How to make sour pancakes with yeast. How such pancakes are prepared

25.08.2019 Soups

In the Russian culinary tradition, sour dough is usually called dough fermented with the help of sourdough - yeast. Most often, pancakes were baked from such a dough. The thickness of the pancakes depends on the consistency of the dough; sour dough pancakes are porous and very light.

I rarely make yeast pancakes, because it takes time for the dough to stand. But this recipe is successful in that the dough can be kneaded in the morning, and pancakes can be baked only in the evening.

Before sharing the recipe, I will give

7 secrets of correct Russian pancakes :

1. After kneading the yeast dough, do not put it in a warm place, but, on the contrary, put it in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. Before frying the pancakes, remove the dough and let it rise at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours. Long slow fermentation will not only fill the dough with numerous bubbles of carbon dioxide, but also make it ripe and tasty. Yeast must be alive!

2. Salt the dough beforehand, before it rises. The same applies to sugar and any other flavors (vanilla, etc.) The risen dough will no longer be in the way. If this cannot be avoided, let the dough rise again.

3. The thickness of the pancakes depends on the consistency of the dough: the thinner it is, the thinner the pancakes will be and vice versa. There are no other secrets!

4. After the dough has risen, do not stir it. To fry the next pancake, scoop it up with a ladle from the top, not from the bottom. And don't even put the ladle in the dough bowl. Place a small saucer next to it to place a ladle on it while the pancake is toasting.

5. Grease the pan with vegetable oil using a half of a potato with a fork stuck into it. This will allow you to accurately dose the oil and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the pan. Do not neglect this even if you are using a non-stick pan. Very tasty and beautiful pancakes are obtained if you fry them in ghee, and use butter to grease ready-made pancakes.

6. Grill the pancakes on the largest burner on medium heat. This will allow the pan to warm up evenly. Don't overcook the pancakes! This is just as important as not overcooking the pasta or overcooking a steak or a piece of salmon. Correctly fried pancakes should not be brown, but only have a pleasant, light blush.

7. Put the prepared pancakes on a plate, under which place a saucepan with boiling water over the lowest heat. You fry a huge stack of pancakes and they all stay warm.

450 g wheat flour
1 tbsp Sahara
20 g butter
1 egg
10 g live yeast
10 g salt
400 g milk
300 ml of water (I needed 500 ml for the thickness of the pancakes that I wanted)

1.Mix milk, egg, salt, melted butter, yeast, sugar
2.Add flour and stir well to avoid lumps.
3.After 1.5 hours, add water and knead the dough to the desired consistency
4.further follow the recommendations described above in the secrets of pancakes
It is important to let the dough ferment properly. If you hurry, the pancakes will turn out to be bland, heavy, tasteless, with a yeast smell. But it is also impossible for the dough to stand, the pancakes will come out sour, pale, with the smell of peroxidized dough. Therefore, it is best to keep the dough in a cool place, where it will ferment slowly, and you will not miss the moment when it has reached the desired condition.

Pancakes really turned out to be perforated, light, thin, completely free of yeast odor.

Step 1: prepare the milk.

First, pour the required amount of sufficiently sour milk into a small saucepan and set it on medium heat. We heat this ingredient for about up to 36-38 degrees Celsius, so that it is warm and you can safely dip your fingers into it, without fear of getting burned.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Then pour some milk into a deep plate, two hundred milliliters will be enough. Chop fresh yeast there and add one tablespoon of granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency, cover the dough with a kitchen towel and put in a warm place on 35-40 minutes, for example, near a switched-on stove to rise.

Step 3: prepare the butter.

We don't waste a minute, we melt a piece of butter to a liquid consistency. This can be done in different ways: in the microwave, steamed, or in the old fashioned way in a saucepan on the stove. During this process, the fat should be stirred periodically to avoid burning.

Step 4: prepare the chicken eggs.

Then we take chicken eggs, beat each one with the back of a knife and drop the yolks and whites into a small clean dish. Beat them with a table fork or whisk until fluffy, but not for long, just so that the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Step 5: prepare the dough.

When the dough has bloomed with a gorgeous fluffy hat, pour it into a deep bowl. We also send the remaining warm milk there, put another tablespoon of sugar, a little salt, beaten chicken eggs and shake everything until smooth. After that, using a sieve with a fine mesh, we begin to introduce wheat flour there, preferably of the highest grade.

We act gradually, adding this ingredient little by little, while kneading the semi-thick dough. Then we tighten the bowl with plastic cling film, cover with a kitchen towel and put in a warm place on 50-60 minutes.

After this time, pour two types of butter into the raised flour semi-finished product: melted butter and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable. Mix the thick yeast mass with fat again until a homogeneous consistency, insist for 50 minutes in a veiled form and proceed to the next, almost final step.

Step 6: fry sour pancakes with yeast.

Fold a piece of sterile bandage in 2-3 layers, moisten it in vegetable oil and apply fat to the bottom of the pan with a very thin layer, and then put the rhinestone on medium heat. A few minutes later, when this dish is very hot, pour about one ladle of fluffy yeast dough into it. Raise the pan at an angle 25-30 degrees, with a smooth movement of the hand, turn it so that the flour semi-finished product spreads in an even layer in the form of a large flat circle with a thickness 3-4 mm, and put it back on the stove.

As soon as the edge of the pancake is browned and the dough is thickened in the middle, we pry on the already delicious product with a wide kitchen spatula, turn it over to the other side with a dexterous movement of the hand and fry it in the same way until golden brown. In general, it takes about 2-3 minutes... Then we transfer the pancake to a large flat dish and fry the rest in the same way, each time greasing the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Step 7: serve sour pancakes with yeast.

Sour pancakes with yeast are served hot. They can be served in different ways, for example, if you fill these flour products with sweet filling, condensed milk, fruits, berries, jam or preserves, then an excellent dessert will come out.

A spicy filling is also suitable, a good option is boiled and stewed rice with meat, eggs with herbs, potatoes with fried onions, in this case, you will get a full-fledged second dish for a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner. Well, an invariable addition is, of course, sour cream or cream. Enjoy delicious and fast food!
Bon Appetit!

Very often, not vegetable oil is used to lubricate the pan, but a piece of raw bacon, the fat of which is covered with a very thin layer of hot dishes, leaving no excess;

The amount of sugar and salt can be adjusted according to the flavor you want your baked product to taste. Also, sometimes spices and spices are added to the dough, if it is prepared for dessert, then vanilla sugar, cinnamon or fruit or berry essences, and for a spicy filling: suneli hops, rosemary, dried dill, parsley, ground laurel leaf and many others;

If pancakes break during frying, although this happens extremely rarely with such a dough, add another chicken egg or a little flour to the flour semi-finished product for thickness;

An alternative to butter and vegetable oil, which is put in the dough, is melted premium margarine with a minimum water content and maximum fat.

Sour yeast pancakes take a little longer than usual, but the dish is worth the effort. In addition to the fact that it is very tasty, we also get the opportunity to find application for sour milk, which is a valuable product both in itself and in various dishes. Today I will use compressed yeast, which I have available. But with pleasure I also use live ones, especially if they are fresh.

Sour yeast pancakes are good with sour cream. You can use them with jam or condensed milk. Or you can just like that - with tea, milk or coffee.

In a small amount of warm water we dissolve pressed or fresh yeast, sugar and salt.

Let's add two types of flour and an egg.

Then add the rest of the milk and knead the dough like for a pancake.

Let the dough ripen for an hour and a half or two.

For frying, heat the pan and grease with sunflower oil. We will grease the pan for each pancake. Lay out the dough and spread it over the entire surface of the pan.

Fry on one side and turn over to the other.

Sour pancakes with yeast are ready. You can wrap any filling in them, or you can eat it just like that. Most of all I love pancakes with jam or sour cream and be sure to grease with butter.

Ruddy pancakes are a favorite delicacy of every Russian person. After all, this unique dish adorns our table not only on Shrovetide. Pancakes can be served for breakfast and even as an appetizer for a festive feast. In this article, you will learn how to make sour yeast pancakes, the recipe for which is very simple.

Pancakes - a classic of Russian cuisine

This traditional dish of many Slavic peoples came to us from ancient times. Historians have found the first mention of pancakes dating back to the 9th century AD. Needless to say, over the entire period of its existence, the recipe for their preparation has undergone a number of changes and modifications. After all, housewives prepare not only traditional pancakes with milk, but also use kefir, sourdough and even beer.

But the most appetizing and unusual are the sour recipes presented in this article will help you cook them quickly and very tasty. Try to cook fragrant and ruddy pancakes with us.

Traditional recipe for making pancakes

The most popular recipe that every housewife knows is pancakes with milk. Indeed, it is in this case that they turn out to be very delicate and tasty. For cooking, you need to beat a chicken egg and mix it with 500 ml of milk and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. For flavor, add a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. A glass of sifted wheat flour is enough for the measured amount of milk. After all, the dough should turn out to be liquid, like kefir. And so that no lumps form, you need to intensively mix all the ingredients when adding. Some housewives use a mixer for this purpose.

If the dough doesn't work out the first time, try experimenting with the proportions of the ingredients. After all, the skill of making delicious pancakes comes only with experience. Be sure to write down the number of foods you add so you can recreate your culinary masterpiece in the future.

Why add yeast to pancakes?

In order to diversify the usual recipe, you can add yeast to it. At the same time, the pancakes are not as thin as in milk. They will acquire splendor and will resemble pancakes more. Therefore, if you are not afraid of experimenting in the kitchen, try making sour pancakes with yeast. Step-by-step recipes will help you maintain the correct proportions, and the household will appreciate your culinary talent.

When you fry the pancakes with yeast, you will notice that they rise. In addition, bubbles will form on the dough, due to which the pancakes will turn out to be delicate and very beautiful. Often, it is because of the appearance of the dish that the hostesses prefer this cooking method. This practically does not affect the taste. But remember to use only fresh yeast. An expired product may not have the desired effect.

step by step recipe

It takes a little longer to make the yeast pancakes. To do this, you need to heat one liter of milk or on the stove. After all, yeast can only be activated in a warm environment. In milk, you need to dilute 3-4 teaspoons of dry yeast and let the dough brew for an hour. In this case, the bowl must be covered with a towel to maintain the desired temperature.

After the time has elapsed, add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a little salt and 2 cups of sifted wheat flour to the dough. The dough should turn out to be liquid. The pancake blank also needs to be infused for half an hour for the yeast to start working.

By the same principle, you can cook sour pancakes with yeast. The recipe will be very similar to the classic one. However, we will be replacing one very important ingredient.

Sour pancakes (yeast): a culinary recipe

With traditional cooking methods, everything is more or less clear. But how do you make sour pancakes? The recipe is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. And to create it, you need kefir with a low fat content. In this case, the dough turns out to be sour, which gives it a special taste.

For cooking, you should heat a liter of kefir and dilute dry yeast in it in the same way as in the previous recipe. Note, however, that the amount of flour should be slightly less than when using milk. After all, kefir has a thicker consistency. At the exit, you should get a liquid, but at the same time tight dough, reminiscent of pancake dough.

How to fry pancakes properly?

In order to get the perfect pancakes, you should use a pan with a flat and thin bottom. In this case, the dishes must have a handle, as you will have to distribute the dough.

Before frying, heat the pan well and brush with butter. Some housewives use animal fat for this purpose. But it will give the pancakes a specific smell.

The dough should be scooped up with a ladle and poured into the middle of the pan. After that, you need to quickly take it by the handle and distribute the dough evenly over the surface with circular movements. If you go slowly, the pancake will not take the desired shape.

Pancakes in milk are fried for 1-2 minutes on both sides. Then you need to immediately remove them from the pan and grease them with butter, stacking them on top of each other.

The sour yeast pancakes, the recipe for which was described above, take a little longer to fry than regular pancakes with milk. Because the output turns out to be a rather thick dough, more like pancakes.

How long can pancakes be stored?

Ready-made pancakes are usually quickly consumed. After all, it is very difficult to resist thanks to their aroma and appetizing appearance. However, if you still have half-eaten pancakes, you should fold them in the shape of triangles and hide them in special food containers. In this form, they can be stored for a whole week, and if necessary, reheat in a pan or in the microwave. But it should be remembered that sour pancakes with yeast, the recipe for which is described in this article, spoil much faster than those cooked in milk.

Another way to save pancakes is to stuff them with different fillings. In this case, you will not only extend them, but also make a complete lunch dish or snack for work. should also be refrigerated. Keep in mind, however, that not all fillings will stay fresh for long.

How can you stuff yeast pancakes?

As a filling for pancakes, you can use cottage cheese, grated with sugar. You can add some vanilla sugar for flavor. This recipe will be a great idea for breakfast or dessert. And you can serve the dish with sour cream, condensed milk or your favorite berry jam.

For a more satisfying snack, you can use minced meat sautéed with onions and seasoned with salt and spices. The most delicious pancakes are made from minced chicken. But you can find recipes with the addition of liver, beef and pork. In general, it all depends on personal preference. Pancakes stuffed in this way should be fried on both sides before serving.

And the most traditional recipe for Russian cuisine is pancakes with red caviar. Despite the high cost of this ingredient, the dish is very popular. However, remember that pancakes with caviar cannot be stored even in the refrigerator. They should be consumed immediately after preparation. After all, a fish delicacy tends to deteriorate quickly.

The best recipes for pancakes with yeast, milk and kefir can be found in Russia. After all, our country is the birthplace of this unique and inimitable dish, which is loved by both adults and children. So hurry up and please yourself and your loved ones with delicious homemade pancakes!

At first glance, it seems that sour pancakes are not the most appetizing dish and it feels like they are sour. But in fact, everything turns out exactly the opposite. Sour pancakes are a healthy and appetizing product made from sour milk. This is an old Russian recipe for sour pancakes, which was also used by our grandmothers. Such a product will not necessarily taste sour, and in many respects everything will depend on the desire of the person who prepares it.

The advantages of sour pancakes are that, firstly, you can experiment with the shape: for example, make it lace or (they contain lactic acid, due to which, when adding soda, you can achieve the desired dough consistency). Secondly, if you do not add sugar to the dough, but leave it sour, then you can get very tasty pancakes with any hearty filling (chicken and mushrooms, cottage cheese, potatoes, and so on). If preference is given to sweet pancakes, then sugar can be added to the dough and the finished product can be served with jam or jam. So, to make sour pancakes, you need the following ingredients.


  1. 500 milliliters of sour milk;
  2. two glasses of flour;
  3. two eggs;
  4. 200 milliliters of water;
  5. 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  6. sugar to taste.

It is also worth noting the peculiarities of making sour pancakes. If all of them are taken into account, the pancakes will not burn, and the cooking process will not cause any trouble. The first thing to consider: all ingredients should be at the same temperature, and liquids (milk and water) need to be slightly warmed up.

If you separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately, the dough will be more tender and airy. The flour must be sieved with a sieve. This is not necessary in order to cleanse it of litter, but in order to saturate the product with oxygen.

A whisk is usually used to stir the dough, but a blender can be used. When using this method, you can completely get rid of lumps in a matter of minutes. The dough is usually mixed in a deep container, and a cast iron or pancake pan is used for baking, preferably with a non-stick coating. To turn the pancakes, we need a spatula.


What to serve pancakes with?

A huge plus of sour pancakes is that they can be served with anything, the choice is very large. If the pancakes are sweetened, you can serve them with condensed milk, sour cream, jam or preserves. Unsweetened pancakes go well with potatoes, fish and other hearty fillings. Bon Appetit.