Liqueur recipes homemade. Cooking delicious mint liqueur with your own hands

06.08.2019 Restaurant notes

How to make delicious homemade liqueurs? Check out 4 of the easiest and most delicious liqueur recipes anyone can make! Ingredients and photo.

Who doesn't love to treat themselves to a delicious liquor on holidays? It can be purchased in stores, or you can cook at home. Homemade liquors are very tasty and rich, and cooking will require less money than store-bought.

DIY vanilla liqueur

Vanilla liqueur is very delicate and very tasty. To prepare it, you need to melt one hundred grams of dark chocolate. Separately, you need to whip two hundred milliliters of heavy cream and fifteen grams of vanilla sugar, then add one can of condensed milk and chocolate. Knock everything down to a homogeneous mass and slowly pour in half a liter of vodka, the resulting liquor is ready.

Only it must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one week. The taste is creamy vanilla, with a long aftertaste.

How to make orange liqueur at home

Delicate sweet and sour taste will delight you with orange liqueur. It is necessary to boil a syrup of two hundred grams of sugar and one hundred milliliters of water and boil for fifteen minutes.

Take four large oranges and remove the zest from them, which then needs to be grated, and also squeeze out the juice. Pour the removed zest and juice into the syrup, wait until it boils and turn it off. When it cools down a little, pour three hundred grams of vodka into it and put two mint leaves.

Homemade liquors are very tasty and rich, and cooking will require less money than store-bought.

Then wait twelve hours for the liquor to infuse, strain and bottle. The taste will turn out with a slight sourness, and the color will be pleasantly orange.

Homemade liqueur "Curaço"

Another famous orange liqueur is Curacao. For cooking, it is necessary to dry one hundred and fifty grams of orange peels in advance.

In one bowl, mix two hundred and fifty grams of fresh orange peels and pre-dried ones, put five pieces of cloves and a cinnamon stick there, pour all this with one liter of vodka and leave for ten days. After the elapsed time, it is necessary to strain the mixture and add sugar syrup from three kilograms of sugar and a glass of water.

Then pour the liquor into bottles and after ten days you can enjoy its taste.

Making your own watermelon liqueur

Who doesn't like to quench their thirst in the summer with a piece of juicy watermelon? And if you make a delicious liquor from it?

For liquor, you need to mix six hundred milliliters of watermelon juice with one hundred and fifty grams of sugar and boil for fifteen minutes so that the taste becomes richer and there is a little less liquid. Add twenty grams of vanilla sugar and wait until it cools completely, then pour four hundred milliliters of vodka into the mixture.

Pour the resulting liquid into bottles and insist for seven days, you only need to shake it every day. At the end, filter the liquor and it's ready to drink!

Making liqueurs at home is not difficult at all, you just need the desire to please yourself with a delicious drink.

High in sugar. They turn out to be sharper than tinctures or liqueurs. They can be produced not only in the factory, but also at home. You will find recipes for homemade liquors in our article.

Variant with orange

This drink has a pleasant citrus aroma with subtle hints of cloves. It is interesting in that it does not require a long exposure. And you can use it after a couple of days from the moment of preparation. Since this liqueur recipe requires a specific set of components, stock up on everything you need in advance. You will need:

  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 3 large ripe oranges;
  • 250 ml filtered water;
  • a couple dozen clove buds;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves.

To make your own liquor at home, a simple recipe for which will surely be in your personal cookbook, you will need a little free time and a little patience. Combine water, sugar and cloves in a saucepan. All this is sent to the stove and waiting for the complete dissolution of sweet crystals. The resulting syrup is cooled and poured into a glass jar. Vodka, zest of one citrus fruit, pulp of the second and juice squeezed from two oranges are also added there.

Everything is mixed well and insisted for at least a day. After that, the finished liquor, the recipe of which is described just above, is filtered and served on the table. This drink can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. At the same time, it does not lose its aroma and taste.

Recipe with strawberries

A drink made using the technology described below has a pronounced berry aroma. Therefore, young ladies who like sweet homemade liqueurs will certainly be interested in them. The recipe for this drink is extremely simple, which means that any beginner can easily reproduce it.

List of ingredients:

  • 900 ml of vodka;
  • 900 g fresh strawberries;
  • 450 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 800 g sugar.

Since this recipe for homemade liquor involves the use of berries, you need to start the process with them. Strawberries are sorted out, freed from the stalks, washed, cut in half and put in a suitable jar. Berries are poured with the right amount of vodka, covered with a lid and left on the windowsill. Fifteen days later, the resulting infusion is filtered, combined with a cooled syrup made from water and sugar, and removed for a week in a dark place.

Strawberry liqueur, a simple recipe that does not require specific skills, can be stored for about two years. But for this it must be kept in the refrigerator.

Coffee option

This liqueur will certainly appeal to connoisseurs of sweet dessert drinks. It has a mild, pleasant taste and a pronounced coffee aroma. Like many other homemade liqueurs, this recipe calls for readily available budget ingredients. To make this drink you will need:

  • a couple of glasses of cow's milk;
  • 200 g of natural ground coffee;
  • 200 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 900 ml of vodka;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

To make you really tasty

th liquor at home, a simple recipe which provides for the presence of coffee, it is advisable to use high-quality ground grains. The Arabica variety is best suited for these purposes.

Coffee is combined with vanilla, poured with the right amount of vodka, tightly closed with a lid and cleaned for a week in a dark, warm place. After this time, the infusion is filtered and water, sugar and milk are added to it. The jar with the future liquor is hermetically sealed with a lid and kept in the cold for at least ten days.

Drink with cream

Homemade liquor, the recipe of which will surely be requested by all your guests who have tried this amazing drink, has a delicate milky taste and a barely perceptible vanilla aroma.

So, we take:

  • 100 ml of water and alcohol;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 250 ml of heavy cream;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.

Practical part

Water is poured into a saucepan and sent to the stove. As soon as it boils, sugar is poured into it and boiled until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. The resulting syrup is cooled to a warm state and combined with vanilla and cream. Alcohol is poured into the completely cooled mixture. The finished drink is stored in glass bottles in the refrigerator.

Variant with condensed milk and egg yolks

This fairly thick drink has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. It is prepared according to a very simple technology, which even those who have never done such things can repeat. This liqueur recipe involves the use of a minimum set of components, namely:

  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 300 g of condensed milk;
  • 250 ml of clean drinking water;
  • a couple of tablespoons of chopped oak bark;
  • yolks from eight eggs.

Cooking process

Oak bark is poured with water and sent to a water bath. After forty-five minutes, it is removed from the fire, cooled and filtered. In a separate container, grind egg yolks and condensed milk. Vodka and a decoction of oak bark are added to the resulting homogeneous mass. The almost ready drink is whipped with a mixer, poured into a glass bottle and insisted for at least three days.

Recipe with strawberries

This liqueur will certainly be appreciated by lovers of strong drinks, which are distinguished by a well-defined berry aroma. To get it you will need:

  • 500 ml filtered water;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 1 kg of ripe strawberries.

First of all, you need to prepare the syrup. It is brewed from water and granulated sugar. Add sorted strawberries to the sweet liquid and bring it all to a boil. The basis for the future liquor is poured into bottles and kept for ten days in the sun. Then the tincture is filtered, combined with vodka and sent for storage.

Although the reputation of women's drinks has been entrenched in liquors, this is not entirely true - this alcohol is for calm, cozy evenings with pleasant conversations.

Liquor is a sweet and strong alcohol based on juices, spices, infusions of herbs and roots, and other tasty ingredients. The choice of raw materials is unlimited, liqueurs are made from fruits, flowers, cacti, nuts, chocolate, eggs and everything that smells good and goes with a sweet taste. The variety of liqueurs is huge, the strength can range from 15 to 70% by volume, and there is a significant variation in the sugar content.

Fortress liqueurs are classified into three types:

  • Strong (30-45% vol.). Very fragrant varieties from mint, orange, anise, etc.
  • Dessert (25-30% vol.). Usually fruit and berry vintage drinks with a sweet and sour taste.
  • Creams (15-25%). A relatively new species that appeared no more than 50 years ago. Creamy, sugary-sweet and viscous drink was invented in Ireland.

Out of classification are old varieties, the recipes of which were compiled in the Middle Ages.

When did it appear?

Historians found descriptions of such tinctures in the manuscripts of Ancient Egypt, but the true flowering began in medieval Europe. Liqueurs were a by-product obtained by alchemists in the process of inventing the elixir of eternal youth. The monks were then engaged in the manufacture of medicinal potions, and so that herbal mixtures were not so bitter, honey was added to them.

The monasteries spent decades improving the taste, experimenting with ingredients, and creating new recipes by the hundreds and thousands. So in the 15th century, French monks arranged the famous Benedictine which is still very popular today.

At the same time, the Dutch began to produce similar sweet tinctures, although they did not try to cure anyone, but immediately established a trade in new alcohol. Interest in the topic was due to the rich harvest of wild oranges in the colonies.

For many centuries, liquor was produced in small batches, so only European aristocrats knew their sweet taste. Once in the 19th century the industrial revolution began, production volumes increased, and prices decreased, the drink was recognized and loved all over the world.

Subtleties of cooking

There are two main production technologies:

  1. Insisting on cognac or other alcohol. Maceration lasts for several months, then the tincture is filtered, sweetened, diluted to the desired strength.
  2. A quick way is to briefly soak the raw materials in alcohol. The filtered tincture is distilled several times, sugar and water are added.

The production technology of some brands provides for maturation up to 10 years, which affects not only the taste, but also the price. The specifics of home winemaking does not imply 10 years of aging, but you need to take into account certain subtleties:

  • first you need to reach certain peaks in . No tricks will help to mask the smell of fusel oils, it is better to distill the moonshine twice;
  • it is advisable to use water and yeast;
  • if the odor cannot be removed, choose a recipe with very fragrant ingredients - oranges, lemons, mint. You can slightly muffle the fusel smell with citric acid, but this will affect the taste of the liquor;
  • do not rush - the tincture should be saturated with taste for at least one month. Liqueur according to quick recipes is inferior to "slow".

How to make liquor from moonshine?

A liqueur recipe should be in the arsenal of every home winemaker. First, it's delicious. Secondly, it's beautiful. And thirdly, the authority of the master will skyrocket when you treat your guests to a sweet and fragrant drink of your own making.


Variation on the theme of Italian Limoncello with zest.


  • Three medium sized lemons.
  • Half a liter of strong moonshine (75-80% vol.).
  • Half a kilo of sugar.
  • Approximately 400 ml of water
  • Mint, ginger (optional)


  1. Scald lemons with boiling water and rinse with hot running water to wash off the protective layer that citruses are covered with for long-term storage in stores. Wipe dry with a towel.
  2. Peel off the zest, being careful not to touch the bitter white part of the rind.
  3. Squeeze juice from lemons.
  4. In a glass jar, pour lemon juice and zest with moonshine. You can put a couple of mint leaves and a piece of ginger. Stir and close with a tight lid.
  5. Put the jar for 10 days in a warm place without direct light. Shake the contents every day.
  6. Filter through several layers of gauze, squeeze out the zest.
  7. Mix water with sugar in a saucepan and cook the syrup for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool to 20-22 o C.
  8. Pour the syrup into the lemon tincture, mix.
  9. Pour the liquor into bottles and keep at least a week in the cool.

Honey nut


  • Three liters of moonshine
  • A kilogram of walnuts or other nuts, such as pine nuts.
  • Three tablespoons of black raisins.
  • Three tablespoons of honey.
  • A glass of sugar.


  1. Mix honey with moonshine, close the container with a lid and leave for 10 days. Honey should dissolve completely.
  2. Add crushed nuts, sugar and raisins to the moonshine. Insist 30 days.
  3. Filter and bottle.



  • Three liters of purified moonshine.
  • 2.5 kg blackberries.
  • 3 g citric acid.
  • A little vanilla to taste.
  • Sugar to taste - about 1.2-1.5 kg.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


  1. Slightly crush the blackberries.
  2. Pour moonshine, add citric acid and vanillin. Stir, close the lid and leave for three weeks.
  3. Boil sugar syrup, focus on the strength of the moonshine. Cool to + 20-23 ° C and dilute the drink.



  • 3 liters of purified moonshine;
  • 2.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 1.5-2 kg of sugar (to taste);
  • 1.5 liters of water.


  1. Crush the strawberries and fill the berries with moonshine for 5 days.
  2. Boil the syrup. Dissolve sugar in water and boil for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Cool syrup and mix with strained strawberry moonshine. You can add syrup just before serving.

Chocolate (Baileys)

One of the most popular liqueurs with a soft creamy chocolate taste is very popular with women. Surprise your loved ones with your own Quick Baileys. The liqueur will not turn out as thick as the original, but it tastes like a real chocolate Baileys.


  • 500-700 ml of 40-degree purified moonshine.
  • Half a liter of cream for coffee (10% fat).
  • Can of condensed cream.
  • Bitter chocolate bar.
  • Vanillin sachet (2 g).


  1. Break the chocolate bar and melt in a water bath.
  2. Pour half of the liquid cream into the chocolate. Stir to get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Mix the remaining cream with moonshine, add vanillin. Whisk with a blender.
  4. Gradually add chocolate and condensed cream and beat until fully combined.


Ripe fresh or frozen cranberries are suitable for homemade liquor.


  • Liter of 40-degree moonshine.
  • 4 cups cranberries (0.5 kg).
  • 500 g sugar.
  • Cardamom and cloves - optional, but you can add 1 each for flavor.


  1. Sort cranberries from rotten and unripe berries, rinse, let the water drain.
  2. Grind the berries in a blender or meat grinder until smooth.
  3. Pour cranberry puree with moonshine in a jar, close the lid and leave for 4 days at a temperature of about +20 ° C. Shake the jar once a day.
  4. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth and squeeze out the pulp.
  5. Pour the tincture into a saucepan, add sugar and heat a little over low heat. Stir until sugar dissolves. Try not to overheat the alcohol.
  6. If you decide to add cloves and cardamom, flatten them out and drop them into the warm liquor for a few minutes.
  7. When the drink has cooled, filter and bottle.



  • One and a half liters of purified moonshine.
  • A kilogram of cherries.
  • 300-400 g of sugar.


  1. Sort the cherries, remove the tails, leaves and spoiled berries.
  2. Place the cherries in a three-liter jar and fill with moonshine. Close the lid and leave for 14 days in a cool place. Shake the contents of the jar periodically.
  3. Drain the moonshine from the cherries, sprinkle the berries with sugar and mix. Close both jars and insist another 14 days.
  4. Throw the cherry in a colander, wait until the syrup drains, combine it with moonshine. Mix and leave for a day to infuse.
  5. Pour the finished liquor into bottles.


The classic viscous liquor from the tropics cannot be completely repeated at home, but you can experiment and get original dessert alcohol.


  • Half a liter of high-quality moonshine.
  • About 300 g of sugar.
  • Half a glass of water (120 mg).
  • One large banana.
  • A little vanilla in the pod or extract.


  1. Peeled banana cut and crushed. Put the banana in a jar, fill with moonshine, close the lid and leave for 14 days.
  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar, add vanilla. Cool to room temperature and pour into moonshine. Insist 30 days.
  3. Filter, bottle and refrigerate for another 30 days.

Raspberry (quick recipe)

Two hours is enough for cooking, since the process does not involve infusion. Fresh or frozen raspberries will do, but fresh berry liqueur tastes brighter.


  • Half a kilo of raspberries.
  • From 1 to 1, 25 liters of 40-degree purified moonshine.
  • 600-700 g of sugar.
  • 600 ml of water.
  • A sachet of citric acid and vanilla sugar.


  1. Pour the raspberries with water and cook for about an hour over low heat until the berries turn white.
  2. Take out the raspberries and squeeze. Dissolve sugar in the broth and wait until the “compote” cools down to 20 o C.
  3. Filter and combine with moonshine, add citric acid and vanilla sugar. Stir.
  4. Close the container with liquor and leave for a couple of hours.
  5. Filter.

The liquor turns out to be weak, up to 20% vol., but pleasant in taste and fragrant.

From blackcurrant


  • 2 liters of water.
  • Half a liter of moonshine.
  • Approximately 500 g of sugar, more can be.
  • 200-300 g of blackcurrant.
  • Cherry and currant leaves - 10-15 pcs.
  • A teaspoon of citric acid.


  1. Pour the washed leaves and berries with water and cook for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Drain the broth, add sugar and citric acid. Cool to room temperature.
  3. Filter and mix with moonshine.



  • A kilogram of ripe plums without signs of spoilage.
  • 400-500 ml of purified moonshine.
  • 300-400 g of sugar.


  1. Sort the plums, wash them, remove the stones and cut the pulp.
  2. Sprinkle the plums with sugar, cover the container with a cloth and leave for a day.
  3. Fill the plums with moonshine, close tightly and leave for a month.
  4. Filter and bottle.



  • 1 liter of moonshine and water.
  • 500 g sugar.
  • 100 g ground coffee.
  • 100 ml brandy.
  • Vanilla pod and a few clove buds.


  1. Brew coffee in half a liter of water. Pour into a three-liter jar and close the lid. Leave for a day.
  2. Filter coffee from the thick and mix with moonshine. Add cognac and spices.
  3. Boil syrup from sugar and 500 mg of water. When it cools down, pour it into moonshine with coffee. Close the jar tightly and leave for 30 days.
  4. Filter the liqueur and bottle it.

With condensed milk


  • Half a liter of pure moonshine.
  • 300-350 ml of 30% cream.
  • Bank of condensed milk.
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste, about a bag.


  1. Cool the cream and beat with a mixer.
  2. When the foam starts to rise, gradually add sugar, vanilla, condensed milk. Pour moonshine last.
  3. In the finished liquor, all ingredients should be a homogeneous mass. Send the liquor to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

From dark moonshine you can make a sweet liquor that creates an atmosphere of comfort and leads to a complacent disposition. Take the time and effort, and you will hear words of gratitude, and you yourself will be able to spend more than one pleasant evening with a glass of fragrant drink. If you found our recipes useful, don't forget to like and at the same time share your impressions about the taste of moonshine liquor.

Liqueur is usually a medium-strength sweet alcoholic drink with a special subtle flavor. Liqueurs are prepared by alcoholizing fruit and berry infusions using traditional spices in the form of essences and essential oils. For fortification, purified alcohol is used, possibly a high concentration of 75–96. The technology for preparing liqueurs includes the infusion of alcohol with vegetable raw materials and spices, straining and filtering infusions, preparing sugar syrup, sweetening, settling and removing sediment.

The preparation of liqueurs at home can take place in two ways: extracting juice from berries and fruits, followed by the addition of vodka and sugar to it; by insisting vodka on fruits and berries. The essences included in the liquor can be made independently using fruits, berries, herbs. Plants (cultivated and wild) are dried in the shade, crushed into the so-called plant flour - muras. Muras is poured with alcohol and infused for 2-3 weeks, for 1 part of muras 5-10 parts of alcohol. For some plants, the extraction of aromas using infusions and decoctions is used. Anise, cumin, mint, wormwood, hawthorn, chamomile, yarrow, wild rose, pine, linden, fir, marjoram, juniper, St. John's wort, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and black pepper, vanilla, star anise, lemon and orange zest, etc.

Raspberry liqueur

1 kg of raspberries, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of alcohol, 1 liter of water.

Raspberries are kneaded, poured with alcohol and infused for 15 days, shaking occasionally. Syrup is boiled from sugar and water, scale is removed, cooled to 30-40C and poured into the infusion, mixed and infused for another 2 weeks. Filtered, bottled and corked.

Strawberry liqueur (old recipe)

Sort out fresh strawberries, pour into a bottle, pour alcohol so as to cover it, put for two days in a warm place in the shade, then drain. pour strawberries with three glasses of water, let it stand for 2-3 days and boil 2-3 times in 2.4 kg of sugar. With this syrup, dilute a quarter of a bucket of strawberry alcohol.

Punch Liqueur

Take 800 g of sugar, cut the zest from 5 lemons and one orange into small pieces, squeeze the juice out of them, pour sugar over 1 cup of boiling water, boil twice, cool, pour squeezed juice from lemons and orange into this syrup, put sugar there, let it melt completely. Then pour in 1 bottle of rum, 2 glasses of sherry and 2 glasses of quality vodka. When well mixed together, strain through a fourfold folded napkin so that the liquor is completely clean. Pour into bottles, cork, pitch, when you need a punch, pour this liquor into glasses, topping up with boiling water or tea to taste.

Czech walnut liqueur

30-40 young green nuts, 1 liter of alcohol, a piece of cinnamon and 3-4 cloves, 0.5-0.6 liters of 20-30% sugar syrup.

Nuts of milky-wax ripeness cut into 4 parts, put into a bottle, pour alcohol, add cloves and cinnamon, cork and leave for a month. After that, drain the alcohol, filter, dilute to taste with sugar syrup.

Orange liqueur

Zest from 5 oranges, 2 bottles of vodka, 400 g of sugar.

Finely chop the orange zest, pour it into a bottle, pour vodka over it and put it in a warm place (near the battery) or, if the liquor is prepared in the summer, on the window. Here the bottle should stand for three weeks. After that, the infused vodka is filtered. Syrup is prepared in bowls of sugar and a glass of tincture. When it boils, cool it a little and pour in the rest of the infused vodka. Then the liquor in the bottle is put to infuse for 2 weeks. The finished liquor is bottled and, well corked, stored in a cool place.

Coffee liqueur

2 bottles of vodka, 50 g of natural coffee, 250 g of sugar.

Ground coffee is poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil. The broth is kept for a day in a tightly closed container. Strain into a large container, add vodka, add sugar, heat until the sugar disperses. Then the liquor is filtered through cheesecloth until completely transparent. In bottles, the liquor is kept for several days, then it gains more aroma, but you can serve it to the table and immediately after cooking.

Cherry liqueur

3 kg of cherries, 2 kg of sugar, 2 bottles of vodka.

Pour ripe pitted cherries into a bottle. For a better flavor, add a handful of broken cherry pits. A fan of spicy taste can add cinnamon and orange peel. 1 kg of sugar is poured on top and 1 bottle of vodka is poured into the bottle. The mixture is kept for 6 weeks. Then the cherry liqueur is filtered and another 1 kg of sugar and 1 bottle of vodka are added to it. Warm slightly to dissolve sugar. Cherry is then filtered through gauze or wool until completely transparent and bottled, which must be tightly corked.

Cranberry liqueur

4 cups of cranberries, 500 g of sugar, 0.75 liters of water.

Mash cranberries thoroughly, you can pass through a meat grinder, pour vodka in a saucepan, leave for 3-4 days, tightly closing the dishes with a lid. Then strain into another saucepan through cheesecloth folded in several layers, add sugar and put on fire, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat, dip in liquor for five minutes wrapped in gauze cloves and cardamom. Then pour into bottles through a funnel covered with gauze. Each straining increases the transparency of the liquor. Store in a cool place.

beer liquor

1 bottle of beer, 500 g of sugar, 4 teaspoons of instant coffee (you can take ground coffee), 1 bottle of vodka, a pinch of vanilla.

Pour beer into a saucepan, add sugar, coffee, spices, heat until sugar is completely dissolved, pour in vodka, stir and remove from heat. Strain through cheesecloth if the coffee was natural, and bottle. You can serve immediately, but it is better to let it brew for a day.

Strawberry liqueur

3 kg of strawberries, 2 kg of sugar, 2 bottles of vodka, 2 glasses of water.

Strawberries fall asleep to a bottle with a wide mouth, pour vodka, put for 4 days in a warm place, you can on a sunny windowsill. Then pour the infused vodka through a funnel with a gauze filter into another bottle, and pour 2 cups of water into the strawberries, let it brew for 3 days, then pour the mixture into a bowl, add sugar and boil the syrup, be sure to remove the foam. After that, pour infused vodka into a basin with syrup, cool, pour into a large bottle, let it settle for several days and bottle through cheesecloth. Close bottles well. It should be remembered that at home, the most reliable way to tightly seal will be to cover the cork and head with wax.

Milk liquor

1 bottle of vodka, 170 ml of cream, 2 yolks, 10 teaspoons of sugar.

Mix vodka with cream, add yolks, sugar, a pinch of vanilla sugar, stir well, pour into a bottle and let stand for at least a week.

mint liqueur

4 sprigs of mint are poured into wide-mouth bottles with 2 bottles of vodka, tightly corked and allowed to brew for 2 weeks. After that, the vodka is filtered, 200 g of sugar are added, heated over a fire so that the sugar dissolves, cooled and bottled.

Raspberry liqueur (early)

3 kg of raspberries, 500 sugar, 2 bottles of vodka.

Pour juicy raspberries into a bottle, pour vodka and put for 4 days on a sunny window or near the stove, if the liquor is prepared in your own or country house. After that, drain the vodka, strain the berries through several layers of gauze or canvas. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour it with a glass of infused vodka and boil the syrup, bringing the mixture to a boil. Then turn off the fire and gradually pour the rest of the infused vodka into the syrup. Strain again and pour into a large bottle. It should be tightly corked and put in a warm place for 2 weeks. After that, the liquor can be bottled for long-term storage. It is desirable to cover the cork of the bottle with wax.

Pink liqueur

For 1 kg of rose petals - 1 liter of vodka, 2 kg of sugar and 800 ml of water, food coloring.

Collect freshly blossomed rosebuds, cut off the white tips and put in a bottle, pour vodka so that it barely covers the petals. Put in the sun for three days, then drain. repeat this procedure three times. Strain. Add food coloring for color. Dilute the infusion with syrup prepared from water and sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Pour into bottles, cork.

Liqueur "Aroma"

Sugar - to taste, sugar syrup - 1 l, rose jam - 1 kg, juice from 1 lemon, vodka 0.5 l, white wine - 750 ml.

Prepare sugar syrup, which should not be very thick and not very liquid, add rose jam and put on fire. Cook until the syrup has completely thickened. Squeeze lemon juice into shiro and boil twice. After cooling, pour the syrup with vodka and one bottle of white wine. Leave for a long time. Add sugar to taste. Pour into bottles, cork and store in sand.

rowan liqueur

Sugar syrup - 1 l, mountain ash - 1 kg, vodka - 2 l, spices (cloves, cinnamon and lemon peel) - optional.

Fill the bottle with mountain ash, pour cold sugar syrup, vodka and close the cork. Put the bottle in a warm place and leave for three weeks. Filter the prepared liquor and bottle it.

sugar liquor

Sugar - 2.5 kg, spices or berry-fruit essences - to taste, vodka - 2.5 l, water - 1.25.

Prepare syrup from water and sugar, removing scale. When the syrup has cooled, pour in a little, stirring the vodka seasoned with some spices or berry, fruit essences, then strain, put in a warm place for several weeks, so that the liquor is infused. Pour carefully into bottles. The prepared liquor can be consumed immediately.

Blackberry liqueur

2 kg of blackberries, 1 liter of vodka, 1 kg of sugar, 0.7 liters of water.

Pour ripe, washed and dried blackberries into a bottle, pour vodka, keep in a warm place or in the sun for 1.5 months, strain and mix with sugar syrup made from water and sugar. Set aside, filter, bottle, cork.

Apple Liqueur (Pear)

1.5 kg of apples (pears), 1.5 liters of alcohol, 2–3 pcs. almonds (1 bitter) ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, 5-6 cloves, 1 kg of sugar, 1.5 liters of water.

Peeled and finely chopped apples (pears) are poured into a bottle, poured with alcohol, crushed almonds, cinnamon, cloves are added, insisted for 10 days, shaking daily. The liqueur is filtered, bottled and corked. Liquor ripens within 4-6 months.

Quince liqueur

Sugar - 2 kg, quince - 1.5 kg, cloves - 10 pcs., Cinnamon - 2 pieces, vodka - 2 l, water - 0.5 l.

Wash the quince and grate on a coarse grater. Pour in some water and cook until soft. Strain the juice through cheesecloth folded in half and add vodka, sugar, cloves and cinnamon. Pour the liquor into bottles and soak for 6-7 weeks in the sun, and then strain.

vanilla liqueur

Sugar syrup - 2.5 kg, vanilla - 45 g, cinnamon - 45 g, cloves - 3 pieces, vodka - 2.5 l, water 1.2 l.

Pour vanilla with vodka and water, washed, but not crushed cinnamon and cloves, put in the sun for 2 weeks, then strain, mix with sugar syrup made from 600 ml of water and 2.5 kg of sugar.

Liqueur "Pineapple"

Sugar sand - 75 g, orange or lemon peel - 60 g, vodka - 1 l, milk - 1 l.

Boil a mixture of vodka, milk, finely chopped orange peel and water. Boil syrup from 750 g of sugar and 400 mo of water and pour both masses into a 5-liter jar, tie tightly with paper, put in a warm place for 8 days and shake daily. Then put the liquor in a dark place for 6-8 weeks. After this time, it will be completely cleansed and become usable. Filter the liqueur and bottle it.

viburnum liqueur

Viburnum berries without twigs - 1.5 kg, sugar - 1.2 kg, vodka - 1 l, water 400 ml.

Viburnum berries are poured over with boiling water, allowed to drain, poured into a bottle, 2 cups of sugar are added, kept in the sun (or in a warm place) for 1–2 days, vodka is added and infused for 7–10 days. Syrup is prepared from the remaining sugar and water, cooled to 30-40 C, poured into a bottle and insisted for another month. Then filtered, bottled, corked.

Emerald liqueur

2 kg of green gooseberries peeled from stalks, 1 liter of alcohol, 30 young cherry leaves, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water.

Pour gooseberries and cherry leaves into a bottle, pour alcohol, leave for a week. Prepare sugar syrup and pour it into the bottle. Infuse for another week, strain, bottle, cork.

Cranberry flavored liqueur

1 liter jar of cranberries, 2 cups of raspberries, 2 cups of strawberries, 2 cups of sugar, 1 liter of vodka.

Mash cranberries, pour vodka, leave for 2-3 days. Pour strawberries and raspberries with sugar and separate the syrup in a day. Mix vodka with cranberries with syrup, leave for a day, drain, bottle. To make the liquor thicker, the berries with sugar can be brought to a boil and kept for 5–10 minutes, but not boiled. Such a liquor can be prepared not previously harvested berries in their own juice.

Coffee liqueur (Polish cuisine)

200 g coffee beans, 2 g vanilla, 1 l alcohol, 0.5 l milk, 0.25 l water, 2 kg sugar.

Grind freshly roasted grains as finely as possible, add vanilla, pour alcohol and leave for 10 days, shaking daily, drain the mixture, pour a small amount of water, shake, let stand, drain, repeat 2-3 times. Prepare a solution from water, sugar and milk, you can heat it, but do not boil it, pour in coffee infusion, mix, leave for 4-5 days, filter, bottle, cork.

chocolate liqueur

300 g of dark chocolate, 1 liter of vodka, 0.5 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Grind chocolate, pour vodka, leave for a week, shaking daily. Prepare syrup from sugar and water, add to chocolate tincture, filter, bottle, cork.

egg liqueur

8 yolks, 0.5 kg of sugar, vanillin, 1 cup of heavy cream, 0.5 l of milk, 200 ml of alcohol.

Grind the yolks with sugar, add vanilla, cream, milk and alcohol. Beat everything well with a whisk or a mixer. Pour into bottles. Clog. The liqueur matures for 2 months.

Egg liqueur "Ko-ko"

8 yolks, 400 g sugar, 1 liter milk, 4 packets of vanilla sugar, 1 liter of milk, 4 packets of vanilla sugar, 1 liter of cognac (or 60% alcohol, 50 g of walnut membranes and 50 g of cherry stalks).

Beat the yolks with sugar, add vanilla sugar, pour in warm milk and cognac while stirring. Liquor is filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze, bottled, corked. Store in a cool place. Shake well before use. When using alcohol, it is insisted on partitions and stalks for a month.

Liquor "Syria"

Sugar - 0.5 kg, green walnuts - 5 pieces, fresh walnut kernels - 20 pieces, cinnamon - ½ sachet, vodka - 0.5 l.

Pour vodka over green walnuts and peeled fresh walnut kernels and add cinnamon powder. Keep the mixture for 40 days, then add sugar. When the sugar dissolves, strain the liqueur through filter paper.

Liquor "Solnechny"

Powdered sugar - 150 g, vanilla - 1, 2 sticks, egg yolks - 3 pcs., vodka - 150 ml, milk - 100 ml.

Vanilla stick hold for 8 days in vodka. Beat egg yolks, powdered sugar in a foam for 6 minutes, add boiled cold milk and mix with vodka, without vanilla. Pour the liquor, cork tightly and consume in 1-2 months.

Liquor "Eiffel Tower"

Sugar - 1 kg, fresh orange peels -250 g or dried orange peels - 150 g, cloves - 4-5 buds, cinnamon - 1 stick, water 2 glasses, vodka - 1 l.

Pour vodka over fresh or dried orange peels, cloves and cinnamon. Keep the mixture in the sun or in a warm place for 10–15 days, then strain and add a thick syrup made from 750 g of sugar and 1.5 cups of water to 1 liter of liquid. Pour the resulting liquor into bottles, cork. Withstand 8-10 days.

Vintage mint liqueur "Summer Greens"

Sugar syrup - at the rate of 1.5 kg of sugar per 750 ml of water, alcohol - 1.5 l, cloves - 1 g, nutmeg 1 g, cinnamon - 1 g, a mixture of peppermint, fresh roots and alpine grass - 2 g, fragrant calamus - 5 g, young cardamom - 20 g, arnica flowers - 3 g, sage to taste, water 1.2 l.

Grind the components of the recipe and insist for 2 days in alcohol with a strength of 85. Then, before distillation, mix with water and add sugar syrup. After touching up with sage, filter.

Cherry plum dessert liqueur

Sugar syrup 66% - 5 l, alcoholized cherry plum juice (fresh cherry plum - 2.7 kg), citric acid, vanillin - 0.1 g, color 3.5 g, tartrazine - 0.1 g, water - 2.0–2.5 l.

Alcoholic cherry plum juice mixed with syrup, citric acid to bring the acidity of the liquor to 0.45 g/100 ml, add vanillin, tartrazine and color. Then strain the drink, pour into bottles and cork. The resulting drink is golden yellow in color, sweet and sour, with the aroma of cherry plum, the strength is not more than 25%.

Liqueur "Caprice"

Sugar syrup - at the rate of 4 kg of sugar and 2 liters of water, alcohol - 4 liters, cloves - 2 g, nutmeg - 2 g, cinnamon - 3 g, lemon balm - 25 g, peppermint - 25 g, cardamom - 50 g, arnica flowers - 8g.

Grind the components of the recipe, then insist in alcohol with a strength of 85 for 2 days. Distill the infusion only after adding water, then add cold sugar syrup. After coloring yellow, filter the drink.

Sea buckthorn liqueur

Sugar syrup - 2.6 l, alcoholized sea buckthorn juice - 750 ml (fresh sea buckthorn - 1 kg), blueberry juice - 10 ml (dried blueberries - 4 g), vanillin - 0.2 g, citric acid - 3 g, water - 600–750 ml.

Mix alcoholized sea buckthorn juice and blueberry juice with 66% sugar syrup, add color, vanillin and citric acid to add acidity to the drink up to 0.4 g / 100 ml. Add boiled water to vodka in such a way that the drink turns out to be a strength of no more than 25%. The resulting filtered drink is yellow with a reddish tint, sweet and sour, with the aroma of sea buckthorn.

Almond liqueur "Yadryshko"

Sugar syrup - 125 g, cognac - 0.5 l, almonds - 15 pcs.

Pour boiled water over almond kernels in a mortar, peel, then grind well, add cognac on top, put a few pieces of fresh or dried orange peel. After 30 days, strain the liquid into a bottle, add sugar syrup on top. The resulting liquor has an original aroma and taste.

cocoa liquor

Sugar syrup - 900g, vodka - 800 ml, cocoa powder - 100 g, vanilla, pasteurized milk - 300 ml, lemon juice - 2-3 drops, water - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Pour cocoa powder, vanilla with vodka and keep in a corked bottle for 4-5 days, shaking often. Prepare a syrup from water, sugar, milk, lemon juice and pour it into vodka filtered through a triple layer of gauze or filter paper. Pour the liquid into a bottle, cork and put for 14 days in a dark place and periodically shake the contents. On the 15th day, filter again, bottle, cork and put for another 2 weeks. Then filter again and bottle. The liqueur is now ready to drink.

dogwood liqueur

Sugar syrup - 1 l, dogwood berries - 1 kg, vodka - 2 l.

Pour dogwood with strong vodka, leave for 15 days and strain. Then mix the dogwood tincture with sugar syrup and leave in closed bottles.

Organic coffee liqueur

Sugar - 2.5 cups, coffee - 50 g, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, cognac - 600 ml, water - 3 cups.

Brew coffee in 1.5 cups of water. Close the container tightly with a lid and keep the coffee broth for a day. Cook sugar syrup from 2.5 cups of sugar and 1.5 cups of water. Add lemon juice, strained coffee broth and cognac to the syrup. Pour the liquor into a bottle and let stand for 2-3 weeks.

Liquor "Night in Venice"

Sugar - 1 kg, coffee - 100 g (coffee solution 250 ml), vanilla - 1 stick, vodka - 0.5 l, water - 750 ml.

Leave the vanilla stick for 8 days in vodka. From 1 kg of sugar and 750 ml of water, boil the syrup and remove the scale from it. Brew a strong solution from freshly roasted ground black coffee. When the syrup and coffee have completely cooled, mix them and pour into the vodka. Take out the vanilla, shake the liquor well, pour into bottles and cork tightly. Put on ripening for 2-3 months.

caraway liqueur

Sugar - 300 g, cumin - 2 tablespoons, vodka - 300 ml, water - 750 ml.

Pour cumin into the bottle, pour vodka into it, cork tightly and put in a dark place for 12 days. Then decant the mixture and mix with a sugar syrup made from 750 ml of water and 300 g of sugar. The liqueur is ready to drink.

Cumin - coriander liqueur

Sugar - 2.5 kg, vodka - 2.1 l, common cumin (fruits) - 100 g, coriander (fruits) - 30 g, orange peels - 30 g, citric acid - 0.6 g.

Prepare an aromatic alcohol tincture based on cumin, coriander and orange peel, mix with sugar, add citric acid. Then leave the bottle at room temperature until crystals form. At the end of crystallization, drain the liquid through a filter into bottles and cork well. The resulting drink is colorless, sweet, slightly burning, cumin aroma with a subtle smell of coriander and orange.

Golden yellow rosehip liqueur

Rosehip - 0.5 kg, vodka - 1.5 l, cinnamon - 1 piece, peel from ½ orange, sugar syrup - 400 ml.

Frozen rose hips and orange peel with cinnamon insist on strong vodka for 15 days. Then decant the liquid, add chilled sugar syrup, mix well and bottle.

chocolate liqueur

Sugar syrup - 100 g, chocolate - 150 g, vodka ½ l.

Mix melted chocolate and chocolate powder with vodka, put in a cold place and let stand for a week. Boil sugar syrup. Then mix the resulting syrup with chocolate tincture on vodka, strain.

egg liqueur

Powdered sugar - 300 g, vanillin - 2-3 sachets of powder, egg yolks - 3 pcs., milk - 0.5 l, wine syrup - 100 ml.

Rub the egg yolks with a wooden spoon, add powdered sugar and continue to rub for another half hour. Pour in warm milk and stir the mixture well, then add vodka and vanilla. Strain the liqueur through cheesecloth and bottle. The liqueur is ready to drink.

Liquor "Cherry flavor"

Sugar - 400 g, dry red wine - 0.5 l, rum - 250 ml, cherry essence - 10 ml.

Add rum, vanillin and sugar to dry red natural wine. Shake the liquid well until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then strain the liquor through filter paper or a thick cloth. Aromatize the liquor with cherry essence, which gives the liquor a particularly pleasant taste.

barberry liqueur

Sugar syrup - 400 ml, barberry - 0.5 kg, vodka - 1 l, cinnamon - 1 slice, lemon peel - 1 slice, cloves.

Mash barberry, add spices, pour vodka and insist in a closed bottle for 10-14 days. Then strain and pour sugar syrup. Stir the prepared liquor well and bottle it.

Elderberry liqueur in Czech

Sugar - 0.5 kg, elderberry juice - 1 kg, cloves - 3-4 pieces, vodka - 1 l, rum 100 ml, cinnamon - 1 piece, cloves - 4 pieces, lemon peel - 1 teaspoon.

Boil elderberry juice with spices and sugar for about 15 minutes. Then leave for a day, strain and mix with vodka. Store in bottles in a cool and dark place.

Cherry flavored liqueur

Sugar sand - 0.5 kg, cherry -1 kg, cloves - 3-4 pcs., Vanillin - 1 sachet of powder, cinnamon - 1 piece, nutmeg - 1 pc., cherry leaves - 2-3 pcs., vodka - 750 ml .

Remove stems and pits from ripe cherries, pour into wide-mouthed bottles and cover with sugar. Add cloves, vanilla, a piece of cinnamon, nutmeg, cherry leaves. Soak in the sun for 8-10 days, then add strong vodka. After 4-5 weeks, strain and bottle.

You can make cherry liqueur by adding only cinnamon, cloves and some crushed cherry pits for flavor.

Liqueur "Terry Cherry"

Sugar sand - 250 g, crushed cherry stones - 10 pieces, rum - 300 ml, dry natural wine, white natural wine - 100 ml, vanilla ½ sticks, water - 100 ml.

Pour crushed cherry stones into a bottle, pour rum, dry natural wine, white natural wine, syrup from 100 ml of water and 250 g of sugar and put vanilla. Place the bottle, sealed with a rubber stopper, in a dark place for 6 weeks and shake frequently. Then strain through filter paper and a thick cloth and bottle.

Pear or apple liqueur "Nakhichevan"

Sugar sand - 750g, juice - 1 l, sugar syrup - 750 g of sugar and 3 glasses of water, vodka - 1l, water - 1l.

Wash cooked pears or apples of fragrant varieties, grate on a coarse grater and put in a bottle with a wide neck. Pour vodka and soak in the sun for 4-5 weeks. Strain the extracted juice, add sugar syrup. After a week, strain the finished liquor through filter paper.

Blackcurrant liqueur

Sugar sand - 800g, flower honey - 200g, currant liquid and vodka - 1l, currant leaves - 2-3 pieces, water - 0.5l.

Sort out blackcurrant berries, put in a glass jar and pour strong vodka. Add a few currant leaves and hold for 5-6 weeks. Filter the liquid, add flower honey and syrup made from sugar and water. Strain the resulting liquor.

Redcurrant liqueur

Sugar - 800g, red currant juice - 1 l, vodka - 750 ml, water - 2 cups.

Rinse the currants and separate the berries. Pour into a bottle along with 4-5 currant leaves and pour vodka. Cork the bottle and keep in the sun for 5-6 weeks. Strain the juice that stands out and add the prepared thick sugar syrup to it (at the rate of 800 g of sugar per 2 cups of water).
Filter the liquor, bottle and cork well.

French rum syrup liqueur

Sugar - 1 cup, rum - 0.5 cups, water - 1.5 cups.

Boil sugar and water over high heat until a thick syrup is formed. This will take 4-7 minutes. Remove from fire. Add rum.

Liquor "Fiery"

Sugar - 1.5 kg, red currant - 2 kg, vodka - 2 liters.

Sort through the red currants and pour into a bottle or jar of sugar. After 0.5–2 months, strain the juice that stands out, add vodka and bottle it.

Clear red thorn liqueur

Blackthorn - 1kg, vodka - 1l, sugar syrup - 400 ml, cloves - 5 pieces, grated nutmeg - ¼ teaspoon.

Peel the fruits of the blackthorn, knead. Simultaneously crush five seeds from the fruit. Then put the mixture in a bottle, pour vodka, add spices and infuse for 10-15 days, closing the bottle with a fermentation stopper. Strain the mixture, add strong sugar syrup, stir and infuse for a day, bottle.

The quality of a homemade drink will directly depend on the purity and softness of the water. It is recommended to use bottled, for example, from the baby food line - then the base does not have to be further cleaned. However, alcohol must be prepared.

To clean, pour it into a clean glass jar and add pharmacy activated charcoal, powdered (15 tablets per 3 l). Stir the contents of the container and let stand. After a day, pour the alcohol into a clean dish through ironed gauze or white flannel.

Add purified alcohol to the water in small portions. To achieve the desired strength of the drink, use. If you do not have a special measuring device, stick to common proportions: 2 parts alcohol and 3 parts water.

Vodka does not have to be 40% ABV. According to the State Standard of the Russian Federation, alcohol in this drink can be from 40 (in European countries - from 37.5%) to 56%.

To give softness to vodka, it is advisable to add sugar syrup, which must be prepared from equal parts of water and granulated sugar. In 1 liter of home-made vodka, add 1 teaspoon of syrup, tightly close the container with an alcoholic drink and let stand for at least a day. Refrigerate vodka before drinking.

Alcohol tincture

It is customary to call homemade alcohol tinctures a strength from 18% to 60%. Fruits, berries, spices, spices and other additives are often infused in a cold way on diluted with water (45-50% home strength).

You will get wonderful fragrant. Grind a glass of pure berries with the same amount of granulated sugar, pour 0.5 liters of homemade vodka and insist from 2 weeks to a month. After aging, it can be diluted at will with clean water to the desired strength:

30 to 60% - bitter or semi-sweet drink;
- from 18 to 25% with a sugar content of up to 30 g per half glass - sweet tincture.

If in 0.5 cups of tincture there are from 30 to 40 g of sugar, then this is already considered a liqueur; even sweeter drinks (about 50 g of sugar per half glass) are called liquor.

It remains to strain the finished drink and place in the cold.

homemade liqueur

Liqueurs are usually based on fresh fruit and berry juices, which are fortified with purified alcohol and sweetened. In addition, you can insist fruits. You can add various aromatic essences to your taste.

A very fragrant liquor obtained from fresh strawberries. Pour 1 kg of berries into 1 liter of vodka and keep in a warm place in a hermetically sealed container for half a month. After that, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Boil syrup from 0.5 l of water and 1 kg of sugar, cool to room temperature. Mix the infusion of strawberries and put in a dark place for a week.

Cumin, mint, rosehip, marjoram, zest and other additives give a characteristic aroma to homemade liquors. Essences for an alcoholic drink can be made in advance by drying the plants. Grind them into powder, fill them with high concentration alcohol (at least 75% -90%) in a ratio of 1:10 and soak for a week. Using various essences, spices, spices, berries and fruits, you can create your own branded recipes.

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  • homemade jam tincture
  • Tinctures, liqueurs, vodkas

Homemade alcohol tinctures are used to treat many diseases, as well as for rubbing. For their preparation, ordinary medical alcohol, which can be bought at a pharmacy, and medicinal plants are used. Tinctures are used as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases while taking medicines.


Pour 40-70% medical alcohol into a wide jar or bottle and add medicinal herbs. For convenience, first pour herbs, and already pour alcohol. If you are using a jar, then put the herbs in cheesecloth and tie it into a knot, then place it in a container.

Tincture is prepared for 7-10 days. Shake the container periodically, if not, then after reaching a certain concentration in the lower layers alcohol medicinal infusion, enrichment alcohol stop the herbs. Store the container with tincture in a dark place at room temperature with a tightly closed lid.


  • what can be made from alcohol

High-quality vodka is quite expensive in the store, however, you can purify the alcoholic product yourself, the quality of which you doubt. This can be done in various ways, for example, with coal. Moreover, there are several “coal” options for purifying vodka.

You will need

  • Vodka, activated black carbon, gauze or paper towels, optional carbon water filter, raisins, tricolor violet root.


The most way to charcoal