How to cook cranberry juice. June - big report

19.05.2019 Grill menu

  - well-known to all fruit, which belongs to the wild. Far from everyone likes her specific sour taste, but this is one of the most useful products donated to us by nature. By the way, this is one of the few berries, the collection of which is equally useful at any time of the year. It is always a lot of vitamins. But the most juicy and tasty it becomes in the last days of autumn, when the first night frosts begin. When the first snow melts, the cranberry gets a sweetish aftertaste.

Especially popular in folk medicine are not only berries, but also cranberry juice, the recipe of which will be discussed in more detail today.

Cranberry juice - the benefits and harm

The benefits of cranberry juice for humans

This valuable drink contains a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants. Phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine and calcium - this is not a complete list of trace elements that enter our body through the use of this folk remedy. In addition, cranberry juice still contains the most useful acids: tartaric, malic, benzoic, quinic.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of this drink for a number of diseases. With its help, skin diseases of infectious origin are successfully cured, constipation is eliminated due to the mild effect on the intestines of the components contained in the berry. Its use facilitates well-being for rheumatism and acute pain during. However, the juice is considered very useful in all diseases of the genitourinary system. He successfully fights against infectious diseases, having an effective effect on bacteria that create an environment for their development in the bladder. Berry components do not allow harmful microflora to consolidate on the walls of the bladder.

Juice from this berry is considered a real antibiotic, so it is used for inflammation. A glass of such a natural remedy will allow you to sweat well and quickly get up on your feet to those who have sore throat, flu, bronchitis and acute respiratory infections. So it has an effective effect and is in no way inferior to expensive modern drugs.

It has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It increases the acidity of gastric juice, gently relieves inflammation in the pancreas, and also destroys bacteria that damage the mucous membrane and provoke an ulcer.

Cranberry juice, which we continue to talk about on this page, can be used for rinsing the mouth cavity, sore throats and plaque.

The flavonoids contained in the berries are necessary for the elasticity and strength of the capillaries; they are a good prevention of varicose veins and puffiness. In turn, anthocyanins break down the stones that form in the kidneys and relieve inflammation.

Cranberry juice is one of the few products that contains antioxidants that inhibit the action of free radicals. The latter are the cause of premature aging of the body and a number of diseases. It is shown in violation of the thyroid, removes excess fluid from the body and normalizes the water-salt balance.

Is the cranberry juice dangerous? What harm is it?

In its pure form, this drink is preferably not consumed. It is recommended to dilute it with boiled cooled water. The presence of such factors as individual intolerance should be a contraindication for its use. You can not drink the juice of people with acute forms of peptic ulcer, as well as inflammation in the intestines.

How to take cranberry juice?

To make treatment and prophylaxis with this drink useful, you should start to take it carefully, with small portions. This is especially true of those who are prone to allergic reactions and young children. The first few times the juice is used in the amount of one tablespoon, gradually its single dose is increased to 30 ml. To begin with, as a test of the reaction of your body, you can add it to tea or any other natural fresh. Drinking a full glass will be possible only through time, if the body does not show any negative reactions to smaller doses.

How to make cranberry juice?

Today it is easy to cook this natural product. If there is a juicer, you can use this device. A small amount of berries can simply push through the gauze with your hands.

To make fresh juice with sugar, the berries should be well washed, blanched for 1, 1.5 minutes. Then they fray with a sieve and add the same amount. The finished mixture will be brought to 90 degrees, but not allowed to boil! The resulting juice is poured into banks and can even be corked.

The easiest way to freeze cranberries. It will not lose valuable properties, but when it starts to defrost, it will release the valuable juice that we need. It remains only to slightly squeeze the melting mass through the gauze, and everything is ready!

Useful recipes

Cranberry and constipation. In case of violations of the stool and to normalize the work of the intestine, it is necessary to prepare medicine from beet and cranberry juice in equal proportions. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Cranberry, lemon, onion, radish, beet and cold juice. With colds it is useful to mix the same amount of juice: aloe, cranberries, lemon, onions, radishes, fresh beets. Add as much honey and a few drops of alcohol. Cooked means put in the fridge and take two tablespoons three times a day. This, according to supporters of traditional medicine, an excellent remedy for bronchitis and colds. Their arguments are as follows: cranberry juice removes bacteria, activates immunity, alcohol helps preserve the medicine ...

Cranberry Juice for Skin. For skin diseases, mix in half a glass of fresh juice and water, add a teaspoon of natural honey. Drink a few sips after meals.

Cranberry juice reduces pressure. When you can mix the main product with honey in equal parts. Take this medicine should be a tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day.


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Zhuravyha Spherical or ovoid berries of a red-burgundy hue contain such amount of vitamin C in their composition, which is ahead of lemon and other citrus fruits in this indicator. This is not the only advantage of cranberries, there are still many useful treasures hidden in it. That is why the berry began to collect and use for medicinal purposes in ancient times. The specific bitter-sour taste is a serious obstacle to the use of berries in its pure form, so different dishes are prepared with it, boiled, prepared, and juices. The usefulness of cranberries from such processing is not reduced, and the taste is noticeably gain.

The effect of cranberry juice on the body

The product is widely known as an effective antibiotic of natural origin. In acute and chronic viral diseases, exacerbations of infections, it is recommended to use it in combination with the main drug therapy. Cranberry juice is effective as a prophylactic and drug against diseases of the genitourinary system: inflammation of the appendages and ovaries in women, nephritis, cystitis, urethritis. Content in the product promotes the removal of stones from the kidneys and bladder.

In the struggle for beauty and anti-aging, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the cranberry drink, as it is rich. These substances protect skin cells from aging and enhance the process of their regeneration. The introduction of the product in the diet will help improve the complexion and make wrinkles less pronounced.

Cranberry is a berry known for its deducing properties. Juice is recommended to drink to clean the blood from the effects of taking antibiotics, to remove heavy metal salts from the body, and also to advise people who have been exposed to radiation. It is very helpful in poisoning with heavy toxins, it is also used as a prophylactic against cancer and anemia.

The product contains a significant supply of iodine, which has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

Metabolism normalization is another useful bonus of cranberry juice intake. For obesity, impaired water balance and metabolic processes, cranberry juice must be introduced into the diet. It is also useful for diabetics, as ursolic acid, which is in the berry and drink from it, can bring blood sugar levels back to normal.

The cardiovascular system juice intake will benefit, because the substances in its composition are struggling with the bad, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The most famous way to use cranberry juice is to treat colds. Already at the first symptoms of indisposition, fever and chills, you need to drink a glass of warm beverage and cranberry juice. This will give the body a push to fight the disease, reduce fever and inflammatory processes.

The product copes with inflammations of the mucous membranes of the mouth, as it has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect. And for the teeth its use is to get rid of caries, periodontal disease, dental plaque.

The chemical composition of cranberry juice

Vitamin treasury is contained in cranberry juice. The content of vitamin C in the product rolls over - it bypasses the lemons from this indicator, and only black currant is distilled from the cranberries and drinks from it.

   Mineral composition
12 mg
14 mg
6 mg
16 mg
1 mg
130 mcg
0.19 mg
10 mcg
Rubidium 44 mcg
17 mcg
1 mcg
2.3 mg
19 mg
155 mg

100 g of the product contains 45.5 kcal, 0.4 g, 0.3 g, 11 g.

For skin diseases, mix in half a glass of water and juice, add a teaspoon and drink the mixture three times a day, an hour after eating.

For hypertensive patients, it is advised to prepare a drink with honey in proportions of 1/1, use 1 tablespoon three times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. People suffering from diseases of the stomach and pancreas, it is recommended to take cranberry juice, diluted with water in the ratio of 1/1 before meals, 50-100 g.

From fever, the patient is given a mixture of 200 g of juice separated in 1-2 hours, 50 g of cranberry juice and 15 g. It is necessary to consume the drink in small portions, 5-6 times during the day.

In case of flu, cold, cough, bronchitis, the product is mixed with honey to taste, so that it is not too sour, and they drink 100 g each before meals.

Use in cosmetology

In search of means to improve skin health, we should not forget that effective means can be found not only on the shelves of cosmetics stores. Cranberry juice, taken internally, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic, healthy and smooth. In addition, it is used as a component of masks, ice massage cubes and tonics. However, for these purposes only freshly squeezed product without sugar is suitable.

In order to get rid of unwanted pigmentation, use a cloth moistened with juice. It is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, then wash the face with cool water. First you need to test for allergic reactions - apply the juice on the inner fold of the elbow, where the skin is very sensitive, and follow your own feelings. If within 5-7 minutes there is no redness and burning sensation, then the tool can be applied.

To use face masks and hair with juice should be no more than 1 time in a half to two weeks. They are kneaded in a non-metallic dish, for example, an earthenware or glass cup.

Preparation of a drink in reserve

The basis for obtaining juice from a berry is the process of squeezing or twisting. For these purposes, use a meat grinder or juicer, and you can simply crush the cranberries in a mortar.

Cranberry normally carries storage process in a fresh form, in addition, it can be frozen for the winter. Boiling reduces the amount of vitamin C in its composition. In this way, you can also make juice, but it loses some of its benefits.

The easiest recipe: cranberries twisted or crushed by hand, without adding any components rolled into sterile jars and tightly closed with lids. The product is stored in a refrigerator or cellar without heat treatment.

Useful recipe with pumpkin:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 1 kg of ripe;
  • about 400 grams of sugar.

To prepare the drink take:

  • 2 kg of bright orange carrots;
  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 2 cups sugar.

Carrots are well washed, cleaned, finely cut and steamed. The resulting puree is passed through a sieve. Cranberries are sorted, washed, cleaned and crushed, thus obtaining juice from it. Having mixed carrots with berries, they are sent to a slow fire, not allowing to boil, and heated for about 3-5 minutes. When the dish cools down, it is again ground over a sieve. It turns out quite thick, and at this stage it can either be passed through cheesecloth or diluted with water. After adding granulated sugar, the drink is stirred, heated over low heat for 15 minutes, not boiling, then poured hot into sterile jars. After the product has cooled, it is stored in a dark, cool place.

Use cranberry juice in cooking

Since the product has a strongly pronounced sour taste, it is practically not used as an independent dish. From it you can make a syrup for ice cream, adding sugar and putting it to heat treatment. Cranberry juice is used as a food dye. In small quantities it is added to the impregnation for cakes and biscuits, creams and desserts. Some marinades with the addition of this drink give the meat an incredibly delicate structure due to the content of a large amount of acids in the juice.

Most often the product is found in the recipes of alcoholic cocktails, in combination with,. Unusually rich taste gives a mixture of cranberry, with grenadine, raspberry vodka, soda. The combination of cranberry juice with lemon vodka, Cointreau liqueur and juice is the recipe of the famous Cosmopolitan cocktail.

Harm and contraindications of the product

What exactly you can not do with this drink - so it is consumed on an empty stomach. Even when diluted, the amount of acids in it can negatively affect the walls of the stomach. For those who have problems with the work of the liver, as well as people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis in acute condition, it is better to abandon the use of cranberry juice in any form. Also known cases of manifestation of individual intolerance and allergies - this is a direct indication to the exclusion of the product from the diet. With care it is necessary to use juice for pregnant women, after consulting with a doctor.

In addition, cranberry does not interact very well with certain drugs: Valium, Glucotrol, Tamoxifen, Elavil and other blood thinners. The product reduces the effectiveness of diclofenac.

Of course, significant harm to the human body can be caused by a product of berries collected in polluted areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

The healing properties of cranberry juice are as unique as the taste of this drink. It has a strong stimulating effect: as if shaking up the natural, natural resources of the body, the product complements and strengthens them with a set of vitamins and nutrients from its own composition, thereby improving health, giving vitality and vitality.

Cranberry is one of the most valuable years, long used for the treatment and prevention of many different diseases. Instead of the traditional coffee or tea today, the morning drink of our ancestors was a brawler. Just one of its essential components was cranberries.

There is another drink from this berry, which is deservedly considered the elixir of health and physical strength. It is, of course, about cranberry morse. It is extremely valuable in its high content of vitamins and various nutrients. Cranberry juice - the benefits and harm - these questions I would like to reveal now in more detail.

Medicinal products may envy the healing properties of the drink.

We begin, of course, with its useful properties. Everything is explained here simply - by the chemical composition of the berry itself, which contains:

  • 0.7 percent of pectins are substances capable of binding heavy metals present in the body and neutralize them;
  • 3.5 percent organic acids;
  • 4.7 percent of sugars - sucrose, fructose, glucose, and this is fully digestible natural carbohydrates;
  • vitamin C, traditionally useful for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases.

By the way, thanks to benzoic acid, cranberries can be stored fresh for quite a long time - from 7 to 9 months. This allows almost all year round to prepare from the berries a healing, dietary and very useful drink, filling the body with vitamins.

Cranberry juice is very valuable because of the presence of a very large number of trace elements in it, such as cobalt. It is needed by the body to normalize the process of enzymatic reactions occurring in the human digestive system. In addition, cobalt is also a guarantee of uninterrupted work and the nervous system. The role of molybdenum and copper, also present in cranberries, is very significant and at the same time, diverse, while manganese ensures the normal functioning of the sex glands in adults, and helps children grow normally.

In order for the body to receive in sufficient quantities all of the above extremely useful substances, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of cranberry juice daily. The main thing is that the drink is natural, without any kind of stabilizers and preservatives. It is not difficult to prepare it yourself, as long as the main ingredient is at hand - cranberries.

Ancient physicians knew about the healing properties of the berries, not conducting any experiments and research, relying solely on their own knowledge and experience. With the help of cranberries, for example, they treated rheumatism, hypertension, various inflammatory diseases. Later, the initial knowledge of people about this berry was confirmed by reliable scientific data.

In particular, scientists of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute in the middle of the last century conducted studies that confirmed the usefulness of cranberry fruit juice. This drink, for example, due to the rich content of hippuric acid, is able to enhance the action of antibiotics in the fight against pathological microorganisms causing pyelonephritis. This useful quality, of course, did not go unnoticed by physicians. Today, it is often advised to add antibiotics and cranberry juice to the diet with recommendations.

Corsa is extremely useful for colds. This drink is an excellent tonic, thirst quenching and illuminating agent, and it is especially widely used in children's practice. For effective resistance to viral infections, Morse bactericides are very useful. Moreover, it perfectly helps the body to cope with headaches, helps to increase the immune background and restore sleep, as a hand removes fatigue. Useful drink and in the treatment of various kinds of inflammatory processes that have appeared in the female genital organs.

Traditional medicine recommends fruit drink to combat articular rheumatism, cough, sore throat. This does not end the useful properties of the drink - fruit drink is used as one of the components in the complex therapy of diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and hypertension, because the cranberry content is very high in potassium. In addition, he is able to:

  • strengthen blood vessels, while increasing their elasticity;
  • improve the condition and color of the skin;
  • whet your appetite;
  • destroy pathogens;
  • stop the development of inflammatory processes;
  • stimulate the production of gastric juice;
  • give a diuretic effect without excretion of potassium;
  • exterminate pathogens that attack the mucous membranes of the stomach.

However, this is not the whole list of the healing properties of cranberry juice, but even from the above, we can make a sure conclusion: this drink is really extremely useful. Do not forget that with proper preparation, you will also be pleased with the taste properties, thanks to which even the children are happy to use this very real medicine. But the ability to break with such an undesirable phenomenon for women as premature aging makes fruit drink a very popular drink among the fair sex.

At the same time, I wanted to note that drinking cranberries and berries is not useful in all cases. In particular, it is better to exclude from the diet with a tendency to heartburn, diabetes, duodenal ulcer or stomach. With such diseases, fruit drink can do more harm than help.

In addition, it is not recommended to use the drink and with increased secretion of gastric juice. It is not always necessary to strengthen the effect of antibiotics, so drinking fruit in the process of treatment should be after consulting with the doctor who prescribed certain medications.

Cranberry juice will not suit everyone. The sour berry needs either the addition of sugar or the addition of extraneous vegetables and fruits. Therefore, fruit drinks are more popular than juices, they are less concentrated. But the higher the concentration, the higher the benefits.

Nutritional value

Adding a cranberry drink to the diet is useful, it is rich in nutrients, and has a low calorie content. The product contains:

  • vitamins b1, b2, b5, b6, b9, b12;
  • vitamins c, n, e, pp;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • sulfur;
  • silicon;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine;
  • molybdenum;
  • vitamin C;
  • apple acid;
  • lemon acid.

100 g total 46 kcal, if you do not add sugar. Supplementing a diet with such a product is a good solution. Low calorie, the concentration of nutrients will reduce the intake of vitamin complexes without compromising health.

Important! Cranberry juice saturates the body with useful substances, but there are side effects that neutralize all good and harm health.

What is useful cranberry juice

The benefits of cranberry juice extend to the entire body. Berry and its products have approximately the same properties. Only in mors and sauces are they less concentrated. Cranberry Products:

  1. Prevent the appearance of kidney stones.
  2. Reduce blood viscosity.
  3. Normalize sleep.
  4. Make the capillaries more elastic.
  5. Remove the spasm of blood vessels.
  6. Possess antibacterial action.
  7. Increase stress resistance.
  8. Eliminate chronic fatigue.
  9. Relieve headaches.

Heat treatment of the product in moderation will not reduce the beneficial properties, but long-term heating can damage. The properties of the cranberry drink are not lost during storage. The only thing that really spoils the dish is the rare fermentation. Harm from this will not, but to use sour product is not recommended. Tastes fall, the content of nutrients, too.

Juice and heartburn

The use of cranberry drink with heartburn is ambiguous. It will harm or help the product - depends on the cause of the disease. When heartburn due to low acidity, poor digestibility of food - cranberry juice has a positive effect on the state. But when the acidity is increased - it is contraindicated to use any products from cranberries.

Important! Determine what the cause of the disease, will help the diagnosis of a specialist. Attempts to find out on your own will not lead to good.

It is preferable to get rid of heartburn attacks with pharmaceutical medicines, preferably prescribed by a doctor. Cranberry is an adjunct for treatment and prophylaxis.

From skin rash

For acne, rashes, and other skin lesions, cranberry juice helps in taking it internally and externally. The latter is more diverse:

  • ice cubes are made of liquid, rubbing their face with them;
  • the concentrated substance is washed;
  • juice is added to cosmetics;
  • make compresses from the pulp.

Cranberry cubes are considered a means of smoothing fine wrinkles, washing and compresses are used to relieve inflammation and irritation. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream.

When irritation, itching stops the procedure with the product. Cranberries are allergic.

The cardiovascular system

Pure extract strengthens, narrows blood vessels, slows the flow of blood. For greater effect, it is recommended to mix cranberry and beet juices.

In hypertension, the product is also useful, but people with low blood pressure should limit their use or eliminate everything that contains cranberries from the diet.

Important! When problems with the heart, blood vessels, and pressure are taken, a serious berry in any form is used as an aid, and the main treatment is prescribed by a specialist, or in extreme cases, by a phytotherapeutist.

Cranberry Juice and Teeth

For gums and teeth, the drink has several beneficial properties:

  • strengthening the gums;
  • prevention of caries;
  • strengthens enamel;

Contrary to popular belief, the acid contained in cranberry fruit, will not destroy the teeth, will not burn the oral mucosa. To happen like this, you must already have damage.

How to make cranberry juice

The product is made in several ways. A simple way - to pass berries through the juice extractor, to filter, pour in bottles. Other methods give results not worse, although they require more labor, ingredients, time. Depending on the additional components, cranberry juice is made up of different tastes, the useful properties are slightly different.

Classic Cranberry Juice Recipe

It will take 4 kg of cranberries, 4 tbsp. water, add something else is not necessary.

  1. Cranberry fruits are carefully washed.
  2. Berries crush, crushed in a blender.
  3. The mass is put in a saucepan, add 200 ml of water per 1 kg of berries.
  4. Heat up to 75 ° C, leave to cook at the same temperature for 10 minutes.
  5. Berries rubbed through a sieve, cheesecloth.
  6. The liquid is boiled, boiled for 5 minutes.
  7. Spill on banks, roll up.

The benefit of the dish will bring for immunity, with colds. It is added to sauces, drinks.

Cranberry-Carrot Juice Recipe

To make this kind of cranberry juice you will need:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 2 kg of carrots;
  • 0.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking happens in this way:

  1. Washed carrot cleaned, finely cut.
  2. Blanch to softness.
  3. Vegetable rubbed through a sieve, cranberries knead.
  4. Separately, warm the mashed berries and carrots.
  5. Two varieties of puree mixed, add sugar.
  6. Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth.
  7. The liquid over low heat heat 15 minutes - without boiling.
  8. The product is poured into jars, sterilized, rolled up.

Ready cranberry juice is stored in the refrigerator, another dark cold place.

Important! The product contains a lot of pulp. To make it smaller, after pushing up the liquid, it is allowed to settle, it is drained only after that.

In this kind of drink many vitamins, the beneficial properties of carrots are combined with the qualities of cranberries.

Cranberry juice with beetroot

You will need 600 ml of beet juice, 400 ml of cranberry juice. In advance, you should prepare cans, bottles.

  1. Beets are washed, cut off the root, cutting, blanch for 30 minutes.
  2. Tinder, mince beets, not peeling the peel.
  3. Squeeze through cheesecloth.
  4. Squeeze juice from cranberries.
  5. Mix beet and cranberry juices.
  6. Heat to 75 ° C.
  7. Sterilize bottles, jars.
  8. Pour the product into containers.

The taste of this product is peculiar. You can improve it by adding honey while the product is warm.

Color compensates for a strange taste, but drink is used only in its pure form, rarely - diluting with water. Mix with other dishes such a product is not recommended.

Cranberry Juice from Frozen Berry

Among the ingredients, in addition to cranberry juice, will be apple juice, sugar.

  1. Squeeze 0.15 liters of cranberry juice.
  2. Squeeze 0.7 liters of apple.
  3. Dissolve 140 g of sugar in 200 ml of water.
  4. Mix juices with syrup, boil for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Hot roll up in bottles, cans.

It is necessary to consider - the frozen berry gives less liquid, more pulp, if you do not defrost the berry. Strain through the hot product, preferably through cheesecloth. But when defrosting cranberries, on the contrary, will give more juice. This property is used when they do not want to add water to the product.

Juice with pulp

In addition to sugar and cranberries, water is required. Number of components:

  • 0.65 l of water;
  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 0.3 kg of sugar.

The drink is prepared in this way:

  1. The berries are ground, slightly heated, rubbed through a sieve.
  2. Prepare the syrup.
  3. Syrup is mixed with berries, heated.
  4. The resulting product is poured into bottles, jars, sterilized.

Cranberry juice is stored in the refrigerator or other dark, cold places. A simpler option: just skip the berries through a juicer, bottled, roll up. This type is added to any dishes where perfect transparency is not required, especially to cocktails.

Important! Cranberry products will not ferment even without warming up. However, deep processing guarantees safety for more than a year.

Cranberry Juice with Soda

To prepare you need:

  • 50 ml of soda;
  • 400 g cranberries;
  • to taste: sugar, honey;
  • alcohol if desired.

The drink is prepared as follows:

  1. Extracted from the liquid liquid berries, heated.
  2. Add honey, sugar to taste.
  3. Pour soda, alcohol to taste.

Benefit does not carry a drink, a cocktail is created solely for the sake of taste.

Important! When drinking alcoholic beverages with cranberry juice do not forget that the harm of alcohol in any circumstances exceeds the benefits of supplements. No matter how good they are for health separately.

Cranberry Juice in Cooking

The product is used for cooking:

  • sauces for meat, fish, poultry;
  • cocktails;
  • desserts;
  • smoothies.

Rarely in the ready sauerkraut, instead of cranberry, juice is added to taste, color, and stop fermentation. Some housewives topped up the product in the soup instead of vinegar.

Concentrated juices can be added to tea, coffee as syrup. In the buns toppings, donuts do not put a blank billet, first prepare the confiture.

Contraindications and precautions

Use cranberry drink with caution. Contraindications to eating cranberries:

  • liver disease;
  • acute intestinal inflammation;
  • stomach ulcers and inflammations;
  • increased acidity.

Carefully consume purchased drinks - because of the additives. Berry picking for home preparations should be carried out away from large industrial centers, highways.

Whether or not superstition about the inadmissibility of picking berries at a cemetery should be taken into account is a personal matter, but cranberries gathered in an environmentally inadequately clean area will definitely cause harm instead of benefit.

Cranberry Juice and Medicines

Drink cranberry is not combined with any medication. It does not match with:

  • valium;
  • tamoxifen;
  • elavil;
  • glucotrol;
  • diclofenac

Any blood thinning drugs and cranberries do not mix well.

Important! It is necessary to consult a doctor when there is a suspicion that medicines and cranberries are not combined.


Cranberry juice is good for health, easy to prepare. Adding different ingredients to the liquid, adjust the taste. The mixtures are more interesting than mono-composition, but pure juice is more useful for outward use.

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For a long time, seafarers used cranberries and their juice to prevent scurvy and treat wounds in order to prevent blood poisoning and speed healing. The first American settlers were treated with this berry for loss of appetite and circulatory disorders.

In Eastern European countries, cranberry juice is used for fever and as an aid in the fight against cancer.

And although not all the beneficial properties of cranberry juice have gained a scientific platform and received a medical examination, it deserves the closest attention of all who protect their health.

Cranberries are not only a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin C, but also valuable antioxidants known to science as procyanidin oligomers. And let in the cranberry juice less useful fiber, but the concentration of berry antioxidants is excellent.

The average caloric content is 166 calories per cup - quite a lot for those who want to lose weight.

Natural cranberry juice (without added sugar) gives about 24 mg of vitamin C per cup (40% of the daily requirement), 3 mg of vitamin E and 114 IU of vitamin A. Data provided by the US Department of Agriculture.

Taking higher doses of ascorbic acid helps to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This was repeatedly stated by experts from the Linus Pauling Institute. In addition to combating hypertension, eating natural sources of vitamin C (tomatoes, strawberries, red bell peppers, and citrus fruits) reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and other heart diseases.

The vitamin triad is not the only antioxidant in berry juice. Cranberry drink contains resveratrol, which fights against tumors, reduces cholesterol, protects cells from aging, reduces inflammation and even the number of acne.

There is very little sodium in high-quality cranberry juice: only 5 mg in one cup at an adult rate of 2300 mg per day. However, those who suffer from hypertension should reduce the intake of this substance in the body to 1500 mg per day. Potassium-rich foods and drinks neutralize the harmful effects of sodium. Cranberry juice is a decent source of potassium (195 mg in one glass).

* Data obtained by US specialists using chromatography of boxed juices.

** Mole concentration: ppm = 0.0001%.

Beneficial features

Cranberry juice is particularly well proven in the treatment of urinary infections. No less effective drink against bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. This juice is recommended to drink for inflammation of the prostate gland, pleurisy, oncology cases, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Well, so that statements about the benefits of cranberry juice do not look unfounded, I present to your attention the results of medical research and experiments.

For heartburn

The main cause of chronic heartburn is the weakening of the sphincter, a special obturator muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach. During normal operation, the sphincter prevents digestive juices from entering the esophagus. Pregnancy, obesity, smoking, hiatal hernia, frequent cases of vomiting (for example, after food poisoning), some medications may be to blame for weakening the obturator muscle and the appearance of heartburn.

At low acidity, poorly digested food enters the intestine, where it causes enhanced fermentation processes of bacteria with release of hydrogen. This gas puts pressure on the sphincter, preventing its proper closure.

Too sour food and liquids, including cranberry juice, citrus juices, can irritate the sphincter and prevent its operation. Similarly, there are too spicy, fatty and spicy foods, as well as onions, garlic, chocolate, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol. Once again give up a hearty meal to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach and revise your diet.

If the cause of heartburn lies in poor digestion, intake of unsweetened cranberry juice, on the contrary, should increase the level of acidity and speed up the digestion of food. Among other home remedies that improve digestion, it should be noted lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.

With diabetes

Iris Benzi, editor of the Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, states that cranberry antioxidants have no equal in fruit. Therefore, cranberry juice can be of great help in the treatment and prevention of diabetes and the health problems associated with the disease.

Diabetics often suffer from atherosclerosis. Science has proven that taking cranberry concentrate lowers low-density cholesterol and raises high-density cholesterol, prevents plaque from settling on the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart disease in people suffering from diabetes. The results of the confirmatory 12-week experiment are in the Journal of Diabetes Medicine in December 2008.

According to the book “Caring for the Elderly with Diabetes” by Trisha Dunning, another common complication of diabetes is a bladder infection. Cranberry juice can be a good prophylactic against such infections, but it is ineffective in treating an already running inflammatory process.

With regard to the impact of the drink on blood sugar levels, a direct positive relationship was found by employees of the University of Massachusetts. In the experiment, cranberry juice recovered from the concentrate was used. It turned out that he reduced the absorption of carbohydrates by the cells of the body by as much as 40%. See the results in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition (October 2010).


Foods rich in carbohydrates, meat products and smoked foods provoke inflammations of varying severity. One of the simplest and most common signs of a poorly balanced diet is acne. Dermatologist Nicholas Perricone recommends drinking cranberry juice to slow down the rate of acne formation and speed up the healing of inflammation.

Effective in the case of acne component of cranberry juice is the same resveratrol. In April 2011, the Journal of Clinical Dermatology published a curious article. 20 patients suffering from acne on the face were treated as a hydrogel containing resveratrol or placebo (control group). When using therapeutic cosmetics, acne was reduced by 53.7% compared to 6.1% in the control group.

For heart and vascular health

In the February 2010 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, scientists from Queen Mary University of London reported on the beneficial effects of procyanidin oligomers on the functional health of blood vessels. It turns out that this cranberry antioxidant reduces the synthesis of vasoconstrictor endothelin, which constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow velocity.

Doctors from Laval University recommend that overweight men drink a glass of cranberry juice daily for 12 weeks. This should reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the level of “good”. The results of the study were announced at the 2004 Annual Congress of the Canadian Heart Society.

On the basis of the Research Institute of Rovette (Scotland), the effect of cranberry juice was studied not only on the level of cholesterol in the blood, but also on other markers of cardiovascular diseases. Every day, 20 healthy women drank 750 ml of natural berry drink or placebo. The experiment lasted 4 weeks. It turned out that cranberry antioxidants have almost no effect on cholesterol in the female body.

From urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections cause the activity of pathogenic bacteria such as E.coli. Scientists from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute have discovered that cranberry juice prevents the formation of a biofilm that is favorable for the growth and reproduction of these bacteria. Details were announced at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in 2010.

Specialists investigated a special group of cranberry polyphenols (proanthocyanidins), which presumably kill infections. The results surprised the authors themselves. It turned out that it was cranberry juice, and not an extract containing proanthocyanidins, that best protects healthy cells from infections, forming protective biofilms. This was confirmed by the head of the research laboratory of Professor T. Kameshano.

The blame for common diseases of the urinary tract is placed on E.coli virulent E. coli. Its surface is covered with small hairs, which contribute to attachment to the lining cells of the ureters.

With a significant number of dangerous bacteria on the walls of the urinary tract biofilm is formed. Cranberry juice inhibits the thermodynamic activity of Escherichia coli, forcing its “hairs” to curl, which ultimately reduces the risk of developing cystitis.

Kameshano comprehensively investigated the mechanism of action of cranberry juice on E. coli under laboratory conditions by incubating pathogenic strains in a mixture of cranberry juice. Pleases the absence of the negative influence of the components of cranberry juice on friendly bacteria. This is a strictly directed, centralized attack on pathogenic microorganisms.

It does not matter what kind of cranberry juice you prefer - with or without sugar. The effect, according to experts, is the same. To prevent a urinary tract infection, it is enough to drink 1/2 cup of cranberry juice daily.

The scientific group published their tests and plans for the future in the October issue of the journal Science on Nutrition and Biotechnology.

For dental health

In the January 2006 issue of the dental journal Caries Research, scientists from the Rochester Medical Center provide evidence of another useful property of cranberry juice. This drink prevents the formation of bacterial plaque, which increases the risk of caries. What specific substances in the composition of the juice have a beneficial effect on the health of teeth, is not reported.

On the other hand, cranberry juice is rich in citric acid, which destroys dental calcium and badly affects the strength of teeth. That is why this natural drink needs to be drunk through a straw.

Harm and precautionary measures

In large quantities, cranberry juice can do more harm than good. Consumption of more than 3-4 liters of drink per day threatens with diarrhea and other digestive disorders. Do not buy juice that contains sweeteners such as corn syrup, fructose, etc. This will only increase its caloric content.

Stones in the kidneys

Those who drink cranberry juice on a regular basis should be wary of oxalate deposits. Along with calcium, these substances are part of the kidney stones. The following products are rich in oxalates: okra and beets, peanuts, spinach and chocolate, sweet potatoes, black tea and soy.

According to the National Renal and Urological Information Chamber, a combination of oxalates and calcium is the most common type of kidney stone. Hyperoxaluria is observed in about 20% of patients with urolithiasis - a disproportionately high level of oxalate in the urine. This group of people should especially carefully monitor their diet, excluding cranberry juice and some other products from it.

Other substances responsible for the formation of kidney stones are calcium phosphate, uric acid, struvite and cystine.


If you still think that cranberries are harvested exclusively in environmentally friendly places, you are greatly mistaken.

Only in the United States in the process of growing on the cranberries get a lot of harmful substances, some of which easily penetrate into the berry pulp, and then - in the cranberry juice. On average, researchers find up to 13 different traces of pesticides that are carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and hormone-disruptive.

Since 2006, heightened interest in the problem has reduced the level of chemical contamination of cranberries. And today, most of the American berries meet safety requirements.

Drug Compatibility

Cranberry juice slows down metabolism in the liver, so the drink does not interact well with certain medications, either by increasing or weakening their effect. The side effects of some medications may also be exacerbated.

It is better to refuse cranberry and its derivatives to anyone taking the following medications: elavil, valium, glucotrol, celebrex, advil, motrin, tamoxifen, cozaar, dilantin, felden, coumadin (warfarin) and other blood thinning drugs. Presumably, flavonoids in cranberry juice reduce blood clotting.

Cranberry juice weakens the therapeutic effect of diclofenac by inhibiting the same enzyme that the drug acts on. Diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is attributed to the treatment of pain and inflammation in arthritis and spondylitis.

Since cranberry juice is useful for urinary tract infection, it is often advised to combine it with taking amoxicillin, an antibiotic that is effective for treating bacterial infections. Theoretically, such a comprehensive treatment should be more effective, but research in 2009 proved the illegality of this point of view. The only fact that was able to establish: a slight decrease in the absorption of amoxicillin.