Homemade blood sausage. Sausage "Home", recipe in Ukrainian

10.09.2019 Lenten dishes

Pet blood is a delicious and nutritious product that can be eaten raw, boiled, fried and baked. The peoples of the northern latitudes are great connoisseurs of the use of blood for food. In order to obtain high taste qualities of blood, they use methods such as calming the animal before slaughter, as well as properly exsanguinating it. Blood is released from a light incision in the artery and is drunk immediately. Quite often, this blood is mixed with fresh milk in various proportions and is a delicious dish. This custom still existed among the Scythians, Pechenegs, Polovtsians and was used by the Tatars. Since the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia, the expression "blood with milk" has survived, which means nothing more than "healthy food", since a person who consumed blood with milk was always healthy, strong and had an attractive appearance.


For 1 kg of blood:
100 g lard, 400 g stale rolls, 1 egg, 2 glasses of milk, 10 hot peppercorns and 1 onion.

The blood of pets is used to prepare the blood.
A loaf is soaked in milk, blood rubbed through a sieve, lard chopped into small cubes, chopped and slightly fried onions, raw eggs, ground hot pepper and salt are added. They mix everything well, stuff the intestines, tie them on both sides with twine, immerse them in salted boiling water, let them boil and cook at a low boil.
At the end of cooking, so that the sausage does not burst, the fire must be reduced even more.
To find out if the sausage is ready, you need to pull it out of the water and pierce it deeply with a needle. If clear juice comes out of the puncture, then the sausage is ready, but if bloody, the cooking must be continued.
Before serving, the bloodworm is fried in oil.

Potato woman with blood

For 6 servings: 2 kg of potatoes, 750 ml of blood, 250 g of lard, 100 g of onions, 5 tbsp. l. bread crumbs, 1 tbsp. l. flour, ground black pepper, marjoram, salt to taste.

Melt half of the bacon and fry the chopped onion in it. Peel the potatoes, grate, mix with blood, breadcrumbs, flour, fried onions, salt, pepper and marjoram. Mix well and transfer to a well-greased and floured baking sheet. Top with the second half of the lard, cut into thin slices, and bake in the oven.

Serve with bread and sauerkraut, cucumbers, beetroot or other vegetable salad.

Blood sausages with rice

Ingredients: 1 kg of fatty pork, 1 kg of rice, 500 ml of blood, 70 g of onion, obor, ground black pepper, marjoram, cardamom, salt to taste, intestines.

Sort the rice, scald with boiling water, rinse thoroughly in cold water, put chopped onion, pour in a greasy mixture and simmer. (The rice should remain whole and crumbly.) Cut the meat into small cubes, melt the fat out of them, like from lard, mix everything with rice, salt, add strained blood, pepper, marjoram and cardamom. Mix the mass thoroughly and fill the prepared chopped large intestines with it, twist them tightly on both sides and secure with wooden sticks. Boil the sausages over low heat at 90 ° C for 10 minutes. (After piercing the sausage with a needle, you should make sure that the blood has coagulated.) Immerse the finished sausages in cold water for a short time and transfer to a board so that the water is glass. Then bake in the oven, after piercing them with a needle and adding hot water.

Blood sausages with roll

Ingredients: 1 liter of blood, 600 g of pork, 250 g of rolls, cracklings, 50 g of onions, 2 cloves of garlic, ground black pepper, marjoram, cardamom, salt to taste, intestines.

Cut the stale rolls into very small cubes and dry in the oven on a baking sheet. Cool, pour over with well-stirred blood, add boiled and small cubed meat, some chopped cracklings, salt, pepper, marjoram, cardamom, chopped garlic and finely chopped and fried onions. Fill the prepared chopped large intestines with thoroughly stirred mincemeat, screw them tightly on both sides and secure with wooden sticks. Boil the sausages over low heat at 90 ° C for 15 - 20 minutes. (After piercing the sausage with a needle, you should make sure that the blood has coagulated.) Immerse the finished sausages in cold water for a short time and transfer to a board so that the water is glass. Then bake in the oven, after piercing them with a needle and adding hot water.

Finnish blood sausage

0.5 l of pork blood, 0.5 l of milk or kvass, 6 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped lard and pork liver, 1/2 teaspoon of ground white and allspice, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of marjoram, 500-600 g of rye flour, 250-300 g of barley flour, 2 onions, intestines, fat.

Chop the onion and lightly fry in a skillet with fat. Cut lard, meat and liver into small pieces and mix with milk or kvass, spices and fried onions. Add the pre-mixed two types of flour, pour in the blood and mix thoroughly. At the same time, it is not necessary to add flour and pour in liquid all at once, but very carefully, making sure that the mass does not lose a certain degree of coolness: in the end it should be such that, with strong pressure on it with a whorl during grinding, the mass would creep steep curls of a characteristic shape. Only in this case can we assume that it has been prepared correctly.

Separate a small piece from the prepared mixture and fry it for a test in a pan to check to what extent it is saturated with fat and how evenly the fat permeates the whole mass. If the piece is evenly browned without burning or drying out excessively, then the mixture is prepared correctly. If there is too much or too little fat in a piece, then the mixture should be rubbed for a few more minutes.

Pour the prepared mixture into the intestines so that they are not too tight and, tying tightly at intervals, shape the sausages. Boil them in salted boiling water for about an hour, and then fry them in the oven (on a sheet of foil) or scorch them with straw.

Serve hot sausages with lingonberry sour jelly or sauerkraut.

Blood intestine

(Ukrainian food)
Option I
0.5 liters of blood, 1 kg of lungs, 0.5 kg of finely chopped bacon, 5 onions, 4 kg of buckwheat or 4 kg of pearl barley, ground pepper, 200 g of salt, 15 g of cardamom, 15 g of marjoram, 6 g of cloves ( use pearl barley, marjoram and cloves as desired).
Soak the groats in water, add lard or lard and bake in the oven. Boil light, add lard and blood raw. Mix everything with spices and finely chopped onions. Fill thin beef or pork intestines with the resulting filling and cook them for about an hour.
Serve hot.

Option II
The blood collected during the slaughter of the animal must be whipped, salted and filtered through a sieve or cloth. (You cannot use stale blood!) In addition to blood, add heart, lungs, bacon and buckwheat to the filling (proportions to taste). Cook all this, chop finely and mix with blood. Then cook as in the first option.

(French cuisine)
Option I
2 liters of pork blood, 125 g of onions, 125 g of lard, 50 g of sour cream, 1 kg of interior fat, parsley, spices, salt, pork intestines.
The pig's blood should still be warm. Pour some vinegar into it to prevent clotting (10 g per 1 L). Turn out pork intestines using a stick rounded on one side. Rinse them in several waters and brush them off with a soft brush.
Peel the onion, chop it finely and fry on low heat for 30 minutes in lard. Add sour cream, small pieces of interior fat, blood and seasonings: finely chopped parsley, spices, salt. Mix well and heat for 5 minutes. Using a funnel, introduce the prepared mass into the intestines, not filling them too much. Throw the sausages prepared in this way into boiling water (they can be tied every 25 cm) and cook at a low boil for 20 minutes. If no blood is emitted when the sausage is heated, the buden is ready.
Let the water drain, wipe off the sausage and, if desired, rub with a lard skin to make it shine.

Option II
Cut blood sausage (buden) into the required number of portions, prick the skin with a fork, put on a wire rack and fry over coals with moderate heat for 12-15 minutes, turning occasionally.

Option III
Blood sausage (buden), prepared as in the first version, put in a pan with heated oil and fry at moderate heat for 12 minutes.
Fried blood sausage is served hot with mustard.

Homemade blood sausage

(From old recipes)
1 kg of pork blood, 0.5 kg of meat and fat trimmings, 20-25 g of salt, black ground pepper, allspice, water, intestines.

Stir the collected pork blood, salt and place in a cold place for one hour. Chop the cuts of meat together with the fat, add salt, ground black and allspice and stir with blood. Fill the pork intestines with the resulting mixture and tie the ends with twine.
Put the prepared sausages in a cauldron, add water and cook at low boil until tender. During cooking, pierce the sausages with a needle in several places. If no blood comes out, the sausages are ready. They should be removed from the cauldron and cooled while hanging. Serve cold.

(Estonian cuisine)
Option I
0.5 liters of blood, 1 glass of milk or water, 3-4 glasses of rye or barley flour, salt, fat.

Strain the blood, add milk or water, salt, flour, mix thoroughly and fry.

Serve hot with lingonberry or cranberry salad.

Option II

2.5 cups of blood, 1/2 cup of yogurt (kvass or beer), 10 g of bacon, 1 large onion, 3-4 cups of rye or barley flour, 1 teaspoon of soda, fat, salt, spices.

Strain the blood, add curdled milk, kvass or beer, lard, diced, melted in a pan and fried with onions, add flour and soda, season with spices and fry small pancakes in a pan with fat.

Serve hot.

Palten * Pataveri *

(Finnish cuisine)
0.5 l of pork blood, 1 glass of kvass (water), 300 g of rye flour, 50 g of barley flour, 50 g of wheat flour, salt, 1 / g spoon of marjoram and white (black) pepper, 2 l of meat broth ...

Stir fresh blood, beat, pour kvass into it and stir again. Then mix with three types of flour, salt, spices. Form grandmothers from this dough.

Boil ready-made meat broth in a saucepan and blanch the blood babashki in it, taking them out and discarding them in a colander. Then boil them in broth for 20 minutes. Readiness can be checked as follows: after 20 minutes from the start of cooking, take out one grandma, cut it and, if in the very middle it is dark brown, then the dish is ready. Remove all coats from the broth, discard in a colander, drain the liquid.

Serve hot on a preheated dish with sauerkraut, lingonberry broth or garlic spices (garlic sauce) as a hot lunch dish.

Coats were always eaten only hot, hot, hot, since dishes containing blood do not tolerate heating well, and when cooled down are usually tasteless. But if the coats still remained in the refrigerator the next day, then, as experience shows, they should be heated only in boiling milk in order to restore the original taste.

Blood casserole

(Lithuanian cuisine)

125 g of pork blood, 45 g of barley, 35 g of lard, 5 g of juniper berries, black pepper, salt.

Rinse the barley, boil with boiling water, let it swell, pour in strained pork blood, melted lard, add salt, pepper, juniper berries and mix well. Put the prepared mass in a frying pan greased with butter and sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs and bake in an oven for 30 minutes.

Pork blood

Boil the pig's blood in water and put it on a sieve. Fry 2 finely chopped onions on lard.
Chop the blood. Mix everything together, salt and fry.

Fried goose blood

(Hungarian cuisine)
Blood of one goose, 100 g of milk, 50 g of rolls, 50 g of lard, 50 g of onions, black pepper, salt.

Pour the roll with milk for 15-20 minutes, knead and add fresh goose blood to it. Heat the lard, simmer the onion in it, add the mixture of blood and milk, salt and, stirring constantly, fry over medium heat until the blood darkens in the middle, then pepper. Serve with any side dish.

One of the most famous and important dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, which has been prepared in Ukraine for centuries and has stood the test not only by time, but also by attempts to introduce church bans on the use of dishes with blood.

This is a dish that almost every experienced Ukrainian housewife knows how to cook. And in the villages, in general, every adult woman, because where pigs were fed for slaughter (once in every family in the villages), the preparation of bloodworms always went in tandem with the slaughter of pigs. As a rule, the pig was slaughtered twice a year, at Christmas and Easter. The exception was special family celebrations such as weddings, and in the ancient good before communist times, and Christenings. (As you know, the communist antichrists banned the church and everything connected with it. Of course, children in Ukraine were baptized further, but secretly.). Immediately I remember those days with my grandmothers, when more than once not only relatives living nearby, but even those living far away, help to butcher the carcass and at the same time take rural delicacies with me. A piece of meat was immediately cut off for the "svizhin", the meat of a freshly killed pig fried with onions. It has that aroma and taste that everyone loves so much on the first day after slaughter. Along with this unbreakable tradition, there was one that women, as soon as they butchered the carcass, rinsed, washed, cleaned and scraped the intestines for sausages and blood pots. And soon after the slaughter, while the blood was still fresh, they took up the preparation of blood pots.

Bloodwort is so tasty and tender, how many greaves and onions you will not regret, there should be a lot of them! Traditional blood pot is a little easier to prepare than mine. In mine, I applied some of the nuances of cooking, like adding cream and eggs for special tenderness, and Polish porridge, adding pork liver for a more pronounced and interesting taste.

Bloodworm is prepared not only on buckwheat, but also on millet, rice and even pearl barley. But for me personally, there is no tastier buckwheat. Traditionally for my region of residence, Ukrainian Podillya, as my mother taught, I add raw potatoes. Potatoes really make the bloodstream softer. I tried it without potatoes, which is much tougher and drier because the blood itself, when baked, has a not at all delicate consistency and therefore it must be well seasoned when cooking. Juicy onions, an abundance of meat rinds, potatoes, cream and eggs make this bloody special. For me the most delicious of those with a traditional taste! Since the consistency in good blood sausage is no less important than the taste, there is nothing worse in this regard than dry lean blood sausage ... Such mustard will not help!

About the process: the process of preparing bloodworm takes a lot of time and is quite laborious... Much easier if you divide the preparation over two days. Since there are foods like porridge, liver and greaves that must be cooked earlier and wait until they cool before mixing with blood.

And about filling: it is most convenient to fill a blood bottle with a not very aesthetic, but very practical method, a self-contained watering can from a plastic bottle. Cut a 1.5 liter plastic bottle in half. You only need a part with a neck. Firmly put a part of the cleaned intestine on the neck, and the filling into the funnel, helping it "fly" to its destination from time to time pushing the filling through the neck with the other end of a fork or spoon. Since the filling is quite runny, which is the norm for blood sausage, conventional grinder attachments for filling sausages do not do the job well.

And about cooking: my grandmothers always baked a blood pot in the oven, my mother already bakes it in the oven (although, to be honest, as there are no grandparents, no one keeps a pig from relatives, I don't remember when she last baked blood pot. ".). In other regions of Ukraine and, for example, in Poland or France, such sausages are boiled in slightly bubbling water. And from my own practice, I advise you to boil the bloodlet, if you plan to keep it and freeze it further. Baked has its own special flavor, which I love very much, but this method of cooking makes the bloodstream drier, and the subsequent heating is even drier. And after such a boil, before serving, the bloody can be fried on lard in a frying pan or quickly browned in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. EIf you bake from the very beginning, then it is better to bake only as much as you plan to eat on the same day. And also, such a bloodstream is so delicious from the grill!

About 7 kg of finished product


  • 1 kg pork liver, coarsely chopped
  • 1 kg abdominal fat (with a layer of meat), cut into cubes
  • 500 gram oily pork neck, cut into cubes
  • 1 kg onions, peel, cut into cubes
  • 1.2 kg potatoes, peel
  • 1 liter of blood
  • 250 ml cream 30%
  • 3 eggs
  • 70 grams of salt
  • 2 tsp ground black pepper
  • Peeled pig intestines 6-8 meters (and it is better to have at least 10 in case of breaks and cracks)

For buckwheat:

  • 500 grams of buckwheat
  • 20 grams butter
  • 1 tsp salt

The first day:

1) Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

2) In the meantime, place the washed buckwheat in a pot or saucepan with a tight-fitting lid that you can put in the oven. Pour the cereal to the top with water, so that the water is half the thickness of your finger over the buckwheat. Add 1 tsp. salt and butter. Bring to a boil, cover, remove from heat, insert into preheated oven and turn off. Leave in the turned off oven until it cools. Stir the cooled porridge well to loosen it.

3) In a dry, cold, deep skillet or pot, or in a large saucepan at worst, place the bacon and pork neck.

Put on medium heat and simmer for about 40-50 minutes, until the greaves are well browned and a copious amount of fat is melted.

4) Add onion and simmer until soft. Remove from heat and leave to cool.

5) Boil the pork liver until tender over medium heat in salted water.

Drain and leave to cool.

Second day:

1) Transfer the buckwheat to a large bowl or saucepan (so for 10 liters so that it is convenient to mix).

2) Heat the greaves with onions slightly, only so that the fat melts and immediately transfer to the buckwheat.

3) Grind the pork liver in a meat grinder.

Transfer to buckwheat.

4) Beat the blood in a blender (so that there are no lumps) and pour over the buckwheat with cracklings.

5) Grate potatoes or chop in a blender and transfer to the rest of the ingredients.

Stir immediately.

6) Beat eggs with cream and pour in there. Add salt and black pepper. Mix everything well.

7) Fill the prepared intestines with the filling using a special sausage attachment for a meat grinder, and even easier, using a watering can made from a plastic bottle. (Read above in the preface) And form individual sausages by twisting the intestines.

8) Put the filled intestines on a baking sheet in one layer.

You can bake until tender in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Until clear juice flows out upon piercing, about 30 minutes. (More traditional way)

And you can cook in a large amount of water in batches, also until the clear juice flows out, about 20 minutes after boiling again. But you need to cook on the lowest heat, the water should only gurgle slightly. Before serving, such a blood bottle should be fried and it tastes better when cold, as it is juicier. (After cooling, you can freeze in batches. Defrost on a shelf in the refrigerator)

Whichever method of processing you would not choose, and in one and the other case, before the very beginning of the heat treatment, you should carefully pierce the bloodstream in several places with a needle.

Store ready-made blood sausage for no more than 4-5 days in the refrigerator and up to 3 months in the freezer.

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

Blood sausage is a very ancient and popular dish. It is prepared very simply and the products are all simple, the main thing is to find fresh blood. Today this can be done on the market, in the supermarket. Although it is still better - by acquaintance, in order to be sure of the quality of the product.

But to make the bloodstream richer and tastier, you need to put buckwheat in it. It is necessary to serve the sausage on the table chilled, along with fresh vegetables.

Prepare the ingredients for making blood sausage with buckwheat at home.

Pork skins, together with lard, must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. To do this, moisten the skin with water and scrape with a knife, then rinse and scrape again. Repeat this procedure until the skin is completely clean.

Put the skins together with the bacon in a saucepan, add water and send to the fire.

At the time of boiling, reduce heat to a minimum and continue cooking for 30-40 minutes.

Drain the water, cool the skins, and then grind with a meat grinder with a fine strainer.

Peel and grind the onion and garlic with a meat grinder.

Sort the buckwheat from debris and bad grains, add water and send to the fire.

Boil until tender. It is important not to digest! The groats should remain crumbly.

Cool buckwheat and add to the ground skins. Season with salt and black pepper.

Pour in blood and mix thoroughly. But before that, the blood must be cleaned from clots with a fine strainer.

Wash the intestines, scrape with a knife if necessary and tie one end with a thread. Pull the intestine over the meat grinder attachment.

Fill the intestine with prepared minced meat.

Tie the second edge with a thread and make 7-10 punctures with a needle over the entire surface.

Bring the water to a boil and put the sausage in it. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes.

Put the finished sausages in a baking dish and brush with butter.

Bake the blood pot with buckwheat in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees. Instead of baking, you can bring the sausages to taste in a pan. To do this, you need to warm up the pan, pour in 2 tbsp. butter, put 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 sprigs of rosemary and after a minute put the sausages. Cover the pan with a lid and fry on low heat for 3-4 minutes, then turn over to the other side and continue frying for 2-3 minutes.

After the sausages have cooled, serve them with fresh vegetables.

Blood sausage with buckwheat is very appetizing, tasty and satisfying. Bon Appetit. Cook with love.

To the question How to cook blood sausage ??? given by the author Skimmer the best answer is First, I cut the guts for future sausages. Then, grasping one end of the intestine with my hand, squeezing the contents (waste) out of a tube of toothpaste. After that, under the tap with a good pressure of water, I rinse the intestines. Then, again with the help of a good tap jet, I turn them inside out - this is a very quick and easy way.
With a knife, I carefully clean the turned inside out intestine from the remaining waste. After cleaning, I put the intestines in an enamel bowl, fill them with saline solution (for 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar), stand for 2 hours. Ready-made guts for sausage should be thin and transparent.
I stuff the shell with the contents using a meat grinder and a nozzle, which I specially carved at the factory. I screw this attachment to the meat grinder instead of a mesh and a knife. Then I put the end of the intestine on the nozzle and tie it with a thread. I put minced meat for sausages in a meat grinder. For its preparation, I usually take 1 part of lard and 2 parts of meat, I cut everything into small pieces, pepper, salt. I twist the handle of the meat grinder, and the shell is filled with contents under pressure, and, bent into a ring, comes off the device. It remains only to tie the second end of the intestine.
Then I do this: I put the finished sausage rings in an enamel bowl, fill it with brine (water, salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste) until it covers the top layer of the sausages. Cook until tender (20-30 minutes). For long-term storage, I put the ready-made sausage into a container, fill it with melted fat and put it in a cold place. In winter, the hostess takes out the sausage, and it is always fresh, and the frozen fat also goes into business.
Since childhood, I love blood sausage. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but I do it this way.
To give a softer taste to the collected blood, I add cow's milk (for 1 liter of blood - 50-100 g of milk, salt and spices). I cook for 20-30 minutes.
There are options for cooking blood sausage with porridge - buckwheat, millet, rice. Blood is added to any of these precooked cereals. We fill the intestines with this mass and cook for another 30-40 minutes.
Stuffed stomach is not an ordinary dish. Whoever cooked something like this knows that you have to tinker, but what a taste the dish has!
It is necessary to turn the stomach inside out through the largest opening - the canal. I’ll say it’s not easy right away. The stomach has several waste channels, I tie them with string - all but the largest. I clean it using the same technology as the guts for the sausage. After cleaning and washing the stomach, I turn it out again and fill it with minced meat. It will not work to turn it out - you can cut the stomach, fill it with minced meat, then sew it up.
Minced meat - finely chopped meat, lard, I add semi-cooked porridge to it - rice, buckwheat or millet, spices - garlic, pepper, salt to taste. Cook until tender (20-30 minutes). Then I put the stomach in a hot oven and bake. The finished dish has a dark brown color, it is served already cut into pieces.
Our guests who are not afraid to get fat never give up the goose fat roll. This dish is easy to prepare. I cut off the internal fat in strips. I add salt, black ground or red pepper. I fold the strip into a roll and tie it tighter with a thin thread. I put it on a baking sheet and leave it for several hours until completely salted in a relatively warm place, for example, on the table in the kitchen. Then I put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. After 2-3 days, I cut the tender spicy food into pieces and serve it to the table.

Answer from Tatuana[guru]
"Blood sausage"
Buckwheat (raw) - 100 g
Lard (fresh) - 100 g
Onion (large) - 1 piece
Carrots (large) - 1 pc
Pork blood - 0.5 l
Intestine - 100 g
Garlic - 3-5 teeth
Black pepper
Dill (seeds)
Cut the bacon into small cubes and fry with the onion and carrots. Add buckwheat and pork blood, mix everything well. Season with allspice, ground dill (seeds), garlic, hot pepper (optional). Salt everything. Fill the intestine with the mixture. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Answer from European[newbie]
bake the blood in the oven, then add chopped bacon, spices, salt and fill the prepared intestines and then pierce the intestines with a needle, then boil a little and fry in a pan, you can not boil it, but immediately fry it to a crust.
Tasty bacon stuffed with garlic and spices and then boil in a bag (pierce the bag a little) it turns out delicious and soft bacon

Answer from Common people[expert]
cut the bacon, melt it in a frying pan, remove the greaves, fry the blood, add finely chopped bacon, buckwheat (undercooked), finely chopped onion, salt spices. we bring to readiness. we stuff the intestines (pre-processed). we form sausages. pierce in several places with a needle (so that the intestines do not burst). cook. then bake a little in the oven.
cut meat, bacon, onion (you can twist it), garlic, salt and many different herbs and spices into small pieces. into the intestines. cook. bake. you can add cheese in pieces, mushrooms.
seemingly simple sausages, but take them out of the freezer, fry them in butter with an onion, and such a yummy

Answer from Maria Gorbunova[guru]
Add boiled and twisted lung, porridge, preferably buckwheat, cooked until half cooked to fresh blood. Stuff the intestines, boil.
Chop the pork knuckle, add a couple of legs, fill with water. just to cover. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 2.5 hours. Then add. a piece of pulp, tongue, cook for another 4 hours. Salt and spices to taste. Remove the fat, strain the broth. Meat with skin and cartilage. crank the meat grinder, put in the broth, ext. garlic, spices, if necessary, stuff the intestines. Shake the sausage into cold water. Turn during cooling. When it hardens, put it in the refrigerator.

Blood sausage belongs to the traditional Ukrainian cuisine. Its preparation falls on the piglet's fence, so many are interested in homemade recipes. A delicacy of this kind is equated with jellied meat and bacon, therefore it takes pride of place both on a festive and everyday table. The finished treat has a pleasant aroma and a characteristic brown color. It is not at all necessary to chop a piglet or wait for the holiday to feast on sausage. You can find blood for its preparation in butchers' shops or in the market.

Liver blood sausage

  • lard - 0.4 kg.
  • pork blood - 1 l.
  • liver - 0.6 kg.
  • milk - 0.25 l.
  • spices - to your taste
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  1. Lard must be taken exclusively fresh. Free a piece from the skin, it is not required. Chop into slices, transfer to a food processor or meat grinder. Chop to get coarse peas.
  2. Heat the pan to the maximum mark, send the bacon for frying. Reduce heat, wait another 10 minutes at least. Stir constantly. Introduce the diced onion until golden brown.
  3. Turn off the stove, cool the ingredients. While the contents are at room temperature, tackle the liver. You need to rinse it thoroughly, free it from the veins and send it to a meat grinder for chopping.
  4. Combine the liver with blood, milk, chilled onions and lard. If before mixing you notice that the blood has an uneven consistency, beat with a blender before adding it to the rest of the products.
  5. Pour your favorite spices into the resulting mass, salt, season with black crushed pepper. Mix everything well again. Prepare your meat grinder by putting on the sausage attachment.
  6. Stretch the bowel by tying the end with a thread. Start sausages depending on how much raw material you need to get. Carefully observe the completeness of the filling, the treat should remain soft, but not half empty.
  7. After packing the sausages, tie the second end of the intestine. Arm yourself with a sewing needle, make punctures every 12-14 cm. The intestine should not burst.
  8. Send the semi-finished delicacy into bubbling water, boil it on a minimum or medium power for about 40 minutes. Then bake the sausage in the oven or fry in a pan until crusty.

Creamy blood sausage

  • lard - 0.3 kg.
  • salt - 20 gr.
  • chopped pepper - 5-8 gr.
  • pork blood - 1.9-2 liters.
  • cream of medium consistency - 0.5 l.
  • garlic cloves - 0.15 kg.
  1. For the indicated amount of ingredients, you need about 2.8 m. Of the shell. Begin cooking by beating the blood with a mixer or blender. Salt it, season with pepper, mix thoroughly with a culinary spatula.
  2. Send blood for cooking by building a water bath. Avoid vigorous bubbling. The blood should only thicken, not clot. Then turn off the stove.
  3. Prepare cheesecloth, fold it in 3-4 layers, line a fine-grained kitchen sieve with a cloth. Move the blood here, let the excess fluid drain. While this is happening, cook the garlic and pass through a press machine.
  4. Chop the bacon into cubes, chop with a combine. Stir the cloves with bacon to the blood, load the ingredients into a meat grinder and scroll several times. Add the cream after bringing it to room temperature.
  5. Prepare the guts, tie the tip, fill with minced meat. Put in boiling water, boil for about 25 minutes. At the end of the manipulations, you can additionally bake the delicacy in the oven.

  • lard (can be replaced with pork fat) - 0.5 kg.
  • pork blood - 1 l.
  • vinegar - 30 ml.
  • cream - 0.2 l.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • buckwheat (boiled) - 350-400 gr.
  • pork meat - 0.35 kg.
  1. Chop the lard, peel. Send the chopped pieces to the pan and fry until fat is obtained. Remove large chunks. Now finely chop the onions, fry in lard until golden brown.
  2. Cool the ingredients, pass the onion along with the lard through a food processor or meat grinder. Whisk the blood if it has an uneven consistency. Combine with vinegar and whisk again.
  3. Mix blood with meat ingredients, already boiled buckwheat, cream at room temperature. Stir, the composition will turn out to be liquid, do not be alarmed.
  4. Season the ingredients with your favorite seasonings to taste. It goes well into blood sausage nutmeg, cloves, coriander. Salt, pack in the intestines. Boil in bubbling water for 45-60 minutes. Increase the simmering time if necessary.

Mushroom blood sausage

  • dried chanterelles - 120 gr.
  • blood - 2 liters.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • salt to taste
  • lard - 420 gr.
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  1. Pour enough room temperature water over the mushrooms. Raw materials should be infused for about 3-4 hours. After that, the product should be boiled in the same liquid. Give the procedure about a third of an hour. Take out the mushrooms, save the broth.
  2. Take lard and get rid of the skins. Pass the raw materials through a meat grinder, then fry in a pan for about 10-12 minutes. Grind mushrooms and peeled garlic cloves in separate containers. You can also fry the mushrooms a little to get more flavor.
  3. Combine blood, salt and garlic in a convenient cup. Stir the ingredients thoroughly. Next, beat the chicken eggs in a container using a whisk. After that, combine all the ingredients and add a small amount of ground black pepper, nutmeg and coriander.
  4. Next, pour 250 ml into the prepared thickened. mushroom broth. Mix the minced meat well. Then you can start the shell. Prepared sausages should be boiled in water for half an hour. After cooling down, you can eat.

Sausage with rice

  • raw rice - 500 gr.
  • blood - 2.4 kg.
  • peritoneum - 0.5 kg.
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • onions - 450 gr.
  • milk - 0.5 l.
  • spices to taste
  1. Boil the rice in the usual way in salt water. Throw in a colander and forget for a while. Pass the peritoneum through a food processor or meat grinder. Fry the product in a skillet for 5 minutes.
  2. Chop the onions into cubes. Send the vegetable to lard and fry the ingredients together. Wait until the onion is transparent. Cool it down. Beat the chicken eggs in parallel, add milk and all the necessary spices. Achieve uniformity of the products.
  3. Mix all the ingredients for making the sausage in a common container. You can mix in a small amount of fresh garlic to taste. Send the prepared minced meat to the cold, wait at least 1 hour. Fill the shell with the finished product. Tie the ends and pierce the intestines with a needle.
  4. Keep in mind that it is forbidden to stuff the casing tightly; during the cooking process, the cereal will swell a little. Boil the sausage using the classic technology. After that, it can also be baked in the oven.

It is quite simple to prepare blood sausage, it is important to follow simple advice. Apart from this, the product is considered quite useful. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly pamper your household with such a delicacy. Try to purchase products from trusted suppliers. Such components must be completely natural and fresh.

Video: how to cook a blood drop