Birch sap: benefits and harms. Birch sap is called the elixir of health for its benefits for the body.

Birch juice Is a traditional drink well known to everyone from childhood. In folk medicine, it is often called "living water" for its beneficial and healing properties for the human body. During the season, an adult is recommended to drink five liters of this life-giving drink.

How and at what time of the year can you get birch sap?

Juice is obtained through a special incision in the birch bark and a metal or plastic groove placed in this incision. On average, three liters of sap can be collected from a tree per day. Fresh juice that has not been preserved is considered useful. You can improve your health with such a drink from April to May... Juice is especially important during the period of spring hypovitaminosis, which just falls on the period of its collection.

So what is the use of birch sap and what properties does it have?

Useful and medicinal properties of birch sap

  • Birch sap increases resistance to infectious and colds.
  • It enriches the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, which is very important in the spring, as well as after previous illnesses or physical fatigue.
  • This tasty drink has cleansing properties. He easily copes with the removal of toxins and toxins.
  • It is also a mild diuretic. It is recommended to use it for edema and for removing sand from the kidneys.
  • He is able to alleviate the condition of diseases of the liver and gallbladder.
  • It is recommended to drink it for gout and arthritis.
  • For colds accompanied by fever, it is used as an antipyretic agent. It perfectly normalizes the water balance in the body.
  • By consuming this drink on a regular basis, we stimulate metabolic processes in the body, increase immunity, and enrich ourselves with elements important for health.

Chemical and vitamin composition of birch sap

It refers to products with low calorie... From a hundred grams of drink you can get 22 kilocalories.

The composition includes:

  • fruit sugars that help break down glucose;
  • saponins that regulate metabolism, the production of enzymes and hormones;
  • tannins with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • phytoncides that destroy bacteria and fungi;
  • essential oils endowed with powerful antibacterial properties;
  • organic acids that regulate cell metabolism (formic, citric, oxalic and a number of others);
  • minerals (most of all contain potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron);
  • vitamin complex.

Contains (in milligrams):

  • calcium - 1.3;
  • magnesium - 0.6;
  • sodium - 1.6;
  • potassium - 27.3;
  • iron - 0.25;
  • manganese - 0.1;
  • fluorine - 2.5 mcg;
  • silicon - 0.1.

Healthy and Healing Nutrition

  • The juice is taken on an empty stomach to improve appetite. Peptic ulcers are treated with them - the high content of tannins provides anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • For bronchitis and asthma, it is used as an expectorant.
  • Regular intake for a month relieves chronic fatigue and depression.
  • As a cleansing agent it is recommended for allergic diseases and poisoning.
  • , included in the composition, stimulates the brain and improves memory.
  • Drinking juice during viral diseases will accelerate recovery and improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • It is also useful for the genital area, strengthening male strength. And it helps women cope with the unpleasant manifestations of menopause.
  • The antioxidant properties of the drink make it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of oncology.
  • Does not raise blood sugar levels. It can be taken by people with diabetes.
  • Pregnant women are advised to replace the intake of pharmacy vitamins with birch sap.
  • It is used externally in the treatment of purulent ulcers, boils and eczema.
  • In cosmetology, it is used to combat premature aging of the facial skin. They are also treated for acne, hair loss, dandruff. Removes oily skin on the face and fights comedones.

In addition to juice, for medical purposes and in cooking, they are actively used for the use of which are thoroughly reflected in a separate material of our resource.

In cooking the juice is used undiluted as a refreshing and vitamin drink.

  • It goes well with other fruit (for example, with,), various fruit drinks and decoctions. It has a sweetish taste with a slightly discernible sourness. Thanks to this taste, the juice does not spoil any of the drinks.
  • You can drink it with. To make kvass or wine on the basis of juice.
  • Also, the birch sap is thickened by cooking and a product is obtained that is very similar in taste to American maple syrup.

Nutritionists recommend using birch sap when losing weight... This unique product has a beneficial effect on the speed of metabolic processes, facilitates the breakdown of fats and cleanses the digestive system of toxins.

  • For maximum effect, pure birch sap (or mixed with other juices) is taken half an hour before meals.
  • You can also replace traditional juice or compote with juice.

How to choose and store

You can buy birch sap at any store... Pay attention to the label - check the shelf life and freshness of the product. A quality drink is completely transparent, without visible impurities and sediment.

Of course, it's healthier to drink Fresh Juice... It is not stored for long. Without a refrigerator, fermentation occurs within one or two days... Placed in the refrigerator, the juice stays fresh for three days.

How to get birch sap?

  1. For this, trees are selected that grow away from roads and working enterprises.
  2. Only glass containers are used so that the nectar does not oxidize.
  3. Collecting must begin in the early morning, since active sap flow occurs only during daylight hours.
  4. The incision is made on the south side of the trunk.
  5. The average hole depth is three centimeters.
  6. Do not forget close after collecting damage with plasticine, wax or moss! Otherwise, the tree will die.

Harvesting and preserving birch sap at home: how to keep its properties longer?

As a rule, birch sap can be easily preserved at home, for which it is necessary to prepare enameled dishes, heat the product in it to 80 degrees, then sterilize the cans and preserve the juice in the usual way, after which the cans are kept in warm water for 20 minutes, then they can be stored in a standard mode for conservation.

Consumption rates

Adults can use a glass of juice three times a day... The total amount should not exceed two liters per day. Remember that even from any drug, poison can be obtained if the dosage is overdone thoughtlessly!

Children can be given after a year... The starting dose is one teaspoon. The principle of introducing juice is similar to teaching a baby to any new product. It is necessary to observe the stool, the condition of the skin and general well-being. In very rare cases, this product may not be well tolerated by the child's body.

Contraindications and possible harm to birch sap

  • product allergy;
  • the presence of kidney stones and bladder (juice can provoke painful movement of stones along the urinary ducts);
  • ulcerative diseases require consultation with your doctor.

With normal tolerance, it must be included in the daily diet. This is an excellent remedy for many ailments, the benefits and healing properties of birch sap have been tested over time. Well, for healthy people, juice will help to strengthen and maintain health. You need to consume it without exceeding the recommended doses. Moderation in everything is the guarantee of your health.

We hope that our material helped you find out if birch sap is useful and how. How often do you drink birch sap? What other juices or herbs do you combine it with? share your thoughts in

Birch is one of the most versatile plants in terms of medicine. Leaves, buds, bark and, of course, birch sap, which has a huge amount of nutrients, are used.

In the food industry, birch sap is actively harvested in advance for the purpose of further conservation. It is an excellent refreshing drink, but canned juice is not as effective in treatment and prevention as fresh juice.

They are engaged in harvesting it from early spring until the appearance of young leaves. The harvesting technology is quite simple. A longitudinal notch is made on the bark, a drainage chute is attached below, as well as a container for collecting liquid.

When the harvesting is over, the injured bark is smeared with garden pitch - this will help save the tree.

The benefits of juice for the human body

The unique power of birch sap is due to its rich composition. It contains many vitamins; vitamins C, B6 and B12 are presented in the greatest quantities.

As for trace elements, birch sap contains almost the entire periodic table. It also contains organic acids, oil esters, tannins, natural sugars, phytoncides.

The juice has anti-inflammatory properties, since phytoncides are able to kill all microbes, activate immunity and improve resistance against all kinds of bacteria.

It is especially useful in case of a lack of vitamins, scurvy. The drink helps to restore strength and get rid of toxins in the body. Only one glass provides the body with the entire composition of mineral components.

Regularly consuming birch sap, you can qualitatively cleanse the blood, remove toxins, toxins, decay products from the body, and increase hemoglobin. It has a positive effect on the healing of wounds and other skin injuries, scarring even the most serious ulcers.

The drink is able to stimulate kidney function, so it is extremely useful for kidney stones, pyelonephritis (read how to treat). Due to its ability to improve metabolism, birch sap is used for weight loss.

After all, it is not for nothing that the people compare the girl's slenderness with a birch. Also, the juice keeps the nervous system in good shape, so it is indicated for stress, chronic fatigue.

It is recommended to drink birch sap in order to normalize the acidity level in the intestinal and stomach microflora. Its use often becomes part of the complex treatment of cancer. Useful for arthritis, tuberculosis,.

Birch sap is also appreciated in cosmetology. Funds based on it restore tone to the skin, eliminate excessive oiliness and pigmentation. Rinsing hair with birch sap eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair and stimulates its growth. A drink is recommended for insomnia, it is also useful for men to improve potency, and for women with menopause.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Although birch sap contains a lot of nutrients, the drink is considered low-calorie. 100 grams of the product contains only 24 kilocalories. Of these, 5.8 g of carbohydrates, 0.1 g of protein and 0 g of fat.

Are there any harm and contraindications?

Birch sap has very few contraindications. It can be harmful to those who are allergic to birch pollen. You also need to be careful for people suffering from urolithiasis.

How is it used in traditional medicine?

You can simply use birch sap as a means to maintain immunity and prevent a number of diseases.

You can also mix it with other juices like carrot, apple, and beetroot.

There are also a number of folk recipes.

  • A remedy for hypertension... High blood pressure is often accompanied by swelling, dizziness, headaches, and heartaches. You need to use a glass of birch sap twice a day, and after a few days your health will seriously improve.
  • Against anemia... You can mix the same amount of birch, carrot and apple juice, drink half a glass 3-4 times a day before eating.
  • A remedy for joint diseases... Drink half a glass of fresh birch sap three times a day. To enhance the effect, you can drink it with a glass of milk.
  • Against gastritis, gallbladder problems... Drink a quarter of a glass of birch sap half an hour before eating, three times a day. If you have high acidity, dilute it with water in a two-to-one combination.
  • Against colds, tuberculosis... You need to drink 100 ml of a little warmed up juice. For sore throat, you can use it as a gargle.
  • At elevated temperatures... You can use birch sap compresses by applying it to the elbows, forehead, armpits and under the knees. Similar lotions are useful for skin diseases - apply them to the affected areas.
  • With diseases of the digestive system... You need to pour half a glass of birch sap a glass of oatmeal. Leave overnight in a cool place, and in the morning warm in a water bath until the funds are half as much. Drink in the size of a glass three times a day for a month.
  • With oncological diseases... Stir in equal amounts of birch, carrot, and yarrow sap, and half the amount of St. John's wort, meadowsweet, and hemlock sap. Consume twice a day in the amount of a tablespoon - in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime, using a glass of warm milk afterwards.
  • Against sand and kidney stones... Every day, before going to bed and on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of pure birch sap. Before using, be sure to consult with your doctor and determine the size of the stones. You can be treated in this way for three months.
  • With vitamin deficiencies and immunodeficiency... Stir birch sap and natural milk in equal proportions, add half a teaspoon of starch and consume half a glass 3-4 times a day. You can also use another tool: grind three lemons with a peel with a meat grinder, add half a liter of birch sap and leave in a cold place for two days. Then add two grams of natural honey and leave in the cold again for two days. Consume half a glass 20 minutes before eating, three times a day. You can also use this recipe for low blood pressure.

Application in cosmetology

  • Hair nourishing mask... It is necessary to mix birch sap with burdock oil in a ratio of 3: 1. Apply to hair for twenty minutes, after warming the head, rinse with shampoo.
  • Mask against hair loss and heavy oiliness... Mix one glass of birch sap, half a spoonful of chalk and a quarter spoonful of salt. The salt must dissolve, after which the composition must be stirred again. Leave the jar in the dark for 10 days. Use the product every time before washing your hair.
  • Whitening face mask... It is necessary to dilute white clay with birch sap so that the consistency of a paste is obtained. Then apply the composition to the places that you want to lighten and hold for twenty minutes. You can wash it off with plain water or the same birch sap.
  • Rejuvenating mask... You need to take 200 g of sea buckthorn, 50 g of wheat sprouts and two tablespoons of birch sap. Rub the ingredients so that the mask is like a cream. Apply to skin for twenty minutes.
  • Complexion brightening mask... You need to mix a spoonful of sour cream, half a spoonful of honey and two tablespoons of birch sap, apply on the face, hold for 15 minutes. As a result, the face will acquire an even matte tone.
  • Lotion for dry skin... You need to take 200 g of birch sap, put it on the stove, bring to a boil, and then immediately remove from the heat. Add half a spoonful of honey and wait for it to dissolve. Wipe the skin of the face and neck with lotion three times a day.
  • Universal skin mask... To prepare, mix well a spoonful of cottage cheese, half a spoonful of honey, a raw egg and two tablespoons of birch sap. You should get a homogeneous mass, which must be applied to previously cleansed skin and kept for twenty minutes.


The drink is able to improve metabolic processes, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds. It can be consumed in its usual form in the size of 100-200 ml within a month.

It is better to first drink the juice one day after its extraction, and then use fresh juice. You can also make kvass, balms and syrups from it, which are not as effective, but are also very useful.

Birch has long been considered a tree that gives health to a person. Used for the preparation of decoctions and infusions of its leaves and buds. Yes, and probably everyone has heard about birch sap. This drink not only has a unique and refreshing taste. Continuous use of it can significantly reduce the risk of a number of diseases and cure existing ones. To do this, you will need to drink only 1 glass a day. Moreover, birch sap is used for hair and skin care.

This drink can be purchased at the store or prepared yourself. In order to properly preserve natural birch sap and its beneficial properties for a long time, delicious kvass is also prepared from it.

Product benefits

You can talk for a long time about how useful birch sap is, because this drink is just a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and substances necessary for the human body. It contains:

  • Sahara;
  • tanning components;
  • saponins;
  • many organic acids;
  • minerals: magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and others.

This drink looks like water with a subtle aroma and mild taste, but the composition makes it simply indispensable for maintaining the health of the body and its youth. Natural birch sap, in addition, is useful for those who monitor their weight, because 100 g of liquid contains only 8 kcal. At the same time, there are a lot of necessary substances in such an amount of a drink.

Birch sap is used to speed up metabolism, and it is also used to remove all kinds of toxins. It is appreciated in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. You need to systematically gargle with birch sap if you have a cough or sore throat.

In addition, this drink will help get rid of headaches and high fever during a cold. It is also indispensable for the treatment of a chronic form of the common cold, it must be drunk at least 1 tbsp. per day. Birch sap is extremely useful for those who have problems with the urinary tract and kidneys.

This healing drink is also successfully used to treat puffiness, joint diseases, gastrointestinal tract with low acidity. There is probably no organ or system of the human body for which birch sap would not be useful. Considering its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, it copes well with various skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, boils, acne, etc.

Among other things, birch sap has a tonic effect and improves the functioning of the immune system. It is also an excellent tonic and energizing agent for the whole day, helping to cope with fatigue, sleepiness and improve performance.

How to assemble?

Birch sap can be purchased in stores or from those who know how and know how to prepare it correctly. However, it must be a reliable seller for the drink to be truly useful and valuable for health. Otherwise, it is better to collect birch sap yourself.

It is important to choose trees that are far from roads and various industrial industries, since harmful substances are most likely to get into the drink and can only harm health. The collection must be carried out in the spring. Specialists in its preparation say that the procedure should be started depending on the weather. Swelling of buds on birches should serve as a signal. It is worth choosing trees with a diameter of at least 20 cm. You need to make a small and shallow hole in the trunk, because the liquid moves in the space between the wood and the bark. After that, it is necessary to securely attach a tube or groove into it or immediately below it, the other end of which will be lowered into any plastic or glass container. For convenience, some make a hole not high from the ground.

You should not collect more than 1 liter per day from each tree, as it may die without having time to replenish its reserves. The thicker the birch, the more holes you can make in it. If its diameter is 25 cm - only 1, up to 35 cm - 2, up to 40 - 3, and over 40 - 4. It is best to collect juice from 12 noon to 6 pm, since it is in during this period, its circulation is most intense.

It is important, after the end of the collection, not to forget to carefully close all the holes you made in the tree. Natural wax works best for this purpose.

It must be remembered that a freshly picked drink cannot be stored for more than 2 days. In order to prepare liquid for a long time, kvass is made from it or, after heat treatment, it is rolled into jars.

It is also worth mentioning why birch sap is useful as a personal care product. Women often use it to restore and maintain youthful skin and hair. The product is used to wash the face to improve its color, relief and get rid of various rashes and irritations. Lotions or masks are prepared from it. Also, the liquid is frozen and with this ice twice a day they wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Birch sap helps to cope with various hair problems. It is used for rinsing. The product is diluted with cool boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. This procedure helps to strengthen the hair, soften it, make it more voluminous, thick and manageable. In addition, birch sap relieves dandruff and various scalp problems.

Product harm

A lot has already been said above about the benefits of birch sap. However, does he have any contraindications?

An allergic reaction to the product is extremely rare, which is why the juice is allowed to be consumed even by children. It can only occur when there is an intolerance to white-trunk pollen. It is also not recommended to drink this drink for ulcers and people with stones in the bladder or kidneys.

In any case, in order not to harm yourself, it is necessary, if you have any chronic diseases, to consult your doctor before using birch sap.

Childhood is different for everyone. And the memories are different too. One of mine is collecting birch sap with my father and younger brother. Every spring, having loaded a hand drill, tubes, three-liter cans into our red Zaporozhets (then it was still considered a machine), we went to the nearest landing and collected birch sap. I remember that it was a pity for the birch trees, but coming home with two three-liter cans of birch sap was an unforgettable pleasure ...

Well, now, at a more meaningful age, it's time to figure out what it is - birch sap, the benefits and harms of this drink, its features. Well, to answer the question whether it was worth drilling the trunks of birches or it was an ugly act of good people.

What is birch sap?

Birch sap is a liquid that is released from damaged birch trunks and branches. There is no particular sense in delving into the physics of this phenomenon, it is enough to mention that the juice moves and flows out due to root pressure.

The movement of sap begins with the first thaws - so if you like birch sap, then follow the weather forecast (you can start doing this from mid-March). Considering that the process ends with budding (usually it is mid-April), then you should not delay the hike to the birch grove too much - you can skip the season, and wait for the next one for a whole year.

Outwardly, the juice looks like ordinary water. It tastes the same, only this water is a little sweet - the drink contains up to 2% sugar. This is not a cup of tea with 2 tablespoons of sugar, so birch sap can be considered a low-calorie (only 22 kcal per 100 g) diet drink.

What else is in birch sap, besides sugar? Vitamins, phytoncides, about a dozen organic acids, tannins, betulol, saponins, sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and copper - the deeper we delve into the composition, the less this elixir looks like ordinary water and more and more like a complex of vitamins.

By the way, not only juice is useful in birch, but also the buds, which are described on our website.

How is birch sap obtained?

To begin with, you need to extract juice only in groves away from busy roads, otherwise you will get juice with heavy metals, useless and possibly even harmful. Do you need it?

There are many ways to get birch sap:

  • Barbaric: several small branches of birch are cut off, a plastic bag is hung on each. This is not worth doing.
  • You can make a small cut in the barrel, insert a groove there, and place a collection container at the other end of the groove.
  • The best option (it is also more productive, and leaves fewer marks on the tree): instead of a cut, drill a hole in the trunk (you don't need to deep - 3 cm is enough) with a slight slope, insert either an aluminum tube or a plastic tip of the dropper system into it , or a regular straw for drinks. Hang a plastic bottle at the other end.

In order not to kill poor trees that generously share useful properties with you, follow these simple rules:

  • Do not take young trees. Firstly, they are weaker than the old ones and may not survive the saponification procedure, and secondly, the sap of young trees is not so rich and healing. How to distinguish a young tree from an old one? By the thickness of the trunk - it must be more than 20 cm in diameter.
  • Try to limit yourself to a liter of juice from one tree per day. It is better to take a liter from 10 trees than to try to squeeze out 10 liters from one. Theoretically, from an ordinary birch you can get 2-3 liters per day, from a large one - 7 liters. But theoretically, you can take 5-6 liters of blood from a person, and usually they take no more than 400 ml.
  • Once you're done, be sure to cover the cut or hole with wax, or at least moss. By the way, if you used the third method of extracting juice, then you can simply stick a small dry branch of a suitable size into the hole - it will not let the juice flow out.

The benefits of birch sap

Here we are walking around the plantings, shoveling snow, drilling birches ... Why? Is it worth it? Why is birch sap useful? Let's try to list the main things:

  • Eat whatever is horrible? Is the body poisoned and metabolic processes are clearly disturbed? Then drink birch sap - biostimulants and enzymes in this drink will help to remove toxins, decay products and carcinogens, improve metabolism and intestinal microflora, and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. By the way, therefore, it should be used not only with various diets, but also during infectious diseases.
  • What do we need in the spring? Wake up, remove the tiredness accumulated over the long winter,. And here the tonic and restorative properties of birch sap will be useful. It can also relieve headaches.
  • It also helps with various diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Due to tannins, birch sap is a natural antiseptic.
  • This natural product is an excellent preventive measure against tooth decay. There is one more "dental" application - it relieves inflammation in the mouth.
  • Liver problems? Drink birch sap! Sciatica, arthritis and rheumatism? Drink birch sap! Heart and vascular problems? Drink birch sap - after all, it contains potassium, magnesium and calcium so necessary for our circulatory system! Gout? Well, you yourself probably guessed it! Boils, acne or eczema? But they did not guess - with these diseases, the juice is not drunk, but applied externally. In cosmetology, birch sap is also used - for example, to treat dandruff and hair loss.
  • Consuming birch sap regularly can help with the breakdown of stones in the bladder and kidneys. In the list of medicinal properties of birch sap there is a diuretic and a choleretic, keep this in mind if you need to get rid of edema. By the way, it is to reduce puffiness that it is advised to drink juice for pregnant and lactating women.
  • It can also be used to heal ulcers and wounds.
  • It is believed that birch sap helps to slow down the development of tumors.
  • And finally - birch sap will help you maintain masculine strength, and if you are a woman, it will ease your menopause and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

In any case, birch sap can be used as an additional tool in the treatment of almost any disease - especially since it is suitable for both children and adults.

Are there any contraindications?

Their minimum is individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to birch pollen. Agree, great?

How is it used?

The ideal option is to drink the birch drink fresh in its pure form. Just remember, even in the refrigerator, birch sap can be stored for a maximum of 2 days. An alternative is to freeze the juice, but this is not very convenient in terms of storage, so it is worth freezing the juice only in cubes for cosmetic use.

Birch sap is also extracted on an industrial scale - at the same time it is sold canned, bottled in three-liter cans or one and a half-liter bottles. Prices vary greatly depending on the manufacturer and the packaging method.

Canning juice at home

You can also preserve birch sap yourself. This will require:

  • 7 l of juice
  • 3 sprigs of dried mint or half a lemon
  • 1/2 tsp regular citric acid
  • 10 tbsp Sahara

We put the birch sap on the fire, bring it to a boil, in the process removing the foam that forms on the surface of the sap. After boiling, add all the components listed above and keep it on fire for another 10 minutes. Then we pour the resulting drink, having previously filtered it, into sterilized three-liter jars. We roll up the banks.

By the way, you can mix it with other juices (except tomato) - birch tears will definitely not spoil the taste.

What other recipes with birch sap are there? Let's talk about 2 classic ones.

Birch kvass

You need to take some container, preferably a large one - you love kvass and can drink a lot of it? Pour birch sap there, add apple drying and overcooked barley. The mixing ratio can be adjusted based on experience. You can start your experiments, for example, with 0.5 liters of drying, a glass of barley (you can replace it with fried black bread) and 19 liters of birch sap. We put the container in a cool place for a month. And then we enjoy kvass.

Birch syrup

It is obtained by evaporation - the liquid leaves, the sugar remains, while the sugar concentration naturally increases. Take a clean basin, fill it with birch sap, put it on fire and bring to a boil. After that, the juice should boil, and you should remove the resulting foam. When only two-thirds of the original volume of liquid remains, add fresh juice to the bowl. And so 2-3 times. After evaporation, strain and bottle the syrup.

In ancient times, it was believed that birch sap is the source of heroic strength. Indeed, this gift of nature has the most valuable life-giving properties. How is birch sap useful for the body? Is it possible harm from taking it? How and how much can you drink birch sap per day? You will find the answers to these questions in this article.

The benefits and harms of birch sap have been known for a long time. After all, the drink has not only a pleasant taste and excellent thirst quenching properties, but also a positive effect on the entire human body. The usefulness of birch sap is due to its rich biochemical composition.

The product contains many healthy vitamins and minerals. The most valuable of them are ascorbic acid, B vitamins, as well as iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements. In addition, the drink contains organic acids, tannins and essential oils.

The product does not contain fats and proteins, so they can safely supplement the menu of any diet, because the calorie content of birch sap is about 10-20 kilocalories per 100 milliliters of liquid.

The benefits of birch sap for the body

The most valuable properties of the drink are:

  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
  • getting rid of vitamin deficiency and increasing immunity;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • normalization of the nervous system, improvement of the psycho-emotional state;
  • getting rid of edema;
  • decrease in the manifestations of menopause in women.

In addition, due to the positive effect on the hematopoietic system, as well as regenerating properties, doctors recommend the use of birch sap for cancer patients.

The diuretic properties of the drink are used in the treatment of kidney diseases and other pathologies accompanied by edema. It is also recommended to drink it for people with intoxication of the body and the presence of viral and infectious diseases.

The product is ideal for stimulating the production of gastric juice and the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore, doctors advise using it in case of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.

Due to the presence of substances with tanning properties in the composition, birch sap has an antiseptic effect, which prevents the occurrence of caries, as well as inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Birch sap is also widely used in folk medicine, where it is used both internally and externally in the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, sciatica, as well as in the presence of wounds for their rapid healing.

The product has found its application in cosmetology: it is used externally in the presence of such skin problems: eczema, acne, boils, seborrhea, as well as to get rid of dandruff and prevent hair loss.

Potential harm from the drink

It would seem that there is no doubt that birch sap can be drunk by everyone. But it is not so. Nevertheless, the product has some contraindications. The drink can bring harm to people suffering from an allergic reaction to birch pollen.

A canned drink, to which sugar is added during preparation, is contraindicated for those with diabetes.

Juice intake in the presence of kidney stones can cause renal colic, so if you have such a problem, it is important not to abuse this product and you should consult your doctor before drinking it.

Consume a drink that has been harvested only in environmentally friendly areas. After all, a product mined near industrial facilities or highways may contain compounds of heavy metals that are hazardous to health. In this case, its beneficial properties are incomparable with the possible harm to the human body.

How much birch sap can you drink per day? How to drink a drink correctly?

The slightly sweet taste of this drink is due to its sugar content, as well as fructose and glucose. And the presence of malic and citric acids in the product gives its taste a barely noticeable sourness.

The drink can be consumed both in pure form and in combination with other natural juices from fruits or berries. In any case, this natural product will perfectly cope with quenching your thirst and will give you the opportunity to enjoy its pleasant taste.

Birch sap can be used to prepare many other drinks, ranging from non-alcoholic cocktails to wine. And in Canada and America, syrup is made from it, for which the product is evaporated until its volume is significantly reduced. But the most popular drink from this product is, which has excellent refreshing and tonic properties.

The benefits of birch sap for the body are enormous. The drink can bring maximum health benefits in combination with other natural products that have healing properties. So, if you add mint leaves to it, it will have a positive effect on the mental state, as well as improve the functioning of the digestive system and help get rid of heartburn and nausea.

An infusion of juice with black chokeberry will help with diseases of the genitourinary system, and the combination of the product with cranberry juice increases physical endurance, as well as mental activity, relieving fatigue and stimulating the brain.

Are there any limits on the amount of this drink? When asked how much birch sap can be drunk per day, representatives of medicine answer as follows: if there are no health problems, you can drink it during the day without limiting yourself and replacing them with other drinks (tea, plain water, compote). But this should not be done for longer than a couple of months.

Drinking juice in very large quantities is not recommended, especially for people with urolithiasis: they should take a drink no more than half a liter a day, because its intake above this norm can cause stones to move, and as a result, seizures.

Knowing how useful birch sap is for the body, as well as how and how much you can drink it, you can not only enjoy its wonderful taste, but also feel its healing properties on your health.