Delicious kefir pancakes - the best recipes for thin pancakes with holes and cooking secrets. Cooking yogurt pancakes very tasty - a proven recipe

The nationwide, Russian holiday is approaching - the wide Maslenitsa. And we will see off the winter and meet the spring. And we will meet her with delicious, butter, openwork pancakes. The Slavs pancake symbolizes the sun. And we treat each other with such delicious suns so that spring comes soon.

Classic pancake dough usually starts. But pancakes on kefir are no less popular in Russia and throughout the post-Soviet space. Flour is most often used wheat of the highest grade. But there are recipes for dough from buckwheat, and from corn flour.

The most delicious way to cook, of course. Fillings are wrapped in a variety of pancakes. Cottage cheese, feta cheese, minced meat, fried mushrooms, red and black caviar are used for this. Or sweet, berry fillings with lingonberries, blueberries, cherries. Even the youngest members of the family can put the filling in the middle of the pancake and roll it with a roll. We have already learned how to cook.

Pancakes don’t bother us, because they are baked from different dough and served in different ways. Unsweetened - with sour cream, with butter, with caviar. Or sweet - with jam, jam or condensed milk. This is such a dish that we are ready to eat every day. And on Maslenitsa there is simply no such mistress who would not cook up several varieties of this holiday treat for her family and for guests.

I prepare thoroughly for the holiday and have already described in detail how to start it. And today I want to consider several test options for kefir or yogurt. They are all different and all tasty and aromatic in their own way. Choose what you like and cook with joy and good mood!

In 2018, Maslenitsa will last from February 12 to 18. And I'm already starting to cook different variations of pancakes in order to meet the holiday fully armed. And also, of course, in order to collect and publish here a list of the best recipes. I hope you find them useful.

A proven recipe for thin kefir pancakes

All my family and friends have already rated this simple pancake dough recipe. I am looking for him on home yogurt or on purchased kefir. And these pancakes are always tasty and rosy. They bake quickly and do not stick to the pan.

My secret is in preparing the test. On cold kefir, pancakes will be in a shallow hole. From the test on heated kefir, the holes will be large.

Now we take kefir at room temperature. From this number of products you get 14 - 16 pieces of pancakes. Today I cook only to show all the recipes, so I’ll start a little test. If you wish, you can double the number of products.

What is needed:

How to cook:

I took out everything I needed for the test from the refrigerator in advance, and the products lay in the heat for at least an hour. Sifted flour.

If you slightly warm the kefir, then the holes in the pancakes will be larger.

I'm starting to knead the dough. Beat two eggs in a bowl with salt and sugar. I add kefir little by little and add flour with a tablespoon, continuing to mix with a whisk.

Knead the dough is not thick and not liquid. I leave it to distance for half an hour. Cover the bowl with a lid or plate.

If the pancakes are stuffed, then during this time you can prepare the filling.

After half an hour I dissolve soda in two tablespoons of warm water, pour into the dough and mix well. If the dough was with lumps, now they have already completely dispersed and the mass has become homogeneous.

It remains to pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough, stir thoroughly again and leave for at least another half hour. During this time, soda will interact with kefir and the dough will bubble like yeast. We start baking pancakes.

Before cooking, the pan must be heated over high heat and greased with oil or a piece of bacon.

I pour the first portion of the dough into a frying pan greased with lard and put on fire. I usually lubricate only once, because the dough has enough vegetable oil.

When the pancake is fried for a minute, holes appear on it. Like in this photo. Turns it over with a spatula and fry on the other side, too, no more than a minute.

Pancakes are porous, thin and melt in the mouth. I put each on a plate and grease with melted butter.

If you are stuffing, then you can not lubricate, immediately wrap the filling in them.

That's so simple, without troubles. Now let's look at a more refined pancake dough recipe.

Kefir custard with boiling water

Thin, delicate and very delicate pancakes will be obtained from our custard kefir dough. They have a large number of small and large holes. Making them is not at all difficult. I show again on a small number of products.

What is needed:


In a large bowl, knead the whisk eggs and kefir. Gradually add salt, sugar and soda.

For this recipe we take kefir cold, right from their refrigerator.

This is so that soda does not have time to start interacting with kefir ahead of time. Sift the flour into a bowl and quickly break all the lumps. The dough turned out to be thick, like a pancake.

Now I pour a glass of boiling water and begin to pour it in portions into the dough. Mixing fast at the same time. When all the boiling water is poured and the dough is brewed, it turned out as thick and textured as liquid cream.

Do not forget that the more liquid the dough, the thinner and lighter the pancakes will be.

In a warm pan, I melt a piece of butter and pour it into the dough. When the butter is already in the dough, then you can not lubricate every ready pancake.

Getting to the baking. Pour the dough into a hot skillet and wait until one side is fried. One minute is enough for me to bake. If your stove does not heat so much, then make sure that the pancake is sufficiently browned and turn over.

My result is 22 delicious, appetizing “sunshine”. Pour tea and serve pancakes with sour cream, condensed milk or whatever your heart desires.

Lush pancakes - American pancakes

This video from the Yliya Small channel shows a step-by-step recipe for making sweet mini pancakes, which are very popular in America. Look how lush and delicious they are!

Perhaps pancakes resemble pancakes and pancakes at the same time. They are magnificent and soft as pancakes, but they are not baked in oil, but in a dry frying pan, like pancakes. Americans serve them with maple syrup popular with them.

And we again return to our Russian pancakes.

Openwork pancakes on kefir and milk with soda

Another delicious and very quick recipe. Kefir is combined with milk and soda. The result is such a lively dough that plays and bubbles.

In order for soda to quickly begin to act, kefir needs to be slightly warmed up.

And during baking it gives us such thin, lace pancakes that you eat, eat ... and still want to!

What is needed:

How to cook:

All products must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and allowed to warm to room temperature.

I start by slightly warming the kefir in a saucepan. On low heat and stirring constantly. I give it to warm up to 40 gr C.

Do not overheat kefir over 60 degrees. He can curl up and get cottage cheese.

Now I drive eggs into warm kefir, pour in all the loose ingredients and add vegetable oil. Beat everything with a whisk and get a thick dough. Dilute the dough by pouring milk in portions and constantly stirring.

In warm kefir, soda immediately begins to play. The dough is ready to bake. The pan is already heating over high heat. Lubricate it with butter or a piece of bacon in front of the first pancake.

This is how kefir dough bubbles and large pancake holes come out. I fry one minute on each side and shoot on a wide plate. Each pancake is smeared with melted butter with a brush.

From a quick test and pancakes are quickly ready. I got 20 pieces. Serve while hot. Have a nice tea party!

There is an opinion that for pancakes it is necessary to use only a cast-iron frying pan. Maybe someone doesn’t get pancakes except on cast-iron.

A new pan must be calcined with salt for half an hour on the biggest fire.

When I bake pancakes, I use two different pans. And sometimes even three. There are cast iron, and teflon, and with a ceramic coating. In all pans, pancakes are excellent. The main thing is to warm up well and grease the pan before the first pancake.

Custard pancakes on kefir and milk

We have not tried choux pastry with hot milk. I'll make a little of such pancakes. especially since this is also one of the quick recipes. It is not necessary to defend the test. Knead and immediately begin to cook.

We take out all products from the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking.

What is needed:

How to cook:

  1. Kefir is poured into a saucepan and slightly heated constantly stirring.
  2. I break eggs into a bowl, add warm kefir, vegetable oil and pour soda, sugar and salt.
  3. While constantly stirring, add flour and knead thick dough.
  4. I put boil milk in a saucepan on the stove.
  5. Pour boiling milk in small portions into the dough, quickly stirring with a whisk.
  6. The dough is brewed. I heat the pan over high heat and bake pancakes.
  7. Fry each side for no more than one minute.
  8. I put ready pancakes on a plate and grease with melted butter.

This is how the pancake dough is made with boiling milk. This, of course, gives a much more delicious and delicate result than simply boiled boiled water.

Egg-free kefir lace pancakes

This video is from the Vegetarian Recipes Channel

I don’t understand why “vegetarian” only without eggs, and kefir and milk are still used ... Well, nevertheless, the pancakes turned out to be notable. They didn’t stick to the pan and didn’t tear, which means you can cook them without eggs.

On this I end my article about pancakes on kefir. Write your wishes and questions in the comments. I thank everyone who cooked today with me!

I remember in the past, for a long time I could not learn how to bake pancakes correctly. For some reason, they came out thick with me and it was difficult to properly wrap the filling in them. And all this happened until I came across the best recipes for this baking on kefir - thin, but also with holes, simply amazing.

And the most interesting thing is that they are obtained from them for everyone, following all the recommendations (when I advertised them among my friends, I only heard good reviews), even beginner cooks who were just starting to cook for the first time did not have the first lumps, the dough sticks to the pan and the big plus is that thin compared to thick stuffing is very good.

In today's issue we will talk about. If necessary, pick up a pen and notebook, and then write down the recipe you like most, which you will prepare for yourself and your household in the future.


  • Kefir - 500 ml
  • flour - 2 cups (250 ml)
  • large chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • boiling water - 250 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l
  • soda - 1/2 tsp
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

We drive eggs into a deep bowl, pour salt with sugar, pour kefir and lightly beat with a whisk.

Then gradually pour the sifted flour and bring the whole mass to a homogeneous state.

Next, add vegetable oil, mix well and remove in a warm place for one hour.

The yeast-free dough should stand for half an hour - for gluten swelling. The taste of pancakes after this procedure is completely different than that prepared immediately after combining all the components.

At the end of time, stir everything once more, put the pan on a strong fire, heat it properly and grease it with oil using a culinary brush. Using a ladle, pour the dough into the pan, in a circular motion, distribute it throughout the bottom and fry first from one side to a golden crust.

Turn over and do the same thing on the other side.

Pancakes are thin and in a round hole.

  Step by step recipe for custard pancakes


  • Kefir - 300 ml
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • soda - 1/2 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

In a deep container we combine eggs, sugar, salt and beat with a mixer or whisk until foam appears.

Add kefir, sifted flour here and beat thoroughly until the last lump disappears.

We extinguish with the help of boiling water soda, then at the same time stirring, pour a thin stream into the dough.

Add vegetable oil, mix well and remove for 15 minutes to brew.

Lightly grease a hot pan, pour the ladle of dough into it and distribute it in a circular motion throughout the bottom.

Now fry on each side until golden brown.

Then we put the ready-made pancakes in a plate on top of each other in a stack, while each of them is lubricated with butter.

  Pancakes without adding eggs


  • Kefir - 500 ml
  • milk - 250 ml
  • wheat flour - 300 gr
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • soda - 1/2 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a small bucket, put on fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove.

Meanwhile, we pour kefir into another saucepan, put on low heat and heat, but in no case boil.

Then pour soda into the heated kefir, mix and thus extinguish it. There we add sugar, salt, stir and remove from the stove.

Now we pour in a thin stream of still hot milk and at the same time stirring, we bring the dough to homogeneity, if it turned out to be liquidy, add a little flour.

It remains to add vegetable oil and mix well.

The finished dough should turn out like liquid sour cream or cream, but in no case like water.

Fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan until rosy on both sides. At the same time, when you turn them over, be careful (do not tear) use a special spatula or knife.

We spread on a flat plate and serve.

  Delicious pancakes without soda


  • Flour - 1 cup
  • eggs - 1 pc
  • kefir - 450 ml
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l
  • salt - 1/4 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Pour kefir into a suitable bowl (it is best to use kefir homogeneous, with a small percentage of fat content), drive an egg here, add sugar and salt. We mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass with the help of a culinary whisk, mixer or ordinary fork.

2. Add vegetable oil and mix it in the dough. Personally, I do this almost always when frying pancakes or pancakes, because in this case you do not need to additionally oil the pan on which they will be fried.

3. Add a little sifted flour and mix well.

4. Fry without soda in a preheated (preferably) thick frying pan, from two sides to a golden crust.

5. We coat the finished dish with a culinary brush, melted butter in the microwave.

We serve tea with your favorite jam, honey, condensed milk or sour cream, you can also wrap the filling in them, but they themselves turn out to be very tasty!

  Pancake Recipe for Kefir and Milk (video)

Bon Appetit!!!

It is unlikely that anyone at home will be able to refuse even thin thin pancakes with honey, sour cream or jam. This is a traditional Russian delicacy, which is prepared quickly and simply. Start your culinary experiments with pancakes with kefir.

Classic kefir pancakes

According to this recipe, you can cook thin cakes in the hole. Ingredients: 1.5 cups of high-grade flour, 2 tablespoons, 2 cups of kefir with an average percentage of fat, 90 ml of boiled hot water, half a teaspoon of soda, granulated sugar and salt to taste.

  1. The dairy product should be used at room temperature. It combines with a pinch of fine salt and sugar to taste.   The amount of sand depends on which fillings and additives it is planned to serve.
  2. Half the wheat flour is sieved into the mass, and after kneading it is left for several minutes.
  3. Eggs are driven into the future dough, then hot water and the remaining flour are introduced.
  4. In the bowl will be a liquidish dough, completely covered with bubbles of different sizes.
  5. So that the dish does not stick to the pan, it is worth pouring a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the mass.

The food is fried in an oiled pan on each side until golden brown.

Yeast-free recipe

Kefir baked goods are not fresh. Especially if you choose the right amount of salt (a pinch) and sugar (1.5 tablespoons) for it. The remaining ingredients: 2 cups kefir of any fat content, 2 tablespoons, a glass of sifted high-grade flour, a pinch of baking soda, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Egg contents are beaten with sand and salt.
  2. Soda interferes with kefir.
  3. Mixtures of the first two steps are combined.
  4. Oxygen-fortified flour intervenes in small portions. In the process, lumps are constantly breaking with a whisk. Oil is added last.
  5. Pancakes are baked in a standard way.

They are great for stuffing with various fillings.

From custard dough in boiling water and kefir

This unusual recipe suggests using kefir and boiling water immediately as a liquid base. Ingredients: 2.5 cups high-grade flour, 2 cups kefir, a cup of filtered water, 2 tablespoons, half a cup of sugar, 3 large spoons of refined oil, a teaspoon of fine salt, a pinch of baking soda.

  1. Cooking pancakes with kefir and boiling water begins with the processing of eggs. These products are combined with all loose components, except flour, slightly whipped.
  2. Non-cold kefir is poured into the mass.
  3. Soda is thrown into freshly boiled water, the components are actively mixed.
  4. The mixture is added to the dough.
  5. It remains to add butter and flour.
  6. After the next kneading, pancakes on kefir are fried.

If a Teflon pan is used, the extra oil may not be used at all.

Thin pancakes with holes

Such a base is suitable for any filling. Ingredients: half a liter of medium-fat kefir, 3 tablespoons, ½ small spoon of soda and salt, 130-140 g of high-grade flour, 3 dessert spoons of vegetable oil, a large spoon of granulated sugar.

  1. Chicken eggs are beaten with loose ingredients (except flour).
  2. After thorough mixing, lean butter is poured into the future dough and fine flour is poured. Its quantity must be regulated, evaluating the consistency of the mass.
  3. When all the lumps break up with a whisk, kefir can also be infused.
  4. The dough will rest for 20-25 minutes, after which it is time to fry thin pancakes on kefir.

Before the first portion of the treat, the pan is rubbed with half the raw potatoes.

Openwork delicacy

An openwork delicacy turns out not only delicious, but also very appetizing. Ingredients: 2 standard glasses of flour and kefir, 2 tablespoons eggs, a glass of freshly boiled water, half a teaspoon of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and sugar to taste.

  1. A yogurt blender combines kefir, eggs and all dry ingredients except soda.
  2. When even the smallest lumps do not remain in the mixture, boiled water flows in, in which the soda dissolves.
  3. If the dough is thick, you can increase the amount of liquid.
  4. Oil is added last.

The dough is infused for 12-15 minutes and openwork pancakes on kefir are fried on a heated frying pan.

No soda added

The secret of this dish option is to add olive oil together with sunflower oil.  It will take 2 tablespoons. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons, a glass of fat yogurt, half a glass of high-grade flour, a pinch of fine salt, 3 dessert spoons of granulated sugar.

  1. It is not cold kefir that flows into the broken eggs.
  2. All loose components are poured into the mixture.
  3. Olive oil is poured into the mass.
  4. The mixture is whipped with a suitable blender nozzle until bubbles appear.

Pancakes are baked until browning.

Lush pancakes with yeast

Add yeast to the splendor of quick yeast. They take a tablespoon. The remaining ingredients: a glass of kefir with an average percentage of fat content, a glass of high-grade flour, 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 2 large eggs, half a glass of boiling water, 2 large tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  1. Fluids are slightly warmed up to “wake up” the yeast faster. They dissolve in kefir with flour and sugar.
  2. The mass is covered with a film and aged for half an hour.
  3. At the second stage of preparation, beaten eggs are poured into the dough.
  4. It remains to add oil and water (boiling water).

Pancakes are baked in a pan greased with half a fresh onion.

Diet recipe

Kefir can be used slightly acidified. His full glass is taken. The remaining ingredients: a large chicken egg, half a glass of whole grain flour, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of vinegar and soda, a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

  1. All products from the recipe are combined in turn. Soda is quenched with droplets of apple or grape vinegar. For this, you can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. At the end, flour and oil are added to the mass.
  3. Uniform dough infused for several minutes.

Immediately after this, you can start frying pancakes.

How to make with cognac?

Cognac should be used without flavoring. It will take 3-4 tablespoons of it. The remaining ingredients: 2.5-3 standard glasses of flour, large or 2 small eggs, half a liter of low-fat kefir, a glass of freshly boiled water, 3 tablespoons of refined oil, a pinch of vanillin, salt and baking powder, a tablespoon of granulated sugar.

  1. In a wide bowl, all products are mixed except baking powder, boiling water and flour.
  2. The flour component is added to the already kneaded base gradually. First 2 glasses, and the rest - as needed. The baking powder is also poured out to the components.
  3. It remains to pour boiling water into the mixture and, adjusting the amount of flour, bring it to a state of liquid sour cream.

When the dough is a little infused, you can start baking goodies. The pan will not need to be lubricated.

On mineral water and kefir

Mineral is worth taking highly carbonated. It will need 300 ml. The remaining ingredients: 920 ml of kefir (low-fat), 6 tablespoons, 2 whole and ¼ cup high-grade wheat flour, ½ a small spoon of soda, a teaspoon of table salt.

  1. Eggs are broken into the batch dish, salt is sent. If you plan to make a sweet treat, then you can slightly change the recipe and add sugar to taste at this stage.
  2. Electric whisk components beat up to foam.
  3. Both variants of fluids are poured. They should not be cold. The fat content of kefir in this recipe is not important.
  4. In the end, flour with the necessary portion of soda is sifted into the future dough.
  5. Still whip until smooth - first at low and then at maximum speed.

Products are baked in a hot pan until blush.

Recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

Many modern housewives love recipes from Julia. After all, dishes on them always turn out successful. Ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, 85 g each of the usual wheat flour and coarse product, 65 g of high-quality butter, 40 g of powdered sugar, 1.5 cups of cow's milk and 180 ml of kefir, a tablespoon of brown sugar, a pinch of sea salt.

  1. Dairy products and eggs are mixed. The mass is salted, sweetened and whipped.
  2. Butter is melted, mixed with sifted flour (both types) and sent to the base for the dough.
  3. The mass will rest for about an hour.

Fried pancakes are generously sprinkled with light powder.

When at hand there is a detailed recipe, with a photo, step by step, thin pancakes on kefir are obtained as if by themselves. With such a culinary “cheat sheet” nothing will be forgotten or confused. The proportions will be correct, the dough is moderately thick, airy, the pancakes are delicious, rosy.  Just have time to pour the next portion into the pan and remove the rosy pancakes! It is very important that it is well heated, but not overheated, then the pancakes will quickly bake, the edges will not burn and will not dry out.


  • Kefir nonfat 1% - 450 ml;
  • wheat flour - 150 gr;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. l (to taste);
  • small salt - 1-2 pinches;
  • soda - 1 tsp (without slide, flat);
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l (3 in the dough + grease the pan);
  • vinegar or lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l

How to cook thin pancakes with kefir

The recipe is very simple, without complicated dough manipulations. The sequence of adding products is easy to remember: eggs, kefir, flour, butter, soda. First beat eggs, sugar and salt. By adding eggs, the dough will be elastic, the pancakes will not tear and stick to the pan. Turn them over without any problems. Salt needs to be put a little so that the pancake taste is not fresh. Sugar is added not only for taste, without it pancakes will be light, not browned.

Pour kefir, warm, not from the refrigerator. You can warm it in the microwave or in a saucepan on the stove, making minimal heat. Be sure to stir and control the temperature - when heated, kefir tends to curl up from contact with the hot walls of the dishes. As soon as it becomes warmer than room temperature - pour to the eggs. Stir.

Sift the flour, removing possible impurities and saturating it with oxygen. Pour in small portions into kefir, stirring with a whisk or whipping the dough with a mixer.

Add vegetable oil. Stir for about half a minute, connecting the products to a homogeneous mass without oily stains.

Now it's soda's turn. It can be quenched with vinegar, lemon juice or sprinkled in kefir and immediately mix it well so that the soda is dispersed throughout the volume. It is very important to mix all the components well, if the soda is not completely quenched, pancakes have an unpleasant salty taste.

The reaction of alkali with the acid contained in kefir will begin, the dough will be filled with air bubbles, it will become lush, it will increase almost twice. It will appear thick, but when you tilt a spoon or ladle, it will easily pour out. Due to this air bubble test, thin pancakes will be obtained, all in the hole. It must be left for 10-15 minutes and then proceed to baking pancakes.

It is more convenient to bake immediately in two pans, but if there is little dexterity, for now we will manage one. We put the pan on the fire a little stronger than average. Warm up. This is a very important point - in a slightly heated pan, pancakes will not turn out holey and thin. Lubricate the surface with oil. We collect a portion of the dough, usually it is half a standard ladle or a full little ladle. We raise the pan, tilt it and pour the dough onto the upper edge. Scroll the pan, wiggle to evenly fill the bottom. We put on the stove, reduce the heat to medium. Bake for 1-1.5 minutes, until the edges of the pancake are browned and left behind the sides of the pan.

We pry it with a spatula or two, if the pan is large. Turn over. On the other hand, the pancake takes less than a minute. Ready pancakes are sent to the dish, stacked in a pile. So that the edges do not remain stiff, lubricate with oil or cover with a deep bowl.

Add this recipe for thin kefir pancakes to your cooking piggy bank. It is simple, fast and useful to you in a variety of situations. And you can serve pancakes with any additives or with a filling: meat, from cabbage, potatoes with mushrooms or onions, with cottage cheese, apples, buckwheat. Tasty pancakes and bon appetit!

Not so long ago, we talked with a friend, and she told me that she was completely unable to cook pancakes on kefir. He says that the dough turns out to be heavy, sticks to the pan, and lumps not only the first copy, but also all subsequent ones. By the way, I have not heard the same reviews for the first time.

And every time it surprises me very much. After all, there are a lot of simple and.

The recipe my friend was cooking she didn't remember. She said she read somewhere. And I asked her if she ever cooked custard pancakes on kefir. To which she received a negative answer. And this is not the first negative answer to this question. Many people are very surprised to learn that the dough for one of their favorite dishes can be prepared with this fermented milk product and boiling water.

This information causes some overt shock. The questions immediately arise: "But will the dough not curl up?", "And which products will turn out in appearance and taste?" And so on. So, I want to answer immediately to all who ask.

  • The dough does not fold
  • Cooking fast, simple and easy.
  • Pancakes are very tender and tasty, and just as beautiful.
  • You can wrap any stuffing in them and eat just like that

And before moving on to recipes, I want to say. Prepare such sweets according to one of the proposed recipes at least once, and perhaps it will become one of your favorite.

We need (20 pcs):

  • kefir - 550 ml
  • flour - 2 cups (320 gr)
  • boiling water - 220 ml
  • egg - 3 pcs (large) or 4 small
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. tablespoons + 1 tbsp. pan greasing spoon
  • butter - 60 gr (for greasing finished products)
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (incomplete)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


1. In a bowl for kneading dough, break the eggs. If they are small, then take them in an amount of 4 pieces. Add salt and sugar and beat down with a whisk or mixer until smooth.

2. For the recipe, we need kefir at room temperature, or even slightly warm. You can warm it in a water bath. Add it to the egg mixture, mix.

3. Sift the flour either in a separate bowl, or immediately into the dough being prepared. To whom it is convenient. Place it in the liquid mixture so that no lumps remain in it. You can also use a whisk, or a mixer at low speed.

4. Boil water in advance. Pour it into a glass, and pour soda into cool boiling water.

Stir until completely dissolved and pour a thin stream into the dough. While continuing to interfere with the entire mass. The dough should be homogeneous and without lumps.

5. Leave it to insist for 15 - 20 minutes. During this time, all components will combine, and the mass will become resilient and elastic. After the allotted time, add oil and mix. In the finished test, no oil circles should remain on the surface.

6. Now you can start baking. It is better to do this in a well-heated skillet. For the first test copy, it is desirable to lubricate it with oil. Then put the dough into the ladle and pour it onto the heated surface. Rotate the pan in a circle so that the dough spreads on the surface with a thin layer.

The thinner the layer, the more tender the finished product. And the more holes will appear on its surface.

Small bubbles will appear first. Then they will burst and there will be many small holes. It is so interesting to watch it! ... Although there is not always time. It’s best and fastest to use two pans for frying pancakes. Then there is no downtime, and you cope with the task twice as fast. Save time!

7. And so, holes appeared, and the edges of the product have already dried up and climbed up. This will become especially noticeable if you first draw a thin knife along the border zone between the roasting item and the pan. And you can also notice that the surface was covered with a matte film and there was no batter left.

This is a signal that it is time to turn it over to the other side. By the way, it will be baked much faster. As soon as uneven ruddy dots of various sizes appear at the bottom, the pancake can be removed and folded in a stack.

You can lubricate them with oil. While they lie on each other, let them feed on them. And you can just fold it. Then serve with honey, or with jam. And someone loves more with condensed milk or sour cream.

Our little “suns” turned out to be ruddy, beautiful and smelling delicious. And to taste they are very tender, soft and of course delicious.

Openwork and tender custard pancakes

This recipe is quite unusual. And its peculiarity is that boiling water is poured not into the liquid kefir component, but into a mixture of eggs with sugar. It would seem that the eggs should curl. So no, they not only do not fold, but, on the contrary, give abundant foam. It contributes to the production of magnificent dough and very delicate finished products.

I suggest you get to know this recipe better, because it is very interesting.

We will need:

  • flour - 1 cup
  • kefir - 1 cup
  • boiling water - 1 glass
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife


1. Sift flour into a bowl. Doing this is necessary in order to saturate it with oxygen. Add sugar, vanillin on the tip of the knife and soda and mix.

Also prepare kefir in advance, it is better to have it at room temperature. And boil the kettle so that the boiling water is at hand. Everything will need to be done quickly enough.

2. In a separate large bowl, knock down two eggs and salt with a mixer.

Do not look that there are only two eggs, and the bowl is large. With our further actions, such a choice will be fully justified.

3. We should already have boiling water ready. Continuing to beat the eggs, pour it in a thin stream into the egg mixture. Do not be afraid, the eggs will not curl, only a plentiful foam will appear.

4. Immediately, without stopping to work with the mixer, pour in a thin stream of kefir.

5. And then add flour. And continue to beat the mass with a mixer. It should turn out without lumps.

6. Let the dough stand for 20 minutes. Then add oil and mix with a mixer again. This time before the disappearance of oil stains. A large number of large and small bubbles appeared on the test, it pleases. So our sweets will work out well.

7. Warm the pan, for the first copy grease the surface with oil, and pour a portion of the dough.

Bake on one side until golden brown, then turn over and bake the second side.

A delicious step-by-step recipe for 1 liter of kefir

The technology for preparing this recipe is different from the previous ones. Therefore, this method also deserves attention to be considered.

According to this recipe, you can bake very tender and delicious rather magnificent pancakes. But if you dilute the dough with water in an additional proportion, then they will turn out much thinner.

We will need:

  • kefir - 1 liter
  • boiling water - 2 glasses
  • flour - 550 - 600 gr
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (no slide)
  • soda - 1 teaspoon (without slide)
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour kefir into the pan, all at once. We will knead the dough in a pan, as it will be cooked here. Determine the fat content of kefir yourself. It will be tasty from anyone, but nutrition can be obtained differently.

2. Add eggs, salt and sugar.

Mix the mass until smooth using a whisk. Or you can use a mixer.

3. Put the finished mixture on a small fire. With constant stirring, bring it to a hot state. The temperature needs about 50 degrees. Make sure that she does not pester.

4. Sift the flour in advance and pour it into the kefir mixture at first 550 gr, while actively stirring it with a whisk, or a mixer. If you want your finished products to be not very thin, then pour in the remaining flour. If you want to bake them thin, then adding flour is no longer necessary.

Stir until the mixture is homogeneous. However, we can notice that it turned out to be quite thick. But we still have water. Here we will add it in the next step.

5. But first you need to boil it. Then pour the desired volume into a suitable dish and pour soda there. Stir until it is completely dissolved.

And while the water has not yet had time to cool, pour boiling water in a thin stream into the flour mixture. Do not forget that during this the mass must be actively mixed to a uniform and even state without lumps.

6. Let the dough stand for 15 minutes. Then add oil. We use only vegetable. However, it can be taken in a proportion of 50x50 along with creamy. So the finished product will be even tastier and more aromatic.

Please note that the finished dough should be with a lot of bubbles.

7. Although we add relatively much oil, it’s better to grease the frying pan additionally for baking the first product. Bake it on one side. And how does it brown, turn and brown on the second side. When turning over, make sure that no batter is left on the surface.

For baking the next product with oil, the surface can no longer be lubricated.

When the first pancake is ready, look at its thickness. If you want to make it thinner, add some more boiled water. If you want it to be thicker, add a little flour and mix again.

Thick products are good for baking. If you decide to cook it, then this recipe can be considered appropriate in this case.

And of course, just like that, they are also very tasty to eat. Especially hot, with heat, with heat, and with fresh rustic sour cream! Please tell me, what could be tastier!

Lace pancakes with kefir and boiling water without eggs

In fasting, many do not eat eggs. And therefore, such a recipe must be in the piggy bank of those who hold it.

We will need:

  • kefir - 500 ml
  • boiling water - 250 ml
  • flour - 2 cups
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour kefir into a bowl. Add salt and sugar to it and mix.

2. Sift the flour and add to the kefir mixture.

The dough should turn out quite thick, similar in texture to sour cream. When it turned out to mix so that there are no lumps left in it, we proceed to the next stage.

3. Now it's time to add boiling water. Usually in such cases, soda is kneaded in it. But we will change the tactics a bit. Prepare a spoon with soda. Holding it over the dough, carefully pour boiling water directly into a spoon, and continuing to pour exactly half. Stir the mass immediately to make it homogeneous.

Then, with continuous stirring, pour all the remaining boiling water into the mixture. Ready dough is quite liquid. But we will give him the opportunity to insist a little. This will take 15 minutes.

4. After insisting, add oil and mix. The finished dough is obtained with a lot of bubbles. This soda has reacted.

5. To bake the first product, thoroughly warm the pan and grease it with a small amount of oil. Pour a portion of the dough and fry for 20-30 seconds. During this time, the entire surface is covered with many small holes, and the bottom is browned.

So it's time to turn it over.

So bake all the pancakes. It is best to stack them in a pile, and if desired, grease with melted butter.

As you can see, they turned out to be thin, lacy and perforated. Anyway - it's expensive to watch. And there’s no words left to eat. Very tasty are obtained!

In general, these are all the basic recipes for preparing custard pancakes. Their difference from each other is that some of them cook with eggs, others without them; the dough for different recipes is mixed with soda, but in different ways. And because of these differences, all products turn out different in taste, and in appearance also differ from each other.

But they all have a common similarity - they are boiled with boiling water. Because of this, the dough is choux. It is more durable than usual, and thanks to this, finished products are better turned over, and they can be baked very thin. Also, such a dough is much more tender than usual. And to us my opinion is more delicious.

One way or another, there are a lot of recipes. And to choose for yourself the most beloved, it is advisable to try many. Because you can talk for a long time. But it’s better to try once and understand for yourself what is tastier and better for you.

Bon Appetit!