Quick yeast buns with jam. Plain Yeast Jam Buns

Delicious, fluffy burgers with burgers - baked goods that are simply impossible to resist. The best part is that you can hide a lot of all sorts of goodies in the filling - from a mixture of sugar and cinnamon to fresh fruits / berries, jam or even jam. And making such buns is usually quite simple. Some difficulties may arise, unless you decide to bake buns with yeast dough jam in the oven. A recipe with a photo step by step here will be useful to everyone, especially a beginner. The jam, especially if it is not the thickest, is a rather capricious filling. How to hide it in a bun so that it does not flow out? And not just to spread sweet syrup over the dough, but as in real homemade buns - with a lot of filling? Very simple! The main thing in such baking: knead a tender, obedient dough; choose a suitable shape for the buns so that you can hide as much of the filling as possible; and give the jam the necessary consistency so that during baking it does not run off onto a baking sheet. Are you ready to try?


  • milk - 250 ml,
  • sugar - 100 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • yeast - 1 tbsp. l. dry or 20 g pressed,
  • butter - 80 g,
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • flour - 450-500 g,
  • any thick jam (for filling) - 0.5 tbsp.,
  • starch - 1-2 tbsp. l.,
  • powdered sugar (optional) - when serving.

How to make jam buns

We start the dough for buns, taking into account the recommendations on the yeast packaging. I took dry yeast, which can either be mixed immediately with flour, or diluted in milk. I suggest using the second option: mix dry yeast, 3 tbsp. l. flour and 1 tbsp. l. sugar in one bowl. If you have pressed yeast, we dilute them in the same way.

Fill the dry mixture with about 1/3 tbsp. warm milk. Knead everything until smooth and set the bowl aside closer to the heat.

After 10-20 minutes. the liquid mass turns into such a lush hat.

In a separate, deeper cup, mix the remaining milk with 1 egg, add the remaining sugar, vanillin and salt there. Beat the mixture gently with a whisk until the eggs are smooth.

Then we introduce the dough that has risen with a hat, knead again and add flour to the dough.

Do not forget that you need to introduce flour in several approaches, so as not to accidentally overdo it with its amount. It took me 3 tbsp. flour (without a slide), the glass is the same as the milk was measured.

As soon as the contents of the bowl are collected in a dense, heterogeneous lump, add the melted butter and cooled to room temperature.

And we begin to mix it into the dough. At first it will seem that there is a lot of butter, but the longer you knead the dough, the better it will absorb the butter, and the softer and more elastic it will become. Here is such a smooth and homogeneous lump of dough.

Cover the bowl with a towel or cling film and leave it warm for about 1-1.5 hours. The dough should grow at least 2 times.

The filling for buns is ordinary jam. It can be of any taste and consistency. The taste is not for everybody, but the consistency is fixable. If you want to see only berries in the filling, put the jam on a sieve, in a few minutes you will get rid of most of the syrup. Another option is to thicken the jam with starch. The amount depends on the initial consistency of the jam. I had a runny currant jam. 0.5 tbsp. jam I took 2 tbsp. l. starch (without peas).

After lifting, we divide the dough into approximately equal parts, I got 16 of them. We round each ball, roll it into a wide cake.

We make an incision from each edge of the cake, stepping back about 1 cm from the edges.

Then we wrap one edge of the cake so that the cut strip lies close to the cut on the opposite side (as in the photo). We pinch a little.

We also cover the opposite edge with the second notched strip. Thus, a depression is obtained in the middle. Stretch the dough a little to make this depression bigger, and put the jam filling in it - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Transfer the formed buns to a baking sheet, placing them at some distance from each other. We give the buns to distance for 20-30 minutes, after which we send them to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Ready! If desired, the finished buns can be sprinkled with a little powdered sugar. The buns are equally tasty both warm and cold. Keep them covered.

Nutritionists say that breakfast is not only the key to an effective day, but also a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the digestive system. However, getting my family to eat a full meal in the morning, and not just grab tea or coffee on the run, is very difficult.

What I just didn’t do - I cooked porridge, “composed” casseroles, and built multilayer sandwiches. Nothing helped, only wasted time. Okay, a friend shared a recipe for delicious jam buns that cook very quickly in the oven. On weekends, I do them right in the morning, and on workdays - in the evening, and in the morning I just heat them up in the microwave.

This pastry is prepared very quickly, the most common products are needed, and the result is excellent! My "reluctance" people even get up half an hour earlier so that they can slowly drink tea with these buns. Let's cook them together!

Buns with jam

Kitchen tools: 2 bowls, rolling pin and spoon, mixer with butter attachments, kitchen scissors or knife.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • Try to take fresh dry yeast, and if you have not used it completely, store the opened bag in the refrigerator (up to two weeks) or prepackaged in the freezer (up to six months).
  • If there is no dry yeast, you can replace it with fresh one, but for this, the amount must be multiplied by three. For buns, you need about 20 g of fresh yeast.
  • A good quality butter margarine can be used instead of butter. Keep both products fresh, uniform in color without a musty odor.
  • Be sure to check the eggs for freshness. The easiest way to do this is by carefully lowering them into a glass of water: fresh ones will drown, those that are best used in the near future will “stand” without completely sinking to the bottom. Those eggs that float are best discarded immediately.
  • For the filling, it is better to choose a fairly thick jam or jam.

Step by step cooking

  1. You need to start cooking these pastries with dough. To do this, put 6-7 grams of dry yeast in a small bowl. Heat 50 ml of water until warm and pour over the yeast. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar (25 g) there. Cover the mixture and leave in a warm place for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Soften 200 g butter in a large bowl. When it reaches room temperature, add 200 g of sugar there and beat well with a mixer.

  3. Add 5 eggs to the dough (all at once) and beat the dough again.

  4. Pour the prepared dough into the butter-egg mixture (yeast with sugar and water), mix gently, preferably with a spoon.

  5. Add 750-800 g flour gradually. To do this, sift it in portions of 100-150 g, knead the dough after each. At first it is more convenient to do this with a spoon, then with your hands in a bowl. When the dough is cool enough, place it on a rug or table sprinkled with the rest of the flour (50-100 g) and continue to knead until a smooth, elastic ball is obtained.

  6. Dip the finished dough in flour, put it back in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for about an hour to come up.

  7. The next step is shaping the buns. To do this, take out the risen dough, divide in half. Roll each piece into a layer about 0.5 cm thick and distribute 125-175 g of jam on its surface. After that, roll up the layer with a roll.

  8. Transfer the rolls carefully to a baking sheet lined with parchment. Make deep cuts on each roll - use a knife or kitchen scissors for this. Expand the cuts in different directions - alternately left and right.

  9. Bake the buns in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40-50 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Cooking recipe video

To see all the stages of cooking such a muffin, watch the following video. It shows you how to make these buns correctly.

How to decorate a dish

Such pastries look very attractive and do not need any special decor. If you want the buns to become even prettier, brush them with a raw egg before baking (shake it with a fork until smooth, and then apply to the surface of the dough with a silicone brush). This is how they decorate almost any pastry - from to baking - with poppy seeds -.

Another option is to sprinkle the finished hot products with powdered sugar. Do not let them cool down, otherwise the powder will crumble. Spice lovers can mix the powder with cinnamon to give the baked goods an original color. By the way, they often decorate “buns with apples” in this way.

  • To make the dough come up faster, put it in a warm place, for example, next to a switched on stove. However, there is no need to put on the stove itself - yeast "does not like" when it is too hot. For the same reason, they need to be poured with warm, not hot water.
  • You can soften the butter faster by grating it on a coarse grater or cutting it into small pieces.
  • To quickly roll out the dough into a layer, dust the rolling pin with flour - it will not stick.
  • If the buns are browned on the top and bottom, but are still damp on the inside, cover them with parchment or foil. So they will not burn while they are baked.
  • You can check the readiness with a toothpick or a wooden stick - pierce the product with it. If there are no traces of dough on the wood, the baked goods are ready.
  • Would you like to use jam, but is it runny? Add chopped nuts to it to thicken the filling and prevent it from escaping.
  • Preheat the oven in advance - the baking will not rise in too cold. It is important not to overheat, because the rolls will not be baked into too hot.

How to serve a dish correctly and with what

Since such buns are baked in a single roll (you remember that the dough is not cut completely), they are carefully divided into portions before serving. After that, the pastry can be folded into a wicker basket or on a wide flat plate, tray. If desired, paint strips of jam syrup or sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon on the edge of the plate.

Like other pastries, for example, this pastry is served for dessert or tea, coffee. It is better, of course, to do this while the products are warm, but you can also heat them up in the microwave or oven. To do this, pre-cover the items with a clean cotton cloth slightly moistened with water. So you can warm up almost any pastry, but with puff pastry rolls, "the number will not work", they will not be crispy.

Offer milk, cocoa, juices or compote with buns.

Other cooking and filling options

  • As a filling, you can use not only jam or jam, but also sugar with cocoa. To do this, sprinkle each layer with two tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of cocoa after you roll it out.
  • Another filling option is thick caramel or thick honey with nuts.
  • According to this recipe, you can also make buns with apple filling: cut the sweet apples into small wedges, lightly sprinkle with sugar, add some crushed nuts and spread them on a layer of dough.
  • If you love curd, use it for the filling. To do this, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or mash it with a fork, mix with sugar and steamed raisins (pour a little boiling water over the raisins, let it stand for seven minutes, then put it in a colander and let all the water drain).
  • To give the dough a more original taste, you can add a bag of vanilla sugar, a little vanilla or cinnamon to it.

These buns are very tasty right after baking, hot and aromatic. However, even when cold, they are no worse - such a muffin can be given to children to school or taken with you as a snack. It is very simple to prepare it, even novice cooks can cope with this task, because it is easier to prepare yeast shortbread dough than other types, which include yeast. Experimenting with fillings, it's easy to get a new treat with original flavors every time. How do you bake buns, what fillings do you use, how do you prepare the dough? Let us know in the comments.

Step 1: knead the dough.

First you need to knead the dough. Since it is yeast, it will take quite a long time to knead. Therefore, it is better to prepare the dough in advance, for example, in the evening.
First, in a deep plate, mix salt, sugar and yeast, fill them with warm milk (its temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees). Leave the yeast to brew in a warm place for 25-30 minutes.
After the indicated time, add the softened and cut margarine to the yeast with milk. Now, gradually, in small portions, add sifted wheat flour, simultaneously kneading the dough with your hands.
As a result, you should have a soft, but not sticky mass, do not add flour so that the dough does not come out too tight.
Wrap the finished dough with a towel or wrap with cling film and leave to rise in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

Step 2: form jam buns.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator, wrinkle and divide into 20-25 equal balls.
Now the fun begins, we will shape our beautiful buns. Take one ball and roll it into a round cake, but not very flat.
Use a glass or glass to cut out a circle in the middle of your tortilla.
Take the part that looks like a donut and fold it in the middle to make a figure eight.
Place one part of the figure eight over the circle you cut out earlier.
Wrap the second part of the figure eight inward and place it on top, the ring in the ring, so that you get a kind of "rose".
Immediately place the piece on a baking sheet, greased with butter or covered with baking parchment, and start shaping the next bun.
When all the dough has gone into the blanks, put a spoonful of your favorite jam in the center of each bun. Now leave your products for a while so that they fit and spread out a little in all directions.

Step 3: bake the jam buns.

Preheat oven to 180-190 degrees Celsius, brush the jam buns with loose yolk, then send them bake until they are deliciously golden brown. Once the dough is baked and changes color, take out your baked goods and set to cool at room temperature. Once the buns have cooled, they are ready to serve.

Step 4: serve the jam buns.

Jam rolls are perfect for tea and as a gift. They are beautiful, ruddy, sweet and very fragrant, so they look good on the table and invite everyone to tea. And what can warm you better in cold autumn than a cozy and relaxed atmosphere when everyone is at home? Probably nothing.
Bon Appetit!

Similar buns can be made with natural marmalade, it turns out very tasty too.

Always look at the expiration date of the yeast. Only with fresh yeast will your dough be airy enough, otherwise all your efforts may be wasted.

To prevent the edges of the buns from falling apart, fasten them together with slightly damp hands.

Today I decided to bake beautiful buns from yeast dough in the oven, which are obtained in the shape of a flower. For the filling, I used cherry jam, but you can also replace it with any other, as long as it is thick and uniform. Jam, nutella, or even melted chocolate are also great for this. If you want to make them sweeter, you can increase the amount of sugar a little more.

Such delicious buns with jam, prepared according to this recipe with step-by-step photos, will definitely turn out even for a beginner. Try them too!


  • Milk - 150 ml. (+ 1 tsp for lubrication)
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Pressed yeast - 7 g
  • Salt - 0.3 tsp
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc. (3/4 in the dough, the rest for lubrication)
  • Cherry jam - 3 tablespoons
  • Starch - 2 tsp

210 kcal per 100 g

Quantity: 6pcs

Oven bake: 20 minutes

Making buns

I drive an egg into a deep bowl, but not a whole one, since half of the yolk needs to be left, it will still be useful in the future. I add salt, sugar, butter, which softened well, and yeast.

Then I pour in warm milk to them, the temperature of which is not higher than 40 degrees, that is, it should not be hot and mix well.

I add 200 grams of flour and mix first with a spatula, and then add more flour and knead the dough.

The dough comes out soft but not sticky and easy to work with. Now I need it to fit, for this I cover it with a kitchen towel and leave it there for about an hour.

I transfer the pitted cherry jam to a sieve to remove the liquid, since it is not appropriate here. When all the glass liquid I rub the jam through a sieve to get a more uniform texture that we need.

Then I add starch to it, mix and the filling is ready.

The dough has doubled, which means you can start further forming the buns.

Now I will show you how to make beautiful buns quickly and easily. I spread the dough on a slightly floured surface and divide it into 4 equal parts.

Then I roll the dough into a long tube and lay it with the butt down.

I make oblique cuts with sharp kitchen scissors, but I cut only to the middle.

And now I just twirl the dough in a spiral, forming a flower. I start wrapping from the middle.

I transfer them to a baking sheet with parchment or in a greased form. I grease them on top with the remaining yolk mixed with a spoonful of milk and put in an already preheated oven, up to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. I check the readiness by piercing it in the center with a wooden toothpick, which comes out dry from the finished dough.

Bake such buns with yeast dough jam in the oven, as they turn out delicious, soft, and also beautiful. Bon Appetit!

Jam rolls are my kids' favorite pastries. I want to offer the author's version of the most delicious buns stuffed with commercial yeast dough. The recipe is suitable for novice housewives who do not know how to knead the dough, but really want to start making sweet pastries for tea.

Our airy and flavorful yeast dough jam buns deserve your attention. Prepare, and you will certainly like the method of forming the blanks.

Products are taken from the list.

The finished yeast dough is formed into identical balls. It is convenient to sprinkle oil on your hands and squeeze the "round" through the ring from the thumb and forefinger. Koloboks should definitely be well spaced.

At this time, the filling is being prepared. I have - + potato starch. The berries were whole, but I ran them through a blender and mixed them with the starch. Brought to a boil, stirring well. Then she cooled it well. The jam has thickened.

Long tongues roll out of the dough balls. The surface of the table is powdered with flour during rolling.

Jam is spread in a thin strip in the center of each tongue.

After that, the sides of the tongues are stuck together into an elongated "pie". The seam is slightly pressed, and the workpiece itself is twisted into a snail. The edges are pressed against the base. During the sculpting process, the fingers are dipped in flour.

All snail buns are formed in this way. They are sent to an oiled silicone mold and remain in it until they expand.

Before planting in the oven, they are smeared with yolk and water.

Sprinkle with crumbs made from butter, ground with flour, vanilla and sugar.

Buns with jam are baked for no more than 20 minutes in a well-preheated oven.

Served for adults and children for tea. This is yummy! Very fluffy, very fragrant - divine Victoria Jam Buns. If desired, the snail buns are sprinkled with powdered sugar - this is already for a super sweet tooth.