Is there any benefit from wine? Infusion of flu with AIRA

The fashion of drinking a glass of wine before the evening meal came from the French. It is they who from year to year defend this tradition to doctors and nutritionists, who prevent any information that it is useful to use wine daily. So nevertheless: is a sunny drink useful, can you drink it every day and how much can you add to your diet? Let's figure it out!

Misconceptions about the benefits and dangers of wine

Specialists do not need to conduct various experiments on humans in order to confirm the cardiovascular benefits of wine. Just look at the statistics. After all, the mortality from cardiovascular diseases in France is much lower in comparison with rates in other countries. It should be noted that the national French cuisine is rich in fats and cholesterol.

American experts who have studied these indicators, called this phenomenon - the French paradox. The French are the nation most actively consuming a bottle of sunshine drink. With all this, their average life expectancy is significantly higher than that of other nationalities. It turns out that drinking wine every day is not such a bad habit.

The main list of advantages with which experts who study the beneficial effects of wine on the human body agree:

Which components make a drink so useful is not known for certain. Scientists are still trying to solve this riddle. However, it is worth remembering that wine is wine - discord.

Wine and blood

Beneficial effect of red wine on the circulatory system of the body. The drink does not allow blood clots to form. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Drunk a glass of wine expands blood vessels, reduces pressure and dissolves plaques that clog blood vessels.

Wine and oncological diseases

It is foolish to think that a solar drink will cure cancer diseases, since even with regular abuse it is their activator. But It is worth noting that daily two to three glasses will be the prevention of cancer. Unfortunately, this prevention is not effective for all types of cancer. Using laboratory tests, it has been proven that prostate cancer is amenable to exposure.

Wine and viruses

For the vine, habitual action is protection from pests, it is this useful property that it transferred to wine. During the experiments it was found that the drink kills the infection. Studies have been conducted with viruses, herpes, fungi, and so on. On this basis, moderately drinking people miss work due to viral diseases much less frequently.

Wine and longevity

  If someone doubted that wine could prolong life, then the study of Danish scientists dispel their doubts. For a very long time, researchers tried to isolate the component that would make all people in the future long-livers. Resveratrol is a component of wine, which in the course of laboratory studies increased the life span of yeast cells by eighty percent. Research on mammals has not yet been conducted. Therefore, it is not known for certain whether this component of wine will have the same positive effect on humans.

The greatest amount of resveratrol is found in grapes, which grew in harsh conditions. This substance activates enzymes that act on the genes of aging. Also, they help to give a bountiful harvest in difficult climatic conditions.

Sunny drink and appearance

Any ballerina enjoyed a diet consisting of a bottle of white wine and cheese or red with fruit. Experts have found that the choleretic substances contained in the wine, help maintain the desired shape. Also, the components of wine enhance the work of endocrine glands, normalize the intestinal microflora, reduce the likelihood of kidney stones, remove toxins, speeds up the metabolism. After drinking a glass of wine before a meal, you will prepare and activate the work of the stomach and intestines.

Wine and women

At any time, except for lactation and pregnancy, women in no case should not refuse wine. Regular drinking it in moderate amounts will improve blood circulation, relieve cellulite, make the skin smooth and radiant, it is no wonder they are one of the components of cosmetic creams. During menstruation, when estrogen levels decline, the drink will stimulate their production.

Wine and stressful situations

Everyone knows about the positive effects of wine in stressful situations and without evidence from doctors and researchers. Beautiful natural depressant will help calm down, relieve tension and cheer. A couple of sips of wine will make a person more confident and liberated her.

Undoubtedly, first of all, a sunny drink must be natural and of high quality. Most doctors are inclined to greater benefits of red wine and therefore recommend it. But it is worth noting that paying attention to some aspects of white is more advantageous. For example, the antioxidants contained in wine red considerably more in them than in white, but they are more effective in white because they are smaller and easier for them to get into the tissues of the human body. And whatever one may say, red wine made from grapes ripened with thick skins is the most rich in nutrients.

From the foregoing, it became known that moderate daily consumption of wine has only a positive effect on the body of a healthy person. So what wine is worth drinking, depending on your personal condition, taste and status?

  • Young red dry wine. This type of wine is rich in resverator. This substance prevents the transformation of immature cells into cancer cells. Doctors recommend doing one or two throats in the morning - wine in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Biovino. Drinking this wine regularly will make your immune system stronger. This happens because of the substances stored during the creation of biovin. Wine is made from grapes undergoing an incomplete treatment with herbicides, that is, the pests are not completely destroyed. The complete elimination of harmful insects occurs with the help of biotechnology, directly with herbs and plants. This wine is not filtered and canned without the use of sulfites. Therefore, biovino - live and contains the maximum amount of nutrients.
  • Brand wine. Branded wine sold in specialized stores and has already established itself. It is packed in an interesting bottle and packaging. And since the branded drink is expensive, many try to fake it. Therefore, buying a bottle of wine should be done in stores and retailers that you trust. Most of the fakes are of poor quality, and they harm the body. At the same time, in a specialized wine shop you will receive a free consultation from a specialist who will tell the story of the creation of the drink, and recommend what you need.

How often and how much wine can be used with benefit?

  The answer to this question “How much can you drink?” Is simple in principle. Naturally - drink in moderation. Mix wine with ice is not recommended, but can be diluted with water. Diluted with water wine will reduce the load on the liver.

Gourmets say that wine is consumed depending on the month. In months that do not have the letter “P” in their name, it is recommended to drink white wine cooled to ten degrees. It quenches thirst wonderfully. This wine is advised to drink from tall glasses. In the rest of the month it is suggested to consume red wine. The vessel for him should be pot-bellied, the leg of the glass should be between the fingers and the palm, as it were, covering the vessel. Thus, the wine will heat up a little, give off aroma and taste will become more vivid and juicy. Eating wine and smoking cigarettes is an illogical exercise, since nicotine is stronger and the taste of the wine is not noticeable after it, therefore you will not feel the quality of the drink.

Based on the listed beneficial properties, high-quality wine treats and is a prophylactic agent of a number of diseases. Therefore, do not deny yourself once a day to drink a glass of good wine and support your health. However, we should not forget that the sun drink cures many diseases, but not alcoholism. So keep track of the volume of alcohol consumed and in any case do not abuse. And remember that it can be both useful and cause irreparable harm.

For many centuries, the debate about one of the oldest drinks, red wine, has not abated. Its production began several millennia ago. And since then, people are wondering what is the benefit and harm of red wine for health?

The famous Hippocrates treated them for headaches and indigestion, and Julius Caesar introduced divorced red wine into the diet of his army as a means of strengthening the spirit and protecting against intestinal infections. Now in some countries the production of this drink is an important component of the economy.

And to maintain its stability, large winemaking companies constantly conduct research on their products so that their products are of high quality and satisfy the needs of consumers.

This drink has been firmly established in the life of many nations, interesting myths and legends are associated with it. The priests of ancient Egypt used red wine in ritual ceremonies, and for the inhabitants of ancient Greece and Rome it was an important element of culture.

In the modern world, France is considered to be the main producers and connoisseurs of this amazing drink. It is famous for its vineyards and winemakers. It can be said that red wine is a business card and the national drink of this country.

Modern experts note the difference in the health and life expectancy of the French compared with residents of other countries. Given the diversity and sophistication of the national cuisine, rich in fatty and high-calorie dishes, it can be said about the beneficial effect of red wine on the human body.

Useful properties of red wine

It is important to know!

On this topic it is worth talking, taking into account only high-quality red grape wine. The benefits and harms of this ancient drink depend on compliance with the technology of its preparation, time of exposure and storage. Without these conditions, red wine can not be regarded as a product that brings any benefit to the body.

The secret of the beneficial effects on health, in particular on the cardiovascular system, high-quality red wine lies in the natural composition of the grapes from which this drink is prepared:

  • tannin is tannic acid, the quality of wine and its color depend on its quantity. This substance is a natural preservative and does not allow the drink to oxidize. Tannin, getting into the blood, gives elasticity to blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of pathologies of the vascular system;
  • flavonoids - natural antioxidants that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, prolonging their life. Entering the body, these active substances stimulate the immune system and increase its resistance to viral diseases. The most common flavonoids: resveratrol, quercetin, catechin have healing properties. They normalize cell metabolism, regulate fat metabolism in the liver, prevent the formation of atypical cells and stimulate the recovery of healthy ones.
  • vitamins, macro-, microelements   - the components necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: the work of the heart, the normalization of the blood, protection, growth and development of the cellular composition.

Using red wine for medicinal purposes, you should comply with the measure of its consumption, as with any medicine. Only in this case, we can talk about the benefits of this drink. In addition to maintaining heart activity, real red wine helps with indigestion, anemia and beriberi.

It is important to know!

The rich vitamin composition of grapes supplies the body with the substances it needs, restoring it after serious illness and depletion. During flu, bronchitis or pneumonia, a hot wine with sugar — mulled wine — is very useful.

Proven good and homemade red wine, cooked according to the rules. A glass of this drink during lunch will increase the appetite, normalize the acidity of the stomach, at dinner - will help relieve stress and ensure restful sleep.

Increases or decreases the pressure of red wine?

Problems with blood pressure, perhaps the most common ailment among the majority of the adult population. In severe hypertension or hypotension, you need to thoroughly learn about the properties of red wine before you drink another glass.

It is important to know!

Sweet (table) varieties of wine contribute to an increase in the number of heartbeats, which means an increase in pressure. Unlike dry varieties of red wine, which contain in their composition fruit acids, which have an antispasmodic effect and dilates blood vessels, due to which blood pressure is reduced.

This is evidenced by numerous studies on the effect of these drinks on the body. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended amount of wine, so as not to get harm to health instead of the expected positive effect.

Is red wine good for women?

The benefits of red wine for women and its harm depend on the quality of the drink. The presence of resveratrol flavonoid in grapes, which prevents the development of cancer cells, has a beneficial effect on women's health in terms of breast cancer prevention.

It is important to know!

Among the beneficial properties of red wine for women is the ability of active substances to stimulate the production of collagen fibers in the skin. This will allow the fair sex to maintain the elasticity of the skin for a long time, its beauty and youth.

Studies have shown that red wine can be called an ally of women in the fight against extra pounds. The low calorie content of this drink and its ability to activate the metabolism (which leads to weight loss) allows it to be included in the diet during the diet.

It is important to know!

During pregnancy, women should abandon the use of red wine, like any alcohol, despite all the positive aspects of this drink.

What is the harm of red wine

First of all, it should be remembered that red wine contains alcohol and can easily become harmful from a healthy drink. The presence of any health problems reason to think about the appropriateness of the use of this drink. The acute form of any disease is a contraindication for the intake of any alcohol.

The benefits of red wine for men, as well as for women, depend on the quantity and quality of this drink. Wine made from concentrated powder, according to home-made recipes, cannot be used for therapeutic purposes or for prophylaxis without adhering to traditional technologies. Decision on the use of red wine as a healing tool is only after consulting with your doctor.

Wine treatment is a simple and proven folk remedy that ancestors used in the case of diseases for centuries. However, you should know that only natural wines of good quality will help and they should be used in small doses.

  1. Rosé table wines will be useful for neurosis, liver disease, heart failure, high blood pressure.
  2. White table wines will be useful for anemia, metabolic disorders in the body and diseases of the stomach.
  3. Semi-dry, semi-sweet red and white sparkling wines help with the flu, catarrhal diseases, heart failure and various infections.

Infusion for flu

This recipe for healing wine infusion has good antiviral activity. It is used in cases of influenza and ARVI.

The output of the finished infusion is about 0.5 liters. Cooking time two weeks.


  • 0, 5 liters of dry natural wine;
  • peel of 10 lemons;
  • horseradish - 4 tablespoons.


  1. In a jar, add crushed lemon peel, horseradish gruel and mix.
  2. Fill 0, 5 liters of grape wine and set in a dark place for 14 days for aging.


The resulting infusion should be drunk in the case of SARS, cold, flu 50 grams 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Infusion of flu with AIRA

This recipe is a therapeutic infusion made from natural apple wine. It is used for various colds.


  • Apple homemade wine - 0, 5 liters;
  • dry, crushed calamus cows - gram.


  1. Dry and crushed rhizomes of calamus are filled with homemade apple wine.
  2. Insist in a dark place for two weeks.


The resulting infusion should be drunk if you have a cold or flu, 50 grams, three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Wine Infusion for Tuberculosis


  • Wine Cahors - 0, 5 liters;
  • natural honey - 0, 5 kilograms;
  • aloe - 0, 5 kilograms.


  1. Crush the leaves of scarlet, add honey and wine. All mix and put in a dark place to insist for 5 days
  2. Then filter through cheesecloth and put in storage in the fridge.

Store the resulting wine infusion should be in a bottle of dark glass.


Drink infusion one tablespoon, three times a day.

Infertility Recipe

This recipe for healing infusion on wine Cahors is used to treat infertility.


  • One bottle of red wine Cahors;
  • one root of ginseng;
  • knotweed grass - 50 grams;
  • st. John's wort - 50 grams;
  • cleft lip grass - 50 grams;
  • red carnation - 5 flowers;
  • nutmeg - 20 grams.


  1. Herbs, ginseng root, cloves and nutmeg and fill all with one bottle of wine Cahors.
  2. We mix everything well and put it in a dark place for one week. Then filter.


Take the received therapeutic infusion one tablespoon once a day.

In case of bronchial asthma


  1. For the treatment of asthma, take two teaspoons of dry leaves of wormwood (powdered) and fill with 0, 5 liters of dry red wine.
  2. Insist two weeks in a dark place.
  3. Then filter and pour into a bottle with dark glass.


The resulting drug infusion, you need to drink one tablespoon, with strong coughing attacks, with asthma. Also, this medicine is good for people with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Tonic balm


  • Grape wine - 0, 5 liters;
  • may honey - 500 grams;
  • aloe leaves - 500 grams;
  • hypericum grass - 100 grams.


  1. Ground the herb St. John's wort, pour 0, 5 liters of boiling water and put on low heat on the stove. Cook for 30 minutes, then infuse one hour and filter through cheesecloth.
  2. Leaves aloe grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Combine all the components of the balm in one dish and mix.
  4. Then pour into a bottle with a dark glass, close well with a cork and put in a dark, cool place for 10 days.


The resulting balm must be drunk to strengthen the body and with a breakdown in strength one teaspoon every hour in the first five days of administration. The following days, one teaspoon every three hours.

The course of treatment is one month.

Decoction of diabetes


  • Grape leaves - 50 grams;
  • grape vine - 50 grams;
  • aloe leaves - 50 grams.


  1. Collected leaves and shoots of grapes are harvested in advance, dried in the shade and stored in cardboard boxes.
  2. Scarlet leaves, grape shoots, and leaves brew like tea in 0.5 liter of boiled water, boil for 20 minutes.

Then filter and drink, like tea in half a glass three times a day, before meals.

Compresses from thrombophlebitis

To treat thrombophlebitis, we need to boil one glass of dry white wine. Pour it into a plate, then dip fresh cabbage leaves in the wine and apply it in the form of a compress on the sore spot. Then we tie it with a clean handkerchief and hold the wine compress for about 8 - 10 hours.

Wine extract from varicose veins

Chopped dry rhizomes of calamus - 20 grams, pour 0, 5 liters of homemade apple wine. Insist two weeks in a dark place. Then filter.

Drink two tablespoons, three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of bronchitis, lung, strong cough


  • Wine Cahors - 200 grams;
  • aloe juice - 300 grams;
  • honey - 500 grams;
  • lemons - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 500 grams;
  • walnut kernels - 20 grams.


  1. Grind walnut kernels into powder, chop lemons together with the peel, but without seeds.
  2. Mix lemon gruel, chopped nuts, honey, butter, aloe juice, add wine and mix everything well.

Store the mixture in a dark and preferably cool place.

Take with a disease of the lungs and bronchitis one tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.

As you can see, the recipes for wine treatment are quite diverse and can help in the treatment of many ailments. However, we must remember that the treatment must be carried out strictly according to the prescription and not exceed the dose indicated in it.

Everything is good in moderation

It is not a secret for anyone that failure to comply with the norm in any business can lead to sad consequences. This is especially true of alcohol. Some people in vain consider red wine a harmless drink that can be drunk in any quantity without harm and the likelihood of feeling all the “delights” of alcoholism.

To drink or not to drink? That is the question. And how to drink, what to drink and how much?

Researchers have long established safe for the body dosage for daily consumption of this drink: 50-100 ml. And this is only about quality red wine. The choice of this drink should be approached with due attention. Otherwise, all the beneficial properties of grapes are replaced by the opposite.

Disputes between supporters and opponents of red wine have not subsided so far, as research continues on the effect of this drink on the human body. How much it is good for health should be solved by yourself.

However, you should pay attention to the advice of competent experts when choosing a wine, so that a glass of this noble drink becomes a pleasant and useful addition to lunch or dinner.

A lot of scientific research is devoted to the benefits of red wine, you can often find recommendations to drink a glass of red wine a day, even doctors sometimes recommend it to their patients. Whether red wine is useful and what is its effect on the body, try to make out in this article.

Although experts do not doubt the positive effect of moderate use, there are still differences in explaining the mechanism of this effect. So, Uruguay scientists, after deciphering the genome of dark grapes of the Tann variety, established a high content of procyanidin in it (flavonoid, a natural antioxidant). Another study conducted at Queen Maria University in London showed that the content of procyanidin in Tanna grapes is 3-4 times higher compared to other famous Sauvignon.

Other scientists insist that red wine contains the resveratrol substance synthesized by plants of dark grape varieties that can restrain the development of inflammatory processes in the body, hearing loss, aging in general, and senile changes in the brain and so on.

In addition, red wine belongs to the category of products with a high content of antioxidants. Another similar product is green tea. Antioxidants also slow down the aging process, help in the fight against such serious illnesses as Alzheimer's disease.

How to get red wine?

When it comes to whether it is good to drink red wine, the question arises of how to get this drink. Red wine is produced from grapes of dark varieties, that is, from "purple" grapes, as it is called in wine-growing regions. It is going to a time strictly determined for each class, when the ratio of sugars and acids in a berry reaches the level that is necessary to obtain the planned result.

It is noteworthy that in countries with a long history of winemaking, such. like Italy and Spain, the harvest of grapes has its own name: in Italy it is “vendemia”, and in Spain it is “vendemia”. The time of grape harvest in the northern hemisphere is from July to October, and in the southern hemisphere from February to April.

And, although special machines have already been created for collecting grapes, however, the best sorts of wine are obtained when it is harvested by hand, more careful for the plant and berries. After it is subjected to maceration and pressing, and the resulting wort passes through the stages of fermentation, filtration and bottling.

Benefit for health

It is clear that the ill fame of alcohol makes one doubt whether red wine is useful. Nevertheless, studies conducted in Europe showed that drinking a dose of 22-32 grams per day protects a person from death due to many reasons. A comparison of the use of wine with others proves the greater benefit of the first.

In addition, a small amount will reduce the harm done to the body by smoking - a habit that cannot be reasonably discussed whether it is useful. Red wine for vessels does not hurt due to the positive effects on their endothelium. Smoking impairs the ability of blood vessels to reduce or, conversely, relax. Restoration of endothelial cells returns this ability, including contributing to the normal functioning of the heart. Therefore, the answer to the question “Is red wine good for the heart?” Is also positive.

According to a study conducted by the University of Massachusetts (USA), red wine in limited doses contributes to weight loss, as it inhibits the formation of new fat cells and helps in the fight against existing ones.

Italian researchers have studied whether red dry wine is beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory gum diseases. It turned out that some of the components of this drink inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, helping to prevent caries, gingivitis and sore throat.

Red wine can improve the state of brain activity, more than 70 scientific studies have been devoted to this. The antioxidant properties of the drink and the reduction of blood clots in the vessels explain its positive effects.

At the University of California, it has been proven that moderate consumption of red wine can improve mood thanks to the endorphins that stand out. At the same time, it turned out that wine brings greater pleasure if it is drunk in rooms with decor in red and blue tones.

Red wine can reduce the risk of lung cancer, prostate cancer, and slow down the development of breast cancer, but you must strictly adhere to the norm.

Eating red wine increases the proportion of "good" cholesterol, has a positive effect on the level of vitamin C, reduces the allergic reaction.

How much can you drink?

The benefits of red wine can be discussed only when its use is limited. Is it good to drink red wine every day? Yes, but if the number does not exceed one glass for women, and two for men. In addition, this glass of wine can be drunk not at any time, but at the same time with food. It is clear that based on our lifestyle, if you work in a team, then it is better to drink a glass of wine at dinner, so as not to embarrass your colleagues with the smell of alcohol.

What is the difference between dry wine from semi-sweet and sweet?

The difference in wine according to the remaining sugar content explains its classification by type: dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. For sweeter types, the fermentation process is artificially delayed by adding some kind of reagent or physical impact: by cooling the product at the required level of sugar content.

Is it helpful

After discussing the question “is it good to drink?” Dry red wine is compared with semi-sweet red and sweet wine. If you are at risk of diabetes or are already suffering from it, then there can be no question whether the red sweet or semi-sweet wine is useful. You need to choose only dry and strictly adhere to the rate of consumption.

Controversial moments

After the discovery of various beneficial components contained in red wine, scientists and doctors were inspired by the idea of ​​creating a drug based on it that can fight many diseases. However, significant results until these studies have not given.

In addition, arguing whether red wine is beneficial in the prevention of cancer, it must be remembered that in addition to the useful components of the product there is alcohol, which can provoke the development of certain types of cancer.

It should also be borne in mind that the beneficial components contained in wine do not come from the skin or the pulp of the berries, but from the stones that release them during fermentation. However, not all modern varieties are made so that the substances have time to flow from the seed into the drink. Therefore, when discussing whether it is useful to choose red prepared according to traditional technologies.

People have known since ancient times that the use of wine in moderation always helps our body to cope with various ailments. The heroes of the famous novel "The Three Musketeers" could always be caught in the use of Burgundy, and the clinking of their glasses perfectly combined with the sounds of the blows of their blades. In those days, the musketeers possessed these weapons very well and almost never died from heart disease.

Can I drink wine. The benefits of red wine.

In our times, in France, where wine consumption goes beyond the usual limits, according to statistics, there are far fewer cases of diseases associated with cardiovascular or oncological diseases. At one time, some scientists believed that this is the so-called “French paradox”, that is, the positive effect of small doses of alcoholic beverages. And only then it turned out that, like any other red wine, Burgundy contains a large amount of flavone compounds, which in nature are considered to be the most powerful antioxidants.

Some of these compounds are superior in their antioxidant activity to vitamin E, which is why there is nothing surprising in the fact that the harmful effects of any alcohol on the body are undoubtedly exceeded by the positive effects of these substances. However, despite this, doctors openly should not be advised to drink a glass or another of red every day to improve health. Most likely, this is due to the presence of the same substances in any other plant or animal natural substances that can be obtained without drinking alcohol.

And now, finally, a new substance was found in the skin of red grapes - antioxidant reservatrol, which most likely helps the French avoid all these terrible diseases. This substance is formed only in some plants (such as grapes, peanuts, pine) due to the effects of stress, insect attacks, injuries, exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Red wine is still the richest in this substance, and for some reason it is twice as small in grape juice. In the white wine of this substance is extremely small, more than five times it is contained in red wine, especially in such varieties as Merlot and Pinot.

Rezervatrol has an unusual antitumor effect, it directly blocks the reproduction of cancer cells - experimentally proven. In addition, thanks to this antioxidant significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis, which is most often caused by a period of hormonal changes, especially in the period of female menopause. In addition, it has a positive effect on the skin, because it activates the production of collagen and prevents its cross-linking.

Particles of this substance help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

In general, in nature there are a large number of similar substances acting on the same basis as reservatrol, but only this our substance can be well combined and digested in our body, it is well absorbed in it. The same applies, for example, to grape juice. It would seem that both drinks are made from the same substance, but it turns out that red wine is absorbed by the body many times better than grape juice.

How much can you drink wine.

During the observation, it turned out that people who absolutely do not consume wine and that bitter drunkards have exactly the same chances to thunder on a hospital bed with a diagnosis of a heart attack or stroke. The best amount of red wine that should be drunk daily to protect your heart and body from tumors and other diseases is two to four hundred milliliters. In addition, the substances contained in red wine have the ability to slow down the aging process not only of the skin, but also of the body as a whole, so there is a certain reason to use this drink.

Harm red wine. Is it harmful to drink wine?

However, it should be mentioned that in addition to the useful substances in the form of polyphenols and antioxidants, there may be other compounds that will have a direct opposite effect on the body. For example, if it is wrong to store wine or to make it incorrectly, then it may be the owner of a rather large number of toxins, the action that will not be suppressed by antioxidants.

However, still somewhere in the middle, we are still in the search process. Quite a few cosmetic preparations include in their composition an extract of the skin and grape seeds, on the basis of which biological additives and medical preparations are created. After all, it is not a coincidence that it is this drink from this product that has accompanied mankind for almost six thousand years, was referred to as life-giving moisture, being used not only during heavy holiday feasts, but also in religious ceremonies.

Although, of course, there are also disadvantages. For example, scientists are concerned about the prospect of alcoholization of the population, and, scientifically-based. Until now, they have not lost hope of finding the same substances in other elements, so as not to go into the glass for treatment.

It often happens that red wine can be the cause of migraines, most likely it is the polyphenols. In addition, wine often causes allergic reactions, which can manifest dizziness, rash and flatulence.

There are substances in this drink that can cause an exacerbation of an asthma attack. Sulfur dioxide belongs to one of such substances, it is used to suppress the process of yeast multiplication, it leaves the drink immediately after opening the bottle of wine. Another such substance is histamine, in our body it is released during allergy from mast cells. Most often it occurs in red wine. So with this drink, you still need to be extremely careful.

Well, in general, its negative effect on the body is associated with the same signs as any other alcohol, that is, the development of cirrhosis of the liver, stomach cancer, high blood pressure and alcohol dependence.