How to make kvass at home from black bread. Beet kvass at home

12.08.2019 Seafood dishes

The favorite refreshing Russian drink has long been prepared everywhere, but then it was replaced by artificially carbonated drinks based on dyes and chemical additives. But we will tell you how to make kvass from breadcrumbs at home, without much effort (see others).

For natural kvass you need exactly rye bread crumbs... They give the drink that favorite kvass spirit and bright color from childhood. It is necessary to cut the bread into pieces and put on a baking sheet in one layer.

Dry in the oven. You can buy ready-made ones, but homemade ones are tastier, because you know exactly what kind of bread they were made from. Better yet, fry at 180 ° C, but so as not to burn.

Carefully. Burnt slices will add bitterness to the finished drink, so it is better to stick to the "golden mean" - to brown, but not burn!

How to make traditional kvass from rye bread crumbs?

Kvass can be made in any dish, but it is more convenient if these are ordinary three-liter jars. Fried squares from half a loaf of bread (three handfuls) are poured into a jar. Sugar and other ingredients besides yeast are also added there and poured with boiling water.

Now you need to wait until the water cools down to 25-30 degrees. And only after that add yeast (if available according to the recipe). The jar is covered with a cloth or gauze and placed in the sun or in a warm place for fermentation.

Advice. On sale there are special caps for draining compotes with a "spout" and holes.

Putting gauze (bandage) in two folds on the neck, and then putting on the lid, you can drain the drink without opening the can.

Having only three or four pieces of rye bread, you can start making kvass, and later buy the desired type of bread and dry it.

  1. Leaven. In a liter jar, pour about a third of the volume of crackers. Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Pour boiling water so that the volume of the jar is half full or slightly more. When the mixture has cooled to warm, add 20 g of fresh yeast (dry - 5 g). If in doubt about the quality of the yeast, pre-dissolve it in a little warm water with a pinch of sugar. When fermentation is noticeable, add to the drink. Cover the jar and leave it warm in the light for three days.
  2. Preparing a drink... Put breadcrumbs in a three-liter jar so that they fill the space by about 1/6 of the volume. Add sugar to taste. For the future, 2 spoons are enough; for a sweet drink, you can put 4-6 spoons. Pour boiling water over more than half the jar. Make the calculation based on the fact that you still need to add the sourdough and leave a place for fermentation so that the mass does not come out of the jar. Sourdough is added only to the mixture cooled to warm. Cover, leave warm and taste every other day. When satisfied with the harshness of the drink, it is drained and stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Reuse. Draining the kvass from a three-liter jar, divide the remaining contents into two of the same jars. To each add a handful of toasted bread crumbs, sugar to taste, fill with water and in a day or two drink fresh kvass. If you do not need kvass immediately, put the jar with the leaven in the refrigerator.

Attention. Having made kvass once, you can use the same leaven all summer long. Just do not let it acidify.

No Yeast Recipe

Whoever doesn't like the yeast flavor can make kvass on raisins... To do this, you will need at the rate of 5 liters of water:

  • About 50 g of raisins (do not wash!).
  • 250-300 g sugar;
  • toasted slices of half a loaf of black bread.

Pour boiling water over crackers with sugar. Add raisins to the cooled mixture, leave in the room for 2-3 days. When the drink is fermented, strain, pour into bottles, adding 3-4 raisins to each, close tightly and send to a cool place for ripening for 2-3 days.

Another option: make a sourdough from crackers and sugar with boiled chilled water: half a liter jar of crackers, 3 tablespoons of sugar, water - so that it takes 2/3 of the jar volume. For three days in the warmth, the leaven will ferment, it is used to prepare a drink in the same way as yeast.

Simple homemade rusk kvass with yeast

Pour 600 g of crackers and 1 glass of sugar in a saucepan (enamel or stainless) with 3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours.

Carefully. When adding yeast, the temperature of the wort should not exceed 30 ° C, otherwise the yeast cultures will die and kvass will not work.

One hour before adding, take 30 g of raw (10-15 g dry) yeast, add a pinch of sugar, a little water, stir, shake a spoonful of flour to them and let them fit.

Then add to the lukewarm wort and leave for 5 hours. Kvass is ready. The mixture remaining after straining can be used as a starter for subsequent portions of kvass.

From rusks and flour with the addition of mint

This kvass turns out to be sweet, but you can reduce the amount of sugar at your discretion. You will need:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • crackers from an 800-gram loaf of rye bread;
  • mint - 10 leaves or to taste;
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 50-70 g raw (20 g dry) yeast.

Pour mint with boiling water, let it brew. Pour crackers with boiling water separately in a bowl where fermentation will take place. We mix the yeast with flour and dilute with water until the thickness of kefir (we help with a whisk so that there are no lumps).

We mix all the ingredients, except sugar, leave for a day. Then dissolve the sugar in the wort. After 2-3 hours, the kvass must be drained and poured into bottles, which are then stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade vigorous kvass with horseradish and honey

  • 4 liters of boiling water;
  • 800 g of crackers;
  • 1 / 3-0.5 cups of honey;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 0.5 cups grated horseradish;
  • 25 g raw yeast.

Pour the crackers with boiling water and let them stand for 3-4 hours until the water cools down and the liquid picks up color. Strain and add yeast. Cover, leave warm for 6 hours. Mix horseradish with honey to make a liquid gruel.

Add the mixture to the wort. After mixing, bottle and add raisins to each. Insist for 3 hours in the room and in the refrigerator. It's time to taste.

Beetroot on breadcrumbs

For 1 chopped (you can use a food processor) large beets, take two toasted brown bread crusts, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 liters of water.

Pour crackers with boiling water, brew a little - add sugar and beets, cover and leave in the room. After 3 days, healthy kvass is ready.

Apple-rusk kvass

To the fermented wort prepared from bread crumbs in the amount of 3 liters (with or without yeast) add the following:

  • 1 cup apple syrup
  • 1 glass of apple jam
  • A decoction of three peeled apples without seeds and 1 liter of water.

It is kept for about a day, filtered and placed in the refrigerator.

Northern with black currant leaves

For 4 liters of water you need:

  • 25-30 black currant leaves (50 g by weight);
  • crackers from 0.5 kg of black bread;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 20 g raw (7 g dry).

Pour 10 ml of water, bring the rest to a boil and pour in crackers, sugar and currant leaves. Leave warm for 8 hours. Make a sourdough: dilute yeast and flour in lukewarm water. When signs of fermentation appear, pour into the wort and leave for 3 days to ferment.

Homemade kvass from black bread is a universal drink, its recipe is simple, and there are no difficulties in preparing. But you won't be able to do it quickly. Yeast fermentation, straining, infusion - the procedure takes several days. For a home craftsman, this exciting process is a true creative delight.

But kvass is not only a perfectly refreshing, healthy and tasty drink. If desired, it can be used as a base for strong alcohol (home brew) or as an ingredient in cocktails. Without it, it is impossible to make okroshka, and yet there is more than one recipe for cabbage cabbage soup and delicious borscht that can be made with kvass.

Classics of the genre

Anything is suitable for making a drink in the country or at home in an urban setting - you can make it, Jerusalem artichoke, fruits and berries, whey, rice and millet. At the same time, the main component that determines the taste is not all these filler bases, but high-quality water.

But classic kvass is made from bread. This recipe is probably as old as the invention of baking itself. Until now, village housewives, baking homemade bread with their own hands in the oven, make kvass from black bread, which did not quite work out, or simply lay for a long time and stale.

There are many recipes for the simple preparation of a sparkling drink fermented with the addition of yeast. I wanted to write "non-alcoholic", but it is not. During the preparation process, any fermented drink will take a little alcohol from the wort, because bacteria, inhabitants of yeast, will certainly release alcohol.

But in the southern regions where grapes grow, a recipe has long been invented without the use of bread yeast. It will turn out more delicious if you make the drink not from fresh berries, but take grapes sun-dried in the sun - raisins for cooking.

On raisins without yeast

This is a simple, uncomplicated homemade recipe. For cooking, with the exception of water, only three components are needed.

Would need:

According to this recipe, we choose a variety of rye bread (such as "Borodinsky", "Belorussky") for kvass without any dressings and flavorings (caraway seeds, coriander, seeds, dill, nuts, etc.).

We cut the bread into cubes, send it to the oven for drying.

Advice: brown bread is easy to burn, it is difficult to notice a burnt on it. Place a few slices of white bread (for example, a loaf) on a baking sheet with brown bread. As soon as the loaf starts to brown, take out the baking sheet, crackers in the desired condition.

Meanwhile, let's boil the water. The first portion of sugar (130 g) is not immediately diluted in it. Let the water cool slightly before making the syrup. Then we cool the liquid to room temperature.

We watch the crackers in the oven. When ready, take out the baking sheet. The croutons also need to be cooled. These are important conditions.

Pour raisins and chilled croutons into a fermentation tank. Shake, mix, fill with sweet water.

Since we do not use boiling water, a large plastic water bottle of 5 liters will do. The necessary free space will remain in it; during fermentation, nothing will spill out.

We cover the neck with a gauze "breathing" cloth, we take the bottle to a dark corner. Fermentation will begin soon, foam and the smell of sour bread will appear. From this moment we measure two days. In about two days, the black bread kvass will "win back" and calm down.

Now it can be poured through a double-triple gauze filter into another container and add the remaining sugar.

According to the indicated proportions, the drink will turn out to be sour. This recipe is designed for okroshka. Those who like kvass sweeter can increase the second portion of sugar to their taste. But keep in mind - sweet kvass will not quench your thirst.

Final stage

We pour kvass into small plastic bottles, put fresh raisins in each pair, screw the lids, put in the same dark corner overnight. By morning, the drink will be saturated with carbon dioxide, the bottles will become solid. Now you can put them in the refrigerator. Store no more than three days.

What to do with the waste mass?

If you continue to make kvass, the soggy raisins and bread will serve as an excellent leaven. Divide the mass into four parts, add fresh breadcrumbs, sugar, water to each of them. Here's a new recipe for waste-free cooking. Kvass will be four times larger. You don't need to add raisins this time. And without it, fermentation will be more active, it will take less time.

Why does kvass ferment without yeast?

Yeast bacteria live on grapes. They successfully replace yeast in the winemaking process, and will also serve us for the preparation of yeast-free kvass.

When the berries are dried in the sun and turn into raisins, bacteria remain on them. It is important not to wash the raisins in order not to remove this live yeast. They will die in high temperature conditions. That is why both syrup and crackers should be cooled.

The bacteria feed on sugar. When they "dine" and multiply vigorously, then fermentation takes place.

Thirty grams of raisins is enough for the selected volume of kvass. If you want to do more, the weight of the raisins needs to be increased.

Country house by leaps and bounds

For completeness of our picture, we also present a recipe for kvass using a bag of yeast. We will prepare more of it in the country in order to use the wonderful water from the well and load the cellar with cold drink.

Here's what we need to prepare it:

We proceed with the bread as described above - cut it, dry it, pour it into a large bucket, put a coarsely chopped lemon there, fill it with boiling water, close it with a lid. We cover the bucket with a lid, and - in the shade.

If cooking in spring - add young currant leaves (only black, red leaves do not smell) or cherries. In summer - a bunch of mint, lemon balm.

Meanwhile, in warm water, dilute the flour and yeast in a cup.

After six hours, when the water cools down and the crackers give it a bread aroma, we filter the wort. Crackers turned into porridge, we throw them into the compost pit. We select two liters of must, dissolve the sugar. We pour everything into a 12-liter tub. It is in a wooden barrel that an amazing drink is obtained. You can use a bucket or boil, but the oak flavor will be lost.

Add the risen yeast to the wort. It will wander for about twelve hours. We pour it into a selected container. We put it in the cold. In a day - we try.

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Hello friends!

Spring has just begun to recede, but I want summer already. Warm days would come as soon as possible, and with them long evenings, greenery everywhere. I would like to have trips to nature, okroshka and frothy, cold, effervescent kvass ...

Judging by the weather, the weekend at the dacha is postponed, but nothing will stop us from preparing a delicious foamy drink. After all, this is our primordially Russian dish, which is more than 1000 years old! And let Coca-Cola lovers argue with me which is tastier - Russian kvass or their strongly carbonated drinks. As you know, there is no dispute about tastes, but there is much more benefit in the former.

Still would! Our sour product invigorates, cheers, quenches thirst and invigorates. And how many varieties. There are beetroot, fruit, berry, honey, malt, bread. Today we will talk about the latter.

It is the most common and easy to prepare. A traditional set of products is required, and this is usually pure water, rye bread, sugar, yeast. The only thing is that the process itself takes several days. It can be from two days to five. But it won't stop us from making the tastiest kvass in the world?

Cooking kvass with fresh yeast at home

Let's consider a simple option for making a homemade drink. He fusses in the nose, foams, and for this we love our dear Russian kvass so much!

I will say that it takes just over 2 days to cook it. But then you will get 6 liters of delicious and excellent liquid. Want more? Take ingredients twice as much. After all, as you know: there is never a lot of kvass!

We need:

  • Boiled water - 6 liters;
  • Loaf of brown bread "Borodinsky";
  • Wheat flour - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups + 4 dessert spoons;
  • Fresh yeast - 100 gr.;
  • Raisins - 2 dessert spoons.


1. Cut a loaf of Borodinsky into slices. We take a baking sheet and put it on it. We need to dry them to the state of crackers and even with a burnt crust.

2. Put the baking sheet in the oven. When one side of the slices is browned, turn over to dry.

3. Dip the croutons in warm water. And for this amount, it is better to take either a large saucepan, or you can use a clean plastic bucket.

4. The water should be thirty degrees, not colder or hotter. Let them get wet, and we will prepare a yeast starter.

5. Break 100 grams of pressed yeast into a saucepan. We fill them with half a glass of granulated sugar.

6. Fill with about 1 glass of lukewarm water. Stir slightly with a spoon.

7. Add wheat flour. Stir with a spoon and set aside for about 30-40 minutes.

8. Remove the dough in a warm place without drafts and then it will come up even faster with you. During this time, the mass is activated, the yeast will jump.

9. This is how it all froths! Pour the dough into a container with breadcrumbs.

10. Add some more warm water. Shake everything well with a large spoon and put it in a warm place for fermentation for ten hours. Do not forget to cover the top with gauze so that the mass breathes and not a single speck gets inside.

11. Then squeeze the crackers and throw them away.

By the way, they can be used for fertilization in the garden, if you have one.

12. We remove another bucket for a day under the gauze. Now you can strain and pour into three-liter cans.

13. Put 1 dessert spoon of raisins in each jar. We dilute 4 tablespoons of sugar in a glass and pour half of it into each container.

14. Close the jars with lids and remove to ferment for another 10 hours at room temperature.

All right, you can drink our kvass. Just put it in the refrigerator first to cool.

Sweeter lovers can add honey or sugar to taste. And we move on to the next interesting recipe for a delicious drink in the heat.

How to make a bread drink in a 3 liter can?

The option for a three-liter can is especially popular. Probably, mostly because of the convenience and the presence of such dishes in all houses. Well, this is my personal opinion.

I agree that it is really convenient when kvass ferments in the jar. But then it can be filtered and poured into a bottle or decanter. I also recommend this recipe because it is long-lasting. You can make a product, and then cook it again with the resulting sourdough. Moreover, the subsequent drink turns out to be even tastier and richer.

We need:

  • Boiled water - 3-3.5 liters;
  • Ground rye crackers - 100 gr.;
  • Sugar - 200 gr.;
  • Fresh yeast - 10 gr.


1. In a 300 ml mug, somewhere, scald rye bread crumbs. We mix everything well and set aside so that they swell.

2. To make our fresh yeast wake up, fill it with a little warm water and add a tablespoon of sugar. Shake the mixture and also leave it aside.

3. Take a clean 3-liter jar and dump the swollen crumbs into it. Add warm water to the mug to collect any crumbs from the sides of the mug. And we pour all this into the jar too.

4. Fill with sugar on top and add yeast foamy mass.

Lovers of unsweetened drink can put 2 times less sugar instead of 200 grams.

5. Fill everything with warm water almost to the very neck of the jar.

6. Cover the neck of the jar with a plastic lid, but do not close it. Because our kvass must ferment when air is available.

7. Set aside the jar in a dark and warm place for 2 days. We prepare a decanter with gauze and filter the kvass.

8. It is convenient to use a cover with holes. It will not let the breadcrumbs merge, and the gauze will stop the unnecessary mixture even better.

It turns out double filtration)

We cool the liquid and use it as directed. I mean, we drink with pleasure!

Finally, I will say that again pour the remaining sourdough with warm water, add sugar to taste and a little steamed crackers. Again, we remove the "walk" for two days.

A video about how to cook a dish without yeast

Do you want a drink with yeast, friends? Then here's a gorgeous recipe for you without them. In the recipe, we use malt and rye flour, sugar plus raisins. And add coriander and caraway seeds. Well, yummy turns out!

I suggest watching the whole recipe and process in a good video.

Cooking delicious kvass for okroshka

It's no secret that the most delicious okroshka is made with homemade kvass. The drink is richer, without preservatives and dyes, it goes well with vegetables and meat. Oh, and I already wanted okroshechki. But let's get the drink ready first! After all, it takes several days to cook it.

We need:

  • Boiled water - 6 liters;
  • Loaf of rye bread;
  • Sugar - 24 tbsp. spoons .;
  • Dry yeast - 0.5 tsp.


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

2. Cut the bread from rye flour into cubes and send them to the oven to dry and brown.

For a richer taste, it will even be good if the croutons burn a little.

3. Crackers are divided into 2 parts. We will prepare a sourdough from one, and set aside the second for kvass.

4. So, we take out a liter jar and fill it up to half with crackers. Boil water and fill it up to half with boiling water. Add sugar and stir. Cool everything to room temperature and add 0.5 teaspoon of dry yeast.

5. Cover the starter culture with gauze and put it in a dark and warm secluded place for 3 days.

6. After 3 days, distribute the remaining crackers into 2 three-liter jars. Fill them up to half with boiling water. Pour 4 tablespoons of sugar into each container.

7. Cool the mixture in jars. We add the starter culture equally to each vessel and stir. Cover with lids and set aside for 2 days, so that the kvass ferments and walks.

8. After the allotted time, filter the drink through cheesecloth. Throw out the entire bread mass, and pour the liquid back into the jars.

9. In two glasses we dilute 7 tablespoons of sugar with water and add to the jars. We leave at room temperature for 1 day.

10.After that we send it to the refrigerator for a day.

Now, after such manipulations, the delicious nectar is ready! Cook okroshka with soul and pleasure!

And I'm telling you bye-bye!

Kvass, prepared with one’s own hand, is able not only to relieve a person of thirst, but also to properly tune and regulate material metabolism in the body. In addition, kvass, created in compliance with certain rules and technologies, has an excellent effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, nourishes the body with components useful for the body and health, and also cleanses it of unnecessary toxins.

Rye-type kvass, created at home, can be created by everyone by using various components and in a variety of ways and recipes, each of which has its own characteristics. All you need to do is choose your own way, which will be the most interesting.


Kvass based on rye bread

The classic recipe for kvass, created on the basis of rye bread, is simple, therefore this particular recipe is popular and widespread. The total time for making a kvass drink is no more than 3 days, so you can try kvass very soon. It is enough to take:

  • 8 liters of clean water
  • 300 grams (1.5 cups) sugar
  • a loaf of bread or bread slices
  • dry yeast - 50 grams.

The taste and color parameters of the prepared drink depend entirely on the bread, therefore it is recommended to dry it a little. After that, slightly dried bread should be cut into small slices, put on a baking sheet and left in the oven for one third of an hour at t 200 degrees. In this case, it is important not to overexpose bread crumbs.

In a saucepan, you need to heat the water, and then add all the prepared sugar to it and stir. Bring the water to a boil, then add bread crumbs and remove the container. This will be the base for the drink and should cool down to 30 degrees.

After 2-3 hours, when this base is still slightly warm, add yeast to it and mix well. It is important that the yeast is completely dissolved in water.

Also, for such a drink with this recipe, you can use pressed yeast, but you should first grind it, and then add it.

The resulting mixture for making classic kvass at home must be covered with gauze or a simple thin towel, and then take the strained mixture and put it in some place with a good temperature. And this is where the process of making kvass begins. It will not be another day that the kvass will be completely prepared, however, those who like the spicy drinks from their bread slices most of all are advised to infuse the drink for several more days (2-3 days).

After the kvass is prepared for use, you need to prepare several glass jars with lids so that the mono kvass can be stored in a cold place, as well as cheesecloth. Strain the drink and leave it somewhere in a cool place. This very place can be a refrigerator or a cellar. If desired, sugar should be added to kvass, however, it should be noted that the strength of the drink will also be greater from the concentration of sugar.

Raisins can be added if needed. You can use black or white raisins, and then the drink will have a slight fruity aroma.

In the process of filtering the drink, a sediment may remain, and it is not worth pouring it out, since on the basis of this residue you can make another fresh portion of kvass.

Kvass with rye sourdough, a simple recipe

At home, you can make excellent kvass, and you don't need to use yeast for this. All you need to do is use a specific leaven. To create a starter culture, you should prepare the following components:

  • Sugar - one big spoon;
  • Rye bread - 2-3 slices;
  • Sourdough - 500 milliliters;
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

In a saucepan or jar with a volume of two liters, you need to pour the leaven, and also put sugar and bread for the correct preparation according to the recipe. The leaven should have a pungent odor, and it should be cloudy. It is necessary to stir sugar and bread pieces in the sourdough, and also add water to the brim.

In this case, the water should be not only boiled, but also infused until the room t. In order for the kvass based on rye sourdough to turn out golden and bright in color, it is necessary to add bread.

In this form, the drink must be infused for two days in a warm place, and after that it is necessary to strain the drink and pour it into another container. Bottles and jars will do. Kvass must be carefully poured, while leaving about 1/3 of the drink at the bottom of the old container. This sediment will form the basis for the new starter culture. And all that needs to be done is to pour some water into this very remainder, as well as fresh bread or bread pieces and place them in a container with the remainder of kvass in some place with a normal temperature for the room. This kind of secondary kvass is great for making cold soups.

Another interesting sourdough recipe

To create such a starter culture, the following components must be prepared:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 piece of rye bread;
  • 1 small spoonful of sugar.

Boil water in a saucepan, heat it up and then let it cool down to room temperature. After that, it is necessary to pour sugar into this water and mix thoroughly until final dissolution. After that, you should take rye bread, knead it properly and add it to sweet water.

After that, you need to pour the drink into a small jar and leave it all in a room with a warm temperature regime for 3 days. As soon as the drink has a peculiar pungent smell, and the liquid becomes cloudy, you can already drink kvass.

  • In reality, there are no complicated recipes for making classic kvass based on bread pieces, but to create a really high-quality, tasty and healthy drink, you need to remember some rules. For example, in order for kvass to have a delicate and pleasant taste, you need to prepare it in water from enamel or glass.
  • Before creating a drink based on bread or bread slices, cut it into small pieces and dry it a little. To do this, just use the oven. It is permissible to store bread in glass jars and use it as you wish.
  • Most often, recipes for creating a kvass drink on bread do not indicate sugar or its amount. This is due to the fact that the drink can be prepared both for drinking and for future use as a basis for soups. For soup or okroshka, kvass without sugar is used, and for drinking it is allowed to use sweet kvass.
  • Sugar must be added according to your own taste. You can add sugar to your liking, so you can adjust the amount yourself. But it should be remembered that sugar is responsible for how strong the drink will be. Therefore, when preparing kvass based on bread according to a recipe for children and adolescents, you can use honey or fruit syrup.
  • When using brown bread or bread slices, it is important to ensure that the drink does not turn sour, because black bread is more fermented. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the process every day. Kvass must be stored in a cool place. A refrigerator, cellar or balcony will do. This is important so that fermentation does not continue. Otherwise, the kvass may become unusable and ferment.

Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast

I offer an excellent recipe for kvass from black rye bread, which can be prepared with or without yeast. Serving recipe without yeast. You should know that kvass not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also restores strength, the balance of fluid and salt in the body, improves digestion, and also has a number of other benefits, as discussed below. Without wasting time, let's start making homemade kvass. The main ingredient of kvass is rye bread, namely rye bread, in which there is no yeast and all sorts of additives such as caraway seeds, dill. Fermentation in such kvass occurs due to lactic acid bacteria, not yeast. Let's try and enjoy!

Recipe for kvass from rye bread without yeast:

250 g black bread

180 g sugar (about 6 tablespoons full)

How to make kvass from rye bread without yeast:

1. Cut the bread into small pieces and dry well in the oven to make crackers, but not burn, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter and give away burnt.

2.Pour crackers into a three-liter jar by half.

3. Boil water, add sugar 5 tablespoons, stir thoroughly, cool to 24 -30 degrees. Fill the crackers with this sweet water almost to the very top, leaving room for carbon dioxide. Also add the raisins.

We leave the jar in a dark place at room temperature, covering it tightly with a thin cloth or gauze in two layers. You can secure the fabric with an elastic band around the neck. You can also cover the jar with a metal lid (without rolling it up, of course).

4. After 1-2 days, depending on the temperature in the room, the fermentation process will begin, the croutons will begin to move, moving up and down. Kvass will be ready in 3-4 days, you need to try it so as not to peroxide. This process can also depend on the quality of the raisins.

5. Drain the homemade kvass, strain through layers of gauze, place in the refrigerator.

6. Suhari can not be thrown away, leave half for the next sourdough. Then add a handful of fresh raisins, 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Fill with water, cover with gauze, in the morning it will be ready!

If you will not cook kvass right away, place the softened crackers in the refrigerator. then take it out, hold it in the room, add sugar, water and a new kvass will be ready again.

  • To prepare kvass, use only glass, stainless steel or enamel containers.
  • Fry rusks without oil and additives.
  • Add sugar to taste. The first portion is larger to start the fermentation process.
  • If there are no raisins, add more sugar. But raisins are desirable because they saturate the kvass with carbon dioxide and give the kvass a playful taste.
  • The saturation and color of kvass depends on the color of the rusks and the degree of their roasting.
  • The readiness of kvass depends on the temperature in the room.

Homemade kvass made from rye bread has excellent taste and useful properties.

Cook and enjoy!