Baked nests from spaghetti recipe. Pasta nests with minced meat: easy, fast and festive

30.09.2019 Bakery products

The Italians came up with the first dish in the form of a nest with filling. True, they used pasta rolled up in glomeruli as a basis. Filling them with all kinds of products, local chefs have created many original and interesting recipes. By analogy with this dish, you can cook unusual meat nests. But in this case, the forcemeat is taken as the basis, and for the filling you can use a mixture of a variety of different components. For example, it is worthwhile to carefully study several original and rather interesting options.

Egg nests

Those who are tired of ordinary meatballs can try to cook original meat nests with an egg fried inside. This dish looks very impressive, and it is quite simple to prepare. First, you need to collect on the desktop all the necessary ingredients: a kilogram of minced meat (preferably pork), a couple of onions, ½ loaf, 12 small eggs, salt, ground pepper, 1 carrot and vegetable oil.

Preparing meat nests in stages:

  1. The first thing you need to do is stuffing. To do this, first grate the carrots on a fine grater.
  2. Finely chop the onion with a knife.
  3. Cut the loaf into pieces and soak in water.
  4. Minced pork in a bowl.
  5. Add to it the flesh of the loaf, after squeezing moisture out of it, eggs, pepper, salt, as well as chopped carrots and onions. Mix the components thoroughly.
  6. Treat the baking dish with oil from the inside.
  7. From the prepared meat, form blanks in the form of nests with a small recess in the center.
  8. Gently lay them around the perimeter of the mold.
  9. Break 1 egg into each well.
  10. Send the form for 40 minutes in the oven for baking. In this case, the temperature inside should already be 180 degrees.

The result is juicy and aromatic cutlets in the form of original meat nests with the simplest filling.

Potato and cheese nests

Using a similar idea, an experienced hostess can literally cook dinner for the whole family in just a few minutes. This will require the following required products: 0.5 kilograms of meat (beef and pork cut in half), onion, salt, 25 grams of sour cream, 3 cloves of garlic, 200 milliliters of milk, half a loaf, pepper, 4 potatoes, hard cheese, dill and a little vegetable oils.

Cooking technology:

  1. Baton pour milk.
  2. Pass pressed pulp with onion, meat and garlic through a meat grinder.
  3. Salt the prepared minced meat, add ground pepper into it and mix it all thoroughly. If the mass is too thick, you can add half a glass of water to it.
  4. From the resulting mixture, mold blanks in the form of nests and lay them on a greased baking sheet.
  5. For the filling, first chop the peeled potatoes (you can again use a meat grinder), and then add chopped dill, salt, sour cream and pepper to it.
  6. Fill the meat nests with the cooked mass.
  7. Sprinkle them with plenty of grated cheese.
  8. Bake for 30 minutes.

It turns out a two-in-one dish, where juicy meat is complemented by an unusual side dish.

Cheesecakes with spicy sauce

To make the filling juicy and aromatic, minced meat nests can be filled with an original sauce. The finished product will resemble a cheesecake. In this case, you will need: 75-100 grams of semolina per kilogram of minced meat, ground pepper, 1 egg and salt.

For the filling: 150 grams of cheese, 3 eggs, a tablespoon of prepared mustard and twice as much mayonnaise.

Preparing the dish is easy:

  1. Pour semolina into the minced meat, add the egg, salt, pepper and mix very well. The mass should be as homogeneous as possible and not contain lumps.
  2. Then, basics should be made from it in the form of a bowl with a depression in the middle.
  3. Place blanks on a baking sheet covered with foil.
  4. Beat eggs well with mustard and mayonnaise.
  5. With this sauce, fill in the recesses in the forms.
  6. Cover the items with a second sheet of foil and place the pan in the oven for 50 minutes. Inside should already be a temperature of about 200 degrees.
  7. 10 minutes before the end of the foil, remove and sprinkle the workpiece with grated cheese. For the remaining time, he will have time to melt.

It turns out minced meat nests filled with aromatic sauce, with a wonderful cheese crust. A great addition to them will be baked potatoes and fresh vegetables.

Meat nests with mushrooms

It is usually customary to cook meat nests in the oven. In it, semi-finished products are well baked from all sides. This is very important when using complex fillings from products that require appropriate processing. For example, at the end of summer, such nests from minced meat can be prepared with mushrooms. Due to the perfect compatibility of these two products, the dish is not only tasty, but also healthy. The following required components are required:

For the base: 350 grams of minced pork, 2 slices of white bread (or loaf), 1 egg, half a liter of milk and salt.

For the filling: 150 grams of fresh mushrooms, 30 grams of butter, 1 onion.

To prepare such a dish, a well-known technique is used:

  1. Bread must first be soaked in milk.
  2. Stuffing mix with egg and salt.
  3. Add wet squeezed bread and mix well.
  4. Finely chopped onions and thoroughly washed mushrooms.
  5. Cover the mold with baking paper.
  6. Spread meat balls on it, having rolled them from the prepared forcemeat.
  7. With the fingertips in each of them make a small indentation.
  8. First place onions in these cavities, and then mushrooms.
  9. On top of each piece put a piece of oil.
  10. Put the form in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

After 30 minutes, the nests of meat with mushrooms will be ready. After that, they can be immediately transferred to a plate and served.

Creamy Nests

With complex creamy filling, you can also cook very tasty meat nests. The recipe is extremely simple and, in fact, is not much different from previous options. To bring it to life, you will need the following main ingredients: per kilogram of minced meat 2 eggs, 200 grams of cheese, a glass of milk, salt, 100 grams of white bread, 2 onions, a bunch of dill, 200 grams of sour cream, and a pinch of ground black pepper and nutmeg.

Cooking Method:

  1. Soak the bread in cold milk, and then squeeze it and mix with minced meat and chopped onions.
  2. Add salt, selected spices and mix. To make the mass softer, it can be slightly diluted with milk.
  3. Gently roll the balls from the prepared mixture, and then flatten them slightly and make a small depression in the middle with your fingers.
  4. Place blanks on a baking sheet. At the same time, one must not forget to smear it with oil from the inside.
  5. In a bowl, mix raw eggs with chopped dill, sour cream and grated cheese.
  6. With this mass fill meat molds.
  7. Bake in the oven for at least 25 minutes. The temperature inside the chamber should be 200 degrees.

To make the products soft and soft, it is better to use a mixture of chicken and pork minced meat. Although any cutlet is also suitable for work.

Cooking pasta is a very simple matter. However, if we are talking about nests with minced meat, then many housewives have a question about the technology for creating this dish. Pasta stuffed with meat is obtained not only hearty, aromatic and tasty, but also beautifully festive.

How to Cook Pasta Nests with Minced Meat

To cook a dish, you need special pasta - nests (cappellini). This is spaghetti or noodles rolled up in a circle. Such a product is sold in every supermarket. Vermicelli is pre-boiled, and then filled with meat filling, flavored with sauce and, as a rule, baked in the oven. The beauty of this dish is the ability to use completely different fillings, including lean and vegetarian.

How to Cook Pasta Nests

To prepare the nests with minced meat, you must first boil the vermicelli. To do this, it is better to use a pan with a wide bottom or a pan with high walls. Spread pasta bundles at the bottom of the dishes so that at least small gaps remain between them. After the noodles, pour boiling water so that its water completely covers. When the liquid boils, it should be salted and pour a spoonful of olive oil into the water. Cooking nests from pasta is on low heat under a lid. The cooking speed is usually indicated on the pack.

How to Cook Stuffed Pasta

Products for cooking can be found at the nearest store. Noodles made from pasta with minced meat are both refined and simple food, which even an ordinary dinner can turn into a holiday. However, in order to feel the charm of Italian food, it must be properly prepared. Rules to observe:

  • nests are cooked, laying on the bottom of the container and forming one layer (it is easier to get spaghetti from the pan);
  • if you cook the dish in the same dish where the meat was fried, it is advisable to wash it beforehand, otherwise the vermicelli bundles will break up under the influence of fat;
  • pour spaghetti bundles with water, cover the pan with a lid and continue cooking for another 6-7 minutes after boiling;
  • when the workpiece is cooked, carefully remove and place the nests on a greased baking sheet using a slotted spoon (it is more convenient to maintain the center of the circles from the spaghetti with a fork so that they do not unfold);
  • fry the meat filling with vegetables until cooked (to make it soft, add some water during cooking);
  • the finished filling should be stuffed with pasta, stuffing them tightly (squeeze the forcemeat into the middle of the nest gently so as not to spoil the form);
  • on top of the meat filling, put a spoonful of sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese;
  • send the vermicelli bundles to the preheated oven for a couple of minutes and can serve.

In the oven

Tasty, fragrant stuffed pasta will not leave you indifferent. Various thick sauces - creamy, tomato, mushroom, can serve as fillers for cappellini. You will need the following ingredients:

  • welded nests - 1 pack .;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • minced pork - 400-500 g;
  • spices, salt;
  • fresh tomato;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • sour cream of medium fat content - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • ketchup / tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • greenery.

How to cook pasta nests with minced meat:

  1. Prepare the sauce by mixing sour cream, spices, ketchup and salt.
  2. Chop the onion finely, add to the minced meat. Season the meat filling with spices, add salt.
  3. Form small meatballs up to 1 cm thick.
  4. Put spaghetti on a pre-greased baking sheet with vegetable oil.
  5. Lubricate the prepared vermicelli with sauce to prevent drying out. Leave a little gravy for later.
  6. Put the meatballs in the middle of the nests.
  7. Cut the tomato into circles, place on top of the meat filling.
  8. Slowly add water (not more than 50-70 ml) to the rest of the sauce to make a liquid sauce. Gently, without touching the spaghetti bundles, pour the resulting liquid into a baking sheet.
  9. Place the pan in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. After 20-30 minutes, sprinkle it with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs.
  10. Leave the pan in the oven for another 5 minutes, after which the dish will be ready to serve.

If you need to quickly prepare a delicious and unusual dinner, try making stuffed nests of spaghetti. To do this, you need the following products.

To cook this dish, you will need special pasta with Italian roots - nests (tagliatelle). These pasta can be bought at almost any store, in fact it is a kind of noodle, which is folded in the form of a circle. The dish, in spite of its original serving, is very easy to prepare and will not require any special skills from you. This is not the first time I have been preparing such nests from pasta with minced meat in the oven and I want to note that it is really very tasty! The pasta must first be boiled, and then filled with the filling, in this case it will be minced meat. The highlight of this recipe will be tomato-sour cream sauce, which will be baked. Thanks to him, the dish is not only hearty and tasty, but also very tender and juicy! We will add all this at the end with a cheese cap to give the nests a more appetizing and elegant look. This dish will not only be a luxurious idea for dinner for the whole family, but also will be a great idea for a festive table. I recommend to try! A step-by-step recipe with a photo is presented below.


  • 12 pasta nests.
  • 500 grams of minced meat.
  • 2 onions.
  • 1 medium-sized carrot.
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste or sauce.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream of any fat content.
  • 150 grams of hard cheese.
  • mayonnaise to taste.
  • salt and spices to taste.
  • vegetable oil.
  • Servings Per Container: 12.

For the filling, combine the minced meat (I have beef + pork), one chopped onion and add salt and spices to choose from.

Then boil the pasta. To do this, bring salted water to a boil, and then put our pasta nests on the bottom of the pan. Boil the nests in parts so that they lie in one layer. As soon as the pasta is put into the water, it is necessary to stir them a little with a spatula so that the pasta does not stick to the bottom, and after boiling, cook them for no more than 3-5 minutes, depending on the producer, to the state of al dente. Water must be poured in such a quantity that it covers pasta by 1-2 cm.

We take out the ready-made nests and put them in a baking dish, which must be greased with oil.

For the sauce, fry the grated carrots and onions, diced. Strong frying is not necessary, it is enough that the vegetables become soft. Then add tomato paste, sour cream and cook all together for another 2-3 minutes.

Then we pour 1.5 cups of water, I use the one that remains after cooking the pasta. Add salt to taste, you can add spices, bring everything to a boil and turn it off. The sauce is ready!

Now we are preparing our baking dish. We fill the pasta nests with minced meat, slightly pushing the middle, crush the minced meat with a fork. Nests can be deposited both separately from each other, and evenly, at your discretion.

From above, pour everything with cooked sauce, trying to get around the minced meat.

Then we apply a “cap” of mayonnaise on the minced meat. You can replace with sour cream, but in our family this option is more like.

On mayonnaise, evenly distribute the grated cheese.

We bake the nests in the oven at 180-200 * C for about an hour. I focus on the ruddy cheese crust on top.

It remains to cut the dish into portions and can be served. Pasta nests made according to this recipe - a self-sufficient dish and side dish are definitely worthless here. Only if desired, when serving, you can add fresh herbs or any vegetables.

So you can cook at the same time a simple, but at the same time, gourmet dinner! It turns out an excellent treat, from which no one truly can stand!

Bon Appetit!!!

Regards, Oksana Shepherd.

Nest pasta with meat filling is a quick and very satisfying second course. Of course, it does not belong to the category of gourmet dishes, but for an ordinary everyday dinner, it is just right. In addition, it does not require special culinary skills and its preparation does not take much time.

The combination of pasta with minced meat has been known for a long time and everyone - this is the favorite pasta in the navy, and lasagna, and pasta casserole and stuffed shells.

Pasta "Nests" with minced meat is cooked in the oven, in a pan or in a slow cooker. The cooking principle in all cases is quite similar and differs only in the time spent on the cooking process.


  • Pasta "Nests" - 1 package (350 gr.);
  • Minced meat (pork + beef) - 250 gr.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • Salt, ground black pepper to taste.

How to Make Pasta Nests with Minced Meat

The first step in making Nests pasta with minced meat is to prepare the meat toppings. Use minced meat, ground from equal parts of beef and pork, with the addition of 1 head of onion, chopped with a knife or minced garlic clove, salt and ground pepper. To make the meat filling more tender, when grinding in a meat grinder, add to it a piece of soft white bread soaked in milk. Mix well.

Lubricate the deep stewpan with vegetable oil and place the pasta in it at a small distance from each other.

Using a fork, place a small amount of meat filling with a slide in them and gently ram it.

Add water to the pan so that it completely covers the pasta and slightly salt. Cover the stewpan with a lid and put on medium heat. Cook the “nests” with meat until cooked and tender for about 15-20 minutes. Add water if necessary. Grind the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle with it each product. When melted, the cheese will give the dish a creamy taste and make it more flavorful. If you cook pasta “Nests” with minced meat in the oven, you should not cover the baking dish with a lid, and add cheese approximately 5 minutes before the dish is ready. In the case of a multicooker, use the "Baking" mode and cook until the sound signal. Add cheese 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Serve the "Nests" with meat filling in portions or directly on a common dish, slightly sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Cooking Tips:

  • add finely chopped fresh herbs, coriander or paprika to the meat filling, they will make the taste of the dish richer;
  • the most suitable additions to pasta with meat are cream-based sauces to further emphasize the creamy taste of the dish. Bechamel will also be very beneficial to combine with meat and pasta.
  • serve a dish with fresh tomato salad and a glass of dry red wine.

Today I want to tell you about a delicious, satisfying and beautiful dish. Nests made of pasta with minced meat are perfect for an ordinary family dinner or for a festive feast, as they taste delicious!
To prepare this dish, I used Italian brand pasta,

but similar "Nests" can be bought from a domestic manufacturer. And if you really want to cook this tasty and outstanding dish, and you don’t have such pasta in your hands, then you can completely replace them with ordinary spaghetti. To do this, they will need to be cooked a little to the state of "al dente" and put out with a fork twisting into a "nest".
So let's get started. To start, I’ll make minced meat, I have pork. If you have minced meat, you will need to thaw it first. Then we prepare all the other ingredients ...

We take peeled onions with carrots ...

Diced onions, three carrots on a coarse grater ...

Add half the onion to the minced meat ...

One raw egg, salt and spices ...

Mix well and remove until sideways. Three grated cheese ...

Set aside. Now we need to boil a little pasta. Pour water into the pan, add salt and let it boil. Then carefully lay out the "nests" in the water (there should be enough water to cover the pasta) ...

Boil pasta in parts in one layer, stirring a little at the beginning before boiling. I used half a pack, it turned out 14 pcs., In two calls. Boil 3-5 minutes after boiling, until half cooked. Then we carefully take out a slotted spoon and spread it on some dish. We do not drain water from pasta, it will still be useful to us.

Now prepare the fill. Fry the carrots and the remaining onion in a small amount of vegetable oil. Add sour cream and tomato paste ...

Pour in the water remaining from cooking pasta (I got 1.5 cups) and cook the sauce periodically stirring for about 5 minutes ...

Then grease the baking dish with butter and carefully lay out the "nests". We stuff pasta with minced meat, as if spreading it with a spoon, freeing the middle for the filling ...

Some chefs offer to stuff pasta with fried minced meat, but I can assure you that by cooking in this way they turn out more juicy and tender. Now fill the "nests" of pasta with sauce, trying to water each "nest" and make a mayonnaise cap on each "nest" ...

And send to the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 * s. Then we get it, sprinkle with cheese and send for another 10-15 minutes ...

As a result, the sauce is boiled with us, and the pasta is soft, juicy and incredibly tasty. We serve ready-made "nests" in portions, decorating with greens. Bon Appetit!

Time for preparing: PT00H50M 50 min.