Beer health effects. All about the dangers of beer and the consequences of frequent consumption

13.04.2019 Soups

  - This is a light alcoholic drink, which is traditionally considered to be male. Representatives of the stronger sex are convinced that the low alcohol content in foam alcohol makes it less harmful than other strong drinks, and rarely reflect on how beer affects the male body.

Meanwhile, numerous studies show that this intoxicating product, containing many artificial additives, may be more dangerous than or, with constant use, causing great damage to the health of men.

The impact of beer on the male body

The negative impact of beer affects all the vital systems of the male body. The urinogenital sphere suffers primarily from the use of a foamy drink. Alcohol of this type is a diuretic product and forces the kidneys to work in an enhanced mode, increasing the load on the urinary organs by 2-3 times.

If a man often and in large quantities consumes foamy drink, the kidneys wear out much faster, and this leads to a violation of their function, which in the most severe cases is fraught with the development of renal failure, it all depends.

Aldehydes, esters, dyes, flavors and other additives in the composition of the favorite male drink contribute to the deterioration of the work of the paired organ, which, when filtering liquids, settle in the kidneys and negatively affect their tissues.

No doubt for the genitals. Regular use of this type of alcohol affects the blood circulation processes in the small pelvis and increases the risk of developing prostatitis.

Phytoestrogens, in large quantities contained in foam, violate the hormones of the male body and provoke problems with erection, reducing libido and worsening potency. Alcohol and harmful additives in the composition of the drink affect the quality of sperm and fertility and can increase the likelihood of infertility and conception of an inferior child.

With constant use, phytoestrogens also change the appearance of a man, giving his figure typically female features. A lover of a foamy drink accumulates fat deposits on the thighs, increases the chest and abdomen, decreases muscle mass, changes the timbre of the voice.

Beer has a negative effect on other organs. Among them:

  1. Liver. This body is the main filter that processes alcohol. When a foamy drink enters the body, the liver has to cope not only with alcohol, but also with other harmful components that make up such alcohol, which causes liver cells to become damaged much faster and more severely.
  2. Stomach, gallbladder, pancreas. Beer disrupts digestive functions and greatly irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, causing inflammatory diseases.
  3. A heart. Foamy drink several times increases the load on the heart and contributes to the premature wear of the body.
  4. Vessels. Carbon dioxide contained in beer fills the vessels and causes their expansion, contributing to the development of varicose veins.

Another danger of the drink is that it is addictive several times faster than strong alcohol. is a type of alcohol addiction and also requires treatment.

How beer affects the brain

The negative effect of beer on the male body extends to the main organ - the brain. The drink has a negative effect on the cerebral vessels and disrupts blood circulation in this area, which is why the areas of the brain that do not receive enough nutrition gradually die off. This leads to deterioration of memory, mental abilities and other complications.

Answering a question about how beer affects the brain, scientists argue that a long passion for this drink can lead to dementia.

Is there any benefit

Studies were conducted, during which it was found that the effect of beer on the body of the representatives of the stronger sex can not be definitely negative, because this drink has some useful properties.

Scientists identify the following positive qualities of foam alcohol:

  • reduces the level of harmful cholesterol;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • contributes to the activation of metabolic processes;
  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • fills the level of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon;
  • it has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

The benefit of beer is maintained only with moderate use and only when taking a quality product made from natural products with the addition of a minimum amount of auxiliary components.

Safe use rules

In order to reduce the negative impact of beer on a man’s body, the use of this drink must adhere to a number of important rules regarding the characteristics of the use of foamy alcohol.

The recommendations of experts relate primarily to the quality of the product. You need to drink only proven high quality beer, purchased in specialized stores. You should not choose the cheapest foam drinks, because they are often made from low-grade ingredients and can cause great harm to health. It is best to give preference to unfiltered types of product.

You can not mix beer with other alcoholic beverages and use it on an empty stomach.

Narcologists talk about the dangers of beer on a man’s body, but the popularity of the drink does not fall. The stronger sex is used by beer “under football”, after work or simply at gatherings with friends. The fact that the drink is dangerous, changes hormones, adversely affect the liver, heart, stomach, kidneys, intestines, no one thinks.

What it consists of

The technology of making this beer has long sunk into oblivion. Previously, the base of the drink was hops, an annual dioecious plant of the hemp family. Now substitutes, chemical substitutes of unknown origin are often used. This is especially true of beer, “made on the knee,” illegally.

In brewing, soft, fluffy bumps are valued, which are unfertilized female flowers. That they have all the necessary substances for beer. Abroad use granulated hops, pressed from different varieties of plants.

Hop - beer stabilizer, brightener, has a calming effect on the body. It gives the drink a fresh aroma.

Beer hopping methods:

  • The first.

When cooking from natural malt, hop cones are added at the beginning of the process. Forms a bitterness in a drink.

  • Second.

The introduction of the cones occurs 20-30 minutes before the end of the technological process of preparing the wort. The result: an exquisite, intoxicating taste.

  • Third.

In the main composition for 5 minutes before the end of cooking add female inflorescences. Thus, a specific unique flavor is formed.

When brewing classics use all three methods. The exceptions are exclusive beers or homemade drink.

Natural "live" beer is useful. But consumption and it every day in large quantities is undesirable.

In beer there is: ethyl alcohol, yeast, water. Cook it on the basis of cereals - barley, wheat, corn, rice. Exotic varieties contain milk, bananas, fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Fermentation occurs at low (4–9 C) or high (15–25 C) temperatures. By color it happens: red, dark, light, mixed.

The average strength of beer - 3-6% alcohol. There are fortified options - up to 14%, light - 1–2% and non-alcoholic.

How does beer affect the male body?

The danger is feminization, the development of the body of a male by the female type under the influence of phytoestrogens (8-PN), plant analogues of female sex hormones. 1 liter of beer contains 30–36 mg of phytoestrogens, their effect on the male body is akin to the entry of “pure” hormones. Drinking beer hop is fraught with the appearance of a rounded abdomen, loose thighs, pelvic expansion, an increase in the mammary glands. The change in the shape of men is one of the obvious shortcomings that cause the harm of beer.

Potency and Reproductive Functions

Phytoestrogens lower testosterone levels, the man becomes apathetic, phlegmatic. Speech about macho in bed is no longer going on, the very fact of sexual activity is questioned only when looking at the swollen, loose, fleshy figure of a potential "conqueror".

Plant hormones with a constant flow change the hormones of men. The following changes occur from beer:

  • a decrease in testosterone production provokes a decrease in the amount of sperm;
  • 8-PN (prenilnaringenin) adversely affects the potency, erectile dysfunction develops;
  • daily libations are dangerous for men due to the risk of obesity;
  • phytoestrogen intake is harmful, imbalance is observed at the level of genes, teariness, softness appear, the psyche changes.

Even the most exclusive composition of high-end beer with daily intake is fraught for men with sexual dysfunction, prostatitis, rapid ejaculation. Along with feminization, hormonal disturbances, infertility and impotence come. According to statistics, the absence of children in a marriage is the fault of a man - 50% of all cases of infertility. A great deal of this falls on beer alcoholism.

Other organs and systems

Hazardous properties of additives:

  1. An extract that has not finished fermenting contains simple carbohydrates that provoke obesity. It also contains amides, ammonia compounds, which are toxic substances.
  2. C4H6CO2 - a substance banned in the States. Diacetyl in Europe is considered the most harmful component.
  3. Phytoestrogens (8-PN) cause the development of the body of a male by the female type. Appear obesity, "beer belly", decreases libido.
  4. CO2 (carbon dioxide) has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. It violates digestion, provokes bloating in the intestines and stomach.
  5. During dehydration, higher alcohols are decomposed to alkene carbons. These are carcinogens, gradually poisoning the body, provoking the development of malignant tumors.

With the prolonged influence of ethyl alcohol, addiction occurs. A man’s daily bottle of beer is the first step to beer alcoholism. Acetic acetaldehyde is formed as a result of the cleavage of C2H5OH, it is he who is responsible for the hangover. Fusel oils destroy the liver and kidneys, negatively affect the work of the heart, destroy brain cells and lead to encephalopathy.

The development of beer alcoholism

Gambrinism or addiction to beer at the level of psychophysical addiction - there is no such thing in the ICD, but beer alcoholism is very well known to both narcologists and family members of a beer alcoholic. The term is not used as a diagnosis, the abuse of beer is considered as alcohol consumption, but in a form other than strong drinks. For those who every day drink a dose that exceeds the norm many times over, the same methods of treatment and prophylaxis are applied.

The danger of beer alcoholism:

  • the rapid formation of mental dependence (4 times relatively fortified drinks);
  • harder to cure due to the fact that men do not perceive beer as alcohol;
  • destructive effect on the body, unlike wine, vodka.

Beer alcoholism develops quickly and imperceptibly. You can suspect it on the grounds:

  1. A man drinks more than a liter of beer per day.
  2. Anger, irritation in the absence of drink.
  3. Insomnia, daytime sleepiness.
  4. Problems with potency, headaches, "beer belly".

An alcoholic who has sat down on a frothy drink is already in the morning reaching for a bottle. If it isn’t within walking distance, it becomes irritable, looking for reasons to run to the bar or shop. In the final stages of beer alcoholism, strong alcohol is mixed with beer.

With hard drinking pathology is considered as chronic alcoholism, compulsory treatment is required. Dependence is fraught with destruction of internal organs, leads to fatty hepatosis, cirrhosis, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies (beer heart syndrome), hepatitis and oncopathology.

How to use without harm

Norms of beer intake per day - the concept is conditional, it is about 1 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of weight per week. However, safe use is based on old quality brewing recipes. This drink contains up to 90% of water, proteins, carbonic acid, carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds, organic acids, etc. This is not about chemically created beer containing preservatives, dyes, acidity regulators, stabilizers, and others like them. And, of course, you can not talk about the dangers and benefits of the use of the fluid created in the garages artisanal method and unknown manufacturers.

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Beer is a beverage produced by alcoholic fermentation of malt wort using beer yeast, usually with the addition of hops. The content of ethyl alcohol in most beers is 3–6% by volume. (sometimes higher, as a rule, it usually contains 8% by volume, maximum - 14% by volume), dry substances (mainly carbohydrates) - 7–10%, carbon dioxide - 0.48–1.0% (by materials Wikipedia).

Beer advertising shows us that beer is the way to easy communication, an attribute of fun and relaxation after a well-deserved work day. But then she and advertising. And it is postponed in consciousness that beer is a low alcohol beverage and is less harmful than strong alcoholic beverages. Nevertheless, the beer - once again we emphasize - contains ethyl alcohol and is an alcoholic product.

Recall that ethyl alcohol is widely used in industry as a solvent and in medicine as a disinfectant.

Ethyl alcohol that has entered the body acts on the cerebral cortex: under the influence of alcohol, the processes of arousal predominate over the processes of inhibition.

In large doses, ethyl alcohol causes inhibition of the functions of both the spinal and the medulla. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, death can occur as a result of paralysis of the respiratory center. In the last decade, acute ethyl alcohol poisoning has been ranked first (about 60%) among poisonings with other toxic substances. Alcohol not only causes acute poisoning, but also contributes to sudden death from other diseases (primarily from diseases of the cardiovascular system).

Disguised alcohol in products "low alcohol" leads to the fact that they are consumed more often and in large volumes. Juvenile alcoholism often begins with beer. A bottle of strong beer corresponds to approximately 75 grams of vodka. 32% of alcoholics became them as a result of systematic consumption of beer.

Regular consumption of beer (as well as other alcoholic beverages) causes structural changes in the body, degeneration in tissues and their atrophy: the “bovine heart” phenomenon, hormonal change, liver cirrhosis, persistent dilation of the facial vessels (especially the nasal vessels), increases the risk of having children with mental and physical failure. In addition, alcohol intoxication is often the cause of accidents in the home, at work, transport, etc., leads to a violation of social norms, the law.

Modern brewers are obliged to use only approved food additives, however, there have been cases when formalin was added to beer to preserve the safety of the beverage (disinfectant and deodorizing agent, it is used to preserve anatomical preparations, tanning leather, for embalming). This substance causes tissue necrosis. And to ensure the preservation of the "beer cap" used cobalt chloride, which has a high toxicity to the body.

Let's look at the beer more closely

Alcohol expands blood vessels, involuntarily causing an increase in pressure. Regular consumption of beer makes this state of the body chronic, and the cardiovascular system has to be rebuilt to a new way of working - as with increased stress. As a result Heart muscle "wears out"who can not cope with their tasks. It turns out that the main harm of beer for a man lies in the occurrence of the most frequent male diseases - coronary heart disease, strokes, heart attacks.

Beer, according to research by the World Health Organization - one of the causes of colorectal cancer. And all because of the plant resins, which, being the strongest carcinogens, are found in large quantities in the hop cones.

Harm of beer for the body is manifested in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: the stomach suffers from the use of any carbonated drinks, including beer. Carbon dioxide increases the acidity of gastric juice, which leads to gastritis - a disease that creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of Helicobacter pylori. These bacteria are the cause of gastric ulcer, which often turns into tumors of oncological nature.

The operation of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis), spleen and pancreas is impaired by the frothy drink. Cold alcohol is very harmful, or one that is diluted with chilled drinks and ice. The fact is that cold drink and food adversely affect the spleen, and it is responsible for the nutrition and hydration of tissues and muscles and for the distribution of fluids in the body. When the spleen is exposed to cold, fatigue and lack of concentration occur, which leads to a weakening of the whole organism. When the digestive tract is weak and cold, it may be accompanied by a lack of appetite, gas accumulation and a feeling of overcrowding.

The hop drink contains cadaverine, a toxic chemical compound that has a neuroparalytic effect and has detrimental effect on nerve cells.

Beer - a drink with hormonal activity. Multiple studies have confirmed that phytoestrogens, an analogue of female sex hormones, are present in beer. By the appearance of a man, he can determine if he is abusing beer or not. After all, lovers of hop drink, feminization of the body occurs: fat is deposited in the hips and sides, chest and abdomen increase, the amount of hair on the body and face decreases. Over time, men decrease potency, deteriorating sperm quality. Those who enjoy beer 10-15 years, impotence is unlikely to be avoided.

Finally, the frequent urge to urinate is not a training of the kidneys, but an increase in the risk of narrowing of their vessels. In the case of modification of the vascular system and in the conditions of active drinking beer in the kidneys, the likelihood of hemorrhage increases, which, in turn, can be fatal.

Despite the fact that the drink from malt and hops is low alcohol compared to, for example, vodka or brandy, getting used to himself it causes 4 times faster than to strong alcohol. Beer alcoholism is a disease whose onset is very difficult to track, but it occurs much more often than all other types of alcohol addiction. Due to the low alcohol content, you can drink a lot of beer in one evening. And if you often feel an overwhelming desire to “skip a mug or two with friends”, if you cannot relax after a hard day without a bottle of beer, if after using it you have short-term memory lapses, think about it: you have become a beer alcoholic without being noticed.

According to the materials of Ekaterinburg city
medical prevention center

Hop contains lupulin. It affects the body of a man like: sedative, choleretic, diuretic, relieves inflammation. Bitterness increases appetite. A medicine based on hop cones will remove an abscess in the mucous membranes, heal ulcers.

If a person falls asleep poorly or does not sleep at night, he has priapism or night ejaculation, he has a bad heart, then he can make a decoction on hop cones and drink it. It builds a lipid, with a salt metabolism in the body. The hop extract is a part of Valocordin, Novo-Passit.

The influence of beer on the heart, kidneys, liver

Drink beer liters. When the fluid enters the body a lot, the heart increases the pressure, otherwise it can not be recycled. A large amount of beer has a bad effect on work: gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. They are overloaded.

Liver, stomach

Fatty degeneration may occur for the liver when its cells are reborn and do not perform their functions.

If a man abuses beer, he develops gastritis and even a stomach ulcer. Hypertrophic gastritis becomes atrophic, and the next stage is cancer.

Hormonal adjustment

The drink contains phytoestrogens that are similar to female sex hormones. This inhibits the production of testosterone in the male body.

The man grows chest, on the sides and on the hips fat is deposited and the pelvis becomes wider.

There is a characteristic beer belly, and the shoulders become rounded and the image of a man will be effeminate. Estrogens inhibit testosterone production and libido decreases.

Harm and benefits of the drink?

Beer Benefits:

  • Contains vitamins of the PP group, from B. Thanks to them, the metabolic processes in the body are accelerated.
  • It has 20 amino acids and various microelements.
  • Masks on hair and skin accelerate regeneration.

Consider the negative effects of alcohol on the body:

  • When a person drinks more than a glass of drink per day, the risk of a heart attack increases.
  • The use of this alcohol in the body of men produces less testosterone and more female hormones.
  • Veins expand, blood pressure increases.
  • Due to the increased production of estrogen erection worsens, potency falls.
  • A person eats more, gets obese, the figure becomes effeminate.
  • The heart swims fat, pumps more blood and expands veins.
  • The pancreas works worse, causing pancreatitis, and then diabetes.
  • The liver fails faster. It affects hepatitis, and then cirrhosis.

Opinion doctors on the effect of beer

Doctors toxicologists believe that if consumed 24 hours before 1 liter of beer, it will not harm the human body, but provide it with essential vitamins, with trace elements. , which is contained in beer, has vitamins of group B, it has riboflavin, with thiamine.

The main thing is to drink moderately. Studies have shown that moderate drinking reduces the risk of diabetes. In beer there is sodium, with magnesium, potassium, with calcium. For example, drinking 1 liter of drink per day, a person will provide 30% of the body with potassium.

How does beer affect potency?

In dark beer there are more phytoestrogens than in light ones and they have a negative effect on sexual function. Scientists conducted experiments on livestock and found out that if they were fed with products containing a lot of that plant hormone, they become infertile.

Under the influence of hormones, the body is rebuilt: the chest grows, fat is deposited on the belt and thighs, and the interest in the female field expands. If you drink a lot of this low-alcohol beverage, then the potency in men is significantly reduced.

The heart is harder to pump blood throughout the body, increases blood pressure, which also adversely affects erections.

Harm and benefits of non-alcoholic

There is little alcohol in it, but the taste remains the same. The use of this alcohol has a good effect on the skin and hair, nails. Scientists from Japan have proven that a soft drink helps remove carcinogens from the body and reduces the risk of developing oncology. Experiments were performed on mice.

In the drink, though not enough alcohol, but it is. It can not be drunk for those who, for an hour, gets behind the wheel and drives the car. If the driver is stopped, the alcohol test will show alcohol in the blood. We inspire a person - if he knows that he drank, he will behave like a drunkard.

In such a beer add a lot of harmful additives. It contains the same phytoestrogens, which, with regular use of the drink make the figure effeminate, reduce potency and lead to infertility.

About beer alcoholism

The signs of the disease are:

  • Obesity.
  • The body becomes loose.
  • Breathing is heavier and accompanied by sniffing, other sounds.
  • Bags appear under the eyes.
  • The face gets a bluish tint.
  • From the mouth of the patient emanates the smell of acetone or urine apples. It also speaks of pancreatic problems and that there is a lot of sugar in the blood.
  • The patient feels weakness, pain in the lower back, hypochondrium (right).
  • Diarrhea appears.
  • Edema.
  • Concerned about frequent headaches and quite strong.

About the consequences

If a person will constantly abuse this alcohol, the whole body will suffer:

  • The size of the heart will increase, its walls will stretch, weaken. Vessels in the body will become wider. The motor will be worse to pump blood.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, brain cells die off through the blood, and then the kidneys, with urine are removed from the body. In advanced cases, dementia develops.
  • The nervous system is overstrained, not resting. Memory gets worse. Rising aggression, which provokes fights, robberies, violence and even murder.
  • Background hormones vary. The drink contains heavy metals with toxins and they adversely affect the endocrine system. The man looks effeminate.
  • Under the influence of this alcohol, negative changes occur in the testes. Toxins affect the adrenal glands and androgen is produced less, the libido falls, and then disappears altogether.
  • Illness of the digestive tract. They have inflammations. For example, gastritis in the stomach, an ulcer. Food stagnates in the intestines, causing pain. Beer alcoholism provokes oncology in the colon.
  • The liver is inflamed. Some develop hepatitis and then cirrhosis.
  • This alcohol - diuretic. The kidneys too quickly remove the liquid and amino acids, with proteins and vitamins, microelements do not have time to digest. The vessels in the kidneys are becoming thinner - it threatens to hemorrhage.

Rules of use

If a man does not want to face the problems of excessive consumption of beer, he should drink it no more than 3 or a maximum of 5 times a week and stick to a dose of 0.2 to 0.5 liters.

Until now, research on the effects of alcohol on the human body revealed only the negative aspects of the abuse of this product, leaving aside the positive aspects of moderate alcohol consumption.

How beer affects the body

According to Dr. Hans Hoffmeister, a professor at the Berlin Koch Institute of Berlin, moderate beer consumption (from 1 g of alcohol to 40 g per day: respectively from 0.1 to 1 l of beer per day) is an obvious health advantage compared to sober way of life. According to a survey of 15,000 adults aged 25 to 69, moderate consumers drink the largest amount of beer in Germany.

A moderate beer consumer (up to 1 l per day) is much more satisfied with his health than one who refrains from drinking. Beer lovers are more optimistic. Compared with non-drinkers, the risk of cardiovascular diseases in moderate lovers is reduced by 20-50%.

In addition, beer lovers are less likely to suffer from kidney stones and gall bladder, as well as free from age-related weakening of bone tissue. Throughout the ages, its healing qualities have been known. However, it is strictly forbidden to drink beer to people with an allergic reaction to fermented products. To abuse this drink should not be anyone: to turn into a chronic "beer" alcoholic is even easier than getting used to vodka.

Antioxidants of beer protect against cataracts, clouding of the lens of the eye. For a transparent view of life, it is enough to take one mug of beer a day, and the content of antioxidants in dark beer is higher. Periodic use (taking into account the age and state of health) from 1.5 to 4.0 g of absolute alcohol contributes to the prolongation of the lives of women who have crossed the 50-year mark; we are talking about very small amounts of alcohol. In household arrangements, the indicated amount of alcohol contains 50 ml of natural (dry) grape wine or 200 ml of beer.

Whatever may be said about beer, one must remember: for children and adolescents, even small amounts of any alcohol-containing beverage are of great danger. Beer is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. By the way, it is established: the liver of men neutralizes alcohol much faster than the liver of women.

In addition, you should not drink beer "on the run from the throat" and at the same time something to chew. This is grossly contrary to the physiology of nutrition and, accordingly, is harmful to health.

We must remember and cultivate the culture of drinking

Only in recent years have they begun to purposefully explore the beneficial effects of moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages. Thanks to the results of research, a number of prejudices were overcome. For example, such: from beer get fat. According to Professor Joseph Coyle, various eating habits in combination with high beer consumption 100 years ago created the view that a big belly is a consequence of beer consumption. In fact, the root cause is fatty foods. It is also impossible to exclude the fact that beer stimulates digestion and, accordingly, excessive appetite. Now, on the basis of numerous studies, it has been established that moderate consumption of beer does not change body weight, and often reduces it, if the total energy flow remains constant. This professor Coyle explains that 1 liter of beer contains only from 400 to 500 kcal.

Moderate alcohol consumption also changes the structure of the body: helps to reduce the amount of fat, because alcohol has a restraining effect on the metabolism of fatty substances. Based on this, the beneficial effect of alcohol on the metabolism of fats and sugars in the body, blood clotting and blood pressure regulation has been described recently.

After drinking alcohol, the blood sugar level decreases due to an increase in insulin content. These hormonal changes affect not only the sugar content, but also the metabolism of fats.

People who drink alcohol moderately tend to have lower blood pressure than non-drinkers or alcohol abusers. This is due not only to the expansion of blood vessels, but also changes in the content of hormones, water and electrolytes in the body.

Beer is a diuretic. Only recently it has been established that moderate consumption of beer changes the content of electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium) in the blood and urine and does not lead to an enhanced excretion of magnesium and potassium, salt and water. With increased urination, the amount of salt excreted from the body increases, and the excretion of potassium and magnesium becomes difficult. Excessive consumption of beer leads to the opposite effect: blood pressure rises, salt and water are much more poorly excreted, and potassium and magnesium are better.

Recently, close attention has been paid to other components of beer, especially antioxidants (phenols, flavonoids, quercetan, catechin). These substances are also found in relatively large quantities in red wine (hence the low percentage of heart attacks in France), acting positively not only on the walls of blood vessels, but also reducing the risk of growth of cancer cells.

It is the presence of these substances that distinguishes beer from the so-called "empty" alcoholic beverages. Thus, a moderate consumption of beer in any case is more beneficial for the body than the consumption of beverages that contain only alcohol.

Recently, doctors have increasingly begun to say that in small doses alcohol reduces the likelihood of heart disease and inhibits the development of sclerosis. Australian doctors, for example, believe that when drinking beer, it is important not only the quantity but also the frequency of drinking the drink, and recognize that small doses are therapeutic: 100-200 ml 1 time per day. German and Czech doctors recommend their patients to drink beer 2-3 times a week.

Scientists from the Copenhagen Institute of Preventive Medicine recommend that every adult drink beer every day, because beer is, in their opinion, one of the most effective remedies for senile dementia - Alzheimer's disease.

It was also established that moderate consumption of beer does not affect body weight, pulse rate, blood pressure and muscle performance, improves coordination of movements and the speed of reflexes.

Beer quenches thirst well due to its high content of minerals and carbon dioxide, B vitamins and microelements. All these components contribute to the expansion of blood vessels in the stomach and the rapid flow of fluid into the blood.

The bactericidal effect of beer due to the presence of alcohol, essential oils, protective proteins. This action is proved by the example of the growth inhibition of tubercle bacillus and cholera vibrio.

It is necessary to mention the organic acids of beer, affecting the acid-base balance. They have a diuretic and laxative effect, provide building material for the formation of glucose in the liver.

Only beer from all alcoholic beverages is advised to drink for digestive disorders. Beer is included in the diets of athletes and polar explorers, and in some countries pregnant and lactating women.

Analyzing the data of numerous observations, you can make a conclusion about the benefits of beer, its nutritional and medicinal value and not to forget that everything is good (and beer especially) in moderation. Once again, it should be emphasized that beer is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension, obesity, nephritis, liver cirrhosis, or diabetes.