The consequences of daily drinking. The correct frequency and amount of alcohol consumption

Ardent greetings, friends, fighting friends and other good (and not so) personalities! You know that on Sundays, the tradition staked out on the project to issue nutritious notes, so we won’t deviate from it and talk about our daily bread, or rather, how many times a day you need to eat. This is an archival and architects topic, because most issues of constructing the correct proportions are based on it. In addition, even if you are very far from fitness and bodybuilding, the answer to this question will help you normalize your eating behavior and even see some tangible bodily changes in the mirror.

Well, intrigued? Then let's get to enlightenment.

How many times a day you need to eat: a fictional theory

Well, I would like to start with the fact that in the minds of most people the image of pitching is still associated with a wardrobe in shorts, stupidly pulling a piece of iron, and which has a brain with a gulkin nose. Continue to amuse yourself with this bike, my dear, and when you get tired, face the truth, bodybuilders and fitness girls are people of wide specialization, as they say, “both the Swiss, the reaper, and the dude are :)”. They must understand not only the matter of pulling the glands, but also the issues of human anatomy, kinesiology of movements and of course the organization of the process of proper nutrition   (i.e. be nutritionists). Agree, you can hardly call a person developing in so many directions, slow-witted.

So, I’m all about the fact that if you want to know how many times a day you need to eat, then it’s difficult for me to name a better adviser than the characters mentioned above. They will unanimously declare that you need to eat at least a day 5   time (well, that’s all, you can stop reading the article :)). Why exactly such an amount, and in general, what a meal should look like during a day in a person who is watching his figure and, in particular, a bodybuilder, we will talk further.

If you are monitoring articles and are subscribed to the “” project mailing list, then you probably know that I devote quite a lot of time to nutrition issues. This is not done easily, but because the muscles are not built from the air, and if the body does not receive enough calories, then there will also be no volume growth. By sufficient, I mean covering basic needs, plus the “pillow of anabolism” - the amount of nutrients that will be directly involved in the construction of new muscle tissue. That is why I always encourage newcomers to first calibrate their diet, determine their diet, and only then dabble in the hall.

Also, recently I had the opportunity to watch the life of foreign professional bodybuilders   (via a new movie dedicated to the memory of Joe Vader, “Iron Generation”). So, there the athletes talked about the daily calorie content of their diet in the region of nine, his mother, thousands of calories. So that you imagine how much this is, imagine - you stood in 7   in the morning and before 22-00   all hamster and hamster. Indeed, the calories they consume are mum, do not worry, and the number of meals can sometimes reach 7   in a day. Of course, an ordinary person does not need to turn into a factory for the disposal of food products and fertilizing the soil, but a certain frequency of receptions must be observed. And to figure out which one, the following theory would be most welcome.

All of us are more or less aware of what you need to eat to create a composite body: fiber, vegetables and fruits. However, it often happens that we sorted out the products, but when and how many times a day they are, we don’t attach much importance. Thus, it turns out that eating healthy during the day, our healthy food is still converted to fat and does not have the desired “therapeutic” (weight loss) effect.

From all this, a simple conclusion can be made - people do not eat when their body needs it. They recall refueling too late (or early), when there is a pronounced feeling of hunger, which makes itself felt through the production of the hormone ghrelin by the stomach. The latter signals the brain that it is high time to throw firewood into the furnace.

So, to prevent this from happening, you need to know that in dietetics there is such a thing as temporary meal schedules. This is what they are.

From the graph, you can make a very obvious conclusion - your body (all its systems) daily uses energy stored by the body. Peaks of its use occur during physical activity (in this case, training in the gym).

Conclusion: the nutrition process   (as much as possible)   must follow / keep up with the use of energy.

So, from the point of view of energy use by the body, a standard (3-time) meal of most people during the day looks like.

Three meals a day, the main disadvantages:

  • overeating converts excess nutrients into fat;
  • fewer times leaves you hungry and weak in between meals;
  • fasting very often leads to even more overeating.

How many times a day you need to eat: the main problems

One of the biggest “gags” of such a schedule is too long intervals m / y with main meals (e.g. breakfast in 8-00   in the morning; lunch - 14   day; dinner - 19   in the evening). If hamster 3   once a day, then your stomach will be constantly unhappy, your body will be in a suspended state of hunger   (there will be a decrease in energy level and recovery rate). Extreme hunger is usually contrasted with overeating, which increases the accumulation of fat. One mistake usually leads to another, putting the body in a “vicious cycle of hunger" (decreased metabolism)alternating with periods of overeating (fat gain).

Here's what the most rational meal period should look like during the day.

6   meals per day, the main advantages:

  • relatively small portions maintain a high level of energy and make you “full” throughout the day;
  • light snacks - save the body from “starvation” during long workouts and in between meals;
  • relatively small portions maintain a high metabolic rate, thus avoiding overeating.

Output: 6 one meal (every meal 2-3   hours)   more consistent with the efficient use of energy by the body. Significant refills in the morning and before training, and smaller ones, allow the body not to gain extra calories in the form of fat and transform in the direction of improving body composition.

Actually, we figured out the number of meals per day. Now let's take a step-by-step look at how any “bodybuilder” should eat. So, here is what kind of nutrition plan and advice you need to adhere to all who decide to change their body.

No. 1. The right power system

First you need to adjust your diet by removing dressings, mayonnaises, sauces and ketchups from it. Reduce the amount of salt, sugar and spices consumed.

No. 2. Meal frequency

You need to eat every 2-3   hours, and the food should be rich in protein, which must be combined with complex carbohydrates, fiber and vegetables.

Number 3. Consume linseed oil

It will help saturate the body with healthy fats (omega 3/6/9) and curb your appetite.

Number 4. Drink plenty of water

To determine your average water requirement, divide your weight (in kg) by 30 . For example, you weigh 80   kg, then you need to drink a day 2,6   liter of pure water.

These were basic tips to get you started. As for the nutrition plan, it may look as follows.

How many times a day you need to eat: meals

No. 1. Breakfast

1-2   dimensional scoop of protein diluted with nonfat milk, plus 1/2   glasses of frozen berries / fruits. Mix everything thoroughly. Fried eggs 1   whole egg and 2 protein. Half a glass ( 125   g) oatmeal with low fat yogurt. 1 tsp .

No. 2. The second meal.

200-250   gr tuna. Protein shake with skim milk.

Number 3. The third meal.

150-200   gr chicken breast, a plate of brown rice, 1-2   whole grain bread 1 tsp linseed oil.

Number 4. The fourth meal.

100-120   gr salmon or lean beef steak. One and a half buckwheat, green salad.

No. 5. The fifth meal.

180-200   gr seafood (shrimp). 1   a large portion of cauliflower, cucumber and tomato salad with olive / linseed oil.

No. 6. Sixth meal.

1-2   dimensional scoop of casein protein (or 200   cottage cheese), 2   egg squirrel.

Number 7. Fruits and vegetables.

Consume about a week 5   types of fruits and / or vegetables. The latter can be mixed with protein (e.g. turkey fillet with green salad or asparagus).

Well, that’s probably all for today, we answered the question - how many times a day you need to eat and what kind of nutrition scheme to adhere to. It remains only a little - to follow all this :).


The next nutritious note came to an end, in it we took one more step closer to the goal called “the body of your dreams”. I am sure that now you will not have questions about how many times a day you need to eat. By all means try to move from the classics - 3 techniques to 5-6 . Good luck, my dear!

PS.   Each comment is your trace to the descendants, so watch out, do not be shy!

PPSDid the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100   points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and appreciation, Protasov Dmitry.

According to statistics, in 2017 Russia took 6th place in the ten most drinking countries in the world. An average Russian man consumes 15.1 liters of alcohol per year, and a woman - 7.8 liters. The most preferable in our country is vodka, but recently the consumption of wine has also been growing. How often can I drink, what and in what quantities, so as not to harm my health? What are the standards and rules for drinking? Read this article.

It is no secret that the ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages acts detrimental to the human body, like poison. And despite the fact that this fact has long been scientifically proven, people leading a sober lifestyle in the world are not increasing. Most do not even want to hear about the dangers of alcoholism, considering every weekend an occasion for a drink. But, despite this, doctors tirelessly continue to fight for a healthy lifestyle, setting ethanol standards for people who can not adversely affect their health and well-being.

Classification of drinkers in domestic narcology

Specialists divided people into five groups, depending on the amount and frequency of alcohol-containing drinks consumed.

1. Abstinents - people who are indifferent or negative to alcohol. A state of intoxication does not give them pleasure, causes physical discomfort or is unacceptable for moral reasons. Abstinents are absolute, which categorically do not drink alcohol, and relative, which can afford to drink 2-3 times a year no more than 100 ml of low alcohol drinks. Abstinents from the absolute group are also divided into three types. The first - biological - is allergic to alcohol or discomfort after taking it. The second - medical - strong drinks are prohibited due to the presence of any disease. The third - behavioral - a person consciously refuses alcohol, simply because he decided so.

Note! Sometimes abstinents can afford a small dose of alcohol, but this is rare. They never get drunk and often find some reason not to drink.

2. Random drinkers - people who do not feel a craving for a drink, but can afford to drink up to 250 ml of a strong drink no more than once a month. The state of intoxication is weak and does not give them pleasure. Even after such a minimum amount of drunk, these people feel the symptoms of a hangover the next morning. Therefore, at a more mature age, they often already begin to belong to a group of abstinents.

3. Moderately drinkers - people who can drink up to 400 ml of spirits from 1 to 4 times a month. Drinkers in this category enjoy being drunk and often initiate libations in the company. In the medical field, there is no unequivocal opinion about elevated and moderate doses of alcohol, therefore this group is considered the most ambiguous: the intake of alcoholic beverages for such people is considered a way of raising the mood.

4. Drinking systematically - people who consume up to 500 ml of alcohol with a frequency of up to two times a week. They use intoxication as a way to relax, have fun and find a common language with the environment. This category is characterized by alcohol abuse, as a result of which weakening of self-control and violation of behavior occurs. Such people often experience a hangover after parties, and often start drinking from a young age, as a result of which they develop a psychological addiction to alcohol, so strong drinks occupy an important place in their life. Here the first stage of alcoholism is already beginning.

5. Habitually drinkers - people who abuse alcohol more often 2-3 times a week in quantities exceeding 500 ml. At this stage, tolerance to drinking is formed. To get to the right condition, they constantly increase the dose of strong drinks. A state of intoxication becomes the only possible way to relax and enjoy. This category of drinkers is more related to the first stage of alcoholism, smoothly passing into the second.

It is very difficult for people from the last category to overcome the desire to take alcohol, since it is already a vital priority for them. The consequences of this behavior are sleep disturbances, diseases of various internal organs and, ultimately, personality degradation.

Important! If one of your relatives, or you, in your own person, belong to one of the last two groups, know that there is still a chance to stop everything and return to a normal and sober lifestyle. To do this, you simply need to abandon the use of alcohol, and special medications that reduce the desire to "take to the chest" and remove alcoholic toxins from the body can help.

WHO standards

The World Health Organization has calculated the exact amount of alcohol, the use of which has a low risk of threatening human health. A safe dose of alcohol is indicated in portions.

1 serving \u003d 10 ml of ethanol or 8 g of alcohol.

  • For men, 3 servings per day or 21 servings per week are acceptable, provided two completely sober days (in a row or at intervals).
  • For women, 2 servings per day or 14 servings per week are acceptable, provided two completely sober days (in a row or at intervals).

World Standards for Drinking

The World Health Organization has defined a standard serving of alcohol called a drink or unit.

We drink correctly: how to drink in moderation when drinking is prohibited and what the skill “drinking skills” hides

The main rule underlying the prevention of alcoholism is not to allow yourself to drink “with grief”. Everything is simple here - the presence of a company and the lack of a habit of drinking problems are strong deterrents in a fit of desire to abuse. It’s much harder to keep a human face in a fun company in the midst of rampant fun. How to learn to drink correctly and to comply with your measure?

The rate of ethanol consumption is more dependent on the age and physique of the drinker. A young and easily built body is more susceptible to alcohol. There is a formula according to which the optimal dose of alcohol consumed should be 1.5 ml of ethanol per 1 kg of weight, in terms of vodka, 3.75 ml is obtained.

But, in order not to engage in complex mathematical calculations in the midst of fun, it is enough to carefully monitor your own feelings. If there is a feeling of nebulous consciousness, loss of balance, poor control of the speech apparatus, pause for 1-1.5 hours. Have a snack, drink some water, take a walk in the air, move around, and when you return to normal, you can skip a few more glasses. Thus, thanks to self-control, you will not miss the moment when the measure is achieved.

It is worth paying attention to when drinking alcohol is extremely undesirable:

  • with an excited state;
  • depressed
  • if severe fatigue overcomes.

In addition, you should not take strong drinks if you have recently recovered and stopped taking medications. Time must pass, at least a week.

Diseases and alcohol: which diseases should limit or completely eliminate alcohol consumption

Alcoholic beverages have a strong effect on the functioning of the brain, heart, liver, pancreas and kidneys. Therefore, the use of alcohol for diseases of these organs is primarily contraindicated. You can not drink alcohol after a heart attack, stroke, with hypertension and an ulcer. With extreme caution, the use of alcohol in diabetes is allowed. It is allowed to drink in minimum doses only strong drinks or dry wines. Strongly forbidden:

  • all kinds of liquors;
  • beer:
  • champagne;
  • sweet wines;
  • energy and other low-alcohol soda and cocktails.

Alcohol is contraindicated during the use of antibiotics, antidepressants, analgesics, sedatives, sleeping pills and antihistamines.

The reality and myths about alcohol

There are many different legends and myths about alcohol. Today, young people perceive the image of a drinker as a symbol of independence, style, adulthood. People believe that if beer has a minimum number of revolutions in a fortress, then it is absolutely harmless and you can take it in unlimited quantities. In addition, it is believed that champagne is lighter than wine.

In fact, a person who drinks alcohol significantly reduces his life, his appearance changes, he looks older than his age, gradually loses his mind and memory.

Beer is not a harmless drink, it is it that becomes the first step on the path to alcoholism, while the drinker practically does not notice how he becomes addicted. In addition, this drink, in addition to ethanol, contains additional substances that adversely affect the human body.

Despite the fact that the content of ethyl alcohol in champagne is much lower than in wine, it is a carbonated drink that makes you get drunk much faster.

In addition, there are several myths about alcohol.

  • Myth number 1 - alcohol warms in the cold.

True - the use of a small dose of ethanol will expand the blood vessels and for some time the body will feel the influx of heat. But soon the opposite effect will occur: the vessels are spasmodic and the body is more likely to become cold.

  • Myth number 2 - alcohol helps in the fight against depression.

True - alcohol depresses the nervous system and belongs to the class of depressants. Drinking during depression will only aggravate the situation.

  • Myth No. 3 - low-alcohol drinks are less harmful than strong ones.

True - any alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, in the process of decay of which acetic aldehyde is released - a toxic poison that poisons the body.


Drinking is addictive, and a feeling of intoxication can create the illusion of a fun and carefree life. The main thing in the pursuit of relaxation and momentary fun is not to cross the line beyond which people lose their human appearance and acquire deadly diseases.

No matter how much they talk about the maximum dosage of alcohol consumed daily, a liter of beer or a bottle of 0.5 per day is absolutely not useful, as many people think. Especially if there is hypertension, gastritis, pregnancy or breastfeeding. The Ministry of Health insists that beer alcoholism is not treated, and a glass of vodka several grams once a day is not a benefit to health and general well-being, but a direct path to drinking. An alcoholic can die if he gulps down a glass of vodka, be it an elderly person or a girl who ruined her youth by drinking.

As for moderately drinkers, a healthy drink for them is red wine, but only natural and in small quantities.

Few people know that ethyl alcohol acts on the human body as a toxic substance. However, this scientifically proven fact does not increase the number of teetotalers. Someone drinks on big holidays, and those who are on a Friday night are already a reason to throw a drink, and do not want to hear about the dangers of alcohol. A healthy lifestyle, the doctors found out how often you can drink alcohol so that there are no tangible negative consequences for the body.

The article presents averaged indicators. Sex, age, weight, the presence of diseases can change them in one direction or another.

Classification of drinkers in domestic narcology

Depending on the frequency and amount of alcohol consumption, experts divide people into five groups.

  • Abstinents.

The word abstinence means abstinence from anything, including from drinking alcohol. Doctors call abstinents people who don’t drink at all or drink a glass of champagne several times a year. Often non-drinkers have three reasons for a sober lifestyle:

biological - an allergy to alcohol, when even the use of a small dose leads to serious poisoning; Ethyl alcohol can also cause unusual intoxication, when instead of raising the mood, depression and depression appear;

medical - when you can not drink due to the presence of diseases;

behavioral - a person consciously decided not to drink a single gram of alcohol.

Some abstinents can sometimes drink a little, so as not to seem an outcast in a drinking company. But the dose of booze is very small, because they never get drunk. Most often, teetotalers find some reason not to be poured at all.

  • Random drinkers

Doctors classify this category as people who consume no more than 250 ml of vodka several times a year, but not more often than once a month. Basically, they begin to drink in adulthood, observing the rituals, but do not get much pleasure from drinking, on the contrary, they feel in the morning after the feast. Therefore, by the age of forty they often pass into the category of abstinents and do not even transfer the smell of fumes to the spirit.

  • Moderate drinkers

This is the most controversial group, because there is no unequivocal opinion about moderate and high doses of alcoholic beverages in the medical environment. Russian narcologists are ranked among moderate drinkers as a person who drinks an average of 100-150 ml of vodka (maximum 400 ml) from 1 to 4 times a month. These people are the organizers of parties and gatherings with friends, because drinking alcohol for them means to improve their mood.

  • Drinking systematically

Such people are able to take 200-300 ml of vodka once or twice a week (maximum 500 ml). Usually their alcoholic experience begins even before they reach adulthood, and after a few years, alcohol takes an important place in the system of life values. A psychological dependence on ethyl alcohol is gradually forming, and this indicates the first stage of alcoholism.

  • Habitually drinking

According to doctors, this group can include a person who drinks half a liter or more of vodka several times a week. It is difficult for him to suppress a desire to drink; alcohol becomes a priority in life. To achieve a state of intoxication requires drinking more and more. The constant intake of such doses leads to sleep disturbance, various diseases of internal organs and personality degradation. No matter how doctors would like not to spoil the statistics, but things should be called by their proper names, this is alcoholism in the second stage of dependence.

If you recognize yourself in the last two paragraphs of the list, it is not too late to stop and stop the progression of the disease. You can start the path to a sober way of life with the use of medicines that are freely sold on the Internet. They reduce cravings for alcohol, and at the same time help the body get rid of alcohol toxins.

World Standards for Drinking

The World Health Organization has defined a standard serving of alcohol called a drink or unit. It is equal to the amount of drink containing 10 g of pure alcohol. For example, one drink will be a bottle (330 ml) of beer, 150 ml of dry wine or 45 ml of vodka or cognac.

You can find out the amount of ethanol in other drinks based on the information on the label: volume and strength in volume percent.

Based on this standard, WHO has developed a recommended and minimizing the risk of complications in the form of somatic diseases and alcoholism:

  • men are recommended to drink no more than 40 g of ethanol per day, which is equal to 100 g of vodka;
  • a daily serving for women should not exceed 30 g of alcohol, that is, no more than 80 g of vodka or a glass of wine.

When asked how often alcohol can be consumed, doctors answer that this should not be done every day, even if the dose is equal to just one drink. On the contrary, between drinking alcohol, breaks are required, not less than two days.

Safe drinking is a relative concept

  • You should not drink under any pretext to those who are allergic to ethanol or to the components of alcoholic beverages (colorants, flavorings), as well as people with chronic diseases of the stomach, liver and other internal organs.
  • People with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism (one of the parents drank) is not advisable to start acquaintance with strong drinks in general.
  • There is no such thing as “safe drinking” for people under the age of majority. Even one hundred grams of vodka taken once can cause enormous harm to an unformed teenager.
  • Doctors do not recommend drinking to pregnant women and nursing mothers, as this is harmful to the child.

WHO doctors concluded that in a year an average person can drink 8 liters of alcohol without harm to their health. In Russia, statistics show that for one drinker there are as many as 18 liters of alcohol, that is, the norm is exceeded more than twice.

The debunking myths about the safety of drinks with a low alcohol percentage should help to increase the culture of alcohol consumption. Often, it is with beer and cocktails that alcoholism begins in women and adolescents who are confident in the absence of harm from drinks with a weak degree.

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Raise a glass for health? It all depends on how often and in what quantities you drink. Indeed, scientists have proven (and at the moment this is final) that people, and especially the elderly, who drink alcohol in moderation, are less likely to die from chronic diseases, compared with people who drink excessively or abstain from alcohol.

According to the Los Angeles Times, citing data from previous studies, “moderate alcoholics” live on average eight years longer than teetotalers, and are less likely to die from cancer. In addition, people who allow themselves 3-4 glasses of wine a week are less likely to die from and. At the same time, the chances of dying from cancer for those who drink too much are about 45% higher than for those who drink moderately.

Alcohol and mortality

Recently, through a meta-analysis, during which scientists analyzed data from 333,247 adults, it was possible to confirm the theory of the relationship between alcohol and death. It turned out that for almost all people, small doses of alcohol are really better than its complete absence.

But how much alcohol should be considered correct? Scientists talk about moderate drinkers as men who consume no more than 14 servings of alcohol per week, and women who consume 7 servings of alcohol per week or less. At the same time, it is necessary that women drink no more than 4 servings in two hours, and men - no more than five servings during the same time. Otherwise, the risks instantly increase.

The problem with research on the amount of alcohol consumed is that people often hide how much they actually drink. So there are beautiful figures indicating that it should be considered reliable only with an allowable error.

WHO Alcohol Norm

It is important to note that the World Health Organization, referring to the connection between alcohol and cancer, recommends abandoning alcohol-containing drinks, despite experimental data. And this may be reasonable, given that 3.3 million deaths (which is 5.9% of deaths worldwide) for 2012 were directly or indirectly related to alcohol consumption.

In addition to increasing the risks of accidents and violence, excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing cancer (especially colorectal cancer and oral cancer) by increasing inflammation, impaired and suppressing immune function.

Women and men: there is a difference

The way alcohol affects health in different doses is currently not entirely clear. Some studies show that moderate alcohol consumption can lower blood pressure, improve blood vessel function, and activate the formation of chemicals that block toxins in the body.

A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that the effects of alcohol on the human body have some differences based on gender, age, and ethnicity. For example, researchers say that excessive alcohol addiction invariably led to an increased risk of mortality in men from all causes and cancer, but a similar radical effect was not seen in women.

Moderation also provided health benefits for Europeans and Hispanics, but not African Americans. And the protective effects of alcohol were more pronounced in people aged 60 and over (compared with people aged 40 to 59 years), while in the group from 18 to 39 years, moderate alcohol consumption did not affect the level at all mortality.

"I know my norm." How often can you hear this phrase during feasts. True, it often turns out that the norm for a given guest is a very loose concept. Is it possible to compare two people drinking among themselves and say - this one drinks a lot, but this one is within the normal range? It turns out, perhaps. In narcology, there is a classification of household alcohol consumption depending on the quantitative and qualitative relationships between a person and alcohol.

There are 5 groups in total: abstinents, occasionally drinkers, moderately drinkers, systematically drinkers and habitually drinkers.


As the name implies, do not drink alcohol. Doctors also attribute to non-drinkers those people who drink a glass of champagne on New Year, March 8 and their own birthday. Such numbers of alcohol can be safely neglected.

Why don't they drink?

There are many reasons for “dry” behavior, but they can be conditionally grouped into three areas: biological, medical, and behavioral.

Biological reasons

This is alcohol intolerance at the level of the body. For example, the so-called inversion of intoxication, when after taking "on the chest" the mood does not improve, but rather decreases sharply, up to depression. Or when alcohol is not digested by the body in the most literal sense - as a food substance, and any contact with alcohol gives a detailed picture of poisoning.

For health

A person may not drink because of health (“he wants, but he cannot”). This can be a serious somatic disease, or a condition after a traumatic brain injury, or neurotic disorders in suspicious people.

Socio-psychological reasons

A person can also choose a sober lifestyle completely consciously ("maybe, but does not want to"). Often this option is found in children raised in families with an alcoholic father (of course, with a negative attitude to such a father). A significant role can be played by strict education, including religious education.

Can they start drinking?

However, if circumstances will force, then abstinents can also drink. Especially if it is so customary in this social subgroup, so as not to be a "black sheep". They usually get drunk badly, maintaining control over themselves in any situation. In the end, abstinents find some good reason to refuse to drink, without falling out of the team, most often refer to a mythical or really existing disease.

Random drinkers

This is the name of people who drink a maximum of up to 250 ml of vodka several times a year, but not more than once a month. On the whole, this group joins alcohol quite late, and they don’t have a special need for alcohol, they don’t consider it “tasty”. When intoxicated, they usually do not experience pleasant sensations, therefore they do not seek to increase the dose or drink more often. Typically, such people drink “because it is customary,” and limit themselves to ritual observance. Usually, the next morning after a feast, drinkers accidentally feel very ill - both in psychological and physiological terms. All this leads to the fact that by the age of 35-40 they replenish the cohort of abstinents, while becoming ardent opponents of the drunkenness of others, experiencing an aversion to the sight of intoxicants and to the smell of fumes.

Moderate drinkers

This is the most controversial group. As we already wrote, the differences in the definition of moderation, as well as in the usefulness of moderate drinking in the medical world are still the subject of debate. According to the Russian canons, people who drink 100-150 ml of vodka (but not more than 400 ml) 1-4 times a month are considered to be moderate drinkers.

The most important difference is that this group enjoys alcohol, their intoxication is accompanied by a mood lift, and such people do not get drunk until the pig squeals. A spontaneous desire to drink usually does not arise, but if there is a reason - be sure that it is moderate drinkers who will be the initiator of the feast. And most often, all this is realized in an informal group - the closest classmates, colleagues, just a company of friends, and is associated with a whole string of rituals and traditions.

Why are they not afraid of alcoholism?

Alcohol almost never becomes the main value in the life of moderate drinkers, the structure of the needs and motives of the person does not change. Although the alcoholic need for a constant repetition of episodes (for example, traditional Friday gatherings in a beer room) may arise.

Drinking systematically

But for drinking systematically   Alcohol plays a quite tangible role in life. This group includes people who consume 200-300 ml of vodka (but not more than 500 ml) 1-2 times a week. Doctors call this "alcoholic character accentuation." Indeed, acquaintance with alcohol occurs at an earlier age, there is a desire to "get drunk" as quickly as possible. Intoxication with such an attitude to alcohol is very pronounced, with a complete loss of self-control and asocial actions.

Why are they at risk?

The whole system of life values \u200b\u200bis initially alcohol-centric, drinking begins at 15-16 years, and the need for alcohol is formed quite quickly. Such people very often initiate a drink, looking for any convenient reason for this (up to Bastille Day). Drinking systematically drink a lot and with pleasure, experiencing discomfort the next morning only if they very much went over.

As a result, in such people, alcohol very quickly becomes the main interest in life, and they move into the next category.

Habitually drinking

They consume 500 ml of vodka and more several times a week. Such people quickly form an alcoholic need and there is a symptom of the desirability of alcoholization, it is not for nothing that doctors call habitual drunkenness pre-alcoholism. The desire to drink arises whenever an opportunity arises. The suppression of this desire is given with great difficulty and is accompanied by a decrease in mood and a deterioration in well-being. Alcohol tolerance is increasing - each time more and more doses are required to achieve the desired condition.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

Neurological and mental disorders appear - sleep is upset, self-criticism is reduced (the role of drunkenness of others is exaggerated), a gradual degeneration of the personality occurs. Alcohol is becoming the main and only source of pleasure in life, the range of interests is sharply narrowed, family and work are relegated to the second or even tenth plan.

As soon as the desirability of alcoholization becomes an obsession, as soon as the quantitative control of the drink is lost (the notorious "norm"), as soon as a person loses the ability to refuse to drink, we can talk about the formation of alcohol dependence and, therefore, about alcoholism.

How not to become an alcoholic

Is it possible to prevent the degeneration of household alcoholism into a disease? Can. But this requires a lot of effort - both the person himself and his family and friends. The further the process has gone, the more difficult it is to pull it out of the pool of alcohol, often the help of a qualified specialist psychotherapist is required. But until a physical dependence on alcohol has formed, it is possible to return a person to a normal life with virtually no loss to his health. Provided, of course, that in a new life, the absence of alcohol will become the norm.

Is it possible to somehow, at least approximately, assess the degree of seriousness of my relationship with alcohol? Can. There are special test questionnaires for this. There are also online options.