Sponge roll at home. Sponge roll with jam

19.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Jam roll is a delicious homemade treat that will help out any housewife. It is prepared quickly, and the taste is not inferior to many famous desserts. For rolls, it is better to choose jam of medium consistency, regardless of its derivative. The jam should be easy to apply, but not spread.

Cooking is not only easy, but also fast. The ingredients needed for baking are always available in every home, so it is not difficult to prepare it.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • premium flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • jam - 150 g;
  • powdered sugar or cinnamon.

Important! To make the roll as airy and light as possible, sift the flour before adding it to the dough.


  1. Put the egg white separately in the refrigerator.
  2. Combine yolks and sugar in a deep container. Beat with a mixer until a stable foam forms.
  3. Remove the whites from the refrigerator and beat with a mixer until a thick foam appears.
  4. Connect both masses. Stir the resulting mixture with a spoon. Move from bottom to top.
  5. Add flour gradually. The result should be a homogeneous, moderately viscous mass without lumps.
  6. In the prepared form, line the parchment, greased with butter. The volume of the container should be chosen so that the layer of dough does not exceed 1 cm. Pour the dough and smooth it with a knife or a special spatula.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees. Baking time 15-25 minutes depending on the power of the oven. It is important not to overdry the dough. The crust should turn out to be slightly ruddy, without burnt edges. Better to check with a match. If no dough remains on the cake when piercing the cake, the biscuit is ready.
  8. Remove the container with the finished cake from the oven.
  9. Put the slightly cooled dough on a towel and brush with jam.
  10. Spin the roll.

So that the finished dish retains its shape and does not break when serving, the biscuit roll with jam is wrapped in foil and put into the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the foil and decorate the roll on top with powdered sugar or cinnamon, if desired. The dish prepared in this way has sufficient softness and plasticity, it does not crumble and is easy to cut.

Shortcrust pastry

Shortcrust pastry is more capricious and requires a certain aging. In order for the roll to turn out to be crumbly, but not to fall apart, you need to observe the temporal proportions.


  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • baking powder for dough –10 g;
  • jam - 4 tbsp. l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • vanillin;


  1. Heat the butter until soft and mix with sugar.
  2. Add eggs, baking powder and vanillin.
  3. Stir in flour gradually.
  4. Knead the tough dough well, wrap it with cling film and put it in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  5. Roll out a rectangle of dough about 1 cm thick, put jam on top, and twist the roll.
  6. Put parchment on a baking sheet, grease it with butter.
  7. Cook at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

The sand rolls with jam should cool slightly, then you can decorate them with a little powdered sugar.

Layered dessert for tea

If you don't have time to mess with the dough, but you need to bake the roll quickly and easily, ready-made semi-finished products will come to the rescue. Many thrifty housewives will definitely have a package of ready-made puff pastry in the freezer. Then, it will take very little time to please your family with a delicious treat.


  • puff pastry - packaging (500 g);
  • jam, how much it will take;
  • lemon zest;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Let the frozen dough thaw and take on the desired consistency.
  2. Sprinkle flour on the working surface of the table and roll out a thin layer of dough.
  3. Anoint with jam, shake citrus zest on top.
  4. Roll the roll and brush over with beaten egg for a ruddy color
  5. Soak for about an hour and only then start baking.

The roll is baked in the oven at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Be sure to put parchment on a baking sheet. Cool the finished baked goods a little.

How to bake a yeast roll

The yeast dough is soft, airy and with a fragrant crust. In such a dessert, you can increase the amount of filling, which will make it richer and more delicious.


  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
  • some salt;
  • apple jam - 1.5 cups;
  • cinnamon.


  1. Heat the milk a little, dilute the yeast in it until it is completely dissolved. Wait 15 minutes.
  2. Using a mixer, bring the sugar and eggs to a thick consistency.
  3. In one large container, mix yeast with milk, egg-sugar mixture, salt and warm ghee.
  4. Add flour, constantly kneading the dough. The result is a mass that does not stick to your hands.
  5. Withstand 40 minutes, previously covered with cling film.
  6. Divide the dough into 2 pieces. Roll out layers from each, anoint with jam and twist rolls.
  7. Spread the finished rolls on top with a beaten egg and leave for an hour.
  8. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  9. After 40 minutes, the baking will be ready. Temperature 180 degrees.

Sprinkle with cinnamon before use.

Butter delicacy with jam

By adding mineral water to the dough, you can get an incredibly tender yeast dough. It is easy to make fragrant pastries from it for a dinner party.


  • flour - 500 g;
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • mineral water - 1 glass;
  • a tablespoon of dry yeast;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • jam.


  1. Pour yeast into warm milk with mineral water.
  2. Add oil, salt, flour.
  3. Knead the dough thoroughly and leave warm for 2 hours.
  4. Form balls of the same size from the finished dough. Roll out each ball, grease with jam, twist.
  5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil.
  6. Lay out the products, grease with a beaten egg on top.
  7. Baking temperature 180 degrees, time 30-35 minutes.

You can add raisins while the filling is cooking. This will give the food a fresh flavor.


This pastry will definitely be appreciated by those with a sweet tooth. Roll with jam and chocolate flavor will give you an unforgettable pleasure. Cooking it is no more difficult than the classic biscuit version.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • jam - 150 g;
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • chocolate bar - 1 bar.

How to cook:

  1. Mix sugar and eggs with a mixer.
  2. Stir the dough by adding flour and cocoa.
  3. Roll the kneaded dough into a thin layer, put on a baking sheet with parchment.
  4. Cooking for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. Cool the cake a little, put the jam on top. On a coarse grater, grate the chocolate bar and shake 2/3 of the resulting chips on top of the jam. Roll up the roll and sprinkle with the remaining chocolate.

Wrap the finished warm roll in foil and put in the refrigerator. Baking can be served to the table in 2-3 hours.
Any dish can be diversified by adding dried fruits, poppy seeds, spices.

Sponge roll with jam is not only tasty, but also a healthy pie, as it has such a natural apple filling. Delicious and aromatic pastries always delight guests and family. Biscuit roll with jam is prepared very quickly and simply, and its aroma comes from our childhood, when grandmother herself cooked jam, kneaded dough, baked pies or rolls, and the whole house was filled with the aroma of this pastry.


  • Flour - 110 g
  • Sugar - 80 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Apple jam- 200 g
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Powdered sugar - to taste


Sweet pastries
Servings - 5
Cooking time - 30 min

Sponge roll with jam: how to cook

We prepare the ingredients. Sift the flour twice through a sieve. After being saturated with oxygen, the flour will make the dough more elastic and soft. We pre-keep the butter at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours so that it melts. Break the eggs into a deep container. It is advisable to use glass or metal bowls. The use of enamel containers is not recommended, as enamel chips can get into the food.

Beat the eggs with a mixer and a whisk for 5-7 minutes until the volume increases. Continuing to beat, gradually add sugar in a thin stream. The egg and sugar mixture should at least double in volume.

Whisk the soft butter separately and add to the egg mixture. Beat until smooth. Beat quickly until the butter retains its creamy texture.

Add flour gradually. Beat gently until smooth so that there are no lumps. The dough should be the consistency of thick sour cream.

Place the baking paper on a wide baking sheet. Lubricate the paper with sunflower oil with a thin layer. Gently pour the dough onto a baking sheet in an even layer.

Preheat the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. This is done so that the dough product can rise and be fluffy. We send the dough to the oven and bake for about 15-25 minutes.

We take out the biscuit and quickly, while it is hot, roll it up with a roll of parchment inside. We wrap it carefully so that the dough does not break. To make the dough curl more easily, you can sprinkle it with a little water.

Apple jam, if it contains large pieces of fruit, puree or grind with a fork. Add sugar or honey to taste. We unfold the roll, remove the parchment and grease its surface with a layer of apple jam with a thin layer. You can sprinkle the jam with cinnamon or vanilla. So the roll will be even tastier and more aromatic.

Jam roll is a sweet pastry that will be appropriate for both everyday and festive tables. Any housewife can handle cooking if she has the right recipe!

Jam roll - general cooking principles

Most often, rolls are made from biscuit dough. It is done quickly, baked for a few minutes, it turns out soft, airy and goes well with jam. But this is not the rule. You can make a butter roll from yeast dough. From a sandy one, a product resembling a strudel is obtained. If there is very little time, then you can always roll a puff pastry roll.

Sponge cakes are greased with jam after baking and rolled. If yeast shortbread or other dough is used, then the jam is spread on a raw layer, twisted and only then baked. Rolls are usually decorated with powdered sugar. But you can use chocolate or colored glaze, cream, various dressings.

Simple sponge roll with jam

Recipe for a simple roll with biscuit dough jam. Powdered sugar is used for decoration, but if you wish, you can sprinkle cinnamon on the pastries or cover with any icing. We immediately turn on the oven so that it warms up. We expose 180 degrees.


120 g flour;

Four eggs;

400 g jam;

120 g sugar;

2 spoons of powder.


1. Prepare an ordinary biscuit dough. Beat eggs until fluffy, gradually add sugar. You can take powder instead, it will turn out even faster.

2. As soon as the foam becomes thick and fluffy, add flour along with baking powder, stir gently.

3. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet, which must be covered with parchment. We smear the layer with our hand, making it no more than one centimeter thick.

4. Put in a preheated oven. If the temperature is not reached, then the thin biscuit layer will begin to dry out, the roll will break when twisted.

5. Bake the layer for 12-15 minutes until tender. During this time, you need to knead the jam so that it is homogeneous. If the mass is very thick, then it can be diluted with any syrup, juice or just boiled water.

6. Take out the biscuit from the oven, lift the layer by the parchment, put it on a towel, remove the paper. While the cake is warm, gently roll it together with a towel. Let it cool.

7. Unscrew the biscuit, grease with jam. We twist the roll, but now without a towel.

8. Transfer to a dish, sprinkle with powder, let it soak.

Butter roll with yeast dough jam

The recipe for a soft, airy roll with jam, which looks like a loaf. What a surprise there will be after the cut! An interesting recipe for yeast dough in milk with mineral water.


100 ml of fresh milk;

100 ml of mineral water;

5 tablespoons of sugar;

50 g butter;

7 g yeast;

400 g flour;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

A little cinnamon;

250-300 g of jam.

An egg or one yolk for greasing the roll.


1. Add sugar to the warmed milk and immediately add yeast, let it dissolve, just a minute is enough. We introduce mineral water with gas. Stir.

2. Add melted butter, salt, add half of the flour and add vegetable oil while stirring. Season with the remaining flour. Stir thoroughly.

3. Let the yeast dough rise well in a warm place. It will take a couple of hours.

4. We take out the dough, divide it into two parts. We roll out a layer from each, trying to make it rectangular.

5. Mix jam with cinnamon. You can add chopped zest, vanilla, ginger, or nothing at all.

6. Smear the jam on the layer, stepping back a centimeter from the edges. We twist the roll. Similarly, we form the second roll.

7. Transfer to a baking sheet, make a seam from the bottom. Let stand for twenty minutes for the yeast dough to rise.

8. Grease with yolk, bake at 180 degrees until tender.

Roll with shortcrust pastry jam

A variant of a crumbly sweet shortcrust pastry roll. Raisins are added to the jam, but you can do it without it. In this case, the amount of filling should be increased.


200 g margarine;

1 tsp vinegar;

100 g sugar;

1.5 cups flour;

100 g raisins;

250 g jam;

50 g of ground crackers.


1. For shortcrust pastry, grind the margarine with one glass of flour. Beat the egg separately with sugar, salt and a spoonful of vinegar essence. We combine everything, knead, add more flour if necessary. We remove the resulting lump in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. If time is short, then you can shove it into the freezer.

2. It is advisable to fill the raisins with hot water in advance, let stand to swell, then dry. Mix raisins with jam.

3. We take out the dough, roll out the layer on cling film.

4. Sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs, but not bread crumbs. It is advisable to use sweet and rich croutons, you can take dry biscuits.

5. Lay out the jam stuffing with raisins.

6. Raise one end of the film, twist a neat roll, transfer it to a baking sheet.

7. Bake in the oven for half an hour. Temperature 200. Do not remove immediately from the baking sheet, let it cool slightly.

8. Sprinkle with powder, cut into slices obliquely.

Puff pastry roll with jam and nuts

An option for a quick-to-prepare, but very tasty and sweet puff pastry roll. You will also need one sour apple for the filling, you can take a pear, quince or orange, it will also turn out delicious.


300 g of dough;

1 apple;

200 g jam;

0.5 tsp cinnamon;

4 tablespoons of crackers;


1. Closely need to defrost in advance. It is desirable that the piece goes in one layer. But if there are two pieces, then you can make two rolls.

2. Cut the apples into small cubes, mix with cinnamon and crackers, add jam.

3. Roll out puff pastry into a long rectangle, grease with filling. We twist a long, but not thick roll. Or we do a few pieces.

4. Transfer to a baking sheet, grease with an egg, bake at 200 degrees for about 25- + 30 minutes.

5. Cool, carefully remove from the sheet, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Roll with jam "Chocolate"

For this roll, a biscuit dough with cocoa is prepared. The top is covered with chocolate glaze. It is advisable to take a chocolate bar with a cocoa content of at least 70%.


2 spoons of cocoa;

100 g flour;

130 g sugar;

0.3 tsp ripper.

300 g of jam.

For glaze:

70 g of chocolate;

30 g butter.


1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar immediately, immerse the mixer and beat well at highest speed. The mass should double at least.

2. Combine flour with cocoa, add ripper.

3. Combine the chocolate flour with the beaten eggs.

4. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet with oiled parchment. You can bake the chocolate roll on a silicone mat.

5. Bake at 180 degrees. A sponge cake needs 10-15 minutes. Check with pressure. If the fossa is restored, then the cake is ready.

6. Remove the biscuit on a towel. Remove the parchment or rug. Let the cake rest for five minutes.

7. Apply the jam until the sponge cake is completely warm. Roll the warm crust into a tight roll. Leave to cool completely. Then refrigerate.

8. For the glaze, chop the chocolate and butter, melt in place in one bowl. You can use a water bath, microwave oven, or aluminum saucepan.

9. We take out the chilled roll, grease with icing, leave until the chocolate hardens.

Roll with jam "Surprise"

Recipe for a very bright and unusual roll that children will especially like. The filling is made from jam with marmalade and airy cream, it turns out to be very sweet, aromatic and bright.


100 g sugar;

130 g flour;

2 tablespoons of water;

A pinch of vanilla;

A pinch of baking soda.

100 g marmalade;

200 g jam;

150 ml cream;

3 spoons of powder.


1. Making a biscuit dough. Beat eggs and granulated sugar, add flour with vanilla and ripper. Stir gently to keep the dough fluffy.

2. Pour the mass onto a baking sheet (be sure to cover it with parchment), with a layer of about half a centimeter. Bake until wheat color.

3. Take out the biscuit on a towel, roll a roll with it, cool.

4. Whisk the cream together with powder until fluffy foam. The fat content of the product should not be less than 30%.

5. Cut the marmalade into pieces.

6. We unfold the roll, grease with jam.

7. Spread butter cream on top.

8. Lay out the pieces of marmalade. It is desirable that they be of different colors.

9. Gently twist the roll, try to prevent the filling from dripping and the pieces of marmalade not to slide into one heap.

10. We put dessert in the refrigerator for two hours. Serve the roll, after cutting it into pieces.

If the jam for the filling of the roll is liquid and spreads, you can add some cookie crumbs to it.

The sponge cake for the roll should not be cooled in the oven, as is done for cakes. The layer is thin enough, dries quickly and will break when twisted.

If you want to make a lot of filling, it is better to dilute the jam with another product: fruits, nuts, cottage cheese, dried fruits. Sour prunes or dried apricots work well. Otherwise, from a large amount of jam, the delicacy will turn out to be too sweet and heavy.

If the eggs for the biscuit are not beaten well, the dough is dense, it can still be used for a roll, but it is advisable to add slaked soda or baking powder.

To get a juicy and wet roll, a biscuit cake can be soaked in juice or cold tea, but not much, and just before curling.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

It often happens that you hardly have time to prepare everything for the arrival of guests. Or friends just call and promise to appear soon, but the necessary ingredients are not in the fridge. And also the eternal question - I want something tasty, but too lazy to hang around for half a day at the stove.

In all such situations, a quick biscuit roll with jam will come in handy! You will spend nothing to prepare it - 10 minutes, the ingredients are always at hand even in the empty refrigerator, and the taste of this dessert will delight the caring hostess and please the guests.

According to this recipe, instead of filling, we will use any jam, but you can fantasize! If there is condensed milk at home, then in combination with butter, it will become an excellent cream for a roll. In principle, you can use any of your favorite cream, but only so that it is not very liquid, because otherwise the roll will be dry.

If you have time left, you can also pour the icing over it by melting the dark chocolate bar over low heat and sprinkle with nuts. In general, the main thing is instant dough, everything else is your taste and wishes.
You can also cook small
So, we are preparing a roll with jam.

- eggs - 3 pieces;
- sugar - 0.5 cups;
- flour - 1 glass;
- honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- soda, slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The recipe for jam roll is very simple. Break three eggs into a wide bowl.

Add sugar. You can use more or less sugar in the range of 0.75-1.5 cups. It all depends on preference.

Put a teaspoon of baking soda in a tablespoon, pour vinegar to the brim and add to a bowl.

Pour 2 tablespoons of honey there.

Add a glass of flour. It all depends on the size of the eggs. If they are too large, then you may need a little more flour.

Beat all at once with a mixer for 3 minutes. The dough is ready.

Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet and pour in the mixture.

Send it to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. This is enough!
After you take it out, brush with jam and quickly roll up.

Cut the quick jelly roll into pieces and enjoy! So quickly and without much hassle, you can prepare for the arrival of guests!

Also, take note of the chic

1. First you need to separate the yolks from the whites. Pour sugar into the yolks, beat well.

2. Butter (for convenience when whipping) must be melted and combined with milk. Continuing to beat, add the yolks a little at a time. Whisk the unattended proteins until somewhere nearby.

3. Try to gently pour the whites into the yolks. To avoid getting too much, sift the flour in advance and add a third of the previously prepared flour to the workpiece. It is very important to use good flour, it is the main component of almost any baked goods.

4. Continue stirring and gently add the rest of the flour. You should have a dough-like consistency without lumps. If you want, you can add vanilla extract or another extract of your choice to the roll preparation.

5. Prepare a baking sheet in advance: wipe it dry and cover it with parchment paper, baking paper or a Teflon mat (if you do not have either one, you can use A4 paper well oiled with vegetable oil). Pour the finished dough gently on top.

6. Smooth out the dough and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. It is not recommended to leave the stove during this time, as the roll can be cooked earlier, depending on the power of your stove.

7. Take a towel, sprinkle powdered sugar on it (cocoa or coconut, of your choice)

8. When the biscuit is ready, let it cool slightly. When it cools down, gently place it on a prepared towel.

9. Remove the parchment.

10. Wrap the finished dessert. If you do not do this action now, then you can simply break the workpiece as it dries up a little.

11. Leave the roll in this form for a while (ten to fifteen minutes), then unfold it.

12. When it cools a little, spread it with jam. I draw your special attention, the preparation should be a little warm, this will allow the jam to melt a little and soak the biscuit.

13. If desired, add fresh raspberries, other fruits or berries as desired to make the dessert even more original.

14. Wrap it up again, sprinkle it with prepared icing sugar or cocoa.

15. You can serve the roll immediately or the next day (then it will be thoroughly saturated with jam in the refrigerator).