Jewish salad with melted cheese. Jewish appetizer with melted cheese and garlic

In the hearty Israeli cuisine, most of the recipes are simple and nutritious, which is exactly what a classic Jewish salad with cheese and garlic is. It turns out this snack is very tasty and fragrant. It contains very few ingredients, but all the components are perfectly organically combined with each other. Even if you decide to use not processed cheese, but the usual one, as is often done in Israel, the culinary composition will still be amazing: delicate, nutritious, amazingly fragrant. Often it is diluted with greens, vegetables, meat or sausages. So, too, it turns out very satisfying and tasty. In addition, often the classical interpretation of such a salad is presented in the original design - in bell pepper, which begins with a mixture of cheese, boiled eggs and garlic. It is fantastically spectacular and appetizing!

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 4.


To prepare a Jewish salad according to a classic recipe from Israel, you do not need to search for ingredients for a long time. As a rule, all these products can often be found in our refrigerators any day. After all, they are simple and accessible, which fully reflects the essence and philosophy of Israeli cuisine. Here is a set of essential ingredients for this tasty and appetizing salad:

  • processed cheese - 2 pcs .;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • egg - 2 pcs .;
  • garlic - 1 slice;
  • red Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.

On a note! To make such an appetizing cold snack, prepared according to the traditional Israeli recipe, turned out to be more tender and less calorie, it is recommended to use homemade mayonnaise.

How to cook a Jewish salad

Many hostesses ask how to make a Jewish salad, which is based on cream cheese, garlic and eggs. In fact, in the preparation of such a cold snack in Israeli is nothing at all difficult. Even a child can make this dish without any problems. Also, this recipe is worth taking note of bachelors and novice chefs. The main thing here is to capture the essence of cooking a treat, but in general, the sequence of actions does not matter.

  1. After you have prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can immediately start cooking our little culinary miracle. With processed cheese you need to remove the packaging. From it is necessary to rub on the grater with the largest holes.

On a note! To curd did not hem and did not break in the hands, it is recommended to use them chilled. In addition, cheese from the refrigerator or even from the freezer is significantly easier to grate.

  1. Fresh chicken eggs must be removed from the refrigerator. The product that has reached room temperature should be placed in a saucepan or small bucket and filled with warm water. Capacity with eggs is sent to the plate. It is recommended to set a moderate heat. After boiling the water, the fire can be slightly increased and you need to cook eggs for about 7 minutes. Then the water from them is drained. The product is filled with ice water. The eggs must be peeled off the eggshell, after which they rub as much as the curds.

  1. Garlic clove must be cleaned. It can be passed through a special press. If you, as true chefs, prefer not to do this, then just finely chop the clove with a knife, so that as a result you will get fragrant baby or mush

  1. In a deep plate, you will need to mix grated curds, garlic mass and crushed eggs. The mixture is dressed with mayonnaise. Everything diligently mixed. In fact, the Hebrew salad is ready and can be tasted. It can be eaten just like that or used as a fragrant, appetizing pate. It goes well with bread toasts and matzo bread.

  1. However, in most Jewish families such a cold snack is presented in bell peppers. As a rule, red fruits are used. Vegetables are recommended to wash thoroughly. Paper napkins or towels need to blot them to remove excess moisture. The top part with a stem from sweet peppers is necessarily cut. Carefully through it should be extracted from the fruit seeds and partitions. A stuffing of eggs, cheese curds and garlic is carefully placed in the resulting vegetable cavity.

It remains only to carefully (in order not to deform the billet) cut the stuffed peppers with a sharp knife. It is recommended to decorate the obtained ringlets with crushed greens. It turns out nourishing, appetizing and infinitely tasty, although such a cold snack is extremely simple!

Video recipes

To make a Jewish salad that goes well with everyday and festive table, you should use the following video recipes:

The so-called Jewish salad is familiar to everyone born in the Soviet Union. This simple spicy snack is prepared quickly, simply and from the most simple and affordable products: boiled eggs, melted cheese with garlic.

Interestingly, such a salad has very little to do with Jewish cuisine, but people from the USSR willingly and often cook it in Israel. Among the alternative names of Jewish salad with cheese and garlic, there are the following: Cosmos, an appetizing snack and even a window putty.

The classic recipe for a Jewish salad can still be associated with the traditional cuisine of Ashkenazi Jews, which was distinguished by simplicity, even poverty, and the speed of preparation of dishes from affordable, but tasty foods, such as the well-known forshmak. Jewish salad with melted cheese and egg is a great example of a simple and hearty homemade snack, which is not sophisticated, but it is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Everybody can prepare a Jewish salad, for this they do not need extraordinary culinary skills. The proportions of the products can also be changed based on personal taste preferences, to make the dish more sharp or soft due to more or less garlic.

According to the traditional recipe, a Jewish salad is prepared with melted cheese, but it can be replaced with any kind of hard or even sausage, the taste will definitely not suffer. To diversify the taste, you can add other products to the dish, for example, prepare a Jewish salad with carrots. A finely chopped parsley will help soften the sharpness of garlic.

Jewish salad with cheese and garlic is a universal snack for all occasions. You can simply spread it on bread or croutons, and for a holiday table, use it as a filling for stuffed tomatoes, eggs or tartlets.

Jewish salad can decorate the table, how to do it? It's very simple: tightly fill them with brightly colored bell peppers, put them in the freezer for half an hour, then cut them into rings and put them on a plate.

Another way to serve the original Jewish salad is in pita bread. The latter can be smeared with cheese mass, rolled into rolls and put on the dish right in this form or by cutting into small ringlets.

Thanks to the recipes from the photo, the Jewish salad is not only easy to prepare, but it also becomes possible to effectively serve this appetizer at any convenient occasion, delighting home or guests with a simple but original dish.


In the preparation of such appetizers as a Jewish salad, there is nothing difficult.

  1. First you need to boil hard-boiled eggs, cool them in cold running water and clean. Eggs chop with a fork or grate.
  2. Melted cheese grate on a coarse grater and mix with eggs, lightly salt it. To make the cheese easier to rub, it is better to hold it in advance in the freezer.
  3. Skip the garlic through a press or grate, add to the cheese with eggs.
  4. Add mayonnaise to the mass and mix everything thoroughly.

For greater plasticity and airiness of snacks, especially if it is spread on bread, it is recommended to add grated butter to the salad. His like, and curds, it is necessary to freeze in advance for convenience.

Jewish salad will be even more tasty if you make it not with melted cheese, but with hard cheese. Smoked sausage cheese will give the dish a unique savory flavor.

By adding carrots to the main recipe, you can completely change the taste and appearance of the Jewish salad. It is necessary to rub it raw on a medium grater and mix with the cheese mass. By the way, you can take a Korean carrot, drain all the liquid from it.

Sometimes, for satiety, boiled chicken fillet, cut into strips, is added to the appetizer. And those who want to serve on a festive table a spectacular snack, can roll balls of lettuce from the masses and roll them in crushed (grated) crab sticks, putting the resulting balls into a neat hill. In the photo you can see many more options for the original filing of Jewish salad.

Favorite jewish salad

  Jewish salad - a classic recipe - one of the most beloved salads. I do not know where his name came from, but the one who came up with this simple and delicious Jewish salad deserves a Nobel Prize.

Classic Jewish Salad Recipe

Prepares elementary and fast.

Boil hard boiled 2 eggs. Cool in cold water.

Melted cheese curds, before rubbing them on a grater, put in the freezer and let them freeze, then you will rub them easily, and they will not smear over the whole grater.

Now rub cheese and eggs on a coarse grater. Grind 3-4 cloves of garlic through the garlic press, depending on your taste and the severity of garlic.

Jewish salad classic recipe ready. And how to submit it depends on your imagination.

Now you can eat it with a spoon, spread it on white or black bread. You can fill them with pepper, put them in the freezer, let them froze a little, and then carefully cut them into rings. You can spread tomato slices with this salad. Another option is filing - raffaello cheese - with a spoon we take a small amount of cheese salad and gently roll in grated crab sticks. Also, you may be interested in a salad of carrots and beets with cheese, nuts and raisins, the recipe is here.

Jewish salad

"Jewish salad" got its name for the abundance of garlic used in it. Although knowledgeable people say that such salads have never been found in traditional Jewish cuisine. And it is natural. Where would you take on the orthodox kitchen of the Soviet "Druzhba" processed cheese? Yes, and in modern Israel, such a salad is prepared only by our former compatriots. Moreover, the recipe that has remained unchanged for decades (mayonnaise, processed cheese, garlic) has already been modified and turned into several variations on the main theme: grated carrots, greens, pickled chicken, and instead of processed cheese are added there take hard Russian cheese. But tell about everything in order.

The recipe is basic. "Jewish salad" as it is

Let's go back to the origins and in 10 minutes prepare a dish that is considered traditional.

Four melted cheese and four cloves of garlic grate. You can skip the ingredients through a lattice press press. Add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise, salt and pepper and mix.

Now you can roll the balls out of the mass and breaded them in paprika or turmeric powder, in sesame seed, in chopped greens.

This salad stuffed tomatoes.

Also, "Jewish Salad" spread on canapes or croutons.

You can strung balls on skewers with pickled mushrooms, gherkins, bell peppers, diced pieces of sausage.

Second recipe - the most common

Add the boiled eggs grated on a fine grater to the named ingredients. The number one chooses to taste. Usually four cheeses take from two to four eggs. You can increase by a couple of spoons the amount of mayonnaise - the main thing is that the salad does not become too wet. Otherwise there will be no balls (they will crawl on a plate). Everything else is repeated as in the basic recipe.

The third recipe. With hard cheese and carrots

Two raw carrots finely grated. Two processed cheese also rubbed. 100 grams of hard cheese ("Russian", "Dutch" - does not matter) also sent to the fine grater. Cook two boiled eggs in the same way. Mix everything with mayonnaise and chopped garlic (as in the basic recipe). The dish is ready. You can serve.

A variant of this recipe may be two more. To the resulting mass is recommended to add chopped smoked chicken or a cup of boiled round rice. Such simple quick-cooked salads are prepared just ten to fifteen minutes longer. But they will be much more satisfying than a dish prepared according to the basic recipe.

The fourth recipe. "Jewish salad" with zucchini

Two zucchini need to cut circles and fry, breaded in salted flour.

Fold portions on four plates. Fresh tomato, too, cut into slices, put on top zucchini. 200 grams of finely grated cheese mixed with two tablespoons of mayonnaise and two or three slices of chopped garlic. Spread the garlic-cheese mixture on top of the tomato circles. The snack is ready.

You can take smoked chicken fillet, breast or whole chicken. Chicken breast or whole carcass will have, after fumbling, cleaned of skins and bones. Fillets need to be cut into small pieces. Two large peppers (Bulgarian, sweet, red) are also prepared, cleared of seeds, and cut into thin sticks. Open a jar of horseradish with beets, take a couple of tablespoons of content from there and mix with two tablespoons of fatty mayonnaise. Grind a couple of parsley sprigs and a clove of garlic - add them to the sauce and mix everything. Appetizer can be served on the table.

Jewish salad: my family's family recipes

Date: 19 02 2016

Hello my dear readers! It so happened that in the first years of my life in Transcarpathia, my culinary knowledge was often enriched with the help of my neighbor, Rosalia Katz. Culinary girl Roziko-Neuni was reputed to be excellent, but getting the right recipe from her was practically unreal. It doesn’t matter whether the matter involved cooking her famous apple strudel, or if someone tried to find out how she was preparing a Jewish salad.

Rosa loved ornate wording, and on her second sentence she wanted to run far away, damn it, this recipe. The neighbors have long known this feature of it, but nevertheless, from time to time they made regular heroic attempts to find out how she cooks this or that tasty Jewish dish. Here, it would seem, a simple salad of melted cheese, eggs and garlic at Rosekie turned out tastier than others. Why? She herself said that he was seasoned with her sarcasm - since this dish has nothing to do with Jewish cuisine! Here aierzwibele has, but this “impostor” is not.

However, this fact did not prevent her from preparing a salad that had become attached to Jewish cooking quite often. Rosin's husband, Shomu, simply adored an appetizer seasoned with an unimaginable amount of garlic and called her Czech style "anointed" in a homely way. Under this name, the salad got accustomed to my kitchen too. Often, running to a neighbor, I just watched what and how she was doing. Such a simple trick helped me to master quite a few tasty Jewish dishes. Chowlent, gefilte fish, Kneidlich of semolina for chicken broth and many others.

For example, you are cooking Jewish dishes and which ones? I often cook chicken broth with semolina dumplings. In Transcarpathian cuisine, it is very popular. I beg you, my dear readers, to send your recipes with photos - I will supplement this and other articles with great pleasure. Now, first of all, I will tell you the recipe for the Jewish classic in our understanding of salad.

Salads are firmly rooted in the menu of each person. Today it is hard to imagine a festive feast without the traditional Olivier, the tender Mimosa, or the beloved Fur Coat. Among the abundance of appetizers, Jewish Salad is also popular. The dish is famous for its versatility: you can smear it on bread, eat it in its own way, use it as a filling for tartlets or stuff it with pita bread, tomatoes and crab sticks.

Savory tenderness

Jewish salad has been known for many years. Even after many years, in a century of delicious and sometimes sumptuous food, this savory snack does not lose its popularity. This is not at all surprising, because an inexpensive salad is prepared in a matter of minutes, looks great, has a delicate and savory taste at the same time.

A variety of options for serving Jewish salad makes it popular at every celebration. Crispy croutons with melted cheese and garlic, soft pita bread stuffed with spicy snack, air tartlets with creamy filling and many other dishes delight the eye and give true delight to all gourmets.

The main component, which will depend on the taste of the finished salad, is the most common processed cheese. When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to its quality. For snacks you need to use only real processed cheese, its substitutes will only spoil the taste of the food. The surrogate has a more dense structure and a rich white color, while the natural ingredient is yellowish and soft to the touch.

Of the many types of processed cheese, you should choose more solid varieties: Friendship, Russian and Dutch. They are easier to grind and less stick to kitchen utensils. If the cheese is too soft, it should be sent to the freezer for 30-40 minutes and then immediately processed.

Another major ingredient is garlic, thanks to which the salad has a bright and spicy taste. The quantity of the product can be varied at its discretion: the larger it is, the sharper the snack will be.

Modern cooks offer to diversify the taste of traditional Jewish salad with carrots, hard cheese, chicken, mushrooms and fresh greens. With such additives, the dish turns out more elegant and interesting.

Mayonnaise serves as a classic dressing. For perfect taste and appearance, it is recommended to use the sauce with the highest percentage of fat.

Preparing all the ingredients, you can start cooking Jewish salad. The recipe for classic snacks and its modern counterparts will help to cope with this task in minutes.

Space - the classic version

It is said that this type of snack was first cooked in Israel. It is hardly possible to find out whether this is so, but it’s still worth cooking a Hebrew and an egg. A sharp, literally melting in the mouth appetizer is suitable for spreading sandwiches, extra dishes for dinner and festive delicacies.


  • 4 processed cheese;
  • 4 boiled chicken eggs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Melted cheese curds free from packaging and grate on the largest grater.
  2. Eggs clean, rinse and chop like cheese.
  3. Remove the husks from garlic, wash the slices, dry and pass through the press.
  4. Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Design advice: take large bell peppers of different colors and carefully remove the seeds from them, trying not to damage the shape of the vegetable - it should remain as a whole. Fill the holes with ready-made salad, having thoroughly tamped it. Stuffed peppers send in the refrigerator for several hours. Using a large, sharp knife, cut the vegetables into circles, about 1 cm thick. Place on a large platter, decorate with fresh greens and serve.

Jewish carrot salad

In order for the salad to be not only tasty, but also elegant, you should use the recipe for a Jewish cheese snack with garlic and carrots. Beautiful marble shade dishes decorate any meal. Delicate, barely sweetish taste with a spicy touch of garlic will delight all loved ones and relatives.



  1. Wash carrots well, put in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Send to medium heat, bring to a boil, then reduce the flame. Boil for about 30-40 minutes until fully cooked. Cool it down.
  2. Chop the peeled eggs in a medium grater.
  3. Remove the packaging from the processed cheese curds and then grate them on a large grater.
  4. Peel and chop the garlic with a fine grater.
  5. From the cooled carrots, remove the peel and chop on the smallest grater. For a more distinct taste of the vegetable, you can use the average size of the kitchen fixture.
  6. All prepared products move into a deep container. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. To stir thoroughly.

Design Tip: A beautiful carrot snack can be used for filling tartlets, spreading croutons, toast and wafer cakes. The latter must be smeared with salad, laying out the dish in the form of a cake. Send in the fridge for 4-5 hours so that the food is well soaked.

Original appetizer with champignons

If you want something exquisite and original, the Mushroom Jewish appetizer will come to your rescue. The recipe with champignons takes a little more time to prepare, but it will more than pay off the luxurious taste of the dish. If you use forest mushrooms, then the salad will turn out truly royal!



Design advice: cut the middle tomatoes in half and remove the flesh. The remaining "cups" stuffed with salad with mushrooms. Decorate with a sprig of parsley and a plate of champignon.

Three Cheese Exquisite Salad

Very appetizing and unusual salad of three types of cheese. The fused product gives tenderness, sausage - the original smoked taste, Adygei - refinement. The highlight of the appetizer is an interesting spicy dressing.


  • 300 grams of sausage cheese;
  • 100 grams of Adygei cheese;
  • 100 grams of melted cheese;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 2 teaspoons of Caucasian adzhika;
  • dried dill and parsley.


Decoration Tip: From the resulting snacks, form balls the size of a walnut. In order for the mass not to stick to the hands, they can be slightly moistened with water. Hard cheese grate on a medium grater and roll balls in it from all sides.

Jewish hard cheese appetizer

Melted and hard cheeses perfectly harmonize with each other. And if you diversify this combination of fresh herbs and fragrant garlic, you get just delicious. Hard cheese for such a salad should be quite salty, then the ideal result and rich taste will be achieved.


  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 3 processed cheese;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • mayonnaise.


Design Tip: Crab wand gently deploy and lubricate the entire inner surface of the salad. Wrap back and divide into 2-3 pieces. Decorate the tip of the crab stumps with a sprig of dill.

Chicken variant

This snack will be appreciated by all meat lovers. Delicate chicken breast in combination with melted cheese and garlic will give an unforgettable pleasure from eating. To make the taste of the dish more original, you can use smoked poultry meat.



  1. Wash chicken breast, place in a small saucepan and cover with water. Send to the stove and bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam. Add salt, a few lavrushek and 2-3 peas allspice. Make a moderate fire and cook for 25-30 minutes until meat is fully cooked. Remove and cool. Cut into small cubes.
  2. Remove the cheese from the package and chop it into small pieces.
  3. Peeled eggs finely chopped.
  4. Garlic peel and grate.
  5. Place all components in the bowl of the blender and, turning on the average speed, turn into a homogeneous mass.
  6. Wash and dry the parsley. Finely chop.
  7. Put the cheese and meat mixture in a deep plate. Add fresh greens and mayonnaise. Mix well.

Tip for registration: the whole surface of thin pita smear obtained snack. Twist the tight roll and send in the refrigerator for several hours. You can add thinly sliced ​​cucumber (fresh or pickled), evenly distributing it over the entire greased surface of pita.

Little tricks

Making a Jewish salad with cheese and garlic is easy. Snacking does not require expensive products or a special approach to cooking. To make the salad always look great and taste amazing, it’s enough to follow a few simple rules:

Even the most ordinary and familiar to all the salad will sparkle with new flavoring colors, if you experiment a little with its ingredients. And if you correctly arrange the serving of the dish, it certainly will not be equal to him. Dream with pleasure and enjoy your meal!

Attention, only TODAY!

   Calorie: Not specified
   Cooking Time: Not Specified

I do not know why this salad is called "Jewish". As far as I know, there is no such or similar dish in traditional Jewish cuisine. Nevertheless, in the spaces of the former Soviet Union, he was known precisely as "Jewish" and was often prepared - both on weekdays and in. The great popularity of this dish is due to the fact that it is prepared from the most simple, ordinary products, it is impossible to spoil it, but it is very good in taste and in appearance.
  Jewish salad with melted cheese and carrots can be served as a separate dish, and used as spreads for sandwiches, and stuffed them with vegetables or meat. You are unlikely to meet this salad in cafes or restaurants - this, though very much loved and well-known, but homemade food. For the most part, a Jewish salad is prepared without carrots, but I like it that way - so that the color is bright, saturated, so that the taste is unusual, a little sweetish - in combination with cheese and garlic it turns out just amazing!

Ingredients for the "Jewish" salad according to the recipe:

- 1 processed cheese weighing 100 g;
- 1 large egg;
- 30 g carrots;
- 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- 1-2 cloves of garlic.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  Boil an egg for a Jewish salad. To do this, dip it in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Then pour cold water and cool for 10-15 minutes.

  The cooled egg is carefully cleaned.

For the Jewish salad, we need cream cheese. Try to buy good quality cheese and big fat. I usually take the form of "Friendship" or "Russian". In principle, if you do not like processed cheese, then for this salad you can easily replace it with your favorite variety of ordinary hard cheese like “Russian” or “Dutch”. Cheese with mold or sweetish cheeses, for example, Maasdam, are not suitable for this recipe.

  Three cheese on a medium grater.

  Egg three, too, on the middle grater.

  Carrots clean and wash.

  For Jewish lettuce carrots three on a fine grater. Some people like when the pieces of carrots in this salad are well felt, so rub it on a medium grater, like an egg and cheese. I like it when the taste of carrots is not basic, so I chose a fine grater for myself. And you do to your liking.

  Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Mayonnaise (both for this and for the rest of the dishes that you cook), I strongly recommend using homemade.

  Garlic is passed through the garlic press and also added to cheese, egg and carrots.

  All carefully mix. This salad is most convenient to stir with a fork.

  Salad turns bright orange thanks to carrots and looks very appetizing.

  Salad "Jewish" with melted cheese and carrots can be served just like that, but you can, as I said, use as a spread for sandwiches.

  And further. You can vary the ingredients at your discretion: add, for example, boiled rice or corn - and you will get your version and your recipe for Jewish salad.

Lovers of processed cheese in salads can cook

This appetizing spicy snack with garlic and cheese is deservedly popular. It is also called "Jewish appetizer" or "Jewish salad." Since childhood, I remember it on all the festive tables. If you are among the current food abundance forgotten this spicy, flavorful snack, I’m happy to remind you about it today. Preparing a Jewish salad according to the classic recipe is simple and, literally, in a few minutes. You can cook it very quickly if unexpected guests are on the doorstep. Moreover, we always have all the necessary products in the fridge.

You can use any hard cheese to make this snack. And you can and processed cheese. Today I cook a Jewish salad and invite everyone to take part in it. Hope you like my recipes.

In this article:

Jewish salad - a classic recipe with melted cheese and garlic

Garlic peeled and finely chopped, and then again crushed it with a knife blade. Or you can push through the press. Add garlic to a bowl of grated cheese. Eggs are already boiled. They need to cool and clean. Eggs also on the grater and sprinkle in the same bowl. Now salted, peppered and seasoned with mayonnaise. How to cook homemade mayonnaise, telling. Salt should be very carefully, because salted mayonnaise and cheese, too. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients. Our spicy, Jewish appetizer with cheese and garlic is ready. As you can see, it is easy and quick to cook. Serve as a salad in a salad bowl, decorated with greens or a flower made of eggs. And you can spread it on bread and serve on the plate like sandwiches. And now it’s still very tasty to invent this snack on slices of tomatoes. So it is delicious.

In the next video, Svetlana Chernova shows in great detail the preparation of a Jewish salad.

Jewish salad with melted cheese, eggs and garlic - video recipe

Today I have everything about Jewish salad. I wish you all bon appetite and thank those who today cooked with me! Write in the comments if you liked my recipe for a Jewish salad, and what would you like to add to it?