Fermented milk products benefit. Dairy products

15.04.2019 Salads

Do you like dairy products? If your answer is no, then in that case you need to finally think about why you are sick so often and have a number of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract?

Only the person who tries to follow the basic principles and rules of healthy eating will feel good. Under the healthy diet understand not only the exclusion of harmful products from the diet, but also the addition to it of healthy - dairy, meat, fish products, as well as vegetables and fruits. Gastroenterologists and nutritionists say that dairy products are an integral and very important component of a healthy human diet.

Dairy products are ...

Those that are produced by adding enzymes (starter cultures from beneficial bacteria) to whole cow's milk. Fermented milk products are made not only from cow's milk, but also sheep, goats, mares, etc. Absolutely all fermented milk products contain a large amount of lactic acid, which, penetrating the human stomach, destroys the "bad" bacteria that provoke the processes of decay.

The production technology of fermented milk products is identical: a leaven is introduced into the milk, or yeast containing a large amount of useful lactic acid bacteria. In a production environment before adding the starter, milk must be pasteurized (subjected to heat treatment). This is necessary so that harmful microorganisms do not begin to develop in the fermented milk product.

The benefits of dairy products

Dairy products are easily perceived and absorbed by the human body. This is due to the increased content of beneficial lacto and bifidobacteria in them. If you drink a glass of kefir, then within an hour it will be fully absorbed and digested in the body. Dairy products are recommended to use those who have no body or the minimum amount of the enzyme lactase. Thus, kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt can stimulate the digestion of food without the additional use of medicines.

It is enough to use dairy products only a few times a week so that the putrid flora does not multiply in the stomach. is known to protect our stomach from the entry of infections, viruses and bacteria into it. In addition, dairy products stimulate the production in the body of vitamins B, antioxidant - vitamin E, D, A, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium.


Absolutely all dairy products are classified into:

  • Those that are obtained as a result of milk fermentation (sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt). On the consistency of these products are distinguished by high density, uniformity (without the presence of lumps), the taste is pleasant, delicate, milky with a slight sourness.
  • ... produced in the process of mixed fermentation (kefir, koumiss). These products are made on the basis of fermentation of milk with the addition of useful lactic acid bacteria, which later undergo intensive alcoholic fermentation. Kefir is very easy to distinguish from other dairy products - it tastes sour, sharp, slightly stinging tongue, liquid.

Cottage cheese

  - This is the only dairy product in which there is an increased protein content. In the store, cottage cheese can be distinguished only in terms of fat content - from 0% (low fat) to 18% (fattest). Curd cheese 9% is considered bold, and 3% - low-fat. Moreover, nutritionists do not recommend buying low-fat dairy products, as there is no actual benefit in them.

By the way, recently began to receive a huge popularity granulated cottage cheese. It is made from natural fresh milk cream and a small amount of salt.

Delicious sour cream and sour milk

Sour cream is another quite popular dairy product, which is obtained by fermenting cream. In the store you can buy sour cream with fat content from 10% to 58%. For the production of sour cream using natural milk cream, 32% fat and leaven of useful lactic acid bacteria.

The method of obtaining yogurt - souring of milk and bacteria - lactic streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus, etc. The fat content of sour milk varies from 3.2% to 6%. This product is recommended as a medicinal product - for diseases of the liver, kidneys, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, pain in the heart, as well as for overweight. Sour milk is the first aid for vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, sleep problems, fatigue, loss of vitality, exacerbation of a stomach ulcer. By the way, if you get an extensive sunburn, then the first thing you can do to save the skin is to apply a thick layer of yogurt on it.

Product quality

To get all the benefits of a fermented milk product, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to its quality. The product must be:

  • With a pleasant milky taste;
  • Do not have rancidity;
  • It must not contain impurities;
  • Color - milky, cream, white;
  • The consistency is homogeneous, moderately thick, dense, without abundant clots and impurities.

If you feel an unpleasant, mellow taste when using a sour-milk product, this first of all indicates improper storage or transportation. Bitter taste is only in expired products, but yeast, sharp - in products that have been kept warm for a long time, without observing the thermal regime. Rotten taste - products were stored in dirty warehouses with non-compliance with sanitary standards.

So, dairy products are certainly beneficial to the human body. They contain a large amount of beneficial bacteria, vitamins, minerals that are vital for good nutrition.

Everyone knows that fermented milk products are not only very tasty, but also have health benefits. I have heard that they increase immunity, prevent the appearance of dysbiosis, and due to the high calcium content, they improve the condition of the skeletal system and promote skin health. It is useful to use them in the treatment of antibiotics, in the case of food poisoning, as well as those with milk intolerance. However, few people can very clearly explain the usefulness of fermented milk products, because their range is quite wide.

Classification of fermented milk products

Around the world many different products are produced from sour milk, but they can all be divided into the following groups: lactic fermentation products (acidophilic products, yogurt, yogurt, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, sour cream), and mixed (lactic acid, as well as alcoholic) fermentation (kefir , ayran, koumiss). Consider the benefits of each of them separately.

Sour milk

This product is obtained by ripening pasteurized milk at 37 ° C. B contains many lactococci and thermophilic streptococci, and therefore its use prevents the development of fungal diseases, in particular candidiasis.


All your favorite yogurt is rich in Bulgarian wand and streptococci, in its natural form it has a sour taste. But the taste of yogurt, which consumers are accustomed to, is achieved by adding flavors and sugar. There is evidence that consuming natural yogurt prevents cancer of the urinary tract.


This product is different from the usual yogurt by the addition of acidophilus sticks, bifidobacteria and other probiotics. This yogurt is useful for intestinal dysbiosis, as well as in the case of treatment with antibiotics.


A pleasant drink, similar to yogurt, is rich in streptococci and often contains Bulgarian wand. In addition, it contains the decay products of glycolysis, which are formed during the over-melting of milk. Due to this, ryazhenka is very useful for diabetics.


Such a fermented milk product, which has a pleasant taste of baked milk, belongs to yogurt, but it is formed at a higher fermentation temperature, namely at 95 ° C. It is also very useful for the prevention of candidiasis, or other fungal diseases.


It is the most popular fermented milk product in the world. It contains kefir fungi, giving it a sharp sour-milk taste. Benefits for the body in it are much more than in yogurt, because the microorganisms of this product take root in the intestines perfectly. Regular consumption of kefir reduces the concentration of harmful cholesterol, reduces allergic reactions and even prevents the growth of tumors.


This product contains kefir fungi, lactococci, and an acidophilus bacillus is also present. Such a unique composition is able to effectively deal with putrefactive bacteria in the intestine.


This delicious oriental drink is famous for containing yeast, Bulgarian sticks and thermophilic streptococci. It has a pleasant salty taste, and it is useful as a means of improving the activity of the intestines, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it quenches thirst well, helps from a hangover.


Koumiss produced from mare's milk boasts the presence of Bulgarian as well as acidophilus sticks and yeast. This drink has a refreshing sour-milk taste. It has established itself as a remedy for tuberculosis or other lung diseases, as well as a hangover remedy.

Anyone who has read this article will now truly know how useful dairy products are and how important it is to use them regularly. Health to you!

The onset of late autumn and winter is usually associated with colds, flu, and other unpleasant respiratory diseases. Increasingly, you can hear a passerby coughing on the street, and the number of red noses at work increases exponentially.

If you do not want to get sick and skip training, it's time to think about how to strengthen your defense. This is especially true of those who work a lot (stress lowers immunity) and at the same time trains a lot, because after active workouts the body is more susceptible to viruses during recovery.

We have already published recipes for healthy hot drinks that help the immune system resist viruses. Today we want to talk with you about dairy products and how they can help us resist disease.

There is still controversy about whether fermented milk is useful for the human body. Some scientists believe that milk is a product for children, but not for adults and the elderly. Others give quite a lot of arguments in defense of dairy and dairy products.


The older we get, the harder it is for our body to digest certain foods, including milk. In addition, those who suffer from lactose intolerance (milk sugar), dairy products should not be consumed. This can cause nausea, vomiting, bloating and other problems. Also, in addition, milk can cause a number of allergic reactions.

Milk sugar intolerance is quite common. For example, in Sweden and Denmark lactose intolerance occurs in about 3% of adults, in Finland and Switzerland - in 16%, in England - in 20–30%, in France - in 42%, and in countries of Southeast Asia and African Americans in the United States - almost 100%. Lactose intolerance is often found among the indigenous people of Africa, America and several Asian countries. It is associated with the absence in these regions of traditional dairy farming. For example, in the Masai, Fulani and Tassi tribes, dairy cattle are raised in Africa, and in adult members of these tribes, lactose intolerance is relatively rare. The frequency of this phenomenon in Russia is on average about 16-18%.

Fermented milk products not only strengthen our immune system due to the bacteria contained in them, but also are absorbed more easily by the body than milk, and also reduce lactose intolerance.
  In our stores you can find a fairly wide selection of dairy products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, ryazhenka (Ukrainian version of yogurt with baked milk flavor), ayran, acidophilus and many other varieties of this product.

Kefir.  Homeland kefir is South Ossetia. This one is made from whole or skimmed cow's milk on natural sourdough - kefir fungi.

The main group of microflora kefir fungi - lactic acid bacteria. Under their action, lactic acid is formed, and kefir acquires a special taste and aroma. Thanks to lactic acid and carbon dioxide kefir perfectly quenches thirst and stimulates the appetite. The main food substances of kefir are in easily digestible form.

However, if you suffer from a peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, you should not drink kefir.

Acidophilic drink.  Acidophilic bacillus, which is used for the manufacture of acidophilus and other acidophilic drinks, is one of the varieties of lactic acid bacteria. It is not destroyed by the action of digestive juices, it is better than other lactic acid bacteria, it takes root in the human large intestines, and its metabolic products have a broad bactericidal effect. Also, in an acidophilic drink, a high content of vitamin B.

That is, if you really want to strengthen your immunity, your choice should be acidophilic fermented milk drink. If you suffer from a peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity or pancreatitis, it is not recommended to drink this drink.

Sour milk For the production of yogurt, whole pasteurized milk and leaven prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used.

But the most interesting and important for us is that sour milk normalizes metabolism, especially fat! That is, if you run not only to be in good shape, strengthen your heart and develop your lungs, but also to lose weight, then this is definitely your drink.

Yogurt.  This is a type of yogurt product. It contains 6% fat (more than in many other fermented milk products) and 4.5% protein (1.5 times more than milk and other fermented milk products).

Daily use of yogurt contributes to the rapid restoration of strength, covers the body's needs for vital amino acids, calcium salts and other substances.

Ryazhenka  - This is a kind of Ukrainian sour milk. It is prepared from a mixture of milk and cream, so the fat content in it is higher than in other dairy products. Feature ryazhenka is that the protein and fat contained in this product, is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, ryazhenka is recommended for people with increased metabolism who are actively involved in sports.


Fermented milk products will help you not only strengthen the immune system and will relieve from some stomach problems, but also help you lose weight.

Recent studies by Michael Zemel, Ph.D., head of nutrition at the University of Tennessee and a runner, have shown that fermented milk products help to get rid of belly fat, which is partly responsible for many heart diseases, diabetes and other metabolic problems.

The experiment involved 25 obese men and 25 women of the same build. They were dieting for 24 weeks and calories were reduced by 500 kcal. Group A ate a typical mix of American products that gave the body only 500 mg of calcium per day. The second group B was on the same diet, but took 2 tablets of calcium per day (up to 1100 mg). The third group received the same amount of calcium as the second, but not with the help of tablets, but by including several dairy products in the diet (the number of calories per day remained the same).

After the end, all participants lost weight: the participants of group A lost an average of 14.5 pounds (6.5 kg), the participants of group B - by 18.9 pounds (8.5 kg), the participants of group B - by 24.4 pounds ( on 11 kg).

Moreover, those participants in the diet of which there were no dairy products lost only 7.9% of fat in the abdomen area, while group B members lost 66.2% of fat.

If you have no problems with the stomach and everything is in order with the digestion of milk, include in your daily at least not a large portion of fermented milk products. Thus, you will not only strengthen your bones and protection against viruses, but also lose weight.

Productive runs you.


Among the range of dairy and dairy products today it is very easy to get confused: as stated in one ad, not all yogurts are equally useful. And not all cheeses, milk and kefir. We tried to figure out which dairy products really benefit our body, and which - wasted money.


diligently assures us that, eating a jar of yogurt every day, we not only normalize our metabolism, but become more beautiful, younger, and our waist is slimmer. This is partly true, but on the condition that you choose the yoghurt wisely. It is necessary to carefully read the composition: the shorter the list of ingredients, the more useful the product. In real yogurt should be milk and live bacteria. Such yoghurts are stored no more than a week, they include Greek.

Traditionally in the countries of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, Greek yogurt is made from sheep or goat milk. But today in the mass production using a cow. The use of this yoghurt normalizes digestion, improves the functioning of the kidneys, strengthens the joints, improves the immune system, speeds up the metabolism.

Another valuable property of Greek yogurt is that it can be used as a dressing for dishes, replacing it with mayonnaise or butter. Thus, you significantly reduce calories, and the digestive system will be easier to digest food.

If the desire to eat sweet yogurt proves irresistible, then in Greek yogurt you can add a couple of spoons of homemade jam, syrup, honey or pieces of fresh fruit. Such an additive will be much more useful than industrial.


Cheese ranks first in the number of nutrients. What is there in it: minerals, protein, vitamins of group B, vitamin D, calcium - in addition to all this, cheese normalizes digestion and metabolic processes.

However, despite all the benefits that carries cheese, it is not as harmless as it seems. The calorie content of the product is high, and if you use it more than the norm, you can noticeably gain weight. The average norm is about 50 grams per day (cheese with a fat content of 45-50%). Slightly more you can eat low-calorie cheeses with a fat content of not more than 35%.

Another important point to pay attention to when buying cheese is the price. In our country, there has recently been a shortage of milk, which directly affects the cost of cheese production. Moreover, some unscrupulous manufacturers add to this product substances designed to reduce the cost of its cost to the detriment of quality. At the exit, we have not a cheese, but a cheese product. As prescribed by GOST, it is produced according to the same technology as cheese, but the difference between them is that it is milk-containing (at least 20% of the volume of milk in the composition), and not a dairy product. It may contain various preservatives, such as palm oil, often of poor quality.


  • you should be especially attentive to the composition of the cheese and not chase suspiciously low cost;
  • cheese products in stores are most often placed in a prominent place: low prices attract attention. The cost of this cheese starts from 900 rubles / kg;
  • manufacturers of "surrogate" is prohibited to print on the labels the word "cheese", because the cheese product is not such and is composed of vegetable fats. Carefully read the names on the labels;
  • it is impossible to understand whether cheese is real before you, without laboratory analysis.

It remains to give preference to large manufacturers and look for product data on specialized sites that conduct product inspections.


Like yogurts, not all milk is equally useful, or rather not all is useful: there are opponents of its use and advocates. The first believe that milk is harmful, that it washes away calcium, that it can be drunk up to a certain age in childhood, while the body can break down lactose. Advocates of milk, speaking of its benefits, cite as an example the large amount of vitamins and trace elements with which it is so rich, as well as the soothing and healing properties of the drink.

In any case, before buying milk, you should carefully study the information on its shelf life. Shelf life of natural milk - 5-7 days; a drink that can be stored for months will not bring much harm to the body, but also good.


This drink belongs to the category of products that have a double effect: and improve the microflora, and help in the process of losing weight. The kefir diet comes to mind right away, right?

Kefir is a unique product, which has a special set of bacteria and fungi in its composition. Due to this, the drink can interfere with the development of pathogenic flora in the intestine. The undeniable benefit of kefir is to improve digestion: it helps the digestion of food, and also removes decomposition products and toxins from the body;

If you do not know which kefir to choose, give preference to a drink with a fat content of 3.2%. Experts agree that the more fat in kefir, the less chemical additives: fat helps to bind the components of kefir together, and if there is almost no fat in the drink, then starch can perform this function.


  • What is dairy products
  • The benefits of dairy products
  • Sour milk
  • Ryazhenka
  • Yogurt
  • Varenets
  • Kefir
  • Koumiss
  • Shubat
  • Matsuni matsun
  • Harm of dairy products

What is dairy products:

Questions about what dairy products are, the benefits and harms to human health of dairy products, and whether they have any medicinal properties, are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. And this interest is understandable.

Products derived from milk as a result of lactic acid fermentation (sometimes with the participation of alcoholic fermentation) are called fermented milk. There are products obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation only (group 1) - ryazhenka, sour milk of various kinds, acidophilus milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and products obtained during mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation (group 2) - kefir, kumys and others. Products of the 1st group have a rather dense, homogeneous clot and fermented milk taste due to the accumulation of lactic acid. Products of the 2nd group have a sour-milk refreshing, slightly pinching taste, due to the presence of ethyl alcohol and carbonic acid, and a gentle clot permeated with tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide. The clot of these products is easily broken when shaken, so that the products acquire a uniform liquid consistency, so they are often called drinks.

In the production of lactic acid products, various types of lactic acid bacteria and yeast are used: lactic acid streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus, acidophilus bacillus, aromatic bacteria, milk yeast.

The benefits of dairy products:

The positive effect of fermented milk products on the state of the human body has been known for a very long time. Due to the presence of lactic acid in them, these products are able to inhibit the development of putrefactive microorganisms in the intestine and normalize the digestive process. Pleasant taste stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

Some of the lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus bacilli, for example), as well as milk yeast, produce antimicrobial substances. Dairy products will be useful in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension.

Digestibility of fermented milk products is higher than the digestibility of milk, as they affect the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines, with the result that the glands of the digestive tract more intensively secrete enzymes that accelerate the digestion of food. Dietary properties of fermented milk products are explained by the beneficial effects on the human body of microorganisms and substances formed during the fermentation of milk (lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, antibiotics and vitamins).

Any fermented milk product, as well as milk, will provide the body with calcium and protein, important for the health of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system and bones. Moreover, calcium in this product is perfectly combined with other useful elements, which contributes to its absorption.

However, the main use of fermented milk products is bifidobacteria, which protect the body from the penetration of toxins and microbes into it, help digest carbohydrates, and participate in the synthesis of beneficial substances for the body.

If you eat fermented milk products every day, then after a couple of weeks, you can ensure a comfortable work of the intestine, as it stops all putrefactive processes and even normalizes the activity of the kidneys and liver. Therefore, such products are indicated for dysbacteriosis, colitis, constipation, and even poisoning. Pleasant taste of fermented milk products stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Some of the lactic acid bacteria (acidophilus bacilli, for example), as well as milk yeast, produce antimicrobial substances. Dairy products will be useful in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension.

All fermented milk products (kefir, ryazhenka, varenets, yogurt, acidophilic milk, koumiss, tea, yogurt) improve appetite, have a laxative effect, and also remove radionuclides, heavy metal salts, toxins and slags.
  Their types:

Sour milk:

Depending on the characteristics of the technology and the composition of the bacterial starters, several types of yogurt are produced: Mechnikovskaya, acidophilus, ordinary, southern, Ukrainian, ryazhenka, varenets, etc. .

For the preparation of yogurt, the milk is pasteurized, homogenized, cooled to the fermentation temperature (37-45 ° C), bacterial leaven is introduced, and further production is carried out according to the general process flow diagram using the thermostatic method. In the production of yogurt with fillers - various flavoring and aromatic additives (sugar, vanilla, fruit and berry juices), it is advisable to add sugar into the milk before pasteurization, and aromatic substances - before fermentation.


Ryazhenka (Ukrainian sour milk) is made from milk with a fat content of 4.2.2 and 1%, as well as 2.5% and 1% fat and with vitamin C. Ryazhenka is produced by prolonged temperature processing of milk (95 ° C with aging 2- 3 hours) and fermented at 40-45 ° C with yeast, consisting of cultures of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus. Ryazhenka has a sour-milk taste with a pronounced taste of pasteurization, a gentle but moderately dense clot, without gas bubbles. The color of ryazhenka is cream with a brownish tinge.


Yogurt is a special type of yogurt, one of the most common dietary fermented milk drinks in Europe and America. Homeland yogurt are the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. In terms of microflora, organoleptic properties, yogurt made from whole milk differs little from Mechnikovskaya or southern yogurt. As a rule, yogurt is a fermented milk drink made from whole milk pasteurized at 80-95 ° C with an exposure time of 5 to 30 minutes, at a fermentation temperature of 40-45 ° C. Cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian sticks, taken in the ratio (1: 1), are used as a starter for the production of yoghurt.

Yoghurt has a clean, sour-milk taste and smell, when adding sugar, it has a sweet taste, and fruit and berry yogurt has a characteristic taste and aroma of added syrup. The consistency of the drink is homogeneous, without settling of fat, slightly viscous.


Varenets are produced from sterilized or baked milk with a fat content of 2.5%. Cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus and Bulgarian sticks are used as the starter. Microbiological processes in the production of varenets are similar to their occurrence in the production of ryazhenka. Varenets properties close to fermented baked milk, but the acidity is felt somewhat sharper, since its fat content is lower than that of fermented baked milk.

It is necessary to say that it is quite possible to make such wonderful and healthy dairy products for human health independently. Do not forget only that yogurt should not try to cook by “samokvas” - that is, letting the milk sour itself. Buy pasteurized milk and ferment, adding to it a little factory product.


Kefir is not prepared using lactic acid bacteria - special kefir fungi, capable of producing alcohol as a by-product, serve this purpose. Kefir can be of different degrees of fat: 3.2% - fat, 2.5% - average fat, 1% - fat-free kefir. It also differs in readiness. One-day kefir is the weakest (the content of lactic acid and alcohol is low), two-day-more “strong” and three-day-most strong. In the latter, the content of lactic acid and alcohol is quite significant. However, you can not be afraid to get drunk from him - this is impossible. On the contrary, kefir helps to eliminate alcohol intoxication. Kefir is much more effective than yogurt in its antibacterial properties.


Kumys is rich in vitamins; Unlike other fermented milk products, its alcohol content is quite high. For a very long time, this drink was considered to be perhaps the only remedy that could help people with tuberculosis. The process of its manufacture is quite simple: add 20% whey and 3% sugar to fresh skimmed milk. The resulting mixture is first pasteurized, then it is fermented with yeast and an acidophilus culture at the same time. The strength of weak koumiss - 1% alcohol, medium - already 2%, strong comparable in alcohol content with beer.


Shubat is a product derived from camel milk. Thicker and more fatty than koumiss, shubat can be stored for a long time without losing its healing properties for a long time. It contains milk sugar, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and natural antibiotics. The alcohol content is quite high, as in koumiss.

Matsun, Matsun:

Matsoni, matsun - an analogue of kefir, distributed not in the Caucasus. It is made from skimmed or diluted cow, goat, sheep or buffalo milk.
  Matsoni serves as the basis for the drink "Tang". It features a unique combination of microorganisms that are biochemically very active; It has a positive effect on the state of the digestive tract, on metabolic processes in the body, and on the health of the cardiovascular system. It helps to reduce excess weight, normalizes cholesterol, is one of the best home remedies for alcohol intoxication (hangover).

As you can see, the ways in which various dairy products are made are very different. However, they are all very beneficial to people's health. Nutritionists believe that they should be consumed by everyone. So choose which one you like best!

Harm of dairy products:

Of course, dairy products also have contraindications. So, for example, they are not shown to people with high acidity of gastric juice; People suffering from peptic ulcer and pancreatitis are completely contraindicated. Do not recommend to use dairy products with diarrhea and bloating.

It should also not be overdone with the amount - their excessive use threatens with calcium metabolism, increased slagging of the body and decreased immunity. Cottage cheese and cheese are advised to use 2-3 times a week. Moreover, it would be best to combine them with vegetables - carrots, beets, tomatoes, greens, and so on. The optimal one-time amount is 100-150 g of cottage cheese or up to 100 g of cheese.

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More on the same topic:

“Children drink milk - you will be healthy!” - in my childhood it was an indisputable truth. In very early childhood, my diet consisted of 50% of dairy products. A little later, I already knew that it was a source of calcium. Despite this, from the age of 15, the dental clinic became a “family home”, problems started with “critical days”, acne, walking on gynecologists and treatment with synthetic hormones.

A few years ago, I recognized the benefits of dairy products and tried to eat “3 dairy products a day,” but studying the materials on nutrition changed my attitude towards them. I learned the truth about dairy products - it turns out they harmed not only me. Women who come to me for help with hormonal problems and overweight, usually actively consume dairy products. While performing a sensitivity test to dairy products, they begin to realize that this is one of the reasons for their health problems.

To identify sensitivity to dairy products, remove them from the diet for 7-14 days and feel the difference.

  • As a result of the use of dairy products mucus occurs, which envelops the intestinal wall. This violates the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste toxins and hormones (estrogens).
  • Dairy products slow down the metabolism, which leads to weight gain, as 100 g of milk contains up to 12 g of sugar!
  • Sugar acidifies the body, to return the balance to the previous level, calcium and phosphorus are needed, which are washed out of bones and teeth. This causes osteoporosis in old age and osteopenia (lack of calcium in the bones) during pregnancy.
  • Dairy products provoke the development of inflammation in the body, an increase in arachidonic acid, which leads to pain during “critical days”, worsens the course of female diseases - PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • In the store, we usually buy skimmed or partially skimmed milk. Vitamins A and D are removed from the milk along with the fat, so the benefits of low-fat products are zero!
  • If you turn to Ayurveda, then there is not recommended to eat dairy products for dinner. Especially fermented products - kefir, hard cheeses. They satisfy hunger, but load the gastrointestinal tract before bedtime, which leads to the accumulation of mucus and imbalance of the Kapha dosha, and as a result - to sleep disorders.

Reaction to dairy products can be bloating, diarrhea, reflux esophagitis with increased acidity of the stomach. Also common skin reactions - acne, eczema, rash. The respiratory system is also disturbed - cough, asthma and sinusitis appear.

Annemarie Colbin is a doctor, teacher, and founder of The Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York, author of The Food Way to Prevent Osteoporosis. In his book, he says that dairy products wash calcium from bones, and do not preserve, as it was believed before. And this process leads to the development of osteoporosis. The doctor emphasizes that women in the United States and Northern Europe who have dairy products in their diets are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast cancer. Japanese gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya in his book "Rejuvenation at the cellular level," also writes about the negative effects of dairy products on the body.

Dairy products - notsingle source of calcium

To maintain the level of calcium in the body fit sardines (with bones), figs, kale, almonds, oranges, sesame, spinach. In order not to think whether I am getting a calcium rate from food, I began to take a calcium complex in the form of dietary supplements. For the past 10 years, “correct” calcium complexes help me to keep my teeth healthy - with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins D3 and C. This complex supported my health all three pregnancies (!).

To remove the negative effects of dairy products you need:

  1. Reduce or eliminate dairy products.
  2. Strengthen the work of the liver - add to the diet protein foods (methionine for detoxification), vegetables and fruits - a source of vitamins B and C.
  3. Add omega-3 to remove the negative effects of casein on the body and restore the intestines.
  4. Use spices in the diet - cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper daily to remove the mucus formed after dairy products.

Whether to completely remove dairy products from the diet?

Yogurt, cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, cheese, Camembert, Brie can be used occasionally, but do not focus on these products. If you feel the accumulation of mucus in the form of violations of the intestines, slowing metabolism, runny nose, then eliminate dairy products.

When I removed the dairy products from the diet, I felt improvements in the work of the intestines. I stopped feeling bloated, gas formation, weight stopped jumping, stopped bothering a cold - earlier I could not do without Naphthyzinum in my purse. “Critical days” ceased to be critical and became painless and permanent (there was of course work from all sides, but I think that the harm of dairy products was also significant). Finally, the skin has cleared, and new foci of inflammation have ceased to appear. I really felt the difference before and after.

If you want to improve digestion and reduce the intensity of pain during the "critical days", use at least one recommendation from this article. My opinion on dairy products can be found in the journal Shape in the article “Drink milk, will you be healthy?” Write in the comments, do you use dairy products? Have you noticed the body's sensitivity to dairy products?

One of the main principles of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. It provides a certain mode and the right diet. There are many products, many of which are beneficial and others are more harmful to health. Usually, people choose for nutrition both those and others, while not thinking about the consequences for the organism.

It is important to understand that the state of health directly depends on what we eat. Therefore, in your diet you need to enter as much as possible wholesome food. One of the necessary components for the normal functioning of the body are fermented milk food. This is a number of representatives who are of natural origin, thanks to which they have a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism.

Classification and types of fermented milk products

Dairy products - a whole range of products that are produced by fermentation of whole milk. In most cases, cow's milk is used, but sometimes sheep, goat or mare's milk is processed.

Milk has been popular for many centuries. Long since people have noticed its useful properties and actively used it in food. Then they began to actively process on dairy products, in which there are not less nutrients.

General beneficial properties of fermented milk food:

  • Dietary properties;
  • Vitamin composition (vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, D);
  • Easily digestible trace elements, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • Lactic acid is able to fight various harmful bacteria.

Today, milk in its usual form is used less frequently than other original manufactures from it. In general, they are all divided into two groups:

  • Products that are produced exclusively by natural fermentation. These include: sour cream, ryazhenka, acidophilus, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt. In structure, they are all similar, slightly thick and uniform. They have a sour taste due to the presence of lactic acid.
  • The second group consists of products that are produced by mixed dairy and alcoholic fermentation. This, for example, kefir, koumiss and others. The taste of these products is peculiar, due to the presence of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. They look more like drinks, with a little shaking made completely liquid.

The benefits of dairy products

The benefits of dairy products can not be overestimated. Doctors believe that regular consumption of such components in food reduces the chances of developing the disease almost twofold. Most of the benefits of these representatives of a healthy diet are on the digestive organs. Or rather, without the necessary bacteria that are contained in such products, normal digestion is impossible to ensure.

Dairy products can affect various organs, their benefits are in the following factors:

  • All the beneficial bacteria that come with the composition are very quickly and seamlessly absorbed in the body;
  • Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contribute to the rapid breakdown of proteins in the body;
  • Lactic acid helps to normalize the work of the intestinal microflora, thanks to the active components, harmful bacteria die, and the number of beneficial bacteria increases;
  • Fermented milk products are filled with organic fatty acids that improve the motility of the digestive tract;
  • These products actively combat flatulence, reducing the amount of gas in the intestine;
  • Dairy products are much more useful than fresh milk, they contain ten times more amino acids than in a fresh product, and these components activate metabolic processes;
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue, regular consumption of fermented milk products - the necessary prevention of osteoporosis;
  • These products are used to prevent and treat hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • Bifidobacteria actively fight with toxins that are released when they take in harmful products or under the influence of other factors, they are not just disposed of, but removed from the body along with heavy metals, slags, radionuclides and salts;
  • Dairy products increase appetite, strengthen the human immune system.

Such a wide range of useful properties determines the importance of these products. It is especially important to introduce it into the diet of children. It is in childhood that the body is formed and it needs vitamins and minerals that are contained in fermented milk products.

Harm of dairy products

Despite the many beneficial properties, fermented milk products can adversely affect the human body. This happens rarely, but you need to know about such moments in order not to harm.

  • Ulcers and pancreatitis sufferers;
  • People who have an increased level of acidity in the stomach;
  • With diarrhea and frequent swelling;
  • With the breakdown of the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • People who have personal intolerance.

Excessive consumption of such food can cause the following negative points:

  • Increased cholesterol in case of eating a large amount of cottage cheese;
  • Violation of calcium metabolism;
  • Industrial products contain chemical preservatives that increase the shelf life, so such components in large quantities can harm;
  • Yogurt usually contains a large amount of sugar, so it can lead to problems with overweight, in addition, it may contain various preservatives, for children it is better to choose special, with the definition of age;

When choosing dairy products it is very important to pay attention to the date of manufacture. Usually they deteriorate quickly, and in this form they can not be used, it can be harmful to health. Store them in the refrigerator, at low temperature.

Enter into the diet of such food should be rationally. For example, cottage cheese can be consumed 2-3 times a week, sour cream - twice, kefir - five times a week. Moreover, portions are important for both adults and children.

Milk of a cow or other domesticated animals is an excellent food component from which many different products are prepared - fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheese, butter and much more. Milk is tasty and benefits the body by supplying easily digestible protein, calcium and phosphorus, as well as milk fat, useful for cell walls and blood vessels.

Milk has many beneficial properties: it reduces arterial pressure   , due to special amino acids, soothes nerves and gives a healthy sleep, milk can help with heartburn and improve skin condition. However, this wonderful product is far from being useful to everyone; many people cannot drink milk or do not eat almost all dairy products.

Contraindications and restrictions

Milk is a complex food product, it contains protein, fats and carbohydrates, besides, there is a lot of salt in milk and of vitamins   . Like any product, milk can cause intolerance in its natural form or in the form of processed products.

Usually milk intolerance is expressed in two forms - in the form of lactase deficiency (lack of an enzyme for the absorption of milk) and in the form of an allergy to cow's (or goat, sheep's and other) protein. These forms of milk intolerance are usually found in children, although many adults also have this problem.

In addition, a restriction in the consumption of whole milk or dairy products is sometimes required due to digestive diseases, metabolic disorders, kidney or urinary system diseases with the formation of a special kind of stones and sand.

In addition, many of the dairy products are quite fatty - it is cottage cheese, butter, many varieties cheese   and ryazhenka. These dairy products are limited in obesity and weight loss, in diseases of the liver or gall bladder.

Also, milk should be restricted to people over 50 years old; a special substance has been found in milk, which contributes to the accumulation in the body of harmful lipids that trigger the development or progression of atherosclerosis.

How does lactase deficiency manifest?

This condition is quite unpleasant, although not dangerous for the body. Sugar contained in milk (lactose), when released into the body, is subjected to enzymatic cleavage by a special enzyme lactase.

If this lactase is not enough, the sugar enters the large intestine, where intestinal microbes “eat” it. The result is carbon dioxide, water, and lactic acid. They inflate bowel loops, cause irritation and pain, and water causes a thinning of feces and diarrhea.

The enzyme deficiency can be congenital (occurs in no more than 1% of the population), with congenital lactase deficiency becoming most prevalent among the negroid population.

For most people in Europe and Russia, lactase deficiency occurs with age, as a result of a progressive decrease in milk consumption and atrophy of intestinal cells secreting this enzyme. This can occur after intestinal infections, poor nutrition and chronic diseases.

In addition, complete and partial lactase deficiency is isolated, with full enzyme lactose, there is none at all, and dairy products with lactose are completely prohibited. With a partial activity of the enzyme, its amount is small, but small portions of lactose will master the intestine.

Such people do not tolerate whole milk and those products in which the lactose has not been split or has undergone incomplete fermentation - cheese, butter, cream, yogurt, daily kefir or biolact.

There is a myth that all Japanese and other Asians have lactase intolerance, and that they do not drink milk. Yes, in fact, lactase deficiency is inherited in the genes, along with belonging to some Asian nations. They have a sufficiently large number of the population does not tolerate animal milk.

Can milk be replaced by soy milk? For such situations and for the development of lactase deficiency after intestinal infections, you can replace soy milk. It does not contain lactose, and proteins are almost equivalent in nutritional importance. However, many do not like the taste of soy milk, although the negative effects of its reception are not noted.

Milk allergy

Along with lactase deficiency, allergy   - the second “most popular” problem with milk consumption. This problem has become particularly urgent in recent years among children due to the spread of artificial feeding, especially animal milk and poorly adapted mixtures. Although in adults allergy is quite relevant.

In an organism that is initially sensitive to various allergens, foreign protein, especially milk protein, may cause a sensitization condition (hypersensitivity of the organism). Milk albumin - very small proteins, which when released into the intestine can, without splitting, enter the bloodstream, and the body always considers foreign proteins as a potential danger, especially for allergies.

Who can not dairy products?

As a result, in response to the ingress of milk protein, a chain of allergy reactions is triggered - asthma attacks, skin itch, rash with blisters, sneezing, cough or runny nose   . At the same time, allergy is also possible for those products in which the protein is not fermented (not split) - cheese, cream, condensed milk, baked milk.

Who is kefir contraindicated?

In kefir (especially two-day and older) proteins are partially fermented and there is practically no lactose, therefore it practically does not cause allergy and lactase deficiency. However, for the consumption of kefir there are a number of restrictions.

Even a healthy person should not drink more than 400 ml of kefir per day. Its larger volume dramatically increases the acidity in the intestinal lumen and increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels for red blood cells. This causes microscopic bleeding.

With the systematic consumption of large amounts of kefir, it threatens to turn into anemia. In addition, a large amount of kefir acidifies the blood and strongly loads the kidneys - think about it before you go on a kefir diet. It is prohibited with phosphate stones in the kidneys.

In addition, kefir has a high acidity - it irritates the digestive tract and is prohibited during acute gastritis   and enteritis. It is also worth remembering about the properties of kefir to influence the stool - only daily kefir is weak, so fresh kefir cannot be used for diarrhea. But the two-, three-day kefir and kefir long-term storage fixes the chair and is contraindicated for constipation .

And kefir is very relaxing, you should not drink it before important events - you can feel sleepy and lethargic, it is useful for the night after a hard day.

What are the other harmful dairy products?

There are restrictions in taking and other dairy products related to health and nutrition.

So, ryazhenka, sour cream and cream because of high fat content should not be used by people with excess weight and weight loss. Cheese should not be consumed by people with ulcers and gastritis, especially if they are spicy and salty, cheeses with mold are forbidden for allergies, and cheese fondue is harmful even to a healthy person.

There are restrictions in the use of cottage cheese - unleavened cottage cheese with care must be consumed by allergy sufferers, and any kind of cottage cheese must be severely limited in case of kidney diseases.

Virtually no contraindications yogurt   , with accuracy, it is necessary to consume it except for people with severe lactase deficiency, although they also have a great deal of digestion. Just remember - the most useful yogurt is natural, without additives, since various additives can themselves be allergenic or harmful.

Do you like milk and dairy products?