Beef Medallion. Filet mignon

30.09.2019 Restaurant notes

Meat medallions - a delicious and original dish that came from French cuisine. It is a small round chops. It is prepared from any meat. But the best option is a beef bull’s apple, which is part of the back leg. It contains thin fatty layers, which, when cooked, dissolve and make the meat juicy, tender. Want to try such a dish? Prepare medallions from the Miratorg apple. This article sets out the most popular recipes for this French delicacy.

In the oven

Miratorg products are of high quality. Beef medallions from this manufacturer can be bought at almost any large store. They are sold chilled, in sealed vacuum packaging. Pieces have a beautiful saturated color, sufficient marbling. There is no film and cores. On the label there is not only a beautiful photo of fried medallions, but also all the necessary information about the product: composition, calorie content, weight, production date, storage conditions.

  For cooking in the oven you will need the following ingredients:

  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l
  • Onion head.
  • Mayonnaise - 30-40 gr.
  • Cheese (hard) - 50-60 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • A mixture of peppers to taste.
  • Any vegetable oil for frying.
  • Herbs: basil, rosemary - optional.

First of all, the pieces are pickled. To do this, the meat is slightly beaten and mixed with a mixture of soy sauce and lemon juice. Shredded herbs, pepper are also added here. All this "beauty" is infused for 20-25 minutes. Meat thus prepared is fried over high heat for 1.5-2 minutes. You can use not only sunflower, but also olive or corn oil.

Advice! Due to the rapid frying over high heat until a golden crust is formed, the meat juice remains inside. This greatly improves the taste of beef.

The bottom of the mold is oiled. The apple slices are laid out, smeared with mayonnaise on top. Top layer - onion rings and grated cheese. The form is sent to the oven for 20 minutes. Temperature - 220 ° C. If the dish burns, you can add a little water or broth. Serve it with a vegetable side dish.

In the pan

Marbled beef medallions can also be prepared in the pan. The meat is pickled in the same way as in the previous recipe. After 30 minutes, the pieces are wrapped on the sides with strips of foil. This is done to maintain the shape of the finished dish. Medallions are laid out on a hot frying pan with boiling vegetable oil. Quickly fried for 2-3 minutes.

After that, the fire on the stove is screwed. The pan is covered. And the meat is touched to a state of readiness. Served with fresh, stewed or fried vegetables. You can use medallions prepared in this way without a side dish.

In a slow cooker

Round beef chops can also be cooked in a slow cooker. So they will retain their juiciness and high taste.

Essential Ingredients:

  • meat medallions - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • ripe tomato - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 50-60 gr.;
  • sour cream (20%) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • herbs, seasonings.

Wash pieces of meat, dry with a paper towel. Grate on all sides with a mixture of salt, pepper and seasoning. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. After this time, pour the vegetable oil into the multicooker cup and turn on the “Baking” mode. Heat oil for several minutes. Lay out the medallions. Fry them on each side (4 minutes).

Advice! The cooker lid cannot be closed at this moment. Otherwise, the pieces will not get a beautiful golden crust.

Disable the “Baking” mode. Flip the pieces. Add warm water (2 tbsp.) Or broth. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode. Set the timer to 60 minutes. Close the lid and simmer the dish. Half an hour after the start of cooking, the medallions must be turned over.

  While the meat is being cooked, the rest of the ingredients should be prepared. Squeeze the garlic into sour cream and mix thoroughly. Cut the tomato into slices of medium thickness. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Open the cooker cover. Put the sour cream and garlic mixture on the medallions. Top - tomato circles and grated cheese. Add a little water and turn on the “Baking” mode again. Do not close the lid. Cook meat in this mode for 7-8 minutes. Serve with herbs and vegetables. You can use french fries as a side dish.

With mushroom sauce

To prepare marbled beef medallions with mushroom sauce, you will need:

  • round pieces of meat - 3 pcs.;
  • mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) - 300 gr.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic (clove) - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream (20%) - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp for frying;
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - ½ tsp;
  • salt to taste;
  • favorite herbs and seasonings.

Wash the carrots, peel, cut into circles. Onion (1 head) - half rings. Salt, pepper, and lock the medallions into a container, along with carrots and onions. Mix gently. Pour balsamic vinegar, add herbs, seasonings. Send to the fridge for 30 minutes.

Advice! Before cooking, it is recommended to marinate beef. This is done in order to soften the fibers. After this procedure, the meat becomes tender and soft.

While the meat is pickled, you should cook the mushroom sauce. Cut mushrooms or oyster mushrooms into small pieces. Heat the pan and put the butter. Finely chop the second onion. Fry it in oil until golden brown. Add mushrooms to the pan. Fry for another 3-4 minutes. Add sour cream, garlic, water or broth (50 ml), sugar. Cook under the lid for 6-7 minutes. Salt, pepper to taste. Turn off the fire.

Quickly fry the pickled medallions on both sides over high heat. Add vegetables (carrots, onions) to the pan. Fry for 3 minutes. Get the meat and continue to cook the vegetable mixture. After 5-6 minutes, when the carrots become soft, turn off the heat. Pieces prepared according to this recipe are served in a plate with fried vegetables. Top with cooked mushroom sauce. The dish looks festive and beautiful. I would definitely want to take his photo.

In creamy sauce

Cooked beef apple, sliced \u200b\u200binto round pieces, goes well with creamy sauce. The meat must be fried on both sides in any vegetable oil for 4-5 minutes. It is desirable that a beautiful tanned crust forms on its surface. Tighten or completely turn off the fire. Pour the medallions in a deep pan with cognac or vodka (2 tablespoons). Set fire to alcohol. As soon as the flame goes out, add 20% cream (1 tbsp), salt, pepper, seasonings to the meat. Turn on the stove and simmer until the cream is thickened.

Advice! Thyme is the best seasoning for this dish. It can be used fresh or dried.

For a side dish, you can cook boiled potatoes, pasta, buckwheat porridge. The meat is laid out on a plate and poured with cream sauce from the pan.

These delicious, delicious medallions can be prepared according to the above recipes. Any of these dishes is suitable for both everyday and festive table. Bon Appetit!

The meat is widely used in the culinary of all countries, and there are a great many recipes for its preparation. Each national cuisine has its own original methods of cooking meat dishes. In French cuisine, this traditionally original dish is beef medallions.

What it is?

Medallions in French cooking are thin slices of meat, fish and sausage. Beef medallions are considered an exquisite dish that will satisfy the demanding taste of any gourmet.

Beef medallions are small round chops about one and a half centimeters thick, delicate, juicy and soft, which are prepared in high-class restaurants. Knowing the secrets of their preparation, medallions can be prepared at home. For their preparation, you can use not only beef, but also veal, they can be from pork, chicken or turkey.

Vegetable, potato side dishes, as well as rice, especially crumbly, perfectly emphasize the aroma and juiciness of medallions fried in a pan or baked in the oven. This delicacy is not only amazing in taste, but also has many useful qualities.

Beef meat contains many substances valuable to the human body, for example, zinc and iron, necessary for blood formation. It has a strengthening effect on blood vessels, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, and is involved in the withdrawal of cholesterol. In addition, meat is a source of energy and strength, since it is a protein supplier, which is necessary for people whose activity is associated with physical activity, since it is protein that is involved in the restoration of muscle tissue.

Beef is also a dietary product, and it should be included in the diet of every person. However, there should be a measure in everything, and its excessive use is fraught with negative consequences: the occurrence of overloads of the stomach, liver, kidneys, decreased cardiac and vascular tone.

How to choose meat?

Fillet or tenderloin is the most nutritious and most valuable meat product. This part is located in the rear lumbar carcass of the animal and receives the smallest load on muscle tissue. Therefore, this meat is juicy and tender after cooking. For medallions, loin meat is considered the most suitable.

It is acceptable to use meat of the cervical carcass, but it requires the removal of films and veins, otherwise the medallions will be stiff.You can cook medallions from the bullseye. These are the muscles of the posterior and outer thighs of the animal.

Fresh beef is preferable to frozen. First of all, it is easier to choose, and you can cook from it immediately after purchase. Consider what you need to pay attention to when choosing meat.

  • Coloring meat.  Fresh beef has a rich red color, in its structure there are no brown or dark layers and spots. In an old animal, the meat takes on a brown hue.
  • Fatgood beef is dense, and its color is a delicate white shade. Veal can even crumble slightly. Yellow fat indicates the rigidity of the meat.
  • The best meat is marbled beef,  in which non-thick layers of fat are present in the structure. It always turns juicy meat.
  • The surface of the beef should be without spots or crusts, and when touched it should be dry but resilient.Slight cut moisture is allowed, but if you touch them with your hand, it remains dry. There may be some wind of the upper layer, which occurs several hours after chopping the meat.
  • It is strictly forbidden to buy meat if it has accumulated around it   leaked blood.
  • Pleasant meat smell  - A sign of fresh beef. The presence of unpleasant odors is evidence of long-term storage.
  • Fresh beef is distinguished by the elasticity of the pulp.If, when pressed on the surface, the formed recess quickly disappears, then this is fresh and high-quality meat.

You can also make good medallions from frozen beef, if you take into account some important factors when choosing.

  • First of all, it is necessary to establish the storage and sale period, which for beef is 10 months, and for veal - 8. This information can be found on the label.
  • When choosing, it is better to purchase meat from Russian producers, since it can be fresher than imported meat, since it takes less time to transport it.
  • Meat packaging should be intact, without damage to the substrate and film.
  • The freezing process has virtually no effect on the color change of beef. When choosing, you need to give preference to meat with a light shade. With the help of oxygen-free storage technology (in plastic film or vacuum packaging), it turns dark red, and after defrosting, it acquires its natural shade.
  • If the frozen meat is stored correctly, there is no ice inside the package, and its presence indicates that the product has already thawed, which affects the quality of the product.


Preparation for the preparation of this delicious dish begins with the need to properly cut round pieces of meat. Their thickness should be within one and a half centimeters.

The basic rule for slicing medallions is to cut the pieces across the fibers.

Medallions from beef tenderloin do not require to be beaten, but if this is done, they will turn out to be especially soft and tender. Beat off the pieces evenly on both sides until the meat structure becomes like a soufflé. The stiffer the meat, the longer it is beaten. If the medallions are not prepared from the tenderloin, then if there are veins or tendons in the beef, they are removed.

Sometimes medallions are made from chopped into small pieces of meat (they are called lazy medallions), then making circles out of it.

The next step in preparing for frying the medallions is soaking in the marinade for 1-2 hours. Marinade, depending on its composition, gives the meat an unusual, original and unique taste.

The simplest version of the marinade is a mixture of vegetable oil (it can be any: sunflower, olive or others), spices, aromatic herbs, grated garlic and onions.

But you can also layer slices of lemon and onion rings. Very dry beef will become much juicier if sprinkled with mustard powder and held for about half an hour. Mustard protects the meat from the release of juice, which remains inside the beef.

Soy sauce, orange or lemon juice give a special taste to the medallions. The meat acquires a peculiar aroma and specific taste if it is sprinkled with herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil), various spices, after rubbing with ginger and garlic. Citrus fruits with their acid juice make soft and hard meat, and garlic has a preservative property. Ginger protects against carcinogens during the frying process.

The ideal completion of pickling is to pour the medallions with wine (preferably dry) or champagne, which will give them a piquant delicate taste.


There are many recipes for making medallions. Below are some of them.

With tomato sauce

Let's see how to make beef medallions step by step.

  • Separate films and other non-chewing items.
  • Cut pieces across the direction of the fibers with a thickness of 3-3.5 cm.
  • Give the pieces a round shape, for which they are tied around the circumference with a thread or twine, tying 2 knots and leaving small tips.
  • Salt and pepper, and the salt is ordinary (iodized gives the meat a smack of metal). You need to salt with your hand, as this allows you to more evenly distribute the salt over the meat. It is better to pepper with a mill so that the aroma of pepper does not disappear.
  • Properly fry the meat. Pour vegetable oil (about two tablespoons) into a preheated dry skillet. After heating the oil, fry all surfaces of the medallions, holding each side for about 3 seconds. After 7 flips (5 times frying the sides and 1 time top and bottom) the meat should be fried evenly. This stage is important for creating a fried layer that prevents juice from flowing out of the meat. It depends on whether the dish will be juicy. Properly fried meat has a pleasant color.

  • Finish the medallions in the oven, which is preheated (up to 200 degrees). The medallions placed on the wire rack are put in the oven and held for about 7-12 minutes. Time depends on the thickness of the medallions and the degree of roasting needed. Place a baking sheet under the wire rack. Twine is removed from the finished medallions.
  • Cooking the sauce. The original tomato sauce is made from tomato soup with the addition of Herbalife brand basil. The recipe corresponds to the instructions on the package, only add a little more water. You can optionally add herbs or spices to your liking.

You can make tomato sauce yourself from tomatoes with the addition of onions and spices, after scrolling all the ingredients through a meat grinder and stewing in a pan.

Various vegetables in any combination are served as a side dish for medallions in tomato sauce.

In creamy sauce

Creamy sauce is in perfect harmony with beef. For the preparation of sauce, cream with high fat content (from 30%) is better. It is they who give a rich creamy aftertaste.

In addition to meat (500 g), you will need: dry wine (about 50 ml), butter (about 40 g), several strips of bacon, garlic (2-3 teeth), onions (1 pc.) Pepper, salt.


  • beat off pieces of beef cut across the fibers;
  • wrap each medallion with a strip of bacon, giving it a round shape and tying it with twine or thread;
  • fry the meat in a skillet heated with oil, holding for about 3 minutes on each side;
  • add chopped onion and chopped garlic to the meat, and put it out;
  • remove the threads from the meat, add dry wine, cream and simmer until a thick consistency.

Serve medallions, pouring cream sauce, garnished with herbs.

In the grill pan

Grilled medallions have a delicious crust with original stripes. For them, it is advisable to use a tenderloin of marbled beef. The recipe is given for 500 g of meat:

  • cut into pieces no more than 2 cm thick;
  • put them in a container, pour in soy sauce, add grated garlic (4 cloves), mix and put in cold for half an hour;
  • put garlic (2 teeth), coarsely chopped, and lightly fry in a grilled pan greased with olive oil;
  • fry each surface of the medallions on medium-high heat for approximately 3 minutes;
  • salt only if the sauce is unsalted.

As a side dish, you can serve potatoes, vegetables, fresh or stewed, pickles.

Veal with mushroom sauce

Veal medallions prepared in this way acquire a bright and specific taste. Most often they use ordinary mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, but if you add some forest mushrooms, the taste becomes more fragrant and piquant.

To prepare 600 g of veal you will need: 6 tablespoons of olive oil, 200 g of mushrooms (or other mushrooms), 200 g of frozen spinach, onion, 200 g of cream, salt, pepper.

Sauce making:

  • cut the defrosted spinach and mushrooms into small pieces;
  • fry chopped onion in olive oil for about 2 minutes;
  • put mushrooms to the onion, and still fry for 5-7 minutes;
  • pour cream, simmer for 5 minutes;
  • at the very end of the stew add the spinach, salt and pepper to taste, and immediately remove the pan from the heat, otherwise the spinach will lose its color;
  • beat in a blender to get a homogeneous mixture.

Frying Medallions:

  • cut the veal into medallions, salt, pepper to your liking, adding olive oil, mix and leave for 10-15 minutes;
  • wrap each piece of veal around the circumference with strips of foil for baking from 4 layers;
  • fry meat in a very hot dry pan, turning on each side, about 7 minutes;
  • bring to readiness in an oven heated to 180 degrees (keep for about 15 minutes).

Ready medallions are poured with sauce, served with any side dish or without it.

Beef with mushrooms

It will take 400 g of beef tenderloin, 20% sour cream half a cup, champignons (porcini mushrooms) 250 g, butter 70 g, mustard 6 teaspoons, finely chopped onions 2 tablespoons, salt, ground black pepper.


  • salt and pepper beef cut into medallions, grease with mustard, and fry in oil on top and bottom;
  • fry onions and mushrooms also in oil until cooked;
  • pour sour cream into the fried beef, stew for 5 minutes. under the closed lid.

Serve the medallions with mushrooms, watering the sour cream in which they were stewed.

On electric grill

Ingredients: beef fillet (700 g), olive oil (2 tablespoons), lemon juice (3 tablespoons), salt, pepper.

Prepared fillet pieces, salted and pepper, grease with olive oil on both sides (top and bottom). Then pour juice from half a lemon. Hold for 10 minutes, and then bake in the electric grill on both sides for 10-12 minutes. Wrapping in foil, let them stand for another 5-10 minutes. The dish is ready.


Pre-soak the meat in any marinade in order to liquidate the beef fillet. It’s good to add a lot of chopped onion rings and mashed hands so that it gives juice. It is recommended to salt after frying so as not to lose juice.

It is better to cook on a long barbecue, where on one side you can dilute the coals with very intense fire, and on the other side with a weak one, but to be stable.

For marinade requires:

  • balsamic vinegar and olive oil, 2 tablespoons each;
  • onion - 5 heads;
  • one large clove of garlic;
  • thyme - half a teaspoon;
  • salt pepper.

Place all the marinade components in a blender and grind until smooth. Put sliced \u200b\u200bfillets into a pan, pour the marinade and mix. Then put it in a ceramic bowl and put in a cold place, keep for at least three hours (and even better all night).

At the end of the pickling, lay the medallions on the grill and fry them on intense heat for no more than a minute on each side. A golden crust forms, which prevents the juice from flowing out. Then the grill with meat is transferred to a low heat, and brought to readiness.

Salt and pepper at the end of frying.

This is only a small part of the medallion recipes. Of course, you can change them, supplementing with your favorite ingredients, spices to your liking.

See how to make perfect beef medallions with sauce in the next video.

It is difficult to imagine a festive table without meat, fish dishes. In many countries, pork cooked on the grill or in the oven is very popular. The aroma of fried or baked meat will conquer even a biased gourmet. Several proposed options for preparing hearty medallions will help you choose the best for your particular case.

How to Make Pork Medallions

The concept of medallions that has recently entered the recipe implies small pieces of meat or round shaped minced meat. A rich dinner or lunch, prepared step by step using meat cuts with vegetables, will become a part of a small family holiday. To make the finished pork juicy, it is better to use fresh or chilled meat that has not been frozen. The height of the medallions should not exceed 1.5-3.5 cm, cutting is performed across the fibers. Each hostess will prepare her own recipe for pork medallions.

Pork Medallions in Bacon

  • Cooking time: 20-25 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 565 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Destination: dinner.
  • Cuisine: American, Spanish.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A tasty and nutritious dish medallions from pork tenderloin in bacon is prepared simply and does not require special skills in culinary business. A minimum of additional products and spices make it affordable, popular. Bacon helps keep the shape of the medallions and impregnates the meat with additional juice, which is melted when heated sebaceous veins.


  • pork bacon - 50 g, two ribbons;
  • pork meat fillet - 300 g;
  • ground black pepper, salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse pork pieces, remove moisture with a paper towel. Cut into round pieces with a thickness not exceeding 2-2.5 cm.
  2. Each received meat column is well sprinkled with salt and ground pepper. Thin strips of bacon tightly wrap each piece of fillet along the side faces. For reliability, secure with a wooden toothpick.
  3. Lightly grease a hot-frying pan with a thick bottom with vegetable oil and fry the medallions laid out there over high heat until a fried crust appears.
  4. In order for the meat to turn out to be evenly cooked, you need to remove the fried portions of meat from the fire along with the pan, put in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes.
  5. Natural medallions with bacon go well with vegetable salads.

In creamy mushroom sauce

  • Cooking time: 30-35 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 240 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.

An interesting option for serving meat for lunch or dinner is pork medallions in creamy mushroom sauce. Ideal if porcini mushrooms are used to add a special flavor to the dish. No less delicious is a sauce with mushrooms, to which you can add a pinch of wild mushroom, ground to a powder. The combination of milk cream, meat and mushrooms will create an unforgettable taste composition.


  • pork tenderloin without fat and veins - 600 g;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • cream with a fat content of 20-25% - 300 ml;
  • onion - 1 piece (large);
  • soy sauce - ½ tablespoons;
  • flour for sauce - ½ spoon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ground pepper, thyme, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully cut the meat pulp into round portions with a thickness of not more than 1.7-2.0 cm. Rinse, dry with a towel. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, seasonings.
  2. Fry quickly in 3-4 minutes over high heat in a pan on both sides.
  3. Put the meat on a wide plate. In the foil, which you need to cover the dish, the temperature will stay at the same level for some time.
  4. Cut the peeled onions into small cubes. Fry in butter until golden brown.
  5. Prepared and washed mushrooms cut into thin plates. Add to onion, continue to fry until excess liquid evaporates.
  6. After adding flour to the contents of the pan, mix well and fry for about a minute.
  7. Pour cream and soy sauce in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Salt, add a little pepper.
  8. Turn off slightly thickened sauce.
  9. Warm meat served in a creamy sauce will be able to soak well and get a special taste.

With tomatoes and cheese

  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 360 kcal / 100 g.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • The complexity of the preparation: medium.

Pork medallions with tomatoes and grated cheese will decorate any table. The recipe is similar to meat in French. The difference is the fact that the medallions are cut a little thicker, they do not need to be beaten off. Cheese is better to use hard varieties, then it is more convenient to grind it on a grater. A beautiful combination of bright colors of meat, tomatoes, cheese, decorated with lettuce, will create a festive atmosphere at the table.


  • pork pulp - 600 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 80-100 g;
  • ground black pepper, salt, greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Since pork medallions in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees are cooked a little longer in time, the meat needs to be cut up to 2 cm thick as much as possible.
  2. Arrange portioned round meat slices on a baking sheet, which previously needs to be greased with oil. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Peel and chop the onion into thin half rings. Cover them with the surface of the meat.
  4. Scale tomatoes with boiling water, peel and cut into circles. Spread them over the onions.
  5. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with chopped herbs and mayonnaise. Lubricate the top of the tomatoes in small portions.
  6. Place the baking sheet inside a heated oven (180-190 degrees) for 20-25 minutes. Then sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven for another ten minutes.

With mushrooms

  • Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 8 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 380 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: holiday, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • The complexity of the preparation: medium.

When the hostess does not know how to surprise and deliciously feed her household, you can prepare pork and mushroom medallions. Hearty dish, contains many calories. A wonderful option for both everyday and holiday table. Sometimes this dish is called "Pork under a mushroom coat." It is served hot on the table, while an amazing aroma flows from it.


  • portioned pork pulp - 8 medallions;
  • fresh or sterilized canned champignons - 300-400 g;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • hard cheese - 150-180 g;
  • mayonnaise - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • pepper, salt, sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a “fur coat”: fry the finely chopped onion until yellow-golden in color, cut the mushrooms into strips, put in the pan to the onion and fry until half-cooked, not forgetting to salt.
  2. Fry the washed portioned pepper and salted meat on both sides in hot oil in a frying pan.
  3. Put meat medallions on a baking sheet. Mix onion and mushroom mass with mayonnaise (sour cream) and grated cheese. Spread evenly on meat.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees in the oven for about 20 minutes.

With orange sauce

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 340 kcal / 100 g.
  • Destination: dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • The complexity of the preparation: medium.

Pork medallions with orange sauce are distinguished by their original taste. To get the right amount of sweet and sour fruit marinade, it is preferable to take large juicy citrus fruits. The sauce is cooked over high heat with constant stirring. For piquancy, you can add a pinch of ground ginger. The served dish with medallions in orange gravy goes well with boiled rice and bread.


  • pork (tenderloin) - 400 g;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • orange - 3 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper, olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Roll portions of 1.5 cm thick medallions in flour and fry 3-5 minutes on each side until a crust appears. Put on a plate.
  2. Squeeze the juice of all citrus fruits into a bowl, add crushed garlic, spices.
  3. Boil the sauce in the same oil where the meat was fried, for 10 minutes, until the mass thickens.

With pineapple

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 355 kcal / 100 g.
  • Destination: dinner.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • The complexity of the preparation: medium.

The combination of sweet and sour taste of pineapple with meat produces a unique taste effect, and a beautiful design will do. Pork medallions with pineapples in the oven are prepared a little longer, but are better baked due to the receipt of juice. You can use both fresh and canned pineapple. The rings on the meat will look spectacular.


  • pork (tenderloin) - 400 g;
  • pineapple - 4 rings;
  • cheese - 120-140 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into equal portions. Rinse, remove water.
  2. Put on a baking sheet with butter, salt, pepper on both sides.
  3. Arrange the pineapple over the meat, sprinkle with cheese chips.
  4. Bake medallions with pineapple for 25-35 minutes, heating the oven to 185 degrees.


If you want to surprise your soulmate and win her heart forever, you should prepare a simple, but at the same time elegant dish - medallions from beef “apple”. The recipe for this dish is very simple. And for the hostess who does not want to mess with the clipping, Miratorg company has already released beef medallions in the form of a semi-finished product. This will save a lot of time.

The difference between the “apple” medallions in the fat layer, which melts during preparation and gives the dish a unique taste, and well-selected sauce or spices will add flavor.

Gourmet step-by-step cooking

Today we look at the classic recipe for beef medallions. It will not take much time and will decorate a romantic dinner. In order not to waste time on cutting and you didn’t have small pieces that are not suitable for cooking, we’ll take finished products.

Dish Components

  • Chicken broth - 370 ml.
  • Miratorg Medallions - 2 pack
  • Red wine - 80 ml.
  • Tomato sauce - 100 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Spices to taste.
  • Italian seasonings to taste.
  • Olive oil - 30 ml.
  • Champignons - 250 g.

Step by step cooking

Step 1. Before making beef medallions, remove them from the packaging and rinse. Then put it on a towel and dry. It is very important that the tenderloin is not wet during cooking, otherwise a brown crust will not work. We put the meat on a cutting board and sprinkle with spices on all sides. If you nevertheless bought a tenderloin, then you need to cut it into thick portioned portions and also rinse and then dry.

Step 2. The meat needs to be beaten, but not hard, so that you get all the same smooth medallions, not cakes. We put the pan on the stove and pour the vegetable oil, wait for it to heat up, and put the prepared medallions. We fry the prepared meat from 2 sides for 2 minutes, and then pull it out. Put on a plate and cover with foil so that it does not dry.

Step 3. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and shred on the plates. In a pan where there were beef medallions, pour olive oil and put a little cream, put the mushrooms.

Step 4. Add spices and seasonings and fry until golden brown. Then you need to add the tomato sauce. Stew mushrooms for 5 minutes. Do not forget to stir constantly so that they do not burn, and the champignons are soaked in tomato sauce.

Step 5. Add wine and add fire. Stir constantly until the red wine evaporates. Pour the chicken stock and simmer until half of the liquid has evaporated. Better not to make chicken cube broth. It will give the dish an unpleasant pungency and smell. It is better to cook the homemade broth yourself, the process does not take much time.

Step 6. We put our medallions in the sauce and reduce the heat to half, simmer the meat for 10 minutes, not forgetting to turn it over. If you like a stronger roast, then simmer for 20 minutes. Take care not to dry the meat.

Step 7. Put the finished medallions on a plate and pour mushroom sauce on top.

Serve a dish with mashed potatoes or spaghetti.

Beef medallions wrapped in bacon is a dish that will appeal to any foodie or just meat lover. It is also easy to prepare and the process takes a short time. In addition, due to bacon, the dish will turn out even more juicy and mouth-watering.


  • Spices and seasonings to taste.
  • Beef medallions - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 6 cloves.
  • Red wine - 5 tbsp. l
  • Strips of bacon - 4 pcs.
  • Cream 15% - 100 ml.
  • Butter - 25 g.


We take our meat, wash it, dry it and beat it off a little. In this case, you do not need to add spices and salt, you need to add them later. Now we wrap the medallion in bacon on the sides, keeping its shape. He, like a ring, surrounds our tenderloin. We fix the bacon with a toothpick, but you can use a needle with a thread.

We put a frying pan on the stove and grill it well. Add 2 types of oils and wait until the cream melts. It will give the dish a slight milky flavor. Put the garlic cut along and fry it for 30 seconds. And now we lay out the medallions, fry them on both sides for 3 minutes each. At this point, add Provencal herbs. You can add the mixture of dried herbs that you like best. Do not forget to fry the sides with bacon, they need no more than 1-2 minutes. To check if the medallion is ready, pierce it with a skewer. If transparent juice appears, then the meat is ready.

We spread the beef medallions on a plate and now we just salt and pepper, and then cover with foil. Thus they still languish in their own juice.

Now add red wine and cream to the juice from the meat and evaporate over low heat, while stirring constantly. As soon as the sauce begins to thicken and stick to the wooden spatula, turn off the stove and transfer the sauce to the saucepan.

When submitting the medallions, do not forget to remove the toothpicks or threads. Top with sauce.

Medallions can also be breaded, then they will form a golden crust, but this method is for those who prepare the sauce separately. It is better not to use only breadcrumbs, but to add ground nuts, any flour and a little starch to them.

If you still dried the meat when cooked without sauce, then you can still save it. To do this, cook any sour cream sauce. You can also make milk sauce. Fill them with medallions and put in the oven for 20 minutes, the temperature should be no more than 120 degrees. The meat will be juicy and tender again.

It is advisable to salt the meat after you fry it. If you salt before frying, it will immediately give the juice and will begin to dry faster.

If you pickle the medallions separately, then blot them with a paper towel before cooking, otherwise a large amount of juice will turn them not into fried or stewed meat, but into boiled meat, and this will not be what you wanted to cook.

We like Miratorg products, and in the Perekrestok supermarket there is often a discount on it (apparently, they work closely with X retail groups), so I periodically visit the meat department of the store. What I like about Miratorg in this product is neat individual packaging + gas environment, and through transparent cellophane you can see what you are buying.

I bought beef medallions from the apple. A bullseye is part of the carcass from the muscle of the outer thigh. As you can see in the photographs, the slices of meat contain thin layers of fat, and the manufacturer writes that during cooking they melt, making the meat especially juicy. The manufacturer also recommends, to improve taste, stew or bake medallions (and generally an apple), then the meat is aromatic and tender.

Since time was short, I decided to fry it well, and then put it out for several minutes.
  You can see the result. Of course, the pieces were reduced in volume, not so much as to suspect that the manufacturer “pumped” the meat with water.

First, I fried the medallions on one side, then on the other, added water and stewed under the lid. The water gradually evaporated, so in the pan the meat looks like fried. Fried a second time, and more on that later (with photos).

And now about the taste. Firstly, the original semi-finished product looked great, had a pleasant smell and natural color.
  The meat was very tasty. Let it not be so juicy, because the beef itself is lean, but it is easy to chew, it does not have particles that would have to be thrown away. It is easy to cut, the fibers separate well and are visible on the cut.

The second time I fried the medallions differently, and I photographed the whole process again. And the second time it turned out even tastier.
  I did so. First I preheated the pan, and I had it with Ceratec ceramic coating, fried medallions, without oil, on both sides to “lock” the juice inside, then removed them, washed the pan, laid it out again, poured water (boiling water) and stewed for about 45 minutes . Then finely chopped onions, added olive oil and stewed with onions. The water gradually evaporated. Onions turned out incredibly tasty, almost tastier than the meat itself))
  See photos and buy medallions, if you liked my work))

Ideally, such meat would be nice to fry over high heat (in a hot frying pan), and then place in the oven for 10 minutes. In subsequent times, I will try to cook it in this way.

Nutrition and energy value per 100 grams of the product: protein - 16 grams, fat - 18 grams, 230 kcal.
  The photos turned out finely, and I will write here. Meat - category A, that is, the highest category. This is a semi-finished meat small-piece boneless chilled. Packed in a protective atmosphere.

Shelf life of the product is 12 days. It should be stored in a conventional refrigerator at a temperature of from - 1.5 to + 4 C.

So far, Miratorg products are in demand, because quality is guaranteed. I recommend

P.s. I visited the Miratorg company store (retail), and I can say that the prices for products of the same name are significantly lower than in other places.
  For example, black angus dumplings cost 380 rubles. In a wholesale store, I bought them for almost 600 rubles.

Occurred: A long time ago