Adjika from plums for the winter: you will lick the recipes. Plum adjika

16.10.2019 Seafood dishes

Firmly entrenched on our table, versatile, interesting sauce is homemade adjika. It is simple in terms of cooking technique. And, which is very important, the culinary technologies themselves for its preparation are countless. Among the numerical recipes, it is worth highlighting the recipe “ Adjika plum for the winter», Which in turn has its own variations. And don't be surprised that plums will be the main ingredient! Who said that they are unsuitable for winter salty harvesting ?! It's a delusion. Eel and other varieties will make not only a dessert, but also a wonderful, mouth-watering adjika. Therefore, for curious hostesses, such notes with descriptions of a wonderful blockage will come in handy.

There is no need to even mention the fact that we are conquered by the traditional. It is used in the diet as a "multipurpose remedy": as an appetizer, sauce, addition to all kinds of dishes, as a dressing, etc. But, having eaten up the mundane, you will certainly want something original. Plum adjichka is just what you need! Its unusual flavor will suit both potato and legume garnishes, fish and meat, which is loved by everyone. The combination at first glance will be surprising, but “ Adjika from plums for the winter - the best recipes»Are extremely pleasant and appetizing.

Adjika plum for the winter: a recipe in Georgian

A dish for the lazy - a recipe in Georgian. He needs to be given attention first. After all, it is the most simple and unobtrusive. The ingredients will be:

300 g of Georgian adjika (ready-made oriental national sauce),

2 kg plums,

500 ml tomato juice, salt to taste.

It is sometimes difficult to find ready-made Georgian sauce, so it is quickly prepared as follows. For him, a chili pod is ground with four garlic cloves, and seasoned with chopped herbs (cilantro, basil) and salt. Add ground curry if desired. In a truly Georgian recipe, like in, it would be nice to process smoked pungent pods, but modern substitute additives - such as liquid smoke - can easily give the vegetable the desired smoked flavor.

The bones are cleaned from the plums and the tails are removed. More often on " Adjika plum for the winter "recipes eel is taken, but other varieties are quite suitable. 100 ml (half a glass) of water is poured into the peeled plum halves, and they are steamed over low heat. When they are properly melted, they are rubbed or passed through a meat grinder. Tomato juice is added to the mashed potatoes, ready-made or self-prepared Georgian seasoning, salt are poured. The components are stirred, brought on a low heat until boiling and boiled for about 5 minutes. The rolled one is turned over on the lids, wrapped in a blanket and kept in a warm room until it cools.

There is a little secret to cleaning drains. After all, often housewives are faced with problematic removal of bones. You can get out of this situation in this way: put the whole fruits in a cooking pot, add a little water to them and steam for a few minutes, without bringing the fruits to boil and disintegrate. After heat treatment, the cream breaks very easily and the "beans" are removed from them.

Adjika plum for the winter: with tomatoes

The next method is with tomatoes. Tomatoes perfectly complement the flavor of garlic and pepper, and are equally well combined with eel. Cooking sauce " Adjika from tomato and plum for the winter"Was invented by the Russians, breaking the Abkhaz tradition and trying to" smooth out "a high degree of pungency and bitterness. Tomatoes in the recipe can be either ripe or slightly brown, conveying their specific taste, which, as a result, will be similar to store-bought ketchup, but as natural as possible and containing benefits for the body.

A dish is made from:

3 kilograms of tomatoes,

1 kilo of sour plums or cherry plums,

500 g onions

1 tsp ground red pepper or a mixture of peppers.

For spices, consider adding turmeric, coriander, ground cloves, or basil. Any spices are only welcomed during cooking adjichka. They will become more expressive, brighter.

Tomatoes are blanched and peeled for a smooth appetizer, and the butts are cut from them. Blanching is carried out in a saucepan with boiled water over moderate heat. Tomatoes are dipped in a colander or slotted spoon in a steep pitch and kept in it for up to a minute. After boiling water, nightshades move into cold water. And only after the cleaning follows.

Bone-free plums are chopped together with onions and combined with tomato puree. For this, a blender is used, with which the mass can be made homogeneous. The workpiece is boiled for about half an hour, removing the foam as it appears. A couple of minutes before the sauce is completely ready, spices are poured in, and, after boiling for a minute or two, the sauce jars are closed, getting an excellent spin, as in “ Adjika plum for the winter - recipes »photo.

By varying the amount of added spices, the appetizer is either close to natural or moderately spicy. You should be careful with a clove, and do not overload it (more than 3-4 stars or ground into powder); otherwise the taste will come out too intrusive.

Adjika plum for the winter: Method 3

The classic recipe, which heads the recipes “ Adjika from plums for the winter with a photo". The harmony of taste makes it possible to serve the sauce with many dishes, but mainly with meat ones. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

1 kilo of eel,

100 g garlic

2 tbsp sweet tomato sauce,

2 chili pods

2 tbsp sugar,

1 spoon of table salt.

Bones are removed from the eel. In chili, the testes are removed, in which the focus of bitterness is concentrated. The prepared ingredients are crushed and poured into a saucepan to cook, stirring with a spoon and removing the foam. Peeled garlic is cut separately from the rest of the ingredients. But it is poured into the brew at the same time with salt and sugar sand half an hour after the start of the boil, or 5 minutes before the end. Before packaging, the dish languishes for an additional three minutes and is closed in a sterilized container.

In this recipe, after adding spices - salt and sugar - it is recommended to make a control sample. More sugar is added to a brew that is too sour, and salt or ocet (wine or apple) is added to an overly sweet and soft one. A pinch of citric acid will add spice. By the way, if they are preparing " Adjika from yellow plum for the winter "recipes, then the color of the workpiece is radically different from the eel dish. As for the palatability, they are influenced only by the degree of ripeness of the fruit.

Adjika plum for the winter: Method 4

An invariable component of the original adjika is sweet bell pepper. It will give a good result even with plums. Both pepper and eel complement each other perfectly. And the winter preparation will be saturated with their individual, but pleasant and mutually compatible aromas. Cooking assumes the presence of:

2 kilos of paprika,

1.2-1.3 kg plums,

3 chili pods

0.3 kg of garlic

Various spices to taste.

Seeds are removed from peppers of two varieties (sweet and bitter). The eel is freed from the bones. Then the ingredients are split into pieces of arbitrary size; it is enough to divide the plums into halves. The slices are poured into a saucepan, water is added to it, and the contents are placed on the stove. While waiting for a boil, the garlic is peeled and finely chopped. When the peppers are completely softened by languishing, the mass is removed from the heat and cooled. Garlic is put into a sufficiently cooled substance, and it is ground with a blender into a homogeneous vegetable puree. Spices " Adjika from plum and pepper for the winter»Is seasoned at the very end, after which it is stirred, boiled for literally one minute and corked in jars.

Peppers play a decisive role in the sauce proposed for cooking. For example, the hottest version comes from red chili. Less vigorous; therefore, the quantity of green peppers can be doubled in quantity than indicated in the recipe, in contrast to red ones.

Adjika plum for the winter: Method 5

Wonderful quince fruit ... Amazing jam and compote are made from it. And it is also possible to add it to the plum adjika. The astringency of the quince will be quite appropriate in this dish, but after cooking it is hardly noticeable. Required ingredients for the recipe:

2 kg of eel,

1 beet

0.3 kg of garlic

1 kg of quince,

5 pods of hot pepper,

Sugar and table salt.

All herbal ingredients and peeled garlic are washed. Bones are extracted from the cream. Quince is cut into small slices, while removing the hard cores. Beets and garlic are chopped separately. The sauce is set to simmer for 40 minutes. After half an hour, crushed garlic is put into it and spices are added. After another 10 minutes of boiling, the dish is poured into jars and rolled up. Adjika plum for the winter - the best options are also obtained very beautiful, rich burgundy hue. Although beetroot, if desired, can be excluded from the recipe altogether.

Sometimes a savory appetizer is complemented with walnuts. But in this case, the amount of added spices and spices is reduced to the maximum, since the specific taste of the kernels can be "lost". Ingredients for the sauce:

1 kg of sweet pepper

200 g of garlic

3 kilograms of prunes,

300 g walnuts,

100 g of sugar sand,

1 tbsp ground black pepper, salt.

Pepper-paprika and prunes are pitted. The garlic is peeled off. Further, the named products are turned through a meat grinder, and the resulting puree is placed on the stove, where it is boiled and cooked for about 45 minutes. Walnut kernels are sorted, choosing from them hard membranes. Sorted nuts are dried in the oven or in a dry frying pan for 2-3 minutes. Recommendations " How to cook plum adjika for the winter»It is advised to cool the nucleoli, and only then grind them in a meat grinder or knead them with a rolling pin.

After 45 minutes of boiling the workpiece, bitter pepper, salt-sugar are poured into it. The mass is mixed, and chopped nuts are added. With them, cooking continues for another 2 minutes, and adjika is canned in cans. By the way, there is no need to close the entire workpiece hermetically at once. You can seal most of it and leave the rest for sampling. The remainder is closed with nylon caps and will stand perfectly for a couple of weeks until it is “used up”.

2 tbsp oztic acid.

The onion is cut in arbitrary cubes, but not into small crumbs. After peeling and washing, carrots are rubbed on a grater or chopped into thin circles. Peppers (bitter and sweet) without seed boxes are split randomly. The plums break and the bones are removed from them. For cooking billets " Adjika from yellow plums for the winter»A thick-walled saucepan is taken, and lean oil is poured into it.

The onion is passaged first in oil, then the carrots are added. Together they languish for 5 minutes. Peppers and plums follow. The dishes are covered with a lid and the ingredients are stewed until the pulp softens. Controlling the extinguishing process, it is necessary to add water if not enough juice is released. When the vegetables are completely soft, you can cool the brew, punch it with a blender, or pass it through a meat grinder. Spices and ocet are placed in a cooled mass, which is stirred and rolled up with lids.

Ginger is also added to the adjichka to recreate unusual taste. You can originalize a little differently, and prepare a version of the sauce based on the classic recipe “ Adjika plum for the winter - tkemali"; only for him are taken not sweet varieties of plums, but sour or generally cherry plum. The dish will change dramatically if you leave it raw; the truth is not stored so long and exclusively in the refrigerator, but many connoisseurs love this raw snack sauce.

One of many favorite seasonings for various dishes is adjika, which traditionally consists of pepper, garlic and salt. Most people cook it with tomatoes, but the recipes don't stop there. A very fresh and interesting solution is plum adjika, which always comes out with a beautiful shade of dark purple and a multifaceted velvety taste.

It also has an amazing aroma and is in perfect harmony with poultry and meat dishes, serving it with ordinary pasta or rice, you will get a real masterpiece. Absolutely any dish can be transformed with the help of this hot seasoning. Food consumed with adjika stimulates the digestive process, improves metabolism, has the ability to suppress viruses and bacteria. There are a large number of recipes for plum adjika, each of which is good and original in its own way, in general, you can choose for every taste. We offer the best recipes for adjika from plums, which will certainly surprise and delight you with its taste. We really hope that it will become your signature dish.

Plum adjika with curry


  • plums - 3 kg
  • curry - 30 g
  • cloves - 10 pcs.
  • sugar - 5 table. spoons
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • chili pepper - 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 heads

We twist plums and chili peppers in a meat grinder, cook on low heat for 45 minutes after boiling, then add curry, ground cloves, salt, sugar and garlic passed through a press, cook for another 10 minutes. We lay out in sterilized jars, if done for the winter, then at the end of cooking, add a tablespoon of vinegar.

Plum adjika with herbs


  • plums - 2 kg
  • sweet red pepper - 1 pc.
  • chili - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 heads
  • basil - 1 bunch
  • tarragon - 1 bunch
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • sugar - 50 g
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper - 5 g

Grind plums, peppers and herbs in a meat grinder, boil the resulting mass, then cook over low heat, stirring thoroughly, for 30 minutes. Add sugar, salt, pepper, cook for about half an hour, add chopped garlic 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Only cooked adjika is immediately laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up and left upside down under a blanket for a day.

Plum-tomato adjika


  • tomato paste - 3 tablespoons. spoons
  • plums - 2 kg
  • garlic - 200 g
  • ground red pepper - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 20 g
  • cumin - 1 tsp. spoon
  • sugar - 100 g
  • vinegar - 10 ml

We pass the garlic and plums through a meat grinder, add sugar, salt, caraway seeds and red pepper, bring to a boil. Mix everything well with tomato paste, cook for 50 minutes, stir constantly. At the end, pour vinegar into the adjika, roll it over sterilized jars, wrap it until it cools completely.

Adjika plum-apple


  • apple - 1 kg
  • plums - 3 kg
  • garlic - 1 head
  • ground ginger - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 100 g
  • red and black pepper - 5 g
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons

Cook pitted plums and apple pieces with a little water for 40 minutes after boiling, then rub the whole mass through a colander, add garlic, sugar, ginger, salt, red and black pepper, cook for another 15 minutes. We lay out the hot seasoning and roll it into sterilized jars.

Spicy plum adjika


  • plums - 2 kg
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 1 head
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • coriander - 1 tbsp spoons
  • mint - 0.5 bunch
  • dill - 0.5 bunch
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • saffron - 1 tsp
  • salt - 15 g

Fill the plums with water, put on fire, cook for 45 minutes after boiling, rub through a sieve, remove the seeds. Grind the garlic in a blender, add salt, herbs, coriander, chili and sugar, mix with plum puree, boil the mass for 10 minutes, roll it up in sterilized containers.

Adjika from plums without cooking


We pass the plums through a meat grinder, do the same with garlic, chili and parsley, mix everything with tomato sauce, salt and sugar, let the adjika brew for half an hour, store in the refrigerator for several days.

Multi-component adjika from plums and vegetables


  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • plums - 1 kg
  • apples - 0.5 kg
  • sweet pepper - 0.5 kg
  • onions - 500 g
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 l
  • sugar - 100 g
  • chili pepper - 5 pods
  • carrots - 500 g
  • salt and pepper - 1.5 tsp

We pass all prepared vegetables, plums and apples through a meat grinder, mix with butter, salt and sugar, put on fire, bring to a boil. Cook for 1.5 hours on low heat, at the end add pepper to taste. Only the adjika removed from the fire is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.

Plum adjika with vinegar


  • plum - 1 kg
  • apple cider vinegar - 200 ml
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 kg
  • hops-suneli - 3 tablespoons. spoons
  • chili pepper - 4 pcs.
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • cilantro - 1 tbsp. spoon

Chop all vegetables and plums in a meat grinder, add salt, sugar, suneli hops and apple cider vinegar to this mixture. Mix everything well, add cilantro, leave for an hour. We store no more than a week in the refrigerator.



Adjika plum for the winter is prepared at home according to the principle of preparation of the well-known Georgian sauce "Tkemali". Hot hot peppers and garlic are also used for its manufacture. Only tomatoes, which are necessarily used to create Tkemali sauce, are not added to adjika. This delicious plum seasoning is prepared with tomato paste. By the way, this simple step-by-step recipe with a photo of plum adjika also came to us from Georgia. In fact, it is in this country that sharp and burning similar preparations are more popular than anywhere else. Therefore, such a simple plum adjika is also called a delicious Georgian sauce from plums to meat.

To make such a delicious fruit adjika in your kitchen with your own hands, you need to carefully study this step-by-step recipe with a photo and technological instructions. It is also very important to choose good fruits for cooking it at home. Any variety of blue and yellow plums can be used for this recipe, as long as they are all in good and fresh condition. If the preparation of plum adjika took place in the autumn, then in this case it is best to use the plum variety "Ugorka".

Adjika is a seasoning from the national Abkhaz cuisine, scaldingly spicy and fragrant, became the basis for a wide variety of seasonings and sauces with the addition of herbs, tomatoes, sweet peppers or plums. The set of spices remains unchanged: hot red pepper, suneli hops, garlic and rock salt. I tried to cook many adjika recipes, but most of all I was captivated by plum adjika, a recipe for the winter, so I use a lot of fruits and vegetables. Considering the experience of previous seasons, when this adjika did not even manage to survive until winter. A stunning aroma, bright taste and fantastic color hitting the taste buds - these are the three main components of the success of this adjika. You can take absolutely any plums - red, yellow or green. But the most radical color of the sauce comes from blue plums. I like their taste the most.

Ingredients for 2 liters of adjika:

  • plum (blue, elongated) - 3 kg,
  • basil (blue) - 3 bunches,
  • celery greens - 3 bunches,
  • dill - 3 bunches,
  • parsley - 3 bunches,
  • tomatoes - 600 grams,
  • chili pepper - 3 pieces,
  • hops suneli - 6 tablespoons
  • coarse salt - to taste (I put 3 tablespoons),
  • garlic - 1.5 heads

Cooking time - 50 minutes

How to cook adjika from plums for the winter:

1. First of all, plums must be sorted out and washed thoroughly. For the sauce, it is not necessary to take only strong fruits. The main thing is that there are no rotten fragments in them.

2. We remove the seeds from the plums. You can cut them with a knife, and the bones are removed from soft plums without additional devices. We do not remove the skin, it will give the sauce that amazing color and the necessary acid.

3. Finely chop the blue basil and add to the plums.

4. Chop the rest of the greens equally finely - celery, parsley and dill. Pour into a saucepan, where adjika will be cooked.

5. Mandatory ingredient - chili pepper. We are making a hot sauce, so we don't remove the pepper seeds, we just cut them into several pieces. Cut the tomatoes into pieces of any shape, the size also does not matter - the sauce will be blended through.

6. Add suneli hops and salt. Be sure to take stone salt. The usual cookery is not suitable - it will spoil any preservation. As far as the amount of salt is concerned, here I recommend proceeding from your tastes. If you are preparing adjika from plums for the first time, then put 1.5-2 tablespoons. Then try the sauce after boiling. If you find it unsalted, add salt.

7. Mix everything. I do it with my hands, while kneading the plums so that they give juice.

8. We put the pot on the stove. Bring to a boil. (We don't add water! The juice that comes out of the plums is enough.) Then we reduce the heat to a minimum - the sauce should only slightly bubbling. And cook adjika for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Do not cover with a lid.

9. Punch the cooked plums with an immersion blender for at least five minutes until a smooth, shiny homogeneous mass is formed.

10. And only after that add the garlic - you can grate it on a fine grater if there is no garlic press. (And at the same moment, you can try the sauce, whether it is salted enough and add salt if necessary.) After all this, the sauce needs to be boiled again (literally a minute). That's all. Pour the sauce into dry sterilized jars. We close it with pre-boiled screw caps or those specially designed for seaming. Then we turn the cans upside down, wrap them with a blanket and leave them in this form until they cool down.

Adapted hot sauce recipes often include tomatoes, both red and green, bell peppers, plums, apples, even courgettes. I really like the scalding spicy plum adjika. The presence of an ingredient more suitable for tkemali creates a surprisingly tasty product that is somewhat tkemali reminiscent. At the same time, adzhika also includes tomatoes - and this, if you follow the Georgian taste, looks like satsebeli. Here is such an interesting mix-variant: spicy, sweet and sour, spicy, beautiful burgundy color.

Plum adjika recipe for the winter - without sterilization and without vinegar. The desired sourness is given by the tomatoes and the plums themselves. The main thing is to boil the adjika well and sterilize the cans themselves. Any plums are suitable for the sauce: blue, red, green and even yellow, although the color of adjika with the latter will be less radical.

Prep 10 minutes / Prep 30 minutes / Amount 1 l


  • plum 1 kg
  • tomatoes 200 g
  • chili pepper 1 pc.
  • blue basil 0.5 bunch
  • dill 0.5 bunch
  • parsley 0.5 bunch
  • non-iodized salt 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • hops-suneli 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • 5 cloves garlic

Plum adjika recipe for the winter

Rinse the plums in cold water. Absolutely any sort of plum will do (I have a hybrid of the Alenka and cherry plums).

We remove the bones. You can simply squeeze them out or cut each plum into pieces as you like.

Finely chop the basil, dill and parsley. We send the greens to the pan for the plums.

Cut the tomatoes (together with the skin) into large pieces. Grind the chili peppers into rings. We do not remove the seeds from chili, because we are preparing spicy adjika. Combine tomatoes and hot peppers with other ingredients.

Add salt and suneli hops.

We mix everything with our hands, lightly crushing the plums so that they give juice.

Place the pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. Reduce heat to very low and cook for 20 minutes, stirring with a spatula. Do not cover with a lid. During this time, enough juice will stand out, and the plums and tomatoes will become very soft and boil.

We puree the contents of the pan using an immersion blender - at medium speed for 3-4 minutes. Only after that we add the garlic, passed through the press, and return the pan back to the stove.

Bring the sauce to a boil again, taste it to taste - you may want to add more salt or spices. Cook at low boil for another 3-4 minutes, stirring with a spatula. Pour adjika into hot sterilized jars, seal and turn upside down.

We leave the jars upside down until they cool completely, wrapping them in a warm blanket. After 3 days, when the adjika is infused, you can already take the first sample.

But it is better if the cooked spicy adjika will stand for at least a month in the cold for the winter. Then it will become thicker and more burning. Store the workpiece in a basement or other cool place. The shelf life of homemade products is 1 year.