Description of the benefits of crab meat with a photo and its harm, the calorie content of natural meat, as well as recipes for cooking with this product. Crab meat - benefits and harms to the body

Today you can find many different treats on the shelves of supermarkets in fish departments, including crab meat. The benefits and harms of true crab meat deserve special attention. But what manufacturers offer us under the guise of crab meat at a low price is just surimi.

Crab meat: benefits and harms when losing weight and not only

Real crabs are a gourmet product. The meat of such a marine life has an amazing taste and rich component composition. Of course, first of all, it is worth noting omega-type fatty acids, which are abundant in crab meat.

The human body cannot independently produce such acids, and without them it is impossible to imagine the full-fledged work of the body, in particular, the brain.

Crab meat, we are talking about a real product, has a high cost and has a number of useful properties. The secrets lie in the component composition.

Chemical composition:

  • retinol;
  • potassium;
  • ferrum;
  • B vitamins;
  • omega acids;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium.

The key role in determining the beneficial properties of crab meat is played by omega-3,6 and 9 fatty acids. With their help, the activity of the brain is activated, and the immune system is strengthened.

Crab meat contains a lot of natural protein, which is necessary for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. You can replenish your vitamin and mineral reserves and improve your health.

Beneficial features:

  • normalization of digestive processes;
  • prevention of flatulence and constipation;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • positive effect on the nervous system;
  • getting rid of obsessive anxiety and fear;
  • accelerating the recovery process after lingering ailments or surgical interventions;
  • increased stress resistance;
  • stabilization of the thyroid gland;
  • prevention of goiter;
  • improvement of visual function.

The complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements contained in the crab pulp has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, curls and nail plates. Such a product will help prevent iodine deficiency and, as a result, problems in the functioning of the endocrine system.

On a note! Scientists have found that crab meat increases male potency. Behind the scenes, this seafood was nicknamed an aphrodisiac.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of crab meat, with the exception of individual intolerance. Care should be taken when choosing seafood.

Surimi crab meat is very popular with consumers. Its benefits and harms are still the subject of controversy among specialists. Surimi is a chopped mass made from fish fillets, shrimp with the addition of dyes.

As you can imagine, there is often no need to eat such a product. But sometimes you really want to diversify your diet. Do not overuse unnatural crab meat.

As already mentioned, genuine crab meat has a high cost, which not everyone can afford. Most people buy what is called surimi crab meat. The product is tasty, but not entirely harmless. Therefore, sometimes you can eat it, but not systematically.

Most often, crab meat is the basis of salads. We offer you one of the options for preparing such a dish.

On a note! A salad made from natural crab meat that has undergone heat treatment will be much tastier and healthier. If this product is not available, use crab meat made from surimi.


  • crab meat - 200 g;
  • refined olive oil - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • grapefruit - 1 piece;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • canned squid fillet - 1 jar;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • hot chili sauce - 1 table. spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tsp. spoons;
  • honey - 2 tsp. spoons.


  1. We begin to prepare an exotic salad. Gourmets will surely appreciate its taste.
  2. Peel the grapefruit from the peel. We remove whitish streaks from the slices. Lay out the grapefruit wedges on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
  3. Sprinkle the fruit pieces with granulated sugar and send them to the oven.
  4. We need the grapefruit pulp to become caramelized, so simmer the fruit for about 10 minutes at a temperature threshold of 180-200 °. Better yet, set the grill function.
  5. Cut the surimi crab meat into medium-sized pieces and transfer to a salad bowl.
  6. Strain the juice from the canned squid fillet, dry it and cut into cubes. Add to the salad bowl.
  7. Do not forget to get the grapefruit wedges out of the oven.
  8. Peel off the zest from lemon and orange in any convenient way. Rinse the fruit thoroughly beforehand.
  9. Squeeze lemon and orange juice into a bowl.
  10. Add citrus zest to this.
  11. Rinse a bunch of parsley, dry it and chop finely with a knife. Add to freshly squeezed juice.
  12. Add honey to the sauce. It is advisable to use a liquid product.
  13. We send next the hot chili sauce.
  14. The final touch is refined olive oil.
  15. Stir all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  16. Put chopped lettuce leaves in a salad bowl.
  17. We also send the prepared aromatic sauce here.
  18. Season everything with salt and stir vigorously.
  19. Decorate the salad with grapefruit wedges and sesame seeds on top.
  20. The dish can be served immediately or insisted in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Crabs, like many other inhabitants of the seabed, contain just an incredible amount of iodine, an element that is quite scarce, which is not produced by the human body on its own. In this regard, the use of crabs in the ability to fight the occurrence of thyroid diseases. Nutritionists say that the daily dose of iodine can be obtained by eating only 20-50 grams of crab meat.

It is also interesting that the benefits of crabs are expressed in the considerable content of various vitamins, such as vitamins of group B and PP. In addition, this meat contains a number of important trace elements, including copper, magnesium and phosphorus. It is no secret that these substances, on the one hand, are involved in the digestive process and contribute to its normal functioning, and on the other hand, they have a positive effect on the human nervous system, improve the emotional state, and lift the mood.

It is also known that a sufficiently high concentration of substances such as selenium and zinc in crab meat promotes the production of testosterone. Because of this, the benefits of crabs lie in the ability to fight against a decrease in libido. In general, the meat of these sea dwellers is considered a rather powerful aphrodisiac.

However, it should be borne in mind that crabs are inhabitants of the seabed. Therefore, the harm of crabs can manifest itself due to the content of various bacteria and radioactive elements in them. In addition, given the high calorie content of crab meat, experts recommend eating it in moderation. You can get enough of this product quickly and easily, but it does not contain many substances that the human body also needs.

It is quite obvious that it is worth considering all the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. This is how you can ensure that the benefits of these gifts of the seabed are obtained and the harm of crabs is not manifested in any way!

How much does frozen crab meat cost (average price per kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

A product such as frozen crab meat appeared on the shelves of domestic food stores about 29 years ago. It is worth noting that a skillful imitation of natural crab meat quickly gained popularity and began to be in demand among the inhabitants of our latitudes. Nowadays, chilled or frozen crab meat, as well as crab sticks, are considered an indispensable attribute of some common salads and snacks.

Crab meat composition

The composition of crab meat contains far from natural meat of the famous crustaceans. Crab meat contains minced fish, the so-called surimi or 擂 り 身. Literally translated from Japanese, surimi means finely chopped meat of certain types of fish. As a rule, pollock, ivashi, mackerel and herring are used for surimi. It is noteworthy that the surimi mince itself does not have a pronounced taste or aroma, so the product is often used to imitate crab meat.

For the first time, crab meat or surimi was made back in 1100, when the Japanese noticed the distinctive consumer properties of a product derived from white fish. Over time, various shapes began to be made from surimi, which gradually transformed into the modern type of crab sticks, as well as chilled or frozen crab meat.

The calorie content of crab meat is at a fairly low level. The average calorie content of crab meat is about 73 Kcal, which are contained in 100 grams of the product. However, crab meat differs from different manufacturers not only in its appearance and taste, but also in its chemical composition and calorie content. It is believed that the color of good quality chilled or frozen crab meat should be white.

The benefits of crab meat

The gray tint of the product indicates the low quality of the raw materials that were used for the manufacture of crab meat. Disputes about the dangers and benefits of crab meat are ongoing to this day. As is often the case, there are two diametrically opposed opinions on the benefits of crab meat.

Some believe that, as a fish product, crab meat belongs to dietary food products, which contain a certain amount of vitamins, as well as natural compounds that are useful for the human body. However, in the chemical composition of crab meat, in addition to minced surimi, food additives and starch are contained.

Since the taste, aroma, and also the color of crab meat is formed exclusively due to preservatives, colorants and flavor enhancers, it is hardly worth talking about the benefits of the product. Rather, it is worth avoiding the frequent consumption of an artificial substitute for crab meat in food, since such an abundance of various synthetic food additives in the composition of a food product simply cannot but have a negative effect on the digestive system of the human body.

In our country, crabs have become famous and gained popularity mainly due to the so-called "crab sticks", although everyone probably already knows that this product has nothing to do with crabs. Crab sticks are an imitation of crab meat, they are made from specially processed minced white fish - surimi. And real crabs are a delicacy and a valuable product with many useful substances, vitamins, proteins. So, the topic of our today's article is "Useful properties of crab meat."

Crab meat, like most seafood, is an essential part of a complete, healthy diet. Crab meat is dietary, tasty and tender, and also very healthy, as it is a source of elements necessary for a person. Pay attention to the health status, life expectancy and slim figures of most Japanese people who regularly consume various seafood, and you will understand how important these foods are to humans.

Now I would like to take a closer look at the beneficial properties of crab meat. Crab meat contains zinc, which, together with vitamin C, helps the body fight viruses, has a beneficial effect on skin condition, lowers bad cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system. Healthy crab meat is necessary for humans, it contains iodine, which is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and maintaining normal human hormonal levels and metabolism. Calcium is essential for the good condition of hair, nails, teeth, bones. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, makes the body more resilient in general. Also, crab meat contains many other biologically active microelements and vitamins necessary for a person: calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, sulfur, vitamins B1, B2, B12, E, PP and so on. In addition, crab meat contains a powerful antioxidant amino acid taurine, which also has a beneficial effect on vision.

Taurine also nourishes, maintains elasticity and maintains vascular and muscle tone, protects the body from the harmful effects of the environment. By the way, you may notice that taurine is found in many energy drinks.

Crab meat is a source of other beneficial amino acids, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and so on. In addition, crabs have a low calorie content and low fat content, which means they are a dietary and light product that maintains a figure and does not cause obesity.

Crab meat is good for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as this product boasts a significant content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and easily digestible proteins, which do not contain cholesterol, and which reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. With anemia, it is highly recommended to include crab meat in your diet more often. If your eye health deteriorates, it is also recommended to eat crabs. Regular consumption of crab meat also allows you to preserve youth and beauty - overall health and appearance improve, thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed.

Crab meat contains a large amount of protein, which is much healthier and much faster absorbed by the body than protein from meat products. This is especially important for people with diseases of the digestive tract - meat protein is processed by the body for about 5 hours, and the protein of crab meat and other seafood is 2 times faster. Crab meat and other seafood are significantly softer and more tender than regular meat.
As already mentioned, crab meat contains iodine. Our body does not produce iodine on its own, but gets it from certain foods, including seafood. If you eat at least a little crab meat or, for example, shrimp every day, you will provide your body with a daily amount of iodine, which is simply necessary for the thyroid gland and brain.

For example, in the same Japan, where seafood is a constant part of the diet, thyroid disease is almost never encountered. And unlike products where iodine was added artificially (milk, salt, etc.), this element will not disappear from seafood immediately under the influence of the sun and oxygen.
Regular consumption of crab meat reduces the risk of emotional overload due to the content of vitamins B, PP, copper, magnesium - a "cocktail" to maintain a good mood and balance. And the phosphorus content enhances the effect and assimilation of B-group vitamins.

And that's not all the advantages of crab meat. Like most other marine life, crabs have a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis, male potency, help to avoid a decrease in libido, as they are an aphrodisiac and promote testosterone production.
What else is crab meat useful for? This product helps prevent heart attack and atherosclerosis, stimulates brain activity, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are also the prevention of cancer. The beneficial properties of crab meat are countless.

Edible crab meat is found in the abdomen and limbs. Cooking crabs and crab meat dishes won't take you long, but these dishes will delight you with great taste and will bring tremendous benefits to your health and the health of your family. In many countries, residents take seafood as the basis of their diet, and not meat or bread, since seafood is prepared much faster, it is better digested and absorbed by the body. Seafood is an integral part of a healthy diet, its benefits are undeniable and undeniable. Pay attention also to the fact that in those countries where seafood is not a gimmick on the table, but an important part of the diet, people get sick less often, and their life expectancy is longer.

The combination of these products is ideally balanced in composition, does not burden the body and is easily absorbed.

Keep in mind that chilled and fresh crabs have a short shelf life. At a temperature of about 12 ° C, crabs cannot be stored for more than 15 hours, and if crabs are covered with fine ice, then their shelf life is no more than 36 hours. Always remember about the beneficial properties of crab meat and do not forget to purchase this valuable product in the store! Eat right and be healthy!

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We are talking about crabs, but we mean easily digestible animal proteins. It is they who determine the value of the meat of marine life. And also - a special taste, rich in iodine and the possibility of cooking in a minimalist way. Nutritionists love seafood. After all, they can be boiled or steamed and get an exquisite dish. Of course, crabs have nothing to do with sticks of the same name, and are quite expensive. But diversifying your menu with them is a good choice for a health-conscious person.

The content of the article:

Freshwater and sea crabs differ slightly in the set of trace elements. It is believed that sea meat is more valuable for dietary nutrition, as it can be considered a source of iodine. In dry figures, the calorie content of fresh crab meat is 73 kcal. After boiling (regular boiling in water or steaming, or grilling without additional caloric fat), crab meat provides the body with 91 kcal. The product is considered dietary. Obviously serves as a source of protein. Carbohydrates in crab meat are from 1 to 3 g, fat is also a minimum.

The beneficial properties of crab meat are due to its chemical composition. Proteins are a source of essential amino acids, a "building material" for the cells of our body. Protein deficiency is a very harmful condition for humans. We cannot independently synthesize some amino acids, which affects both the state of immunity and the speed of metabolic processes. Many scientists associate persistent hunger, snacking, and obesity with protein-deficient diets. An adult needs 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. Crab meat is considered a good bioavailable source of this macronutrient. Unlike, for example, vegetable proteins, it is well absorbed.

The percentage of essential amino acids to common ones in this meat is very high, and favorably distinguishes crabs from most fish and crustaceans. If the diet is dominated by vegetable proteins, it makes sense to include in it and seafood, too, in order to satisfy the body's need for "building material".

Most edible crabs contain carbohydrates - this is common glycogen. Due to the sweet taste and constant exaggeration of the topic of the glycemic index of food and its influence on the thickness of the body fat, many people do not eat crabs. Meanwhile, 3 grams of carbohydrates in an easily available form, provided you get the majority of your calories from protein, will not kill you. Proponents of the theory of the glycemic index should know that it decreases in foods if protein and fiber are added to them. According to this logic, those who are losing weight should eat crab meat with vegetables, and everything will be fine.

In contrast, classical dietetics recommends crabs as one of the. In addition to protein, meat contains B vitamins, as well as antioxidants - vitamins A and E, iodine, iron, magnesium and sulfur. And this already contributes not only to satiety, but also to better health. Nutritional sources mention that crab meat is useful for metabolic disorders, malfunctioning of the nervous system, decreased secretion of thyroid hormones, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Crab meat promotes skin renewal and rejuvenation due to vitamins A and E, beneficial for people with visual impairments. It is believed that it can serve as an additional source of vitamin E for those seeking early recovery after surgery and other interventions that violate the integrity of the skin.

Crab meat is recommended to be included in the diet of patients with cardiovascular diseases. The minerals in the product, as well as vitamins A and E, contribute to the recovery of the heart muscle after exercise. Crabs are called one of the food products - "fighters" with cholesterol, or rather, with its deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

The meat of the Kamchatka crab is the "sweetest", it contains up to 3 g of glycogen per 100 g. Otherwise, its beneficial properties completely copy everything that has been said for other crustaceans.

Kamchatka crabs are used not only for the preparation of canned food and frozen products. Their shells are a valuable source of chitosan.

Today there are many offers on the market, we are advised to purchase them for "blocking fats". Meanwhile, scientific research has proven the ineffectiveness of this approach. Whether from crabs or krill, chitosan is not capable of "blocking" branched lipid molecules in the human digestive tract. Therefore, it is not worth considering "crab" tablets as an analogue. Their consumers are destined to get better anyway if they overeat, despite the remedy.

Dietary supplements with chitosan are useful only as an additional source of fiber, and a good way to somewhat speed up the process of evacuation of the food bolus from the intestine. They are good for people who are deficient in plant fiber, and for some reason are unable to replenish it in the usual way.

On the Internet, you can also find folk recipes for replenishing the deficiency of iodine and vitamin A with the help of the shell of the king crab. Who cares, crabs are boiled, cleaned, their shells are crushed and used as a kind of "filler" for ordinary or olive oil. The product is then drunk, well, even without pieces of shells. In fact, no research has been done on how much vitamin A remains in oil and how much of it is in the product after boiling. Naturally, all this suggests the ineffectiveness of the application. similar recipes.

How to choose a crab

The correct answer to the question of how to choose a crab begins not with "how", but with "where." If you buy fresh crabs from the fish market, you need to make sure the product is on crushed ice at all times. By the way, it cannot be more than 30 hours. Therefore, it is quite problematic to acquire crabs on the regular market. Expensive crustaceans in large supermarkets are transported alive and then placed on ice before being sold. You need to choose only live crabs. The meat of the dead, similar to the meat of crayfish, can become toxic and cause poisoning.

Canned crab food is selected according to the criterion of presence / absence of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate in them. The presence of these two popular food preservatives indicates an unnatural nature of the product and possible fluid retention. By themselves, benzoates and sorbates are allowed for human consumption, they just overload the excretory system, therefore, a product saturated with them cannot be considered useful.

Crab sticks are a fish product containing the white meat of ocean fish. None of this has anything to do with crabs. Sticks need to be purchased only those that contain surimi, white fish meat, egg white and natural dyes - carotenoids. Everything else cannot be considered a healthy food product.

In most non-coastal cities, we can quite safely purchase boiled-frozen crab claws (limbs). These are semi-finished products of the type known to everyone. The product is first boiled fresh, and then only frozen and sold. In fact, this is the best option if you do not live in a seaside town and cannot buy fresh crab.

Crabs are cooked like crayfish. First, they are "soaked" in a living state in water, then boiled until the chitinous cover is reddened. After that, the product is served on the table as a whole. They clean the crabs by breaking off the limbs and abdomen using special devices - two-pronged forks. The shell is split open, the meat is removed and eaten with olive oil and lemon juice.

Boiled-frozen limbs are boiled directly in the form in which they are sold for 3-5 minutes in boiling water.

And then various "secrets of the hostess" begin. Someone boils crabs in milk, someone in ordinary water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 lemon juice to make the shells shine, and so on. All of this is great, but in no way improves the taste of the product. Crab is a type of meat that is cooked in the "the simpler the better" style.

Gourmets, by the way, do not overly approve of our favorite crab salads and crab meat soups. It is believed that the product is good in a simple boiled form with a drop of lemon juice and olive oil, and even without any side dishes.

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Crab recipes

Seafood soup

Frozen crab claws, 300 g, boiled-frozen shrimp fillet, 200 g, white onions, 30 g, and hot Japanese vinegar.

Boil the claws separately and peel, cook broth from shrimp and onions, add nori, cook for no more than 5 minutes, throw funchose, and leave on fire for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking add the peeled crab claws (meat only). Serve with a mixture of vinegar and soy sauce.

Red orange salad

Peeled crab meat, 200 g, 200 g sweet red oranges, arugula, half an avocado and half a lemon.

Boil the crab claws, remove the meat, leave it in large pieces to decorate the salad. Cut the orange into small cubes, remove the seeds. tear with your hands. Toss the orange, crabs and arugula in a salad bowl. Leave. together with lemon (remove the seeds and seeds beforehand) grind with a powerful blender. Pour the sauce over the salad, refrigerate for half an hour before serving.

Stuffed egg with crabs and caviar (appetizer)

12 boiled large, 100 g of crab meat, 100 g of flying fish caviar or any other small caviar, fresh or lightly salted, 1 cucumber, a little mustard powder, sea salt, half an avocado or a tablespoon of olive oil.

Cool the eggs, remove the yolks in a separate bowl. Boil the crab meat and also cool. Grate the cucumber. Grind the grated yolks with avocado and sea salt with a blender, mix with grated cucumber, and grind again. Add caviar to the paste, stuff the proteins with the mixture. The rest of the mixture can be used as a sandwich paste. The appetizer can be served on its own or on rye bread.

Dead crab meat is toxic. It can cause severe poisoning, which can result in loss of vision and hearing. Therefore, if you do not trust the sources in your city too much, it makes sense to choose canned food.

Crab meat can cause allergies, usually people who have a reaction to shrimp or sea fish protein encounter it. Therefore, it is best to do laboratory tests for allergies before adding any new foods to your diet.

In addition, crabs can be affected by a bacterial infection, and also not edible.

Calorie content of crab 88 kcal

Energy value of crab (ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates):

Proteins: 16 g.
Fat: 3.6 g.
Carbohydrates: 0 g.

Vitamins and minerals found in crab


A - 30 μg, B1 - 0.05 mg, B2 - 0.08 mg, B5 - 0.6 mg, B6 - 0.3 mg, B9 - 20 μg, B12 - 1 μg, C - 1 mg, PP - 5.656 mg.


calcium - 100 mg, magnesium - 50 mg, sodium - 130 mg, potassium - 310 mg, phosphorus - 260 mg, sulfur - 160 mg, iron - 4.3 mg.

Read on for useful information about other seafood:

Video about the benefits of crab + recipes

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova