How to stack rolls. What do you need to make rolls at home? Cooking preparation

20.05.2019 Buffet table

Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer with nothing. A few words about what are the rolls. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. Recipe rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines. How rolls are made is known not only in Japan. In China, Vietnam, Indonesia also prepare sushi, rolls, recipes, of course, may vary. Rolls, or kimbal, are also characteristic of Korean cuisine. Nevertheless, today the Japanese consider the recipe for making rolls to be the property of their culture. Japanese rolls are called makushushi. Usually rolls are cut into 6 pieces, but there are rolls of 8 or even 12 pieces. A variety of rolls are temaki - the same any rolls, but large, which do not cut into pieces, but eat by biting. There are also “color” and “mosaic” rolls, and other types of rolls. The ingredients for the rolls and the toppings for the rolls are most often seafood and processed vegetables. For example, they make rolls with shrimp, rolls with crab sticks, rolls with salmon, rolls with eel, rolls with salmon, rolls with tuna, rolls with squid, rolls with trout. In addition, they often make egg rolls and rolls with vegetables or spring rolls. Chicken rolls, Caesar roll and other chicken roll recipes, pancake rolls, pancake sweet rolls and other sweet rolls at home - these are the innovations of our days. Many do not know what kind of cheese is needed for rolls. Cream cheese is used creamy. The most popular cream cheese for rolls is Philadelphia. Cooking Philadelphia rolls without such cheese is impossible. The traditional roll sauce is soy. Soy sauce for rolls can be of several types: Teriyaki, Tonkatsu, Unagi. Vinegar for rolls is also used special - rice.

Today, sushi and rolls have become a prominent element in our lives. Photos of this dish are a favorite topic of many food photographers, and a visit to a Japanese restaurant is a status event. Japanese cuisine today has become so popular that it has boldly stepped from restaurants to our homes, so many home cooks ask questions like: How to cook rolls? How to cook sushi and rolls? How to make rolls and sushi? What is needed for rolls? How to make rolls? How to make rolls yourself? How to cook rolls? How to make rolls? How to make rolls at home? How to wrap rolls or how to wrap rolls? How to make rolls at home? How to twist rolls? How to spin rolls? How to wrap rolls? How to cook Philadelphia rolls? How to cook rice for rolls? How to cook rolls? How to cook California rolls? How to cook a hot roll? How to minimize rolls? How to make Philadelphia rolls? How to make hot rolls? How to make a hot roll? How to make vinegar for rolls? How to cook sushi and rolls? How to cook hot rolls? And it’s not for nothing that they ask themselves, because it’s interesting to do sushi and rolls with your own hands, but eating them is useful.

The rolls are prepared using a bamboo mat makisu. This is what you need to make rolls. So if you are interested in making rolls at home, you have to stock up on this device. Making rolls at home without a mat will be really difficult. Sometimes the rolls are twisted so that the nori sheet is inside, and the rice is outside. This is the so-called rolls of rice out. That's what the famous Philadelphia rolls do. The recipe for this roll includes cream cheese, caviar, cucumber, salmon fillet. You can make these rolls yourself, Philadelphia recipes are not in vain so popular. If you want to learn how to make Philadelphia rolls, or rather, how to make Philadelphia rolls at home, see how our culinary specialists do it. Maybe, rolls at home   you will get even tastier prepared in the restaurant.

Despite the fact that many people believe that the most delicious rolls are made in Japan, the Philadelphia roll recipe does not originate in Japan. The popularity of rolls is generally to a large extent due to the United States, from where the fashion for sushi rolls and generally Japanese cuisine spread around the world. Today, some of the most popular are Philadelphia rolls and California rolls, the recipe for these rolls was invented in America. We already mentioned that Philadelphia rolls at home can be done without any problems. So feel free to cook Philadelphia rolls. A photo with step-by-step instructions at the same time greatly facilitates the cooking process. The recipe, which describes the step-by-step preparation of rolls, also saves you from mistakes. And don't forget what these are doing rolls   with Philadelphia cheese. Rolls, a recipe with photos of which are often prepared and posted on the Internet, are California rolls. California rolls at home can also be prepared. The classic California roll filling is crab meat. These rolls are made with avocado, but you can also make these rolls with cucumber. So buy the necessary ingredients, appliances, and see on our website how to cook California rolls correctly. Or any other rolls, because here you can find a variety of roll recipes at home.

Due to the popularity of rolls, there are a variety of types of rolls today, both in terms of the method of preparation and the composition of the products. These are fried rolls, baked rolls, hot rolls or warm rolls. There are also sweet rolls, lean rolls, pancake rolls, vegetable rolls. We with our culinary specialists prepare rolls at home and will be happy to tell you how to cook rolls at home. The preparation of rolls and sushi for many is associated with something mysterious and unattainable. This is probably the way it should be. At the same time, you can also learn how to make rolls, join the culture of cooking and eating food that is new to you. On the pages of our site we already told you how to eat rolls, so now we will tell you how to cook rolls at home. Sushi, rolls at home, more precisely, cooking rolls at home will add exotic to the familiar cooking process. Home rolls will pleasantly diversify your usual menu or surprise guests at the festive table. After all, home-cooked home-made rolls are delicious. Therefore, everyone who is interested in recipes for rolls with photos, recipes for sushi and rolls at home, recipes for rolls at home with photos, recipe for rolls at home, rolls home recipes, homemade rolls, sushi rolls recipes with photos, baked rolls at home , rolls recipes with photos, hot rolls recipes with photos, we invite you to cook them with us. We and our culinary specialists prepare sushi and rolls at home, prepare rolls at home. At home, you can cook both simple roll recipes and complex roll recipes. Home-made rolls are sometimes cooked together with children, because preparing rolls at home is a rather fascinating process. Rolls, the recipes of which you will find on our website, as a rule, are prepared from the usual products for us. So you can buy products for making rolls in our stores. But with one condition: products for rolls must be fresh. Of course, the recipe for rolls with crab sticks loses to the recipe for rolls with crab, but what to do.

So, we pass to a very important point: how the rolls are prepared. Making rice for rolls is where to start making sushi and rolls at home. Rice for rolls there is a special, but the ordinary round is suitable to cook rolls. How to cook rice for rolls, more precisely, how to cook rice for rolls, in principle, every housewife knows. The recipe for making rice for rolls is simple. The ratio of water to rice is 1: 1, you should wait until all the water has boiled away. Rice should boil well, but at the same time not be porridge. When the roll rice is ready, rinse it with cold water. That's all, now you know how to cook rice for rolls. A recipe for making rice for rolls may also include a recommendation to sprinkle the cooked rice with apple or rice vinegar.

The recipes for making sushi and rolls are so diverse that everyone can find among them a recipe for themselves. Roll recipes use a wide variety of ingredients. If you want to make rolls at home, the fillings can be very different. This is a shrimp roll recipe, eel roll recipe, cucumber roll recipe, avocado roll recipe, eel rolls, omelette recipe rolls, salmon and cucumber rolls, sweet rolls, salmon roll recipe, salmon and cucumber rolls, recipe rolls in batter, rolls with salmon, recipe rolls with chicken, recipe egg rolls, warm rolls, recipe rolls with cucumber, recipe rolls with avocado, recipe spring rolls, recipe vegetable rolls. fried recipe rolls, caesar roll, shrimp rolls, recipe warm rolls at home, baked rolls, do-it-yourself recipe rolls, fried rolls at home. Indeed, in recent years, hot rolls have been especially popular. This method of making rolls will appeal to those who especially like hot snacks. Without much hassle, you can cook hot rolls at home. Hot rolls, the recipe of which differs from the usual ones, in fact, only by the fact that they are fried in vegetable oil, can be prepared at home. The batter for rolls is an egg, water, flour, salt. So cook the rolls at home. There are recipes, but ready rolls   impossible not to eat!

You can meet in any large city and lovers of soups or sushi can always please themselves, without worrying about time, because sushi, rolls or soup are easy to deliver around the city. However, many people learn the principle of cooking their favorite dishes, especially when they find out that there is nothing complicated and the usual products are used. For example, how to properly wrap rolls, or in which pan you need to cook ramen.

How to cook sushi so that it turns out like a cafe, beautiful and delicious? What they put there, why you need to spin the rolls, where to find the right cheese? All this is worth exploring if you like Japanese cuisine and want to learn more about it so you can always feast on it and not wait for delivery, because sometimes it is expensive.


If you carefully consider the roll or sushi from the outside, it is noticeable that complex ingredients are not used here and in structure it is quite simple. The main secret is the correct design. Roll or the same sushi should be neat, of a certain shape and size, not to lose shape. After all, they are eaten with chopsticks, lifting and dipping first in the sauce. How to achieve this?


Fortunately, many special items for sushi can be purchased at grocery or hardware stores; the main thing is to know what it looks like and what it will take. So:

Rice cooker - probably only an experienced housewife or a professional chef can cook rice for sushi in an ordinary pan, because this is the basis for sushi or rolls, there are certain requirements for it. Therefore, it is easier to buy a rice cooker.

Shamoji is a special flat spatula, most often a wooden spatula, more needed to stir then cool the rice. You can then flatten the rice layer instead of the usual spoon.

Cutting board - better wooden and large, on it you will actually wrap sushi.
  A set of knives - always watch your knives, they must remain sharp and clean. Sushi will require their sharpness, because you need to evenly cut the fish or vegetables selected for.

Tongs are special, it is convenient to pull out all fish bones by them.

Hangiri - more like a small flat coil, pulled together with copper hoops. It is easy to replace with any wide bowl, just do not take a metal one. Japanese hangiri is used specifically for mixing boiled rice with diluted vinegar.

Sticks - what else are ready-made rolls?


Making rolls is cooking, so take care of the ingredients first. Their filling is very different:

Fish (red is tastier, but sometimes salted salmon or fresh trout are taken). True, deciding to stay on fresh fish, carefully choose so that the carcass does not look sticky, the blood retains brightness on the slices, and the flesh feels firm, shiny. Well, the smell, of course. Many regions are far from open seas or water bodies; fish are brought there. Therefore, it should be carefully related to the purchase, because raw fish is used for rolls, without processing;
   avocado or cheese, cucumber (then you get vegetarian rolls);
   noriya seaweed - they are also sold in ordinary grocery, now there is everything necessary for home sushi.
   be sure to purchase special rice, ordinary will not work. Look among the varieties of rice, on some packs it is indicated that it is for rolls or sushi. It also says how and how much it needs to be cooked;
   Rice vinegar - some mix its solution with the rice itself, others simply grease the nori leaf before laying the rice, still others moisten their hands before laying the rice. The main thing is that a little vinegar is absorbed into boiled rice. This will add richness to the taste.

Now it’s time to move on to the most crucial stage - actually, rolling up the rolls. You will need another makis - a bamboo small rug where a seaweed sheet is first laid.

Then you need to choose what thickness will be - in thin one or maximum two components, then the diameter is no more than 2.5 cm. Thick ones have more than 5 different components and the diameter is more than 5 cm. For thin rolls, the nori algae are bent in two and cut, the thick ones are prepared on one whole sheet.

Use rice already boiled, at the same time, so that each rice is clearly visible and by consistency it should turn out to be slightly undercooked. It will retain both its shape and hardness. A rice cooker is easier to achieve. Boil it in plain water, adding a little salt. Then drain the water and wait until all the moisture has drained out. Rolls at home may not be so neat and beautiful, if you do them for the first time or just a couple of times, do not chase a beautiful example from a picture or a finished restaurant dish. After all, venerable cooks are cooking there. Home rolls are harder to twist, especially when you think about the aesthetics of the look.

Next, moisten your hands in diluted vinegar. Simply dip your fingertips. That's it, now spread the rice in a thin layer over the already laid out sheet of nori. For convenience, help with your free hand, taking a spoon. It’s easier to tamp and keep the layer even.

Leave the top of the nori layers free for about 2 cm, then back off 1.5-2 cm from the bottom edge. Then it's time to start laying out the toppings. Remember, you can’t just stack the components on top of each other, distribute them in strips moving to the center of the sheet.

Then, holding the ingredients with one hand, raise the edge of the mat with the other and slowly move forward so that one edge touches the other. After that, the edge will be bent up and you can twist the roll. Now squeeze the resulting roll with a bamboo mat, holding both ends with your fingers so that the rice does not fall out. Everything, the wrapped roll is ready, now you need to divide it in half, first turning the seam of the mat down. Then divide each of the two parts received in two again. Done.

Makisa is required?

How to twist the rolls without using a mat, while maintaining their beautiful appearance, smooth texture? Some people think that you can use a simple cellophane, but it’s very difficult to roll them even, because you will have to compress the sausage yourself. Makisa creates uniform pressure due to its solid construction. It is enough to hold and curl slowly to the end.

If you want to try rolls without a mat, replace it with foil. First, cut several identical strips of foil, fold them together, forming a dense sheet. Then you need to fold, presenting the mat instead of foil. The correct result will be smooth rolls, which will then remain divided into 6 or 8 parts already before serving.

Do not forget, only something as dense and flexible, able to ride, compressing rice can replace a mat. After all, sushi should really look like rolls, moreover, their contents should remain inside, and not joyfully fall out at the slightest movement. Here, the mat most likely plays the role of the press, and the finished wrapped roll with it can be done without algae, this is what you want.

All lovers of Japanese cuisine love such a tasty and healthy dish as rolls. Many of our compatriots at home try to cook this Japanese dish on their own. First of all, they need to decide how to spin the rolls, and then look for the appropriate recipes. This simple procedure does not take away too much time from the cook, while the dish turns out to be tasty and satisfying. It is quite possible for them to feed guests, family and at the same time enjoy the action itself.

How to wrap rolls: step by step

What devices will be needed? Mat for rolls is a mandatory and integral component of any set for making rolls at home. In addition, kits often include components such as nori seaweed, sauces, rice, chopsticks for sushi, makis. If the home cook will cook the rolls on his own, he needs to familiarize himself with the recipes, and then proceed to the simple procedure.

How rolls are twisted, we will tell in this article. First you need to prepare the basis for the roll. To do this, put on a sheet of nori, which is laid on the mat, rice for sushi. After that, rice should be condensed and turned down. After that, you can put a delicious filling prepared for rolls. It is best to start with cream cheese, and after it lay the other filling strictly in the center.

After laying the cheese, the rest of the ingredients should be put in the center of the future roll. But they are located closer to the edge. The twisting is done using a makis or mat. Its edge is taken with two hands, while you need to grab a nori, turn it along with the filling. In fact, the movements are simple, but they do not have to be sharp, otherwise the whole filling may fall out.

The roll is gradually twisted, while you should not try to make a full dish with a slight wave of your hand. The roll folds in stages, while the mat needs to be tightly pressed. Even at the stage of twisting the roll, you can give it the desired shape. It does not have to be a regular circle shape, it can be either a square or a rectangle. Moreover, square rolls are considered the most dense and do not fall apart.

It is necessary to make the last turn of the roll so that the nori sheet that remains empty is at the bottom. On the edge of the sheet, you need to put several nori grains, try to crush them, pressing the nori sheet evenly along the entire length. It is thanks to this trick that the roll will keep its shape. After you get the correct square or round roll, you need to carefully cut the uneven edges, and divide the roll into several parts. You can lay eel or salmon fillet on top of the roll.

How to spin the right rolls without using a mat?

The option considered above suggested how the rolls with the mat are wrapped correctly, now you need to figure out how to do this without the indicated device. And do not think that this is a real feat - spinning without a mat. You can twist them with the proper skill and diligence in just 3 minutes. Of course, when there are basic ingredients.

How can I replace a makis or mat? For cooking, it turns out you can use the most ordinary cellophane bags. However, in this way it will not be possible to form uniform rolls, so the resulting roll will need to be self-leveling. But wooden sticks, when wrapped, help to create normal pressure along the entire length, which means that the roll will have the correct and beautiful shape.

If you decide to cook rolls without using a mat, in this case you can use foil. Several sheets are cut out, and then stacked on top of one another. It turns out pretty dense sheet. And then you can spin the roll in the same way as you would with a mat. After twisting, the "sausage" must be cut into 6-8 parts and serve.

How to wrap rolls inside out?

After gaining knowledge on how to minimize the roll, you need to learn more complex techniques. We will, of course, talk about rolls inside out, which were called in their country, hooray-maki-sushi. They belong to thick sushi. They can include more than five different components in the filling. The only difference with the rolls we are accustomed to is that they spin the rice inside out, and the filling remains inside. They were invented by a Japanese chef who immigrated to California.

On the table should be spread a bamboo mat, and then wrap it with cling film. This must be done so that the rice does not stick to the mat. On the rug is a sheet of nori. For rolls inside out, the seaweed sheet can be laid down or up with the rough side, since in this case it does not matter.

A couple of tablespoons of acetic acid are dissolved in a cup of water, after which you need to moisten your hands in it. Rice needs to be laid out on a seaweed sheet, while the entire surface should be laid out with rice. At this point, the algae had already absorbed moisture and adhered thoroughly to it. It is necessary to turn the resulting workpiece very carefully so that the rice is on the film. On the black square of the algae, it remains to lay the ingredients.

If a cook or household likes mayonnaise or wasabi, they can be told the nori surface. Slices of avocado, crab sticks, salmon, eel fillet, cream cheese or cucumbers are laid out on top of each other. They should be near the edge. After laying it out, roll the roll, holding the filling in place and lifting the edge of the mat with your thumbs. Continue to lift the mat until a complete revolution is made.

How to roll the rolls inside out so that the plastic wrap does not get inside? The edges of the mat must be folded up. Roll the roll to the end when using the mat, each time you need to bend its edge up. The workpiece rolls back and forth several times and is slightly pressed. If the ingredients fell out, you need to press the ends of the roll with your fingers.

Roll is laid inside out on a smooth surface. It should be noted that in this case a “snail” is allowed. This is a curl of algae inside the roll, but you can learn to do without it. The resulting workpiece is decorated on the outside with sesame seeds, small eggs of flying fish, and then cut.

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Let's talk about the most important stage in the preparation of rice rolls. How to twist rollsso that they look beautiful on a plate and do not scatter in sushi sticks? This moment excites beginner sushi chefs, an additional lesson in skill will be useful to experienced craftsmen. If you just plan to learn how to cook sushi, you need to start with work on the technique.

Ingredients and Accessories for Sushi

There are two groups of sushi, the preparation of which is fundamentally different:

  • nigirizushi - a rice bun covered with a layer of fish or an oblong "pie";
  • rolls, sushi rolls - rice rolls with filling located inside.

Nigiri is simple: they are cooked with hands. Sushi rolls are more complicated because they require some skill and culinary “equipment”.

Before, how to wraprolls   at homeYou need to purchase a bamboo mat Makisa. In everyday life it is called a mat. With the help of this device, the ingredients for sushi are laid out, the roll-base is twisted. Still need cling film to wrap the mat.

Prepare products for the roll:

  • rice cooked in a special way;
  • rice vinegar or dressing based on it;
  • depending on the recipe: soy sauce, unagi,
  • seafood, vegetables, cream cheese, fish caviar for filling;
  • nori seaweed what sushi is wrapped in.

Pay special attention to rice. To ensure that the roll does not crumble, purchase varieties with a high gluten content. So, we have everything ready for making sushi.

Learning to wrap rolls: step by step instructions

Place a bowl of room temperature water on your desktop. Add a few drops of rice vinegar to it. Water is needed for periodic hand wetting.

How to properly wrap rolls at home   - all stages:

  1. Wrap Makis with a film. Avoid creases and creases, otherwise rice will clog here. Pierce the emerging air bubbles with a needle and straighten the film well.
  2. Preparing the basis of the roll. To do this, put a portion of the nori layer on the makis with the smooth side down. Align the algae on the sides of the mat.
  3. We turn to rice. Take a handful of prepared cereals in a wet hand and roll up a loose ball. Put it in the center of the leaf and distribute it evenly with light movements over the area of \u200b\u200bthe algae. Just do not push, otherwise the rice sticks together. The movements resemble soft stroking. On one of the sides in the course of folding the roll, leave the free edge about 1.5-2 cm. The gap is needed to secure the roll.
  4. We form the filling. From the center closer to the edge of the nori, lay the main ingredient. For example, 1-2 plates of salmon, eel or salmon. Now we put along the length of the layer, cream cheese, vegetables with cubes and other components. The starting layer should be smooth and neat, without voids and bumps. Then the shape of the roll will be even.
  5. After that, as   figured out the stuffing, turn offsushi . Right   start the process from the near edge of the maxis. Lift it, covering the filling layer. Fix the hill with a mat. Got the basis for further molding the roll.
  6. We continue to roll the mat further. Roll rolls, and Makisu rises forward and up. At the same time, we give our roll a square or round shape. Pause the folding periodically to tighten the roll. So we act until we reach the end of the nori.

At the end, we lap over the free end of the algae. For a better connection, moisten it a little.

Cut the base of the roll into portions

For about 5-7 minutes, let the parcel condense and start slicing portioned sushi rolls. For work, we need a sharp knife with a thin blade. Things will go faster if the blade is wetted in acetic water.

how   Not only wrap correctlybut also divide exactly rolls:

  • first cut the workpiece in half;
  • put the resulting parts side by side and cut them into 3-4 pieces at the same time.

Done. Just like all ingenious. Place the rolls on a flat serving plate, add pickled ginger, wasabi sauce and soy sauce.

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What is most interesting, despite all the rigors of Japanese traditions and etiquette, sushi and rolls can be successfully prepared at home, with your own hands. And it is not necessary to strictly adhere to any specific recipes; there is room to expand your imagination. It is important to understand the principle of preparation itself, how to properly roll the rolls or in what order, how to collect sushi. If this is learned, then it is possible to experiment with various ingredients ourselves, and this may be not only fish and seafood. We turn on the brain and understand that sushi and rolls can be meat, sausage, vegetable and fruit. Yes it is. And it has already been adopted by many restaurants and bars of Japanese, Korean cuisine.

Rolls and sushi, what's the difference between them? Those and those are prepared from rice, which is prepared using a special technology with the addition of rice vinegar (). But of course there are differences, and here are some.

Sushi is such a small cutlet or meatball, made of rice, and on top of it is a thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of fish or some seafood. This can be wrapped in a thin strip of nuri leaf. There is more rice in sushi. This dish is served cold.

In the article you will find:

Rolls are rice rolls that are wrapped in a nuri leaf. The amount of rice is relatively small, and often more than the filling, which, as mentioned above, can be different. This dish is served not only cold, the rolls can be baked and it is also delicious.

Preparing delicious sushi or rolls so that they look beautiful, as in the picture, is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Of course, here you need to practice a bit and understand what's what. If your hands grow from the right place and as a child did at least some kind of motor skills (let's sculpt with plasticine), then you will succeed with ease. And if everything is so bad with hands, there is reason to train them. Forward.

  Mini rolls step by step recipe with photo

To make any rolls, you need a bamboo mat, food-grade cellophane film, nori leaves - these are thin pressed algae. All this can now be easily bought at any hypermarket.

1. Prepare a bamboo mat. It is better if it consists of round sticks, but flat ones are also suitable. We wrap the mat in cellophane, all completely and quite tightly. Japanese cooks, of course, do not, but I would advise. Rice will not stick to the board in such a way, and for hygiene purposes, it will not hurt.

2. So - as we have mini rolls, take a sheet of nori and cut it in half, this can be done with a knife or scissors ..

3. We put the nori sheet with the rough side up, respectively smooth on the mat, stepping back from the beginning of the board 1 - 1.5 centimeters.

4. Dipped in water with lemon hands, spread specially prepared rice in a thin layer on a sheet. We distribute the rice so that the top of the nori leaf remains unclosed, about one centimeter, and from the bottom, the same centimeter of rice should protrude beyond the sheet. We look at the photo.

5. We ram the rice tightly, remove excess, induce beauty, because we need to get a beautiful final product.

6. We spread your stuffing that you prepared: a piece of good fish, fresh or pickled cucumber, avocado, of course, it's all cut into pieces. Put the pieces approximately on the border of the intersection of rice and nori, closer to the beginning of the rice.

Now, the wrapping itself, it is approximately done in 3-4 stages.

Do not forget to wet your fingers in water with lemon.

7. Take the mat, our task now is to cover and wrap the filling with the initial layer of rice, which does not lie on the nori. Gently wrap the rice, squeeze it. (I hope I clearly described it ...)

You can unfold the mat and it should be, as in the photo below; the filling is wrapped, but the nori leaf still remains.

9. Turn it around again, leave a small strip of nori not wrapped, moisten it with water and finally seal the roll tightly.

10. You should get a beautiful sausage. Now you can cut it with a knife into portions. Moisten the knife with water.

What did we do? And it turned out a neatly rolled mini-roll, standard, which is sold in all sushi bars. As you can see there is nothing complicated.

If you master and understand the principle of wrapping, then everything will go further, like clockwork. We go further in increasing order.

  How to wrap rolls - large and inverted

Min rolls are good, but I want to feel a more rich and varied taste. This can be achieved by putting more filling in the roll. You can wrap a large roll classically, that is, rice with filling will be wrapped with a sheet of nori, or you can turn the dish inside out. I will not describe the first option in detail, since it is similar to the mini method, but with an inverted roll there are some nuances. But there’s nothing complicated.

1. For a large roll we take, respectively, a large sheet of nori, whole. We put it on a bamboo board, as in the first version, with the rough side up, stepping back from the edge of the mat.

2. Spread the rice, as with the option above, condense and put the filling that you have chosen.

I specifically do not give exact, classic recipes like California, Philadelphia, Miami and. etc., because they mean preparing them using only certain ingredients. And this is not always affordable, it is not always possible to purchase it in a store. Again, by turning on fantasy, you can get by with more affordable products for making delicious, home-made rolls.

3. Wrap the roll again in three stages; we cover the filling with rice, condense, completely wrap the rice, leaving a small strip of nori, wet it and finally wrap it, forming a dense, rectangular or round roll.

We cut the finished product with a knife and everything should turn out something like this:

The ingredients used here are: Fish, cheese, fresh cucumber, green onions. Such a roll can be baked in the oven, previously pouring sauce on top. Very tasty! And I will give such a recipe, below.

We proceed to the formation of the so-called inverted roll. here, only the beginning of the process is different, but to wrap it up, everything is the same.

1. Cut about a quarter of the nori sheet, put it on the mat.

2. Here we put the rice differently. If we take the view "on our own", then we will leave a centimeter of the sheet first, and shift the excess of rice to the mat at the end (I hope it is clear, the photo will help ...).

3. Rigidly rammed rice (involuntarily the association arose on the word "rammed", and you have ...) and with a flick of the wrist, we turn this blinded work, like this;

5. The principle of folding such a roll is slightly different, but not critical. Here you need the first stage of the filling, holding with your fingers, try to wrap the dangling end of the nori sheet.

It should turn out, here the filling completely went under the sheet and now it remains to cover it with rice.

6. Turn the roll to the end, compacting it and giving it a certain shape.

The roll is ready, but somehow it doesn’t look very good. Be sure to decorate it by the type of classic designs. You can sprinkle sesame seeds on top, you can put caviar, a leaf of green salad, also suitable. I will propose to decorate with pieces of salted trout.

And this is all that was considered as recipes, only in portions, it looks quite attractive and appetizing.

If we say that it is easier to cook rolls or sushi, then the second one will certainly be simpler, but no less tasty and the filling can be used varied.

  Cooking delicious sushi at home.

Before making sushi, cut a dense nori sheet with scissors, into thin strips, half a centimeter long and 4-5 cm thick. Rice has already been cooked and is waiting for its fate.

Watch out. so that rice is not particularly hot, it will add unpleasant warmth to the fish and not be too cold, it will stick together poorly. The temperature of the prepared rice should match your body temperature.

1. Wet hands in slightly acidified water and roll out a small, oblong lump from rice, form and tighten a little.

2. Put fish or vegetables and fruits on top of it and dress it with a thin strip of nori, slightly moistening its ends with water.

3. Grease with sauce, lightly sprinkle with sesame seeds. Done!

Why did we need to cut off a wide strip of nuri leaf? Stuffed sushi - it can be caviar, seafood, minced fish with various sauce.

1. We form a small cricket of rice.

2. Wrap it with a wide strip of nori, wetting the ends we fix.

3. Put the filling inside the sushi, on top you can decorate with herbs or sauce, cheese.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. As a filling, again, you can use everything you want.

  Hot baked rolls with cheese in the oven (video)

Having considered the basic principles of how to wrap rolls, how to make sushi, you can safely take on their preparation, treat your family and friends. At home in a circle of acquaintances, you probably can not bother with the theme of Japanese traditions and etiquette. But suddenly you have to either receive Japanese guests or visit yourself in the country of the Rising Sun, the tips that I will now outline will come in handy.

How to eat sushi rolls

To master the subtle science of using the delights of oriental cuisine is not easy. But since Japanese dishes are ubiquitous and no one has canceled the rules of good taste and respect for traditions, you need to know the permissible moments of eating a delicious dish.

A little about the rules of decency and etiquette.

Touching the food with chopsticks, you need to eat it. Do not forget to rub your hands with a warm, damp towel before starting the meal - this is a Japanese tradition. It can also be used during and after meals. Inequality between women and men in Asia persists. Men can eat sushi (rolls) with their hands, but women can’t. Rolls and sushi should not be bitten off. If the pieces are large, they are divided into smaller parts on a plate, then eat.

In Japanese institutions it is considered indecent to eat a lot of ginger. Although some Russians like its taste, ginger is not a snack. The role of ginger is to neutralize the taste of the previous roll in order to evaluate the next.

You can’t dip sushi with rice in soy sauce. The sauce only applies to the top ingredient (fish). Putting a roll in your mouth also needs fish on your tongue, rice up. Green tea is usually served for sushi, a warm alcoholic drink of the Japanese - sake. The use of sushi or rolls with beer became widespread. Where there is fish, there is a foaming favorite drink.

The special technique of eating with Japanese chopsticks (hashi), and even more complicated - thin Korean is not given immediately. You need to know the rules for using traditional oriental food appliances. Do not pick up the sticks in your hands and wave them, as if you were sitting at a drum kit. And even more so if you are in a restaurant, well, do not knock them on empty dishes, as if attracting the attention of waiters. In principle, now many Japanese eat sushi and rolls using a fork. But traditions exist and if you stick to them, it will not be worse.

Hope my recipes were helpful? Good luck and all the best!