How to cook meat kebab. Marinade for juicy, tasty pork kebab

20.05.2019 Egg dishes

May holidays are coming soon. And everything from young to old will reach for their summer cottages. Probably even the most experienced accountant will find it difficult to count how much meat will be eaten these days. And of course, it is not difficult to guess that the majority of it will be fried on the grill, in the form of all your favorite kebabs and.

Prepare, from mutton, from beef. But the most popular and beloved of all, of course, is he made from pork. One of the delicious recipes you can find. She quickly marinated, quickly fried, she is tasty, juicy. It was for her taste and ease of preparation that she fell in love with millions of people.

Cooking kebabs is not just a culinary process, it is a kind of action! Already only one preparation for the process adjusts to a certain way. You need to buy everything you need, then decide what marinade you will use. Then fry! Everywhere we need certain skills.

So how do you make a tasty, juicy, flavorful pork dish? After all, it is no secret that someone has a ready-made dish juicy, and someone has a dry one; for someone, it always turns out to be cooked and tough, and for someone, it is not cooked inside at all.

In order for the roasted meat to be tasty, juicy and roasted, it is necessary to choose the desired part of the desired quality, soak it in a properly prepared composition, and fry it on the grill correctly.

Let's first consider the various options.

Marinating the flesh correctly is an important step in preparing a delicious dish. The way you choose to do this primarily determines the taste of the finished product. Therefore, this stage is one of the most important. Even if you buy a great piece of pulp, but you treat it incorrectly, it may turn out not at all the taste that you expect to receive from it.

Cooking options exist very much. And having properly prepared them, you can make the finished product juicy, practically from each. The main thing is to keep proportions and time.

Sometimes in recipes it is found that vinegar is added to the ingredients. I do not add it. I believe that when it is added, the taste of the main product is lost. It turns out tough and not juicy.

Maybe I’m wrong, and maybe I just don’t know how to make variations using vinegar, but I never use it. What for? Then, when there is a large number of natural products, thanks to which the meat is very juicy and certainly delicious.

In addition, the pork itself is quite tender, not at all tough, and vinegar is mainly used for softening. And in this case to use it absolutely to anything.

But let's consider other ways. In fact, they are much more, here are the most popular and in demand.

  On kefir

In kefir, too, there is acid, and if you need to quickly make the pulp soft, then kefir will be just the way.

But you should know that keeping it in kefir too long is not necessary either. Otherwise, the result will be the same as if we keep the meat in vinegar - it will lose its taste and juiciness.

Keeping the kefir should be no more than 3.5-4 hours. It will be quite enough for reception of gentle taste.

We will need:

  • pork neck - 2 kg
  • onions - 1 kg
  • kefir -05-0.7 ml.
  • salt, black pepper to taste
  • ginger - 1 tablespoon
  • spices - I use mixes, which includes crushed coriander, zira, paprika, nutmeg
  • dried herbs
  • red pepper


  1. Cut the neck into pieces of 5x5 cm. It’s better not to cut the pieces, because in this case the pork will turn out to be dry. You also do not need to cut more, there is a risk that inside it will not have time to fry. Put everything in a large bowl.
  2. Onions cut into very thin half rings. Mash it so that the onions start up the juice and add to the bowl.
  3. Stir everything together, lightly pressing on the onions, so that the juice is absorbed into the pulp.
  4. Add spices, herbs, pepper, kefir. Stir once more, lightly pressing down on the contents so that the marinade quickly feeds each piece.
  5. Leave in a cool place to infuse. It is not advisable to put in the fridge. Periodically can be mixed.

Prepared slices are best salted 30-40 minutes before the moment when you start to fry kebabs. Earlier salt is not recommended. Salt draws juice from the pulp. And if you salt it before, the pulp will never get juicy.

This is one of the main secrets of making a juicy product. Do not ignore it, and then you will always get juicy.

  With soy sauce and lemon juice

This composition also has an acid base, only now it uses lemon. A soy sauce will give the finished dish a savory taste and a beautiful rosy roast.

We will need:

  • pork neck - 3 kg
  • onions - 5-6 large onions
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • spices for pork
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • pepper - red and black
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons


  1. Cut the meat into 5x5 cm pieces. Transfer to a bowl.
  2. Stir everything together, lightly pressing on the onions, so that he pours the juice.
  3. Squeeze out the lemon juice, add spices, pepper. Stir all the time, lightly pressing on the contents to quickly sift each piece.
  4. Soak in a cool place for 3.5-4 hours, stirring occasionally.
  5. Salt 30 minutes before frying.

  Delicious kebab using olive oil

If for a shish kebab you have purchased a leaner part, such as tenderloin, then in order that the flesh does not turn out dry, you can use marinade with olive oil.

We will need:

  • pork tenderloin - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • paprika -1 tsp
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp
  • on pinch - ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg
  • pepper - red and black
  • bay leaf


  1. Grind and mix all the spices, add pepper, crushed bay leaf. Pour the mixture with olive oil, mix, leave for 20 minutes, so that the spices combine with the oil and the flavors come together.
  2. During this time, cut the tenderloin into medium pieces and then place in a bowl with the mixture. Mix. Cover or cover with cling film.
  3. Leave for 1-1.5 hours at room temperature, periodically mixing the pieces with spices and oil, so that they are soaked with juice evenly.
  4. Salt for 30-40 minutes before frying.
  5. Cut lemon into rings. String the pieces on skewers, alternating with lemon rings, grill on the grill until ready.

  With mayonnaise - the most popular

This method is probably one of the most popular in the people. Well, we like mayonnaise ... It is also better to use it when cooking kebabs from leaner pieces, if it is so appropriate to talk about pork.

We will need:

  • pork - 2 kg
  • onions - 1 kg
  • mayonnaise -350-400g
  • spices for kebabs
  • mustard - 3 tablespoons
  • salt, pepper to taste


  1. Cut the meat into pieces of 5x5 cm. Put in a bowl.
  2. Onions cut into thin half rings. Mash it so that the onions start up the juice and add to the bowl.
  3. Stir the contents, lightly pressing on the onions, to form a juice.
  4. Add spices, pepper, mayonnaise. To mix everything.
  5. Leave to infuse for 6-7 hours, and better at night. Maintain sliced ​​mayonnaise better in the refrigerator.
  6. Salt better for 30-40 minutes before cooking. It is also not recommended to keep slices in salt for a long time.

  In tomato juice and with tomatoes

Very tasty and juicy flesh turns out if to use tomatoes for marinade. In order to preserve all the juice collected from the tomatoes and not leak out during frying, add a little vegetable oil.

We will need:

  • pork tenderloin - 2 kg
  • onions -1.2 kg
  • tomatoes -1.3 kg
  • fresh ginger - 30 gr
  • vegetable oil -4 tbsp. spoons
  • spices - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • pepper - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon


  1. Cut the meat into large chunks.
  2. Onions cut into thin half rings.
  3. 800 grams of tomatoes chopped in a bowl of blender with ginger. If there is no fresh ginger, you can add it in the powder.
  4. 500 grams of tomatoes cut into slices.
  5. Mix all ingredients with onions, tomato juice and spices. Mark the contents so that the juice gets better into the pulp.
  6. Add chopped tomatoes. Mix gently so that the tomatoes are intact.
  7. To sustain 4-5 hours.
  8. For 30-40 minutes, salt and pour oil. Mix.
  9. Strung on skewers and fry until cooked.

  On mineral water

Also very popular among the people option. This is also a long way. Soak the pieces of pulp in water and onion juice will need all night.

The advantages of this method are that the water has a neutral taste. And the taste of the product is revealed in this case most fully. And the second plus - the pulp softens with the help of mineral water, and becomes very soft, juicy and fragrant. And its fibers under the influence of mineral water become more elastic and spices are better impregnated in them. And the finished product becomes more fragrant and remains tender at the same time.

We will need:

  • pork - 3 kg
  • onions -1 -1.5 kg
  • highly carbonated mineral water - 1 liter
  • spice
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil


  1. Pulp cut into pieces 5x5 cm.
  2. Onions cut into thin half rings. Mash it so that the onions start up the juice and add to the pulp.
  3. Stir all together, lightly pressing on the onions, so as to highlight the juice.
  4. Add mineral water. Water is better to choose with salts of potassium and sodium.
  5. Add spices and pepper. It is not necessary to salt right away, this can make the meat hard, salt it better for 1-2 hours before frying.
  6. Leave the pieces in a mixture of water and onion juice for 12-15 hours, removing it in the refrigerator, stirring occasionally.
  7. Before cooking, drain the water, remove the onion and add a little vegetable oil. In this case, when frying, the pieces will not burn.

Here are just a few ways in which the finished dish will turn out tasty and juicy. However, there are still options for keeping the pulp in red and white wine (for lovers), in pomegranate and tomato juice. There are also recipes based on sour cream, and with the addition of balsamic vinegar. However, like regular vinegar. And lovers of beer and a specific taste, keep the pulp in the beer.

When the cut pieces are mixed with all the ingredients, it must be tightly closed, and put under pressure, crushing something heavy.

If you use fast methods for 3-4 hours, then it is better to maintain them in a cool place. And if more time is needed, it is better to keep it in the fridge.

But that's not all, so that the kebab turned out well, it should also be properly roasted.

  How to fry kebabs

1. Before frying the sliced ​​pieces, they must be properly strung on skewers. String them need not too tight. Between them should be a little space for better cooking from all sides.

2. They need to be strung smoothly, so that they are evenly on the skewer, and that nothing hangs in separate pieces.

3. If onions were used for the marinade, then it should be carefully removed from each piece. If this is not done, then the burnt onions will give a bitter taste to the dish and deprive it of the desired flavor.

4. If you have not used any oil, then before frying, you can coat each sliced ​​piece of vegetable oil. This is necessary so that the flesh is well roasted inside and not burned outside.

5. Coal can be bought in the store already ready, although there are many opponents of this. And opponents, as a rule, make the embers themselves. They take firewood of hardwood trees - birch, aspen, apple ..., burn them, and when there are coals already frying on them. You should not only fry the flesh using coniferous firewood, it can spoil its natural smell and taste.

6. During frying on the grill it is necessary to constantly turn the skewers so that the pieces are roasted evenly. Care should be taken that the coals smolder well. If the heat is weak, the flesh will dry up, and if the flames constantly burst out, it will start to burn. To do this, keep a bottle of water ready. And as soon as the flame breaks out, it should be immediately extinguished from the bottle with water.

7. During the whole frying, you should be near the barbecue to monitor the entire process.

8. When the kebab is browned, its readiness can be checked by making an incision on the brightest part. If blood does not flow from it, but inside it is a pleasant pink color, then the dish is ready.

9. Remove it from the skewers on a large dish and cover with a lid for 5 minutes so that it is rested. Rested, it will be even juicier and tastier.

10. Serve the finished dish with grilled vegetables, fresh vegetables, greens and onion seasoned in vinegar.

The following topic in fact would need to be put in the first place. But since the article was about marinades, they were the first to go. Therefore, although with a delay, we will dwell on this important topic in more detail.

  How to choose a pork for kebab

On what kind of meat you chose to cook, depends on what kind of kebab you get. You can make a great marinade, well roast the flesh. But if it is not bought, it will be difficult to cook the perfect dish.

And it is best to use the neck or loin.

1. It is best to keep it fresh. From such a finished product turns out the most delicious. In extreme cases, you can use and frozen, but only under one condition. If you bought it fresh, they themselves froze, and thawed only once. Defrosted just for this case, that is, for cooking.

2. It should be thawed at room temperature, in a natural way. Without the use of hot water or a microwave.

3. Also, you should not buy a finished product in the store. After all, we do not know what is sliced. And that means the result can be unpredictable.

4. Pay attention to the appearance when you buy it. It should be a pale pink color, with thin fatty streaks. If it is red, then it may be old and it is best to give it up. The finished dish of it will be tough, as if it was not previously cooked and fried.

5. Take too fatty pieces to anything. During frying, excess fat will drip onto the coals, burn on them, and this will give the finished dish an odor that is not needed.

6. Fresh product should not have extraneous odors, only fresh, almost neutral smell.

7. When pressing on it should not be released blood. And the trail from pressing should disappear almost immediately. If the mark remains for a long time, it means that the flesh has been thawed and frozen again.

8. When looking at the exterior, look at the consistency, it should not be dull, but glossy. It also should not stick to hands.

Now go to the store, always choose the right piece. And then any dish you get tasty.

  Pork shashlik in its own juice without marinade

Despite the fact that I know different ways of marinade, I am constantly looking for new recipes for myself. And I found this original way.

This recipe differs from all the above proposed not only by this, but also by the fact that when choosing the main product, not the neck, but the carbadons are taken, and it is cut not with usual slices, but with thin plates in the form of steaks.

Here is such an interesting and original recipe! How is he to you? Like or not?

In general, it is very interesting, what ways do you usually use? Maybe you have your own original ways. It would be great if you share them with us!

In today's article I tried to tell in great detail about all the nuances of making a tasty, tender kebab. At all stages of cooking should pay attention. They are all equally important and meaningful. To cook a delicious dish, do not ignore any of them. And only then it will turn out tender, juicy and very tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

Summer is a time for outdoor recreation, and as is customary in Russia, not a single event in nature is complete without such a popular meat dish as kebabs.

There are many recipes for their preparation, and here we have collected the most popular recipes.

Recipe kebab ordinary
  Lamb shashlik
  1000 g of mutton, 200 g of onions, 30 ml of 3% vinegar, 1/2 tsp of sugar, salt and pepper to taste, 50 g of green onions, 100 ml of barbecue sauce.
  Peel the meat from the film and fat, cut into pieces of 40 - 50 g, salt and pepper, add onions, sliced ​​into rings. Put everything in an enamel bowl, sprinkle sugar on vinegar, mix and pour the meat with this solution. Put a load on the meat and pickle in a cold place for about a day.
  When the meat is marinated, peel it off, put it on the skewers tightly to each other, mash and fry over hot coals, constantly turning to form a ruddy crust on the kebab, and the meat remains pink inside. During roasting skewers constantly splash marinade.
  Serve kebab recommended on a heated dish, watering kebab sauce. Separately - crumbly rice mixed with toasted in oil finely chopped onions, as well as pieces of pickled onions.

Lithuanian kebab recipe (gintaras)

  720 g of veal, 200 g of fat, lemon, 4 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
Cut the veal into slices (thickness - 0, 5 cm, width - 6 - 8, length 10 - 12) and slightly beat, salt, pepper, rub with crushed garlic, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave in an enamel bowl in a cold place for 5 hours. Then put sliced ​​lard into small pieces of meat, roll up the meat with a roll and fasten with wooden studs, strung on skewers and fry over burning coals until ready, constantly turning and sprinkling with lemon juice diluted in water. You can fry such rolls and grab. Serve hot skewers with fresh vegetables and herbs.

Kebab (kebab) kebab recipe
  Lamb shashlik
  800 g of lamb, 200 g of onions, 40 g of vinegar, 200 g of tomatoes, greens, pepper and salt to taste.
  Mutton pulp cut into pieces of 30 - 40 g, folded in an enamel bowl, salt, add pepper, chopped onion, vinegar. Cover the dishes and put them in the cold for 3 to 4 hours. Clean the prepared meat from onions, strung on skewers and fry over hot coals. Separately strung on skewers onion from the marinade, slices or halves of tomatoes. Alternate over coals skewers with meat and vegetables, fry meat until tender.
  Place the skewers on a platter, put onions and tomatoes, roasted on coals, and greens around.

Uzbek kebab recipe
  Lamb shashlik
  840 g of mutton, 120 g of fat of fat, 480 g of bulb onion, 40 g of wheat flour, 6 g of anise, 12 ml of vinegar, 6 g of red pepper, parsley.
  Mutton pulp cut into pieces of 15 - 20 g folded in non-oxidizing dishes, add chopped onions, wine vinegar, anise, red pepper, mix and compacted, leave in a cold place for 3 - 4 hours.
  Before frying, slice the mutton prepared in this way on 4–5 pieces of metal skewers per skewer interspersed with slices of raw onions, sprinkle with wheat flour, put a piece of chicken tail fat on the end of each skewer and fry over hot coals.
  Serve immediately after frying on skewers (3 skewers per serving). As a side dish you can serve chopped raw onions and parsley.

Georgian kebab recipe (long mtsvadi)
  Beef and Veal Skewers
  1200 g of beef tenderloin, 50 g of vegetable oil, 100 g of adzhika, 400 g of tomatoes, various greens, pepper and salt to taste.
Beef tenderloin, peel off the films, cut into a strip about 30 cm long and 2, 5 - 3 cm thick and completely put on a spit. To make the tenderloin during frying keep its shape and not shrink, tie it tightly to the spit with thick threads. Sprinkle with vegetable oil. Place the skewer over the coals and, rotating, fry until ready, while constantly wetting with cold water.
  Cut the juicy meat across the fibers with a small bevel into slices up to 2 cm thick, salt and pepper to taste, brush with sharp adzhika. Serve hot shashlik with sprigs of greens and hot tomatoes separately roasted on a spit, removing peels from them.

Chicken Kebab Recipe
  Poultry kebab
  1000 g of chicken meat, 40 g of wine vinegar, 100 g of onions, 50 ml of vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.
  Chop the chicken into equal pieces of 50 to 60 g, put in an enameled bowl, add finely chopped onion, pepper, salt, wine vinegar and soak in the marinade in the cold for 2 to 3 hours. String the pieces of meat on skewers and fry over hot coals, greasing the skewers with vegetable oil and pouring over the remaining marinade. Serve hot on a platter. As a side dish you can offer fermented vegetables. Separately in a saucepan serve a hot sauce made from sour cream with the addition of tomato paste, adzhika and garlic.

Chicken ventricular kebab recipe
  Poultry kebab
  1000 g of chicken ventricles, 100 g of onions, lemon, greens, pepper and salt to taste.
  Wash the previously cleaned ventricles thoroughly, dry and fold into an enamel pan, salt and pepper, mix with chopped onion and lemon juice. Let stand in a cold place for 1 hour. After that, string the prepared ventricles onto a skewer and fry over hot coals until ready, often turning.
  Then fold the ventricles into the pan, on the bottom of which you can put the pickled onions, cover with a lid and then cook over a slow fire for another 20-30 minutes.
  Submit to the table with greens and fresh vegetables.

Another recipe for kebab in Russian:

To be sure that the meat will be soft, you can: add a spoonful of ready mustard in any marinade, take plain carbonated mineral water instead of plain water, or add half a cup of cola drink to plain water.

Oyen delicious pickle in tomato juice. Plus spices and onions.

And the main principle of all kebabs - it is better not to pay enough. Armenians generally add salt directly before the barbecue. Also provides softness and tenderness to meat.

My signature recipe:

3 kg of meat, 1.5 kg of onions, 2 -3 eggplants. 1 big lemon.

The basis is mineral water. 1.5 l. In water we add: 1 tbsp. l Mustard, half a cup of soy sauce, 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar (or half a cup of white dry wine) 2 tsp. honey, 5 bay leaves, 5-10 peas of pepper, 1 bag of Khmeli-suneli seasoning, 1 bag of dry adzhika (but you can do without it)

We cut the whole onion, squeeze the juice of 1 large lemon into it, transfer the coarsely chopped meat onto the onions and eggplants (layers), at the end pour the marinade prepared beforehand.

You can cook in 2 hours, but the daily allowance of course tastes better.

And finally, a separate review of marinades for kebabs:

Yoghurt marinade for kebabs.Mix 70-80 grams of live yogurt, 1 tbsp. l tomato paste and vegetable oil, 1 tsp. salt and red pepper (hotness - to taste). Stir in meat thoroughly and leave for 12 hours in the chill.

Citric   marinade for kebabs. Not too small cut 1 kg of onion, mix with meat, adding the juice of a large lemon, 5 tbsp. l tkemali sauce, salt and other spices. Put under pressure (for example, a pair of dumbbells) for 3 hours in a cool place.

Mustard   marinade for kebabs.   Combine 4 Art. l sweet mustard, 2 tbsp. l soy sauce and olive oil, juice of 2 lemons, a small bunch of chopped cilantro, a couple of crushed garlic cloves and 1 tsp. salt. Put meat in a bowl, mix with marinade and let stand for at least an hour in a cool place.

Tea   marinade for kebabs.   Purely Australian recipe. 50 g of black tea with high tannin content pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew. When cool, filter and fill the meat. Then for 3-5 hours in a cool place.

Tomato   marinade for kebabs.   Finely cut 6-8 tomatoes and 2-3 onions. Mix with meat, salt, pepper and press for 4-5 hours. You can add bell pepper and any other spices.

Wine   marinade for kebabs.   2 bulbs cut rings. Put the meat in layers, pouring crushed black peppercorns (total - 10 pcs.) And onion rings. Pour 2 glasses of dry red wine, slightly diluted with water, 1 tbsp. l lemon juice with 1 tsp. Sahara. Add 2 bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns, 1 tsp. sugar, salt. Marinate no more than 2-3 hours.

Onion   marinade for kebabs. Cut 2 kg of very juicy onions. Stir in the meat, salt and pepper and add bay leaf. If the meat is not the very first youth, add a little red wine or pomegranate juice. Leave in a cool place for 5-8 hours.

Kefir   marinade for kebabs. Meat salt and roll in chopped green basil and dill. In 1 liter kefir vle 1 tbsp. l lemon juice. There are 2 finely chopped onions and peppercorns. Pour the meat and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Enjoy your meal!

Barbecue is a delicious dish for food, which raises the mood and comes bliss for the body. There are many types of it, but the classic one is always meat:. Exceptions are chicken and fish.

Stringing pieces of meat on skewers and frying over coals with the observance of certain rules - this is a classic of perfect cooking meat with the smell of smoke.

Cooking on skewers in the oven, in a pan of minced meat and various fish in the following articles.

  The rules of cooking classic kebabs

For cooking it is better to take young and juicy meat. To get good results. The following rules should be followed:

  • Avoid cooking from frozen meat. Because frozen meat contains significantly less nutrients that are contained in fresh. Whatever they say, no matter how marinated, the fibers from frozen meat will be tough.
  • Avoid cooking from fresh meat, from a freshly slaughtered animal. Blood should flow from the carcass, the meat should "rest" for several hours, lie down. In the old days, it was generally considered a ban to cook dishes immediately from the wounded game - 2 to 3 days should pass.
  • Stringy meat is not suitable.

The best brazier for cooking kebabs is the traditional brazier used by most modern people. What are the braziers in our modern life, you can look at the blog.

In the opinion of experts and people of the people, the best wood is firewood from the vine. Further, in descending order of quality, go: white locust, dogwood, sloe, beech, oak You have already realized that only deciduous trees are suitable.

The criterion for the quality of firewood is the quantity and heat of the coal.

Buy better ready charcoal and use it. As a rule, coal sold in bags is made from birch chocks.

If you use firewood, they should burn almost smokeless, give a lot of coal with good heat and not be resinous - this is the quality of the firewood itself.

The height of the brazier, for frying meat, must be such that the meat is 10-15 cm above the coal, or even lower. It is more convenient to make a brazier with grate bars (small) and a blower, in order to create cravings depending on wind and weather.

In the absence of mangal hearth, for frying kebabs can be folded from improvised non-combustible material: stones or bricks.

Classic pork kebab - how to pickle with vinegar to eat tasty


  • 2 kg of pork belly not too fat or
  • 3 kg of brisket on the bone (also very tasty)
  • 100 ml of white wine vinegar
  • 1 kg of onions
  • salt pepper

For submission:  4 sweet bulbs + thick or thin pita


Cut the pork belly into equal pieces of bacon.

Cut the other piece with ribs in this way. so that the meat is located along the bone.

Each onion should be cut in half lengthwise, then cut into very thin half rings. Mix the onion and vinegar, season well with black pepper. Mix the meat and marinade in a large saucepan, and mix by hand for 5 minutes. Then firmly fold the meat with the marinade into a container, cover with a lid and marinate at room temperature for 2 to 3 hours.

Take the skewers wide and flat so that the meat does not turn when frying.

String meat in such a way that it goes along the skewer, not hanging from it. The pieces must be of the same size and quality so that they are roasted evenly. Then place the skewers with meat at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from the coals and fry, not forgetting to rotate them evenly, until done and browning.

In a large bowl, chop the onions into large pieces, take a large piece of pita bread and remove hot pieces of meat with it. Skewers in a bowl pour in onions. Thus, it undergoes heat treatment, absorbs the taste of meat and becomes a separate snack.

This is what a rib rib dish looks like if you decide to make this version of classic meat cooking with bone and wine vinegar.

  Recipe for pork kebab and marinade made of mineral water


  • 2 kg pork neck
  • 4 onions
  • mineral water
  • ground black pepper, ground coriander, salt


Pork meat cut into pieces, onion cut into half rings, pepper and sprinkle with ground coriander.

Put meat with onions in a saucepan and pour mineral water over it to cover the meat. put the oppression on the meat and leave for 4 hours. Then salt the meat to taste. Next, you should string the pieces of meat on the skewers according to all the rules and fry over the coals.

  Classic lamb skewers - a dish for the holiday table


  • 500 g lamb
  • 2 onions
  • 100 g of green onions
  • 200 g tomatoes
  • 0.5 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon butter


Cut into even pieces (20 - 25 g) the kidney part or the pulp of the back leg of lamb, put in a bowl, salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Then put grated onions there, pour vinegar, mix and stand in a cold place for 5-6 hours.

Young lamb meat is not watered with vinegar, but sprinkled with pepper, salt, parsley leaves and kept for 2 - 3 hours in the cold.

Roast the skewers over the coals for about 15 to 20 minutes. To meat roasted evenly, skewers need to often turn.

Finished pieces of meat should be removed from the skewers, put on a dish, pour the oil. Serve scallions, sliced ​​tomatoes and lemon as a side dish. boiled rice Separately file dried ground barberry or pomegranate juice.

  Beef kebab - marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat was soft


In this recipe, the meat becomes soft even if it was very tough. Meat can be taken even ice cream. Let the meat thaw. Then cut the beef into pieces with a matchbox.

At the bottom of the pan pour a layer of allspice peas. Cover it with a layer of bay leaf. Lay a layer of chopped onion rings, on top of a layer of meat, salt and pepper with red pepper, again put a layer of onion and so on alternate. The last layer should go onions. Lay a layer of bay leaf on top of it.

Put a layer of tomato paste on your finger thickness and vinegar on top of a layer of bay leaf (put 1 spoon of vinegar on 1 kg of meat). Cover all this with an inverted plate and put about 10 kg of bending on top. Withstand the day. After a day, drain the egg, throw out the top layer of Lavrushka and transfer the meat to another dish, leaving the bottom layer of Lavrushka and peppercorns - in the old one.

Then squeeze lemon into the meat, add dry white wine. After 2 hours, you can fry with the help of skewers in the grill with hot coals.

  Mutton kebab with vinegar: a classic way of cooking meat in Tajik


  • 1200 g lamb
  • 200 g onion bulb
  • 50 g vinegar 3%
  • 30 grams of cumin
  • 50g greens
  • ground black pepper, salt


Mutton pulp meat cut into pieces of 25 grams. Salt, pepper, mix with finely chopped onions, zira, pour vinegar and put in the cold for 4 hours.

Then meat pieces strung on skewers and fry over hot coals.

When serving, lay the meat on a plate and sprinkle with chopped onions and greens.

  Marinades for pork kebab: how to pickle meat in pomegranate juice


  • 2 kg pork neck
  • 1 cup fresh pomegranate juice
  • 4 tomatoes
  • onion
  • cloves, basil greens, parsley, ground black pepper, salt


Pork cut into portions and put as the first layer in an enamel pan. Onions cut into rings and lay the second layer. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle the meat with onions.

Then put the flowers of cloves on top and pour with pomegranate juice. Put marinated meat in a cool place for 4 hours. Stir every hour. Before the last mixing, salt.

In the end, start stringing meat on skewers, alternating with tomato circles and frying over charcoal grills.

  Shish kebab: pork's signature recipe, and marinade from the people - with beer!


  • 2 kg of pork (neck)
  • salt large sea
  • 5 onions
  • 500 ml of dark live beer
  • 5 - 6 dried tomatoes
  • ground black pepper

Cooking recipe:

Rinse and dry the meat. Cut it into large pieces so that each has a fat.

Then make a marinade: rub the onions and put the onion gruel in the bowl for the meat,

salt and pepper to taste, pour in all the beer. Stir and marinate for at least 5-6 hours.

Then remove from the marinade, string on metal skewers and grill over charcoal from apple, pear or aspen firewood on the grill. Reviews from the people - great, people in the subject!

  Cooking juicy kebab of pork on the grill - video

Enjoy your kebabs on the coals, in the open air, with smoke!

You can go on a barbecue with family and friends at any time of the year, the main thing is that the rain does not put out the fire or coals in the grill. For the preparation of a wonderful pork kebab there are no specific time seasons. Both in winter and in summer, fragrant pork shashlik will decorate any table.

Meat has never been famous for cheapness, so its choice should be approached carefully and carefully. A delicious kebab is made of pork, the meat is soft, with fatty, melting from the heat, dripping on vegetables, handing out incredible flavors. Such a sight can be seen by picking up not only a good piece of meat, but also choosing the most delicious marinade for pork shashlik.

How to choose the right piece of pork for kebab

The main secrets of cooking successful pork kebabs

Pork Kebab Marinade Recipes

Marinade for pork shashlik on vinegar

(recipe for 1 - 1.5 kg. meat)

In the prepared meat cut into rings onions, pre-peeled. Add to raw skewers with onion and pepper, Lavrushka. This marinade for pork shish kebab is prepared with salt, because it is dissolved in water along with sugar, vinegar is added, mixed well.

Marinade - dissolved sugar and salt in water and vinegar, pour pieces of pork and onion mixed with pepper. Let it brew for about 3.5 hours in a cool place, not in the sun, but in the shade.

Marinade for pork kebab on kefir

(recipe for 1.5 kg. meat)

Prepared meat should be mixed with black pepper and hops-suneli, leave for half an hour. Then grate onion, half of the specified amount. Add to the meat, mix well. After a few minutes, pour kefir, mix well, so that all the pieces are covered, add chopped onion rings, powdered sugar. Stir again, leave the pork marinade kebab, which will soak the meat for 5-6 hours. You can leave for 10 hours, it will only taste better.

Marinade for pork kebab on pomegranate juice

(recipe for 2 kg. meat)

The beauty of this recipe is that whatever you choose the spices and seasonings, it will always give a pomegranate, it will become soft and piquant to the taste.

  • Condiments and spices - black and white ground pepper, cumin and coriander, oregano, paprika. Any dried herbs, bay leaf.
  • Onions - 3 pieces.
  • Pomegranate juice, natural, but not packaged - half a liter.
  • Salt - to taste, when serving.

Prepare the meat, chop the onion into rings, add to the raw skewers and leave for an hour. Then mix with spices and pickle for another hour. Then pour pomegranate juice, mix well and leave overnight or day, in general, at 8 o'clock.

Marinade for pork shashlik onion

(recipe for 1 kg. meat)

We rub half onions on a grater, half - we cut them into rings, not very large, better thinner. In the prepared pieces of meat, washed and dried, add chopped onion rings, mix very well, leave for an hour. Then add to the marinade pork kebab, consisting of a mixture of spices and pepper, grated onions. Mix well, close the bowl with food film. Leave in the dark and cool at night.

  Marinade for pork shashlik on lemon

(recipe for 1 kg. meat)

Chopped and washed, dried meat is mixed with spices and mix well with your hands. Then you need to add 2 lemon peel. This is easy to do - remove the rind from the lemon using a fine grater, add to the meat and mix. We supplement marinade for pork shish kebab with onion, cut into rings, mix well with meat and spices. It is better to cut onions with not very thick rings so that he gives more than his juice to meat. Leave for an hour, then add more and juice of 1 lemon. Marinating about 5 hours, you can leave at night, so even better, the meat will become more pliable for roasting, and not dry.

Marinade for pork shashlik on mineral water

(recipe for 4 kg. meat)

When there is a large amount of meat, and it needs to be quickly marinated, the best remedy is mineral water. She quickly makes the meat soft and juicy. And adding some non-standard ingredients, the marinade for pork shish kebab will be perfect.

  • Mineral water, carbonated - 1.5 liter bottle.
  • Onions - 1 kilogram.
  • Dried tomatoes and dried paprika. There are mixtures of these ingredients sold in stores.
  • Coriander beans (also called dried cilantro) - half a spoon.
  • Black pepper, ground - 1 tablespoon. You need a lot of pepper, as mineral water kills its aroma, but with the use of large quantities, it will be perfectly felt.
  • Salt - to taste, when serving.

Prepare the meat, rinse, chop and dry. Onion cut into rings, thin, mix well with meat, leave for an hour, the second, so that the pork is fed with onion juice. Then add coriander, black pepper, mix well, add a dried mixture of vegetables (tomatoes and paprika), mix again.

Now pour the main part of the marinade - mineral water into the pork kebab. Fill the meat so that the water slightly covers the pieces of meat. Leave better for 8 hours, better for the night. Wash the shashlik dish with cling film and store it in a dark, cool place.

Marinade for pork kebab on red wine

(recipe for 1 kg. meat)

Meat well washed and cut into cubes, dried. Rub pork with spices and spices, add lavrushka. Mix well and leave for an hour. In the meantime, peel and chop the onion into rings or half rings, as a result you will be comfortable wearing it on the skewer. Add to the meat, stir to give the onion juice, and the marinade for pork kebab gets its “kebab” flavor.

Leave for some time the meat with onions and spices in a dark and cool place, and after an hour you can pour the pork with wine and mix again. Kebab should be marinated for about 12 hours, if possible, let it cost a little longer.

Marinade for pork kebab on brandy and herbs

Let's make cooking marinade for prepared meat. It is necessary in a separate vessel to mix the juice of 2 lemons with sunflower oil. Add herbs, mashing them well with your hands or in a mortar, knead with a pestle. So they let the flavor and quickly fill them with meat. To marinade for pork shish kebab turned spicy, add brandy, then red pepper. All mix well.

Now marinate well rub pork, pour and shuffle with hands, to be sure that each piece received its portion of "intoxicating" refilling. It is recommended to leave the kebab for at least 2 hours.

Marinade for pork shashlik on sour cream and mayonnaise with herbs

Cooking marinade for pork shashlik, chopping onion with a grater or blender, turn it into puree. Mix it well with the prepared pieces of meat, leave for an hour, so that the meat should accumulate onion juice.

After this time, add seasonings and spices, mix well again and leave for another hour. If you marinate the skewers, thus, you can get the most intense flavor from each ingredient of the marinade.

Now add the mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, well soak the meat, stirring with your hands. We leave for the night in a cool and dark place, wrapping the dishes with cling film.

Marinade for pork shashlik on mustard and soy sauce with cilantro (recipe for 0.5 kg. Meat)

This savory marinade for pork shish kebab, great for both roasting meat on the grill and for the barbecue. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, mix well. Prepared pork well grease with marinade, stir until each piece is covered with dressing. Leave for 3-4 hours in a cool and dark place, under the food film.

Good day to all!

Today we have a very tasty topic. And it will be devoted to kebabs. It is already impossible to imagine outdoor recreation without this delicious dish. In the country, in the woods, or just walking in the park, where there are street cafes ... Barbecue, it's everywhere!

In order for a culinary creation to become a real miracle, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

First, the meat must be marinated beforehand. And, preferably, keep it in marinade day. Then the meat will be tender, well roasted and the kebab will turn out delicious. In addition, it is better not to use the frozen product, but only chilled.

Secondly, when choosing meat, it is better to give preference to pork neck. Today we will talk about pork kebab.

So, be patient. Will cook the most delicious and juicy pork shashlik, and for this we analyze several ways of marinating. Each recipe will be with illustrations and cooking secrets.


How delicious marinate pork shish kebab to make the meat juicy and soft

Let's go straight to the point, offer one of the best ways to pickle pork, which I use. And those who want more recipes, and a step-by-step cooking process, then read the whole article.

So. My recipe to make the meat juicy and soft looks like this:


  • Pork neck (neck) - 2 kg.
  • Onions - 10 heads (about the same as meat)
  • Green parsley and dill (a bunch to fit in your hand)
  • Red tomatoes (preferably in season, otherwise not ripe tomatoes will not give the desired flavor to the marinade) - 3-5 tomatoes
  • Salt pepper

That's all. A simple recipe!

You need to chop the meat, then the onions as you like - in rings or cubes. Tomatoes cut into cubes, and parsley with dill. Do not overdo it with parsley, otherwise it is very sugary! And so, parsley is one of the secret ingredients.

Move everything (meat, tomatoes, parsley, dill).

Bonus! Tasty pickled onions in a hurry

A bonus to the recipe, I decided to write my own recipe for pickling onions. Perfect for a snack.


  • Onions in small rings - 1 pc
  • Vinegar (table 9% or vinegar essence 70% - 2 tsp.) - 4 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt (without slides) - 0.5 tsp
  • Water (boiled cooled) - 1 stack (250 ml.).
  • Dill (to taste)

Easy way:

I add vinegar to the water so that the tongue has a taste of vinegar in the water. Not very cloying. And further, when the water under the vinegar is made, I add all the other ingredients: sugar, salt and dill. At the end I cut onions into small rings so that I could marinate quickly in 10-15 minutes. And put in the fridge. Recommend!

The second method of pickling onions

Serve with fresh tortilla.

The cooking process consists of three stages:

- Meat selection and marinating

- preparation of a brazier (cultivation of coals)

- roasting meat

Marinade can be different, like from vinegar (you can add red wines or sour juices), salt and spices ... So other, no less refined, and recipes. We will sort them a little.

The main thing for us is that the meat turns out to be soft, and when we eat it - it did not just melt in the mouth, but transfer all the juice to the taste buds, and every chewing with the “jaw” - made the facial expression satisfied, stunning soft and juicy meat.

Step 1. Choose meat

From the selected meat, depends on how the kebab will be edible, tasty and non-greasy.

As mentioned earlier, it is best to take chilled, not frozen. Cooled pork is more elastic, and frozen pork is loose and gives off meat juice.

Young pork gives a more delicate flavor and it is much softer. The age can be determined by the color of the meat, the darker it is, the older it is. In addition, you can check the freshness of the meat by pressing on it with your finger. If the dent leaks quickly enough, the product is fresh. You can take!

Also, choose meat with small streaks of fat, which should be light yellow and not hanging in pieces. If the fat is dark yellow, then the animal was old.

In addition, the meat is preferable to take a whole piece and its parts such as brisket, shoulder, neck or ham - you need to understand what you take. Since, if you take the back ham, then how not to try, but do not wait for juiciness. Perhaps it will make it soft. But the taste does not compare, in comparison with the front part - namely, the neck, or the front ham near the neck.

What is the difference between these pieces of meat from each other?

It is the neck, most often used in kebabs. If you use a moderately fatty piece, then the kebab will be soft and tender.

The leg is much drier than the neck, and the scapula is stiff. Therefore, using these pieces for kebabs, they must be well marinated. And believe me, you need to try!

Brisket is almost the fattest part of the pig. This must be taken into account by those who do not like too fat meat.

Pork is good because of its many parts you can cook a good and tasty barbecue. The only difference is how much time to marinate each part of the pork carcass. But if you are not a great marinating professional, then choose a neck.

Step 2. Prepare the pieces. What should be the pieces of meat that the kebab did not get dry?

Meat is selected. Now you need to cut it right. Many may say: " -What is difficult, take it and cut it". However, a lot depends on correctly cut pieces. For example, the degree of their impregnation with marinade, the fit on skewers, and roasting.

Cutting meat is better with medium slices. These can be identical squares, 3-5 cm wide, or cubes 4x4x4 centimeters. If you chop the meat very finely, it will be dry, and if it is large, it may not fry in the middle. In general, on one medium-sized skewer, ideally six pieces should fit.

The shape of the meat should be cone-shaped, but also square, too. With this form it is convenient to stick meat on a skewer, piercing it from corner to corner diagonally.

Cut into pieces, it is necessary across the fibers. If cut along the fibers, it will shrink and chew badly during frying. Accordingly, during the cutting of meat, it is necessary to clean it from tendons and fat. In order to see how the fibers go, you need to freeze the meat, and then carefully examine it. The fibers will look like white strings. Cut them across. However, they can be seen on the thawed meat. After all, the white streaks of them can be considered immediately. Especially if the neck is fat.
Here, even look at the image (photo below), there is an average piece of meat in the pan, on which the fibers are clearly visible.

As for the knife, in order for meat to be cut easily, it must be very sharp. I pre-sharpen the knife on the bar. I try to sharpen every time it comes to cutting meat.

Try to immediately choose the perfect piece of meat for barbecue in the market.

Better, once again go and see - who sells what. And even better - to take in one place on the market, always from one saleswoman, that the source was verified, and you were confident in the product.

Here, about such pieces should you get:

Step 3. Prepare the necessary ingredients

Meat prepared, sliced ​​as needed. The next step is to cook the marinade. The fun begins.

The taste of the finished dish depends on the marinade.

Also, a lot depends on the choice of dishes. Moreover, soaking the meat in brine for a long time. The best dishes for the marinade are glass, clay or enamelled, but it is better not to use an aluminum or iron pan. Otherwise, it may oxidize, and its taste will deteriorate.

Wood, especially untreated, produces tannins, which can also change the taste of kebab.

As for the fat content of the marinade, when preparing it for pork, it is better not to use mayonnaise and vegetable oil. Because, pork, in itself fat. And if the marinade is also bold, the kebab can be heavy on the stomach.

Moreover, many use it for alcohol. And this loads not only the stomach, but also the liver. It is important, on the contrary, that the meat neutralizes alcohol and is easy to digest.

Onions in large quantities will not spoil the meat. Do not be afraid with this moment.

Top 6 delicious marinades to make the meat soft and juicy

On the Internet, you can find hundreds of a wide variety of marinade recipes. It is only necessary to decide what you like and take it for cooking.

It is believed that it is best to marinate meat in onion juice. To do this, the onion is cut or grated, and you can soak the meat pieces in it. As a result, the kebab will be very tender and juicy. This method begins more classic, in its own juice.

In this article, we consider several such recipes, from the most common, to the original in its composition.

Below are the recipes for the most fastidious readers and gourmets:

Skewers with vinegar. What are the advantages and disadvantages of vinegar marinade

Marinating in vinegar is considered classic. However, some lovers of kebabs are not advised to use vinegar, because it tightens the fibers and the meat from it becomes dry.

But if you need vinegar, then here is the recipe for a classic vinegar marinade. Maintain meat in it must be at least 12 hours.

At 1.5 kg of meat, we need 4 tablespoons of 9% table vinegar, 150 g of water, a teaspoon of sugar, 3 onions, add spices to taste.

  • Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 2: 1, add sugar.
  • Cut the onion into rings, lay the meat with them and pour in diluted vinegar.
  • You can also grate the onion and grate in the marinade.
  • To taste add spices.

Everything is mixed and left for 12 hours.

If the meat is hard enough, then the vinegar will help to fix it, softening it. However, at the same time, it dries it, therefore, soft meat is not recommended to pickle in vinegar.

How to Marinate Pork Skewers in Mayonnaise with Onions

Another popular ingredient in marinade is mayonnaise. In general, mayonnaise is so popular that it is difficult to imagine a dish, wherever it is used. Despite the fact that the above was said for mayonnaise - many use it, it is worth mentioning the method of pickling in mayonnaise, as one of the simple and fast.

Per kilogram of pork, we need 250 ml of mayonnaise, 3-4 onions, salt and spices to taste.

We start with the fact that the meat pieces salt, pepper and insist 10-15 minutes. After that add mayonnaise and mix.

Mayonnaise should not be much, so that the meat does not swim in it, and evenly cover the pieces.

If you need spiciness, then before pouring mayonnaise into the meat, it is mixed with mustard.

Please note that mustard is also used if you want to speed up the process of pickling, and make the meat soft.

For example the case when they took instead of the neck, ham. And to soften it, you can pre-grease with mustard, and then after 1-2 hours - make a marinade of mayonnaise with onions.

I use this method when I buy fresh pork neck, and after 2 hours guests come. To speed up the process of marinating - I smear with mustard, and then choose the appropriate marinade.

Note! Many will use kiwi to soften hard chunks.

Recipe in its own juice + the correct proportions of lemon and onion

Marinade of onion and lemon gives a delicate flavor, and it also becomes soft. For such a marinade it is better to use meat from the neck, as in most cases, if as a result you want to get - juicy slices on a skewer.

Here the process takes about 9 hours.

On a pound of pork neck, we need 2-3 lemons, one medium-sized bulb, salt, garlic and seasonings to taste.

  • Lemon squeeze juice.
  • Chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it, which we mix with lemon juice.
  • Grind the garlic, mix it with seasonings and salt, and add it to the lemon-onion juice.
  • Put the finished meat pieces in the marinade, close with a lid of a smaller diameter than the dishes and put the load on top (for example, a jar of water).

In this state, the meat is aged up to 9 hours, after which it is squeezed out and you can start frying.

If you want to experiment with lemon-onion marinade by adding various experiments to it, you can suggest the following options.

- lemon and onion with mayonnaise

- lemon onion spicy

Additional ingredients:

  • 100 ml of dry wine,
  • 50 ml of sour cream and the same amount of soy sauce,
  • spoon of sugar and a spoon of honey.

You can also add grated pineapple, or brandy, kefir, mineral water to lemon-onion juice.

Marinade with soy sauce for pork. Marinade recipe:

Soy sauce lovers can use this product. Here, as in other recipes, there are many options.

The simplest recipe includes: for 1 kg of pork - 100 ml of sauce, pepper and spices to taste.

Since soy sauce is salty enough, it is better not to add salt, so as not to get a salting.

Add pepper and spices to soy sauce to taste, put chopped pieces of meat and leave for 2-3 hours. After that, you can start frying.

An interesting recipe for marinade using honey (I recommend using it for chicken, fillet or wings are rich and tasty. And it takes no more than 3 hours for pickling)

For 1 kg of pork you will need 1 medium onion, a few cloves of garlic, 6 tbsp. l soy sauce, 3 tbsp. l honey, pepper and spices to taste.

Marinade on mineral water

One of the original ingredients is mineral water. It gives the meat an original taste. If you decide to use it, then at the beginning, you need to salt the meat, add spices and chopped onion rings. All this lasts about 30 minutes. At this time, preparing the marinade itself.

For 2 kg of meat, we need 0.5 liters of mineral water, 3 pieces of medium onions, 50 grams of dried tomatoes, 250 ml of mayonnaise, salt and seasonings.

Fill mineral water in a cup, add spices, dried tomatoes and leave for an hour.

Is it true that the kebab in the bank tastes better than on the grill?

If during frying it suddenly started to rain, or, you are in an apartment, it turns out you can do without a brazier. You will say that there is something unusual, take a frying pan and cook it on it. However, meat in a skillet is still not a kebab.

And in order to cook it on skewers, resourceful kebabs, came up with a way to fry meat in a jar.

I confess that I did not know about this method earlier. But with each season, he is gaining more and more popularity among Russians.

The method is quite simple!  String the pieces on a skewer, put them in a jar and bake in the oven. The main thing is that the skewers fit in the bank. For this you can use bamboo skewers.

Put the remaining onions on the bottom of the jar and lower 4-5 skewers into each jar (if you have a lot of them) and cover with foil on top. Put the jar in a cold oven (otherwise the jar may burst), turn on the heat and bake for about an hour. At the end of time, turn off the oven, but we don’t reach the jars, and leave for a little five minutes to cool.

Someone will be skeptical that such a recipe has nothing to do with kebabs, but those who have tried it, speak of it with delight. Of course, in each case there are pros and cons.

Some like to smoke, in the fresh air, while others like the home option in the bank. Each of these methods is good in its own way. And I think it makes no sense to argue that it is better.

How to fry pork kebab on the grill?

Good. The meat was marinated, and now you can proceed to the cooking process itself ...

First of all, you need to prepare the grill. It can be metal, or built of bricks, or a whole kitchen complex: barbecue, barbecue and stove.

As firewood, it is better to use deciduous trees. Well suited plum, apple or apricot. Now the stores sell finished embers. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing the brazier, since the logs turn into charcoal for a long time. Therefore, it is enough to kindle a small fire in the grill, and then add the purchased coal to it, wait until they get warm enough, and only then proceed to frying.

How to determine the readiness of barbecue? Bring the palm to the coal at the level of 5 cm from the upper edge of the barbecue sides, if the palm does not stand the heat, then you can start cooking.

Coals should not burn, and have only red color. If they are extinguished, use a piece of cardboard, waving it over the brazier.

Putting pieces on a skewer, make them tightly to each other. The skewers themselves on the grill are laid out just as tightly, but so that they can be rotated freely.

It is impossible to turn the skewer too often. Otherwise, the meat will be dry, and the juiciness that we want to get in the framework of today's article will not turn out.

Do not allow the appearance of flames.

If during cooking, the juice released from the meat drips into the coal, sprinkle the skewer with marinade.

Roast meat for at least 20 minutes, but not more than 40 minutes until golden brown. To test readiness, you need to notch the largest piece. If the extracted juice is clear, then the kebab is ready, and if it is red, then it is necessary to hold it over the coals. And if there is very little juice, or there is none at all, then the kebab is overcooked. We can say that the party is spoiled.

Skewers in the pan - quickly and tasty!

The classic kebab, made of course on the grill, no one will argue with that. However, there are situations when it is not possible to make this dish on the grill. For example, outside the window is winter, but you want “horror” like kebabs. Then you can take the pan and fry the meat on it.

We will use all stages of cooking, from cutting meat into cubes, and ending with pickling it in any marinade of your choice.

The pan is better to use cast iron.

  • Glow on fire.
  • Put the meat in one layer and fry for 1-2 minutes, then turn over and fry on the other side.
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Then, pour 100ml of water, close the lid, and simmer in this way for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, the water is evaporated completely and the meat is already fried in its own juice.

Open the lid, turn the meat on all sides and see that it has become the color of barbecue skewers. Remove the pan and serve the finished dish to the table.

How to cook shashlik in the electric BBQ grill

The electric BBQ is convenient for apartment inhabitants. Does not take up much space, no need to make a fire. Some advantages. And the most interesting is that the result is worthy!

Meat is prepared and marinated in the same way as for a regular brazier.

The only difference is that on the grill skewers are placed horizontally, and in the electric BBQ stand vertically. Therefore, stringing pieces of meat is necessary in several places, so that they do not crawl down.

After installing the skewers, cover the device with a cap and turn it on.

Due to the fact that there is a scroll around its axis, the meat is roasted evenly.

Cooking time is 20-30 minutes.

It is important to control the process.

Meanwhile, you can pour foam, and spend time with a friend in the kitchen, in the aroma of smoke, like in nature.

Skewers in the oven on skewers or baking sheet

About cooking in the oven was told earlier. It was a kebab recipe in a jar. Let's look at another "spiritual" option - on skewers and baking tray.

We will use the following recipe.

For 1 kg of pork you will need 200 grams of pork fat, 2 pcs. Onions, 3-5 tbsp. Table vinegar, 3-4 pieces. bay leaf and salt and pepper to taste.

  • We cut pork into cubes 3-5 cm,
  • Onion rings and lay everything in a bowl for pickling.

  • Add Lavrushka, pepper
  • Pour vinegar (you can use any other sauce instead: kefir, mayonnaise, ketchup).
  • Close all plastic wrap and put in the fridge for 8 hours.

After time, soak wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes, and string alternately a piece of meat, onion ring, a slice of bacon.

It should be about the following ...

After that, lay the skewers on a baking sheet or grill.

Here is the result:

Preheat oven to 250 ° C and fry for 20-25 minutes. Every 5-7 minutes it is necessary to turn the meat and water the brine from the remaining marinade.

The dish is ready, you can serve with fresh vegetables, pita bread and greens.

And what method of pickling you choose, so that the meat turned out soft and juicy?

In this article, we reviewed the most popular and interesting recipes. We hope you find it useful.

Your opinion is important!

Another interesting variant of the marinade, which I will definitely try in the near future is the marinade on beer. If you have already managed to use it, then please give advice or recommendations ...

And that's it for today. I wish you good luck and bon appetit!

Share your experience and you. Comments and suggestions, please below ...