What can be prepared from pickled butter. What to cook out of butter? What could be more original dishes soup from frozen butter and chanterelles

31.03.2019 Healthy food

Butters, so beloved by many, are a valuable source of protein and many beneficial trace elements. Like many other wild mushrooms, they are quite simple to prepare. They can not only be submitted to the table immediately after collection, but also procured for future use. Tired of old recipes? Consider a couple of new ones. But it is also worth mentioning the classics, because many people do not know how to cook butter.

Preparation for cooking

Forest mushrooms are not champignons from the supermarket, which can be eaten almost raw. There is a special preparation required. Before cooking masta, they must be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed and boiled. Boiling time should be at least half an hour. And no mushroom soups! The first broth is poured into the trash - it is absolutely no good for food.

Butter fried

What to do next? Let's start with the classics. Yes, and almost everyone starts with it - rarely anyone can resist the temptation to immediately fry potatoes with mushrooms, right here that evening, despite the fatigue of walking in the woods for a long time.

Boil the mushrooms back in a sieve, wash, let the moisture drain. It is perfectly permissible to simmer together and chopped potatoes, and onions, and mushrooms. But if you want exactly fried potatoes, and not stew, it is better to prepare all the ingredients separately from each other, and “introduce” only at the very end of cooking. The proportions of the products here are completely arbitrary and depend only on the number of mushrooms. The more, the better, it is clear to all. But even a very small handful of "forest beef" (this is how our ancestors called these gifts of the forest) will turn an ordinary everyday dinner into a real holiday. You shouldn't overdo it with spices. Fragrant boletus are quite self-sufficient, and several peas and a couple of bay leaves will suffice to emphasize their taste.

  with spices

Why not prepare your favorite marinating recipes (in any case, most of them) are great for preparing for the winter. Product proportions are as follows:

  • boletus - 3 kg;
  • salt 2.5 st. l .;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil, can be refined - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs .;
  • sweet Pepper-Peas - 7 pcs.

Optionally, in the recipe you can add a few cloves and a very small pinch of ground nutmeg.

To prepare the marinade, boil the mushrooms with clean water, so that only it covers it, add all the ingredients, set on the fire. Before you pickle boletus, do not forget about the jars. Cooked mushrooms are laid out and immediately rolled up.

Dried boletus

Many housewives prefer to harvest oil for the winter with the help of drying. This method is simple, reliable, and the result is simply wonderful!

How to cook boil for drying? It is very easy to wash and chop. And then hang on a thread and leave to draft. Drying time depends on temperature, chunk size, air flow. Usually 10-14 days is enough. After the boars become dry, they must be removed from the threads and removed, for example, in clean cans (dry!) ​​Or cotton bags.

Before cooking these mushrooms must be pre-boil!

Mushroom puree soup

Those who think about how to cook butter in the winter, first of all remember the soup. For him, fit and ice cream, and And of course, this delicious dish is cooked in the picking season.

It is very common mushroom soups, mashed, made from boiled vegetables, ground with a blender. As a rule, they put slices of butter in the first course. Recipes for soups involve pre-boiling mushrooms.

For cooking, take about 0.5 kg of potatoes, a couple of onions, a small carrot, 2 glasses of cream and boiled mushrooms. Cook vegetables until cooked, grind to a state of mashed potatoes, add butter and cream, boil. That's all! If desired, add greens to this soup.


Reasonable hostesses can come in handy and this one can be added to sauces and gravies, seasoned porridge with it, used to make pizza, pancakes and pies, or just smear it on bread and serve it with a side dish.

For the preparation of snacks, boiled carrots, fresh garlic and spices are added to boiled mushrooms. All ingredients are lightly stewed. It is best to grind them with the help of a meat grinder with a large mesh.

Yellow-legged mushrooms with an oily brown cap are familiar to all. This boletus, of which there are 14 species in Russia. They grow families on the forest edges covered with sun, they prefer a cozy place under the pine tree, they can be found along the roads and near industrial enterprises, and they appear three to seven times a year after warm rains. Hurry to the forest for their collection. Three days after the rain, the mushrooms will begin to age and deteriorate.

Boletus mushrooms: how to collect them?

Usually, boars appear in their former habitats. Each mushroom picker knows them well. If you are a novice and for the first time went to the forest to pick up mushrooms, pay attention to the tubercles under the foliage, there is a boletus. Carefully removing the foliage, you will find a large mushroom family. Collect them - it is a pleasure, the basket quickly filled.

Remember: mushrooms should be cut with a knife. If they are torn out by the roots, it is possible to hurt the mycelium, and next year there will not be oil there. It is better to collect young, small in size strong mushrooms.

A lot of sticky leaves, needles and other debris are smeared on the cap. Feel free to clean the mushrooms right in the forest, at home there will be less hassle on how to handle oil.

Do not pick mushrooms near highways and big cities. Butters, like other mushrooms, well absorb salts of various metals, including heavy ones, from soil and air accumulate. Therefore, collect them only in the forest, away from roads and enterprises.

Maslata got its name because of the slippery mucous cap, the surface of which protects the fungus from drying out. However, it is due to the Shrovetide surface that these mushrooms are difficult to clean.

How to handle boletus? Different mushrooms are treated differently. Therefore, the mushrooms you have collected when you come home, sort them and begin the initial processing, which consists of cleaning, washing, sorting and cutting.

To thoroughly clean these mushrooms, put them in a bucket or in a bowl of water for a few minutes and put pressure on them, then they will not float. Dry grass, leaves, branches on the surface of the caps will be sodden and easily separated. After that, proceed to cleaning. It is necessary to cut the remnants of a mycelium from the leg, scrape off any dirt from the fungus with a knife, free the cap from the film, which is easily removed, cut out, if there are, rotten places.

Proceed to flushing the oil. The fact is that no matter how you pick mushrooms, collecting them in the forest will surely get wormy. To make the worms float to the top, and the larvae sink to the bottom, place the mushrooms in salted water for three hours. After that, rinse well again with running water.

How to handle boletus? After cleaning and rinsing, you should sort by size: leave small mushrooms as a whole, for medium oil, separate the cap from the leg, and cut the large ones into pieces.

So that the pieces do not fall apart, you need to scald them for two minutes in the water. Butters can not be cooked until cooked, but immediately raw, roasted or pickled. After primary processing, they are dried, pickled, fried, stewed, boiled, and salted.

Oil treatment drying

How to handle boletus drying? This method is not very common, but it has found application. Despite the fact that boilers after drying become brittle and thin, all the useful substances in them are preserved. For processing, choose the young, just collected. Rinse, clean, and peel the mushrooms without damage.

Dry them in the air, in the sun. To speed up the process at a temperature of 50-70 degrees. Butters are strung on a thread and hung on the roof, in the attic, or laid out on trays, on a table, in a sieve. The main thing is that the place of drying should be protected from dirt, dust and wind. In case of unstable weather, combine drying - in the sun and in the oven. Drying oil can be over a stove or oven on metal frames or in bulk on wooden shavings. Two days later, the mushrooms will become brittle and fragile, which means that the drying process is complete.

Before the marinating mystery, with the selection of spices, prepare the mushrooms correctly, following the above methods of their pre-treatment. Clean and flush the oil. Then put them in a pot of water, salt and add citric acid to taste, which prevents the mushrooms from turning dark. As soon as the water boils, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Drain the water and wash the mushrooms.

Next, you have to choose how to process boletus mushrooms according to culinary recipes. Here is one of the easiest to prepare: add salt (50 grams), 80 grams of sugar, 100 milliliters of 6% vinegar, a few black peas and allspice, cloves, bay leaf to a pot with one liter of water. Cook the marinade cook for three minutes, add two kilograms of butter you cooked and cook until ready for another twenty minutes.

As soon as the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the pan, and the marinade becomes transparent, place them in warm, clean, dry jars. Fill the marinade to the top. In each jar add 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil. After the marinade has cooled, covered with parchment paper and tied, put in the fridge.

If you don’t keep pickled pickles for a long time and expect to eat them quickly, then a quick recipe is fine. The pretreated 5 kg of lightly scalded oil should be placed in dry, heated jars, having previously placed on the bottom of the container along a dry sprig of dill and a piece of lemon zest.

Marinade is prepared separately: 2 tbsp. l salt, 3 - sugar, 5 peas of black and allspice, bay leaf, crushed garlic - 2 cloves. Fill with a liter of water, boil for 5 minutes after boiling. Fill the jars with hot butter, freshly cooked marinade. In each jar pour 1 tbsp. l vinegar. Banks close the ordinary covers. When they cool down, put in the refrigerator, after a few days the oil is ready to eat.

  processing method

How to quickly treat boletus? Just fry them, pre-scalded for ten minutes. After that, put the mushrooms in a pan with vegetable oil and fry until the liquid evaporates.

For taste and smell, add onions, carrots to the mushrooms and fry for another 10 minutes. Season butter with sour cream, pepper and salt. Mix everything and your dish is ready.

Oil storage

Fresh mushrooms are considered a perishable product. But if you have learned how to handle oil correctly, you can save them for use in winter. How to store boletus?

  • Boiled mushrooms are ready to eat. Cool them, put them in packets, freeze them, so they will be stored all winter.
  • You can freeze and fried butter.
  • Marinated in jars, covered with parchment paper or an ordinary lid, placed in a refrigerator, mushrooms can be stored for several months.
  • Dried boletus should be stored strung on a string or in a tightly closed container in a dry place. When you dry the mushrooms, dry them in the oven, otherwise they will become moldy and disappear.

How to collect, clean and pickle oil, you have studied, so feel free to go to the mushroom season in the forest and collect as many mushrooms as possible. Boil, stew, salt, pickle, dry butter, and your table will always diversify the dishes from them. Bon appetit and bless you!

The season of "quiet hunting" gives avid mushroom pickers an abundance of various mushrooms. The most favorite among them are boars. They grow in groups in coniferous forests from mid-July until the first snow falls. It is a pleasure to collect them

Properly prepared maslata is a real extravaganza of taste and aroma. In the basket when collecting should be taken only mushrooms of medium and small diameter on the cap. Make sure that worms do not get to you. In the basket the larvae quickly infect the entire harvest. They are no good for food.

Before making butter it is necessary to remove an oily film from the cap. In the process of cooking, it can add bitterness and become thick enough to ruin the taste of the culinary masterpiece.

What to cook out of butter? yes whatever. The most delicious they are obtained in fried form with the addition of young shredded potatoes. Yummy you get if you have boiled boiled sautés in butter with the addition of onions and dill. Then the dish is filled with an estimated 15% fat content and is sent to the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

You can also cook soup, dressings, sauces, patties, dumplings stuffing. Remember only one rule. Before you cook something with butter, be sure to boil them in lightly salted water for 15 minutes after boiling. It removes bitterness and makes the pulp more pleasant to the taste. Before boiling it is worth chopping hats and legs into small pieces. So the effect of removing bitterness and possible harmful substances will occur most fully.

And now the two most favorite recipes

Patties with boletus and potatoes

These patties can be made using any type of yeast text. I standardly mix 500 grams of flour with 200 ml of warm milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1/2 tablespoon of salt. To this amount I add half a glass of sunflower oil and a pack of dry yeast. After mixing, leave to rise for 2 hours. But usually the dough is ready for use after 40 - 50 minutes.

While the dough fits, make the filling:

  1. boil in salted water peeled potatoes (about 6 pieces of medium size);
  2. in a frying pan with the addition of 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil fry finely chopped and pre-cooked boletus;
  3. after 5 - 7 minutes add finely chopped onions;
  4. pour the cooked potatoes, knead, add 3 tablespoons of butter, 200 ml of warm milk;
  5. mix everything and add fried mushrooms with onions.

We cut the finished dough into small lumps, roll it out in the juice and pinch the edges after filling. We put on a greased baking sheet with vegetable oil and leave for 30 minutes for proofing. Then lubricate the surface with an egg beaten with 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Sent in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius.

Zharekha with boars

Zarekha with mushrooms is a dish of the Komi-Permyak people, which is still very popular among many other nations. Prepared from:

  • mushrooms of any type;
  • potatoes peeled and sliced;
  • onions;
  • fresh greens;
  • milk

The recipe is simple enough, but the dish turns out very tasty. cooking technology:

  • boletus clean, cut and boil;
  • potato clean and chop slices;
  • clean the onion and cut into small cubes;
  • my greens, dried and shred.

On a deep frying pan, pour the amount of sunflower oil so that it completely covers the bottom. Warm up and lay out boiled boletus. Fry for 5 minutes and add potatoes. After that, cover the dish with a lid, reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer for 30 minutes. In a separate saucepan, bring the milk to a boil. Add the onions to the fried potatoes with mushrooms and fry over medium heat for another 5 minutes. Enter boiling milk, sprinkle chopped greens. leave on low heat for 10 minutes. Zharekha with mushrooms boletus ready.

Maslata, the preparation of which is not associated with additional manipulations - a frequent guest at festive tables. And no wonder! Butters, the recipes of which are given below, are rich in vitamins, amino acids, they contain fiber and carbohydrates, as well as lecithin, which removes "bad" cholesterol. Butter dishes are mostly fried, boiled, stewed mushrooms, as well as dried and canned.

Butter recipe

In order to pickle butter, I use the recipe for cold pickling mushrooms. To start oil it is necessary to clean the oily upper skin on the caps. It is better to do it while the mushrooms are dry. Then wash the oil well in a large basin of water. Usually, the mushrooms are always washed like this, then sand and other heavy particles of dirt, pine needles, etc., will settle on the bottom.

Cooked in this way must be cut and boiled in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Sometimes I add a few drops of vinegar or citric acid at the tip of a teaspoon to the water. This simple procedure is necessary so that the mushrooms do not darken during cooking.

After 10 minutes, I pour out the water, and pour the boiled oil with another portion of boiling water (salted and acidified) and cook another 15 minutes.

At this time, well-washed banks and lids to them put in the oven for sterilization.

While boils are boiled, and banks are sterilized, I cook the marinade.

This year, in order to pickle 5 kg of butter, 1 liter of marinade was enough for me. I cook it like this. For 1 liter of filtered water I take 2 tablespoons of coarse salt without iodine, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 9 black peppercorns, 3 whole peas of allspice (large) pepper, 2 bay leaves, a pinch of dried dill grains, 1 clove, 1 clove of garlic. For the marinade, do not take too many spices, especially cloves or garlic, so that their flavor does not drown out the specific smell of mushrooms.

Marinade should boil for 5 minutes.

By this time, usually mash already cooked, put them in jars and pour marinade. From above I pour 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar into one-liter jars or seven hundred and 2 teaspoons into 200-gram jars.

Banks lid to cool. I twist the covers slightly. I keep pickled boletus in the fridge (not for long; somehow they are quickly eaten)!

Enjoy your meal!

Recipes with boletus

Coniferous forest, full of fallen needles, among which dark sticky hats look over the oil. Oil painting, not otherwise. These mushrooms, one of the most common in Russia, are easy to collect, but very difficult to clean. Anyone who has tried to engage in boilers at least once will understand what they are talking about. But when the cleaning process is left behind, it's time to turn the butter into some nourishing and healthy dishes - on cooking butter  it takes less time than cleaning them. Mushrooms are good in almost any form, they can be fried, boiled, baked, stewed, salted, pickled and even dried for the winter. The most important thing is to remove this thin, sticky film from the hat.

Butters are considered to be one of the earliest mushrooms, therefore they are so often used in various dishes. Growing oil starts from early or mid-May and ends in October. Small-sized cooking is easy and simple, perfect for pickling - in jars such mushrooms look just delicious, and their taste surpasses any, even high praises. Here it is possible to dry the oil, but it is not recommended. The fact is that this process makes these mushrooms extremely fragile and fragile. Dry boletus (cooking is the same as for other mushrooms) literally crumble in the hands. However, this quality is useful if you keep the mushrooms in powder form for making sauces.

The best way to deal with the boilers is to fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil. At the same time, small mushrooms can not be cleared from the film. Larger them to gather must necessarily lose the sticky film, for which the oil should be held for two minutes in boiling water. Cap film will make it easier to go.

There are two other names, less common. This Shrovetide and Maslyuk. Abroad, these mushrooms are called very poetic: Slippery Jack. If boilers are collected in forests, where the environment is not quite in order with the ecology, where there is an increased level of radiation, it is best to first soak the mushrooms in cold water and change it several times. To protect yourself even more, after boiling, it is good to boil two or three times in different waters after soaking.

How to marinate boletus. pickled boletus. butter recipes

Oil can - one of the most common in Russia and throughout the European part of the continent. They grow from spring almost until late autumn mainly in pine forests, on forest edges and plantings with young trees. In the deciduous forests, a rare species of these fungi is sometimes found - larch oil cans. Maslyats are fond of well-lit sunny edges and glades and usually grow with families, so it is a pleasure to collect them. Sometimes, without rising from a place, you can collect a full basket of tight young mushrooms. Oiler got its name for a slippery oily hat, and not only in our country. In England, for example, it is called Slippery Jack. All types of butter are edible and are used in the preparation of salads, soups, main dishes, pies, pies and casseroles. But these mushrooms in marinade are especially tasty.

It must be remembered that all mushrooms have the ability to accumulate radiation, and boletus are generally at high risk. Therefore, if you picked mushrooms in an unfamiliar place, you must boil them several times before cooking, changing water every time. This method will help to deactivate radiation.

How to pickle boletus

For marinating taken young, medium-sized mushrooms. They, unlike the large and old, are rarely wormy. In oil it is desirable to remove the top film and cut off the ends of the legs, rinse several times in cold water. Then boil in plenty of water for 10 minutes and drain in a sieve or colander.

For preparing a marinade, for every kilogram of mushrooms, half a liter of water is filled with 1 tablespoon of salt without top, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 4-5 bay leaves, 8-10 peas of black pepper and 2-3 cloves. Marinade boil for 10 minutes, put butter in it and keep on average heat for another 10 minutes, adding 3 tablespoons of 6% vinegar at the end. We put the mushrooms in sterile jars, pour the marinade, roll it up and put it in a cool dark place.

Ingredients for the marinade can be changed depending on your taste. The main thing is that its amount in the bank does not exceed 1/5 of the volume of mushrooms.

Here, for example, another method of home canning oil

Boil 1/3 cup of water, 1/3 cup of 6% vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Dip in this marinade boletus, removing the foam. As soon as the marinade starts to boil again, remove the pan from the heat and put 1 tbsp into it. sugar, 5 bay leaves, 10 peas allspice and 10 grams of citric acid. When it is cold, spread the mushrooms in jars, pour the marinade and cover with parchment paper, tied with string. Boiled butter cooked in this way should be refrigerated.

Marinated masta is not only a great snack. They are perfectly combined with fried and boiled potatoes, they can be served with fish, meat or added to various salads.

Try to make butter with sour cream and meat

0.5 kg of beef cut into layers and repel. Liter jar of pickled butter fry with two sliced ​​onions, add 200 grams of sour cream and simmer to a thick state. Then wrap the stewed mushrooms in the meat sheets, dip in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Grease the pan with vegetable oil, put rolls in it and fry for a few minutes on high heat, constantly turning it over. After that, reduce the fire and simmer for half an hour under the lid.

It turns out not only nutritious, but also very tasty, appetizing and festive dish.

Article written specifically for the women's site WedGia.com Copying an article is strictly prohibited!

Recipes from boletus, 30 recipes, photo-recipes / cook.ru

Maslata grow on the edges of the large flocks, so it is very nice to collect them: you can get away from one lawn with a basket full of mushrooms. It is better to choose young, strong fungi of small size. In this case, the mushrooms are likely to be not wormy and dense. It is better to clean them immediately after collection, then the sticky skin on the caps is easily removed, exposing the tender lemon-colored flesh. If the mushrooms are slightly dried and the skin is removed with difficulty, you can choose 2 options. You can soak the oil in water, then the skin can be easily cleaned, and you can not clean the mushrooms, but use them together with the skin. In the second case, the finished mushrooms will be just darker than peeled. From butter boiled rich soups, they are fried with potatoes, added to the fillings for pies or porridge.

Boletus mushrooms how to collect and clean. oil is a matter of taste

The mushroom season is in full swing, and this year the harvest of mushrooms is simply amazing. We recently went for mushrooms, and we were lucky to gather a lot of oil. But picking up mushrooms is flowers, but to sort, clean and process the collected mushrooms is already a real job. This is especially true for oil, unlike most oil mushrooms, it is necessary to clean the film on the cap, and this is quite a lengthy job if we are talking about several buckets of mushrooms. But if you want to taste delicious mushrooms, then you can not do without it. The film on the caps of the oil becomes tough when cooked, and the mushrooms get a bitter taste, so it is simply necessary to free the mushrooms from it. Butters have one unpleasant feature, when they are collected, and especially when cleaning, they very much stain hands, a black oily plaque appears on the hands, which eats into the skin and is practically not washed off. Therefore, if you care about manicure, and you don’t like the prospect of walking with black hands for 2-3 days, then do not forget to wear gloves. And this applies to all types of oil.

If you believe the sources from the Internet, then I was lucky enough to find a grainy butterdish, which is usually found in a young pine forest. It was in this forest, we found our beauties. The color of the cap in such boilers is usually from light yellow to dark brown, although, besides the yellow and brown, I came across mushrooms with a tint closer to the beige. The younger the mushroom, the brighter the cap. The leg of the fungus has a white color; in older mushrooms it begins to acquire a brown tint. From below, the cap has a spongy structure and a pleasant yellow color, although it may also darken in old mushrooms. A grainy one does not have a ring or a skirt, although some mushrooms, especially young ones, have a thin film that connects the bottom of the cap with the stem. On cut slice do not change color. It is often possible to find droplets of liquid on oil products, especially under the cap and on the upper part of the leg. Maslata usually grow around young pine, up to 2 meters from a tree.

After you have collected the mushrooms and came home, it is advisable to start processing them as soon as possible. Mushrooms are very poorly stored, except that they deteriorate quickly, and worms get divorced in them very quickly. Although with the strong need for freshly harvested mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for 10-15 hours. So, collected mushrooms should not be stored in a basket or a bucket, they heat up and deteriorate faster. Mushrooms are best spread out in an even layer on a piece of cloth or newspaper. It is convenient to clean the oil with a small knife. Near yourself it is best to put a small container with water, in which, if necessary, you can rinse a knife, hands or a mushroom. Do not wash or soak the oil before cleaning, otherwise they will become slippery and poorly cleaned. Oil must be cleaned in a dry form, if necessary, washed in water. So, clean the mash, remove the film from the cap, remove the wormy areas, scrape away the dirt. After that, soak the mushrooms for 20-30 minutes in clean water, in order to soak off the dirt and sand. Rinse the mushrooms in salted clean water 2-3 times, change the water after each rinse. After these simple operations, boil oil should be boiled as soon as possible.

To the question, how much cooking boil, I did not find a clear answer. In one cookbook they write 5-8 minutes, in the other 10-15 minutes (since boiling the mushrooms), and in some sources on the Internet it is advised to cook 2 times 40 minutes each. I boiled boletus in salted water for 20 minutes after boiling, everyone remained alive and no one complained about digestion problems. Boiled mushrooms can then be cooked according to any recipe, such a semi-finished product can be pickled, salted, fried, boiled, or can be frozen for the future. We fry a pan of fragrant mushrooms with sour cream, and the rest marinated and froze for the winter.

Ingredients: Boletus mushrooms 1 kg. Water 3 liters.

Preparation time: 40 minutes. Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Cooking recipe:

Back in childhood, my brother fed me raw champignons. It turns out that the forum user writes about this, they are actually eaten with cheeses. Since then, I really love mushrooms, as it is and collect. And my favorite mushrooms are boiled. As I learned later, perhaps this is a genetic memory. My paternal ancestors lived near the hillside, which every year they generously endowed with oils. I was also lucky with this, in a 20-minute walk from the house, there are pine forests where these mushrooms grow. And every summer, I go there and indulge my loved ones with mushroom delicacies.

Ingredients for oil:

pine forest

walk through the woods

vegetable or butter

Boletus Mushrooms:

Butters are mushrooms with hats from yellow to brown, with tubular pores. Grow in pine forests, pine forests, and forest plantations. Mushrooms are not quite whimsical, so they are grown even artificially. Maslyata "climbs" after the rains, replaced by warm nights. Depending on weather conditions, they can "go" or the whole summer. The butter dish is a family mushroom. In this forest, if you find one nipple, you can not get up to cut the whole bucket. The cap of the butterdish is oily, hence the name.

Cooking oil:

Before cooking butter, they need to be cleaned from oily skins on the caps, so that they are easier to clean the mushrooms can be a little dry. For this boil scatter on baking sheets and put in the sun, for half an hour, in the shade up to two hours. After drying, you can proceed to cleaning. But remember, cleaning should be dry, no need to wash mushrooms. In principle, the skins from the caps can not be removed, and cook with it. In this case, the mushrooms will be a little bitter.

Boil clean water, a little salt it. Peeled mushrooms, cut into pieces, size to your taste. And put in boiling water.

Mushrooms need to boil for 5-10 minutes. Then strain. Basically, you can eat mushrooms. But it is rather a semi-finished product for further processing.

Frying butter:

If you want to immediately, after cooking, pour butter on some dish. So, I recommend frying butter in butter. It will taste better.

Frost oil:

And if you want to freeze the oil. Then after cooking, they need to fry in vegetable oil. Cool, and then decompose on the capacities you have. I use plastic cans from mayonnaise. And freeze fried boletus in the freezer. Butters fried in vegetable oil are stored in the freezer for a year. For long-term storage, do not use animal fats for roasting mushrooms. In this case, the mushrooms are stored no longer than a month.

One of my favorite dishes with butts is potato fried with mushrooms.

Enjoy your meal!!!

More recipes:

1 large onion,

1 tbsp. flour,

2 tbsp. sour cream


pepper, salt to taste.


From the caps of mushrooms, carefully remove the skin, rinse, cut into pieces. Finely chop the onion, fry it in butter, add the mushrooms, salt, sprinkle with flour, add sour cream, pepper, turn off the heat and hold under the lid for 10 minutes. Put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with herbs. Serve with boiled or fried potatoes.

Butter baked


fresh butter




Oil wash, clean, cut out the damaged areas. Cut into comfortable pieces, small mushrooms can be left whole. Fry the mushrooms in the pan.

Boil the potatoes until half cooked, salt. Lay in ceramic pots layers of onion rings, potatoes and mushrooms, add spices and bake in the oven.

Alexey Borodin

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Recipes for dishes from butter on the site we eat at home!

Ingredients: Turkey flesh (thigh) - 650-700 g, Bulgarian pepper - 3 pieces, sweet corn (in vacuum-packed) - 1-2 cobs, mushrooms (I have champignons) - 5-7 pieces, onion of medium size - 2 pcs, tomatoes - 5 pcs, garlic - 7 cloves, parsley, dill and basil - 1 bunch, dry white wine - 100 ml, Pomi tomato sauce (Parmalat) - 8-10 tbsp, Milk 3.5% fat. or cream 10% fat. (Parmalat) - 8-10 tablespoons, refined olive oil (for frying) - 3 tablespoons, meat or vegetable broth - about 1.5-2 tablespoons, Italian seasoning (sugar, salt, granulated tomato, garlic, starch, basil, onion, black olives, oregano, parsley, chives, dill) - 1 bag (13 g), seasoning "Pesto with mushrooms" (33% mushrooms (boletus, white, mushrooms, shitake ), salt, fried onion, dried garlic, dried vegetables (parsnip, carrot, onion), rosemary, parsley, black pepper, thyme) - 5 tsp, a mixture of freshly ground pepper, salt to taste, parmesan, grated for serving (according to same lanyu) - 1 tbsp. per serving

Maslata how to process and cookthese mushrooms will talk in this article, because they are the most common and popular in our area. Besides, they are incredibly tasty. From maslot prepare many different dishes. They can pickle, fry, or simply to freeze, then to cook mycelio or add to the pies. And what a tasty fried potato with these mushrooms turns out, fingers you will lick! But one difficult still exists - the oil must be cleaned.

Discuss how to clean them, depending on the chosen method of preparation for the winter.

How to look at the oil and when to collect them

Walking on the "quiet hunt" for boars can be from mid-June until the onset of cold weather in November. They prefer coniferous forests, often hiding in the shade of young pines.

The rounded cap of the oil can is no more than 15 cm in diameter. It is brown-chocolate in color, with a characteristic film on the surface that becomes sticky when the air humidity is high.

The foot is lighter than the cap, with a filmy white ring. In height reaches no more than 10 cm.

These little mushrooms like to hide under the fallen leaves, so you should be very careful. Sometimes they can be found even under small tubercles of foliage. Then the top layer of forest debris is carefully removed, and the mushrooms are cut with a sharp knife.

Important!  You can not just pull them out, so as not to damage the mycelium, otherwise next year the harvest will no longer be.

You can clean off large debris right in the forest, so as not to carry it into the house.


  • Nutritional values ​​of boletus are comparable even with the beneficial properties of boletus. They contain a large number of amino acids and proteins that are easily absorbed by the body.
  • The composition also contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, which bring tangible benefits to the body. Scientists have identified substances that help relieve the symptoms of gout. They are just as much as necessary to quickly remove uric acid from the body.
  • For those who follow the weight and nutrition, oil can be a godsend. With its usefulness and chic taste, it has a low calorie content.

Why remove the film from the oil?

Particles of soil and forest debris often adhere to a shiny mucous film, and so firmly that they can be removed completely if you remove the skin of the fungus.

If you boil the mushrooms along with the film, they darken and a bitter aftertaste appears. The adhesive properties of the skinned skin remain, besides, this film swells, which considerably spoils the appearance of ready-made dishes.

  1. It is necessary to clean the mushroom from the cap, moving towards the stem. And you need to do this carefully, without missing a place under the cap, where dirt and debris often accumulates.
  2. On very small young mushrooms, you can not remove the thin skin. But for adults, it is necessary to remove it. It will taste bitter when cooked, and also when pickled, they will look unappetizing, and the marinade will acquire an attractive consistency of kissel.
  3. It is necessary to clean the mushrooms only dry. If you soak them, the spongy structure will quickly absorb moisture, and the oils will be so slippery that they slip out of your hands.
  4. Oil is washed only after cleaning quickly, without soaking.
  5. So as not to appear on the hands of dark spots, it is better to work with mushrooms in rubber gloves.


Before mushrooms process and clean, you need to determine how you plan to use them in the future:

  • If the oil is dried, the sticky skin can not be removed. To do this, it is enough to clean the sand and clean the garbage with a stiff brush. Heavily soiled parts can be cut out at all, or scrape well with a knife. After that, wipe with a soft cloth to remove residual dirt. After cleaning the oil is not washed.
  • If the mushrooms are further subjected to heat treatment, they are prepared for picklingboiling soups frying, or frost  then you need to clean more thoroughly.

Quickly clean the woods in the forest

You can carry out this procedure right in the forest, immediately after collection Mushrooms. After the mushroom is cut, you can comfortably settle in a clearing or stump, and process the crop. The benefit will be double: more time is spent in nature and already cleaned mushrooms will bring home. Here's a quick way to remove sticky skin:

  • hat cleared of debris;
  • the mushroom is cut into two parts vertically to the skins on the cap;
  • split the halves around and pull the film. Thus, it should be removed completely.

You can gently pick it up with a knife and remove the edge. But this should be done only in dry weather. Wet mushrooms are very slippery, so it is better to dry them beforehand, then it will be easier to remove the skin.

Watch the video!  How to clean the oil

How to handle boletus  houses

  • On returning home, spread the mushrooms on a cloth or paper to dry.
  • After 2 hours, you can begin processing, it will be faster and more efficiently.
  • In good weather, mushrooms can be put in the yard in the sun or in the shade with good air flow. Then you can start cleaning after 1.5 hours.

Vegetable oil

  Adhesive film oil is always a problem when cleaning them, because it constantly sticks to hands. But the usual vegetable oil will help greatly facilitate this process.

  • For this vegetable oil smear hands and a knife. In this way, the mushrooms will not stick, and there will be no dark spots on the hands.
  • The procedure for lubricating the knife and hands will need to be repeated periodically.
  • After that the rest of pollution on a leg is removed and its tip is cut off.


This method will help you quickly and easily clean the oil without a knife. Dry the kitchen sponge gently wipe each mushroom. This method can be cleaned and young specimens.

Tip!   It is possible to clean small maslits by any method proposed.

Boiling water

This method is popular and popular.

  • Mushrooms are laid out in a colander and hold over the steam for 30 seconds.
  • You can dip the oil in a colander in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then dip it in cold water several times.
  • Now the mushroom cap is easily cleaned from sticky film.


Salt removes dirt residues from the main cleaning. The pores of the fungus open, so that all contaminants are removed.

  • In a solution of salt water (150 g of salt per 1 liter);
  • Peeled mushrooms are laid out for 15-20 minutes;
  • Then rinse well under running water.

Tip!   In this way, worms can also be cleaned, their eggs will fall to the bottom, and the worms will emerge.


The original version, which will help to easily clean the mushrooms. A piece of gauze, moistened with vinegar or vegetable oil, must be tightly attached to the cap and pull. Thus, the film will remain on gauze, and the cap will be clean.

How to clean your hands after oil

If there are dark spots on the hands of the juice of mushrooms, then you can use this method:

  • dissolve 25 g of citric acid in 0.5 l of warm water;
  • put the hands into the solution for 5 minutes;
  • after this, hands should be washed with soap and water.

Thanks to the reaction of citric acid and soap, the skin will become light, and the spots will go away. But after that, to avoid dehydration, you need to grease the skin of the hands with a greasy cream.

The cleaning methods mentioned above are effective and proven by the experience and time of many housewives. Will consider how to cook butter.

Cooking recipes

Important!   Before cooking, be sure to boil the mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes.

Fried mushrooms

Cooking this simple but delicious dish will take about 40 minutes. You can eat them as a separate dish, as well as with a vegetable garnish, with cereals and pasta. BUT fried boiled potatoes with potatoes  will not leave anyone indifferent.

It is necessary:

  • 2 kg oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • 40 g of vegetable oil (approximately);
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • dill and parsley.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil peeled mushrooms for 15 minutes in salted water.
  2. Rinse, leave in a colander or sieve so that excess moisture is gone.
  3. Fry onion slices cut into half rings until golden crust appears.
  4. Add mushrooms and fry over medium heat for a quarter of an hour, stirring constantly.
  5. Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  6. Salt, pepper.
  7. When serving to the table, sleep chopped greens, add sour cream if desired.

Watch the video!  How to fry butter deliciously

Pickled boletus for winter

In order to enjoy the taste of butter in the winter, which resembles summer so much, you can pickle.  There are many marinating recipes, but this one is simple.

Required Products:

  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon 9% vinegar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 clove;
  • 10 peas allspice;
  • dried dill;
  • bay leaf.


  1. Peel the mushrooms and rinse them in several waters.
  2. The first time, boil 10 minutes in salted water, adding 3 drops of vinegar. Water pour.
  3. The second time to cook for 20 minutes in the new water, with spices, salt, sugar and vinegar according to the recipe.
  4. Arrange the butter in jars and pour marinade.
  5. Use marinated sterilized jars. The sterilization process can be carried out,
  6. Store in a dark and cool place.

Watch the video!  How to marinate boletus for the winter

Freezing oil

  • Before freezing boletus they must be cleaned, washed and boiled.
  • Then lay out on paper towels to make the glass excess moisture.
  • Pack in containers so many mushrooms that was enough for one cooking. Specify the date of freezing.
  • Stored frozen boletus up to 1 year.

You can and fresh mushrooms, but they occupy a lot of space in the freezer. You can also fry the mushrooms and freeze them. To eat in the winter fried  Mushrooms need to be heated.

Salted mushrooms

Salty boletus is also a very popular and tasty product. Such mushrooms will be a good snack, and can also be used to prepare various salads.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 8 black peas;
  • 6 laurel leaflets;
  • 4 dill umbrellas.


  1. Peel the mushrooms and boil for 20 minutes in salted water.
  2. Strain and rinse well.
  3. Prepare the pickle. Put garlic, bay leaf, salt and pepper in the water. Boil.
  4. Dip the mushrooms and cook for 7 minutes.
  5. Spread in jars, add garlic and dill, add brine, cover with lids.
  6. Leave the jars for 30 days in a cool place until fully cooked.

To remove excess salt in the finished product, it can be washed. If mushrooms are served as a separate snack, then it is better to add vegetable oil, vinegar and onions to them.

Watch the video! How to pickle

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