Valentine's Day. Watch the video!

But this way you can "shake up" an egg before cooking and get a yellow egg after cleaning. Surprise your loved ones!

! If you are reading this article, then you are probably interested to find out: are eggs harmful, can they be eaten every day, are eggs useful. Answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

Since ancient times, the chicken egg was considered one of the most valuable sources nutrients  for people. Eggs were served on the table to the most influential people on the planet (kings, princes, princesses). With the progress of science, medicine, it was determined that the egg yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol. This discovery was the result of many disagreements and prohibitions when it came to how many eggs can and should be consumed per day, and whether it can be done at all.

For us, it is truly one of the most valuable and beneficial sources of protein today. This is beneficial when it comes to the price-quality of the product, because egg white  in many respects is not inferior even to beef and milk protein, and nutritional value, eggs are close to red or black caviar (as we know the nutritional value  fish caviar is very high, as it contains a large number of trace elements that are useful for the human body). On the market, eggs are a relatively cheap product, everyone can afford it. In addition, egg protein, amino acids and other useful trace elements are absorbed by the human body literally 95-98%. This is another big plus in favor of eggs.

Also, I want to add that egg white low-calorie product  nutrition, so it is ideal for those who want to lose weight.

Given all these facts, it is not surprising that eggs have become one of the most popular foods for bodybuilders. And in the last century, when there was little powder protein blends, and they were very expensive, it was egg cocktails that took first place in the protein-anabolic nutrition of many athletes. But, each medal has a dark side, which we will now consider with you.


So are eggs harmful? Surely, many have long heard that eggs are rich in cholesterol, and that eating large amounts of eggs daily can irreparably harm human health. In many sources on medicine you can find such recommendations as: eat no more than 3-4 eggs per week and so on.

Before we figure out the question: “Are eggs harmful?”, Let's look at what this cholesterol is so harmful ?! In fact, this organic compound as cholesterol, is not such a bad element of our body, as is commonly believed. In fact, it promotes the production of certain vitamins, such as: vitamin D, as well as the production of various types  steroid hormones: aldosterone, cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone. If you consider the latest facts, cholesterol contributes to the activity of the immune system. The problem is that high blood levels of natural fat (cholesterol) contribute to the progression of a disease such as atherosclerosis. It is elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood is considered the main factor in the development of this disease. This disease causes problems with cordially- vascular system, all kinds of diseases, including: heart attacks, angina, and so on.

Cholesterol and atherosclerosis

For the first time, this theory was considered by the largest Russian pathologist, Nikolai Nikolayevich Anichkov. In 1913, he proved with his experiments in rabbits that atherosclerotic lesion of the arteries causes precisely large doses of cholesterol, which he injected to poor rabbits. These lesions were very similar to those that occurred in humans. This theory, scientists took skeptically and ambiguously for several reasons:

  1. Experiments on other animals showed quite different results, which differed significantly from those that Anichkov received in experiments on rabbits.
  2. The second reason for the skepticism of scientists to Anichkov's theory was the high concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma. In humans, this concentration is extremely rare. From this it follows that the scientist introduced rabid doses of cholesterol to the rabbits.

But, according to repeated studies of scientists, today there is no single opinion about the problems of atherosclerosis. For example, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Filippovich Zelenin could not detect problems with high cholesterol levels in female workers of the poultry factory, who daily, for many years, consumed 7-9 eggs each.

Elevated cholesterol is one of the indisputable factors of the disease with atherosclerosis, but often, the disease is also manifested in those people who have not had high levels of cholesterol in blood plasma. The reason for this is that cholesterol acts as a repair material. Accordingly, it accumulates in the places where micro-damage of blood vessels was detected, thereby blocking them. These factors are confirmed by the fact that this is just one of the risk factors that is not the main problem.

In fact, the reasons for the development of this disease are more than enough: smoking, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and so on. If a person is not inclined to a healthy lifestyle, the chances of getting sick with atherosclerosis increase significantly.

Many people still believe in harming eggs, in spite of many contradictions. According to most, cholesterol-rich foods contribute to the development of the disease. It is not right.

The bottom line is that the content of cholesterol in foods and in blood plasma are two different things. Because the effect of cholesterol, which is contained in foods, on its increase in human blood is not significant (like a drop in the sea).

So what is the reason for the development of atherosclerosis? The cause of the development of this disease are low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Lipoproteins are, simply put, containers for transporting natural organic compounds (cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids) in our bodies. They need a container (since they are not soluble in water), for transporting them through our blood arteries, and delivery to right place. These containers consist of a protein shell. In size, they can be large or they can be small. Both the first and second types have the same amount of protein for building the walls of the shell. Accordingly, their density due to size is significantly different from each other. A small container (lipoprotein) will have a much higher density than a large one. From this the names come: LIPOPROTEIDES OF LOW DENSITY (LDL) - bad, LIPOPROTEIDS OF HIGH DENSITY (HDL) - good.

Good lipoproteins, with high density, are natural and do not harm the body, but on the contrary, reduce the risk of disease of the cardiovascular system, preventing the appearance of plaques (clogging of arteries). The second type, “bad lipoproteins,” because of its big size  creates in the blood vessels these same blockages (plaques), narrowing the arteries, thereby impairing their flexibility. This phenomenon is called "atherosclerosis", which leads to strokes, heart attacks and so on.

But why, then, need "bad lipoproteins", if there are good ones? The fact is that the structure of the containers, which we have now considered, needs protein. If a person does not consume enough protein that ours needs to create these same containers, our body begins to save. He creates these same containers, with low density, due to lack of protein.

Consider another situation where a person consumes large amounts of fatty foods, and protein in insufficient quantities. The same situation occurs. Due to the large amount of fat, and a small amount of protein, the body resorts to increasing the containers and reducing their density, creating low-density lipoproteins.

Now, it is possible to understand why many sports resources, in particular this one, constantly speak about the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is your diet, the correctness of this process is the key to success and health. Daily portion these substances should be approximately: 60% - carbohydrates, 25-30% - proteins, 10-15% - fats. It is such a balance that is recommended for people involved in sports.

Why in America is one of the highest death rates from heart attacks, strokes, and so on. Because by and large, for many, the balance (B / U / F) is wrong. The majority of the diet is dominated by fatty foods (fast food).


From all of the above, you can make such a conclusion and answer the question: "Are eggs useful?". Egg is a very necessary and useful product in the daily life of a person. This product contains a sufficient amount of high-quality protein that can be used in the construction of these very good high-density lipoproteins.

Also, I want to say that there were no problems with the cardiovascular system, you need to keep healthy way  life. Putting food with a higher content of protein, not fat, is a priority. There is less sweet. Do not consume alcohol. And, of course, go in for sports. This is the key to health.

Eggs are so nutritious that they are called "natural multivitamins."

They also contain a unique set of antioxidants and powerful nutrients that are useful for the brain, which most people lack.

The following 6 statements prove that eggs are among the most useful products  on the ground.

1. Whole Eggs Are In The Row Of Most Helpful Foods On The Planet

One whole egg contains fantastic  a set of valuable trace elements.

Just imagine ... these micronutrients are enough to grow a whole chicken without any additional feed.

Eggs are full of vitamins, minerals, high quality proteins, healthy fats  and many other less known, but no less useful trace elements.

One large egg contains:

  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): 9% of the Recommended Daily Nutrition Standard (RSEP).
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 15% of RSEP.
  • Vitamin A: 6% of RSEP.
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): 7% of RSEP.
  • Selenium: 22% of RSEP.
  • Eggs also contain small amounts of virtually all naturally occurring vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body ... including calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, vitamin E, folic acid, and many other ingredients.

In one large egg 77 Kcal, 5 grams of healthy protein, 5 grams of fat and a small amount of carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that most of the nutrients are concentrated in the yolk. Protein is pure protein.

Conclusion: Whole eggs  incredibly nutritious and contain a huge amount of nutrients with a relatively small amount of calories. Virtually all nutrients are in the yolk, while the protein is a pure protein.

2. Eggs Maintain Healthy Cholesterol AND NO Effect on the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases

The main argument of those who fear eating eggs is high cholesterol content.

One large egg contains about 212 mg of cholesterol, which is really a lot compared to other products that contain cholesterol.

However, a significant amount of cholesterol in eggs does not affect its level in your blood.

Your liver produces cholesterol daily. As soon as you begin to consume foods containing cholesterol, your liver begins to reduce its production. If your body lacks cholesterol, the liver begins, respectively, to excrete more.

In fact, eggs support the level of healthy cholesterol in the body.

Eggs raise the level of good cholesterol, reducing the level of harmful. Only therefore eggs can not be associated with cardiovascular diseases.

One study proved that three eggs a day lowers insulin resistance, raises healthy cholesterol and eliminates both men and women from the metabolic syndrome.

Numerous studies have studied the effect of egg consumption on the development of cardiovascular diseases and found no connection between these two phenomena.

However, it was found that overuse  eggs puts cardiovascular diseases at risk for diabetics. However, further research is still underway. After all, with a low-carb diet, type 2 diabetes ceases to manifest itself and eggs once again become an acceptable product in the diabetic diet.

Conclusion: Studies prove the effect of eggs on the level of beneficial cholesterol in the blood. Also, they have nothing to do with the risks of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Eggs are characterized by increased content of choline - useful for the brain of the substance

Choline is often referred to as group B vitamins.

Choline is one of the vital elements responsible for the stable flow of all the physiological processes of the human body.

It is necessary for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, and is also a component of cell membranes.

Inadequate intake of choline leads to liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders.

This nutrient is especially beneficial for pregnant women. Studies have shown that a low intake of choline increases the risk of developing fetal neural tube defects, which leads to a decrease in cognitive function in offspring.

Surveys of 2003 - 2004 among Americans showed that more than 90% of people did not use enough choline.

The best sources of choline are egg yolks and beef liver. One large egg contains about 113 mg of choline.

Conclusion: Choline is a vital nutrient and 90% of US residents receive less of it. Egg yolks are the best source of choline.

4. Eggs Contain Only Useful Protein And A Perfect Set Of Amino Acids

Proteins are the very building blocks of which the cells of our body are built. Protein (protein) carries with it both structural and functional beneficial properties.

They consist of amino acids that are linked together, like beads on a string, and woven into complex shapes.

There are about 20 amino acids necessary for our body to produce proteins.

Our body can not produce 9 of them. That is why they need to fill the right diet.

The usefulness of a protein source is determined by its essential amino acids. The correct one is that source of protein, which contains all of them in the right proportions.

Eggs - best sources  of proteins. The biological value (that is, the quality of the protein in the composition of the product) is always compared with the egg, because its biological value is maximum - 100.

Conclusion: Eggs are an ideal source of protein with the necessary set of amino acids in the proportions that a person needs.

5. Eggs Contain Eyes Useful Lutein And Zeaxanthin

These two antioxidants have a purely positive influence  on eye health.

Lutein and zeaxanthin tend to accumulate in the retina, the sensory part of the eye.

These antioxidants significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration of the retina and cataracts - diseases that are among the leading causes of visual impairment in the elderly.

Conclusion: Eggs are rich in antioxidants - lutein and zeaxanthin. They significantly reduce the risk of visual impairment in old age.

6. Breakfast Eggs Will Help Lose Weight

Eggs contain very small amounts of carbohydrates, but a large amount of protein and healthy fat.

The egg is on the list of the most hearty foods  at the first place. A very small amount is required for saturation.

That is why eggs are one of the main products that help lose weight.

In one study, 30 overweight women ate either eggs or familiar coffee donuts for breakfast. Both breakfasts had an equal amount of calories.

Women who ate eggs felt satiety not only during the day, but also less often experienced hunger for the next 36 hours.

Moreover, in comparison with those who ate donuts for breakfast, those who used eggs for breakfast regularly for 8 weeks ...

  • Dropped 65% more weight
  • Lost 16% more fatty tissue
  • Reduced the amount of harmful cholesterol by 61%
  • Decreased in waist by 34%

Remember Once And Forever

Eggs are cheap, tasty and perfectly combined with any products.

Eggs are a unique superfood.

Based on:

Eggs are so nutritious that they are called "natural multivitamins." They also contain a unique set of antioxidants and powerful nutrients that are useful for the brain, which most people lack. Good Eating Eggs The following 6 statements prove that eggs are among the most useful foods on earth. 1. Whole ...

6 Evidence of Egg Utility

Irina Mishina


Eggs have acquired a bad reputation due to the fact that their yolks contain a lot of cholesterol. Indeed, the medium-sized egg contains 186 mg of cholesterol (184 of them in the yolk), which make up 62% of the daily norm recommended by specialists. For comparison: 100 grams of beef contains about 88 mg of cholesterol. It is therefore not surprising that some people associate frequent use  eggs with increased blood cholesterol and the appearance of heart disease.

Can I eat eggs every day? To get an answer to this question, you need to figure out what processes occur in the body.

How does the body regulate cholesterol?

Cholesterol is often perceived as something negative. When we hear this word, we begin to think about drugs, problems with blood vessels and heart attacks.

But the truth is that cholesterol is a natural and inherently important organic compound that is always present in human body. It performs a number of important functions:

  • Vitamin D production
  • The production of steroid hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
  • Production of bile acids that help digest fats.

Finally, cholesterol is contained in the composition of each cell membrane. Without it, we could not exist. Since this substance can not always be obtained with food in sufficient quantities, the body (liver, intestines, kidneys and adrenal glands) can produce it itself. If a person gets a lot of cholesterol from fatty foods, the body, while maintaining balance, produces less of this substance.

Thus, the total amount of cholesterol in the body varies very slightly.

How many eggs can you eat?

Is it possible to eat chicken eggs every day?How many can you eat per day without harm to yourself? It depends on a number of factors. Many nutritionists recommend that healthy people limit cholesterol intake to 300 mg per day. Those who have heart disease or high cholesterol (above 100) should stick to the 200 mg bar. From which products to get them is a matter of personal choice. Interestingly, Japanese citizens who are big fans of chicken eggs (an average of 328 pieces per person per year) suffer from high cholesterol and heart disease much less often than people from other developed countries. Why? Probably because, in general, the Japanese diet contains little saturated fat.

“The amount by which one egg per day raises the level of cholesterol in the blood is extremely small. It is so small that the increased risk of heart disease associated with this change cannot be detected by any research,” says Walter Willett, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, - "an increase in LDL to this tiny amount can easily be blocked by the benefits of an egg."

Until recently, there was a maximum recommended by doctors. daily rate  Consumption of cholesterol - the same 300 mg per day. However, today, based on recent research, health organizations in many countries do not recommend limiting cholesterol intake. For example, dietary guidelines issued in January 2016 in the United States do not indicate the upper limit for dietary cholesterol.

Scientific research

Can I eat eggs every day? What do scientific researchers say about this?For many decades, there is a perception that the use of eggs, or at least egg yolk (protein contains much less cholesterol) should be limited to 2-6 per week. However, there is no scientific evidence to justify such a rule. On the contrary, there are numerous data on the health benefits of chicken eggs:

  • hDL (“good” cholesterol) rises;
  • the body receives omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium;
  • blood levels of carotenoid antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, increase significantly. These substances protect against eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration;
  • high-quality protein activates the metabolism and helps to lose weight;
  • choline contained in eggs is important for brain health.
  • eggs help restrain inflammatory processes associated with various diseases.

Boiled eggs every day. Is it possible for everyone?

Is it possible to eat boiled eggs every day for any person? In fact, the reaction to the daily consumption of eggs depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. In 70% of healthy people, this “diet” does not affect the level of total cholesterol and LDL. In 30% of people (the so-called hyperresponders), these figures may increase slightly. However, according to statistics, this is not a cause for concern. For example, extensive research conducted by the University of Connecticut in 2006 did not reveal any connection between egg consumption and the risk of developing heart disease. Another study conducted by the Office of Quality Supervision food products  and US medications, adjusted for health, lifestyle, and dietary factors, have shown that frequent egg consumption has nothing to do with increasing mortality from cardiac causes.

Eggs and diabetes

Is it possible to eat eggs every day suffering diabetes mellitus? Studies have shown that consuming eggs as part of a low-carb diet improves markers of cardiovascular disease in people with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

However, there are conflicting data on the likelihood of developing diabetes: some statistics show the benefit of eggs in the pre-diabetic state, while others find a link between cholesterol and the risk of diabetes.

Can I drink eggs every day?

Some people prefer raw boiled eggs and explain their choice by the fact that they contain more beneficial substances. This is true, but there is a downside to this choice. In the eggs, not passed heat treatmentmay be a harmful bacterium - salmonella. It causes an acute infectious disease, which often leads to serious complications and even death. Of course, the probability to meet the bacterium is small, but it still exists. therefore raw eggs  Abuse is not recommended.

Can eggs be given to children?

Can children eat eggs every day? it valuable product, which must be present in the diet of the child, but do not forget about the sense of proportion. So is it possible to give an egg to a child every day? Theoretically, the baby can eat an egg daily and stay within the classical recommended amount - 300 mg of cholesterol per day. But, most likely, he gets enough cholesterol from other foods during the day: milk, cheese, yogurt, meat products. In this case, giving the child eggs on a daily basis may not be a very good idea.

Therefore, many nutritionists recommend not to make scrambled eggs and omelets daily habit. Best of all, if they appear on the table 3-4 times a week. If one egg is not enough for a child, instead of whole eggs you can add one more to it - two proteins.

However, it is worth noting that the negative effect of everyday eating and "overdosing" of eggs in healthy people has not been recorded, so the rule of three hundred milligrams remains only one opinion.

Another important fact: for children, the egg is a common food allergen. Allergy occurs in about 2% of babies, but rarely occurs in adults. For 60-70% of allergy sufferers, it is quite acceptable to eat eggs as part of desserts and bakery products.


Can I eat eggs every day?All of the above can be summarized by the fact that eggs usually bring much more goodthan harm. To keep cholesterol under control, it is best to limit yourself to sweets, exercise daily and maintain a healthy weight, eat more vegetables and stop smoking. Of course, you shouldn’t try to eat a dozen eggs every day, but 1-2 pieces a day is quite normal for healthy adults.