Step-by-step recipes for preparing gooseberry sauce for the winter. Gooseberry seasoning with garlic for the winter

30.09.2019 Grill menu

Have you ever tried meat with berry sauce? Fragrant, sweet and sour, spicy gravy will make the taste of roast, barbecue or lamb leg richer and more interesting. It is simply impossible to remain indifferent! Such currant and plum sauces are prepared, but gooseberry sauce occupies a special place in cooking. They love it for its beautiful color, light aroma and pungent taste with unusual fresh notes.

Gooseberries - a great base for sauce

We select a recipe

How to make gooseberry sauce? In fact, there is nothing easier. Even a novice hostess can easily cope with the task. So judge for yourself.

Barbecue sauce

Grind the washed and dried gooseberries with a blender. Add a teaspoon of coriander seeds, rubbed in a mortar, 3 large cloves of garlic, passed through a press, and 1 dessert spoon of table vinegar to half a liter of the puree. Add salt and pepper to your liking. It is also nice to add a small bunch of finely chopped basil. Mix well.

Serve gooseberry sauce to barbecue or any other meat. Eat with great pleasure!

Hot seasoning

Half a gooseberry go through a meat grinder along with 200 g of bitter red pepper, 50 g of any spicy herbs and 300 g of garlic. Add 50 g of salt and as many crushed walnuts. Mix.

Spicy gooseberry sauce is able to please everyone who loves hotter, perfectly combined with fresh bread and hot dishes.
  In addition, many cooks often make gooseberry sauce with garlic and dill. For him, it is better to take some unripe berries with pronounced sourness, because that's how it will be tastier.

Seasoning "Zvenigorod"

A kilogram of gooseberries and 200 g of fragrant dill are taken, washed, the excess water is dried. 300 g of garlic are peeled.

All components are grinded in a meat grinder, mixed. The sauce is bottled in small cans. The dishes are covered with parchment paper, and the seasoning is stored in the refrigerator.

Tip. According to this recipe, prepare the sauce from green gooseberries, then it will be surprisingly beautiful, as if emerald in appearance.

Sweet Food Gravy

It is said that this gooseberry sauce is from Larisa Rubalskaya herself, and she, as you know, is not only a famous poetess, but also a wonderful hostess.

  • 0.5 l of gooseberry juice;
  • 40 g of starch;
  • sugar to taste.

Mix sugar with starch and gently dilute with filtered juice, put on a small fire, stirring so that there are no lumps. Bring to an active boil. Remove the sauce from the stove, add the prepared whole berries. Try and add sugar if necessary.

Everyone’s Favorite Sauce for the Winter

Pour 1 kg of washed gooseberries with a small amount of water, cook until soft and grind through a large sieve. In berry puree add 1 dessert spoon of coarse salt, 100 ml of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of allspice peas and 1 glass of sugar. Put on fire, boil for 4 minutes. Sweet and sour gooseberry sauce is ready, it remains to put it in sterile jars and hermetically sealed.

Seasoning Ala Tkemali

Traditional tkemale sauce is made from a certain sort of plums, and with ordinary plums it turns out to be too sweet. But skilled hostesses found a way out, preparing their favorite sauce.

Tkemali Special

For 1 kg you will need:

  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • cilantro, thyme and dill - in a small bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • red hot pepper - ½ pod;
  • ground coriander - 0.5 teaspoon.

Wash gooseberries, heat in a saucepan. When softened, grind through a sieve. Throw the cake. Add salt, granulated sugar and boil for 7 minutes. Add garlic, pepper, greens in bunches and coriander squeezed through a press. Boil. Pour vinegar essence at the rate of 0.5 teaspoon per 1 liter of sauce. Extract greens and pepper, boil for literally a minute and pour into sterile jars, roll up.

It should be borne in mind that tkemale sauce of red gooseberries is especially loved by men. Why, it’s so delicious!

Tkemali "For the sweetheart"

In 1 kg of mashed red sour gooseberry puree add a small jar of “Adjika” shop seasoning and 600 g of sugar. While stirring, boil for 15 minutes, then refrigerate. Add 400 g minced garlic. Stir and place in jars. Do not sterilize, keep in cold. Salt to taste before serving.

As you can see, gooseberry sauce is easy to build using the proposed recipes. In addition, you can immediately cook tender meat with an unusual sauce.

Second courses with gooseberries

Roast veal

Grate 1 kg of veal or young beef with salt. Make shallow cuts on the surface of the meat with a sharp knife.

Pour 2 tablespoons of melted butter or olive oil on the bottom of the stewpan, lay the meat, distributing 1 cup gooseberry on top (frozen can be used in winter). Then the stewpan should be put in a very hot oven and let the meat brown thoroughly, from time to time pouring over the protruding juice.

After an hour, mix 100 ml of semi-dry white wine with 1 cup of meat broth (possible from cubes) and juice of 1 lemon, pour into a saucepan and simmer for another 20 minutes.

Put the cooked roast on a dish and pour the sauce remaining in the saucepan. Garnish with fresh gooseberries.

Duck with berries

Fill 2/3 cup gooseberries, add redcurrant or frozen cranberries to the top. Grind the berries with 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Inside and outside, grate the prepared carcass of the duck with salt and allspice, first fill with the berry, and push the slices of acid hard apples into the remaining place. Place the carcass in a deep baking sheet with the back down, sprinkle with water.

Bake in the oven until golden brown, often pouring broth with melting fat. Serve garnished with mashed potatoes or loose buckwheat porridge.

In conclusion, we cite the words of the aforementioned Larisa Rubalskaya: “Food is real creativity!” So \u200b\u200bcreate with pleasure, adopting our delicious recipes.

Video recipe for a wonderful dish with gooseberry sauce:

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Step-by-step recipes for preparing gooseberry sauce for the winter: classic, simple and tasty, “Tkemali” from gooseberries, with garlic and dill, sweet and sour, with wine and raisins, herbs

2018-08-16 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

1 g

2 gr.


   14 g

68 kcal.

Option 1: Classic winter gooseberry sauce recipe for meat

If you did not suspect that you can make a sauce from gooseberries - believe me, it is simply amazing. It is perfect for meat and more. And how many different options exist, and do not count. We propose to consider the most refined and proven recipes for delicious gooseberry sauce for the winter. Let's start with the classics. By the way, do not forget that only green gooseberries are used to make the sauce.


  • three and a half kg of gooseberries;
  • fifty grams of coarse salt;
  • one hundred grams of sugar;
  • two teaspoons hammer black pepper;
  • two teahouses of hops suneli;
  • head of garlic;
  • forty ml of vinegar 9%;
  • forty ml of sunflower oil.

Step-by-step recipe for gooseberry sauce for meat for the winter

To begin with, we sort through the gooseberries, rinse and remove the litter and twigs with leaves. Lay on a kitchen towel or clean cloth, allow to dry a little.

Fold the gooseberries in a bowl, pour a glass of cold water and leave overnight.

The next day, put a basin or pan with gooseberries on fire. Simmer until the berries are soft. This one takes about ten minutes.

So, the gooseberry has become very soft, let it cool down a bit, and then punch it with a hand blender to a puree state.

Put sugar and salt in it, stir with a spoon until dissolved.

Sprinkle black pepper and sunnel hops. If you want to make the sauce safer, you can add a little red pepper. True, in the classic gooseberry sauce it is not.

Remove the husk from the head of garlic, disassemble it into cloves and peel each. Pass through a press and enter into the sauce.

We set to languish on a medium fire. Boil it for about ten minutes, then pour vinegar and vegetable oil. Remove from the stove and stir.

Arrange in sterile jars and cover with lids. Place the jars on the blanket upside down and let it cool.

Remove the gooseberry sauce for storage.

Option 2: Quick recipe for gooseberry meat sauce for the winter

A simple and quick recipe for a delicious sauce that will nicely complement meat or a side dish. Minimum ingredients, and the taste is amazing.


  • a kilogram of gooseberry;
  • one hundred grams of sugar;
  • fifteen grams of salt;
  • two garlic tooth.

How to quickly make gooseberry sauce for meat for the winter

Rinse and carefully sort the gooseberries. Skip through the blender.

Combine gooseberry puree with sugar, salt and crushed garlic. Optionally, add your favorite greens. Just chop it very finely with a knife.

We put the base for gooseberry sauce on the stove. Warm up to a slight boil and immediately lay out on the banks.

It is best to use half-liter containers.

Place the jars in a large pan, fill with water and bring to a boil. Tomim twenty minutes and carefully removed - it was sterilization.

Close the lids tightly, place the cans on the floor upside down and cover with a blanket. When the gooseberry sauce has cooled down for the winter, put it in the cellar.

Option 3: Gooseberry Sauce for the Winter “Tkemali”

Here is a proven delicious recipe for gooseberry Tkemali sauce. Spicy sauce with a rich taste will appeal to lovers of hot seasonings and dressings.


  • a kilogram of green gooseberries;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • hot pepper pod;
  • a bunch of cilantro, parsley and dill;
  • three to four sprigs of basil;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

Remove all tails, litter, sort and thoroughly rinse the gooseberries. Lay it on a clean cloth - let it dry.

When the gooseberry is dry, punch it with a hand blender until it is mashed. You can twist through a meat grinder, as you prefer.

Green and pepper wash. You can grind them in a blender and just cut them very finely with a knife.

Peel the garlic, chop finely with a knife. And you can grate it on a fine grater or put the cloves in a blender bowl and grind. After all, we have a lot of garlic, we get a homogeneous aromatic mass.

Combine everything in one container, put on the stove. Boil ten minutes after boiling and place in sterile small jars.

Close the lids and prepare for long-term storage, insisting to cool under the covers.

Option 4: Gooseberry-meat sauce for the winter with garlic and dill

A delicious sauce of green gooseberries, dill and garlic with sugar. As they say, all ingenious is simple. It would seem that the usual set of ingredients, but what an interesting and piquant taste. The perfect meat sauce.


  • floors kg gooseberries;
  • one hundred grams of garlic;
  • hot chili peppers;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar.

How to cook

Go through the berries of gooseberries. Remove all ponytails, leaflets and the smallest litter. Rinse and dry in a convenient way.

We twist the whole gooseberry through a meat grinder or turn into mashed potatoes with an immersion blender.

Transfer to an enamel pan, pour salt and sugar. Put on the stove and turn on a weak heat, bring to a boil.

In parallel, peel the garlic, pass through a press or rub on a fine grater. Wash the dill, chop finely with a knife.

When the gooseberry sauce boils, add garlic and dill to it. We simmer on low heat to the thickening we need.

Pour into small banks, roll up the lids and cover with a blanket. When everything has cooled down, we remove it in a closet or closet.

Option 5: Sweet and Sour Gooseberry Sauce for the Winter

This sauce is suitable not only for meat dishes, but also for fish or some side dish. The proportions are calculated so that a pleasant sweet and sour taste is obtained.


  • a kilogram of gooseberry;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • hot pepper pod;
  • bunch of dill, basil, celery;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • one table of sugar;
  • one table of salt lies.

Step by step recipe

We sort the berries, rinse and dry. Peel the garlic completely and parse it into cloves.

Pass the garlic along with gooseberries through a meat grinder or put in a common container and mashed with an immersion blender.

Transfer to a pan, add a couple of tablespoons of water, chopped herbs. Grind hot peppers and put in the same container. Do not forget about salt and sugar.

Stir and set on medium heat. After the sauce begins to boil slightly, boil it for twenty minutes, stirring with a spatula.

Then immediately lay out on prepared jars of small volume. Close the lids tightly and cover with a blanket.

After cooling, remove to the cellar.

Option 6: Winter gooseberry sauce with wine and raisins

An interesting and piquant sauce that will complement any meat dish. For example, it can be added to home-made boiled pork or served with baked meat.


  • a kilogram of gooseberry;
  • head of garlic;
  • one table of mustard lies;
  • two hundred ml of table wine;
  • two hundred ml of water;
  • one table of salt lies;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • fifty grams of raisins.

How to cook

As usual, we sort and wash the gooseberries. When it dries a little, pass it through a meat grinder and put it in an enameled pan.

Rinse and sprinkle raisins. Add granulated sugar, indicated amount of water. Turn on the stove and bring to a boil.

Cook for fifteen minutes and add the finely chopped garlic, salt and mustard. Cook for another five minutes.

Pour the wine, stir everything with a spatula and simmer for about five minutes.

Immediately distribute in half-liter jars, roll up and let cool under a blanket. Store in a dark and cool place.

Option 7: Winter gooseberry sauce with herbs

Spicy herbs can be used in principle any to your taste. The main thing is to keep proportions so that everything works out as planned. But gooseberries take any dark.


  • kilogram of gooseberry dark variety;
  • two hundred grams of garlic;
  • two hot peppers;
  • one table of salt lies;
  • fifty g hammer of walnuts;
  • fifty grams of spicy herbs.

Step by step recipe

Wash and sort gooseberries and pass it through a meat grinder. You can also punch with a submersible blender.

We sort the garlic into cloves, peel and chop finely. You can either pass it through a press or grate it.

Add to the gooseberries.

Hot pepper very finely chopped with a knife, immediately sent to the general container. Add salt and chopped walnut.

Heat the sauce over low heat. Boil for ten minutes and sprinkle with dry herbs. Stir everything, stirring for ten minutes.

Arrange the cooked gooseberry sauce in small sterile jars, tightly close the lids.

Wrap in something warm and let cool. Store the sauce in a cool place.

Gooseberry is a berry in which there are a lot of important vitamins and minerals.

Probably, everyone, at least once in his life, tried jam, which is prepared from this berry.

But such a sauce as gooseberries with garlic, most likely not every housewife tried to cook.

There are several different recipes that will appeal to many gourmets. This sauce goes well with fried meat.

Gooseberries with garlic are called fake. As many have already understood, gooseberries and garlic will be included in his recipe, but there are many recipes, and each one has additional products.

Gooseberry with garlic: recipes

Gooseberry and garlic sauce.

To prepare such a sauce you need:

1) One kilogram of gooseberry (it is better that it is still immature);
  2) Two hundred grams of dill;
  3) Garlic - three hundred grams;
  4) A little salt and sugar.

First you need to wash the dill and let it dry well, then it will not stick to your hands and it will be easier to cut it. Then you need to take the garlic and peel it. The whole gooseberry needs to be sorted out, the bad berries should be discarded, and the rest should be removed from the stalks and the berries should be washed well.

First you need to twist through a meat grinder, then take garlic, and also pass through a meat grinder, with greens you need to do the same. Mix all the ingredients well, add a little salt and sugar to the mass. To replace sugar, you can add natural honey to the resulting mass. After this, mix the mixture again and place the mixture in small jars.

Each jar needs to be covered with baking paper and refrigerated for about forty days.

Fake gooseberry adjika

To make such a sauce you will need the following products:

1) Gooseberry (necessarily green) - three glasses;
  2) Bell pepper (you can use green, red, and yellow) - 1 pc;
  3) Half a chili pepper;
  4) A little garlic for taste, about 2-3 pcs;
  5) Add salt;
  6) Vegetable oil, about 3 large spoons;
  7) Parsley and mint.

First you need to take gooseberry berries, rinse them well and get rid of rotten fruits. You also need to remove all the stalks.

Next, you need to take bell pepper, it must be cleaned of the stem and seeds. It is also necessary to do with chili peppers. These products need to be cut into approximately eight pieces. After that, you need to take the garlic. It must be peeled. Next, you need to take basil and parsley, rinse it and let it dry.

Once the ingredients are prepared, you need to put in a blender and grind to a puree state. Next, add vegetable oil, a little salt and sugar, after pouring greens. If the product is brought to taste, then you need to pour it into small jars, close them and put in the refrigerator or just a dark place for a month and a half. If you wish, you can add some walnuts to this sauce.

This gooseberry adjika is very simple to make, but the taste is just amazing.

Gooseberries with garlic are perfect for meat and fish dishes. Best if these foods are fried.

What you will not meet in modern culinary, moreover, at home. Carrot jam has become quite commonplace, just like gooseberry sauce for the winter does not surprise anyone. Recipes of various delicious sauces, for example, tkemali or with garlic, are becoming very popular among lovers of original dishes. No, why the original, already ordinary, tasty and healthy.

For this type of workpiece, you can use berries with slight damage or mashed slightly. This is allowed because all the ingredients for the sauce are crushed.

Sometimes the recipe requires an immature gooseberry, as with tkemali sauce. Yes, it’s not at all necessary to prepare it from plums of the same grade, here they don’t grow, and we love the sauce. Gooseberry copes with the replacement.

Some sauces are cooked without heat treatment, some with a minimum. Although most of the usefulnesses are preserved in this way, you only have to store such preparations in the refrigerator.

For this recipe, you can take half the ripe berries and half greenish, then the taste will be very similar to tkemali.

For the recipe we will need to take:

  • Kilo berries
  • Two heads of garlic
  • One small pod of hot pepper (light)
  • A bunch of celery, basil and dill
  • Dill umbrella with seeds
  • One sheet of horseradish
  • Three tablespoons of water
  • Teaspoon of salt
  • A third of a teaspoon of sugar

How to cook the sauce:

We need to pass the berries through a sieve so that skins or seeds do not meet in the sauce. To do this, pour the whole washed, clean gooseberry into a saucepan, pour in some water and stew for about ten minutes. Then it is easy and quick to wipe.

The resulting berry mass is returned to the saucepan again, it is good if it is low and wide, so that the evaporation goes faster. We set to cook at a very low temperature, sometimes stirring with a wooden spoon for about 40 minutes.

While the berry sauce is boiled with my whole greens, we clean the garlic, we pull out the seeds from the pepper. We dry everything with a finely chopped blender.

When the sauce is boiled in volume in half, lay the ground herbs and spices, do not forget to sprinkle sugar and salt and cook for another half hour. We pack the finished sauce in small sterile jars. After the contents of the jars have cooled, you can lower them into the cellar.

It’s quite adjika, spicy, aromatic, with a barbecue leaves, just have time, add. At first, mine were shocked that I began to make adjika from gooseberries, we thought that my mother started moving completely with her blanks. But now every year they ask to make such a sauce and even collect gooseberries themselves.

All we need will be:

  • Kilo of green berries
  • 3 heads of garlic, if you have a lot, take two
  • One bitter pepper, small pod or half chili
  • One bell pepper, fatter
  • A bunch of dill and parsley
  • Three sprigs of purple basil
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil, odorless
  • Salt to taste

How to cook adjika from gooseberries:

Made adjika from gooseberry berries is very simple. Berries must be washed and tails removed from them, in this recipe we will not wipe through a sieve. After washing, I sprinkle gooseberries and greens on a towel so that everything dries up.

Pepper, both bitter and sweet, is also mine and I clean the seeds, cut into pieces. I chop it along with berries and all seasonings, as well as herbs. If even in the blender you immediately salt everything and add oil, then the salt will quickly disperse and the sauce will turn out homogeneous, it remains only to put it in jars. But store such adjika only in the refrigerator.

We will need to take for the sauce:

  • A kilo of gooseberries, green
  • A couple of heads of garlic
  • One bitter pod of pepper
  • A bunch of cilantro, parsley and dill, basil can be tasted
  • To taste the salt

How to cook tkemali sauce:

We process gooseberries first. For this sauce, you have to not only wash it, but also remove all the tails. Then, of course, dry and grind, you can in a meat grinder, you can on a blender.

My greens and peppers are also washed and, if desired, chopped or finely chopped. We clean the garlic with a tiny knife. We connect everything and set to cook for about ten minutes. This will be enough for the sauce. Then we put it in jars and close the lids.