Why you can't make moonshine from birch sap. Braga from birch sap - an interesting recipe

A birch tree stands in many courtyards of high-rise buildings. Spring is the time to collect birch sap. Everyone made an incision and drank it right away. Kvass, lemonade, wine or moonshine are made from birch sap at home. The production of mash will not cause difficulties due to the composition of the raw materials. It contains a sufficient amount of trace elements so as not to use additional feeding.

Homemade alcohol is insisted on birch brunks. Brunki are birch buds. In common people - earrings. Braga from this raw material gives a milder taste to alcohol. After drinking such alcohol, you can not be afraid for the morning - there will be no hangover.

For the preparation of princely moonshine, mash from birch sap is used. It is prepared according to two proven recipes. They are distinguished by the addition of sugar:

  • sugar;
  • clean.

Sugar mash


  • 10 liters of juice;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of pressed or 40 g of dry yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. kefir / milk or starter culture.

Heat the juice to 25-30 degrees. Mix with sugar. Dilute yeast according to instructions. In a fermentation container, mix the resulting syrup and yeast. The fermentation vessel is one third full. This is necessary so that there is room for gas. It is formed during fermentation. Add kefir to reduce foam formation.

Place the container in a dark place. It is important to observe the temperature regime - 18-28 degrees. A water seal is placed on the container. After 9-16 days, the contents will become lighter. It will become bitter. Bubble formation stops. The brew can be distilled.

Pure mash

1 liter of juice accounts for 0.5 to 2.3% granulated sugar. Therefore, sugar and yeast are not needed. This method requires a lot of raw materials and adherence to technology.


  • 30 liters of juice,
  • 1 tbsp. l. kefir / milk.

In order for the mash to be good, you need to observe the proportions of water and sugar 3: 1. Birch sap has more water, so it will have to be evaporated.

The sourdough will be the most voluminous ingredient, 3 liters of which is poured into a separate container. Bring the rest of the liquid to a boil and turn the heat to low. When the liquid has boiled down to 8-11 liters, it must be cooled to 25 degrees.

Mix the left and boiled liquid, add kefir and put in a dark place. The room temperature should be between 18 and 28 degrees. A water seal is placed on the container. The birch sap braga will be ready in 9-16 days. You can do distillation. Making moonshine from birch sap is a laborious process.

Classic moonshine

How can you make birch sap moonshine? This drink is called princely. The precipitate is removed before distillation. Moonshine from birch sap according to the recipe of classic moonshine:

  • First mash distillation. Drain a portion of the pervak. It is not needed in moonshine because it is not drinkable. Collect alcohol ("body") in a container. The last fraction can also be drained. It contains a lot of fusel oils. You can't drink it.
  • Cleaning the collected alcohol. Coal is good for this. Better to dilute the moonshine for cleaning.
  • Secondary distillation. The process is similar to the first step.
  • Filling, dilution. Now you can dilute the drink to the required strength, set it to infuse and add flavor.

Moonshine with birch sap turns out to be soft and clean. The finished drink is not yet ready to drink. It requires additional cleaning.

The higher the hole in the birch trunk for collecting raw materials, the better. This will make it cleaner and sweeter.

Ready moonshine is diluted only with water. If diluted with birch sap, the alcohol will darken. A mixture similar to jelly may form on top.

The taste can be supplemented with wheat, notes of raisins, lemon, spices, herbs. Combinations are selected individually.

You can start producing wheat moonshine. The drink itself needs to be made using the standard technology of any moonshine.

The benefits and harms of alcohol are obvious.

Attention, only TODAY!

Spring is coming and you can start preparing for making moonshine from birch sap.

Birch sap is a seasonal product, therefore, making moonshine on it is possible only in spring, but on the other hand, you can prepare so much moonshine that it will be enough for the whole year!

It is also worth noting that birch sap is a wonderful fundamental component for making moonshine, this component makes moonshine not only tastier, but also, strange as it may seem, beneficial to health (unless, of course, you abuse it)!

Birch juice moonshine recipe

Replacing water with birch sap makes the moonshine taste softer than traditional recipes. Otherwise, the technology for making home-made moonshine remains unchanged.

The easiest way to collect birch sap is shown in the video below, the extraction rate is 10 liters per hour.

For moonshine, it is better to collect birch sap higher from the ground. Below is the layout of the required 10 liters of birch sap.

Birch sap - 10 liters

Sugar - 3 kg

Yeast - (pressed bakery) 200 grams or 40 grams (dry)

Kefir (milk) - 1 tablespoon.

Recipe for making birch moonshine:

1. Heat birch sap to 25-30 ° C (no more), add sugar and mix well.

2. Dissolve yeast in warm water according to the instructions on its label.

3. Pour the syrup into a fermentation vessel, add the dissolved yeast to it. One third of the container should remain empty. Free space is needed for carbon dioxide, which will appear during fermentation.

4. Add a spoonful of kefir (milk, sourdough) to reduce foaming.

Watch a video on how to put a mash on birch sap.

5. Transfer the container to a warm place (18-28 ° C) and place the birch wash under the water seal.

Distillation is carried out using any moonshine still or distillation column.

The output is 3-3.5 liters of birch sap moonshine with a strength of 40-45 degrees. To improve the quality, it can be refined with charcoal or re-distilled.

successful use of birch moonshine!

Also read.

Braga made from birch sap is an old Slavic drink, which, according to legend, was used to quench thirst of Russian heroes. It is obtained by natural fermentation, contains a low percentage of alcohol and is excellent for making moonshine. Braga is also used as an independent drink, which tastes like champagne.

Getting juice

Collecting birch sap is a simple activity that everyone can do around the middle of spring, when buds begin to swell on a birch tree. You can "pump" the juice for 2-3 weeks, until the leaves are completely blooming. To collect the juice, you need to drill or make a hole with a knife in a shallow hole in the birch bark - about 30-60 cm from the ground. The higher the hole, the sweeter the juice, which is ideal for mash.

It is better to choose an older birch for sap - it is not enough in young trees. It should be collected around the middle of the day, but no more than an hour or two from each tree, so as not to injure it greatly. For collection, you can use any convenient gutter and utensils. Experienced collectors advise glass jars or birch bark boxes - they do not affect the natural scent of the juice. After collecting, the "wound" on the tree should be treated with moss or wax, or plugged with a wooden stopper so that bacteria do not get into the trunk.

Classic recipe

Real mash is obtained by natural fermentation of birch sap, which does not require the addition of sugar and yeast. It will take only two components - 30 liters of juice and 1 tablespoon. milk or kefir. From the total volume of juice, 3 liters should be separated, and the rest of the liquid should be evaporated over low heat until 8-11 liters remain. Then both parts are mixed, and a spoonful of kefir or milk is added. After that, a water seal is put on the container and it is placed in a dark room for the fermentation process. At the same time, the temperature is not important - it can range from 18 to 28 degrees.

After a couple of days, the future brew should be checked. If the natural yeast contained in birch sap did not lead to the desired process, 60 g of dry or 300 g of compressed yeast should be added to the liquid. Usually, the mash is considered ready after 9-16 days, after which it should be filtered. Then it can be consumed as "homemade champagne" or used to make moonshine.

Princely braga

Such a homemade drink is more difficult to prepare and is suitable for lovers of stronger alcohol. For cooking, it is necessary to evaporate well 5 liters of juice with 1.5 kg of sugar over low heat - until a third of the liquid remains. Then strain, cool and add 1 liter of vodka, 100 g of baker's yeast and two lemons, cut into slices. The container with the future mash must be placed in a warm place for 10 hours, then - already for 1.5 months - put in the refrigerator or go to the cellar. After that, the Prince's wash is ready for use. It is better to store it in champagne bottles in a lying position in a cool place. To prevent the cork from firing ahead of time, it should be secured with wire.

Useful properties of mash

Experienced makers of birch sap mash add additional components to it for taste - roasted coffee or barley grains, fresh mint, orange juice or cloves - depending on preference. Each component changes the taste of the drink and adds beneficial properties to it.

The mash has less of them than natural birch sap or kvass, but this drink is also considered fortifying, diuretic and useful for immunity. Without added sugar, it contains a minimum of calories and tones well. But getting carried away with it in large quantities - due to the presence of alcohol - is usually not recommended.

Spring is the time to collect birch sap. This natural drink very healthy and has a delicate natural taste, but not everyone knows that it is also an excellent basis for cooking at home, as it contains everything you need: water, yeast and glucose, as well as some trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the vital activity of yeast.

From such mash, moonshine is obtained, which, with moderate use, will be useful to the body, especially if it insist on birch brunks.

Never use store-bought juice, but only harvested from wood... It is better to collect it from an incision made at least one meter from the ground, where it is sweeter.

Braga from birch sap can be prepared in two ways - with the addition of yeast and sugar and without them. Let's take a look at both recipes.

Cooking birch mash without adding sugar and yeast

Pure mash from birch sap is the basis for making "Princely" moonshine, which has an exceptionally mild and pleasant taste. Select the dishes so that they are no more than two-thirds full, as the volume increases during fermentation.

Be sure to stock up on either a rubber glove, since direct exposure to oxygen must be minimized, or better completely excluded.

Before you put the mash, you need raw materials strain through several layers of gauze to remove large debris.

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • Birch sap - 30l,
  • Raisins - 300 g
  • Kefir (sour milk can be used) - 1 tbsp.

Braga on birch sap should be put in several stages:

  1. Prepare first leaven... Pour 3 liters of raw materials into a separate bowl, add raisins (washing is not necessary) and leave to ferment for 1-2 days in a warm place (25-28C). You can first collect only 3 liters for the starter culture, and when it comes up - the remaining 27 liters.
  2. 27 liters of raw materials put on fire and boil until about 10L remains. Cool to 25-28C.
  3. Connect in a fermentation tank evaporated juice and sourdough... Add kefir to lighten and reduce foam.
  4. Leave wander for 2-3 weeks... If fermentation has not started for some reason (although this happens quite rarely), after 2 days you need to add 300g. pressed bread yeast or 60g. dry. During fermentation, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime (25-28C) and use a water seal. The end of the process is determined by the cessation of gas evolution, a bitter taste and a pleasant wine smell. If a glove was used instead of a water seal, it should fall off.
  5. Braga remove from the sediment and can be distilled. Although it is not necessary to remove pure mash without yeast from the sediment.

Pure mash on birch is sometimes made without the addition of raisins. In this case, the starter is 3 liters of unboiled juice. It is simply mixed with evaporated and left to ferment.

How to deliver with added sugar and yeast?

For sugar mash, you will need the following components:

  • birch sap - 10 l,
  • sugar - 3 kg,
  • pressed bread yeast - 200 g or 18-20 g dry,
  • kefir or sour milk - 1 tablespoon

The juice with sugar must be heated to 30C, but not boiled, otherwise the amount of oxygen in the liquid will not be sufficient for fermentation. The sugar must dissolve completely.

If compressed yeast is used, it must be kneaded. Then mix yeast with kefir or milk - this will reduce the formation of foam.

Add the yeast to the juice, close the container with a lid with a water seal and leave in a warm place for 12 days (until the end of fermentation). At the end of the process, it must be removed from the sediment and can be distilled.

Look at the video - homemade birch sap mash is not difficult to prepare at home:

Some moonshiners advise adding cherry or currant leaves to the mash to add an original taste. If you also have the secrets of making such a mash, share them in the comments.

Perhaps, thanks to your advice, someone will decide to make the mash themselves and discover the extraordinary taste of birch moonshine.

In spring, many people actively harvest birch sap, which they then consume in its pure form or make lemonade and kvass from it. If the amount of juice is large enough, then prepare moonshine and mash from birch sap. This is not quite the usual way, but it allows you to get a great product. There are recipes for making such a mash at home, which are used by many moonshiners.

It is best to collect the juice for making mash high from the ground. In such places, birch gives it the sweetest and cleanest at the same time. This is easy to explain. Birch stores a certain amount of glucose, the more the juice moves along the birch trunk, the sweeter the juice will become.

Birch sap is an excellent drink, but at the same time it is an excellent medium for mash, as it contains a large amount of trace elements that have a positive effect on the functioning of yeast. It is for this reason that mash based on birch sap never has problems associated with fermentation, and never needs additional introduction (feeding) of products that stimulate this process.

This mash is prepared without adding yeast and a portion of sugar. It turns out due to the natural fermentation of glucose, which is in the composition of birch sap. The cooking process is not entirely simple, but the moonshine that comes out will delight you with its taste and quality. Only a part of the moonshiners can confidently say that they have already prepared such a moonshine.


A liter of birch sap contains about 0.5 - 2.3% granulated sugar. Under home-made conditions, about 1-1.3 liters of high-quality moonshine with a strength of about 40 degrees is obtained as a result. On average, to obtain 3 liters of moonshine from birch sap, you need to take at least 30 liters of sap.


  • 30 liters of birch juice;
  • 1 tbsp milk or kefir.

Cooking process

To obtain high-quality mash, the proportions of sugar and water are observed in a 3: 1 ratio. However, there is much more water in birch sap than necessary, so it becomes necessary to evaporate the excess liquid.

Three liters of juice is initially poured into a container, it is used as a natural starter culture. The remaining juice is poured into another container and heated on the stove, bringing to a boil. After that, the fire is minimized and continue to cook until about 8-11 liters remain in the container. Then the boiled birch sap is cooled to 25 °.

The boiled birch sap is mixed with the one that was poured into another container. The mixed juice is poured into a container in which fermentation will take place, then kefir or milk is added. A water seal must be installed on the container and moved to a room where a warm temperature (18-28 °) will remain.

Attention! Natural yeast found in birch sap may, for various reasons, not cause active fermentation, so after two days, in this case, add about 300 g of pressed yeast or dry yeast in an amount of 60 g.

After the end of fermentation (after about 9 - 16 days), the mash is necessarily drained from the sediment, and then distilled on a moonshine still.

As a result, they get about 3 - 3.5 liters of excellent moonshine and birch sap mash. The home recipe involves an additional cleaning process using charcoal obtained from birches.

Video clip for making birch wash

Moonshine with birch sap

Moonshine obtained on the basis of birch sap is called " Princely". It is the replacement of ordinary water with birch sap that allows you to get a soft and pleasant-tasting drink, if you compare it with moonshine prepared according to the classic recipe. The technology for making such moonshine remains otherwise completely unchanged.


  • 3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 10 liters of birch sap;
  • 1 tbsp kefir or milk;
  • 100g pressed or dry yeast 40g.

Cooking technology

  1. The birch sap is slightly warmed up (no higher than 30 °), granulated sugar is added and everything is mixed.
  2. The yeast is dissolved in slightly warmed water, strictly following the instructions on the label.
  3. Prepared syrup is poured into the fermentation vessel, then yeast diluted according to the instructions is added to it. The container is filled with no more than a third, so that the carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process has enough free space.
  4. One tablespoon of kefir, starter culture or milk is added to the container, this will significantly reduce foaming.
  5. The container is moved to a warm place, where the temperature will be from 18 to 28 °. A water seal must be installed on the container.
  6. After about 10-12 days, bubbles cease on the water seal, the liquid itself is significantly clarified and acquires a bitter taste. At this point, the wash must be removed from the sediment and distilled in a proven and acceptable way.

As a result of strict observance of all the conditions of the technological process, I get 3 - 3.5 liters of good moonshine, prepared on the basis of birch sap. Such moonshine has a strength of 40 - 45 degrees. Moonshine made from birch sap can be improved by cleaning with charcoal, and the quality also improves with repeated distillation.