Tasty huts with cheese and potatoes. How to cook haykin with potatoes and cheese

30.09.2019 Dishes for children

Ingredients for the filling:

  • Potato - 400 g
  • Salted feta cheese - 300 g

Cooking time 30 minutes + 30 minutes for frying

Output: 10 pieces

Khichin with cheese and potatoes, a recipe with a photo of which is step by step located on this page, is a national dish of Karachay-Balkar and Nogai cuisine. They are thin cakes with various fillings. Moreover, each nation has its own subtleties of how to cook hitchin. For example, Balkar huts are rolled out very thinly and baked in a dry frying pan, while the Karachays are not rolled out much and fried in oil.

I offer a recipe for making delicious thin Balkar hitchines with feta cheese and potatoes. These cakes are very variable, since the proportions of cheese and potatoes can be changed, you can change the ingredients of the filling, adding greens, ground beef with onions, cottage cheese, beet tops or making only hitch with cheese and herbs and also with potatoes and herbs.

How to cook haykin with cheese and potatoes

Prepare all the ingredients. The ingredients for this dish are few and almost all of them are always in the kitchen cabinet and refrigerator, and this recipe is wonderful.

For the test: add salt to kefir, stir, add flour. Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve, so you will break the lumps, remove unnecessary impurities and make the dough lighter and more airy, despite the absence of soda or yeast in the hitchina dough.

Mix flour with kefir, knead the dough. I first knead the whisk in a bowl, adding a little flour. When the dough becomes denser and begins to stick to the whisk, I spread it on the table crushed by flour and finish kneading already on the table. Leave the dough on the table, covering with a towel, for 15 minutes, while preparing the filling.

For the filling, take feta cheese or Adyghe cheese, grate on a fine grater. The recipe for hystina with potatoes and cheese involves any kind of cheese, but with salted feta cheese they turn out to be tastiest.

Boil the peeled potatoes until cooked and cool to room temperature. This can be done in advance by boiling the potatoes in a peel. Next, pass the potatoes through a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater, as I did.

Mix the potatoes with cheese, salt if necessary (I did not salt, because the feta cheese is quite salty). Divide the dough into 10 equal slices. Divide the filling into approximately equal 10 parts and roll into balls the size of a chicken egg.

Roll each piece of dough into a small cake. Put the cheese and potato ball in the center of the cake.

Gather the edges of the dough into a bunch on top and pinch tightly. The dough is malleable and easy to make.

Flatten the resulting ball with the filling. Gently roll a piece of rolling with a rolling pin into a thin cake to fit the size of the pan.

Fry the cakes on both sides in a well-heated dry frying pan with non-stick coating over medium heat until golden brown. Do not be alarmed, the roach may swell during frying, but after removing it from the pan, the air will come out.

Fill the baked hitchin in stacks and grease with melted butter. It is very convenient to do this with a culinary brush while the tortillas are hot - they immediately absorb the oil.

For convenient serving, cut into 4 parts of the hut.

The recipe with a step-by-step photo with potatoes, I’m sure, will take root in your kitchen, since it’s convenient to take such cakes with you on the road and to school, the first dish will be much tastier with them, and with sweet tea they will open up a completely new, interesting combination of tastes for you!

The classic dough for khychi is kneaded on kefir. Flattened cakes with a filling inside are formed from it, most often cheese and potatoes or minced meat with greens are used. It is believed that the thinner the hychins are rolled out, the tastier they are. Cakes are necessarily baked in a dry frying pan, without any fat. The finished products are stacked in a high pile and immediately richly flavored with good butter - as a result, delicious yakins are obtained, soft and tender, they do not dry out for a long time and remain hot.

For the filling, they usually take an equal amount of boiled potatoes and cheese, feta cheese or Adyghe is best, you can use salted cottage cheese with chopped dill. Cakes are necessarily baked in a dry frying pan, preferably cast iron, it warms up better and bakes evenly. The dish is served without fail while hot, cheese and potato hitchin instantly disappear from the table - very tasty and satisfying!

Total cooking time: 60 minutes
  Cooking time: 30 minutes
  Output: 12 pieces


for the test

  • kefir - 300 ml
  • wheat flour - 400 g (+ 50-100 g)
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • butter - 80 g for lubrication

for filling

  • boiled potato “in uniform” - 500 g
  • adyghe cheese - 300 g
  • salt - 1-2 chips.
  • dill and parsley - 10 g each

How to cook haykin with cheese and potatoes

First of all, you need to knead the dough for khychi - the traditional is cooked on kefir, without adding eggs. No kefir? Take sour milk, ayran or tan, almost any available sour-milk product is suitable, the higher the fat content, the tastier the dough. To better extinguish soda, do not forget to get kefir from the refrigerator in advance, then it will warm up to room temperature, sour-milk bacteria will be activated and the reaction will go more intensively. So, in a bowl I combined kefir, salt and soda.

Then she gradually introduced the sifted flour. Knead first with a whisk (or spoon), at first the dough will seem liquid and very sticky.

As soon as the whole norm of flour is added, you should carefully knead the dough with your hands. The longer the batch, the more elastic the dough will turn out. Do not rush to add flour, unless add a little bit, otherwise the hitch will turn out to be hard. After 5-7 minutes of kneading, the dough will become elastic and soft, uncooked, slightly stick to your hands. We beat it off the table, form a gingerbread man and leave it under the towel “for relaxation” for 30 minutes - during this time the dough will reach its condition (leave it on the table or in a bowl, but do not put it in the refrigerator!).

We will prepare the filling for hitchines with cheese and potatoes. I boiled the potatoes in advance until fully cooked “in uniform”, peeled the tubers, and then chopped on a fine grater. I combined potatoes with Adyghe cheese - it can also be chopped or milled with a fork to the state of small grains. To make the filling tastier and more aromatic, I added some finely chopped greens. Salt and pepper to taste, mixed until smooth. As a result, you should get a lot of toppings - the same volume as the test.

Once again I knead the dough with my hands, sprinkling a small amount of flour on the working surface. Divided into 12 equal pieces (it is more convenient to use weights, the approximate portion weight is 58-60 g). I rolled the balls from the dough.

The filling was also conditionally divided into 12 approximately equal parts. I crushed the dough into flat cakes - in size they should not be too large, but only so that the dough could freely grasp the filling from all sides. On top of the cakes we spread one cheese and potato ball.

Then we raise the edges of the dough, collecting it from above. We pinch the top and crush the dough with our hands over the filling, trying to remove air from the cake, flattening the cake.

Additionally, you can walk on top with a rolling pin so that the thickness is minimal, about 3-4 mm. You need to work carefully so that the dough does not tear. If air bubbles form, you can pierce them with a thick needle or a toothpick.

It remains to fry the hitch in a pan. I spread thin cakes on a hot and always dry frying pan. Fried for 2-3 minutes on each side until the appetizing on the barrels appetizing.

If in the process of baking the cakes swell greatly and become round, like balls, then you did everything right. The fire must be moderate in order for the dough to bake.

I laid out hot huts with cheese and potatoes in a stack on top of each other, smearing with butter. So that they do not dry out and remain soft longer, it is better to cover with a lid or a deep bowl.

Here are such thin and soft quacks with potatoes and Adyghe cheese. If desired, the stack can be cut crosswise to make it more convenient to eat. Serve necessarily hot. Enjoy your meal!

The recipe for hystina with potatoes and cheese is quite simple and can be mastered by any housewife. Khichin in the Caucasus, anyway, that pizza in Italy, the same ingenious culinary invention of the people, is always eaten by khichin, for any reason and without it. Those who have never tried this incredibly tasty and easy-to-cook dish have lost a lot, they urgently need to rectify the situation and learn how to cook hichin with this filling.

In addition to the fact that these flat cakes with potatoes and cheese are incredibly tasty, this is also a very practical dish, they are stored for a long time, and when heated, they do not lose their taste. You can heat the hitch in the microwave, or simply in a frying pan with or without oil, depending on the heating method you choose, the taste is different, but you will lick your fingers anyway.

It is also possible to bake recipe hitchines with potatoes and cheese in the oven.

We also advise you to prepare chips at home, after which you will no longer need to buy chips in the store by itself.

Khichin is just a godsend for fast food, they are tasty even when cold, American hamburgers can not stand any competition with them. Khichin with potatoes and cheese will forever be “prescribed” in your house as soon as you try them at least, so that you can be sure of this, we will describe in detail the whole process of preparation.

Cooking recipe hitchines with potatoes and cheese, the video attached by us will make it easier.

How to cook haykin with potatoes and cheese

What ingredients do we need:

For the test:

  • flour - 700 g
  • milk - 500 ml.,
  • water - 250 ml
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp,
  • salt,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • egg,
  • butter - 30 g.

For filling:

  • potatoes - 1.5 kg
  • cheese, brine varieties - 500 g,
  • onion - 3 heads,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp

To submit:

  • butter.


It is definitely worth noting that the preparation of hitchines does not fit into too strict a framework, and each housewife prepares them in her own way, following only very general rules. So, for example, the dough for classic hychiny is prepared on water, but most housewives use milk, only slightly diluted with water. Knead the dough on yogurt, such a conclusion, the preparation of yeast dough at the discretion of the hostess, but in order to decide and find “your way” you must first go through the “beaten track”, which we offer you.

The recipe for khachina with potatoes and Karachai cheese is prepared exclusively from homemade products, from which the final dish is excellent.

So, we dilute the milk with water and slightly heat it, add salt, sugar and yeast, after the yeast dissolves, pour the melted butter and beaten egg into the container, mix everything thoroughly. Sift the flour into a spacious, convenient for kneading dough, then pour the prepared liquid ingredients and quickly knead in the usual way. Close the soft lush dough with a lid and leave it for one and a half to two hours, after which it can be used for making hichin with potatoes and cheese.

Usually, as soon as the dough is placed, the filling is immediately prepared, for which the washed potatoes are peeled and put to boil, in order to maintain the maximum amount of nutrients in the potato, it should be poured not with cold water, but with boiling water. Boil the potatoes without adding salt, because the filling includes quite salty pickled cheese, and its amount is proportional to taste, i.e., the more cheese, the tastier the hitching.

Immediately after the potato has boiled to a friable state, we mashed it with a special crusher, so that the mashed potatoes are without lumps, the potatoes are kneaded immediately after draining the excess water.

In the mashed potatoes, add pre-fried onions and cheese, cut into small cubes or grated on a coarse grater, knead again and let cool. After the mashed potatoes have cooled, we form small potato balls out of it, the diameter of which is about ten centimeters, plus or minus, at your discretion.

If the dough is ready, then we cut it into small pieces, roll each part into a tortilla and put a potato - cheese ball of filling in the center, tighten the edges of the tortilla by hand and pinch it. The resulting ball from the dough with the filling is formed flatter, and then rolled out using a rolling pin into the thinnest flat cake with the filling. We bake all the cakes in a preheated frying pan without oil, then you will get bacon with potatoes and cheese. If you fry the cakes in preheated vegetable oil, you will get fried hitch, try both options, it’s hard to say which are the most delicious, usually both are made so as not to be puzzled by the choice.

Khychina is a traditional dish of the peoples of the North Caucasus. In fact, these are thin cakes with various fillings, which are served as an independent dish or as an addition to soup, roast or salad.

Fans of alpine skiing, who have visited Elbrus region, and tourists who have chosen the beauty of Karachay-Cherkessia to remember the beauty, will surely remember this hearty and very tasty dish. There is nothing more remarkable than after descending from the mountain through the frosty air for skiing to taste a hot cake with herbal tea.

Not a single table among Karachais or Balkars is complete without hichin with cheese and potatoes. And if in Russian cuisine the hostess traditionally invites dear guests to pancakes, then in the North Caucasian houses they are waiting "for hits."

Traditional fillings are cheese with potatoes, meat, cheese with herbs and cottage cheese. Each Caucasian housewife has her own wisdom of cooking and her secret ingredients that can turn an ordinary dish into a culinary masterpiece.

Classic step by step recipe

To prepare the dough, you need to take kefir at room temperature and mix it with flour and salt. Stir until thick with a spoon or fork, then resort to manual kneading. Knead until a homogeneous, non-stick to the hands mass. The consistency of the dough should resemble dumplings dough. Allow the dough to infuse for 30 minutes, placing it in a bowl and covering it with a towel.

At this time, prepare the stuffing for khyvin. Peel the potatoes and mash them with a crush until smooth. Grind the cheese. This can be done on a vegetable grater, through a meat grinder or, in extreme cases, finely chopped. Combine potatoes with cheese. If the filling is too fresh, add salt to taste.

Divide the dough and filling into 10-12 parts, respectively. Roll the balls: from the dough - more, from the filling - less. Dough balls must be covered with gauze, a towel or cellophane so that they do not dry out.

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thin round cake. In the absence of a rolling pin, you can stretch the balls with your hands. Place a ball from the filling on each center of the dough. Close the edges of the dough around the filling ball and close it well.

Since hitchines are prepared on a dry surface, without oil, a cast-iron skillet is best for baking. Non-stick pans are also acceptable.

While the pan is heating, dissolve the butter in a separate bowl. On a table sprinkled with flour, slowly and accurately roll out the "envelopes", stuff them with the filling. Next, put the huts on a frying pan and cook on medium heat on both sides until a crust forms.

Remove the first hitch from the heat and put the next on the pan. Lubricate the prepared hitch with oil on both sides. Put the next cake on top of the previous one, grease with oil, etc. A pile of hitchin can be cut into pieces like a cake, or each hitchin can be eaten individually.

Recipe for yeast dough with potatoes, cheese and herbs

To prepare the test you will need:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 8 grams of yeast (it is better to take high-speed);
  • 4 tbsp. l odorless vegetable oil;
  • 700 g of wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 80 g butter.

For filling:

  • 500 grams of jacket cooked potatoes;
  • 500 gr of homemade, not hard cheese (feta cheese, feta, suluguni or Adyghe);
  • 100 gr of greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, etc. to choose from or a mixture);
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Calories: 300 kcal per 100 g.

To prepare the dough, milk and water at room temperature are used. It is necessary to put sugar and yeast in water, mix well and let it brew for several minutes. Due to the active properties of the selected yeast, long brewing is not required. Add yeast water to milk.

Sift flour and add to the dough with vegetable oil. Knead the mass well, form the edges, put in a bowl with a lid and leave in a warm place. It is necessary to insist the dough for two hours, stirring occasionally.

For the filling, you need to grind the cheese and mash the peeled potatoes, finely chop the greens. Mix all ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste. Form 10 identical balls from the filling.

Take out the dough and divide into 10 identical parts. From each part to mold a ball. Cover the balls so that they do not dry out. Spread the ball from the dough with your hands and put in the center the ball from the filling.

Cover the edges of the dough around the filling. Knead the "envelope" by hand or roll out with a rolling pin to the appearance of a tortilla.

Put each finished cake on a preheated frying pan with a thick bottom (cast iron, non-stick) and bake on both sides until a golden crust is formed. No need to grease the pan. As far as ready, put the hitchines on top of each other, greasing with butter on all sides.

It is worth noting that there are significant differences between the Khychins in the Balkarian Karachai hostesses. If the former cakes are baked in a dry frying pan, and then greased with oil, then in the latter - in oil or animal fat. In addition, the Karachai Khichins are much thicker than the Balkar ones. In order to decide which ones you like best, it's worth trying both of them.

It is believed that the thinner the cake is, the tastier the hitch. It is advisable that the dough does not leak when rolling, otherwise, when heated, the filling will leak out. Nevertheless, if this happens, do not be upset, the dish will still work. Mastery comes with experience.

Serve hichina with cheese and potatoes is better with a white sauce of sour cream with kefir or yogurt, with the addition of herbs, salt and garlic.

Caucasian cuisine is close to Russian people, as it usually uses familiar and understandable ingredients: meat, potatoes, cottage cheese, cheese, fresh herbs. Khichin is somewhat similar to savory pancakes with filling or to fried pies, so such a treat will certainly find a positive response on the Russian table.

The peoples of the Caucasus have their own national dish ─ these are fried huts with cheese and potatoes. But the preparation of the dishes by the Balkars is different from the Karachai baking. Khychin is one of the most memorable cakes that was “born” with an interesting story.

A bit of history ...

The history of flat cakes goes back in time. Even in the descriptions of ancient Greek travelers wandering around the Caucasus, mention was made of delicious, satisfying pastries ─ hichina. Ethnographers counted more than 40 types of cakes, which had different contents. Each of them was intended for a special occasion. For example:

  1. Round shaped cakes, with meat filling, were regaled during the celebration by the hunters of the deity Apsata.
  2. Extra long cakes with meat and butter filling were served during the closing season of the hunting season. And the dishes were intended to the deity of Totur.
  3. Khychiny with cheese and meat filling, which was baked when the mating of domestic animals took place, was considered a special cake. During this period, a desire was made for a litter. Lush cake is a symbol of a good offspring.
  4. The reapers were treated with tortillas stuffed with cheese, sour cream and butter. The baking feature was the dough. It was believed that in order to get a good harvest, the dough should be prepared from fresh, ground wheat, corn, buckwheat, and barley.

Khichin with potato and cheese filling began to bake two centuries ago. And today it is one of the popular dishes of many housewives.

Symbol of generosity and hospitality

It is impossible to imagine a table without this floury dish of Caucasian cuisine, which symbolizes the ancient symbol of the Sun. Hychina is a manifestation of warm, sincere hospitality. Karachais fried flat cakes thick ─ more than 1 cm, and Balkars thin, even less than 3 mm. There is a general rule: fillings use 2/3 of the supporting material ─ test. No matter what the hosts offer the guests, thick or thin, they have the same amount of hospitality.

Thinly rolled dough makes the dish tastier. Do not forget about the ratio of dough / filling ─ 2/3.

Recipes hichin with potatoes and cheese

Chicken with potatoes and cheese is a wonderful hearty addition to the first dish, snack or tea party. Caucasian dishes are being prepared everywhere. Each housewife uses a personal cooking method. Some people like to fry flat cakes in oil, while others prefer a dry pan. But cooking combines melted butter to grease the baked goods. According to the proposed recipes, hitchines with potato-cheese mixture can be easily prepared by any housewife.

The classic recipe for hystina with potatoes and cheese

For a classic original recipe you need yogurt. In some regions, it is not, so the housewives use a low-fat acid product.


  • 5 l of 1% kefir;
  • 3-4 tbsp flour;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 500 g;
  • 500 g of cheese;
  • 100 g butter.

Cooking Technology:

For the filling, you can use different components, and it is better to serve with a white sauce from: sour cream (kefir), garlic, herbs and salt.

Balkarian huts with cheese and potatoes

Baking is very thin.


  • 350-450 g of kefir;
  • 3-4 tbsp flour;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 tsp soda;
  • 6-7 pcs of potatoes;
  • 300 g of feta cheese or Adyghe cheese (their mixture).

Cooking method:

For the preparation of fresh cakes with Caucasian roots, you can use a variety of fillings. The mixture can be prepared from Adyghe cheese and herbs, minced meat with fried onions, young beetroot leaves and feta cheese.

Chicken meat recipe video