Protein cream for cake layers. How to make protein cream at home - technologies and step-by-step recipes with photos

24.08.2019 Snacks

Thoroughly wash the saucepan for syrup, fill it with water and boil it. Drain. The pan is ready to use. !
wash bowl and wipe dry.

Cream preparation.
Pour 2 faceted glasses of sugar into a saucepan, add half a glass of water and put on high heat. After boiling, reduce the heat a little and leave the syrup to boil. As soon as the syrup begins to boil with weak (lazy) bubbles, then it is ready.
We control the readiness of the syrup visually or using a confectionery thermometer. periodically dip a clean dry object into boiling syrup and drip it into a cup of cold water, if a hard syrup ball has grabbed at the bottom. thread like honey.
Here the syrup began to boil, then lazy bubbles appear (i.e. the syrup began to boil slowly, because it is already thickening)
Drop at this moment a drop into a cup of water - is a dense ball at the bottom clearly felt? Fine! Now is the time to add citric acid and ENERGICLY SIX it in the syrup, you can also add acid while whipping the whites.

About 5 - 6 minutes before the end of cooking the syrup, we begin to beat the whites, you can and at the same time the syrup starts to boil (I whisk when the syrup starts to boil), if the whites are whipped correctly, then nothing will happen in 1-2 if they wait until syrup readiness

Pour the squirrels into a bowl and begin to beat with a mixer until a snow-white stable foam. "Until stable peaks", if you turn the cup over, then they are in place, do not slip, then it’s ready !!!
Now SMALL pour in a 2-4mm trickle of the slowly prepared syrup and stir it vigorously in the proteins. so that the syrup does not fall directly on the whisk, small splashes scatter along the sides of the bowl and freeze in pieces.
So, we introduced the syrup into the proteins to the last, then we move the bowl into a bowl of water (carefully, do not pour it into the bowl!) And continue to beat until the CREAM COOLES completely. You can do without a bowl of water, but then the cooling process will take longer.
the cream must cool completely while whipping !!
If you did everything right, you will get a great cream.

frequent mistakes
If the syrup is overcooked- citric acid will color it brown. If the color is light yellow, then everything is fine, if brown, pour it out, wash the pan

poured the syrup into the proteins too quickly, so there are pieces of caramel in the cream or caramel sticks together in a thick layer at the bottom of the bowl.

the syrup was poorly boiled - therefore, after cooling completely, the cream remained liquid. Less often, but it also happens, the whites are poorly whipped. When you start whipping, you cannot stop for a minute, proteins not fixed with sugar will settle in a few seconds!

missed-shifted citric acid -therefore the cream tastes strongly sweet, strongly sour.

The cream began to "bubble" less than 2 hours later - the eggs were too large (and the protein mass, respectively) or the syrup was not boiled properly.

The whites are not beaten well - the eggs are old or warm. or a particle of yolk got in. Separate the yolks carefully, then put the bowl in the refrigerator - let it cool with the bowl!

Cocoa cannot be dyed... It is fatty, and fat does not tolerate protein. Therefore, your cream may fall off. But!!! for every rule there is an exception to the rules cream colored cocoa
You can tint. And water-based paints. and gel. After cooling completely! put aside, pour in the dye. knead to the desired color concentration. Everything works out great.
Protein cream does not tolerate alcohol and alcohol-containing dyes. From them, it also quickly falls off and spreads.
Protein cream can be used to decorate cakes covered with butter cream.
on sour cream, creamy, jelly coating it can give in, but not always, if the cake has stood well and the cream has been absorbed, then you can safely decorate it with protein, I have never dripped.

Here he is so capricious, just like a girl .. But he is lightweight. delicious and loved by customers.No fat!

Many people are wary of protein cream because of raw proteins. But! Protein cream is the most bacterially stable cream, the shelf life of protein cream is longer than that of butter and butter. Salmonella dies at t-re 70 -80 ° C, and t-ra syrup 117-120 ° C, so the syrup boils proteins and salmonella dies ...
Eggs must be thoroughly washed before use so that the pathogen on the surface does not get into the product.

Traditionally, a protein cream is prepared for decorating desserts. The composition has gained popularity due to its unforgettable taste and the relative simplicity of the recipe. Protein cream is widely used in the confectionery art. It can be consumed as a stand-alone snack or added to pastries, puff rolls, cakes and other baked goods.

Milk protein cream

  • purified water - 250 ml.
  • sugar - 550 gr.
  • egg whites - 7 pcs.
  • cognac - 17 ml.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  • vanilla powder - 15 gr.
  • butter - 300 gr.
  • condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • instant gelatin - 25 gr.
  • lemon juice -25 ml.
  1. Pour the gelatin into a small container of warm water. Wait for the product to swell. Pour drinking water into a saucepan in parallel, add sugar. Simmer the composition over low heat until a homogeneous thick syrup is formed.
  2. If necessary, dissolve the gelatin in a porous bath, then mix it with the resulting syrup. Warm up the composition a little. Whisk the condensed milk with soft butter until smooth, send to the refrigerator.
  3. Grind the cooled proteins until a thick foam, slowly pour in the gelatin syrup. Do not stop whisking the composition until it cools down. Then carefully break up the creamy mass with a mixer.
  4. At the exit, you should have a fluffy cream. Stir in the vanilla powder, alcohol and lemon juice a couple of minutes until fully cooked.

Custard German Cream

  • purified water - 160 ml.
  • gelling sugar - 320 gr.
  • egg white - 3 pcs.
  1. Beat the protein in the usual way using a mixer until thick foam. Place the gelling sugar in a saucepan, pour in water, send to the stove. Turn the hotplate to maximum power. When the first bubbles appear, reduce heat to low.
  2. Simmer the composition for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. The liquid in the saucepan should evaporate by about half. Make sure that the mixture does not turn into mush. Otherwise, the cream will not work.
  3. Next, gently start pouring the mixture into the whipped foam, stirring constantly until it cools. The result is a high-quality cream that does not settle or float. Also, at your discretion, you can add various food flavors and colors to the composition.

Oil-protein cream

  • protein - 5 pcs.
  • butter - 480 gr.
  • citric acid - 5 gr.
  • filtered water - 150 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 140 gr.
  • vanilla to taste
  1. In a dry, fat-free container, beat the chilled whites thoroughly until a thick foam. While mixing the mass, add citric acid.
  2. Gradually add half of the total granulated sugar to the common bowl. Continue whisking until desired consistency. If you adhere to the recommended proportions of ingredients, the cream ends up not very sweet.
  3. Vary the amount of sugar based on your preference. Simultaneously start preparing the syrup. Combine drinking water and the remaining sugar in an enamel saucepan, send the container to the stove.
  4. As soon as the composition boils, reduce the heat, simmer until the desired consistency. Then slowly pour the syrup into the protein mass. In this case, the mixer speed should be set to maximum power. Beat until the cream cools.
  5. In advance, the butter must be left for a while so that it melts. Chop the composition into small cubes. A natural homemade product is highly recommended. Send the oil into a common container, bring with a mixer until cooked.

  • vanilla sugar -12 gr.
  • homemade sour cream - 270 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 260 gr.
  • egg white - 4 pcs.
  1. Animal products must be refrigerated. Pay attention to the dishes in which you are going to prepare the cream; it must be dry, fat-free and clean.
  2. Combine sour cream, vanilla and granulated sugar in a separate bowl (the last ingredient is taken in an amount of 50 grams). Beat the mixture for 12-15 minutes until fluffy. Next, separate the yolks from the whites, get fluffy foam from the latter.
  3. Do not stop whisking the protein, gradually add the remaining sugar. Process the mixture to a dense, stable foam. Then add sour cream in portions to the composition.
  4. Beat it with a mixer until smooth. The delicacy must be consumed as soon as possible. The cream is not intended for long-term storage.

Protein custard

  • purified water - 75 ml.
  • egg white - 3 pcs.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 220 gr.
  1. Degrease the dishes in which you will whip the egg white. Otherwise, the egg composition will not acquire the desired consistency. Boil a little water in a saucepan before preparing the syrup.
  2. Wipe the bowl and whisk dry with a waffle towel. Add sugar and filtered water to a sterilized saucepan, send the container to the burner at maximum power.
  3. After boiling the composition, reduce the heat to a minimum, continue to boil the syrup. The consistency is checked by a drop of the composition on a saucer of cold water. If the mixture has not spread and rolled into a caramel ball, the mass is ready.
  4. You can also check the readiness of the syrup using a caramel thread. Pour a small amount of the composition onto a plate and tilt it. When fully cooked, the syrup will drain without interruption.
  5. If you have achieved the desired consistency, feel free to add citric acid to the general composition. Stir the syrup thoroughly until smooth. No yolks are required, only use whites.
  6. Place them in a skim and dry bowl and beat with a mixer until smooth. Achieve a thick foam from the composition. Raise the whisk, the mixture should adhere well to it.
  7. Now gently start pouring hot syrup into the cream in a thin stream. In this case, you must slowly stir the composition with a mixer. Be careful, when infusing, the composition should not fall on parts of the household appliance, otherwise hot spray will fly in all directions.
  8. Once you've completely poured in the syrup, place the bowl of cream in a bowl of cold water. Continue whisking until it cools completely. Otherwise, the protein may curdle, the cream will irrevocably deteriorate. After preparation, use the mixture of your choice.

Fruit and protein cream

  • drinking water - 80 ml.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • fruit jam - 70 gr.
  • instant gelatin - 12 gr.
  • egg white - 3 pcs.
  1. Pour the gelatin into warm water, wait until it swells. Next, send a small saucepan to the stove, simmer the composition until the product is completely dissolved. Make sure that the mixture does not boil. The procedure should be carried out on minimal heat, constantly stirring the mixture.
  2. Achieve a homogeneous dense foam from cold proteins with a whisk or mixer. Pour the jam into a saucepan and heat slightly, then pass the mixture through a sieve. After that, add granulated sugar to the sweet composition. Simmer the mass for about 10 minutes, do not forget to stir.
  3. Combine the gelatin and jam mixtures in a common container, mix thoroughly. Then start slowly pouring the resulting syrup into the protein foam. Continue to beat with a mixer at maximum power.
  4. The procedure is carried out in such a way that the protein composition does not curdle. The cream should be used shortly while it is still warm. Otherwise, the substance will turn to jelly.

  • granulated sugar - 200 gr.
  • citric acid - 8 gr.
  • egg white - 4 pcs.
  1. Separate the proteins, refrigerate for 1 hour. Then combine all the ingredients in a shared bowl. Bring the protein mass until smooth with a mixer.
  2. Put the composition in a steam bath, heat for about 8 minutes, whisking in parallel. After the time has elapsed, remove the cream, continue stirring the mass with a mixer for another 4 minutes.
  3. Use the ready-made cream as directed. If you wish, you can add any food coloring, the composition will acquire the desired color.

Coconut protein cream

  • coconut flakes - 90 gr.
  • egg white - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 140 gr.
  • purified water - 75 ml.
  • lemon juice - 12 ml.
  • corn syrup - 85 ml.
  1. The preparation of the cream is carried out by means of a steam bath. Place a pot of water and bring to a boil. Select the correct size of the metal bowl so that it fits into the boiling water container.
  2. Combine egg whites, lemon juice, syrup and filtered water in a bowl. Place the bowl with the ingredients in the saucepan so that the bowl does not touch the boiling water. Beat the composition on low power with a blender until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. After that, turn up the speed, continue beating for another 5-6 minutes. The mixture should increase in volume. Remove the bowl from the steam bath, stir in the coconut crushed in a coffee grinder. Continue whisking the cream until it cools.

  1. Always refrigerate eggs before making the cream. This criterion is key, thanks to it, the protein is whipped quickly and easily. Make sure that the yolk does not get into the total mass when dividing.
  2. Get in the habit of degreasing and wiping dry household appliances and containers that will be used to prepare the cream.
  3. To avoid bacterial growth, eggs should be rinsed in a baking soda solution. The shell on its surface contains many harmful microorganisms.
  4. If you're making a custard, it's important to make sure that the sugar syrup isn't overcooked. With the addition of the remaining ingredients, the product should not appear caramel in color. This shade indicates the unsuitability of the cream.
  5. To avoid the formation of caramel balls, pour the warm syrup very slowly in a thin stream. In this case, the composition must be thoroughly stirred with a whisk. Otherwise, the desired cream consistency will not be achieved.
  6. If you decide to color the protein cream, do not use alcohol-based dyes. Otherwise, the finished product will not be able to keep the shape that you gave it. The cream will begin to float. For such purposes, dyes based on natural ingredients are suitable.
  7. In case you do not plan to use the composition for desserts as soon as possible, put the cream in a food container. Leave in the refrigerator for up to a day. Make sure the specific recipe is suitable for preservation before aging.

To please loved ones and relatives with delicious cake or pastries, you need to make an appropriate cream. The product is easy to prepare and requires minimal costs. Consider popular variations of egg and butter cream, condensed milk, coconut, fruit jam, and cognac.

Video: protein cream for cake decorating

Step-by-step recipes for protein cream for decorating a cake with sugar, butter, chocolate, gelatin

2018-09-06 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of ready-made dish

22 gr.

38 gr.


36 gr.

497 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Protein Cake Decorating Cream (Buttered Recipe)

This cream is found under various names, based on proteins and butter. At the exit, we get a very thick, sweet and stable mass. It can be used to layer and decorate cakes, make cake hats, squeeze out all kinds of borders and flowers. When preparing the cream, we pay special attention to the quality of the eggs, this is very important. We also look at the fat content of butter, we take a natural product of 72%, the composition should only contain cream.


  • 90 g egg whites;
  • 190 g sugar;
  • 240 g butter;
  • 1 g vanillin.

A step-by-step recipe for the classic protein cream for cakes

Wash eggs before use, carefully separate the whites in a bowl, the yolks are not useful. We immediately add sand to the eggs, put them in a water bath. We take a whisk, stir and heat. We do not stop stirring so that the protein does not cook.

As soon as the eggs heat up to 70 degrees and the sugar dissolves, remove the proteins from the water bath and put them on the table. We take out the mixer and start whisking. Very soon, the mass will become white and lush. We continue to work with a mixer until the proteins have cooled to room temperature.

As soon as the protein cream cools down, start adding oil. In no case do we dump the entire amount. We start with a teaspoon, continue to whisk the cream.

After the introduction of all the oil, the mass will become a little weak, but we continue to work with a mixer, after a couple of minutes thick and slightly torn waves of cream will leave the corollas. Fill in the vanilla and turn off the mixer.

We put the cream in a bag with attachments, decorate the cake. It is advisable to use it immediately. If the protein mass stands a little in the refrigerator, then it will still harden, it will be difficult to squeeze flowers and borders onto the cake.

Such a cream of proteins and oil tolerates staining well, but it is advisable to use gel or other concentrated dyes. They will not liquefy the mass, prevent solidification.

Option 2: A quick recipe for protein cream for cake decorating

A variant of the simplest protein cream for decorating a cake. Recipe with sugar and powder. If you use these two ingredients, you get a stable and dense mass. We take clean dishes, be sure to degrease, you can wash with soda, wipe with napkins.


  • 4 squirrels;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

How to Quickly Make Protein Cream for Decorating Cakes

We send the squirrels to a bowl. Begin to beat without sugar and powder. We should get a thick foam. If you add sand right away, it will be difficult to do.

As soon as the proteins thicken, it will happen quickly, add sugar in a teaspoon, dissolve, and then add the powder. Whisk with it for a couple of minutes.

As soon as the cream thickens, stable patterns will move away from the whisk, pour lemon juice, introduce vanillin. We send the cream into a bag with the desired nozzle, squeeze the decorations onto the cake. This mass can also be used for covering, but it is useless. Since there are no dairy products and fats in the composition, the cakes will not be saturated.

This cream can be used not only for cakes, but also for pies. We apply a hat or squeeze it onto the surface, send it to a preheated oven for 10 or 15 minutes. We get a gorgeous decoration, besides, in this version, the proteins will undergo heat treatment.

Option 3: Protein cream for cake decorating (recipe with gelatin)

In this recipe, a protein cake decorating cream is prepared with gelatin. It freezes perfectly in the refrigerator, is not greased, such desserts tolerate transportation well. We use gelatin powder, regular or fast dissolving.


  • 50 g gelatin;
  • 5 proteins;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 170 ml of water.

How to cook

Pour the gelatin into a bowl, which will then be conveniently placed in a water bath. Add the prescription amount of water, use liquid at room temperature. Stir and let it swell. Time we look at the packaging of the product used.

To whisk the whites well, we use clean and dry dishes. We place them in a bowl, begin to beat with a mixer until good foam. It will be slightly transparent as there is no sugar yet. As soon as the protein thickens, add the sand a little. We work with a mixer until it is completely dissolved.

We put the gelatin in a water bath and heat it up. No need to make a hot mass, it is advisable to stir. As soon as the gelatin clots dissolve, remove and cool to room temperature.

Citric acid can be replaced with two tablespoons of juice. Or just pour it into a bowl, add a spoonful of boiling water, dissolve. This ingredient is needed for taste as well as consistency.

Add melted gelatin in a trickle to the proteins, continue beating and add citric acid. We get a rather thick, but not yet stable cream. We put it in a bag and put it on the cake, put it in the refrigerator for solidification. The jewelry will finally get stronger in three hours.

To avoid the smell of eggs, add vanillin or other aromatic essences to the cream. Specifically, grated zest will ideally fit into this option. You can dry it, grind it, store it in a jar with a tight lid, use it as vanillin.

Option 4: Protein cream for cake decorating (recipe with boiled condensed milk)

There are many options for caramel-flavored cream, but here's a not entirely true and even lazy recipe. A variant of a stable and aromatic protein cream with boiled condensed milk. It really tastes like caramel, but you don't need to melt granulated sugar, and besides, not all housewives manage to do this.


  • 4 squirrels;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 200 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 130 g butter;
  • vanillin.

Step by step recipe

We take four egg whites, the total weight is about 110 grams, a little less or more can be, this is not so important. We introduce granulated sugar to them, put in a water bath. We heat it up, stir it without fail, bring it to a hot state or a temperature of 65-70 degrees. Remove, stir well, check with your fingers, there should be no sugar left.

Thoroughly grind the condensed milk so that it becomes soft and homogeneous, softened butter is also needed.

Beat the hot whites with sugar until foamy and cool. Then add 10-15 grams of butter, and then boiled condensed milk. We get a thick and stable cream of pleasant color and light caramel taste. Decorating the cake.

You can also make a similar cream with ordinary condensed milk, but we only use thick milk, otherwise the mass will become weak and will not be suitable for decoration.

Option 5: Protein Cream for Cake Decorating (Chocolate Recipe)

The recipe for a delicious protein cream for decorating cakes with dark chocolate. It solidifies perfectly after cooling, has a pronounced aroma, beautiful color. We choose natural chocolate without nuts and other additives in the composition; porous cream bars will not work.


  • 4 egg whites;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • vanillin.

How to cook

The whites and sugar can be whipped right away, but it is better to heat it up in a water bath, as we did in the recipes above. This technique will simplify the process, and also eliminate poisoning or contamination with raw proteins. We put it in a water bath, dissolve the sand, remove the bowl and cool it a little.

Beat the whites until foamy, at the same time set the chocolate to melt in a water bath. We do not overheat, stir, remove the warm mass from the stove.

As soon as the cream thickens, add chocolate, pour in drop by drop, continue whisking. If the cream turns out to be liquid, then we put it in the refrigerator, but not for long, the chocolate mass quickly solidifies. Stir, put in a bag or syringe, decorate the cake.

The taste of this cream can be significantly improved and made deeper, if you lead a spoonful of brandy, you can add a little instant coffee or rum essence. Naturally, all these options are only for adult desserts; children cannot use cream with such ingredients.

Option 6: recipe for protein cream with vanilla for cake

There are quite a few varieties of different creams that pastry chefs use to create desserts. So, they are made on the basis of butter, condensed milk, cream, jelly and eggs cooked in flour. However, today we will consider several options for a protein cream for a cake at once, the recipes of which will be considered in the presented selection.


  • three cold egg whites;
  • not a full glass of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for protein cake cream

Rinse three chicken eggs very gently with the soft side of a sponge. Then wipe and cool on a refrigerator shelf for several hours.

Then smash each one with a sharp knife. Separate half of the shell. Pour the whites into one dry container and the yolks into the second. We will not need the latter.

So, insert the dry wiped whisk into the mixer. Begin whisking cold protein. A minute later, when the mixture just starts to grow and turn white, add the pre-sifted icing sugar.

Alternatively, add a little vanilla for flavor. Continue the active process until the protein cream for the cake, the classic recipe, thickens. This will take approximately three to four minutes.

Protein readiness is determined by good stability. To do this, put the cream in a spoon and turn it over. If it does not fall and keeps the given shape, beating can be stopped.

To achieve the desired consistency, do not interrupt the protein mixture. Otherwise, it will exfoliate and become liquid, which means it is unusable. It is also permissible to scald the eggs before cooling to remove all unnecessary from the shell surface.

Option 7: quick protein cake cream recipe

In order not to spend too much time creating today's cream, we advise you to kill the ingredients that are included in the composition in a food processor. By the way, the colder the proteins are, the stronger the cream will end up.


  • three cold squirrels;
  • 135 grams of powdered sugar;
  • vanilla for flavor.

How to make protein cake cream quickly

Wash the food processor bowl and wipe it dry with a sufficient amount of napkins. Install in the car.

In the next step, add the separated egg whites, which are important to cool well beforehand. Start interrupting at low speed.

After a minute, add vanilla and all the powdered sugar. Increase the whipping power and continue the process for another three minutes.

Check the consistency of the protein cake cream, recipe is quick. Having achieved the desired result, turn off the combine.

Use the resulting strong mixture to decorate desserts immediately. It is not recommended to store such a cream, so it should be prepared immediately before applying to cakes or fruits.

Option 8: Chocolate Protein Cake Cream

Protein cream is associated with white. However, it is not necessary to make it neat. For example, we propose to prepare the third variant of sweet dressing with the addition of cocoa powder. By the way, it is permissible to replace it with chocolate, which will need to be melted with a small amount of cream to a liquid state, and then cooled and mixed into the protein mixture.


  • half a glass of cocoa powder;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • four egg (cold) whites;
  • vanilla in cream.

How to cook

Place the washed eggs in the refrigerator with the utmost care. At this time, sift the icing sugar and cocoa powder into a dry high container. Mix with vanilla.

Begin whisking the prepared protein quickly. After literally a minute, gradually pour the dry mixture of ingredients inside.

Without stopping the process, interrupt the protein cream for the cake, the recipe with cocoa, for a few more minutes. As a result, a stable mass is formed in the bowl, perfectly keeping the given shape.

Dishes and whisks must be kept clean and dry. A few drops of water or fat will definitely spoil the structure of the dressing, making it runny. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully consider the dishes used.

Option 9: Berry Protein Cake Cream

We will make the next cream with berries. Rather, with mashed potatoes, which we prepare by boiling, in our case, black currants or cranberries in a small volume of water and rubbing through a metal sieve until a homogeneous viscous structure is obtained.


  • 110 grams of cranberries or black currants;
  • 4 cold egg whites;
  • a full glass of icing (sugar).

Step by step recipe

Place eggs on the top shelf of the refrigerator. While they cool down, process and wash the sour berries thoroughly.

Now pour the contents of the saucepan into a fine metal sieve. Wipe clean. Discard the seed cake and peel. Put the puree in the refrigerator, where to get the protein.

Begin whipping the protein mixture with dry whisks. After about a minute, add, or it is better to sift all the icing sugar.

Achieve a consistent consistency. Only then very thinly and carefully pour in the berry puree. Do not stop the whipping process. Seconds later, the Protein Cream Cake Berry Recipe is ready to use.

For example, we suggested taking cranberries or black currants for a sweet dressing. However, you can feel free to try other berries as well. This can be strawberries, cherries, raspberries, or apricots. In any case, it is important that the puree is homogeneous without the presence of seeds, pieces of peel or seeds.

Option 10: Protein Custard for Cake

Afraid to use the cream raw? Then prepare the protein mixture in a water bath, essentially brewing it over medium heat. By the way, it is important to monitor the latter so that the mass does not curl up in the process.


  • three medium egg whites;
  • two-thirds of a glass of powdered (sugar);
  • a little citric acid;
  • vanilla to taste.

How to cook

Wash medium-sized chicken eggs with maximum care. Then wipe with a towel. Split each one into genders. Drain the protein into a separate, be sure to dry container.

Beat the mixture briefly with a mixer. After just a minute, put the container with proteins in a water bath. Moreover, its bottom should not touch the boiling water itself.

While heating the future protein cake cream, custard recipe, add powdered sugar. Do not stop interrupting.

As soon as the inside of the mass begins to grow stronger, remove from the bath. Add vanilla and citric acid. Beat the dressing until it cools completely. During this time, the cream will become strong, keeping its shape well.

With the specified method of preparing the cream, it is important not to overheat it in a water bath. To do this, the container should not touch boiling water. It is also unacceptable to allow the cream itself to boil, because in this case the protein will curdle. Pay close attention to the consistency of the mixture throughout the entire process.

Option 11: Protein Cream with Gelatin for Cake

But we will make the last version of the cream with the addition of gelatin. It will need to be steamed, dissolved, cooled, and only then thinly poured into a strong and sweet protein mixture. Moreover, it is important to apply this cream right away, otherwise it may harden, which will not allow you to smear the cakes in the future. If this happens, you will need to put the mixture in a water bath and dissolve the frozen dressing with minimal boiling of water.


  • 10 grams of gelatin;
  • 3-4 tablespoons boiling water;
  • four chilled squirrels;
  • 140 grams of powdered sugar.

Step by step recipe

Pour the granulated gelatin into a bowl. Pour, without stirring, with warm water. Its temperature is up to 60 degrees.

After fifteen minutes, reheat the gelatin mixture, achieving a homogeneous consistency. Set aside.

Pour the cooled proteins into a high container, which is recommended to wipe dry. After interrupting the ingredient for about a minute, add the sifted powder (sugar).

After distributing the sweet mixture, beat the protein cake cream, recipe with gelatin, until a stable and very strong consistency is obtained.

At the very end, thinly pour in the cooled but still liquid jelly mixture in batches. Stir in with vigorous circular motions. Apply the cream immediately to the cakes and allow to harden for several hours.

It is so accepted that any festive event is certainly accompanied by the presentation of a chic appetizing cake to the hero of the occasion. Nobody knows when it started, but the old tradition is still alive today.

How to make a symbol of celebration unforgettable

To get everyone's attention, the cake has to look pretty. This effect is easy to achieve with a crisp white protein cream on top. The cake will immediately attract everyone's attention, and the goal can be considered achieved. It is also important that it is not very difficult to make a protein cream at home on your own. To do this, you only need to have in stock 3 raw chicken eggs, 200 grams of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of citric acid.

For work, you need a steam bath, or you can simply use two pans of different diameters. Pour water into one and put on fire, and in the other, start cooking delicacies. The process should be carried out as follows:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Place the whites in a dry, smaller saucepan, add the lemon there and begin to beat with a whisk.
  3. Continue whisking, adding sugar in small portions.
  4. As soon as the water in the first saucepan boils, set the second one on it so that its bottom does not touch the hot liquid, and continue beating for about 15 minutes more. During this time, the cream will collapse into a tight lump and stick to the whisk.
  5. Remove the upper container and continue the active mixing process for a few more minutes. The product is ready.

Another cream option

Many people believe that a protein cream will turn out to be more delicate and airy if not ordinary sugar is added to it, but syrup from it. To do this, you just need to slightly adjust the original ingredients. You will need 3 eggs, 250 grams of granulated sugar, 70 grams of water and 2 grams of lemon.

A protein cream is prepared in a similar way:

  1. Prepare the syrup first. To do this, boil water in a separate container, add sugar to it and slowly heat until it is completely dissolved, stirring constantly. Add citric acid and stir well. The syrup should not darken. Its readiness can be determined by dropping it on a saucer or in cold water. It should not drip on the plate, and in water it will be possible to mold a ball from it. The main process now begins.
  2. Place the whites in a clean, dry dish and beat with a mixer until they become dense foam.
  3. Without interrupting whipping, slowly pour in the syrup. The process should be continued until the mixture has completely cooled.

Now you can take your time to start decorating pastries, because such a cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. There is time to think.

Ways of decorating confectionery

Depending on the wishes and abilities of the pastry chef, decorating the cake with protein cream can be carried out in various ways:

1. It is easiest to completely cover the finished biscuit or a stack of cakes with a thick layer of the resulting mixture. This is most often done with a wide knife or fork. But professionals have special blades for such a case.

2. The cream can be applied with a pastry bag or syringe. Usually, a set with such attachments has a large number of attachments. They differ from each other in the shape of the outlet, which makes it possible to apply various patterns or figures to the surface of the product. If there are no such items in the house, then decorating the cake with protein cream can be done using ordinary baking paper. To do this, roll it up into a cone in the form of a tube and cut off the tip slightly with scissors at an angle. You will get a kind of envelope, which you just need to fill with cream, and you can start working.

Unity of opposites

In order for the food not only to be liked, but also to be beneficial, it is necessary to select the correct source components. As you know, all products are divided according to the predominant content of certain substances. Each such species is processed in a special way by the human body. This circumstance must be taken into account when choosing ingredients for complex dishes. But this is not always the case. For example, sugar and nuts are completely incompatible, as are eggs and strawberries. Therefore, you cannot use any fruit with protein cream (although, it should be noted, this is a rather tasty combination). But in life, sometimes you have to close your eyes for something. After all, a biscuit cake, completely covered with protein cream and sprinkled with fresh raspberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries or strawberries, looks really gorgeous. Such a sight in itself causes an appetite and attracts well-deserved attention.

Substantial replacement

Not everyone knows how a protein custard differs from a regular protein one. In fact, everything is very simple. In the second case, granulated sugar or powder is used in the cooking process. Whipping can be carried out under normal conditions or in a water bath. In the first case, sugar syrup is first prepared, and only then this hot (but not boiling) sweet mass is added in a thin stream to the whipped proteins. This essential point makes the final product more elastic and durable. Protein cream is most often used for filling tubes, eclairs, profiteroles and other dough pieces. It can even be used to coat a cake base. But after a short time, the delicate layer may lose its shape and drain. In this case, custard is the best choice. Its dense structure is able to maintain its elastic qualities for a long time. This is exactly what confectioners need. The finished product, ideally, should preserve its external qualities as much as possible, tolerate transportation and small temperature changes well. With custard, these tasks are doable.

A product with unlimited possibilities

Decorating with protein cream occupies a special place in the production of cakes. This final stage can be considered the most important. True, for work it is better to take a custard semi-finished product. In this case, it will also be possible to make a volumetric delicate layer between the cakes from it. Such a mass will not settle for a long time and will not spoil the appearance of the product. The surface of the cake can be covered with flowers and petals made from the same cream. It's easy to make them. All you need is a pastry bag with attachments, scissors, food coloring and a little imagination. The glossy surface of the cream will give the flowers an extra shine, and the elastic mass will not allow them to turn into a shapeless sweet lump over time. You can choose the color scheme to your liking, and otherwise follow the advice of experienced professionals. With the help of a syringe, you can also make any inscription, and for even greater effect, supplement the overall picture with fresh fruits, candied fruits or chocolate.

Every housewife can make a lush protein cream.

This gentle and fluffy protein cream is loved by both adults and children. Products stuffed with such a snow-white mass can decorate any festive table or make an ordinary dinner bright and unforgettable.

Any novice cook or ordinary housewife can make a protein cream. It is great for decorating the surfaces of cakes or pastries. They can be stuffed with tubes, but it is not suitable as an interlayer.

How to make protein lemon cream, recipe with photo

The most important thing about such a cream is the well-beaten egg whites.

Tip: To beat the whites into a thick foam, you must carefully separate them from the yolks. Chicken egg yolk is very fatty, and if even a drop of it gets into the whites, you won't be able to beat them.

Tip: You always want to whisk the whites quickly. To do this, put them in the freezer for a few minutes before starting the process. When the surface of the mass is covered with ice, remove it from the freezer and begin to beat quickly.

How to make a protein lemon cream to make it airy and tasty? Here's a recipe with a photo:


  • Lemon juice - a few drops or citric acid - 5 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Water - 10 ml
  • Egg - 3 pieces


1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a drop of the yolks gets to the whites. Put them in the freezer for 15 minutes.

2. Boil the sugar and water syrup. It should thicken well

3. Remove the frozen proteins from the freezer, add lemon juice or citric acid to them

4. Begin to beat the whites, adding a drop of syrup

5. Beat until the mass has tripled.

6. As soon as the last drop of sugar syrup has gotten to the whipped egg whites, turn off the mixer

The cream will turn out to be lush, tasty and thick. They can be used to fill tubes or decorate cakes.

Recipe for making protein cream according to GOST

Rosettes from protein cream according to GOST

GOST is an accepted state standard, therefore cooking according to the norms is considered the most correct and optimal.

The recipe for the preparation of protein cream according to GOST:


  • Egg whites - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 140 grams
  • Water - 50 grams
  • Lemon juice - a few drops
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet


1. Cook the sugar syrup. Fully cooked syrup is bubbling over the fire in large circles.

2. Add a bag of vanilla sugar to the proteins. Begin to beat the cooled egg whites, adding a thin stream of hot syrup

3. When the mass has increased 3 times, and the syrup is over, stop whipping - the cream is ready

A simple protein cream recipe

The basis of all types of protein cream is the classic recipe. It is simple, but you can make it quickly by whipping with an ordinary whisk.

A simple protein cream recipe is that even uncooled proteins can be whipped. It is enough to put the dishes with them on ice, and the proteins will beat up as quickly as after the refrigerator.

Important: If there is no time to cook the syrup, you can take powdered sugar and add it to the proteins in small portions.

Tip: You will not be able to store such a cream, it will quickly lose its splendor. Therefore, use it immediately after preparation.

Sour cream protein cream, recipe with photo

This cream turns out to be more saturated, with a creamy taste. Sour cream protein cream is used for filling tubes, decorating pastries and cakes. It can also be used as an interlayer.

A recipe with a photo will help you prepare a delicious and snow-white mass.


  • Egg whites - 4 pieces
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Water - 10 ml
  • Cream or sour cream - 150 grams


1. Boil the syrup

2. Begin to beat the cooled egg whites, adding syrup drop by drop

3. Continue whisking, adding small portions of cream

Important: You can add fruit to this cream. They will make it thicker and more delicious.

Chocolate protein cream recipe

In addition to fruits, cocoa can be added to the protein cream. This technique will add beauty and unique taste to the products.

Tip: Prepare a chocolate protein cream and combine it to decorate a cake or brownie.

The recipe for such a cream is simple - whisk the whites with syrup, as described above, and add a tablespoon of cocoa at the end.

Tip: To avoid lumps in the cocoa, mix it with a small amount of powdered sugar or granulated sugar before adding to the mass.

Making a protein custard

Many housewives believe protein custards are whipped whites with hot sugar syrup added. But there is another cream recipe with this name:

1. Making a protein custard begins by making a custard with milk, sugar, one egg, and a tablespoon of flour. When the cream is ready, leave it on the stove to cool. Then beat it with a mixer with 50 grams of butter

2. Now beat the whites with sugar, as usual, adding citric acid and vanillin

3. Combine whipped egg whites and custard. Whisk again to get a fluffy homogeneous mass - the cream is ready

Important: This cream can be used to lubricate cakes and fill baskets and wafer rolls.

Making Butter Protein Cream Recipe

Butter creams go well with biscuit cakes. Prepare buttery protein cream to surprise your guests with the unique taste of homemade baked goods.


  • Egg whites - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Liquor - 2 tablespoons


1. Melt the butter, cool and beat with a mixer until a thick consistency

2. Whisk the cooled proteins with sugar until the volume increases by 3 times

3. Continue whisking, adding butter in small portions

4. At the last stage, pour in the liquor, beat for another minute and turn off the mixer - the cream is ready

Important: This cream is used to prepare various desserts.

How to make a liquid protein cream?

Often, some types of baked goods may require a liquid sweet mass, for example, to decorate Easter. How to make a liquid protein cream?

Tip: To turn the protein cream into a fluid mass, add a few drops of plain water to it.

Even cooks warn housewives to take the process of whipping whites with responsibility - they need to be frozen and the dishes wiped dry. If water gets into the mass, the cream will be liquid.

Protein cream with gelatin for cake decorating, recipe

This cream can be used to make a soufflé for "Bird's milk" sweets. Protein cream with gelatin is great for cake decorating.


  • Egg whites - 5 pieces
  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tablespoon
  • Water - 5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups


1. Pour a glass of boiling water over the gelatin floor and leave to swell. If, after it cools down, lumps are visible, heat the mass on gas and leave to cool

2. Whisk the cooled egg whites with sugar and citric acid

3. When the protein mass has increased 3 times, start pouring in the gelatin in a thin stream, continuing to beat

4. Gelatin is over - the cream is ready!

Important: Under this cream, whole berries or fruit slices will look great on cakes.

Every woman can make such a cream, even if she does not like and does not know how to cook. Many housewives ask: how to make a delicious protein cream? Our advice and testimonials from other women will help you make a delicious protein cream.

Tip: To check if the syrup is done, spoon out some sweet paste and pour it onto a plate. If it hardens and does not spread, then the syrup is ready.

Tip: Pour only hot syrup into the mass. If it cools, the cream may not work.

Previously, only the best chefs could make such a cream. Currently, his recipes are available to all women. Do wonders in the kitchen and surprise your household and guests!

Video: video recipe: protein cake cream