How long the yeast dough is stored. Storage on the shelf of the refrigerator

19.05.2019 Meat dishes

My family loves baking. And I can not stand messing with the dough. Therefore, I usually put a lot of it at once, and use it gradually over several days or even a month - how it goes. This is very convenient, because the dough on yeast in the refrigerator or freezer is perfectly stored, without losing its properties. And I win a lot of time.

Storage rules

Where and how to store the yeast dough depends on how soon you are going to use it.

Storage in the refrigerator

The usual temperature in the refrigerator is about +5 ° C, and in modern units with a freshness zone it can drop to 0. These are excellent conditions if you need to keep the yeast dough until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But not longer.

The fermentation process in the absence of sufficient heat slows down, but does not stop at all. For two days, baking will not perekisnet and retain their taste, but then it can become tasteless.

This applies to the muffin for pies, buns, bread, etc. But the pancake dough can sour faster, so it is advisable to use it within a day.

How I store these products:

  • If the dough remains from the pies, I divide it into portions and put it in a tight (not disposable) plastic bag. To the maximum I let the air out of it and fasten it with a strong knot closer to the edge. Muffin even at low temperatures can "rise", she needs to leave room for this.

  • Pancake Dough   too, leave as little air as possible so that it does not roam. Just cover the pan with a lid - a little, it is better to tighten it with cling film. Another convenient way is to pour it through a funnel into a plastic bottle of a suitable volume and screw the cap on. Oven pancakes then it will be possible, pouring mass into the pan directly from the bottle.

Storage in the freezer

If you ask if you can freeze the yeast dough, I will answer - of course! You probably bought this frozen product in the store. And they were hardly dissatisfied with the quality of baking.

Yeast dough can be stored in the freezer for up to three months at -18 °C. Longer undesirable - peremerznet.

In my opinion, the taste of frozen yeast dough after defrosting is even better than fresh. The main thing - do not freeze it again.

I use two storage methods.:

  • Portioned. As in the previous case, I divide my hands into portions and put them in a tight plastic bag or a special package for freezing with a lock.
  • In the form of semi-finished products. If I know that in the near future I will have no time at all to do baking, then I make buns or pies in my free time.

And then I spread vegetable oil on a baking sheet, put semi-finished products on it and send them literally for a few minutes in a hot oven.

As soon as we got up a little, I take out, cool, wrap a baking sheet with cling film and put it in the freezer. When it is necessary - I take it out, defrost it, and put it in the oven for a duck.

Defrosting rules

It is best to defrost the product in natural conditions - at room temperature. It will take a lot of time, not less than 12 hours, so you need to get it out of the freezer beforehand. If you are going to bake in the morning, then in the evening.

But I have bouts of sclerosis or a situation where baking may be needed earlier. For example, unforeseen guests. The price of the finished baking bites, and go for it to the store.

I use express methods.   Their choice depends on how urgently you may need baking:

Picture Express methods

5–6 hours   This can be done if you lay out the muffin in a bowl, cover with a lid and put in a warm place.

In my case it is a heating boiler, but it can be a battery, a heater or a working stove. Only need to periodically turn the dishes cold side to heat.

2–2.5 hours   freezing will go away in warm water. It should be lowered into the pan with water, without removing it from the bag. And water from time to time to change or reheat.

In a few minutes (from 2 to 10 depending on the volume of the piece) the product is melted in the microwave. The instruction recommends choosing the defrosting mode, and setting the timer for a minimum time.

It is better then to add it if the process is not completed. If you overdo it, the top layer of the dough will overheat and dry out. I try to cut it into smaller pieces so that the defrost is even.

This option is the most undesirable. It is better not to forget to get the frozen product from the freezer on time.

Cold dough recipe


  • Quick-acting dry yeast - 11 g;
  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Butter - 200 g;
  • Milk - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cup for sweet pastries, 1–2 tbsp. for savory;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
Picture Description
Step 1

Pour warm milk into the bowl and mix it with the eggs.

Step 2

Add melted and cooled to warm oil.

Step 3

Pour salt and sugar. Stir.

Step 4

Add a bag of yeast.

Step 5

Sift flour and, gradually adding it to the rest of the ingredients, knead the dough.

Step 6

Put it in a bag and put it in the fridge for 1.5-2 hours. The dough will rise during this time, taking up the entire package volume, and will be ready for use.


Knowing how much chilled dough can be stored, you will save time on cooking it. Because you can mix large portions and use it in parts. For working women it is very convenient.

The video in this article presents another interesting recipe. Milk in it can easily be replaced by water and use the dough during fasting for making delicious pastries.

Recently, housewives are trying to cook bakery with their own hands, and the appearance of various kitchen devices only contributes to this. If you know how to store the yeast dough, you will not have to throw away the product if it is cooked in excessive amounts. And still such skills will allow to get rid of a set of troubles. You can once cooked semi-finished product in large quantities to use it for several days or even weeks. At home, the component is usually stored in the refrigerator or frozen.

Yeast dough storage time

How much dough is stored at home depends on the composition of the product. If there is no yeast, it can lie for several days at low positive temperatures. But the yeast in such conditions continue to "ferment." Therefore, the shelf life of such a component in the refrigerator and freezer are very different:

  • In the refrigerator compartment, the billet will retain its freshness for no more than 12-16 hours. In doing so, certain requirements must be met. If you try to use overexposed and acidified dough for cooking, there is a risk of poisoning.

Tip: Today, yeast dough can be bought in a ready-made form, which greatly simplifies the process of cooking delicious dishes. Choosing a similar product, you must carefully read its composition. Preservatives and various chemical additives are not needed to extend the shelf life of the product. Therefore, their presence should be alerted - it is better to refuse such proposals.

  • But in the freezer billet will lie for weeks, without losing their qualities and taste. True, it is necessary to freeze and thaw the product correctly, otherwise the texture of the composition may deteriorate markedly.

There are even special recipes for the preparation of yeast dough, which require keeping the billet in the cold. After freezing, they turn into a particularly tasty, soft and airy base.

How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator?

In cases where yeast dough only needs to be stored for a few hours, the refrigerator will fit perfectly. Having prepared the product in the evening, you can not waste time on this procedure in the morning. It remains only to get the blank and proceed to the preparation of buns, pancakes and other goodies.

Regardless of how long the semi-finished product spends in the refrigerator, you need to do the following:

  • We take only the amount of dough that will be used according to the plan, everything else will have to be frozen. Roll up the mass in a tight ball, crush your hands and lubricate with vegetable oil.
  • We place the product in a dry and clean plastic bag with a pair of small air holes, tightly tied. If you completely block the access of oxygen, the billet will be spoiled!
  • We choose to store the shelf in the refrigerator, which is the most distant from the freezer.

The temperature of the environment also influences how much the product will be stored. If it is 5-8ºС, then the mass must be used for a maximum of hundreds. At a temperature of 2-3 ° C, the critical periods are postponed already for two days.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer?

In the freezer for a long time, all types of yeast dough and even its layered variant are preserved. Experts recommend using a blank for 2-3 weeks after the bookmark. But, if everything is done correctly, you can count on longer terms - up to 3 months.

To minimize risks, you need to act according to this scheme:

  • The dough is divided into single portions. The component is not subjected to repeated freezing, so after defrosting it will have to be used.
  • For storing products, it is best to use special dishes for storing food in the refrigerator and freezer. It should be dry and clean. Inside it should be greased with a small amount of vegetable oil and sprinkled with flour.
  • If these containers are not available, the product can be wrapped with cling film. Here it is not necessary to lubricate it, it will prevent the packing to fit snugly against the contents, which will negatively affect the texture of the mass.
  • When the dough to be stored in the film is too much. It needs to be rolled and rolled. Otherwise, the workpiece will dry out too much.
  • Frost should be fast and deep. Store the dough should be at a temperature not higher than -15 ..- 18ºС.
  • The product is defrosted first in the refrigerator, on the warmest shelf. After 2-3 hours, it should be removed, put in a bowl and left at room temperature. Only you need to cover it with something and remove away from the sun's rays.

Before you use defrosted or chilled dough, you need to make sure its freshness and quality. You should not use a product from which the characteristic sour smell emanates, even if it has easily risen and looks appetizing.

Preparing yeast dough is quite time-consuming and in some ways a creative process that has a certain technology and features. Each housewife has her own recipes and baking secrets, but not many people know whether you can store yeast dough in the refrigerator and how to do it.

You can store both unleavened and rich yeast dough.   The shelf life depends on its composition, storage temperature and compliance with a number of other conditions. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How long can yeast dough be refrigerated? No more than 48 hours, and it is better to cook it within 24 hours after kneading or immediately freeze.

Cold storage methods

Sometimes it is difficult to calculate the necessary proportions of dough and baking toppings, and in the process of cooking there are surpluses. And then the question arises: is it possible to store the dough in the refrigerator? If you follow the rules and do not exceed the recommended shelf life, then this option is quite possible.

Option 1

If it is necessary to interrupt the dough preparation process for up to 24 hours, then the blank can be placed in a refrigerator and stored at a temperature of +5 ... 8. It can be:

  • liquid diluted yeast;
  • kneaded dough (regardless of whether it managed to rise or not);
  • formed products.

Knead the dough thoroughly before putting it in the fridge.   - It will contribute to the removal of excess carbon dioxide. Then roll into balls, sprinkle with flour and put in a deep container (bowl, container). The container should be covered with cling film, having made holes in it so that the dough “breathes”.

For storage in the refrigerator more fresh yeast dough. Sugar in the pastry speeds up the fermentation processes: this product can be left only until morning, and it is better to freeze it immediately.

Option 2

If you are not sure that tomorrow you will find time for baking, and there is a need to leave the billet for more than 1 day, then the dough can be put in bags and stored in the refrigerator   at a temperature not exceeding +3 (no more than 2 days).

In this case, it is important to remember the following nuances:

  • to maintain the temperature, the dough should be placed in the coldest part of the refrigerator - a freshness zone - or put on the middle shelf, closer to the wall. In these places the temperature is + 1 ... 3 ℃;
  • in the cold, the fermentation process of yeast cultures does not stop, but only slows down, so it is important not to exceed the specified storage periods. Otherwise, the dough will ferment and turn sour.

The dough must be kneaded, rolled into balls, smeared with vegetable oil, and then put into dense plastic bags that are twice the size of the dough (if there is not enough space in the bag, then the dough will simply break it and run out). Bags tie and make holes in them for ventilation.

How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator after lifting? Knead thoroughly, smear with vegetable oil, place in a tight plastic bag, 2 times the volume of dough. Pack a tie and make a few holes in it so that the dough "breathed". Store in the coldest place of the refrigerator no more than 12-16 hours.

To use the dough after being stored in the refrigerator, it must be removed from the bag, put on a board sprinkled with flour, and well poured. Then mix in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave to warm until lifting.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer

Since yeast dough cannot be kept in the fridge for a long time, the only way to keep it for a long time is to freeze it. In the freezer at a temperature of −15 ... −18 dough can be stored for 2-3 months.

It is better to freeze the recently kneaded dough, and not the one that stood in the refrigerator for a whole day or a day: in the latter case, there is a great risk that the dough will not rise after thawing.

Before freezing, the dough is thoroughly kneaded, divided into small pieces and sprinkled with flour or smeared with vegetable oil. Then the dough is placed in tight package   and at will roll out - the flat form promotes a fast defrosting. Packages are tied and sent to the freezer.

For storage you can use sealed plastic containers   or several layers of food film (before wrapping the dough in the film, it does not need to be oiled). Yeast puff pastry wrapped in film and rolled into rollsso that it does not dry out during storage.

Tip: If you often freeze the dough, and several packages accumulate in the freezer, stick paper labels with information on the dough kneading date, the recipe, and the cooking stage at which it was frozen.

In order for the dough to retain all its properties and rise well, it must be properly defrosted. To do this, put the dough in the fridge and defrost for 2-3 hours. Then they take it out, mix it up, put it in a bowl, cover it with a towel and leave it warm until it rises (away from drafts and direct sunlight).

To defrost the dough, you can use a microwave (3-5 minutes in defrosting mode) or warm water (the dough in waterproof bags is placed in a container of warm water until it is completely thawed).

  • form buns or other products;
  • put on a greased baking sheet and send in a preheated oven;
  • when the products rise a little, turn off the oven and pull out the pan;
  • cool the semi-finished products, wrap with cling film and freeze.

These blanks are stored in the freezer. no more than 3 months. If necessary, they are thawed, spread on a baking sheet and baked. Finished products on the basis of semi-finished products are no less tasty and lush than from fresh dough.

It is not difficult to keep yeast dough: if you observe the terms and rules, you can effortlessly please your loved ones with lush and fragrant pastries any day.


We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video recipe of yeast dough, which can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 5 days:

She graduated from the author's physical-mathematical lyceum and art school. Received a degree in economics in the field of "innovation management". Freelancer. Married, actively traveling. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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Yeast dough is used for preparing the most diverse pastries: bread, cakes, and buns. On store shelves, it is sold fresh and frozen. However, women often have a question about how much yeast dough can be stored at home. This is important for generous housewives who are used to kneading a large amount of mass. The shelf life of the test in this case depends on where it will be. The product must be maintained in certain conditions.

Is it possible to store yeast dough?

Cooked dough will lie in the refrigerator for about a day at a temperature of 5−8 ° C. With the help of a series of experiments, bakers proved that it is quite possible to store a cake mix for a specified amount of time. Also do not be afraid to freeze the product, listening to the following arguments:

  • Flour and liquid - one of the main components of such a test. Water or milk is easily frozen. For flour, lowering the temperature is not scary.
  • Long exposure to normal cold on the dough is disastrous. At low temperatures, the fermentation process of the yeast does not stop. As for freezing, then at this time they “fall asleep”.
  • During long periods of time in the freezer, the product hardens. To use the test, you must carefully remove it from this state. Then it will retain the original properties.

Cooks are guided by special recipes, which provide that the dough will be in the cold for a while. So you can safely knead it for future use.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer?

After placing the food in the freezer, you can forget about it for 2-3 weeks. During this time, nothing will happen to the dough. When freezing, divide it into portions, and then follow the instructions:

  1. Purchase a plastic container. Pour 3 drops of sunflower oil into it. Then put the yeast dough in there and put everything in the freezer.
  2. Puff pastry, intended for storage in the refrigerator, carefully wrap in cling film and roll into a roll. So it will lie for a long time, not withered.
  3. Do not thaw or get the product out of the refrigerator until you want to use it. It should not be in contact with warm air.

What could be more delicious than home baking? No holiday table can do without an appetizing cake or a breathtaking homemade cake, and the most hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner will be incomplete without sweets. The most popular among culinary specialists is the yeast dough, which is used to make pies, donuts, cakes, cheesecakes and buns. But it often happens that the required number of products is cooked, and the raw materials remain. Many do not know how to proceed and how to store the yeast dough. You can cool or freeze in the refrigerator, but subject to some rules.

Yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator

Rules for storage in the cold store

Mandatory ingredients of yeast raw materials: water (milk), flour, yeast. These components are easily preserved in the cold. You can leave the yeast dough in the fridge. How much to store it, you ask, a maximum of a day. With a slight decrease in air temperature, the fermentation provoked in the mass by yeast continues, although it stops a little. Therefore, over the next day it should be used, otherwise sour. To save the batter correctly, you need:

  • divide it into small pieces;
  • make a ball from each piece and lubricate it with any vegetable oil;
  • received products should be sent to polyethylene or wrapped in plastic wrap. Previously, you need to make holes so that the mass “breathes”;
  • keep till tomorrow in the coldest place of the refrigerator.

Storage is possible at this temperature: from + 1 to + 7 ° C.

Storage in the freezer

Leaving the blank for a long time is easy - just freeze it. If you maintain the desired air temperature and humidity, the mass and in the frozen form does not lose its properties. It is easy to understand how much dough can be stored: if the temperature range reaches -15–18 ° C, it can be saved for 2 months. There is a list of rules that must be strictly followed.

  1. Divide the mass into parts, taking into account to thaw out gradually as much as is needed for one time, and not the whole billet.
  2. Smear the obtained pieces with vegetable oil or sprinkle with flour.
  3. Parts spread out in special containers or wrapped in plastic wrap for better storage.
  4. Optionally, you can roll roll.

During storage in the freezer, defrosting, thawing and secondary freezing are unacceptable.

Dough should be frozen in portions.

Defrosting rules

Frozen raw materials are easy to spoil, if poorly defrost it. Defrosting is carried out gradually, step by step. Frozen pasty mass needs to be moved to the refrigerator for a few hours to allow it to thaw a little. Then pull out and put thawing already at room temperature. It is advisable not to leave the defrosted billet in drafts or under the sun.

Slightly cool the dough to cover the canvas and wait for the yeast to ferment, and it will begin to rise. If you have already risen, you can immediately go to rolling, forming and baking products.

Thawed dough should be kept away from drafts.

Storage of yeast free product

A characteristic feature of a yeast-free mass is the absence of yeast: fresh, biscuit, shortbread, chopped, flaky, choux and pancake dough. Because of this, it has a long shelf life.

  1. Fresh is quick and easy to prepare, the main ingredients are flour and cold water. Indispensable for cooking dumplings, ravioli, baking pies and pizza. It is very easy to keep in the fridge: divide it into pieces, make cakes of them, wrap with cling film and put on the shelf. So it will last until the next day. Frozen dumplings dough and pizza can be stored for up to 6 months, and after defrosting it will be suitable for baking.
  2. Biscuit is very capricious, so the preparation requires a certain skill. But the taste is amazing! In the refrigerator, the product can last for 7 days, in the freezer - up to 6 months. To preserve biscuit dough, it is important to carefully pack in an airtight container and polyethylene.
  3. Shortbread is ideal for baking delicious cookies. The cold is only good for him. That is why before baking products from shortcrust pastry, it is kept in the refrigerator for about 4 hours. Frozen can be stored in the freezer for about 2 months. After defrosting it must be kneaded until the lumps disappear. Then it will be especially crumbly.
  4. Chopped, which is a kind of sand, you should not keep a long time in the cold, a maximum - until the next morning. It is better to keep it in the refrigerator, because as a result of freezing, the ready chopped dough hardens and becomes unusable.
  5. Puff, thanks to its plasticity, is ideal for the preparation of various shaped products. From it you can cook croissants, puffs and bows. Well kept in the cold, where it can be left for a long time. Only you can not allow drying puff pastry, so it is important to carefully pack in cling film and leave in the refrigerator. Before freezing it is best to additionally wrap with polyethylene. Stored for about 3 days in the refrigerator, and up to 5 months - in the freezer.
  6. Choux is perfect for the formation of porous products - cakes, eclairs, profiteroles and pasties. Pre-prepared billet feels great in the freezer without losing crisp properties. The finished choux pastry wrapped in film can be left for 3 days in the refrigerator and for half a year in the freezer.


It is easy to conclude that the finished dough remaining in the cooking process can be easily stored in the refrigerator or freezer for a long time. Subject to the terms and features of storage, you can effortlessly please yourself, friends and loved ones with fresh homemade pastries.