What is Kalmyk tea and how to make it? Kalmyk tea - recipes and acquaintance with Central Asian tea drinking.

The drink of nomads - Kalmyk tea - has been known since ancient times. This drink of the steppes, warming in cold weather and quenching thirst in heat, has long been popular all over the world. The original taste was appreciated by many connoisseurs of tea ceremonies. And in the homeland of the drink, the Day of Kalmyk tea is celebrated every third Saturday in May.

History of the origin of Kalmyk tea

Kalmyk tea is a nutritious drink made from tea leaves with the addition of spices, fat, milk and salt.

There are several legends associated with the origin of this tea. According to one of them, it was invented by a Tibetan Lama so that monks could maintain their strength during the period of fasting. He experimented with brewing times and ingredients for a long time, until he got a mixture that resembled thick tea or soup.

The second legend says that for the first time tea was prepared for a religious reformer who fell ill. The doctor said that milk tea will help with illness if taken on an empty stomach for a week. The reformer recovered and has since recommended that everyone drink a cup of this tea in the morning.

It is not known how much truth in these legends, it is most likely that the nomads themselves modified the way of brewing Chinese tea, adapting it to the conditions of their life. In the steppe, it is difficult to hold a tea ceremony, there is always an abundance of milk from camels and mares, so they began to brew tea in milk, add butter for satiety, and spices for taste.

Useful properties of Kalmyk tea

Tea contains manganese, copper, iodine, vitamins K, B1, PP, B2, silicon, potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements.

  • Tea brewed in milk remains not only nutritious, but also a fortifying medicinal drink. It increases the body's resistance, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system.
  • The drink is used for colds to treat the respiratory system, relieving a strong cough.
  • Tea affects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion. In case of gallbladder diseases, it is recommended to drink Kalmyk tea in small doses. In case of poisoning, it helps to restore strength and cleanse the stomach.
  • In terms of nutritional value and density, tea resembles a soup; it can be used as an independent dish that can energize for several hours. Despite the fact that this tea contains butter and milk, it promotes weight loss.
  • While breastfeeding, Kalmyk tea can increase milk production. The only condition is that spices are harmful to the child, so you need to reduce their amount to a minimum.
  • Brewed in milk, the drink copes with hangover. It can remove alcohol, its decay products from the body, clarify thoughts, relieve heartburn and nausea.
  • The tea drink perfectly tones up, restores vigor, helps to cope with fatigue. It relieves feelings of inner anxiety and insomnia.

Kalmyk tea recipes

The brew for making real national tea is made from large coarse tea leaves. They do not undergo fermentation, they are harvested in the fall, dried and pressed into small briquettes. Such tea is not available everywhere, so green tea can be used as a basis. Black tea lovers can use it.

Classic recipe

Kalmyk tea - 50 g

Milk (high fat cow or mare) - 800 ml

Water - 200 ml

Black pepper - 10 peas

Salt - 1 tsp

Ghee or fat - 40 g

For cooking, the tea leaves must be put in cold water, put on fire. Pour milk into boiling water, add salt, black pepper, crushed in a mortar. Bring the mixture to a boil again. Without boiling, keep on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring constantly clockwise. After removing the tea from the heat, add the ghee and leave for 20 minutes.

Many Kalmyks do not filter tea, using it together with tea leaves, believing that it is healthier this way. Some people put mutton fat instead of butter. You can experiment with spices.

Black tea recipe

Large leaf black tea - 1 tbsp. l.

Fat milk - 1 glass

Pure water - 1 glass

Salt to taste

Butter - 20 g

Ground black pepper - 1 tsp

Preparation: boil water together with tea leaves, keep the mixture on low heat for seven minutes, then add milk. Add spices and salt to the drink, mix, cook for another 10 minutes. Add oil and remove from heat. After five minutes, strain and pour into bowls.

Green tea recipe

Leafy green tea - 30 g

Milk - 500 ml

Water - 500 ml

Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Salt to taste

Black pepper - 10 peas

Ghee butter - 40 g

Pour green tea into boiling water, then pour in separately boiled milk. After boiling, reduce heat and add spices. Cook with stirring for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add ghee, let stand for 6 minutes. Strain.

Green and Black Tea Blend Recipe

Leafy green tea - 1 tbsp. l.

Black tea - 1 tbsp. l.

Milk - 1000 ml

Butter - 30 g

Pepper mix to taste

Salt - 1 tsp

Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife

Cloves - 2 pcs.

Milk needs to be heated, pour tea leaves into it, mix. Bring to a boil slowly, add spices and salt. Cook for 15 minutes, not letting it boil, drain, add butter.

It is worth noting that many people cannot drink tea without sugar. But the original recipe contains no cinnamon or sugar. Nomads perceived this tea not as a drink, but as food, it should be spicy, salty and spicy.

Interesting information about Kalmyk tea

Another name for Kalmyk tea is Jomba. Important guests are always greeted with a bowl of such tea. He is present at memorials, at all wedding ceremonies, he is used as a religious offering. In Kalmykia, the ability to run a household is assessed by whether a woman knows how to cook jomba.

Kalmyk tea should only be stirred clockwise. This symbolizes the movement of the sun across the sky. At the meal, tea is first served to the senior guest at the table.

Jomba is not brewed, it is boiled in a spacious saucepan, like soup. To obtain the best taste, the drink must be samrized, i.e. enriched with oxygen. To do this, you need to scoop up a ladle of tea, raise it higher and pour it back into the pan in a thin stream. Such movements must be done according to the rules of 189 at various stages of preparation.

Instead of tiled Kalmyk tea, which is almost impossible to purchase, you can prepare a mixture yourself from herbs sold in a pharmacy. To do this, you need to take angelica, incense, cinquefoil, calamus root. These 4 ingredients of Kalmyk tea will make an excellent composition smelling of steppe and wind.

You need to drink Kalmyk tea hot, especially if lamb fat is added to it, which quickly solidifies. Jomba is served in bowls. This tea is served with traditional bortsoki - fried pieces of yeast dough. Sometimes greaves are added to the mixture, using as an independent dish.

Kalmyk tea is more than tea - this drink with a rich history has faithfully served the Asian nomadic peoples for thousands of years, and now its benefits have been proven by modern scientists. with milk, salt and butter it will warm you in frosts, cool you in the heat, and in combination with a couple of slices of homemade bread will make you a full breakfast or lunch. So what is the secret of Kalmyk tea?

There are various versions of how milk tea became the "signature" drink of Asian peoples. An ancient legend tells how the Tibetan religious leader Tsongkhava fell seriously ill and turned to a famous healer. He prescribed him the only medicine - an unusual tea on an empty stomach - and promised complete healing on the 7th day. A week later, Tsongkhava got out of bed and ordered all believers to light a lamp and make a magic tea, later called jomba, that day.

How the Tibetan reformer was able to transfer the tea recipe to the Kalmyks is anyone's guess - historians claim that the tea itself was borrowed by Mongolian nomads from the ancient Chinese, during the period of close contacts between the two peoples. The Chinese, the guardians of tea culture, and thought did not allow to add milk to green tea. And the Mongols added - milk, fat, salt, and sometimes flour - and got a nutritious and healing drink. Mongolian tea quickly became the favorite drink of many Mongolian nomadic tribes, then conquered the peoples of Siberia, Central Asia, southern Russia and even the North Caucasus, and each culture brought something of its own to the recipe for making the famous tea. But this tea received the greatest love among the Kalmyks - it is no coincidence that today it is known in the world primarily as Kalmyk tea.

Kalmyk tea: composition and benefits

The secret of the benefits of such an unusual drink as Kalmyk tea is its composition. First of all, Kalmyk tea is, therefore, it contains all the useful substances for which green tea has long been famous: invigorating caffeine, healing tannins, keepers of youth and health, catechins, and much more.

Due to its complex composition (milk, butter and salt) Kalmyk tea contains a lot of potassium, fluorine and iodine, manganese and sodium, a rich complex of vitamins - K, C, PP - nicotinic acid, group B.

Milk and tea in general seem to be made for each other, which is largely why Kalmyk tea has remained so popular for centuries. Whole milk is not always well absorbed by the body, especially in adults, while green tea facilitates assimilation, so Kalmyk tea can be safely recommended to people of all ages. In turn, milk softens the harmful effects of caffeine and other alkaloids in tea. And this is especially important, because for classic Kalmyk tea, old tea leaves are usually harvested without even fermenting them, which makes the drink very strong.

Moreover, milk and tea reacting to form a special nutritional complex of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. And to this is also added natural cholesterol in the composition of butter, which nourishes the brain, a complex of vitamins A, D and B, so necessary for our bones, skin, hair and eyes.

So, Kalmyk tea - useful properties of the drink:

  • increases lactation in nursing mothers;
  • stimulates metabolism and removes extra pounds: feel free to drink Kalmyk tea if you follow your figure: nutritious tea in the morning will make you forget about hunger for long hours;
  • perfectly tones, activates mental activity and relieves overwork;
  • has the ability to regulate sugar levels in the body: Kalmyk tea is an ideal choice for those suffering from diabetes mellitus;
  • fights diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • useful for the digestive system: treats poisoning, indigestion, reduces gas formation;
  • and saves from colds.

The beneficial properties of Kalmyk tea are also enhanced by the spices that are traditionally added there: for example, it turns Kalmyk tea into a real anti-cold cocktail: it kills bacteria, heals a sore throat, relieves fever. boosts immunity, treats rheumatism and strengthens the nervous system. Kalmyk tea with black pepper helps to improve bowel function, cleanses blood vessels and acts as an expectorant. By the way, spices improve the beneficial properties of not only Kalmyk tea, but also another Asian drink, about which we recently wrote.

Kalmyk tea - the benefits and harms of this drink have not been disputed for a long time: the healing properties of tea have been known for centuries, while the harm of Kalmyk tea is due only to individual intolerance. So, if you are lactose intolerant, Kalmyk tea is prohibited. Tea with milk or butter is also not recommended in the later stages of cholelithiasis: it is believed that strong Kalmyk tea can cause movement of stones.

Kalmyk tea: how to make it right

Making Kalmyk tea is an ancient art; over the centuries, each nation had its own recipe, with different nuances and characteristics.

So, putting butter in a drink - a rather late, "lightweight" option - initially Kalmyks added mutton fat to their tea. The drink of the ancient Mongols was even more nutritious - tea, milk, fried pieces of fat tail and mutton bone marrow ... The Adygs also liked to add horse sorrel to tea for taste, aroma and fight against scurvy, as well as mysterious lebeshai - apparently,.

Moreover, the recipes of the ancient Kalmyks advised to boil the tea for a very long time, until only half of the water remained in the boiler, and then infuse the tea all night. The next morning it turned out to be a powerful energy drink, an ideal drink for nomads, but a modern person would hardly withstand such a shake-up for the heart and blood vessels ...

But the main tradition that has survived to this day is to use tiled green tea to prepare the drink. In ancient times, this method of transporting tea was the most convenient: it is much better to carry bricks of tea leaves and stems with you than bags of loose tea. Today, pressed tea remains the lot of adherents of classic recipes and those who do not like to rush. Many modern people prefer to prepare Kalmyk tea on the basis of ordinary green long tea: this allows you not to waste time crushing the tiles, moreover, you can brew tea directly in a cup, for 1-2 servings.

Kalmyk tea recipe for regular loose tea:

Pour tea leaves into a half-liter teacup: 2 times more than usual. Pour boiling water over two-thirds, leave for 3-4 minutes. Then add hot milk, put a piece of butter, a pinch or 2-3 peas of black pepper, salt. For those who like richer tea, it is recommended to fill the tea leaves with boiling milk at once.

How to brew Kalmyk tiled tea? There is no perfect recipe here - you can always add something of your own to different methods of making tea.

So, Kalmyk tea - how to prepare it according to the traditional recipe?

Grind the tiled tea, fill it with water (at the rate of 50 grams per liter of water), bring to a boil. Add milk - twice as much as water, optional spices - a couple of cloves buds - and salt. Boil for 5-15 minutes (depending on the volume of liquid), then filter, and squeeze the brew itself. Pour into circles, in each - no more than a teaspoon of butter. Usually this tea was drunk with butter dough croutons.

This recipe also has options - you can add not milk, but cream (slightly less than water), before pouring into cups, tea is often infused for 10-15 minutes.

Try Kalmyk tea - by changing the amount of infusion, adding milk or cream, combining different spices, you will definitely fall in love with this unusual tea and milk broth. The drink of ancient nomads, tonic Kalmyk tea, and in the modern metropolis with its frantic rhythm came in handy, giving us strength, cheerfulness and saturating with energy.

The main composition of Kalmyk tea has remained unchanged for centuries - it is a brew composition (a mixture of black and green tea with steppe herbs), milk (cow, goat, mare, camel), salt and oil (fat). Everything else is already its various variations, someone adds water, someone spices. And if no one doubts its benefits, then few know how to brew Kalmyk tea correctly.

Classics of the genre

Classic Kalmyk tea is always prepared from a pressed infusion base, just for nomadic people, this storage method was the most preferable and convenient way back in ancient times.

How to brew Kalmyk tiled tea? It's pretty simple.


  • 50g of compressed Kalmyk tea;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 800 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • butter.


  1. Grind the pressed briquette, add water and put on low heat.
  2. Bring to a boil, but do not boil!
  3. Pour milk in a thin stream.
  4. Add salt.
  5. Bring to a boil over low heat (10-15 minutes is enough).
  6. Then there are two options: to strain or not to strain, to throw the oil immediately into the tea or into each mug separately.

Undoubted advantages

No one doubts the benefits of green or black tea. Therefore, there is no need to doubt the benefits of the Kalmyk language. Thanks to green tea, it contains caffeine, tannin, kakhetian. Milk, salt and oil bring potassium, fluoride, sodium, iodine, vitamins of the nicotine group and group B, as well as C, PP are not small benefits for the body:

  1. This drink increases lactation in nursing mothers.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, helps fight colds and flu.
  3. The systematic use of the drink helps to normalize blood sugar.
  4. If you use only milk when making tea and exclude water, then it can be used as an anti-hangover, it cleanses the body of intoxication, clears the brain.
  5. Allows you to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Tea helps to normalize metabolism, nutritionists advise to use it if you want to lose excess weight.
  7. Promotes the normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Helps relieve fatigue, tones the body as a whole, activates the brain.
  9. Constant use slows down the aging of the body and skin.

The real brewing composition of Kalmyk tea includes: steppe herbs, collected before the flowering period, and tea leaves of black and green tea, collected in late autumn, which did not pass the stage of withering and fermentation. Due to this, Kalmyk tea acquires a rich red-yellow color and a tart, bitter taste.

It is not so easy to find real Kalmyk tea on store shelves or in specialized tea shops, therefore, when preparing such a drink, the very principle of how to brew Kalmyk tea is taken, and leaf green or black tea is used as a brew.

Simplified loose green tea recipe


  • 40 g of green large loose leaf tea;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 500 ml of milk (high fat);
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 30 g ghee;
  • 10 pieces. white peppercorns;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf.


  1. To boil water.
  2. Boil milk separately.
  3. Put tea in boiling water and immediately pour boiled milk.
  4. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil.
  5. Reduce heat to low.
  6. Add salt and spices.
  7. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and lifting the infuser from the day.
  8. Turn off, add oil, wait 10 minutes and can be consumed.

Milk option


  • 10 g green tea;
  • 10 g of black tea;
  • 1000 ml of milk (high fat);
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 30 g butter;
  • spice mixture of cloves, nutmeg, peppers.


  1. Heat the milk.
  2. Pour black and green leaf tea into it.
  3. Stir.
  4. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  5. Add salt and spices.
  6. Cook over low heat for no more than 10 minutes, without bringing to a boil.
  7. Then strain.
  8. Add butter at the end.

Exotic recipe

There are also very strange recipes that, in our opinion, seem more like a soup than a drink. So, how to brew Kalmyk tea in Asian style:

Myacht qia


  • 300 g pressed tea leaves;
  • 500 g of lamb ribs;
  • 2000 ml of milk;
  • 3000 ml of water;
  • 3 tsp salt;
  • spices: bay leaf, peppercorns, nutmeg.

Cooking is like boiling soup.



  • 3 tbsp. l. compressed brew mixture;
  • 3 tbsp water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 0.5 tsp melted lard;
  • 0.5 tsp flour;
  • Spices: laurel leaf and nutmeg.


  1. Grind the pressed tea leaves, add water, boil.
  2. Pour milk into boiled water.
  3. Boil again. Remove from heat and strain.
  4. Melt lard.
  5. Fry the flour in bacon until golden brown.
  6. Add a tablespoon of water to the toasted mass.
  7. Put the resulting mixture into the brewed tea.
  8. Add spices to taste: bay leaf and nutmeg.

Mystery and secret

In Asia, Kalmyks will never brew tea without samrkha. This is a special ritual that allows the drink to be saturated with oxygen. The technology of the procedure is as follows: a little tea is poured into a ladle, which then rises above the saucepan and is poured back in a thin stream. The whole action is repeated 99 times.

You need to know not only how to brew Kalmyk tea, but also how to serve it correctly.

In the homeland of this tea, it is served exclusively in bowls, holding with both hands, as a sign of respect, the drink is poured into about two-thirds of the container.

We all used to perceive tea as hot, tasty and most importantly a sweet drink. But for tea gourmets there is good news - now you can enjoy a drink that is not customary thematically, because there is Kalmyk tea, the recipe for which you can find here. But for a start, it is still worth introducing you in more detail with such an exotic drink with very piquant taste notes.

Kalmyk tea is essentially the same hot drink, but in this case it is not consumed with honey, sugar, lemon or other usual additives. This drink is also called Kyrgyz, Mongolian, jomba or even domba. Connoisseurs of exotic drinking use such Central Asian tea with a variety of additives that are unusual for us: with salt, milk, pepper and even butter. If you want to taste the unusual taste of Kalmyk tea, then first you need the correct recipe for its preparation and, of course, the product itself.

Kalmyk tea - recipes and acquaintance with Central Asian tea drinking

The classic version of making Kalmyk tea is to use an ordinary green themed brew, but well pressed. So what happens - Kalmyk tea and its recipe is very similar to ordinary green tea? No, in this case the product turns out to be quite spicy, original, special, one might say, for gourmets. So let's look at the recipes and get acquainted with the non-standard version of tea drinking.

Mongolian milk tea

It is the very first ingredient, or rather the additive, that completes the theme drink. You can use absolutely any milk that suits your taste, that is, cow, goat, sheep, and so on. The most commonly used is precisely the first option, but here it is a matter of individual tastes. Do you want to make Kalmyk tea? The recipe for its preparation using milk is described below.

So, you need to prepare 4.5 tsp. dry pressed Kalmyk tea, a liter of boiling water and a glass of milk. Boil purified water, add all the milk to it and then add tea leaves to the slightly cooled liquid. Leave this whole mixture for a few minutes to allow the leaves of the plant to open a little and then boil the whole mass. After turning off the heat, remove your tea from the stove, let it cool down to an acceptable temperature and you can enjoy your Kalmyk drink.

Add a spoonful of salt ... instead of sugar

Yes, Kalmyk tea drink is also used with salt - this recipe is a little easier than the previous one. In this case, you just need the same 4.5 tablespoons of the pressed plant, a liter of water and a pinch of salt to your liking. The recipe is familiar and simple - put the tea leaves in hot water, put the mixture on the fire again, wait for it to boil, turn off the stove, let the drink cool slightly and then add a pinch of salt to it.

For a richer and more piquant taste of Kalmyk tea, you can add a little red pepper to it. It will give the product a special flavor note that you will definitely feel during tea drinking. It is worth noting that red pepper can improve the functioning of the circulatory system, so you can safely warm up with such a liquid in cold weather.

Tea with oil and bay leaves

The recipe for making Kalmyk tea with small is a nutritious version of the drink that will help you quickly put your body "on its feet" during colds. Instead of the usual store-bought butter, the Kalmyks initially supplemented Mongolian tea with lamb fat, since it contains a much larger amount of important and beneficial substances for the body.

The original recipe for making a drink with oil and bay leaves called Kalmyk tea looks like this: measure out 2-3 teaspoons of the corresponding brew, pour them with a liter of cold filtered water, then put the future tea drink on fire and bring it to a boil. After this moment, a glass of warm milk should be poured into the hot liquid and a teaspoon of melted butter should be added here. Also, do not forget to add one important ingredient to the finished tea that will act as a unique seasoning - a small bay leaf. That's it, your Kalmyk drink according to the original recipe is ready!

Nutmeg and cloves in tea!

Yes, Kalmyk tea is not prepared with anything - the recipes for cooking are not limited only to the options described above. If cooked correctly with the addition of nutmeg and cloves, then you will be surprised at the novelty of the flavor notes of such a drink. Do you want a new specific experience of tea drinking? Then let's go ...

Take a piece of themed tea leaves weighing up to 50 grams, dip it in a liter of water and bring the liquid to a boil. Add a handful of nutmeg, a few cloves and simmer for about 10 minutes. After completing the preparation of Kalmyk tea according to a real Tatar recipe, strain it through a sieve or other convenient device and allow it to cool.

Advice! To give this tea a special pleasant aroma, you can add a small piece of butter.

Everything at once! With honey and bread ...

By the way, the most original and complex recipe for making Kalmyk tea is all the combined options described above. Initially, nomads from Tibet used this drink as a kind of warming drink, which, in addition, can heal people from many diseases. When cooked with milk, salt, pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf, and butter, you get an amazing option that invigorates the nervous system.

Important! The invigorating effect of the drink can become a taboo to drink before bed or in the evening.

If you prepare croutons, spicy cheese or flat cakes from your favorite bread as an appetizer for this Mongolian drink, then you will have a Kalmyk dinner. Together, this drink with such snack options will immerse you in the Central Asian culture, which is significantly different from ours. Get to know the traditions of other nations and enjoy their cuisine.


Hello everybody! Today on this page I will offer several recipes for making Kalmyk tea.

It turns out that not only Kalmyks consider Kalmyk tea their national drink.

Adygeis also consider it their national drink.

And his appearance in history is generally associated with the Mongols. And the raw materials were supplied to them by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, that is, China.

The Mongols were very fond of this delicious drink. Over time, the drink spread in Central Asia, Siberia, and Russia.

Kalmyk tea has become a favorite drink among many peoples. And each nation has brought something new into it.

Kalmyk tea has many different names. One of them, very interesting, is jomba.

Compared to other types of tea, Kalmyk tea is distinguished by valuable and useful qualities.

To obtain Kalmyk tea, tea is also mixed. A mixture of steppe grass-ants is also added to them.

In large quantities, this mixture contains the herb badan.

All herbs that make up Kalmyk tea must be harvested before flowering. This makes the drink hypoallergenic.

Green Kalmyk tea contains a large amount of various microelements and vitamins.

These include iodine and fluorine, potassium and copper, vitamins K, PP, B1, B2, C. In addition to them, the drink contains silicon and manganese, sodium and phosphorus.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea include many aspects.

It has a tonic effect, normalizes processes, cleanses the body. This wonderful drink quenches thirst, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

The catechins found in Kalmyk tea prevent hemorrhages by strengthening the walls of the blood vessels. They also have antiradiation effects.

Kalmyk tiled tea consists of large old tea leaves. They are harvested in late autumn. At the same time, they do not undergo withering and fermentation. This gives the drink a tart and slightly bitter taste.

How to make Kalmyk tea?

It can be prepared in different ways.

When preparing this drink, there is a wide scope for imagination of taste.

But the main components remain the same.

  • Place 30 grams of tea in a saucepan. Pour half a liter of water and put on low heat. Boil, cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • Boil the milk separately and remove the froth. Pour milk into tea and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove from heat.
  • Leave a little for the tea leaves to settle. Add spices. Kalmyk tea also includes nutmeg and cinnamon, cloves and bay leaves, and sometimes even mutton.

Tea is ready. You can pour into bowls and put a spoonful of butter or ghee, a piece of cheese, egg yolk and croutons with tea. Very tasty!

Another recipe for making Kalmyk tea:

  • Add Kalmyk tea to hot water and boil. Add salt and sugar. Then move.
  • Pour in milk, stirring the contents constantly. Bring to a boil; you cannot boil. Remove from heat.
  • If the milk is low fat, you can add butter. Interfere. Pour the prepared Kalmyk tea into cups through a strainer.

When brewing Kalmyk tea, there are subtleties that are mandatory for execution.

  1. You cannot boil water without tea leaves.
  2. All movements both during cooking and when offering a drink are performed from left to right, that is, in the direction of the sun.
  3. The first cup of the prepared drink is offered to the eldest of the seated, regardless of whether it is a guest or a family member.
  4. The dishes should be free of cracks, with intact edges.
  5. Bring and receive the cup with both hands.
  6. After drinking tea, return the dishes to the owner.
  7. An empty cup must not be turned upside down. This was considered a curse.
  8. A cup of tea should be kept on the chest line, which means respect for the guest.
  9. If there is an important person among the guests, the host himself performs the ceremony.

As you can see, the Kalmyks strictly follow the traditions and follow them carefully. It's a whole ceremony. And you cannot neglect the elements that make up the tradition.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea.

For Kalmyks, this type of drink is highly esteemed and cures all diseases. Indeed, Kalmyk tea is very beneficial for human health. Let's list some of them.

The harm of green tea.

Green tea, it turns out, can be harmful to our body, if, of course, it is abused. This can contribute to the occurrence of various kidney diseases, up to the formation of stones, and liver.

As you can see, there are much more positive properties of Kalmyk tea than negative ones. The main thing is to know when to stop. Drink regularly and properly.

Drink Kalmyk tea and always be healthy!

In general, if you like tea in any of its manifestations, then please go to my ruble: ““. There you will find information about any teas from Tibetan to…. Krasnodar.