Cooking homemade wine from cherries. Cherry wine at home is a simple recipe with pits and without

20.05.2019 Egg Dishes

How to make wine from cherries at home. Recipes for sweet, dry, fortified cherry wine.

Awareness that alcoholic beverages are harmful to health does not deter people from using them with one or another regularity, in one quantity or another. At the festive table, with a long-awaited meeting, on a “trip” to nature, from time to time almost every time passes a glass, a glass, a glass.

Unfortunately, alcohol itself is harmful, and how it is produced and stored. And if you already drink, it is better to make homemade wine made from natural raw materials, without the addition of chemistry, for example, from cherries.

The benefits and harms of homemade cherry wine

There is an opinion that cherry wine is second-rate, it is much inferior to grape wine. But vineyards are not everywhere, and cherries will be born every year in almost every suburban area. And if everyone has already eaten useful berries, covered jam and stewed fruit with them, you can make a good and somewhat useful wine at home.

In the composition of the wine, if it is cooked correctly, all those useful substances that cherry contains will remain:

  • carbohydrates in the form of sugars
  • vitamins and minerals
  • organic acids
  • tannins
  • pectins

If there are no contraindications, the norm of consumption of alcohol-containing drinks is not exceeded, wine made from cherries, prepared at home, can benefit the human body:

  • increase blood pressure
  • improve appetite
  • get warm
  • overcome depression
  • improve sleep
  • cheer up and performance

But be that as it may, homemade cherry wine can do much harm. Firstly, because it contains alcohol, and everyone is aware of its effect on the human body. Also:

  1. Cherry pits contain toxic hydrocyanic acid. If the preparation of wine does not remove them from the berries, the liver may not cope, poisoning will occur.
  2. Cherry wine has a lot of sugar, it is contraindicated for diabetics
  3. Home-made alcohol cannot be drunk for people with hypertension.
  4. Fruit acids found in cherry wine can aggravate gastritis, stomach ulcers
  5. These acids also corrode tooth enamel.

IMPORTANT: Homemade cherry wine must be properly prepared to store, otherwise it will turn into poison

What berries are better for making homemade cherry wine?

The most delicious and healthy wine will come from the cherries collected in the season:

  • with sourness
  • dark color
  • ripened
  • not spoiled

From the moment of picking the berries until the start of wine preparation, a maximum of 2-3 days should pass, otherwise the cherries may become sour or rot.

IMPORTANT: Wine is also made from frozen berries and even sour compote

Here are some more important points to consider in order to make a tasty wine, whether it be made from cherries or some other berries:

  1. Dishes and equipment for making a drink should be glass or wooden
  2. Water for wine should be taken boiled, distilled or spring, if there is absolute confidence in its quality
  3. Wine bottles must be washed thoroughly, best with soda
  4. The process of making homemade cherry wine is somewhat sacred. People have sayings that, in their opinion, contribute to getting a drink with the best taste.

Homemade cherry wine with pits: recipe

Winemakers are advised to still remove the seeds from the cherries before making wine from them. But some people like to leave them, because the seeds give the drink a bitterness similar to the taste of almonds.

  1. For 1 kg of cherries, approximately 700 g of sugar and 1 liter of water are needed
  2. Cherries are washed and soaked for 12-24 hours, so that they are conveniently crushed, this crush is called a pulp. Knead berries with your hands or a wooden crush
  3. Drain the water and carefully push the berries so that each of them burst
  4. Pour the crushed cherries with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and add sugar to them
  5. The mass is thoroughly kneaded, placed in a container with a lid and sent to a dark and cool place
  6. So the future wine is kept for about 10 days, stirring every 2-3 days
  7. After you can remove the berries and seeds, they will have to surface by this time. Therefore, wine is simply poured through a colander or sieve
  8. Now the screw should wander in a glass bowl. During fermentation, it actively emits carbon dioxide. To banks or bottles with it did not explode, you need a water seal. You can buy it or make it yourself
  9. After 10-14 days, a white precipitate will be visible at the bottom of the bottles, it must be filtered. Wine is simply poured into another dish through a thin hose.
  10. The drink wanders for another 2 weeks, after which it can be poured into a permanent bowl and corked
  11. Young homemade cherry wine is aged for about 14 weeks, and it will be suitable for consumption for 9 months, that is, just in time for the new berry harvest

Cherry wine at home: a simple recipe

There is an even simpler recipe for making delicious wine from cherries:

  1. It is necessary to take 3 kg of berries, 5 glasses of sugar, half a teaspoon of dried yeast and 4 liters of water
  2. Berries dragle and spread in a spacious bowl
  3. The water is brought to a boil, cherry is poured with boiling water
  4. Leave them to soak for 5 days, then filter
  5. Add sugar and yeast to the future wine
  6. Wine is kept in glass under a hydrolock for 3 weeks, after stirring and filtering
  7. Bottled and corked wine is aged for about six months, after which you can drink

IMPORTANT: To make the taste of the drink more original, you can add some raspberries or black currants to the cherries

VIDEO: Pitted Cherry Wine Recipe

Cherry Wine with Yeast

Obviously, yeast is needed in order for the wine to ferment well, that is, carbon dioxide is released. Conventional bakeries are not suitable, they will not give the drink anything but an unpleasant odor.

IMPORTANT: We need special wine yeast, they are in supermarkets

Wine yeast wakes up in a special nutrient medium - ammonium phosphate. They grow at a temperature of 20-24 degrees, not lower and not higher.

IMPORTANT: You can grow yeast for homemade cherry wine from raisins. For this, dried grapes are poured with warm water for 3-4 days

Wine does not wander endlessly. The growth of yeast in it slows down as the degree increases, and when alcohol is more than 15-18%, it completely stops.

Cherry wine at home: recipe without yeast

Without yeast, you can make homemade, easily, “feminine” cherry wine.

  1. Juice is squeezed out of fresh, unspoiled berries. To make this easier to do, they are soaked in 2 liters of water per 10 kg of berries
  2. Add 0.5-1 kg of sugar and 3 g of citric acid to juice
  3. The drink is poured into a glass dish and carbon dioxide removal is organized.
  4. So the bottles should stand warm for a month and a half
  5. The wine is freed from sediment and again aged for a month
  6. Further, it is poured into a permanent container, kept corked in a cool place for 3 months

How to make fortified cherry wine: a recipe

The recipe for making fortified wine from a cherry differs from the classic one only in that alcohol is added to the drink, and it will turn out stronger.

  1. Take about 5 ml of alcohol per 1 kg of berries
  2. Alcohol is added to the pulp simultaneously with water and sugar.

VIDEO: CHERRY WINE. Step-by-Step Home Cooking Recipe

How to make sweet cherry wine? Cherry Juice Wine

  1. Juice is obtained in the traditional way from fresh ripe cherries.
  2. To get 10 liters of wort, take 7 liters of cherry juice, 1.5 liters of water, 2.5 kg of sugar
  3. 1.5 kg of sugar is added to the brewing drink for fermentation to occur.
  4. 1 kg of sugar is added to the drink after it is fermented, smoothed and filtered

How to make dry cherry wine?

Dry homemade cherry wine is called cherry. It is concentrated, tart, with a pronounced taste. Usually, cherry is made from pitted berries.

  1. On a 10-liter bucket of cherries take 4 kg of sugar
  2. Unwashed berries spread in glass jars and covered with sugar
  3. Cans do not cover, but simply tie their necks with gauze
  4. Banks should stand in direct sunlight for about a month
  5. The resulting juice is drained
  6. The berries are squeezed, and what is wrung out is added to the juice
  7. They put the juice in a glass under gauze again in the sun, hold it there for 3 days
  8. Filter the wine and leave for two weeks to reach, now in a dark place

IMPORTANT: If the vishnyak turns out to be too strong, it is permissible to dilute it with a small amount of water

How to make wine from a fermented cherry compote?

If the cherry compote, harvested for the winter, has deteriorated, you can "save the product" by turning it into wine. Sugar and sourdough will be needed.

  1. Ferment can be made from wine yeast, but skillful home-winemakers got used to it in a different way: they just add 7-10 raisins to a fermented compote
  2. Compote with sugar and raisins is better to pour into three-liter jars, not wear rubber medical gloves on their necks
  3. The glove is an indicator of the completion of the fermentation process. During which it will be inflated. When carbon dioxide stops releasing, it will fall off
  4. Usually, compote wine wanders about a month
  5. After it is poured into sterile bottles and tightly closed, leave to ripen for another 1 - 4 months

How to make wine from cherry jam?

It happens that cherry jam does not go? It doesn’t matter, they made it out of him to make wine.

IMPORTANT: Cherry jam, if you plan to make wine out of it, should not be spoiled. If mold is present in the bank, discard it.

  1. 1 kg of jam is diluted with 1 liter of water
  2. Add 100 g of sugar
  3. The cans with the prepared drink are tightly closed, left warm, but hidden from sunlight
  4. After 4-5 days, the pulp is separated by straining
  5. In 1 liter of strained wine add another 100 g of sugar
  6. Also in a dark and warm place they leave the wine to ferment under a water lock for 2-3 months
  7. When the fermentation stops, the wine is carefully poured into a permanent dish so that the sediment remains
  8. Ripe wine from homemade cherry jam for 2 months

VIDEO: Wine from Cherry Jam

There are many different recipes for making aromatic alcoholic drinks from cherries. Berry wine does not require the addition of any rare or expensive ingredients, for which it is appreciated by lovers of homemade blanks. If cherry trees grow in your garden, then the production of this drink will cost you practically nothing. Feel free to experiment by adding plums, black or red currants, cherries, gooseberries and raspberries. This will not spoil the taste, but will give the bouquet an unusual, unique sound.

How to choose the right berries

Cherry wine is best done using simple rather than hybrid varieties of berries. To make an alcoholic drink, take ripe, young cherries. Overripe fruits covered with dark dots under the influence of pests or tree diseases should not be taken as a basis. Such spoiled berries can distort the taste of the final product and all the efforts spent on preparing the liquor will be lost.

Collect fruit only in dry weather as close as possible to the date of preparation of the liquor. If the fruits were harvested in advance, store them in the refrigerator. However, for more than three days, berries cannot be kept in a refrigerator or in any other place - they will become unsuitable for winemaking. To get the original result, you can take several varieties of cherries, but in certain proportions. There should be slightly more sour berries than sweet ones, otherwise your drink will be tasteless.

What kind of dishes do you need

To create cherry wine, you will need at least one volumetric vessel such as a barrel or bucket (it is needed during fermentation) and several three-liter jars (for storage). Fermentation tanks should be chosen large, since the liquid in the process will foam very much and rise to the edges of the vessel. Pick up such dishes so that the wort is no more than 70% of the total volume. The vessel must have a lid to block the access of oxygen, and a wide throat, because from time to time you have to stir the wort.

All dishes for winemaking can be made of glass, stainless steel, food plastic or be enameled. An oak barrel is an ideal solution, but such a vessel greatly complicates the process of preparing a drink, so it is not recommended for beginners to take it. The walls of the containers should not be transparent, because wine does not like sunlight. It is better to wrap glass vessels with some dense material: felt cloth or newspapers. This measure, in addition, will help protect the must from temperature extremes.

The best recipes

To make homemade cherry wine saturated, you should correctly calculate how many berries you need for its preparation. Note that the final product will be about 55-60% of the initial volume of the workpiece (water, sugar, cherries). If the wort has stood for several days, but there is no fermentation, add a handful of raisins to the liquid. At the final stage of fermentation, it will settle off with the rest of the sediment.

Classic recipe

Like apples and gooseberries, cherries are the best fruit for making wine after grapes. Homemade cherry alcohol is very spicy, vibrant and delicious. Berry juice is characterized by high acidity and relatively low sugar content. Cherry has a rich, bright aroma and tart, pleasant taste, which is explained by the tannins contained in the berry. The wine comes out resistant to acidification and perfectly clarifies on its own without any wine making techniques.


  • 3 kilos of sugar.
  • 10 liters of cherries.
  • 10 liters of water.


  1. Prepare the berries according to the general technology: get the seeds, mash the cherries, fill with purified water, wring out.
  2. Pour the fluid into a large vessel by putting on a latex glove.
  3. After 2-3 days, the fermentation process will begin, which will last about a month. Leave the wine container in a dark, warm place.
  4. When the air leaves the glove and the liquid stops bubbling, try cherry wine. If it is moderately sweet and sour - everything is ready.
  5. If you need to keep homemade wine for a long time, for example, leaving it for the winter, add 500 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol to it. The strength of the drink will increase, but it will be protected from souring.

From juice

Due to the fact that cherry berries are publicly available and inexpensive, they are often used to make homemade alcohol. The recipe for table cherry wine is very simple, but the drink prepared with it will delight your family with an excellent taste. In order to make homemade wine you don’t need any rare components, everything is possible to get at the nearest supermarket or in the market.


  • 4 liters of pure water.
  • 3 kilos of cherries.
  • One and a half kilos of sugar.
  • 2 lemons.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the cherry by removing the sticks and seeds. Try to minimize juice loss.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, pour the prepared berries. Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and keep the must in a warm, dark room for several days.
  3. When table wine begins to wander: foaming, hissing, rising - strain the thick with a sieve or gauze to filter the remaining berries.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice from two medium-sized fruits and add to the wine along with sugar. Make sure that these components are completely dissolved in the drink, you can stir the liquid with a long clean tool.
  5. Move the wort into the fermentation vessel, securing the rubber glove with a small hole on the finger. Leave the cherry tincture in a warm place (the required temperature is about 20 degrees) and in a dark room for 2-3 weeks. Moreover, the thick should be mixed daily so that acetic acid zones do not appear in it.
  6. When the glove is deflated, a precipitate will appear in the bottle, and the liquid will turn a light shade, strain the house wine again through a dense sieve or gauze and pour into beautiful bottles, tightly corking.
  7. Store the cherry low-alcohol drink for no longer than a year in a cool place where sunlight does not penetrate, such as a cellar.

Fortified with frozen cherry on vodka

Homemade alcoholic drinks, as a rule, are thick, have a bright aroma and rich taste. Wine made from cherries with vodka, regardless of its strength, is very soft and fragrant. Thanks to the spicy, sweet cherry smell, your guests will not realize that this wonderful drink was made from a frozen piece based on real vodka itself.


  • 100 ml of quality vodka.
  • 8 liters of pure water.
  • 3 pounds of frozen cherry berries.
  • A pound of sugar.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. It is not necessary to thaw the fruits before cooking, you can pour them into a jar and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Leave the cherries warm for several hours, letting them pour in the juice and absorb the sweetness of sugar.
  3. Pour in a container to the fruit of water, mix the wort thoroughly, cork with a lid with a water seal.
  4. When the homemade drink wanders for 2.5-3 weeks at room temperature, strain it and pour into storage vessels. If desired, add a little vodka to each bottle - this will make cherry wine more resistant, long-lasting.
  5. Put the bottles in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Homemade spiced drink is ready to drink.

Fermented Compote Dry Wine

If for some reason you don’t have the opportunity to buy fresh cherries, you can even use compote to make homemade wine. Wine from a fermented compote of cherries does not last long, the process of its fermentation is quick, and the taste is in no way inferior to a drink based on fresh berries. The ease of preparation makes it possible to make homemade wine even for beginner winemakers.


  • 6 liters of cherry compote.
  • 0.4 kg of sugar.
  • 50 grams of grapes.

Cooking method:

  1. Leave the berry compote in a warm place for a couple of days until it is covered with a thin film of mold on top. If the compote is already fermented, skip this step.
  2. Mix the drink with sugar and raisins, place a glove or lid with a water seal on the neck.
  3. Put the must in a warm place to ferment.
  4. Filter homemade cherry wine, pour into glass vessels. The finished alcoholic beverage should be kept cool for at least 16 weeks.

Chokeberry Cooking

Chokeberry is grown not only as a fruit, but also as an ornamental or medicinal plant. It contains a large amount of beta-carotene, iron, boron, fluorine, copper, vitamins C, K, P, B6, B1, B2, E required by the body. The medicinal properties of the plant allow even rowan leaves to be used. Wine created on the basis of this miraculous berry is considered one of the most delicious.


  • Cherry leaves (60-80 pcs.).
  • A glass of rowan fruits.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Litere of water.
  • 500 ml of vodka.
  • Half a teaspoon of citric acid.


  1. On low heat in prepared water, boil cherry leaves and mountain ash.
  2. When the components boil for 8-10 minutes, cool and strain the liquid.
  3. Add citric acid, sugar to future wine (you can replace it with honey).
  4. Simmer for another 15 minutes, cool the drink.
  5. Add vodka, distribute the drink in bottles, tightly closing the lids.
  6. Allow homemade wine to brew for 14 days where the sun does not fall.

Pouring yeast from cherry and redcurrant fruits

Before preparing homemade wine, all used dishes must be washed with soda to destroy all germs and particles of acetic acid. Moreover, it is necessary to wash the vessels even those that are used a second time after the first stage of fermentation, that is, when overflowing into the same container, it should again be thoroughly treated with soda and water.


  • A kilo of red currants.
  • 6 pounds of cherries.
  • 500 g of granulated sugar.


  1. Sort, wash the cherries, removing the seeds. Grind with a juicer or blender.
  2. Peel the currants and mash them with a pestle.
  3. Pour cherry and currant juices into one container, add sugar and cherry pits here.
  4. Mix thoroughly, plug the bottle with a glove with a small hole through which air will flow.
  5. Place the vessel on fermentation (3-4 months). Filter the drink by bottling. Let homemade cherry wine brew for a couple more months, after which you can drink it.

What to do if the wort does not roam

Common causes of home wine lack of reaction are:

  • Not enough fermentation time. The process begins only a few days after the installation of the water seal on the bottle, the natural yeast contained in the drink needs time to activate. Observe cherry wine for another 4-5 days.
  • Incorrect temperature conditions. Yeast starts to work at 10-30 degrees. If the room where the wine is located is colder, they "sleep", and in the hot - they die. Make sure that the homemade tincture is not exposed to sudden changes in temperature, place the container in a more “comfortable” environment for wine. If necessary, add wine starter or non-alcoholic yeast to the wort.
  • Poor sealing. Air leaves the bottle and fermentation does not occur. There is a risk that the wine will become acidic, so try to open the container less often. It is allowed to do this no more than two times a day to add sugar or remove foam. For maximum tightness, coat the junction of the glove with the bottle with dough.

  • The wine is too thick. Cherry drink is difficult to filter, and a thick consistency is difficult to ferment. Dilute homemade wine with purified water (not more than 15% of the total).
  • A lot or a little sweets. Sugar is food for yeast, so its content should be about 15-20%. Try the wort to taste, if it is too sweet, add water, the sour ground indicates a lack of sugar - add it with the calculation of 50 grams per liter of water.
  • Mold. Perhaps you poorly washed the container or the cherries were spoiled and a fungus got into the house wine. Remove the mold film, transfer the wine with a straw into a new clean container and wait until it is fermented again.
  • Poor yeast. Add special wine yeast, fresh crushed berries (5 grapes are enough for 10 liters of water), homemade sourdough and give the homemade drink time for fermentation.

Benefit and harm

A huge amount of nutrients, including organic acids (folic), minerals, vitamins and pectins - all contain cherry berries. Fruits contain enzymes indispensable for the human body, natural sugar, nitrogenous and tannins. Such a rich composition of the popular raw materials for making homemade wine, with the right dosage, has a beneficial effect on human health.

However, in addition to its beneficial properties, cherries have dangerous components, for example, a strong concentration of acids. Of particular danger to us is hydrocyanic acid, located in the fetal bone. Therefore, when adding this ingredient to homemade wine, the proportions should be strictly observed. People with high acidity and gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers) should not drink cherry alcohol at all. In large quantities, the acids found in berries harm tooth enamel.

Cherry wine is good for dessert

Everyone would like to enjoy the aroma and taste of good wine. One of these is homemade cherry wine. The simple preparation of wine at home, described in this article, will give you the opportunity to enjoy both the process of making cherry wine and the result that you can please yourself and your loved ones.

How to make homemade cherry wine

Getting ready to make homemade cherry wine

Making homemade wine will not take much of your time. Cherry, like grapes, is the best fruit for winemaking and gives excellent wine. Cherry juice has more acids than sugars, however, all varieties are suitable for winemaking. You need to collect the fruits in dry weather and it is advisable not to wash them in order to preserve the wild yeast that we need for normal fermentation. It is necessary to refuse not ripened, overripe and very sweet cherries. It is necessary to sort out and in no case use spoiled and moldy fruits. Otherwise, soon your homemade cherry wine will begin to deteriorate and this process will already be irreversible. You cannot make real cherry wine from frozen raw materials at home. Fruits must be used no later than two days after harvest. Scald the containers for cherry wine with boiling water and wipe dry. To make cherry wine at home, we use plastic, enameled and glass containers. It is necessary to prepare water, taking into account 1 liter per 1 kg of cherries. Water should be clean (well, well). In urban conditions, it is necessary to prepare water in advance and let it settle for about a day with access to oxygen.

We put homemade cherry wine on fermentation

Let's start making wine. Manually squeeze unwashed cherries. If crushed bones, the wine from the cherry will have a sugary taste and a pungent smell of bitter almonds. We fill the capacity for brewing wine with sugar solution to 2/3 of its volume, otherwise everything will climb through the top at the time of fermentation. Sugar should first be diluted in water. For homemade cherry wine per 1 kg of crushed cherries, you need 700 g of sugar and 1 liter of water. The fermentation mixture obtained in this way is called a must. In order to prevent midges from entering cherry wine, at home we cover the vessel with multilayer gauze or a towel and place it in a warm (18-25 ° C) place, protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the wort can turn sour. Within a few days, fermentation will begin, accompanied by a sour smell, boiling, foam. Several times a day, wine from cherries should be mixed until smooth.

We filter cherry wine at home

After 4-6 days of rapid fermentation, filter the wine from the cherry through a sieve or colander. Pour homemade cherry wine into a bottle or jar and seal it tightly with a lid with a rubber tube through which carbon dioxide generated during fermentation will escape. We lower the other end of the tube in a jar or glass with cold water. Cover the pulp with water, mix and set again for a few days for fermentation. We place both vessels with future homemade cherry wine in the same conditions for another 4-6 days and leave them alone.

Fermentation of homemade cherry wine

After a few days, filter through a fine strainer. Well squeeze the cake. The pulp should be separated when it feels dry to the touch. We clear the remaining house wine from the sediment by pouring it into another container through a tube. We pour everything into one container. It is necessary to tightly close the lid with the tube and not allow oxygen to penetrate inside. The duration of fermentation of homemade wine from cherries depends on the activity of yeast and room temperature. Over time, the activity of the bubbles will decrease and a precipitate will form. Making wine at home takes 25-55 days.

Put the wine made from cherry

The clarified house wine is poured through a tube or hose without touching the sediment. Cork the bottle tightly and seal with plasticine. Transfer the cherry wine to a cooler 6-10 ° C and a dark room for 6-12 months to ripen it. During this time, home-made wine acquires a wine taste and aroma. As sediment accumulates, it can be poured and tightly closed again. Metal lids and containers are not suitable for cooking or storage. As sediment accumulates, wine from cherries needs to be poured through a straw. Homemade wine is finished.

Enjoying cherry wine

Self-made wine gives your drink unique qualities. Cherry makes excellent dark wines with a bright aroma and rich taste. Homemade wine from cherries wanders and brightens well. A couple of hours before drinking, you can add sugar or pure water to your taste in homemade wine.

Everyone knows that wine is the oldest of the spirits invented by mankind at the dawn of its existence. But, contrary to the name, of course, it is prepared not only from grapes. And in some eastern and even European countries, cherry wine with seeds is even considered a kind of national symbol, and the technological methods of its preparation are passed from grandfather to father, from father to son by inheritance. In addition, a good glass of high-quality berry drink is an integral part of a dinner party, and an addition to a business meeting or a warm feast with friends and colleagues. Why not use a good recipe?

Cherry is not worse than grapes!

Such a drink, prepared with your own hands in the kitchen, can become the real pride of the owner of the house. And making homemade cherry wine with a bone is a real hobby, for example, for an experienced gardener or a beginner distillery. A bottle of natural wine is not a sin to treat friends and family. After all, its creation, we will not be afraid of this word, requires skills and certain efforts. But then, those who can properly manage their stock of patience may want to try to make it yourself according to the recipes below. And believe me: your resource will not be wasted. After all, the simple with seeds, although it may be inferior to some types of grape drink, but quite confidently surpasses other fruit wines. It is a tasty and aromatic, healthy and rich in trace elements and vitamins alcohol. After all, with bones is done from a pure heart, with the addition of pulp, bone, water and sugar. In turn, I would like to offer some simple and tried-and-tested recipes for this drink: fortified, semi-sweet table, and liquor. Well, are you ready to try cooking?

The first step, on which much depends

Homemade with bones is made from varieties of pure, not hybrid. Berries, of course, should be selected fresh, ripe, juicy, in color - preferably dark-colored. Corrupted fruits with brownish spots and dots are better to throw right away at the sorting step. Do not forget about this fact: the harvest that was stored in the refrigerator for more than three days after the harvest is considered not quite suitable for making the right homemade wine. The best option is your own cherry orchard and your own harvest. To get an excellent homemade cherry wine with pits, regardless of the different nuances of the recipes, it is worth taking the first step for its production: a careful selection of raw materials.

Berries - this is important!

Berries must be sorted out, seeds must not be removed. In our recipes, this is exactly what you need to do: in order to get a taste of almonds, which, no doubt, will be an audible note in this wine when you use whole berries. Then the fruits (in some recipes, by the way, do not wash cherries at all) must be mashed and filled with purified prepared water (best if you buy it in a store). After a day, the entire mass must be carefully wrung out. The resulting wort will become the basis if you decide to make cherry wine with pits.

In making the drink, the following advice will help you: if the wort has stood for a couple of days, and the fermentation processes have not yet begun or are extremely weak - you need to add a handful of unwashed natural raisins to the liquid (wine yeast lives there). At the final stage of winemaking, you will track it, along with other unnecessary rainfall. However, now the fermentation of wine will begin to take place very actively, and all your efforts (products, by the way, too) will not be wasted, and the future drink will not suffer at all from this either, on the contrary, it will benefit.

Final Product Calculation

If you are going to make wine from cherry with seeds, then it’s not so difficult to calculate how much final product you will get in the final. The finished wine will have somewhere a little more than half of the initial volume of the whole mass (i.e. berries, plus sugar, plus water). For example, from ten liters of source you can get about six liters of the purest and most delicious wine. Naturally, with a general increase in the volume of ingredients, the final yield of the drink will also be added.

Assorted - it is possible!

It may happen that you want to make not pure wine from cherries with pits, but some sort of assortment, where the basis is this berry. Do not be afraid of such an experiment. You can add to the cherries and currants, and plums, and raspberries. This procedure will not spoil the precious product, but only give it a piquant zest. The main thing is that cherries make up at least 50% of the total fruit mass.

A bit about utensils

For winemaking you will have to use a full arsenal of vessels and various containers: a fermentation barrel or a food container, a few ordinary 3-liter jars, narrow bottles of 0.5-0.75 for the finished product, a watering can, a bucket and the like accessories. Acceptable material - glass or stainless steel, metal with enamel, food grade plastic. Wine lovers are not advised to take a wooden barrel for making a drink in the kitchen. This capacity will greatly complicate the whole process. Do not forget about the lids with the shutter, and gauze dressings, and the culinary strainer, and other necessary devices!

Wine made from pitted cherries. Step by step recipe

It should be noted that the drink has a spicy almond flavor, slightly reminiscent of the famous "Amaretto". The wine has a wonderful rich ruby \u200b\u200bhue, an unusual aroma with tart notes of spices. We need: a bucket of cherries with pits, two buckets of peeled water, 7 kilograms of granulated sugar.

To make the wine fragrant and pleasant, choose a ripe, not overripe, sweet and sour berry. Wash, as we already said, it is not necessary, so as not to remove bacteria from its surface that improve fermentation. The bone is also not removed. We take spring water, artesian, warming it to room temperature. At the exit from these ingredients, we should get more than 20 liters of excellent table wine (semi-sweet).

Cooking Wort

As a container we will use a plastic barrel for drinking water with a lid. The mass of the wort should occupy three quarters of its total. Cherry must first be crushed in a bowl suitable for these needs. Then we transfer the berries with the seeds into a barrel, pour some water there, pour sugar, mix everything thoroughly, close the lid tightly and set aside in the heat and darkness for fermentation.


This process can last in different ways, depending on the conditions and variety - 15-20 days. At this stage, the foam actively passes, and the fruits of the cherry rise up. The optimum temperature is up to 25 degrees, not lower than 20. To reduce the temperature of the wandering wort, you need to crush a small piece of ice. And if you need an increase - we heat a little from the contents of the container, not to a boil, but to make it hot, and pour it back. From the second day at least two times the wort is stirred - so the whole first week.

Quiet fermentation, sediment removal

We cover the dishes with the fermenting mixture loosely and set them in darkness and coolness (a cellar is good for these purposes, where the temperature is about ten degrees). There, the drink should last 10 days or 2 weeks. After settling dense 2-centimeter precipitations, we make an overflow, filtering the wine with a hose from one container to another (some prefer to make several overflows). The procedure is repeated until the complete fermentation process is completed (we check by applying the auricle to the bottle: there should be no hissing in the complete absence of bubbles). The taste of the drink at this time is without excessive sweetness, not alcohol waves are felt in the aroma, and the smell of good cherry with pits completes the following steps.

Ripening wine bottling

We pack up almost ready-made young wine in bottles using a familiar hose, then plug it. Now the drink needs to be kept in a dark place, then it will be as transparent as possible, excellent in color and aroma.

Pitted Cherry Wine with Glove

Our people are fancy on fiction! Here is another fairly common, fairly affordable recipe for cherry wine with pits. Prepared from cherries at home, such alcohol will have a tart and spicy taste. So, a simple recipe for cherry wine with pits - for your close attention!

Ingredients: cherry with a stone - 10 kg, granulated sugar - 3 kg, prepared water - 10 liters.

  1. We prepare carefully selected cherries. Knead, pour sugar, pour purified water and slightly squeeze.
  2. We put the resulting mass into jars of three liters each. Glassware should be two-thirds full.
  3. We put on a rubber glove for each jar (sold at a pharmacy or hardware store). After a few days, the wort begins to ferment, this process can last about 30 days, but no more.
  4. At this time, the glove on the jar rises and straightens, as if releasing a greeting to us. When the air comes out of the gloves, and the bubbles disappear in the containers, this means that the drink is ready for use. Pour into beautiful bottles, cork. To keep it longer, add (but not necessarily) a little vodka with a strength of 40 degrees (fix).


Cherry wine with pits with vodka for those who like "hotter"! We offer a simple recipe for a homemade drink. Soft, pleasant to the taste, with delicate aromas of fresh ripe cherry berries with pits - such is his character! And what is surprising: wine can even be made from frozen cherries.

Ingredients: 3 kg of cherries in a bag from the freezer, 8 liters of purified water, a pound of sugar, half a glass of vodka. It is better to take good vodka, without additives and essences - pure (or diluted alcohol). How to make cherry wine with pits according to this recipe?

Now you know with the bones. As you can see, there are various interesting ways of preparing this beautiful, healthy cherry alcoholic drink: simpler and more complex, more traditional and according to individual recipes. At least, from cherries you can make, if desired and appropriate skills, table, semisweet wine fortified with vodka, as well as liqueurs and excellent liquors. However, the preparation of the latter is a topic of a completely different conversation. Bon Appetit!