Closing the cabbage for the winter pieces. Cabbage for the winter in a can under iron lids

23.04.2019 Buffet table

Not everyone knows that cabbage contains more vitamin C than fruit. Therefore, nutritionists recommend including it in your diet. But in winter, not everyone has the opportunity to cook dishes from fresh cabbage. In this case, the vegetable can be preserved.

Salted cabbage can be added to pies, salads, borscht. It can also serve as a snack to different side dishes. It should be noted that canned cabbage can be stored for a very long time, while retaining its beneficial properties.

Each hostess should make sure that the family has a crisp, tasty and healthy snack in the winter. There are many recipes for making blanks from white, red, Beijing, cauliflower and other types of cabbage.

We will consider several options for canning. If you have not previously harvested this vegetable for the winter, be sure to engage in this, as long as you have the opportunity to purchase fresh cabbages.

Canning cabbage for winter in cans under iron lids

Let's cook cabbage salad with carrots for the winter. Banks will roll iron lids. The recipe is very simple, so any housewife can easily make a winter harvest.


  • 1 kg of fresh cabbage.
  • 5-7 pieces of carrots medium size.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 125 ml of water.
  • 125 ml of sunflower oil.
  • 125 grams of sugar.
  • 1 tbsp table salt.
  • 10 tbsp 9% vinegar.

Canning process

It is recommended to use round white cabbage, as it is more juicy. Peel the vegetable from the green leaves and chop the thin salt shaker. To do this, you can use a special knife for cabbage. Transfer to a separate bowl.

If you want to make really tasty cabbage harvesting, then you can not do without carrots. It improves the beneficial properties of snacks. Vegetable must be cleaned, washed with cold water, then grate on a coarse grater.

Peel the garlic and grate on a fine grater. You can use more garlic. Consider your taste preferences.

Send the prepared ingredients to the pelvis and wrinkle them well to let the cabbage juice.

While vegetables are infused, you need to start cooking brine. In an enamel pan pour 0.5 cups of filtered water, salt, sugar and butter. All ingredients mix. Put the pot on the stove and turn on the maximum mode so that the liquid will boil faster. At the same time, the brine must be constantly stirred to completely dissolve the sugar and salt.

Remove the pot from the stove and add vinegar to the solution and stir.

Cooked pickle pour cabbage salad. Mix ingredients thoroughly and leave to infuse for at least 2 hours.

During this time, vegetables marinate well and give juice. After that, decompose the cabbage into cans, which must first be sterilized in any convenient way.

Cover the cans with iron lids and roll them up with a special device.

Billet clean in a cool place. If you prefer, you can try the cabbage, after about one week. There is nothing difficult in preparation, so you will definitely be able to make such a winter harvest.

Preserving cauliflower cauliflower for winter at home

Kohlrabi is a vegetable that looks like a radish, and its taste is similar to ordinary white cabbage. With the help of this recipe, you can cook a full-fledged salad, rich in essential trace elements and vitamins. Snack is low-calorie, so it can be consumed in unlimited quantities.


  • 300 g kohlrabi.
  • Half an average carrot.
  • 1-3 cloves of garlic.
  • 1-2 g of chili pepper.
  • 1 tsp. Oregano.
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar.
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar

Conservation steps

In order not to waste time on finding the necessary products during cooking, it is recommended to immediately prepare all the ingredients. You can use other spices in the recipe, but the taste can change a lot. If you have the desire and time, then experiment, perhaps you will come up with a new way to prepare a delicious snack.

Kohlrabi has no leaves, but before cooking it is necessary to peel a thick skin. To do this, the vegetable must be divided into two parts, and then remove the top layer. Before cabbage you need to wash and cut the stem. Cut vegetable flesh into medium-sized cubes, as shown in the image below.

Wash the young carrot, remove the top layer with a peeler and cut into cubes, as well as cabbage. Add to bowl with kohlrabi.

Peel the garlic and chop it into small pieces or plates, as you prefer. Add to bowl to other products.

Now you need to add oregano. Stir everything with a wooden spoon or with your hands.

Sterilize the jar. To do this, preheat the oven to 100 degrees and send the tara into it for 10 minutes. When it cools down, fill it with vegetable cutting. Top with pepper pod.

Top with sugar and rock salt. It should be noted that iodized salt should not be used, as it is not suitable for preserving food.

At the final stage of cooking you need to pour the white wine vinegar cabbage.

Boil a small amount of water and add it to the jar so that the liquid completely covers all the ingredients. After that, you need to preheat the oven to 100 degrees and sterilize the blank for 30 minutes.

Remove the canned cabbage from the oven and roll up the lids. Banks are recommended to cover with a blanket and leave in a dark place to snack completely cooled. If you store the cabbage in the cellar or pantry, it will not spoil in six months.

Early cabbage. Canned in banks

Each housewife has his own recipes and secrets of cooking dishes and winter preparations. But this method of canning is not so popular, so not everyone knows. Try this option.


  • 1 head of young cabbage medium size.
  • 1 liter of boiled water.
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of salt.
  • 2 tablespoons 70% acetic acid.
  • ½ cup vegetable oil.
  • 6 peppercorns.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • 3 tbsp mustard seeds.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

Remove the top sheets from the cabbage. The head of cab is to be cut into six slices, cut a stalk. Then chop the vegetable into large chunks and send in a separate bowl.

To prepare the brine, you need to bring the water to a boil, then add the necessary amount of vegetable oil, sugar and rock salt. The solution must be thoroughly mixed to dissolve all the crystals.

When the water is completely cooled, then it is necessary to add the essence of vinegar and spices. It should be noted that the essence is stronger than ordinary vinegar several times, so try not to exceed the recommended rate.

Peel garlic cloves, finely chop and send to the rest of the products. Top with cooked brine.

Vegetable mass should be carefully stirred and put a lid or a flat board on it, and a load on top. Hold under pressure for 2-3 days at room temperature.

And if you want to roll the early cabbage in the banks for the winter, you can use another way. For the preparation of 700g cans we need:

  • 200 g young cabbage.
  • 1 medium carrot.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • 4 peppercorns.
  • 2 cloves.
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar

Phased canning

Dried and green leaves should be removed from the cabbage, after which it should be finely chopped. Grate peeled carrots on a large or medium grater.

Vegetables need to be stirred and manually mashed so that the cabbage makes juice. Well tamp food in a sterilized glass jar. Salad pour boiling water and leave for about 15-20 minutes. Then the liquid must be drained into the pan. Place a container of water on the stove, wait for boiling and pour over the snack again.

After 10-15 minutes, the water must be drained into a basin or pan and bring to a boil. Then you need to add the necessary spices, vinegar, granulated sugar and table salt. Wait for the brine to boil, fill a jar of cabbage with it and roll up the lids.

The billet in an inverted form must be wrapped with a warm towel and removed until it cools completely. Store the workpiece is recommended in the cellar or refrigerator.

Cabbage contains a lot of vitamins, such as, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, vitamins U, P, K. But most of all cabbage is rich in vitamin C. In the summer-autumn period, getting fresh cabbages rich in vitamins is not so difficult than in the winter.

In the article we will talk about how to stock up this valuable product for the winter by yourself and how to pickle cabbage for the winter.
  The marinating process does not take away most of the beneficial vitamins from vegetables, due to the minimal heat treatment. In addition, pickled cabbage contains less acid than fermented. With a positive effect on the absorption of this product.
  Consider several options for harvesting cabbage for the winter.

This is the most classic cooking option, contains the minimum set of products that will always be in the kitchen. And when used, you can cut into different sizes for any dish. Marinate her in a three-liter jar.

The required composition of ingredients:

  • cabbage - 1 kilogram;
  • water - 1 l .;
  • acetic acid (70% solution) - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Marinating cabbage for the winter in banks recipes:

  1. Prepare the vegetable: free from spoiled leaves, wash well, dry and cut into slices (choose the size of the pieces themselves so that it is convenient to put them tightly in the cooked dishes).
  2. Laying in the bank.
  3. Cooking marinade: pour water into a saucepan, add salt and granulated sugar. After boiling pouring vinegar, oil. Everything needs to be mixed well, so that the oil spreads well over the entire container, set to minimum heat and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Pour the marinade in the jar with our preparations, tightly cork the lids and leave for 3 days in the room to cool and marinate.
  5. After this time, our billet can be placed in a cool room (cellar, pantry, refrigerator).

Marinating Instant Cabbage

This recipe is good because it takes very little time from start to full cooking, so pickled cabbage can be savored on the same day. This option is very good for late autumn harvesting, or in the event of an instant desire to try marinades.


  • young cabbages - 2 kilograms;
  • table salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • acetic acid (9% solution) - 100 milliliters;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • black pepper peas - 7 peas;
  • bay leaf - 4-5 leaflets;
  • carrot - 2 pieces;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.

Marinated Instant Cabbage with Vinegar:

  1. Vegetables well washed, dried, if necessary, remove spoiled leaves.
  2. In a saucepan, pour the water with the addition of bay leaf, pepper and salt. Next add sugar and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat until the salt and sugar dissolve (5-7 minutes).
  3. At the last stage, add acetic acid. Then mix the marinade and remove the pan from the stove. Brine to cool.
  4. Cabbage mix together with carrots. Next, add garlic, passed through the garlic press (if it is not at hand, you can also wipe through a small grater).
  5. All vegetables lay well in a jar, pour a warm pickle to them. Close the lid tightly and leave in the room for 3 hours. And now our product is ready.
  6. Store in ready-mixed refrigerated brine.

Marinated cabbage for the winter is very tasty

For lovers of products with peppercorn, you can use the following recipe. Marinated product gets a sharp taste and is well suited for a side dish for main courses, and for lovers of spicy food and for a snack.

Ingredients Required:

  • cabbage - 2.5 kilograms;
  • garlic - 3 not very large heads;
  • carrots - 5 pcs. medium size;
  • 1 liter of water.

To prepare the brine will need:

  • 250 grams of water;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • ground pungent pepper - 2 tbsp;
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

Pickled cabbage for the winter in banks recipes:

  1. Washed cabbage cut into pieces and put in enamel basin.
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Grind the garlic.
  4. All vegetables mix.
  5. The remaining ingredients for the marinade mix and add to cooked vegetables.
  6. In a saucepan, boil 1 liter of water and pour the cooked food into the pelvis. All products mix well, then leave to infuse for 3 days.
  7. Finished spicy cabbage can be shifted to jars or containers. Keep refrigerated. If there is not enough space in the refrigerator, and there is a risk in the room to spoil the product, then you can use the simple freezing method. Fold in plastic bags and send in the freezer. It is undesirable to freeze the whole preparation, because the thawed product is better suited for borscht, cabbage soup, and various soups.

How to pickle cabbage in cans for the winter with aspirin

The cabbage prepared for the winter according to this recipe is crisp and snow-white, just as it was cut from the bed. Such blanks can be stored any winter. Also, this recipe will allow to diversify the classic blanks for the winter and will surprise both guests and their households with a delicate taste.

The three-liter jar will need the following products:

  • 1 kg. fresh white cabbage;
  • 4 medium sized carrots;
  • 3 tbsp. l salts;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • black pepper in a pot - 6-8 peas;
  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 liter of water.

Marinating cabbage in cans for the winter recipes:

  1. Washed and dried cabbage shred. Carrot rubs on a coarse grater, or cut into strips. Everything is mixed up.
  2. Put 1 spoon of sugar and salt on the bottom of the jar, put 1 tablet of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), bay leaf, pepper on top.
  3. Apply chopped products in dense layers. The first layer - seasoning, already put. Then add the cabbage with carrots, until the middle of the container.
  4. Repeat seasoning layer. And put vegetables back on.
  5. Boil the water and pour half into the jar.
  6. Then we continue to spread cabbage. When the jar is filled to the neck, add salt, granulated sugar and aspirin as a last layer. Top with the remaining pepper and spiced sheets. Pour all boiling water. Cover tightly with lid.
  7. Banks cover with a thick towel (or other warm cloth). After complete cooling of the ready jars clean in cool.

Pickled Cabbage

This recipe is well suited for this sort of color (or broccoli), scald in brine, inflorescences absorb spices, while remaining crisp and snow-white, after the marinade in vinegar. If you use young, not very big heads, then neat inflorescences will look very original on the table with any dish.
  Harvest can be in one-liter, and in other banks. The following calculations are suitable for a three-liter jar.

It will take:

  • young cauliflower - 1 large head;
  • black pepper peas - 4 pieces;
  • 4 carnations;
  • 4-5 pieces of bay leaf;
  • one bunch of parsley;
  • water - one liter;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. Acetic acid;
  • 10-15 grams. citric acid.

Pickled cabbage recipes are very tasty:

  1. Wash vegetables well under a tap and break them into flowers.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and pour salt, sugar, citric acid there. And also add a clove and bay leaf, then prepared inflorescences and bring everything to a boil. Make the fire smaller and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Then each inflorescence separately needs to be pulled out and cooled, and the brine to boil for another 5 minutes.
  4. Cooking banks. If the blanks are planned to be stored for a long time, then it is better to sterilize the jars (we put a colander on the pot of water and turn over the jars on it as soon as the bottom of the jar warms up so that it is impossible to touch it - the jar is ready; liters 30 minutes). For quick consumption of the product can not be sterilized.
  5. At the bottom of the banks lay pepper, folded inflorescences. Pour all this with our pickle (so that the bank does not crack, the hot pickle is better to pour, not touching its walls, but straight into the middle).
  6. Before you roll the lids, add vinegar. Just top it down gently with a spoon. Banks turn and leave to cool.
  7. Delicious cauliflower for the winter is fully prepared. After a week of her insisting, you can taste it, if you could not resist until winter.

In addition to the main vegetable - cabbage, blanks can be diversified and other additives. Bulgarian pepper, mushrooms, large pieces of carrot (you can also experiment with whole fruits), apples, etc. Such preparations look like a salad, they can be used as a separate dish.

Marinated cabbage with instant pepper

Vegetables for this recipe is better to cut smaller, i.e. shred cabbage, and pepper cut into half rings. Also, pepper can be cut lengthwise into straws. Everything is prepared very quickly (from 2 to 3 hours), but it tastes spicy and crispy. It is also suitable as a snack, salad, or as a side dish for main dishes.


  • cabbage - 1 large head;
  • bulgarian sweet pepper - 6 pieces;
  • green parsley - 1 bunch;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar - 100-150 gr .;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • acetic acid (9%) - 100 ml .;
  • sunflower oil - 60 gr.

Pickled cabbage for the winter under iron lids:

  1. Necessary vegetables should be well washed and dried, after drying, thinly chop. Mix everything in a separate bowl or bowl, add the parsley. Give a little brew, and at this time proceed to the preparation of brine.
  2. Pour water into the pot. Salt Pour sugar and boil for a couple of minutes, then pour the oil and acetic acid. Carefully knead and turn off the stove.
  3. Pour the marinade with the products and let it brew for at least 2 hours.
  4. After the vegetables are infused, the salad can be folded in jars. In unsterilized dishes, the product should be refrigerated. If you sterilize the dishes, you can take out to the pantry, or put in the cellar. Crisp salad for winter ready.

The article provides several options for marinating cabbage for the winter. To your taste you can choose any of the recipes. Stock up on such marinades for the winter is very useful. This is an indispensable option to maintain your immunity, and by the spring - the best way to combat vitamin deficiency.

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Harvesting cabbage for long storage is the lot of many families. And it is true. Cabbage for the winter is chopped by the whole family: one cleans and cuts the heads of cabbage, another chops, a third one grinds them and puts them in jars. And in winter, the whole family sits at the same table and eats pickles with a big appetite.

In many families, cabbage recipes are passed down from generation to generation. I still remember how my parents chopped cabbage in a large wooden trough, then put it in a barrel and carried it to frost. And another part of the cabbage was put in jars and it was called -

Today in the article you will learn other various recipes with cabbage, modern informative accessibility allows you to share new items with friends online very quickly. Choose, memorize and

  Cabbage for the winter with apples and raisins

Harvesting cabbage with apples and raisins is simple and tasty.

Take a head of cabbage and chop it in any way. We grind chopped cabbage with hands with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.

We rub on a large grater 2 apples.

Still need to grate 2 onions, 3 - 4 carrots, squeeze 5 cloves of garlic through the garlic box. Rinse and scald 100 g of raisins.

Mix everything and cook pouring: In 0.5 liters of water, add 1 cup of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 cup of vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Then remove from the heat, pour in 0.5 cups of apple cider vinegar 6% (it is possible and less, do to taste).

When the brine has cooled down a bit, pour the cabbage, and after 5-6 hours, the whole family regales on the crispy yummy. Put the prepared mixture in clean jars and set to sterilize for 5 - 10 minutes. Then roll up the covers. Cabbage in store ready.

  Pickled cabbage for winter in cans - instant cabbage recipe

Would need:


Pour water into a large saucepan, put it on the fire, put salt, sugar and pour sunflower oil.

Stir the contents and bring to a boil.

Add vinegar.

We rub carrots on a large grater.

Cut into sweet pepper slices.

Cut the cabbage with a knife into small straws.

In a cup, mix cabbage with carrots and peppers by hand.

That's how it looks and is ready for pickling.

We put our hands on a lot of vegetables in jars and we tamp.

Banks fill to the brim.

We put in the refrigerator for 12 - 16 hours.

We take out the cabbage from the fridge and start to eat. Cabbage is ready.

You can roll up the cabbage and remove the storage for the winter.

  Cabbage for the winter with tomatoes and sweet peppers

Would need:

  • 10 kg of fresh cabbage
  • 3 kg - tomatoes
  • 3 kg - sweet pepper
  • 2 kg - carrots
  • 300 g - salt


Chop cabbage, pepper, carrots and mix everything with salt.

Tomatoes cut in half. Cabbage and tomatoes lay in layers, put the oppression and put on the cold.

  Cabbage for the winter with pumpkin

Would need:

  • 4 kg of fresh white cabbage
  • 1 kg - pumpkin
  • Spicy greens - tarragon, mint
  • Sugar - to taste
  • 2 tbsp. spoons - salt


  1. Peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, cut into small pieces. Then sprinkle with sugar and soak in a dark place until the juice is released.
  2. Cabbage thinly chop, mix with salt and chopped spicy greens.
  3. Cover the bottom of the container with cabbage leaves. Lay, alternating layers, cabbage and pumpkin, pour pumpkin juice.
  4. Cover the container with a cloth, put a wooden circle on top and put the oppression. Leave it at room temperature for 3 days to ferment, piercing twice a day with a stick.
  5. Then put it in cans and store in a cold place.

Cabbage for the winter - very tasty "Juniper"

Would need:

  • 10 kg - cabbage
  • 500 g - carrots
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seed
  • 1 tsp dill seed
  • 1/4 kg - salt
  • Broth: for 1 liter of water will need 20 g - dried juniper fruits

Cooking recipe - Cabbage for the winter:

Cabbage shred. Grate carrots on a coarse grater, mix with cabbage. Add cumin seeds, dill and salt. All thoroughly mixed.

To prepare the broth: chop the fruits of juniper, pour boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes, filter and cool.

Fill the cabbage with broth, mix it, put it in an enamel or glass dish. Top put a wooden circle, cover with a napkin and put the load. Keep in a cool place.

  Sauerkraut with honey in jars

Would need:

  • 4 kg - cabbage
  • 3 - large carrots
  • Brine: 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. Spoon with a hill of salt, 1 tbsp. honey spoon


Cabbage shred. Three carrots on a coarse grater. We put it in a 3 - liter jar, tamping.

Boil the brine of water, salt and honey. Cool slightly, stir and pour the cabbage.

After 2 days, you get crispy, fragrant sauerkraut.

  Cabbage for the winter, fermented with chanterelles

Would need:

  • 2.5 kg - white cabbage
  • 500 g - chanterelles
  • 300 g - carrots
  • 0.5 art. spoon - dill seed or cumin
  • 0.5 art. Spoons - juniper berries
  • 1/4 Art. spoons - salt

Cooking method:

Wash mushrooms and blanch for 8 minutes in salted water. Cooled down mushrooms cut into small pieces.

Thinly chop cabbage, grate carrots on a coarse grater. Mix cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, spices and salt.

Spread the mixture in cans, soak for 3 days at room temperature. then put in the fridge or cellar.

  Cabbage for the winter with grapes - a tasty snack all year round

Would need:

  • 2 kg - cabbage
  • 1 kg - grapes
  • 200 g - carrots
  • 100 g - basil

Cooking method:

Cabbage and carrots chop straws. Mix everything and put in a 3 - liter jar, perelaivaya grapes and basil.

Then pour boiling brine: for 1 liter of water - 15 g of salt and 100 g of honey. Tie a jar with gauze and leave at room temperature.

On the second day the cabbage is ready for use and rolled up with covers for the winter.

  Very tasty cabbage for the winter with pepper - Lick your fingers

Would need:

  • 2 kg - cabbage
  • 1 kg - sweet pepper
  • 1 cup - vinegar 9%
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons - salt

Cooking method:

  1. Shred cabbage.
  2. Peel Bulgarian pepper and cut it into strips.
  3. Mix everything, pour in 1/2 liter of water, vinegar, vegetable oil, add sugar and salt.
  4. Put the pot on the fire and simmer for 40 minutes.
  5. Then spread on sterilized jars and roll up.

  Cabbage for the winter in the banks - a very simple and useful video - a recipe for the whole family

From the video you will learn a cabbage recipe from which in winter you can make delicious borscht, cabbage soup, salad. This recipe allows you to save cooking time for any dish.

Season blanks in full swing. Many vegetables and fruits are already processed and sent to the bins. But another crunching billet is waiting for us - pickled cabbage for the winter in banks. We are cooking it at the end of autumn, when the cabbages in the garden are already slightly freezing cold. The cabbage then takes on a special sweet taste. How nice in the winter to open a jar, which we harvest in the fall with such love. Chop onion, add butter, mmm ... - you will lick your fingers!

Besides the fact that it is so tasty, it is also a great helper in the fight against toxins in the body and with excess weight. And it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is very important in the season of colds. And who does not like vinegar, you can see. In it, natural acid, natural.

White-white, red, colored, broccoli that has recently come to us - cabbage variety gives us many tastes and options for the versatility of our menu. For pickling you can take any variety.

A lot of dishes can be made using pickled cabbage. Not only salads with the addition of various vegetables, but also soups, side dishes, lazy cabbage rolls and pies. I invite everyone to prepare several winter blanks from this indispensable vegetable with me.

Today in the article:

If you harvest small amounts, you can cut the vegetables with a regular kitchen knife. However, it will take a very long time for the large family to chop up a few heads with a knife. In this case, it is better to stock up with a shredder. This is a special device for shredding cabbage. It moves much faster with it, and you will not even have time to get tired, as you have already chopped a dozen heads.

The best recipe for pickled cabbage for the winter in banks

Classical cooking of any meal is often the best idea to try a dish, so to say “without cuts”. The option of shredded white forks together with a carrot rubbed on a grater does not lose its relevance. This is the best time tested dish and thousands of gourmets.

I describe the ingredients for one medium head. Which is just what we will smart in a three-liter jar. If you harvest more, calculate the proportions.

Composition of products:

  • White cabbage forks - 2kg.
  • Carrot - 2 things
  • Garlic clove - 2 things

For brine:

  • Drinking water - 1 liter
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cup
  • Granulated sugar - 0,5 glasses
  • Lavrushka - 2 things
  • Black peppercorns - 8 pieces
  • Acetic essence - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. I chop half of the head of a small straw. You can generally cut as you like. And for me, pickled cabbage for the winter always shred thin strips.

2. We pass carrots through a large grater, if there is a food processor, then it will be much easier for you. Everything is done with him in one minute.

But keep in mind that the combine grinds vegetables into fine chips. Although it will not spoil the taste.

Generally, if you are often engaged in cooking and harvesting, be sure to get yourself this wonderful assistant, at least a mini version.

3. So, our vegetables are chopped. Pour them into a small food bowl and mix it slightly, but not mnem. We just have to mix everything well.

4. The container has already been sterilized, since the finished product cannot be sterilized. Fill with a crochet can, but do not tamp it down much. And go to the cooking brine.

5. Put a large pot of water on the stove and wait for boiling. In boiling water, lower the salt, sugar, sweetheart, pepper, mix, pour in the oil and wait for the boil again, stirring. Bulk products in brine should be separated. Marinade let him leave for three minutes and can be removed from the fire.

6. Now in our pickle add garlic, crushed on a press, and a tablespoon of vinegar. Stirred. Mmm ... the smell is awesome!

7. Pour our flavored marinade with vinegar into the cabbage. Put a saucer on the jar, let it cool completely. Can be closed, treated in boiling water lid. Done!

Such conservation remains in a cold room for up to a year or more. And in winter its taste is so fresh, as if it had just been made.

Colored marinated cabbage for the winter without sterilization

This is not all lovers to stand in the kitchen for a long time and wait until the treasured jar with favorite preservation is sterilized. And if there are a lot of them, this is generally “endless cuisine” then. Fortunately, there are recipes where you can do without it and you do not need to sterilize the finished cabbage.

For lovers of high-speed billets, this method of quick pickling of cauliflower with hot peppers and basil is quite suitable.

Calculation for two liters:

  • Cauliflower white - 1 medium
  • Basil - 1 sprig
  • Hot pepper - 2 pods
  • Sugar and salt stone - 2 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 60 grams


1. Cut the cabbage into segments and put it into liter, sterilized jars of whole pepper and basil, the last thing on the jar. Fill containers tightly with vegetables, but do not need to be tamped.

2. Pour in boiling water and cover with lids for ten minutes. Then pour the water into the saucepan, and pour the cabbage with boiling water again.

This is necessary to destroy the bacteria, which subsequently can harm our conservation.

For now, for the second time, the banks will be allowed to stand another 10 minutes. And we will deal with the brine.

3. In this saucepan, where the water is drained, add sugar and salt. Put on the stove before boiling. When the marinade boils, wait until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Then remove from heat.

4. We pour the second water from the jars into the sink. To each add thirty grams of vinegar.

If you do not have a measuring cup, you can focus on a tablespoon, about 20 grams in it, which means you need 1.5 spoons.

Whether to add other spices choose to your taste. For me, so basil and hot red pepper give enough sharpness and flavor. If you want, put on a leaf of Lavrushka.

Fill with hot brine and you can roll under scalded, iron lids. We put the finished preservation on the lids and cover with a fur coat for a day or more until it cools down completely. Then you can carry it to a cellar or other cool place.

Video recipe for very tasty crispy cabbage in jars

I was looking for this divine recipe on purpose. To marinade so fragrant, and cabbage sheets crispy. What is described just in this detailed recipe from the video channel "Svetlana."

Be sure to try this option of pickling cabbage and, I think, it will become a frequenter on your table.

Step-by-step recipe for marinating cabbage for the winter with beets in 3-liter jars

This is delicious! Immediately I tell you, this recipe will not leave anyone indifferent. At first glance, it may seem like cooking for a long time, but in fact everything is quite simple and time consuming. But then what pleasure do you get when you open this amazing sweets in the winter?

Grocery list:

  • Cabbage fork white - 4 kilograms
  • Beets - 1 kilogram
  • Large salt, sugar, vinegar 9% - 8 tablespoons each
  • Bay leaves - 16 pieces
  • Garlic - 1 big head
  • Black pepper peas - 1 tablespoon no slides
  • Dill umbrellas dry - 8-10 pieces, 4-5 umbrellas for 1 jar
  • Hot pepper - 2 pieces, 1 per jar
  • Drinking water - 5 liters

So, step by step recipe:

1. Put water on the stove to get boiling water.

Banks must be sterilized!

2. While the water begins to boil, we cut the peeled beets into large and thin slices, garlic and pepper in slices.

2. Cut the cabbage into large pieces, but so that there is an opportunity to put in a jar.

3. We put in layers, slightly priminaya: beet - cabbage - laurel, black pepper, hot pepper, dill umbrellas, garlic.

4. Also lay and the second layer to the top.

5. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, vinegar, salt and mix well. We put on the stove to boil the brine. As soon as it boils and everything is completely dissolved, remove from heat.

6. Immediately until our brine is cold, pour it into the banks and cover the lids. Then put them in a high saucepan with water and on the stove. At the bottom, lay a linen napkin or towel. Water should be warm. On low heat bring to a boil. Now we will sterilize twenty minutes and roll up under the iron lids.

6. Roll the jars, make sure that the water does not bubble, then turn the lid down and cover with a blanket. Leave it in this form for a couple of days, then remove the blanket and let it cool completely. You can clean the cellar.

A simple instant hot-pickle recipe

Some, including me, do not want to bother with long cooking, but I want to be “quick and tasty”. For us, for such impatient, there is a wonderful recipe. This pickled cabbage for the winter is cooked once or twice and is no less tasty than with long cooking.

What is necessary:

  • Fork of white cabbage - about 2 kilograms
  • Carrot - 2 medium pieces
  • 3-4 pieces of garlic
  • Granulated sugar - 1 glass
  • Salted salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 glass
  • Drinking water - 1 liter
  • Lavrushka - 2-3 pieces
  • Black pepper - 6-8 peas

Start cooking:

1. Put the saucepan on the stove with water and bring to a boil. And at this time we will finely add cabbage and carrot.

2. Garlic should be skipped through a fine grater or press, add it to our vegetables, mix well.

3. In the water that we boil, add salt and sugar until they are completely dissolved and pour in the oil, continuing to stir. Minute let him leave and remove from the stove. Pour vinegar here and again well interfere.

4. Cabbage carrot straw, we lay in the pan, add Lavrushka, pepper and pour our marinade. All well mixed. During this cooking stage, you will feel the amazing smell of such a fragrant marinade.

5. We put our cabbage under the press. The press more often means a flat plate on which the load is mounted, in our case it is a three-liter container with water.

6. We give infusion for five hours and can be decomposed in jars or left in a saucepan.

Important! Marinate cabbage should be only in enameled pans or stainless steel. Aluminum is not suitable for this procedure.

Very fragrant cabbage is obtained! Due to the fact that we added butter during cooking, we no longer need to add anything here, unless it is just greens.

How to pickle cabbage under iron lids

In this recipe, pickled cabbage for the winter will not please everyone. Basically, this preparation is good for lovers of very spicy snacks. If there are such people in your family, I advise you to prepare several jars of such treats.

From one average head of cabbage two liter jars will turn out. If you like it, do more. Carrots and other vegetables we do not put here. But, if you want, you can chop up carrots or peppers. This will not spoil the dish at all.

What you need:

  • Garlic cloves - 4 pieces
  • Fresh dill umbrellas - 2 pieces
  • Black pepper peas - 18 pieces
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces
  • White cabbage - 1 fork
  • Clove - to taste
  • Hot pepper - 1-2 pods, to taste
  • Acetic acid - 1 tablespoon
  • Water - 1.6 liters
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Salt pickle - 2 tablespoons

Early cabbage is not suitable for this recipe. Use only winter varieties.

Let's start cooking?

1. Finely chop the cabbage into strips, chop the garlic into rings. One sheet of cabbage cut into four parts and set aside until the side.

2. Put all the brine ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Boil for three minutes and remove from the stove.

3. In sterile jars we lay nine peas of pepper, a dill umbrella, bay leaf and two cloves of garlic. If you like cloves, you can add one thing at a time.

4. Now we will need the left quarters of cabbage leaves, put two pieces in a jar on top of the spices.

Hot pepper can be put entirely on the bottom of the cans, and you can cut it into circles and add to the cabbage.

5. Fill the jars with cabbage to the top. Crush without fanaticism.

6. In brine cooled to room temperature, pour vinegar, stir and pour the marinade in jars. We roll with scalded iron lids. Can be taken away for storage immediately. As you can see a very quick and easy recipe. A snack turns out great.

Video on how to harvest pickled cabbage in chunks

The author of the video channel “Simple recipes for every day” offers us an interesting variant of the preparation. An amazing "large-caliber" platter turns out: cabbage, and pepper, and carrot, but also with tomatoes! Diversity is also good because it is very convenient to serve.
  One of the advantages of this recipe is that you do not need to shred, rub, or simply cut into large chunks and circles.

Personally, I like it a lot! Everything is quite simple, beautiful and most importantly delicious! I think it is necessary to make a few jars of such beauty.

Marinated broccoli with bell pepper

This kind of cabbage has increasingly begun to appear on our tables. Someone just started to look closely at this vegetable, and someone has already tried many dishes and appreciated the taste, in addition to the great benefits of this product. Have you ever tried pickled broccoli? If not, then it's time to cook them!

What you need:

  • Broccoli - 0.5 kilogram
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Big carrot - 1 piece
  • Coarse salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Water - 300 milliliters
  • Vegetable oil - 50 milliliters
  • Vinegar - 30 milliliters
  • Ground black and red pepper
  • Garlic cloves - 4 pieces
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces
  • Coriander - 1 tsp
  • 0.5 liter cans


1. We divide the broccoli into segments, keep in warm salted water so that the bugs, if any, float from the inflorescences on the surface, pour into the water and drop the cabbage into boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then rinse with cold. With the data, broccoli manipulation will acquire a beautiful, rich color.

2. Pepper peeled seeds and cut as you like, you can stripes, cubes or circles.

To make the salad brighter and more beautiful, take the pepper in different colors.

3. Carrot rubbed on the "Korean grater." Now there are so many varieties of this grater, there are very convenient. Well, if you have such an assistant as a food processor, then such a cutting of carrots will be held once or twice.

4. Garlic is passed through the press, or very finely chopped.

5. Now all our sliced ​​and shredded vegetables are well mixed with salt, pepper and sugar in a large basin or saucepan. Then add oil, vinegar, water and again all interfere. Leave to marinate for three hours.

6. In our sterilized jars we place our salad in such a way that from above we get approximately one centimeter of liquid and cover with lids.

5. Banks set in a wide bowl with warm water and boil for twenty minutes, that is, sterilized. We take out, screw the lids all the way and turn the jars upside down. Cover with a blanket also does not hurt. In this position, leave them for a day, then remove for winter storage.

How to pickle early cabbage with vinegar at home

What to do if you urgently want young pickled cabbage? There is such a recipe with a delicious marinade, and most importantly, everything is done quickly and simply.

We will need:

  • Young white cabbage - 3 kilograms
  • Large carrot - 4 pieces
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 3 pieces
  • Garlic cloves - 4-5 pieces
  • Dill and parsley fresh - to taste
  • Drinking water - 1 liter
  • Cooking salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Nine per cent vinegar - 0.5 liters
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 liters

1. We start with the fact that we remove the upper, green leaves and broad veins from the cabbage. Cut into thin strips. Shred greens.

2. Carrots, cleaned, scalded with boiling water and rubbed on a coarse grater.

3. From sweet peppers, extract the seeds and cut them into small cubes.

5. We mix all prepared vegetables in a large enameled basin or pan. There we squeeze the chives through the press.

6. In a separate pan, mix all the components of the brine and bring to a boil. Then pour vegetables with this fragrant marinade and mix. We decompose on banks and we dress polyethylene covers. Leave for a day in this form in the kitchen, and then put in the fridge. Enjoy your meal!

It is for such delicious recipes of pickled cabbage, please note, of various kinds, we have filled our cellar. Now we have cabbage salads for all occasions and for a feast, and for baking, and for soups and salads. As they say, a feast to the whole world!

Let's keep stocks of our healthy products. In order not to depend on supermarkets and chemical, purchased food. I thank everyone who today pickled cabbage with me!

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