Soy sauce - health benefits and harms for men and women. Soy sauce: the benefits and harms of oriental seasoning

Soy sauce is an essential ingredient in Asian cuisine, obtained from the fermentation of soybeans. He appears more and more on our tables. What are the benefits and harms of soy sauce?

Sauce composition:

  • ... It gives a pleasant salty taste, but promotes fluid retention in the body.
  • Vegetable protein. An important component of the diet, the amount of protein in the seasoning is sufficient, more content in meat and eggs. The proportion of protein is from five to seven percent.
  • Glutamate. It is used as a flavor enhancer.
  • The hormone estrogen. It has a beneficial effect on the female body during menopause, but is contraindicated in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Probiotic. It normalizes the intestinal microflora and helps to assimilate elements valuable for the body.
  • Niacin. Vitamin that has a good effect on the condition of the heart system.

The calorie content of the dressing is low: 50-55 kcal per 100 grams. A high-quality oriental product is prepared by hydrolysis of wheat and soybeans.

Sauce preparation technology:

  1. The beans are soaked and boiled.
  2. Wheat is roasted and ground with the addition of soy.
  3. Microorganisms are inoculated to start the fermentation process and increase acidity.
  4. Treat the mixture with salt.
  5. Fermented for a period of one and a half months to three years.
  6. Pressing.
  7. Filtration.

There is a chemical preparation of the Asian dressing, which can speed up the cooking processes, but worsen the composition of the product. Is this soy sauce good for you?

What is the health hazard of the sauce?

Is soy sauce harmful? If used incorrectly, this product can cause serious harm to health. Symptoms, with excessive consumption of seasonings, which worsen a person's well-being:

  • Chronic kidney disease;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Increased risk of myocardial infarction;
  • Diseases of the joints;
  • Violation of the urinary system;

Soy sauce is especially harmful for men, this is due to the presence of sodium in the composition. Abuse leads to salt retention in joints and poor liver health.

Asian seasoning is contraindicated in certain diseases and conditions of the body. Who Shouldn't Eat Sauce?

Contraindications to use:

  • Children under the age of five;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Elderly age;
  • Intestinal diseases;
  • Heart hypertension;

Often, impurities are added to the product to improve taste, preservatives, stabilizers, which are harmful to children and can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes and itching. Refueling aggravates gastrointestinal diseases.

What are the benefits of the sauce?

Research has shown that moderation in sauce can have a positive effect on human health. Eastern dressing will improve sleep, normalize digestion and relieve constant headaches. What else is soy sauce good for?

Benefits for women:

  1. Slows down the aging process;
  2. Pain during menstruation decreases;
  3. Menopause is easier;
  4. Retains calcium in bones;
  5. Relieves depressive conditions;
  6. Reduces nervous irritability;
  7. Eliminates muscle spasm and swelling;
  8. The risks of tumor formation are reduced;

In adulthood, it is useful for a woman to add this product to the diet. Soy sauce is low-calorie, it can be safely replaced with mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup and other dressings without harming the figure. What are the benefits of oriental seasoning for the opposite sex?

Benefits for men:

  • Helps to reduce weight;
  • Supports the body's performance;
  • Stabilizes the nervous system;
  • Improves the state of immunity;
  • Increases physical activity;
  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Also, oriental sauce is useful for stool disorders, cardiovascular diseases and animal protein intolerance. Improves focus and relieves headaches.

Soy sauce for the heart and blood vessels

The researchers concluded that the seasoning based on soybeans, when consumed in moderation: increases the elasticity of blood vessels, cleanses them of sclerotic plaques, and strengthens the cardiovascular system of the body.

All this is due to the content of soy isoflavones in the seasoning.

How to store and choose soy sauce correctly?

The natural dressing does not require the addition of preservatives to extend the shelf life. At a temperature from 19 to 22 about the shelf life is two years. Direct exposure to the sun's rays on the bottle and temperature fluctuations is not recommended. Storage in a refrigerator and other cool places is possible.

How to choose soy sauce

A large selection of sauces from different manufacturers is available on store shelves, but are they all healthy?

How to distinguish an artificially prepared sauce from a natural one?

  1. Colour. The sauce of high quality composition has a light brown tint.
  2. Protein. Content not less than eight percent.
  3. Composition. The main ingredients are soybeans, wheat, sucrose and salt.
  4. Capacity. Transparent glass container.
  5. Price. The low price indicates the addition of harmful stabilizers and flavor enhancers.
  6. Consistency. The liquid is homogeneous, without impurities and sediment.
  7. Preservatives. There are no preservatives or additives labeled “E” in a quality sauce.
  8. Fermentation. The dressing is made by natural fermentation and information about this cooking method is indicated in the natural product.

Vitamins and minerals

They say that the dose of the sauce consumed per day is so small that all the nutrients included in the composition do not affect the organs and systems of the human body. But researchers have refuted this theory, with the regular use of an oriental product, the body absorbs macronutrients, which is good for health.

Vitamin composition of the sauce:

  1. Complex of vitamins of group B. Improves mood and promotes weight loss.
  2. Vitamin C. It has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Retinol or Vitamin A. Improves the condition of the skin, which prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.
  4. A nicotinic acid. Regulates the metabolic processes of the body.
  5. Isoleucine. Accelerates carbohydrate metabolism.
  6. Tryptophan. Normalizes the activity of the central nervous system.
  7. Lysine. Promotes the absorption of calcium.

Can you drink soy sauce with this composition of positive properties and macronutrients? No, dressing plays the role of an addition to other dishes, and addiction will lead to undesirable consequences. The rate of consumption of sauce per day: one tablespoon if you salt food and two with an absolute rejection of salt.

Video: health benefits and harms of soy sauce

Soy sauce has taken root so deeply in our society that even the children of the nursery group know about it. But what do we really know about him? How is it prepared, why is it added to food, and what is the use and harm of soy sauce for the human body? Can't you give answers to these questions? Then, we want to give answers to many questions.

The benefits and harms of soy sauce - general

In order to understand the whole meaning of this product, you need to understand that the sauce came to us from the cuisine of Eastern countries - from Japan and China. And practically no dish from these countries can do without soy sauce. But few of us thought that soybean seasoning is not only tasty, but also the best solution for losing weight. Of course, this product has both opponents and supporters. For clarity, we will look at the composition of soy sauce, as well as which sauce to choose for its effective action.

Which sauce is better or making the choice correctly

Since the classic soy sauce is currently found in the territory of the CIS countries is quite a difficult task, but a real one. First, we will look at the composition of a real, correct sauce. The absence of this or that component will already tell you about certain frauds in the manufacture of the purchased product.

Real soy sauce is rich in the following ingredients:

  • Micro-, macroelements.
  • Vitamins.
  • Amino acids.
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins of group "B".
  • Iron, zinc, calcium.

Nutritional benefits of soybean product:

  • 6.0 g of proteins;
  • 6.6 g carbohydrates;
  • 6.6 g of mono - and disaccharides;
  • 5.6 g of ash.
  • Energy index 50-70 kcal / 100 g.

How does soy sauce affect humans?

Since soy sauce contains a large amount of antioxidants, this product helps the body get rid of:

  • Insomnia.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Edema.
  • Sprains.
  • Dermatitis.

Soy sauce is especially valuable for women, because the regular use of this product helps women cope with menopause. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of soy sauce reduces the likelihood of developing diseases such as:

  • Osteoporosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Mammary cancer.
  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Cardiovascular.

In addition, for men and women, soy bean sauce will be beneficial as it is quite low in protein. In this connection, this seasoning is suitable for people who are allergic to animal proteins.

Of course, the fact that there are harmful modern sauces is not a secret. This is due not only to the country of its origin, but also to the technologies of its production, since some manufacturers, in pursuit of low cost, neglect the naturalness of the product and use flavors, substitutes and even GMOs. All this, of course, causes quite severe harm to the body.

Harmful properties of soy sauce

Even if you know where to find real, natural soy sauce or you can make it yourself, this does not mean at all that you have found the perfect elixir for your body. After all, even such a product is harmful for the following problems and diseases:

  • Associated with the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • The presence of an allergic reaction

Attention! Soy sauce for pregnant women is dangerous due to the likelihood of miscarriage.


Of course, like any product, soy sauce should be consumed in moderation and preferably exclusively of natural origin. It is also important to buy products from trusted manufacturers, and be sure to follow the recommendations for consumption and use in dishes.

More and more fans of Asian cuisine are appearing in our country. Soy sauce is a traditional oriental seasoning that is difficult to match in taste and breadth of use. Even mayonnaise cannot be compared with it. It goes well with meat, fish with rice and vegetables. You can prepare various sauces based on it. But let's try to figure it out: what is soy sauce, its benefits and harms for the body. Can they season our dishes so thickly?

How did soy sauce come about?

The history of the emergence of soy sauce begins in ancient China, about 3000 years ago. Chinese monks did not approve of eating, milk and meat products, they preferred plants. But the body cannot do without protein, and then the monks suggested replace meat and milk with soy products.

The first vegetarian dish for Chinese monks was cheese made with soy milk. Culinary experiments with soy gained momentum, and almost everything began to be replaced with it. Eventually monks learned to cook and soy sauce... We do not know the exact date of manufacture of this seasoning. But soy sauce quickly became popular, and now the Japanese are serving it at their table.

Among the Japanese, the first mention of soy sauce dates back to around the 18th century. Here the sauce became a favorite seasoning, and passed into the status of a gourmet product. Its long shelf life gave the Japanese the opportunity to spread the sauce to other countries, starting with Holland. Soy sauce reached Russia only in the 90s and is also loved by many chefs and ordinary housewives.

What is soy sauce made of?

Soy is a herbaceous plant that has a lifespan of only one year. The soybean fruit is the bean that makes so many foods that are extremely rich in vegetable protein. Exactly soy sauce is made from these beans.

But not only soy fruits are needed to make the sauce, wheat grains and molds are also added there, which cause fermentation. Without them, the sauce will not have its characteristic sour taste and smell.

How is the process of preparing this seasoning:

  1. Soybeans are soaked in water and boiled.
  2. Wheat grains are overcooked and crushed.
  3. The boiled beans and prepared grains are mixed.
  4. Different types of fungi and microorganisms are planted in the resulting gruel.
  5. The resulting mass is poured with brine and left to ferment. When the sauce ferments, it breaks down protein into free amino acids and starch into simple sugars. This gives the sauce its dark color.
  6. The fermented gruel is placed under a special load. This separates the sauce from the hard base.
  7. It is imperative that the raw sauce be heated in order for the remaining fungi and bacteria to die.

This is how classic soy sauce is made by fermenting soybeans and grains.

How to choose soy sauce when buying?

When choosing soy sauce on store shelves, it is better to pay attention to what is contained in glassware... Glass containers keep useful and taste of the product.

What else might grab your attention?

  1. The label should contain an inscription that the product is fermented, that is, prepared by natural fermentation. This sauce is healthier than the one prepared according to an accelerated recipe in 3 days - hydrolysis.
  2. Carefully study the composition, it should include such products: soy, wheat, water and salt. And nothing more.
  3. Sometimes, manufacturers want to save money and add to soy sauce peanut... Don't take this product.
  4. A natural product must contain a sufficient amount of protein - at least 6%.
  5. The liquid in the bottle must be homogeneous, without leaving streaks and particles on the walls of the vessel.

Soy seasoning can vary in color, from darker shades to golden shades. It depends on the sugar content. But this indicator does not affect the benefits of the product, but only the taste.

How is soy sauce good for you?

Soybean seasoning is considered a dietary and healthy product. It is eaten by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It's all about its rich composition.

  • Vitamins A, C, E, B.
  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.

He contains a large number of amino acids, which make it a natural antioxidant, which can slow down the aging of the body and prevent the development of cancer cells.

People who are allergic to animal protein can safely season their meals with it.

There is a more visible benefit, it helps with the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system (headaches, insomnia).
  • Cardiovascular disease - helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Pains of a spasmodic nature, headaches and neuralgic.

It does not contain any fats or sugars, which makes it possible to use it in food for patients with diabetes and those who follow a diet.

Concerning harm , which can cause soy sauce to our body, then it is worth noting the untidiness of the manufacturers who add to its composition artificial fillers... It is they who can be unsafe.

How to make soy sauce at home?

Making a classic soy sauce at home is not so easy, as finding the necessary mushrooms for fermentation is not an easy task. But you can do homemade soy sauce option... For this we need:

  1. Beans (100 g) cook and mash in mashed potatoes.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of chicken broth and 2 tablespoons of butter to the resulting gruel.
  3. Salt the resulting mass.
  4. Add a tablespoon of flour.
  5. On the slowest heat, the resulting mass must be brought to a boil.
  6. It is necessary to constantly stir it so that the sauce does not burn, otherwise it will taste bitter.

Such a sauce, of course, will differ from natural in its properties and taste, but it will be able to replace mayonnaise and tomato ketchup.

What can you eat soy sauce with?

Soy sauce is a versatile condiment. Of course, it all depends on the individual preferences of the person. It can be added anywhere, and even in soup instead of sour cream. But best of all he goes well with side dishes, which have a dry consistency and insipid taste, such as rice, pasta, legumes. On its basis, you can come up with good sauces, in which it is added for spiciness.

  1. Soy-based sour cream sauce. Take a few tablespoons of sour cream of any fat content, based on how much sauce you need to get. Add some dill and minced garlic there. To keep the sauce from being bland, add the soy sauce to taste. Your preference is important here, whether you like the sauce more sour or not. Stir the whole mixture until you get a cappuccino-colored sauce. This seasoning goes well with vegetable salads, fish, and you can even make a sandwich with it.
  2. For cooking marinade for chicken. Soak the pieces in it (chicken wings work best) and leave to soak for a while. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the meat will turn out to be too soft and sour. You can also add it when frying with oil.

If you decide to diversify your cuisine, then soy sauce is perfect. It will give dishes a new, incomparable sweet and sour taste.

After reading this article, you learned everything about soy sauce: the benefits and harms, what it consists of and how to cook it at home. Then you can experiment and get new and new dishes.

Video about the benefits and dangers of the product

In this program, Dr. Elena Maslova will talk about the dangers and benefits of soy products and sauces for the human body:

In recent years, the traditional diet of Russians has expanded through the use of products that come from Asian cuisine. Among the most popular is soy sauce, which is ubiquitous in the East. Many housewives add the product to everyday meals, without even knowing what the benefits and harms of soy sauce are.

Soy sauce: chemical composition and calorie content

An important ingredient in oriental cuisine, soy sauce is a thick, dark liquid with a pungent odor. The taste of the product is richly salty, so it is often used to season dishes instead of salt.

The ancient Chinese invented the product. According to primary sources, dishes with the addition of soy sauce were prepared in China as early as the eighth century BC. Over time, the product became widespread in all Asian countries and to this day is considered an indispensable component of meat and fish dishes.

The classic method of making soy sauce involves the process of fermentation of soybeans and wheat grains by means of fermentation, which is caused by specially added Aspergillus molds.

Traditional product manufacturing takes several months. Therefore, some manufacturers use methods that simplify the process and shorten the cooking time. These soy sauces take three days to cook up and can last longer.

However, products prepared by hydrolysis differ from the original soy sauce in taste and may contain carcinogens.

While conventionally prepared soy sauce has high nutritional value and health benefits:

  • micro- and macroelements - zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, copper, as well as sodium, phosphorus and chlorine;
  • vitamins of group B, A, E and ascorbic acid;
  • mono - and disaccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • derivatives of glutamic acid.

100 g of the product contains 6 g of proteins, 6.6 g of carbohydrates and 5.6 g of ash. There are practically no fats in the sauce.

Influence on the body

It makes sense to talk about the benefits of soy sauce if we mean a real product obtained by fermentation of beans and wheat.

From a medical point of view, soy sauce is a healthy product that can support natural physiological processes in the body and prevent the development of pathologies. Moreover, moderate consumption of the product is a guarantee not only of good health and physical activity, but also preservation of youth.

Store-bought sauces in their huge variety are now very popular. Most of them have a mayonnaise base. They are good because they not only add spice to the dishes, but also keep for a very long time, while homemade mayonnaise is unlikely to "live" more than a couple of days. But why are these sauces so bad and is it worth buying them at all?

Why are store sauces harmful?
The main disadvantage of store-bought sauces is the large number of additives - flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers and colorants. Due to them, sauces not only acquire good taste, pleasant color and texture, but can also be stored for a very long time, sometimes up to a year.

Such additives are harmful primarily to the human digestive system. For example, sodium nitrite retains water in the body and causes swelling. Frequent consumption of hot sauces damages the intestinal mucosa, causing ulcers and gastritis. When used regularly, flavor enhancers in ready-made sauces dull the sensations of taste by acting on the papillae on the surface of the tongue. As a result, ordinary food that is not seasoned with sauces appears tasteless.

Are all sauces the same?
Of course, not all ready-made sauces in stores are potentially harmful. For example, you can find many tomato ketchups and sauces based on it, which do not contain any preservatives or flavor enhancers. But with mayonnaise sauces - it is much more difficult.
More about supplements
Now I would like to talk in more detail about the main additives in the composition of store sauces and their effect on the body.

Flavor enhancers

The most common and discussed flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate (E621). In fairness, it must be said that the sodium salt of glutamic acid is an amino acid necessary for the human body. Natural monosodium glutamate is found in meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, mushrooms, and soy.

But manufacturers of ready-made sauces usually add synthetic monosodium glutamate to them, which does not have the properties of its natural counterpart. Foods containing artificial flavor enhancers over time make the most common foods tasteless to the receptors of the tongue.


Naturally, preservatives that are hazardous to health are prohibited by law. But often manufacturers, using loopholes in the rules, indicate incomplete information on the packaging. For example, an "antioxidant" can be both natural and artificial (butyloxytoluene or butyloxyanisole). The second option can severely hit the intestinal microflora and ultimately lead to liver and kidney disease.


Thanks to emulsifiers, the sauces have a homogeneous mass and do not delaminate into components. The most common natural emulsifier is soy lecithin. But the content of artificial emulsifiers in sauces is strictly limited, since in high concentrations they can be dangerous. The very common magnesium carbonate can cause heart and nervous system disorders. Excessive sodium carbonate leads to allergic reactions and stomach pain. Potassium sulfate can cause stomach upset and even poisoning.

Perhaps these three points are enough to rethink your attitude to purchased sauces and to minimize their use, or better, to refuse them altogether.

Do you buy ready-made sauces? Share in the comments!