A simple puff pastry cake. Recipe: Quick puff pastry cake - "Ruins" with condensed milk and curd cheese

11.09.2019 Salads

It is much faster and easier to make such a Napoleon cake made from puff pastry dough than the classic version of the recipe. Since the dough is completely ready, you do not need to knead and roll it out for a long time. I make Napoleon with a delicious custard in milk. If desired, the cream can be replaced with the one you like best.

Not everyone, and not always, has a lot of free time to make a cake for the holiday. Therefore, in my opinion, any housewife should have such quick recipes. And even the simplest and well-known cake can be diversified, for example, by adding sliced ​​bananas to it, which will only make it tastier. The recipe for Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry will not leave you indifferent, and even a beginner will cope with the preparation. Try this dessert and you will be satisfied.


  • Yeast-free puff pastry - 1500 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Flour - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g

Number of Servings: 12

European cuisine

Crust baking time: 15 minutes

Cooking method: in the oven

Caloric value: 336 kcal per 100 g

How to make napoleon from ready-made puff pastry

Making a Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry is as easy as shelling pears and the good news is that you don't have to waste time kneading the dough. I take a puff yeast-free dough, in a pack of 4 sheets, for a cake I need 6 leaves, that is, 1.5 packs. I immediately take it out of the package and leave it to defrost.

Sprinkle flour on the work surface, put the dough on it and roll it out a little. Then I put a plate on it and cut out a circle with a knife.

I put a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet, carefully lay out the cut circles on top. We also put the pieces that remained from the circle to bake, they will still come in handy. Then I make cuts on all the cakes so that they do not swell and bake well.

I put them to bake in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees, for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven and the thickness of the rolled cakes.

I bake all 6 cakes in the same way. It is not necessary to make the cake round, you can make it rectangular, it will be larger and you do not have to cut so much.

I break the cuts that have been baked into small pieces or chop them with a blender, which will only speed up the process.

Now I'm making a custard for the cake. It is quite simple to prepare. I first take out the butter from the refrigerator so that it melts. Pour sugar, flour into a saucepan with a thick bottom and drive in an egg.

I mix the added ingredients well to get a homogeneous mixture.

Then I start pouring in milk a little bit, stirring all the time.

When the mass is mixed, I put it on medium heat.

As soon as the cream boils, remove it from the heat and leave it to cool. If you like a very well-soaked cake, then feel free to make a double portion of the cream.

The longer the cream cools, the thicker it becomes. To make it cool faster, I put it in cold water. In principle, you can leave the cream like this and not add anything else to it, but since I want to show you a classic recipe, I need to finish it a little more.

In a bowl with already melted butter, add a couple of tablespoons of the cooled cream and mix.

Thus, I got a delicious custard for napoleon from ready-made puff pastry. If you take not butter, but a vegetable-butter mixture, you will get a cream with the same fine flakes as mine. This does not affect the taste in any way, but the view is certainly not ideal for him.

After that, I proceed to the formation of the dessert. I put the bottom cake on a tray or dish, coat it with cream, then leather again, and so on until the end.

The puff pastry napoleon with custard is almost done. Now I take the shredded scraps and sprinkle them on the top and sides of the cake.

Finally, I put the puff pastry napoleon in the refrigerator to soak. This will take 12 hours or more. From such a dough you can make, the preparation of which will take you a minimum of time. Bon Appetit!

There are times when you want to please guests or are close to something extraordinary, but there is no time or desire to spend a long time in the kitchen. I'm just one of those people :) Therefore, such a wonderful cake is my favorite. It is quick and easy to prepare, but it looks unusual and delicious!

I call it "Tasty Ruins")

First, defrost the dough. Sprinkle the baking paper with flour and the defrosted dough, WITHOUT ROLLING OUT, put it on a baking sheet with paper. We send to bake in the oven for 30 minutes, temperature 180-200 degrees

This is what we should get. Let the cakes cool.

Cream preparation:

We measure all the ingredients for the cream and put them in a deep bowl, in which it will be convenient to stir with a mixer.

Knead the cream until smooth

By this time, our biscuits have already cooled down. We cut it into rugs, and each halves still in half. The crumb that appears when sprinkling the top layer is also useful to us !!!

We take a flat and large plate. Put the strongest and thickest piece of dough in the first layer.

Liberally coat it with cream.
And so on we do with all the layers of dough, smearing them with cream.

We have got such a "turret". The top layer is a cream, we coat the top well so that the dough is not visible.

Chop finely sprinkled dough remnants with our hands and sprinkle them on the top of the cake

Rub the milk chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle on the cake

We put the cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the biscuits are soaked and the cream hardened a little

It turned out to be a great dessert for a Sunday family tea party!
Can also be prepared for a holiday if few guests are expected.
By cooking time:
Preparatory work - 15 minutes
Baking the cakes - 30 minutes
Assembling the cake itself - 10 minutes
Cooling down in the refrigerator - 3 hours.
Try it! With love, from Mary)

Cooking time: PT00H25M 25 min.

Puff pastry cake is a delicacy that is prepared using a simple technology. The dessert is juicy, sweet and tender. We offer the most interesting and popular cooking recipes.

Classic Napoleon Puff Pastry Cake

It takes time to properly prepare the dough. Therefore, we suggest preparing a delicacy in a matter of minutes from purchased dough. In the classic version, custard is used for impregnation.


Vanilla sugar - sachet;
flour - 75 g;
milk - 1 liter;
puff pastry - 1000 g;
sugar - 240 g;
butter - 40 g;
egg - 3 pcs.


1. Remove the dough from the freezer and defrost it naturally. Put the oven on heating (180 degrees).
2. Sprinkle flour on the table. Tear off a piece of dough from the total mass and roll it out. Place on a baking sheet and bake for a quarter of an hour.
3. Repeat the process a few more times until the dough is finished. The cakes should be the same size.
4. After all the workpieces have cooled down, you need to cut each cake in half and trim the edges to get even, identical rectangles.
5. Beat eggs and flour separately. Add sugar and beat.
6. Heat the milk and pour in the mixture in a thin stream. Stir constantly all the time. For convenience, use a whisk. When you notice bubbles on the surface, remove the cream from the heat.
7. Add butter, then vanillin. Beat and cool.
8. Smearing with cream, lay the cakes on top of each other on a dish. Smear the last cake on top and sides with cream.
9. Chop the cuttings. Sprinkle dessert on all sides. Refrigerate and leave for seven hours.

A simple recipe in a frying pan

Treat your loved one with a delicious dessert soaked in delicate curd cream. And if you want to diversify the taste of the delicacy, you can add any jam to the filling.

First, I want to explain why "Cake-Pie". Firstly, it is done in a pan, a very quick, "lazy" version, so I classified it, nevertheless, with pies. Well, but in appearance and delicate, moderately sweet taste, after all, a cake. All the same, choux pastry and another option for making a quick and tasty dish from it !!! Why "Fenichka"? The day before yesterday I received a letter from Irochka, a cook at fene4 ka. She asked if I made cakes from this dough (which I recommend to everyone). So I went to the kitchen - my hands were itching to try it right away and not waste time. I thought a little, did not complicate anything. Choux pastry + custard from the available products. That is why I called this, albeit simple, but very delicate and tasty cake "Fenichka". This is Irishka's idea, thanks to her! I think this cake will help me out more than once! Or maybe it will come in handy for cooks who do not like to bother with baking or simply do not have an oven. I do not pretend to be original. There is no purpose to surprise someone. The recipe is very simple.

Ready-made store dough is a real magic wand for modern housewives. It will allow you to quickly and easily prepare even the most delicious festive dessert. Especially delicious is the Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry.

In this recipe, the cream is prepared from heavy cream, condensed milk and butter. It perfectly impregnates puff cakes and makes the treats the most delicate. The recipe includes the following products: 2 packs of 500 g of ready-made puff pastry (without yeast in the composition), a glass of whipping cream, a pack of fatty butter, a can of condensed milk.

  1. The dough is defrosted, after which each sheet is cut into 4 pieces. There will be 8 blanks in total. A plate with a diameter of 24-25 cm is taken. Each cake is rolled out a little more than these parameters and cut in a circle.
  2. Each thin "cake" is pierced in several places with a fork.
  3. On a baking sheet with oiled parchment, circles and the remaining trimmings are baked in turn until tender. Enough 10-12 minutes at 210 degrees.
  4. For the cream, softened butter and not cold condensed milk are mixed with the classic "Napoleon". No need to beat them.
  5. In a separate cup, whip the cream until thick.
  6. Both masses are carefully combined.
  7. Ready-made cakes are generously coated with cream and stacked on top of each other, slightly pressing them together.
  8. Place a chopping board with a load on top of the cake and put it in the cold for soaking.
  9. The decoration is ground baked scraps, chopped nuts. Sprinkle the cake on top and sides.

Lazy "Napoleon" with strawberries

Juicy fresh berries add originality to the classic recipe. Strawberries go well with crunchy dough and butter cream. To prepare the cake, take: a pound of ready-made puff pastry, 420 g of berries, 430 ml. heavy cream (preferably homemade), 6 large tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Top can be garnished with whole strawberries

  1. The previously defrosted dough is cut into 4 equal parts, each of which must be lightly rolled out and baked on oiled parchment at 190 degrees. When the cakes are golden on the top side, you can remove them from the oven.
  2. The cream is whipped on a high mixer speed. In the process, you need to constantly add powdered sugar to them. The result is a thick, sweet cream.
  3. The strawberries are washed and cut into thin even slices.
  4. Each cake is laid out on a dish, generously greased with cream and laid with berry slices.

With semolina custard

Instead of frozen puff pastry for cooking, you can take ready-made cakes specially designed for "Napoleon". But the custard to it will turn out to be unusual, with the addition of semolina. In addition to semolina (4 large spoons) and packaging of purchased cakes, will be used: 870 ml. milk, 2 packs of butter, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar.

Garnished with any fresh berries and mint leaves

  1. The milk is brought to a boil with sugar. Then semolina is added to the mass, and the components are cooked for 7-8 minutes with constant stirring.
  2. When the cream cools down, softened butter interferes with it.
  3. Beat the mixture until it becomes more fluffy.
  4. The cakes are generously coated with cream and sprinkled with special crumbs.
  5. Installed under the load in the cold until the morning.

With custard

It's not difficult to make a classic custard on your own. The main thing is to carefully observe all the proportions indicated in the recipe. In addition to 1 kg of puff pastry, take: 90 g of flour, 3 yolks, 160 g of fatty butter, 900 ml. milk, 310 g of granulated sugar, a small spoonful of vanilla sugar.

  1. The dough is defrosted, divided into pieces and rolled out slightly. As a result, you should get 4 blanks.
  2. At 200 degrees, the cakes are baked in the oven until golden brown on oiled parchment.
  3. The resulting bases are cut into 2 parts. Thus, you get 8 cakes.
  4. All the crumbs from them must be left for sprinkling the finished treat.
  5. For cream, two types of sugar and egg yolks are placed in a bowl. All products are rubbed with a whisk.
  6. It remains to pour flour into the mass and pour in 1 tbsp. not cold milk.
  7. The dairy product in a heavy-bottomed saucepan is heated on the stove and the sweet yolk mixture is poured into it.
  8. The mass is cooked for 12-15 minutes until thickened with constant stirring over low heat.
  9. When the cream has cooled, oil is added to it.
  10. The cakes are poured with cream.
  11. Sprinkle the remaining crumbs on the top of the cake.
  12. Decorated with a nut mass.

With butter cream

Delicate cake cream includes condensed milk and sour cream. Its preparation will not take long. From the products you will need to prepare: 800 g of ready-made puff pastry (without yeast in the composition), 220 g of medium fat sour cream, 160 g of sugar, a can of condensed milk, 180 g of high-quality butter.

Be sure to pierce the base with a fork in several places so that it rises evenly when baking.

  1. The dough is defrosted, divided into 4 layers, each is slightly rolled out.
  2. The cakes are baked for 10-12 minutes in a hot oven.
  3. Sour cream is mixed with granulated sugar in a bowl, after which the components are whipped until smooth.
  4. In order for the delicacy to settle slightly and turn out to be even at the edges, it must be left under the load.

  5. Beat butter and condensed milk in a separate bowl.
  6. Both mixtures are combined.
  7. Each cake is divided into two parts. Seven of them are smeared with cream and stacked on top of each other, and the eighth turns into a crumb, which serves as a decoration.
  8. A cake with aromatic herbal tea is served.

With mascarpone and cherry

Such "Napoleon" does not fall into the list of budget desserts, but it will definitely become a worthy decoration of the festive table. Of the ingredients, you will need to use: 500 g of puff ready-made dough, 80 g of granulated sugar, the same amount of powder, 230 g of cream cheese (mascarpone), 180 g of defrosted pitted berries, a glass of fat sour cream.

The finished treat is sprinkled with fine crumb crumbs on all sides

  1. The dough is defrosted, cut into 4 pieces and sent to bake on parchment.
  2. A quarter of an hour at 180 degrees is enough.
  3. Each biscuit is divided into 2 parts. The toasted layer of the latter is crushed into crumbs.
  4. Cherries with sugar are turned into a homogeneous mass using a blender.
  5. Sour cream with powder and sugar is whipped with a mixer until thick.
  6. Each cake is smeared first with cream, then with sweet berry puree. A cake is formed from the resulting blanks.

With cheese cream

Another version of "Napoleon" with cream cheese will turn out to be even slightly exotic. Indeed, it contains coconut (65 g. Shavings) and white chocolate (2 bars), and, in addition: 2 selected eggs, 630 ml. milk, 1 kg of puff pastry, a pinch of salt, 60 g flour, 230 g mascarpone.

The treat is decorated with any coconut sweets

  1. The dough is divided into 8 pieces, each of which is rolled thinly. A plate of a suitable size is applied to the blanks, and circles are cut.
  2. The future cakes are transferred in turn to a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment and baked with the remaining scraps.
  3. 1 glass of milk is warmed up over low heat. When it becomes hot, it is removed from the stove, eggs beaten with salt are poured into the container, and sifted flour is added.
  4. The mixture is mixed with the remaining milk and sent back to the fire. The cream is cooked until the first signs of a boil, after which it turns off.
  5. Sugar is poured into the still hot mass, chocolate slices are added.
  6. Cream cheese is driven into the cooled cream.
  7. The resulting mass is smeared with cakes. Every second of them is sprinkled with coconut flakes. On top, the treat is sprinkled with crumbs, into which the scraps of the cakes are ground.

With condensed milk

Such a lazy "Napoleon" is prepared almost instantly. The main thing is that everything is at hand. It can be called a dessert for suddenly arriving guests. In addition to 900 g of purchased ready-made dough (puff), you need to take: a glass of condensed milk and 2/3 of a pack of high-quality butter.

The finished baking will take 2-3 hours to impregnate

  1. The dough is divided into 4 layers with a sharp knife, pierced in several places with a fork and baked on parchment until golden brown.
  2. Beat butter with condensed milk until smooth.
  3. Ready-made cakes are cut into two parts, generously poured with cream and stacked on top of each other.
  4. To decorate the cake beautifully, one cake must be left and turned into small crumbs with a special blender attachment.

With whipped cream

Such a cream consists of many components, but in the end it will surprise you with its amazingly delicate rich taste. It contains: a glass of whipping cream, a bag of vanilla sugar, 35 g of potato starch, 210 g of granulated sugar, 570 ml. fat milk, 2 selected eggs, 800 g of puff pastry.

Dessert is served after 4 hours of soaking in the cold. Otherwise, the cakes will be dry.

  1. Milk (half a liter) in a thick-walled container is brought to a boil, but not boiled.
  2. It is enough to wait for the first bubbles.
  3. The bulk ingredients, eggs and remaining milk are mixed. These ingredients are then added to the hot liquid.
  4. The future cream is cooked on the very minimum heating of the stove until it thickens.
  5. It remains to whip the cream until thick and mix it with the milk base.
  6. The dough is cut into 4 pieces, each of which is baked in a hot oven.
  7. Ready-made cakes are cut into 2 parts and smeared with cream.
  8. The delicacy is decorated in any way the hostess likes. For example, melted chocolate and powdered sugar.

There are no similar materials.