Brussels sprouts benefits and contraindications. Brussels sprouts

03.05.2019 Seafood Dishes

It is worth noting that Brussels sprouts can not grow in the wild. It was bred from cabbage by vegetable growers in Belgium, it was first mentioned in 1821, and was scientifically described by Karl Linnaeus, who gave it the name Brussels. From Belgium, cabbage was sent to France, Germany and Holland. In Russia, Brussels sprouts were first recognized in the middle of the 19th century, but since its territory is characterized by a very harsh climate, it was never able to spread widely. Very large harvests of this cabbage are harvested in Belgium, Canada, Holland, France, Germany, USA, UK. In Russia, Brussels sprouts, as a rule, occupy its central part. As a rule, cabbage is grown, which belongs to the varieties Boxer, Hercules, Dolmic, Curl, Casio, Rosella, Machuga.

The benefits and harm of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are considered to be not only one of the most delicious varieties of cabbage, but also the most useful.

It contains a very large amount of carbohydrates, fats, fiber, enzymes, carotene, vitamins C, B1, B12, B6 and others. It also contains valuable digestible proteins and ascorbic acid. It also contains much more salts of iron, potassium and magnesium than in ordinary white cabbage.

Broth from Brussels sprouts has a lot in common with chicken broth - it is just as nutritious and tasty. Brussels sprouts are recommended for people to use after surgical interventions, because it promotes healing of wounds. Due to the high content of mineral salts and potassium, Brussels sprouts are one of the most important components for patients who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Drinking the juice of Brussels sprouts, carrots, lettuce and green beans enhances and restores the functions of the pancreas, so it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes.

Brussels sprouts lead among all types of cabbage, as it contains a large amount of dry matter, protein, sugar, and minerals. 100 grams of raw material is a storehouse of more than 140 mg of vitamin C, and 1.2 mg of carotene.

The presence of such components makes the juice of Brussels sprouts an effective anti-cancer, anti-scorching, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-infective, anti-toxic, general tonic remedy. Moreover, it also has antidiabetic, expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic properties. It is one of the main components of this product - it is mineral salts, as well as potassium, so the juice from Brussels sprouts improves the health of patients who suffer from cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, arrhythmias, etc.). Brussels sprouts juice must be consumed by cancer patients.

If we compare the possible harm and benefit of this amazing product, then it is almost imperceptible in comparison with the beneficial effect that it has on the state of human health.

First of all, Brussels sprouts can be harmful to people who have an increased acidity of the stomach or exacerbation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Now that we know the positive and negative sides of the Brussels sprouts, we can safely make it the main course of our diet. But at the same time be sure to remember and possible contraindications.

Brussels sprouts in cooking

As mentioned above, in the cookery from Brussels sprouts prepare a variety of dishes. After all, this vegetable is truly universal.

Cob can be consumed in raw, stewed, boiled, roasted; they can also be used to make salads, stews, soups, meats, pasta, rice, potatoes, omelets, pies, casseroles, sauces, pastries, drinks; they are also an indispensable element in decorating a festive table.

Garnish, main dishes, soups and soup prepared from boiled whole kochanchikov. Especially delicious boiled roasted in breadcrumbs and poured with cream or sour cream kochanchiki.

Choosing and storing Brussels sprouts

If you are going to buy Brussels sprouts, be sure to carefully consider it: there should not be dark spots on the top leaflets, there should be no rot on the stems and kochanchiki. Yellow cabbage is of poor quality. The most delicious will be cabbages of small size, strong, dense and having a bright green color; large ones can also be used, but it must be borne in mind that they may be slightly bitter.

Quality Brussels sprouts can be stored in the refrigerator; individual cob cut from the stem can also be put in the freezer. When, in Russia, the cultivation of Brussels sprouts was abandoned precisely because of the frosts, but in fact, she is not so afraid of them, rather, on the contrary, frosts only improve her taste.

How to cook brussels sprouts

You can cook Brussels sprouts very quickly and easily: to do this, they first boil them on high heat for several minutes. Cover it with a cover is not necessary, it will preserve its useful properties and bright green color.

If you first purchased this type of cabbage, you can cook it in the oven with eggs and cream. Khobanchiki need to boil until half ready in salted water, then fry in butter, pour a mixture of eggs with cream and quickly bake in the oven at high temperature until it becomes golden in color.



  • 400 g cabbage
  • 150-200 g of cheese
  • 200-300 g thick sour cream
  • 1 PC. sweet pepper
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • Lubricating oil
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Spice.

We rotate cabbages and remove the top leaves, cut off a little at the base. We blanch in boiling water for several minutes. After that, pour out the water and lay out the cabbage in a baking dish, which we pre-lubricate with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs (optional). Chop grated cheese, finely chop greens. Remove seeds from the pepper and cut it into small cubes.

Sour cream combined with cheese, pepper and herbs, add a small amount of spices and mix. Put the mass on the cabbage, put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour. Served as a standalone dish or side dish for meat products.

Omelet with Brussels Sprouts

  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Spicy cheese - 100 grams
  • Milk - 2 tablespoons
  • Brussels Sprouts - 12 Kochanchik
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper.

Cabbage cabbages boil a few minutes salted water until half cooked. After that, cool, cut into two parts. Heat the butter, put the cabbage into it and fry for a few minutes. We rub cheese on a fine grater. Beat eggs with milk until smooth, salt, pepper, add cheese, mix.

Brussels sprouts salad with apples and prunes

  • Brussels sprouts - 300 g
  • Onions - 100g
  • Apples - 100 g
  • Pitted prunes - 50 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g
  • Mustard - 100 g
  • Sugar, black ground pepper, salt.

My cabbage, clean and use kochanchiki whole. Onions cut into half rings, apples into straws, prunes into strips. We mix all the products, add sugar, pepper and salt to taste. Dress the salad with a mixture of vegetable oil and mustard.

Brussels sprouts soup with meatballs

  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Minced meat - 300 g
  • Brussels sprouts - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • A piece of bread
  • Bay leaf, garlic
  • Salt pepper
  • Chopped parsley
  • Vegetable oil.

In the pot pour a few liters of water. Put on the fire, bring to a boil. At this time we are engaged in meatballs: We slice a piece of bread in water, add it to the stuffing, mix well. Squeeze garlic and add to the stuffing. Salt and pepper. We form small balls and drop them into boiling water. Stir when the meatballs pop up, make a small fire and cook further. Brussels sprouts cut into halves and put in broth. Paste on vegetable oil finely chopped onions and carrots. Potatoes cut into cubes. All ingredients are mixed with broth. Salt and pepper and cook for 10-15 minutes. Ready soup is poured into plates and sprinkled with fresh parsley.

2013 -2-22 17:38

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Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Brussels sprouts - plant family cabbage (cruciferous), vegetable culture. Refers to the form of kale and is not found wild form. The ancestor of Brussels sprouts is cabbage, which grows wild in the Mediterranean, where it was introduced into culture in antiquity. Brussels sprouts were bred from kale by vegetable growers in Belgium, from where it penetrated to France, Germany and Holland (calorizer). Karl Linney was the first to scientifically describe cabbage and named it Brussels after Belgian gardeners from Brussels. Appeared in Russia in the middle of the XIX century, but did not receive distribution due to harsh climatic conditions. Brussels sprouts are widely cultivated in Western European countries (especially in the UK), the USA and Canada. In Russia, it is cultivated in limited quantities, mainly in the central regions.

The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is 43 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of Brussels sprouts

The benefits and harm of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts - low-calorie product. It is among the vegetables whose consumption reduces the risk of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary insufficiency, hypertension), and also reduces the likelihood of birth defects.

Expectant mothers are encouraged to include Brussels sprouts in their diet as a source. It is necessary for the proper development of the nervous system and reduces the risk of congenital malformations in children. As an excellent source of the main antioxidant, Brussels sprouts help young mothers to maintain a gorgeous complexion. The fiber content prevents constipation.

Brussels sprouts are recommended as a dietary product for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. There is evidence that the use of Brussels sprouts stimulates wound healing. Juice helps to restore pancreatic function, it is very useful in diabetes.

Consumption of Brussels sprouts can bring harm to the body. And it contains elements that disrupt the thyroid gland. People who have problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland should limit the use of Brussels kaputs and other cruciferous plants, otherwise hypothyroidism may develop. The goitrogens contained in them suppress the production of thyroid hormones. But, despite this, some nutritionists say that the effect of goitrogens can be neutralized during heat treatment. In addition, there are still indoles in Brussels sprouts that interfere with the thyroid gland in a normal and sufficient manner to assimilate iodine.

Brussels sprouts in cooking

Eat small coaches of Brussels sprouts, formed from the lateral buds in the axils of the leaves. They have high nutritional qualities. The cabbages of Brussels sprouts are boiled, used to make salads, soups and frozen vegetable mixtures, they are stewed and fried. Whole kochanchiki go to the preparation of soup, main dishes and side dishes for meat. You can boil them, and then simmer with butter, fry until golden brown and serve with or (calorizator). The original shape and size of Brussels cabbage dwellers combined with attractive green or violet color make it possible to use Brussels cabbage dressers for the decoration of festive dishes, and high taste qualities for gourmet dishes. Also Brussels sprouts can be dried.

Brussels sprouts - are widely cultivated in Europe and the United States, but in Russia it is spread quite a bit. Mostly this vegetable is grown in the central part of our immense country. This crop looks like a long stalk dotted with small cabbage cabbages. Those who are attentive to their health will be interested to learn about the Brussels sprouts and, in particular, about the benefits and harms its use can cause.

The cabbages of Brussels sprouts are very small in size - they are hardly larger than normal walnut. On each of their stalks there may be up to 50-70 pcs. That is what they eat.

The calorie content of Brussels sprouts is small and amounts to about 43 kcal / 100 g in fresh produce and not more than 36 kcal - in frozen. That is why it is considered a dietary product and is used in the preparation of special diets aimed at weight loss. However, Brussels sprouts are high in vitamins and nutrients, therefore its nutritional value is significant. It contains a large amount of protein (up to 4.8-5 g), which is characterized by a rich set of amino acids and is not much inferior to animal proteins in its characteristics. In addition, in Brussels, it is 2 times more than in other varieties of similar crops.

There is little fat intake - only 0.3 g per 100 g (as much as in cauliflower). The amount of carbohydrates is about 3.1 g - they are 2 times less than in the usual white one. It also contains up to 0.4 g of starch, about 1.3 g of ash, 4.2 g of dietary fiber. Most of the mass is water - about 86 g per 100 g. Also in the composition there are disaccharides and monosaccharides in the amount of 2.7 g, organic (up to 0.3 g) and unsaturated fatty (up to 0.1 g) acids.

Of particular value is a set of vitamins and minerals contained in the fruits of this culture. Vitamin composition of Brussels sprouts per 100 g:

  • A - 50 μg;
  • B 1 - 0.1 mg;
  • C - 100 mg;
  • B 2 - 0.2 mg;
  • B 6 - 0.28 mg;
  • E - 1 mg;
  • B 9 - 31 micrograms;
  • B 5 - 0.4 mg;
  • PP - 1.5 mg.

As for the trace elements, the Brussels sprouts are not deprived of them. For example, potassium contains 375 mg / 100 g, phosphorus - 78 mg, magnesium - 40 mg, calcium - 34 mg. It is rich in sodium and iron (7 and 1.3 mg / 100 g, respectively).

Unfortunately, the Brussels sprouts cannot boast of good taste, it is slightly bitter, and it also smells harsh, so they do not like it. It is mainly consumed by people who know about its benefits to the body. However, most of the shortcomings can be eliminated by properly preparing the vegetable.

Useful properties for the body

The benefits of Brussels sprouts for the human body is really very great. It is advised to use it regularly to:

  • improve the work of the organs of vision, as cabbage contains lutein;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • reduce the risk of breast cancer by 70% due to the content in the vegetable isothiocyanates;
  • prevention of diseases of the respiratory organs (beta-carotene acts as an assistant, which reduces the risk of developing asthma and ARVI);
  • prevention of constipation and improvement of the digestive system;
  • improve the immune system;
  • weight loss;
  • prevention of diseases of the hematopoietic system.

The popularity of culture has increased significantly since the time when scientists announced that the product helps to remove substances from the body that provoke the development of cancerous tumors, and its juice provides a speedy recovery from serious illnesses.

This cabbage is also good for the prevention of avitaminosis; it is included in the menu of diabetics and overweight people. It also helps with a number of diseases of the urogenital system, providing a diuretic effect. It speeds up the healing process and is recommended for those who have undergone surgery.


As for the body of children, then here the beneficial properties of Brussels sprouts have shown themselves to the full. Due to its calcium content, it helps strengthen bone tissue. That is why cabbage must necessarily enter the menu of the child.

The product to use is recommended for children from 6 months. But even older ones are advised to include it in the menu with caution. It is necessary to start giving it gradually, with a teaspoon in the morning, and watch the body's reaction to this product.


For a woman, it is also recommended to add Brussels sprouts to the diet. Useful properties of the product due to the significant amount of folic acid in it, so necessary for the female body. Diindolylmethane, which is present in the product, stimulates the production of female hormones estrogen, and indole-3-carbinol helps to inhibit the development of cells that cause breast cancer.


Brussels sprouts brings a lot of benefits to men too. It increases the activity and the number of sperm. The product is recommended to include men in the menu, aimed soon to become fathers. Cabbage can increase sexual activity in both sexes.

What is useful Brussels sprouts during pregnancy

Since Brussels sprouts are an important source of folic acid, it is important to use it for expectant mothers. The substance is required for the harmonious development of the nervous system of the baby, it reduces the risk of pathologies and malformations in children. Also, the product will allow to compensate for the lack of vitamin C, calcium in the body of the future mother, help to cope with constipation and control weight gain.

Eat Brussels sprouts can begin with the early timing of carrying a baby. But nursing women have to eat this product with caution and only when the baby is at least 2 months old. Otherwise colic may occur.

Application in nutrition and for weight loss

Great role Brussels sprouts and for weight loss. It is often one of the components of the weight tracker menu. Norms of its use as such does not exist, if there are no contraindications. The minimum dose per day is 300 g. But in general, since the product is low in calories, it is not necessary to monitor the amount of Brussels sprouts in the diet.

It can be eaten in any form - stewed, boiled, baked. It makes good side dishes and salads. The maximum amount of benefits the body brings, it is fresh or its juice, because eating Brussels sprouts is better than raw.

Harm and contraindications of use

Unfortunately, the uncontrolled use of the product is impossible due to a number of contraindications. Brussels sprouts are detrimental to health in certain cases: for example, people should eat it with pathologies of the digestive system carefully. It is enough that it contains a large amount of fiber and can cause loose stools and bloating. In this case, it is better to use it only after consulting a doctor.

Like any other food, Brussels sprouts have their own composition. Total per 100 grams of product accounts for:

  • 43 kcal;
  • 2.2 sugars;
  • 0.3 grams of fat;
  • 0.1 grams of fatty acids;
  • 0.03 grams of sodium.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of any product is very important for the consumer. A vegetable like Brussels sprouts has:

In addition to the above chemicals in the product of this nature are present:

  1. folates;
  2. phosphorus;
  3. iron;
  4. selenium;
  5. calcium.

The amount of chemicals calculated per 100 grams of product.

Calories per 100 grams

For many people, the calorie content of a certain product is very important. Therefore, we can not miss this item.

In general, per 100 grams of this cabbage is 43 kcal.

In the event that you cook this cabbage with roasting, the number of kcal will increase to 156.


Vitamins are an important content of any product and cabbage is not an exception. 100 grams of this cabbage has:

  • vitamin B6 in the amount of 0.30 mg;
  • vitamin K - 155 micrograms;
  • vitamin C - 74 mg.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) are the main nutrients of each product. 100 grams of Brussels sprouts has:

    3 grams of protein;

    8 grams of carbohydrates;

    9 grams of fat.


Harm to the body

Dishes based on Brussels sprouts are certainly very tasty, but in some cases this component can bring a negative factor to the human body.

An undesirable intake of this cabbage refers to people who have problems with the intestines or have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most common harm a cabbage can cause is bloating.

Also cabbage brings harm to people who suffer from thyroid disorders. Cabbage has an element that, entering the body, inhibits the work of the glands that produce shchidovid hormones.

Benefit for health

There are quite a lot of useful qualities of Brussels cabbage, so we consider them as a list:


This type of cabbage, as Brussels, is a contraindication in the form of acute manifestations of a particular chronic disease. Such diseases are usually related to the gastrointestinal tract.

If people suffer from bouts of intestinal spasm, it is also recommended to limit the use of this cabbage.

If the work of the intestines has certain malfunctions in work, or simply the intestines are weak, it is better to eliminate this product from your diet.


The reasons

Allergic reactions to cabbage have their own specific causes:

    The ingestion of so-called antibodies in the child's body leads to his allergies. Such a process can take place at the time of pregnancy or breastfeeding.

    The reason may also be genetics, that is, the rejection of the product will be inherited.

    Frequency release of a specific allergen, as well as its immediate dose.


Symptoms in case of cabbage allergy are completely identical to standard food poisoning:

  1. the victim will feel tingling in the face, lips and tongue;
  2. a small rash will appear on the patient's skin. Such a rash, as is correct, is accompanied by itching;
  3. a person may get swelling;
  4. begins active development of eczema.


Treatment of an allergy to a product of this type is carried out by a complex look. The blocking of allergens is carried out through a long-term effect on the body.

Brussels sprouts appeared in Russia not so long ago, however, it has already won universal recognition. Today, it is highly valued for its beneficial properties.

Biological description and distribution of Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts form a cylindrical stem with a height of 20-60 or more centimeters. It produces seeds that remain viable for 5 years in the second year of their life.

The food uses small cabbages. They are formed in the leaf sinuses, located on top of the shortened stems.

Brussels sprouts perfectly stand frost down to -5-8 degrees. In the Netherlands and the UK it is grown in the winter season, but it feels most comfortable at a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees.

The plant is moisture-loving, but perfectly tolerates drought due to the powerful root system. It needs good lighting, so it negatively relates to dimming.

Brussels sprouts bred vegetable growers Belgium. Then it began to cultivate in Germany, Holland and France. In Russia, the plant appeared in the middle of the XIX century, but it did not receive proper distribution due to the harsh climatic conditions.

Today, Brussels sprouts are mainly grown in Western European countries. In Russia, it is cultivated, as a rule, in central areas, but in small quantities.

The composition of Brussels sprouts

Per 100 g of vegetable culture accounts for about 43 kcal.

Nutrition value (per 100 g):

- fats - 2.4%;

- proteins - 26, 8%;

- carbohydrates - 70.9%.

The composition of the Brussels sprouts includes:

- dry matter;

- starch;

- raw protein;

- cellulose;

- B vitamins;

- ascorbic acid;

- Vitamin PP;

- mineral compounds (potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, iodine);

- carotene;

- enzymes and amino acids.

Brussels sprouts application:

  1. In medicine

The complex composition of the vegetable culture causes its use. It is considered a dietary product and is widely used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Its juice contributes to the healing of wounds, and also applies to diabetes, diseases of the pancreas.

  1. In cooking.

Brussels sprouts taste very good. Gourmets often use it in their diets. In order that the vegetable is not bitter, before cooking it is necessary to remove the stalk from it.

Small cabbage consumed boiled, stewed or fried. They are often used to prepare frozen vegetable mixes, added to the soup and second courses. The cabbages are fried in breading and served with sour cream or cream.

The heat treatment time of the vegetable should not be more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, it will lose a significant portion of vitamin C.

Choosing Brussels sprouts, it is necessary to assess the freshness of the upper leaves, as well as the absence of traces of rot and dark spots on the heads and stalks. If the vegetable has turned yellow, then its quality has deteriorated.

  1. In cosmetology.

Brussels sprouts juice helps to improve skin condition, get rid of pigmentation, wrinkles and freckles.

Brussels sprouts use

Eating vegetables:

  1. It removes from the body of excess "harmful" cholesterol.

Dietary fibers bind and remove bile acids synthesized by the liver from cholesterol. To get the effect you need to eat Brussels sprouts regularly.

  1. Improves eyesight.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, taken at 5-10 mg per day, reduce the risk of disorders that cause blindness. Vitamin A helps maintain eye health.

  1. Reduces the likelihood of respiratory diseases.

Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant. It helps to increase lung volume, reducing the risk of viral infections, emphysema and asthma.

  1. Improves brain function.

Vitamin K normalizes mental performance, and also protects neurons from damage, therefore, prevents the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

  1. Normalizes the digestive tract.

Cellulose helps to cope with constipation, so that Brussels sprouts can be used as a mild laxative. Dietary fiber and ascorbic acid relieve heartburn and improve digestion.

Ballast substances contribute to the optimal functioning of the intestines. Only 5-6 small heads of cabbage contain them as much as 50 g of whole-grain bread.

  1. Prevents cancer of the breast, prostate and rectum.

Indole-3-carbinol stops the reproduction of breast cancer cells. In the process of research it turned out that under the action of this substance the size of the tumor decreases by about 70%. Isothiocyanates, regularly entering the body, reduce the risk of malignant tumors.

  1. Strengthens the vascular wall.

Glucosinolates (compounds of glucose and amino acids) reduce the likelihood of damage to the vascular walls.

  1. Contributes to the normal course of pregnancy.

Folic acid prevents malformations in the fetus. Ascorbic acid increases immunity and strengthens the vascular walls, and also participates in metabolism. During pregnancy, the need for it increases by 30%

  1. Normalizes the activity of the pancreas.

Brussels sprouts juice is good for people who suffer from chronic pancreatitis or diabetes.

  1. It helps strengthen bones.

Brussels sprouts are very useful for the elderly and children, as they have a rather fragile bone system.

  1. Favorably affects the postoperative period.

The structure of vegetable culture includes substances that promote healing of wounds and increase the body's resistance to negative environmental factors.

  1. Improves immunity and performance.

Vitamin C significantly increases the body's resistance to disease, and folic acid increases overall performance.

  1. Contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Potassium is a trace element necessary to prevent hypertension and arrhythmias. To adjust the work of the heart, it is advisable to eat vegetables without sauce, butter and cheese.

Contraindications to the use of Brussels cabbage:

  1. Insufficient intestinal motility.
  2. Gastritis with high acidity.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase.
  4. Gout.

Folk recipes

Brussels sprouts juice has a lot of useful properties. It is advisable to drink immediately after preparation.


  1. From diabetes and for the normalization of the pancreas:

- mix the juice of lettuce leaves, cabbage brussels sprouts and green beans in identical proportions;

- take 100 ml of drink strictly on an empty stomach and before meals;

- carry out therapy for a month;

- take a two-week break;

- repeat the course.

  1. From cuts, burns and wounds:

- put a compress from cabbage juice on the damaged area, fix it from above;

- an hour later remove the bandage;

- repeat the procedure until recovery.

  1. From pigmentation:

- mix cabbage juice and puree from the fruits of mountain ash red (in equal proportions);

- Apply the composition to pigment spots and freckles;

- after 15 minutes, rinse the mixture;

- the procedure is repeated 3 times a week until the effect is achieved.

  1. From wrinkles:

- Mix the moisturizer with cabbage juice;

- apply the composition to the skin;

- wash in 30 minutes;

- repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

  1. From enlarged pores:

- wipe the cabbage juice face at night.

  1. From asthma, bronchitis:

- take 250 ml of a mixture of celery juice, radish, carrots and Brussels sprouts (mixed in equal proportions) in the morning on an empty stomach;

- Course - 10-14 days.

  1. For cardiovascular diseases:

BUT). Cranberry and Honey Drink:

- 100 g of cranberries, rinse, wipe and strain;

- combine berry composition with cabbage juice, add 20 g of honey;

- Mix the components;

- use the product 50 ml times 2-3 times a day;

- Course - 2-3 weeks.

B). Hawthorn fruit drink:

- pound 50 g of hawthorn fruit (dried), then pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and leave to infuse;

- after 30 minutes, hawthorn fruits cool, strain and mix with 200 ml of cabbage juice;

- drink consumed during the day;

- course - 1 month.

AT). Raspberry drink:

- 30 g of dry fruits combined with water (250 ml);

- a means to bring to a boil, then keep on low heat for 10 minutes;

- Leave the broth to infuse for 3 hours;

- strain the infusion, mix with cabbage juice;

- drink 100 ml times 4 times a day;

- course - 2 weeks.

D). Honey Drink:

- mix 200 ml of cabbage juice with 50 ml of lemon juice and 20 g of honey;

- use 30-40 ml of drink per day, an hour before meals;

- Course - 1.5-2 months.

D). Cranberry and Honey Drink:

- mix 100 ml of cabbage juice with 80 ml of cranberry juice and 20 grams of honey;

- use the tool for 30 ml for 30 minutes before a meal;

- Course - 2-3 months.

E) Cabbage decoction:

- Pour 450 ml of water 150 grams of chopped Brussels sprouts;

- means to boil;

- remove the broth from the stove and leave to infuse;

- after 10-15 minutes, strain the infusion;

- A means to take once a day along with products that have a diuretic effect.

  1. For diseases of the joints:

- pound 5 g of burdock root, then pour boiling water over it (200 ml);

- after 20 minutes, strain and cool the infusion;

- mix the product with cabbage juice;

- drink 100 ml a couple of times a day;

- course - 2 weeks.

  1. In case of cancer:

- 120 g of Brussels cabbage chopped;

- pound 60 g of apricot kernels;

- mix the ingredients with 40 g of honey;

- use the tool 30 g times 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before a meal.

  1. For recovery after surgery:

- put Brussels sprouts in hot broth;

- boil broth;

- use the dish during the recovery period.

Brussels Sprouts Slimming

Vegetable culture contains a small amount of calories. A diet with her participation will help to normalize weight and improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And all because in Brussels sprouts there is practically no coarse fiber.

Three-day Brussels Sprouts Diet:

The first day:

Breakfast: 250-300 g of cabbage (boiled), a slice of bread (grain), 50 g of cheese, a cup of tea with sugar.

Lunch: vegetable soup (from carrots, Brussels sprouts, celery and onions), 250 ml of juice.

Safe,: Brussels sprouts casserole (200 g), 250 ml. juice.

Dinner: 200 grams of cabbage (boiled).

Second day:

Breakfast: 250 g Brussels sprouts, a cup of tea.

Lunch: 300 grams of cabbage (stew), 100 grams of lean boiled chicken, a cup of tea.

Lunch: banana or apple, 250 ml of juice.

Dinner: 250 grams of cabbage (boiled), a slice of bread (grain).

Day three:

Breakfast: 250 g of cabbage, baked with champignons, a cup of tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup, salad (from fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and greens), a slice of bread (grain).

Lunch: 50 grams of bread (cereal), a cup of tea, pear or apple.

Dinner: 300 grams of cabbage (boiled), a cup of tea or 250 ml of juice.

During the diet every day you need to use at least two liters of water without gas.

Photos of Brussels Sprouts

Interesting facts about Brussels sprouts

  1. The broth prepared from this vegetable, on the nutritional properties is close to chicken broth.
  2. Ascorbic acid in Brussels sprouts more than in orange.

In this way, brussels sprouts  - this is not only a famous gourmet vegetable, but also a means for the treatment and prevention of diseases.