Vegetables riddle. What grows in the garden, in the garden bed? Riddles about vegetables and fruits

Hello my dear readers!

You all know that riddles are a unique element of folklore. Riddles develop logic, thinking and play a big role in the development of the child's mental abilities.

Now is autumn and such an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Particular attention can be paid to riddles about fruits and vegetables for children. Guessing riddles, children get to know vegetables and fruits. You can make them at home, in the kitchen, when you are preparing dinner, in the country, collecting vegetables with the children in the garden. And kids can match riddles with real vegetables.

Autumn riddles about vegetables

I was dug out of the ground

Baked, fried, boiled,

And then they ate everything

And they were always praised. (Potatoes)

There is a round ball in the garden

He will not just gallop,

Like a full moon ...

There are delicious seeds in it. (

For a curly tuft

He dragged the fox out of the mink.

Touching smooth

Eat sweet. (Carrot)

Above is green

Below is red

Has grown into the ground

What is this? ()

Everything grew in the garden,

She is small, white

Knows the notes of "fa" and "salt"


It can be very different -

Green, yellow, red,

And he is burning, and sweet

It is worth knowing his habits. ()

In yellow pyramids

Lots of delicious grains. ( Corn)

Summer sweet and green

In winter, yellow and salty. (

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not butter,

Sweet, not sugar

With a tail, not a mouse.

I grow up in the garden

And when I mature

They make a tomato out of me

They put it in the cabbage soup, and so they eat it. (

Riddles about cabbage

I was born to glory

The head is white, curly

Who loves cabbage soup,

Look for me in them.

Patch on patch -

Green patches.

All day on my stomach

Lying in the garden bed.

Dress warmly

Lonely Panteley,

I pulled on a hundred clothes

Not one buttoned up.

She has clothes-

Some undershirts

I put them on a hundred,

She herself was white-skinned.

What's that creak? What a crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without crunch

If I …(

Riddles about potatoes

And green and thick

There is a bush in the garden.

Dig a little

Under the bush ... (Potato)

Unkazy, gnarly

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well, crumbly, tasty!"

Round, crumbly, white.

She came to the table from the fields.

Salt her a little

It's true, delicious ... (Potatoes)

More riddles about vegetables

He grows up in the garden

Does not offend anyone.

Well, and everyone around is crying,

Because they clean ... (

Head, and on top is a mustache,

No, it tastes not sweet.

They came running as fast

We tear up for dinner ... (

This vegetable is a pumpkin brother-

They also look fat.

Lay under a leaf on a barrel

Between the beds ... (Zucchini)

These tough guys

They hide in the leaves in the garden bed.

Sleazy twins

Turn green ... (Cucumbers)

He lived in a greenhouse in the summer,

I was friends with the hot sun.

With him is fun and enthusiasm,

It's red ... (

In the summer, without fear of the heat,

Ripe red balls.

Ripe, as on selection,

What kind of vegetable? (

Christmas trees grow in the garden

Needles do not prick them,

Cleverly hidden in the ground

Their root ... (Carrot)

The old house fell apart:

There was little room in it.

All tenants are alarmed

Who are they? (Peas)

The handsome fat man

Bright red sides

In a hat with a ponytail, senior

Round, ripe ... (

Solve vegetable riddles with your kids. And next time I will write riddles about fruits.

Write comments. Do you use riddles about vegetables in games with children, at birthday parties? Write. It will be interesting for me to read.

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Happy child 29.04.2018

Dear readers, many parents often face the question of how to interest their children in their free time at home or on a walk and at the same time introduce them to something useful. And with this, riddles about vegetables and fruits will perfectly help, many of which children encounter every day.

Why do people cry from onions? And what is it that grows in the garden? And what is it called and what is it eaten with? If a child asks all these questions, it means that he is developing correctly, taking an interest in the world around him. Add fruit and vegetable riddles to kids' games for a great educational activity that will help your child learn even more. And the first section is for the little ones.

The maiden is red in the dungeon, and the scythe is on the street ...

Simple riddles about vegetables and fruits with rhyme answers will suit the smallest children.

Fruit Riddles

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour
And his name is….

Kids know this fruit
They love to eat his monkeys.
He comes from hot countries,
Grows in the tropics….

It's orange, nice
Delicious, aromatic smell.
We go quickly to the store,
Let's buy a round….

What kind of fruit is on the platter?
We all love him very much,
Very important sir,

It makes us all very happy
With hard skin….
(A pineapple)

They all grow on a branch
Loved by adults and children!
They are used to bake pies ...
And what are their names? ….

Riddles about vegetables

What's that creak? What a crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without crunch
If I … !

And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden.
Dig a little:
Under the bush….

Round and smooth
Take a bite - sweet.
Settled up tight
In the garden….

Substituting a barrel for the sun,
Lies in the garden ...

Who cleverly hid in the ground?
This is a redhead….

Here is a green fellow.
It is called….

He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice.
People have loved for a long time
Red, ripe….
(A tomato)

I grew up in the garden
Soaked in the rains
And ripe….

Make everyone cry
Although he is not a fighter, but….

How I put on a hundred shirts, crunched on my teeth

All kids love fruits and vegetables for their varied flavors. And the riddles about them are also very different, and their benefits are undeniable, because through riddles about fruits and vegetables you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. This section presents riddles about vegetables and fruits for preschoolers.

Riddles about vegetables

How I put on a hundred shirts,
Crunched on my teeth.

Our piglets grew up in the garden
To the sun sideways, crochet tails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

Grass above the ground
Underground burgundy head.

I was born to glory
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.

Ugly, knobby,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
"Well, crumbly, delicious!"

As in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
These are the round ones.
They turn green in the summer
By the fall they turn red.

Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark for the whole day.
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
Sitting side by side in the house
Round guys.
In the fall, trouble came -
The smooth house has cracked,
Who jumped where
Round guys.

There is a yellow ball in the garden
Only he does not run at a gallop,
He's like a full moon
The seeds are delicious in it.

He bites, but not a dog.
There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is it, tell me? ….

Although he did not see ink,
Suddenly became purple
And shines with praise
Very important … .

She is pulled by her grandmother with her granddaughter,
A cat, grandfather and a mouse with a bug.

Thrown off Yegorushka
Golden feathers
Yegorushka made
Crying without a bit.

It happens, children, different -
Yellow, herbal and red.
Now it is hot, then it is sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Have you guessed? It … .

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.

Watch a cognitive, educational cartoon about vegetables with the kids.

What kind of fruit has ripened in the garden?
Bone inside, freckled cheeks.
A swarm of wasps flew to him -
Sweet soft….

Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little kids.

Little brother of orange,
Because it's small.

This fruit is sweet
Both round and smooth.
Inside it is fragrant
The outside is fluffy.

Warmed by the hot sun
He is dressed in skin, as in armor.
Will surprise us
(A pineapple)

You can barely hug this fruit
If you are weak, then you will not lift it.
Cut it into pieces
Eat the red pulp.

What kind of fruit is dark green
Came to us from America:
Yellow pulp,
Does it taste like a nut?
Alligator pear
The British call ...
Improves people's memory
And relieves stress for everyone.
Even children need to eat
What, tell me? ….

That grows on a lush palm tree
Loves the sun and heat?
What food is prepared from
In sultry countries in the morning?
What a Bedouin fruit
Who lives in oases
They call it "desert bread"
And they eat all year round?
We eat them too,
True, we consider it a delicacy.
What is the name of the "hermits"
Those goodies? ….

What a fruit - a box with a secret!
The seeds are delicious to look at
Everything is transparent, everything is pink.
Shake. How strange! Doesn't ring.

The yellow ball is slightly bitter
In the summer it will quench your thirst.

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

Round side, yellow face,
Can compare with the sun.
And what a fragrant,
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field….

This important culture, with a strong, dense texture

Children grow up, and the riddles become more difficult. The guys already know everything about the color, shape, taste of various cultures, and now imaginative thinking is also connected to make the riddles more interesting. In this section you will find difficult riddles for children of grades 2-3 about vegetables and fruits.

Patch on patch - green patches
The whole day he lays on his stomach in the garden bed.

The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We prepare tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

I tried a whole summer -
Dressing, dressing ...
And how autumn came
She gave us the clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel.

As in a garden bed under a leaf
A block of wood rolled up -
Zelenets is remote,
Delicious small vegetable.

Near the house, between the bushes,
In the field, in the garden, along the woods
An important culture is growing
With a strong, dense texture.
We will collect all the tubers
Dry and clean
We will eat until spring
The dishes from it are delicious.

Red eye,
Bogatyr Taras,
I went underground
Found ten brothers.
Look look look
What are the heroes!

The orange root sits underground,
He stores a storehouse of vitamins,
Helps children become healthier,
What kind of vegetable is this, can you tell?

He is dressed tightly in ten clothes,
He often comes to us for lunch.
But only to the table you will call him,
You yourself will not notice how you shed tears.

It grows in the ground
Cleared for winter.
The head looks like a bow.
If you only chew
Even a small slice -
You will smell for a very long time.

It grows very long
And it takes half a row.
This pumpkin vegetable is a brother,
In the summer, everyone eats it.

The golden head is big, heavy
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is great, only the neck is thin.

They immediately recognize this vegetable by its color,
Everyone calls him the blue master.
The skin is shiny and oblong,
He is glad to treat adults and children.

Bright lanterns hang on the bushes,
As if a holiday parade is taking place here.
Green, red, yellow fruits,
Who are they, do you recognize them?

Fell apart in a mess
On your feather bed
One hundred green bears
They lie with nipples in their mouth,
Juice is sucked continuously
And they grow.

All decorated with flowers
Take a look at it yourself.
These white blossoms
Fry in breadcrumbs for children.

What a miracle in the garden?
Like a shell under the leaf.
It is wavy on all sides.
What kind of vegetable? ….

Cook for lunch
You won't be able to vinaigrette
If such a vegetable
You don't have it in the garden.

White clove for colds
Chewing is not at all bad.
From colds from diseases
There is no healthier vegetable.

She can be black
She is white.
I pulled the tail from the garden
And he did it with sour cream.

They grow in the garden
You don't have to walk far -
Everything for borscht, salad, soup
We will find it simply and easily.

They plant in the spring
Watering in the summer
Weed, weed,
Dig it up in the fall!

They are different,
They ripen in the gardens,
In one word they call
Mom adds them to borscht!

This word is called
Tubers and fruits,
Eat them
All of you can!

Edible tops, roots,
They are called, no doubt,
With the word that is familiar from childhood
Quickly tell me what it is!

They are salted for the winter,
Boil and fry
Salads are cooked
And the juice is squeezed out!

Different colors have,
Who turns yellow, who turns red,
Who has an edible root
Others hold the fruit tree in high esteem!

What has grown here in the garden?
Delicious but not sweet.
Everyone is lying in the garden -
We'll prepare a salad!
We'll cook a lot of cereals with them -
The soup turned out to be delicious!
More chocolate bar
We all need to eat this.

What's growing in our garden?
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for samples.
There are radishes and salad
Our garden is just a treasure.
If you listened carefully
I remembered it for sure.
Answer in order.
What's growing in our garden?

I am a ruddy nesting doll
I can't tear myself away from my friends,
I will wait when the matryoshka
Falls into the grass by itself.

Golden one barrel,
Another barrel is reddish.
In the middle, in the core -
A worm lurked.

Were white flowers
Have become ripe fruits
Became like balls
How do you take them by the teeth,
Sweet juice will spray immediately.

"Light bulbs" are hanging on me,
But they are edible.
The girls also have a name -
Like mine.

Side in golden skin,
And under the skin is sweet juice.
Each slice has a sip
And for the son and daughter.

Delicious - lick your fingers
Orange balls.
But I don’t play only in them,
I eat them invariably.

Above is a forelock of leaves,
He is dressed all around in armor.
And in canned food from circles -
Wonderful dessert.
(A pineapple)

Yes, a lot of things! But we publish riddles about vegetables for the first time. Although there are actually a great many of them in the world! Some are funny, some are difficult. But all are interesting. Now you can see for yourself. Choose your favorite vegetable riddles and make them to your kids.

Riddles about vegetables

Both green and thick

A large bush has grown in the garden.

Dig a little in it,

Will you pick up there ... (potatoes).

Buried in the ground in May.

They did not take out for many days.

They began to dig in August -

Not one was found, but five.


Grown - in the ground.

Known - in the whole world.

And very often on the table

Flaunts in a uniform.


Dug out of the ground, fried, boiled.

And they stewed and baked. They ate and praised.


Hidden heads

Under a bush in a mink.

Brown ones are not bumps.

In a mink, but not a mouse.


Ugly, knobby,

All the guys will say in unison:

"Oh, and she's delicious!"


How I put on a hundred shirts -

Crunched on my teeth.


Summer she tried everything

I was in a hurry and dressed.

And, as autumn came,

I gave away all the clothes.

Many clothes

We put it in a barrel.


Sat in the garden

In green silks.

And we are preparing the tubs

And half a bag of salt.


Alena put on a green sarafan.

Spread the frills thickly.

Do you recognize me? …(Cabbage).

What kind of crunch is that?

What is this bush there?

How can I do without crunch,

If I ... (cabbage).

Has a hundred clothes -

And all - without fasteners.


She grew up - to glory.

The head is white, curly.

If you like cabbage soup -

Look for her there!


Not sewn, not cut, but scarred.

Without a count of clothes, and all without fasteners.

(Head of cabbage).

Patch on patch

Like green patches.

Cuddles on your belly

All day in the garden.


There was a child - he grew up without diapers.

Became an old man - a hundred diapers on him.

(Head of cabbage).

Green BBW

Round belly

In a pleated skirt

It stands in our garden.


Red maiden

Sits in a dungeon

And her braid is on the street.


For curly tuft

They dragged the fox out of the mink.

Juicy yes smooth

And, like sugar, sweet.


Red maiden

Grew up in a dungeon.

People took her

The braids were torn off.


Yellow lanky

I got stuck in the damp ground.


It grows in the ground, in the garden bed.

Delicious and sweet.


A red nose has grown into the ground,

Above there is only a green tail.


Orange dress,

Green crest.

Hidden in the cellar

And the braid is on the tubercle.


Lots of clothes

And all - without fasteners.

Who undresses him

He sheds tears.

It tastes bitter, very sharp,

But vitamin and healthy.

Thrown off Yegorushka

Gold feathers.

Yegorushka made everyone

Crying without a bit.

Tanya came up in a yellow sundress.

They began to undress Tanya,

They began to cry and sob.

He grew up in a garden bed with a disgusting character.

Wherever he goes, he will bring everyone to tears.

The bird is in the hole.

The tail is in the yard.

Who rips out the tail,

He sheds tears.

Before we ate it

All had time to cry.

Will make everyone around you cry.

He is not a fighter. He is only ... (bow)

He does not upset anyone,

But it makes everyone cry.

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

No pain, no sorrow

Brings to tears.

It grows - in the ground, is removed - for winter.

It looks very much like a bow.

If you chew it,

Even a small slice

The smell is heard for a very long time.

Wears a white frock coat.

There is a tooth, but where is the mouth?

Bitter onion is a brother.

What is this? (Garlic).

There is green grass above the ground.

Under the ground is a burgundy head.

Grew up in the garden

Green pigs.

Crochet ponytails.

To the sun - sideways.

Long and green

Fresh and salty.

It is always tasty.

Who is he then?

Under a green leaf

The block of wood rolled down.

Green and remote -

This vegetable is nice.

In the summer - in the garden, fresh, green ..

And in winter - in a barrel, strong, salty.

On a green bed

In a sweet mess

One hundred green cubs

They lie with nipples in their mouths.

Juice is sucked continuously

And they grow, grow, grow.

In bright yellow pyramids -

Hundreds of delicious grains.


They are pulling her grandfather and granddaughter,

Grandma, mouse, cat with a bug.

Round and smooth.

And bite off - sweet.

Settled in the ground firmly

In our garden ... (turnip).

A bun is sitting on the garden bed.

The round yellow side warms up.

It has grown firmly into the soil.

What is this? (Turnip).

Put fleas in the ground

Will grow - cakes.

He dried up in the sun.

I got out of the pods ... (peas).

The green house is a bit cramped.

It was narrow and smooth.

Sitting side by side in the house

Round guys.

Suddenly trouble came in the heat -

Suddenly the house cracked.

Who scattered where

Green kids.

And he did not see ink,

He suddenly became purple.

And all glitters with praise

Very important ... (eggplant).

This important gentleman,

He's not alone in the garden

Yellow, round like a ball

But he will not fly at a gallop.

As motionless as the moon.

The seeds are delicious in it.

The golden head lay down to rest.

The head is great, but the neck is thin.

This glorious trotter

Lay down on a round barrel.

All - well-fed, salad.

Who is this? ... (Zucchini).

It grows huge.

It takes up a lot of space.

This vegetable is a brother to pumpkin.

Small - they eat it.


They came to us from melon

Striped balls.

On a green bed

Riddles have grown

Juicy and round.

Everyone is so big.

In the summer they turn green.

In the fall, they blush.


Red mouse with a white tail

In a mink sits under a green leaf.


We have found such interesting riddles about vegetables for you. If you liked it, take a look at the page where everything is collected and choose the ones that you need!

There is no doubt that riddles about fruits and vegetables are very entertaining, they have a positive effect on the development of the child. Of course, the upbringing of children must be comprehensive, both parents and educators must understand this, because, solving fruit and vegetable riddles, a child learns the world, learns to think and think.

Riddles about vegetables - learn by playing!

On our site you will find a huge number of children's riddles about vegetables, interesting and exciting. How can children get to know a variety of vegetables? For example, they see how mom prepares food, what ingredients a dish consists of. Children can also learn the taste of vegetables in the process of eating food, as well as during the immediate harvest. Riddles about vegetables are no less educational process, because the study is accompanied by funny and funny rhymes.

Moreover, riddles about vegetables on our resource are presented in a wide variety: about cabbage, carrots, potatoes, garlic, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes. Here you will find excellent children's riddles about vegetables, believe me, the child will really like this kind of leisure time. And even better, if the children can compare the description of the riddle with a real vegetable, for example, touch it, taste it, and if there is a dacha, then see how it grows. The result from such training will be much more effective.

Children's riddles about fruits - we think and fantasize!

Fruits are a wonderful gift of nature, in addition, adults and children love to feast on them. Each child has his / her favorite fruits, some prefer sweet apples, others like the taste of fragrant melon, and for the third, serve only exotic bananas and oranges. And this is not surprising, because all children are different: someone loves sour fruits, and someone loves tart grapefruit.

On this site you will find a lot of riddles about fruits that children encounter in life: they see how fruits grow in the garden, or on store shelves, or on a TV screen. In any case, solving riddles about fruits, the child will learn to use the already existing knowledge, will be able to find similarities and differences, for example, between a yellow pear and a lemon. And also in the process of such a game, he will figuratively think and fantasize.

In the event that kids will solve children's riddles about fruits, they will be able to get acquainted with previously unknown and unknown gifts of generous nature, learn their shape, color and interesting, and, sometimes, funny names of fruits. Also, kids can be given hints so that they can cope with the task at hand. For example, parents and caregivers can place cards with a picture of certain fruits in front of the child, let him choose an image that is a clue.

The invaluable benefits of riddles

Is your child naughty, does not want to make contact? Or maybe rainy weather outside the window, which interferes with active pastime? Do not be upset, because the best way out of the situation is riddles about vegetables and fruits! Together with your children, you can have fun, build relationships with a whim or a little stubborn.

Riddles about vegetables and fruits are a kind of test for the mind, thanks to which the child develops logical, analytical thinking, and ingenuity. In principle, riddles about fruits, as well as about vegetables, are published with answers, but if the child is thinking a little, there is no need to immediately communicate the answer, let him conduct a thorough analysis and think carefully. In turn, parents and educators can help the child find the answer to the riddle with the help of leading questions, gestures, facial expressions.

If you want your child to grow up to be an inquisitive and active person, do not neglect riddles, this is an excellent tool for development!