Lemon Kurd Andy Chef. What is lemon Kurd and how to cook it

05.03.2020 Fish dishes

Lemon Kurd

  • Yolks - 4 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 130 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Zest of 1 lemon

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Recently, it has become increasingly difficult to force yourself to sit down for a blog. Either it was vitamin deficiency, or the pranks of the spring wind in my head, or it just had not been a normal vacation for a long time ... Nevertheless, I shot some wonderful recipes worthy of telling about them. One of them - lemon kurd. Many asked me how I do it. So, now I’ll show you everything.

There are many recipes for this wonderful Kurd on the Internet, and I didn’t come up with the one I cook by myself either. Honestly, I am not ashamed of this at all. I always and everywhere write that I am not a technologist and not a pastry chef with a special education, but the benefit of this blog is in the honesty of recipes, a detailed description of the technologies and secrets, which sometimes depend on so much. And the rest - yes, I see no reason to reinvent the wheel. I just adjust the proportions to my taste a little, compile, modify something ... In general, I do everything that most home confectioners do, who later write that their recipes are copyrighted, specially developed, and that they spent many hours and tons of products , therefore, now they will never share secrets with anyone :) Do not be offended if you are one of these :) This, in general, is your right. And I do not deny that someone, maybe, really came up with know-how :)

And we are going to cook delicious, tender and at the same time invigorating lemon kurd   - A real bliss for lovers of citrus desserts! Which I, for one, am just the same.

Any Kurd, in fact, is a berry-fruit custard. It is not thick enough and, perhaps, too saturated in taste to be the only layer in the cake, like a cream, so Kurds use it rather as an additive, filling, in combination with some main cream. If you want to add kurd to the cake, you need to make a ring of stable cream around the cake, put the Kurd inside the ring on the cake, and then cream on top of the Kurd, and then cover with the next cake. Kurds are also great as cupcake and pasta fillings.

As for the lemon Kurd, I met many recipes, where the composition contains starch and flour. I don’t want to say anything against, but in general a good tasty Kurd can be cooked without it, only from lemon juice, yolks, sugar and butter. It happens that the Kurdish is cooked on the basis of eggs, not yolks, but keep in mind that on yolks the egg taste is always more tender and less obvious (let’s say, personally, I don’t feel eggs on yolks). Someone complains of a metallic taste - also did not notice this and don’t even understand what it was about :) However, everyone who complains says that the taste disappears the next day. So if something - just wait :) It may also happen that the Kurdish seem sour to you. Here I can answer only one thing - it is LEMON Kurd, and lemon is a sour fruit :) You have to reconcile or next time increase the amount of sugar. And further. For the stability (well, and the taste, of course, too) of the cream, butter is responsible. Therefore, if you want a thicker and denser cream - you can put more oil. But do not overdo it - otherwise you run the risk of getting butter with a lemon smell instead of a gentle creamy mass. And oil, by the way, take good, tasty in itself, as real as you can find on sale and afford.

In general, I recommend the first time to do as I write, if in doubt, make half a serving. I like how it turns out lemon kurd   - hot, it’s a little liquid, but in the refrigerator it stabilizes, becomes denser. It tastes sweet and sour, fresh, super-citrus, such that I personally seem to be able to eat the whole portion, without any dough, just with tea! And we fight with his family at all :) You know that I will not advise nonsense :)

Wash the lemon well, preferably with a brush, to clean off all the wax that the fruit is coated for better storage. Remove the zest with a fine grater. We fill it with 130 g of sugar and mix. Let’s infuse for half an hour. But if there is no time, then we do not wait, but immediately proceed to the next point.

In a small saucepan, place 4 yolks of fresh eggs of the 1st category, sugar with zest and 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This is the juice of about 2 small lemons. I wring it out with my hands. Roll lemons on the table, the juice will then come out of them easier.

We mix all the ingredients with a whisk and place in a water bath so that the water slightly touches the bottom of the pan.

Constantly stirring with a whisk, boil the mixture in a water bath until thickened. The color will change, it will become brighter.

An important criterion for readiness: dip the tip of the knife into the mass, remove and draw a line with your finger. If it does not close, the cream does not spread, which means it’s ready, you can remove it from the bath.

Now add 100 g of delicious butter.

Stir and pass through a sieve.

Kurd is ready!

It is quite liquid in the form of heat.

Be sure to refrigerate it before use. That's what it will become.

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35 post comments " Lemon Kurd"

Kurd turns out to be extraordinary, we must pay tribute. The site is super-duper, the only thing that bothers you a bit is that all recipes are “licked” by Milan, even the smallest details that could be distorted or transformed at least a little so that they aren’t striking. Although the reception with the traditional lengthy introduction before the recipe itself can be counted as an attempt. But in general, thanks for spending time on your own photos! You are smart!

Tory, you can tell: I plan to make a honey cake, with sour cream according to your recipe. Is it possible to add lemon kurd between the cakes and is it necessary to make a rim of cream? Is sour cream for a side suitable in this case?

Tory, thank you very much for your recipes - so detailed, detailed ... And for how thoroughly you respond in the comments! I watched the lemon Kurdish recipe several times, and constantly it seemed that it would be very sour. I ventured to do it with cupcakes - this is really a fairy tale! Magic cream just happened! Now I understand that you can fight for him! I wanted to insert my "five cents" about the "metallic" taste. For myself, I realized that the matter is in the lemons themselves .... To taste different. The first time I did it, it turned out to be rather sweet-sour, but today they brought lemons and it was necessary to process quickly and a large amount. I immediately remembered the Kurd .... But the lemons themselves tasted sooooooooo sour .... and when I tried, the same “metallic” taste was added .... Therefore, I decided for myself that the matter is in the fruits themselves - different in taste ... This time I added 3 times more sugar and it turned out to be sweet and sour ... But all this did not stop in a warm company, after a cup of tea, to convince a decent plate! And no one complained about the taste ... I paid attention to myself

Good afternoon! Your site is some kind of charm)))
  I am new to confectionery. But I always felt a craving for this ... You have very emotional articles with all the nuances. Thank you
  Allow the questions. Maybe stupid, but still ... (I hope beginners say goodbye! ...))))
I want my daughter to make a Barbie cake for her birthday. Cakes - sponge cake in hot milk with the addition of butter, I will decorate the outside with your Italian meringue)).
  Actually questions.
  1. Is it possible to use sour cream in this cake in combination with lemon Kurd or will it be very sour? As an option, can not Kurds be smeared on every layer? Or what cream do you think may be alternative in this cake?
  2. Do I understand correctly that the Italian meringue is a more stable cream compared to sour cream, so is it possible to make a side for the Kurdish from meringue? And then smear the Kurd, and on it the main (sour cream?) Cream?
  3. Is it possible to align this cake with meringue?
  4. Do you need impregnation? How much?

    It is difficult for me to answer your questions, because I do not know the features of this biscuit. It is important how dense, moist, heavy. If it’s wet in itself, it might not be necessary to impregnate it, but maybe it’s necessary, what if you like wet cakes, I don’t know) If the biscuit is heavy and the cream is liquid (by the way, which sour cream do you want to make?) - the cakes will displace the cream, even if you make the rim, and if you do not displace it, the liquid cream will simply be absorbed into the cakes and the cream layer will be very thin ... Do you understand? It is difficult to comment on someone else’s recipe and someone else’s idea. Meringue, in general, is suitable for a side and an external covering. The main thing is to do it right. This cream is capricious, if it is not beaten, it may begin to exfoliate, settle, flow, become nostril like spring snow and the worst thing is that you can’t understand it right away, but only when it is already decorated and refrigerated. I do not want to intimidate you, but warn) Be careful and do everything in full accordance with the instructions) If you have not done it yet. We did not work on holidays, so I answer only now.

      Good afternoon! Thanks for the answer.
        It is a pity that I got on your weekend, so I was waiting for an answer. But nothing, thanks to your site, I roughly understood the principle and took a chance, and almost everything.
        Lemon Kurd turned out with a clear metallic flavor. I decided to layered one of the 6 cake layers with a thin layer, I thought maybe in the cake the taste will change. But no. In this layer he was also felt. Maybe it's all about the metal. Try in an enameled pan, doesn’t burn?
        Cream ice cream chic, went well with hot milk sponge cake (the sponge cake is heavy and moist in itself, I didn’t even soak it)
        Cream cheeses struck on the spot. Rich taste. And how it behaves .. mmm ... very obedient.
      And on the Italian meringue, I just started knitting needles one at a time! from the whisk of the mixer (it’s like that, you know, one whisk on the handle of the blender). This is from the density of the cream! I didn’t have any other ... therefore, of course, he didn’t get too well, donkey, and the drawing was not quite as textured as it should have been ... But I prepared for it, even bought a thermometer (((But I didn’t drip, although we didn’t even go to the nursery They drove the room. And very tasty. He is my favorite.

        Sorry, but we are people too. A blender is not suitable for such things, that’s right. For confectionery manipulations, it is better to use a mixer with two corollas or a planetary one. Well, more power to be. I don’t feel the taste of metal; I see for yourself what kind of dishes, not enameled. Perhaps this is an individual matter - this smack. And what cream was in the cake with cakes on milk?

Hello. Today we will deal with such a thing as a Kurd. I myself relatively recently heard this overseas word, and terribly became interested. In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler than I thought. Both in terms of composition and in terms of preparation. So what is this Kurd, and with what eat it ?!

Kurd - a custard on fruit juice, it can be anything, but the most famous, perhaps lemon. This is where we will begin our acquaintance.

Lemon cream is incredibly easy to prepare, but how delicious it is! Its area of \u200b\u200bapplication is simply vast. Perhaps there is no other such versatile product. Kurd is good as a layer in cakes, as a filling for cupcakes, tarts and tartlets, pasta, pastries. Yes, even just a little bite with pancakes or toasts, it is very tasty!

But, most of all, my husband and I love the combination of this custard with Pavlova's cake. Sweet meringues in combination with sour lemon Kurd and my beloved is an explosion of taste!

How to make lemon kurd at home, the recipe step by step with photos.


  1. 4 yolks
  2. 100 g sugar
  3. 70 ml lemon juice
  4. 70 gr. butter
  5. zest of 1 lemon
  6. 2 tablespoons of starch (optional)


First, we need to remove the zest from 1 lemon and squeeze the lemon juice. You can’t grind the zest very much, then simply pass our cream through a sieve. At the same time, try not to touch the white crust of the lemon, otherwise bitterness will appear in the cream.

In order to get more juice from lemon, there are a couple of tricks, firstly, lemon can be heated in the microwave for literally ten to fifteen seconds, and secondly, cut it not across, but along.

In a stewpan we combine our yolks with sugar, lemon juice and zest. We put on medium heat and cook all the time stirring until thickened. It takes literally 5 minutes.

Then, add our butter at room temperature, mix and remove from the stove. If you want to get rid of the zest, strain through a sieve.

If you need a straight dense consistency, that is, two options, either add a couple of tablespoons of starch at the very beginning, stirring it in lemon juice, or add gelatin at the very end, I think gram 3 will be enough (I somehow added 5 and I got jelly ) Gelatin must be prepared according to the instructions.

Pour the finished cream into a jar and remove to cool in the refrigerator, at least for a couple of hours, and preferably at night.

That's it, our lemon Kurd is ready.

Isn’t it all so terrible and difficult to prepare? According to the same principle, you can cook a Kurd from any citrus fruit - lime, orange, mandarin.

By the way, you can also make a Kurd from berries - cherry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry ... Anything you like! Experiment.

Bon Appetit.

Even if you are not a fan of lemon-flavored desserts, you will surely love lemon kurd for a harmonious combination of sour and sweet tastes. At its core, it is a custard with a base of lemon juice. Kurds are prepared from different fruits - oranges, limes, strawberries, cherries - but still lemon is beyond any competition.

The Kurdish preparation process is simple: juice and zest of lemons, sugar is mixed with eggs and brewed until thick, after which butter is introduced into the cream. At the end of the process, the Kurds must be cooled so that they acquire their final thick consistency.

Cooking time: 15 minutes plus cream cooling time


For lemon Kurd you will need:

  • 2 lemons
  • 2 eggs
  • 70 grams of sugar
  • 55 grams of butter


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So wonderful lemon kurd is ready. It remains to cool it well and use it for pleasure.

Lemon Kurd - a fruit cream created in the likeness of custard, came to us from English cuisine and immediately deservedly won the general location. The dessert has a citrus aroma, a dense texture and is diverse in application, and the simplicity and accessibility in cooking make the dish versatile and attractive.

How to cook lemon Kurd?

Kurd with lemon - custard made from fruit juice, has a balanced taste, color and citrus aroma. For the Kurd, exotic ingredients are not needed: eggs, sugar, lemon peel, its juice and butter make it possible to quickly and easily create such a treat. Its only difference from custard is the lack of milk and flour.

  1. For dessert, use only fresh lemon juice.
  2. It is necessary to remove the zest from citrus fruits, squeeze the juice and combine with eggs and sugar. Add oil.
  3. Lemon Kurd is cooked in a water bath, which helps to avoid lumps and egg clotting.
  4. The cream is cooked to full density and immediately removed from the stove.
  5. The finished mass must be cooled at room temperature, covered with a film and placed in the refrigerator.
  6. When cooling, the cream will thicken. If necessary, whipped cream will help to dilute the density.

Lemon Kurd - a recipe based on the custard technique. The difference is that the fruit mass has a lighter texture, less fat content and no cloying taste. Such qualities are suitable for biscuits, giving the latter the desired oiliness. But the Kurd is not suitable for decoration, because he is not able to keep in shape.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • oil - 55 g.


  1. Grind lemon zest.
  2. Squeeze juice from citrus, strain and mix with zest.
  3. Add eggs, sugar, beat and send to a water bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Add oil to the thickened mass, mix and remove from the stove.
  5. Cool lemon Kurd and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Lemon-orange Kurd has a rich taste, excellent aroma and is among the few healthy desserts. In this dish, the balance of sour and sweet is clearly maintained, which allows not only to decorate the baked goods, but also to serve it, as a separate delicacy, pour into the bowls. The cream is easy to prepare and will require no more than half an hour.


  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • oil - 110 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.


  1. Grind the zest of lemon and oranges.
  2. Press the pulp of citrus.
  3. Mix sugar with eggs, add butter, zest and juice.
  4. Bring to a boil in a water bath and cook lemon custard kurd for 15 minutes.

Citrus Kurd invigorates, refreshes and goes well with homemade pastry and shortbread. High-speed dessert has features, knowing which you can get the perfect cream. So, by increasing the amount of sugar, you can adjust the excess acid, and a short heating of the fruit in the microwave guarantees an abundance of juice from lemons and lime.


  • lime - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • oil - 60 g.


  1. Grind the zest of lemon and lime.
  2. Mix it with sugar and set aside for 30 minutes.
  3. Squeeze out citrus juice.
  4. Add juice and butter to sugar.
  5. Put the cream in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  6. Strain the lemon flavor kurd through a sieve and refrigerate.

Eggless Lemon Kurd

Kurd without eggs has a dense and stable texture, and therefore is used in the design of baking. You can’t make complicated jewelry out of it, but small and simple patterns are quite. Potato or corn starch will replace eggs and create a cream of the desired density. This recipe is economical, and from that they easily and simply decorate sweets.


  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • icing sugar - 50 g;
  • corn starch - 60 g;
  • oil - 75 g.


  1. Remove the zest from the citrus and squeeze the juice.
  2. Mix starch with powder and put in a lemon mixture.
  3. Add oil and put the cream in a water bath.
  4. Strain the thick lemon kurd through a sieve, cool and use as directed.

Lemon Kurd with the addition of gelatin is similar in texture to the cooking technique - with custard. Separately beaten eggs with sugar, mixed with lemon juice and boiled until thick. Since gelatin is part of the cream, the cream is stable, viscous and perfectly suitable as a base for cake or filling tarts.


  • gelatin sheet - 2.5 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 130 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • oil - 80 g.


  1. Before making lemon kurd, soak gelatin in water.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze the juice, add half the sugar and warm.
  3. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar and add to the lemon mixture.
  4. Boil for 3 minutes, add gelatin and butter.
  5. Beat lemon custard in a blender and let cool.

Lemon Kurd on Yolks

Experts say that citrus Kurd on yolks is the only correct cooking technology that gives an unimaginably tasty and delicate texture. The treat can be used as an independent dish, as well as as a spread in any combination. An excellent layer for cakes and comes out of it.


  • yolk - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 70 g.


  1. Before you cook the Kurdish, remove the zest from the lemons and rub it with sugar.
  2. Squeeze the pulp of citrus.
  3. Mix and place in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Add oil and refrigerate.

Kurd - a recipe for a cake, differs from previous options in the preparation technique. The cream is boiled over low heat without a water bath and turns into a thick viscous mass that retains its shape. Such a consistency is appropriate for. Shredded strawberries go well with lemon juice, adding freshness and aroma.


  • fresh strawberries - 300 g;
  • oil - 100 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • egg - 5 pcs.


  1. Grind strawberries in a blender.
  2. Add lemon juice.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar.
  4. Combine the egg mass with the fruit mass. Add oil.
  5. Put the cream on the fire and stir until you reach the desired density.

Lemon Kurd with cream

Kurd - a recipe with which you can achieve the desired texture, adjust the taste and calorie content of the dish. So, by adding cream to the citrus cream, you can fix excessive density and give the dessert airiness and lightness. It should be remembered that the mass must be thickened and completely chilled, and


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - 80 ml;
  • lemon peel - 1 teaspoon;
  • oil - 60 g;
  • cream - 60 ml;
  • icing sugar - 20 g.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar, pour in the juice and place in a water bath.
  2. Strain the thickened mixture, add oil and zest.
  3. Whip cream and powder and put into chilled kurd.

The taste of lemon kurd is never boring. Moreover, the gentle and light dessert is diverse, simple, and able to decorate not only any pastries, but also act as an independent dish. Due to lack of time, many housewives cook for the future, and therefore the question of how much the Kurd is stored always remains relevant.

  1. To preserve the taste of the dish, cool it at room temperature, tightly closing the film.
  2. After natural cooling, put the Kurd in a sterile glass container, close with a clean lid and place in the refrigerator with a temperature of at least 6 degrees.
  3. Subject to the rules, the Kurd can be stored for about 2 weeks.