A simple recipe for making pear jam in a slow cooker for the winter. Pear jam in the multicooker

30.09.2019 Beverages

Cooking pear jam in a slow cooker can be called the express method, because the classic way of cooking pear jam is a whole story. Somehow I can’t even immediately recall what else needs to be cooked for so long. I remember that my mother cooked it little and infrequently, since it took almost a whole day to cook, and sometimes more. I have reduced the cooking time as much as possible by adapting the recipe to my taste and slow cooker.


  • pear - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 g
  • lemon - 1 pc.

A method of making pear jam in a slow cooker

I completely cut out the middle from the pear, and cut the remaining pulp into approximately equal, not very large cubes / cubes. I don’t cut the peel from the fruit - it is not as stiff as, for example, apple, and it will not interfere with the finished jam.

I put the sliced \u200b\u200bpear in a multi-cooker cup, fill it with sugar and turn it on the “Stew” for 1 hour so that the fruits soften and give juice. For comparison, my mother, when she cooked her pear jam on the stove, just covered the pears with sugar and left them to stand and let the juice sit for 4-6 hours. I reduced this time to an hour.

Pears are a rather juicy fruit and enough to stand out in an hour of slow quenching of the liquid so that no more water is added. In general, I prefer thick jam, and therefore I rarely add water during cooking, and only when I see that without it you will get more jam, not jam. At the end of the “Extinguishing” I turn off the multicooker so that the pear syrup cools down (this is about 2 hours), and then proceed to boil this allocated juice. I cook on the principle of five-minute jam (you know, they often cook currants) in three trips. And to make it easier to keep track of time, for cooking I use the “Steam cooking” mode for this.

I turn on the multicooker in the selected mode and set the timer for 15 minutes. I cover the lid using a plastic multicooker blade as a stand-holder. In the photo, everything seems to be clear and understandable how it should look. After the signal, turn off the multicooker and leave the jam again to cool for 2 hours. In the second approach, I add lemon juice to the jam. In theory, a lemon can be cut into slices and add them to the pear mass. Then the prepared jam will get a more pronounced lemon flavor, but it is in pears that I prefer only a slight sourness. Then again “Steaming” for 15 minutes. and cool again for 2 hours. The third approach is the same. Gradually, the pear slices should gradually discolor, become transparent, and the pear syrup should thicken.

During the last 15 minutes of cooking, in parallel, sterilize the jars and lids over the steam, so that immediately as the jam is ready, pack it and close the lids. It cools down on my windowsill, and then I put away the jars for storage in a winter refrigerator. Jam can stand like any other - up to a year, but it is eaten, of course, much earlier.

Pear jam is cooked in the Panasonic SR-TMH10 multicooker.

Time: 110 minutes

Servings: 2-3

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Cooking a sleigh in summer: aromatic pear jam will help to cook a slow cooker

In the cold season, I really want to at least for a moment return the taste of summer with its fragrant fruits and berries.

But preparing summer preparations for the winter is not at all difficult, especially if the year turned out to be fruitful. Strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, plums - from all these gifts housewives across the country make jam, jam or jam.

And each has its own, time-tested recipe, thanks to which the whole family will enjoy sweet in the winter.

Recently, more and more often you can find recipes that offer to cook jam or jam using modern technology (slow cookers or bread machines).

We also offer you an option adapted to modern technology - pear jam in a slow cooker.

Every woman at least once in her life made jam for the winter. And if she didn’t do it herself, then she watched the process from the side (for example, how the mother and grandmother did the preparations).

And very many, after learning all the nuances of this process, prefer to buy marmalade or jam in the store, rather than bothering in the kitchen all day.

Indeed, making jam for the winter quickly with the help of a stove does not work. And alright, still time (after all, many recipes require a lot of time, take at least jelly), but jam still requires constant attention (the same jelly calmly “comes” without the participation of the hostess)!

Pear jam in a slow cooker is not cooked at lightning speed: to cook it, you will need to completely free the day. But on the other hand, a smart machine will cope with everything on its own, you do not have to watch its contents. And you will have a supply of sweet, fragrant jam for the winter.

Pear jam in a slow cooker we will prepare from:

Pears - 1 kg.
Sugar - 600-800 gr.
Lemon - 1 PC.

As you can see, the recipe does not strictly determine the amount of sugar. It all depends on your pears and addictions. If the fruits are very sweet, honey, the amount of sugar can be reduced.

Well, if the fruits are caught with sourness, or if you are one of the real sweet tooth, take sugar for winter storage within the upper norm.

Step 1

Wash the pears, clean from the middle and seeds. Cut into medium slices. The recipe saves the hostess from unnecessary trouble: the peel from the fruit can not be cut off. It is not as tough as apple, and it will not interfere in the finished jam.

Step 2

Put the prepared fruit in a multicooker bowl.

Step 3

Sprinkle the pears in the slow cooker with sugar. Now we need the fruit to start juice. For this, traditionally (that is, when a plate is involved in the preparation of the billet), the fruit is left with sugar for several hours: during this time, the pear lets the juice in which the sugar dissolves.

Pears in a slow cooker can be cooked much faster: we need an hour of the “Stewing” mode. Looking into the bowl of the device after the end of the program, you will notice that enough juice has stood out. Therefore, we move on to the next stage of preparing our billet for the winter - boiling.

Step 4

Leave the slow cooker for 2 hours alone to cool the jam a little. After that, you can safely boil our product.

We will do this in three stages: boil, let cool, boil again, and so on. Set “Steam” for 15 minutes.

In order not to worry that the jam may boil away and run away, do not close the appliance cover tightly. We took advantage of this trick: we put a spoon in the multicooker, which did not allow the lid to close.

Thus, there is no direct air access, but there is also a couple where to go. After fifteen minutes, turn off the multicooker and let the jam cool (it will take 2 hours).

Now is the second stage of the process. Again, “Steaming”, 15 minutes. This time we will use a lemon, or rather, we will need its juice (you don’t need to squeeze out the whole fruit, just two or three tablespoons are enough).

Some recipes also advise seasoning the jam with lemon, putting a few slices in the bowl: it will give an interesting sourness, and the jam will have a clear citrus flavor. Do not forget to cool the contents of the bowl for two hours.

If you have problems with lemon (the fruit just wasn’t at hand), add half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Step 5

The final stage is the last 15 minutes, the mode is the same. You will see that the slices of pears become transparent, and the syrup gradually thickens.

While the pear is preparing the last quarter of an hour, you need to prepare jars (they must be sterilized).

At the beep, put the hot jam on the banks, roll up the lids. Leave to cool completely, and then transport to the storage location for the winter - a cellar or basement.

The same recipe can come in handy if you prefer fruit preparations such as jam. There are two ways to make jam.

Classic recipe: take sugar and fruit in equal parts, boil until thickened (in this case, it is better to use the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode).

In this case, the jam turns out to be thick, but very sweet. So that the product thickens with less sugar, you can use gelling agents, which brings us to the second method.

According to an alternative, you can take pears and sugar in the same ratio that our recipe indicates.

And for the jam to acquire a characteristic consistency, use pectin (a natural thickener, sold in most supermarkets).

Thus, you will be able to cook aromatic, which at the same time will not be too sweet.

See another version of this dish:

The whole process of canning, whether it’s ketchup, lecho, jam, jam, jam (etc.), thanks to the slow cooker, is noticeably simplified. No need to stand over the stove and stir the jam or jam endlessly so as not to burn out - with a slow cooker burning is excluded! No need to time the end of one process and the beginning of another - the crock-pot will do it itself.

For example, now, in the pear season, with the help of my assistant, I am preparing a delicious pear jam with lemon. It turns out very fragrant and beautiful - just a magical amber color ... And, of course, very tasty! A subtle note of lemon gives a special charm to pear jam in a slow cooker: it combines very well with a pear, emphasizing its sweetness and slightly tinting the taste with a slight sourness.

So, I am sharing with you a reliable recipe for pear jam in a slow cooker.


- 1 kilogram of pears (prepared);

- 500 - 600 g of sugar;

- 1 medium-sized lemon.

We select fruits for jam from pears in a slow cooker. If you have a lot of pears, then you can take advantage of this circumstance and prepare a beautiful one by familiarizing yourself with our recipe.

Pears wash well and peel. Then cut into pieces. If you have medium pears, then it will be enough to cut them into 4 parts. If you got very large fruits, then I advise you to divide them into parts 6, or even 8: you need to be comfortable working with them later. In each part, carefully cut out the middle with the seeds.

When all the pears are cut into quarters, we begin to cut them even smaller - already directly for jam. Focus on the fact that the slices of pears should be up to 2 cm in length, but thin enough. But what they will be in shape does not really matter. You just need to strive to ensure that the sizes of these pieces are approximately the same (then their cooking time will be the same).

We spread the sliced \u200b\u200bpears in the multicooker bowl.

Pour sugar into the pears.

We mix the future pear jam with a special spatula for a multicooker. Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, time - 1 hour.

After time, open the lid. Pears had become soft by this time, they had a lot of juice. (By the way, on the stove it will take at least 3 hours! Yes, and even have to stir from time to time.)

Wash the lemon, cut it into several parts and squeeze out the juice - you can directly into the multicooker bowl (if there are a few seeds in the lemon). Or you can squeeze the juice into another container, and then pour it into the bowl of the multicooker. You can do this in advance while the pears are stewed. Gently mix the juice and leave the non-working multicooker open. Soak for 2 hours - let the pears brew.

Then we close the lid, set the mode to “Steam cooking”, the time is 20 minutes (of which 5 minutes will be spent on boiling pear jam in a slow cooker, and 15 minutes will be cooking itself). Then open the lid, mix and hold for another 2 hours. We repeat the whole procedure again: we set the “Steam cooking” mode, the time is 20 minutes, but we don’t close the lid anymore - let it remain open during cooking. After this, the pear jam will still be liquidish, light in color. When boiling, a foam may appear - it is better to remove it. Mix the jam and leave it alone for 2 hours.

And, finally, the last, third time, we set the “Steam cooking” mode, we cook all the same 20 minutes. But at the end of this stage, pear jam in the slow cooker will acquire an amber-caramel color, the syrup will become much thicker - the excess liquid will already evaporate. Slices of pears are scattered throughout the jam, and will not, as before, float on top.

Somewhere during cooking, we choose the time and prepare cans and lids. First, wash them in water with soda (degrease), then thoroughly rinse with running water.

Then we boil the jars for 4-5 minutes, and sterilize the lids (steamed or in the oven - of your choice). But I want to note that you need to sterilize the jars before the end of cooking pear jam, and not earlier: otherwise the whole effect of the sterilization process will be lost.

We spread the jam in jars, to the very top. Do not skimp - the jam will settle a little more when it cools.

Now close the jars with lids. I love screw caps, and not those that are rolled with a special key - they are much easier to handle.

Turn the jars upside down and leave them alone until they cool. Well, then quickly hide in a safe place: basement, cellar, pantry: until home, your family discovered your pear jam and destroyed it before winter arrived.

And do not forget to prepare for the winter, the recipe of which you can also read from us.

Fruits for pear jam in a slow cooker should be selected already juicy, ripe, but still solid: so that they do not boil completely during cooking. Unripe pears should not be taken for jam: they do not yet have the aroma and taste that we need. A prerequisite - pears must be of the same variety. Otherwise, they will be prepared in different ways, and this will affect the taste of the prepared jam for the worse.

Pears in the air very quickly become dark (even faster than apples). Therefore, after cleaning and cutting the pear, it must immediately be immersed in brine (put 3 g of water on 30 g of salt). Do not be afraid, the concentration of salt in the solution is insignificant, this will not affect the taste of pears. But he will be able to protect him from darkening. If you are still afraid of such procedures with salt, dip the pears in at least cold water: this will also give some effect.

You can add not only lemon juice, but also zest to pear jam: then the taste of lemon will be more saturated, bright.

Pear is a popular tasty fruit that can be consumed not only fresh. You can cook a lot of pears from a pear in a multicooker, which will take a lot of time to prepare. Pie, charlotte, casserole, cake - everything will become even tastier if you add fragrant pear to their composition.

Pear dishes, cooking methods

Pears in a slow cooker can be prepared in different ways: bake, fry, cook, stew. From pears make both independent dishes, and add to the composition of more complex dishes, both sweet and meat.

You can bake pears with honey, cook jam, make pear stuffing for pie, pancakes. Even ordinary pancakes can be prepared by adding pears to the dough, or serve them with pear sauce. As for jam, there are many recipes for making quick jam, jam, jam, candied fruit from pears.

You can fry pears in the dough. To prepare this dish, it is better to take a sweet and sour pear or tart with sourness. It is better to cook pears without peel, pour the peeled fruits with lemon juice so that they do not darken. The dough should be, like sour cream, fry in a large amount of oil.

It's easy for kids to make pear puree. Grind the pear in a blender, and then simmer in a slow cooker. You can also pamper the younger generation and yourself with a pear compote.

You can also please your home with flour dishes: pear cake, charlotte with apples and pears, pudding with pears - there are a lot of sweet desserts. Many people like to cook some flour dishes, adding assorted fruits - pears, apples, plums, peaches and so on.

Meat can be stewed, fried or baked with pears. Salted and pepper meat in combination with sweet fruits will be a pleasant variety of the usual menu. Pears are put chopped in half or in large slices.

Recipe: Pears Baked in a Multicooker

For baking, choose pears of medium hardness.

  1. Peel the fruits, cut in half or in four, remove the seeds and the stalk.
  2. Put prepared pieces in a multicooker bowl and bake until they become soft.
  3. To make the pears sweeter, add a teaspoon of honey or jam to the core.

You can make the dish a festive dessert as follows: put finely chopped walnuts, almond petals or raisins on a pear. Toasted nuts give the dish a richer flavor.

Serve warm baked pear with ice cream. The taste of a cooled pear will shade fruit salad, jelly or yogurt.

Baked pear is also served along with a cheese plate for dessert.

Recipe: Pork Stuffed Chicken Breast

When cooking meat, sweet pears are often used to create a contrast of taste. For example, you can fry chicken breast by stuffing it with cubes of pear.

  • 4 chicken breast fillets
  • 2 medium sized pears
  • Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
  • Salt, spices
  • Lemon, Sugar, Greens


  1. Peel the pears, cut the part into small cubes, and cut the remaining into large slices. Pear lightly with lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Salt the meat, sprinkle with spices. Of the spices for meat, black coarsely ground pepper is suitable, and for pears, cinnamon.
  3. Make a deep pocket with a sharp knife in the fillet, put the pear cubes in it, stab and fry in oil in a slow cooker.
  4. When the meat is almost ready, put the remaining fruits to it.
  5. When frying the pears, they will start the juice, which should thicken when the dish is cooked. Pour the prepared meat with the resulting sauce.
  6. Serve a dish with boiled or baked potatoes, sprinkle with herbs.

A variety of step by step recipes with photos you will find a little lower. Cook pears in a slow cooker and enjoy their wonderful taste!

Probably, everyone remembers the taste of pear jam or jam familiar from childhood ... And it is not surprising, because this wonderful delicacy is loved by both children and adults. Have you ever cooked in a slow cooker? If not, it's time to try, especially if you have this wonderful device in the kitchen.

Pear jam in a slow cooker: a step by step cooking recipe

So, let's start with the simplest recipe, the main ingredient of which, of course, is pears. Stock up on 1 kg of these juicy fruits. In addition, we will need 800-900 g of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid. Is all of the above at hand? Then we can proceed.

The first stage is the preparation of pears. Thoroughly wash them, we get out the bones (hardly anyone will be delighted to find them in jam). Next, cut the fruit into slices. After that, we put them in the multicooker bowl, add sugar and citric acid. Thoroughly stir our ingredients, close the lid "Extinguishing" mode, time - 1 hour. From time to time, you can look into the slow cooker and stir its contents. If you see that juice almost did not stand out during cooking, add a small amount of water.

When the stew is over, leave the jam heated for about half an hour. The final stage - turn on the "Cooking" for 10-15 minutes. Let the jam boil for 3-4 minutes.

While preparing the jam, you need to do the banks. Wash them with soda and then sterilize.

Now pear jam can be laid out in jars. Turn them upside down, and do not forget to wrap them with a warm cloth. Leave them until the jam has completely cooled.

Now you have a wonderful treat for the winter.

  with oranges

If you want to make pear jam in a slow cooker more refined and original, we suggest adding oranges there. Do you like the idea? Then we present you in a slow cooker with the addition of oranges.


  • 0.5-1 kg of oranges;
  • 0.5-1 kg of pears;
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar.

Put the cut fruit on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Pour sugar in there. After that, we choose to solve the "Stew". We set the time - one and a half hours. When the specified time is over, pour the jam into sterilized jars. After cooling, store in the refrigerator.

This jam will turn out not only very fragrant and tasty, but also healthy. Children will like it, so be prepared that soon the banks will magically empty, but do not forget to pamper yourself.

Pear jam in the slow cooker. How to cook?

Want another recipe? Then we will tell you how to make pear jam in a slow cooker with apples. Original taste guaranteed.

Ingredients based on 2.5 liters:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 1.5-1.7 kg of sugar.

The first thing, of course, is washing apples and pears. Cut the apples into small pieces, remove the core. We put the slices in a multicooker bowl and pour a small amount of sugar there so that it covers the apples.

In the same way we process pears, add to apples and sprinkle with sugar. For about 2 hours, leave the fruit in the slow cooker to let the juice flow, then select the "Stew" or "Soup" mode, set the time to 1.5 hours. Do not go far from the multicooker, since during this time you will need to mix its contents several times.

Now you can put the jam in sterilized jars and enjoy the great taste for a long time.

Add cinnamon ...

Do you like cinnamon? Wonderful! Now we will tell you how to make pear jam in a multicooker with cinnamon. You will need ripe and juicy pears (0.5 kg), 800-900 g of sugar, 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon, and a half cup of water.

We wash the fruits under cold water, cut them into pieces, remove the core and veins, put them in the crock-pot, add sugar there, add cinnamon. Next, fill all the ingredients with water. Now you need to select the "Extinguishing" mode (one and a half hours). Do not forget to stir from time to time. After cooking, put it in jars. That's all, nothing complicated. Cinnamon will give the jam an exquisite taste and aroma.

The healing properties of pears

Pear is a very healthy fruit. It contains pectins, which have antibacterial and antiviral effects. That is why pear jam is so necessary in the winter, when there is a high probability of contracting the flu. In addition, pears are rich in arbutin, a natural antibiotic that fights kidney inflammation. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, stock up on pear jam.

Bon Appetit!