Stewed chicken giblets recipe. Skewer of hearts and vegetables

11.12.2020 Grill menu

Because they just don't know what to do with them. Therefore, today I will tell you how to cook chicken giblets deliciously: I really want you to appreciate this quite affordable product, which, alas, is somewhat deprived of attention.

I used to be a little wary of offal, too, until a neighbor treated me to stewed chicken giblets. It turned out to be very tasty and appetizing, so much so that I caught fire and literally the next day I prepared this dish for my family.

And I was very pleased that both my husband and daughter, and even my mother-in-law liked my stewed chicken giblets. Now I cook them quite often, especially since the recipe for this dish is simple, and giblets are not at all burdensome for the family budget. Now I will gladly share with you how to cook chicken giblets so that they will certainly come out delicious.


  • 400-500 grams of chicken giblets (ventricles, hearts, liver);
  • 1 onion (medium)
  • 1 carrot (small size);
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to cook chicken giblets deliciously:

We wash the giblets, put them on a paper towel, dry them. We remove blood clots from the hearts, fat from the stomachs, and cut off the film from the liver. Since all the by-products are small, about the same size, we do not cut them.

Put the ventricles and hearts in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry over high heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring a couple of times.

Grate the carrots, cut the onion in half rings. Add the onions and carrots to the pan and mix.

Fry for 10 minutes over low heat under the lid, stirring occasionally.

Add the liver to the pan, mix.

And fry on low heat for 5-7 minutes. Then salt and pepper to taste, and mix again.

Add half a glass of water to the pan so that the giblets are almost completely covered.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the offal for 40-50 minutes under the lid.

Serve the finished dish immediately.

Chicken giblets used in cooking include the heart, liver and stomach, which are rich in protein and iron and poor in calories. Chicken giblets are the basis of a healthy and low-calorie diet; in addition, they can be the main surprise of the lunch menu. What is not done from giblets! Ventricular casseroles with cheese, garlic and sour cream or liver pate, with the addition of vegetables and spices, will serve as a great snack. Popular stews and stews made from hearts or giblets are served as a main course. Chicken giblet broth has a peculiar taste: soups and especially giblet noodles are classics of many culinary traditions! Chopped offal is used as an ingredient in minced meat consisting of onions, white bread and eggs in the preparation of stuffed poultry.

In the section "Chicken Giblets" 70 recipes

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Chicken offal is an easy, quick and budget-friendly dish very similar to meat.

The easiest and simplest recipe to cook chicken offal is to simply fry them. It turns out to be a very satisfying and tasty dish. Can be served as a main course. Potatoes or other vegetables will be a good side dish, and various cereals and pasta are also suitable. Today I propose to you to create a real fried delicacy. It will not be difficult for you to cook a roast using a chicken heart, liver, navels. The recipe describes in detail all stages of work. The cooked offal can also be used as a filling and as a base for baked goods. It is worth noting that when preparing dishes from the navels, they are usually soaked in advance in wine, lemon juice or milk. The taste becomes more delicate and delicate.

Products composition

  • 600 grams of chicken liver;
  • 300 grams of chicken stomachs (navels);
  • 300 grams of chicken hearts;
  • one teaspoon of hops-suneli;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • two large heads of onions;
  • one large carrot;
  • 200 grams of homemade tomato sauce;
  • Wheat flour;
  • refined vegetable oil + a piece of butter - for frying;
  • juice of half a lemon or 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar - for solution;
  • two tablespoons of salt - for the solution;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Step by step cooking process

  1. We wash the chicken hearts, cut in half, cut off all unnecessary.
  2. We also wash the chicken navels and cut them into 2-3 pieces, depending on the size.
  3. We put the prepared ingredients in a deep bowl, fill with the solution: add the juice of half a lemon (or two tablespoons of 9% vinegar) and two tablespoons of salt to a liter of water. We leave for 20 minutes.
  4. At this time, thoroughly rinse the chicken liver, remove all ducts.
  5. After twenty minutes, we throw the hearts and stomachs into a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then we transfer them to a saucepan, fill it with clean cold water, add a little salt and put the saucepan on the stove.
  6. After boiling, remove all the foam, and cook over low heat for about an hour, until the navels are cooked. Then we take out the giblets with a slotted spoon, and the broth can be used to make an unrealistically delicious soup with hunting sausages. According to the recipe from our website, you will cook such a soup in 15 minutes.
  7. Cut two onion heads into thin half rings or quarter rings.
  8. Peel and rub the carrots on a coarse grater.
  9. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, add a piece of butter and heat it up.
  10. We send chopped onions into oil, fry until soft.
  11. Then put the carrots in a pan with onions, salt and mix.
  12. We take out the navels and hearts from the pan with a slotted spoon.
  13. When the carrots are soft, add the garlic clove passed through a press and sprinkle with curry, suneli hops and hot pepper.
  14. Then put the stomachs and hearts in a frying pan, stir, add fire and fry everything together.
  15. Move everything in the pan to one side, making room for the liver.
  16. Breaded pieces of liver in flour, put in a pan, add a little vegetable oil.
  17. Cover the liver with fried vegetables, simmer for a couple of minutes under the lid.
  18. Fill in everything (3-4 tablespoons), simmer for a couple of minutes and turn it off.
  19. You can serve this dish with any side dish. It will be very tasty with what is on our website.

Bon Appetit.

For a long time, chicken giblets were very popular in Russia. Each housewife had her own recipe. This made it possible to show their bright personality and rich culinary imagination.

Grandma's soups

The simplest dish that can always be prepared with any meat is soup. Not only a qualified chef, but also a simple housewife will agree with this opinion. The only question is which meat is better to take for this.

Many people really like chicken giblets. The recipe for such a dish provides for the following ingredients: 100 grams of chicken liver and stomachs, a quarter of a kilogram of potatoes, salt, 1 carrot, half a glass of rice, ground pepper, 35 grams of vegetable oil, bay leaves and fresh herbs.

Cooking such a soup is easy:

  1. Rinse offal well, cut into small pieces, remove excess films, and put in a saucepan.
  2. Pour them with water (2.5 liters), and then, adding bay leaves, put on fire. Immediately after boiling, the resulting foam must be constantly removed.
  3. Cut the peeled potatoes into strips and add to the boiling pot.
  4. Chop the carrots, lightly fry in oil, and then also send to the soup.
  5. Add rice and continue cooking over low heat for 20-25 minutes.
  6. At the very end, add pepper, salt and pre-chopped herbs.

This soup will appeal to those who love chicken giblets. The recipe is simple and it will not be difficult for anyone to repeat it.

Balkan motives

Each nation has its own eating habits and priorities. In Bulgaria, they prefer to cook chicken giblets a little differently. The recipe is pretty interesting, and the whole process goes very quickly. Of the products for such a dish you will need: 600 grams of chicken offal (equally heart and liver), salt, 3 large tomatoes, 300 grams of onions, sugar, black pepper, 2 cloves of garlic and herbs (dill with parsley).

Cooking, as always, starts with meat:

  1. First, fry the giblets over high heat in vegetable oil, not forgetting to add pepper and salt.
  2. Add garlic and onion chopped through a press, cutting it into half rings. The flame can be removed a little so that the food does not burn out.
  3. Grate the tomatoes and transfer the resulting mixture to the pan. Continue frying until the liquid is three times less.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients and wait another 5-6 minutes.

The aroma of such a dish will not leave anyone indifferent. The most delicate meat with juicy gravy will always find its supporters.

Italian traditions

Chicken offal dishes are found in the national cuisines of different countries. The Georgians cook amazing Kuchmachi from them, and the inhabitants of Vienna simply adore the boychel, where pieces of meat with airy dumplings float in a fragrant sauce. Italians also know how to cook chicken giblets. Photo recipes will help you repeat each step exactly to get the desired result.

The initial components will be needed in the following amount: 250 grams of pasta (or other pasta) and the same amount of chicken offal, hot pepper pod, salt, 3 tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 50 grams of olive oil, ground pepper, a little flour and parsley.


  1. Rinse the offal well, and then sprinkle with salt, pepper and set aside for 15 minutes.
  2. After that, sprinkle them with flour and fry until they have a characteristic crust.
  3. Add chopped garlic and hot pepper pod.
  4. Remove the skin from the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them. Chop the pulp at random and add to the meat. Sprinkle everything with chopped herbs a little later. Continue the frying process for 10 minutes.
  5. Dissolve a spoonful of flour in ½ glass of water, stir and add to boiling meat. Everything will be ready in 3-4 minutes.
  6. Boil the pasta, strain, and then put on plates.
  7. Put the meat on top, pouring it with a fragrant sauce.

This dish really matches the best Italian traditions.

The simplest option

If there is absolutely no time to mess around with food, then you can cook stewed chicken giblets. The recipe for this is the simplest.

You will need a standard set of products for this: 400 grams of chicken heart, liver and stomachs, carrots, onions, salt, curry, pepper and vegetable oil.

For cooking, it is better to use a deep saucepan or cauldron with a non-stick coating. All work takes place in stages:

  1. Since the time required for cooking offal is different, the stomachs and heart should be fried in a saucepan first.
  2. After 15 minutes, send the liver to the same place. Remember to stir constantly.
  3. Add chopped vegetables after 5 minutes. The food should cook for another 6-7 minutes.
  4. After that, add a little water, curry, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients, and after 10 minutes remove the hot pot from the heat.

The dish turns out to be tasty, tender and very nutritious. And it is quite inexpensive. After all, every housewife should be able to save.

Giblets in tender sauce

Everyone knows how dairy products change the taste of meat. This effect is used by many chefs in their work. For example, you can try cooking chicken giblets in a creamy sauce. The recipe can be simplified a little by taking only hearts for work.

According to the recipe, you will need the following products: for half a kilogram of chicken hearts, a glass of 20% cream, onion, salt, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and spices.

Everything needs to be done gradually:

  1. First, wash the offal thoroughly, and then cut them in half.
  2. Fry the hearts for 2 minutes in boiling oil, and after they let the juice out, continue simmering for 10 minutes without reducing the heat.
  3. Dice the onion, fry in a separate skillet, and then add to the meat.
  4. Add salt, spices, cream and simmer for another 20 minutes. Here, it is better to reduce the fire somewhat, so as not to completely spoil the taste of the sauce.

Delicate hearts will perfectly harmonize with boiled potatoes or rice.

To begin with, it is worth remembering the main rule. Chicken hearts and stomachs should be cooked in a separate saucepan, and only then added to the broth, otherwise the offal will give the soup a bitter taste. And now about the intricacies of preliminary processing of ingredients. It is imperative to remove the remnants of the arteries sticking out of the hearts with a sharp knife, and then slightly cut or cut the latter in half and rinse thoroughly in cold water. The inner films should be removed from the ventricles (fortunately, they separate easily), and then each stomach should be rinsed with water and cut into four parts.

Having prepared the giblets for cooking, you can turn to vegetables: lightly sauté onions and carrots and toss them, along with diced potatoes, bay leaves, and herbs, into a saucepan of boiling chicken broth. And when the vegetables are ready, add the boiled giblets. Having tasted the coveted soup, it is worth starting the second course, for cooking

which we need chicken liver. When choosing a paired liver, first of all pay attention to its color (so that there is no whitish bloom) and smell. At home, rinse it several times in cold water and then dry it on a napkin.

Do not forget that the liver contains many valuable trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, skin cells and metabolism in the body. In order to preserve all the useful properties, and at the same time the taste advantages of this product, it should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. It is enough just to fry the chicken liver with finely chopped onions (and you should not get carried away with the onions, so as not to "hammer" the liver taste). And those who prefer white sauces and gravies can pour low-fat sour cream over the fried liver and simmer for a short time on low heat.

Chicken giblets will turn out to be very tender and tasty if you cook them in a slow cooker. But first you need to boil the hearts separately - pour them with cold water and bring the liquid to a boil. Now you should remove the giblets and dry them. Then the liver, stomachs and hearts should be put in a multicooker bowl, add chopped carrots and onions, pour everything with filtered water (500 g of giblets - 500 ml of water) and cook ("Stew" function) for an hour. Then you can open the multicooker, gently mix the contents, add salt, pepper and spices and simmer the giblets for another quarter of an hour.


For 6 persons: chicken giblets - 1 kg, pomegranate - 1 pc., dry red wine - 100 ml, vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l., onions - 2 pcs., garlic - 4 cloves, basil - 1 tsp., barberry - 1 tsp., hops-suneli - 1 tsp., coriander - 1 tsp., cilantro - 1 bunch, ground black pepper, salt

Cut the giblets into small pieces. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) until golden brown. Heat the remaining oil in a deep saucepan. Fry the giblets on it for 7 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, pour in 50 ml of wine and 100 ml of water. Simmer for 30 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated. Finely chop the garlic, add the basil, barberry, hops-suneli, coriander, chopped cilantro, the remaining wine. Grind everything, put it on the giblets with onions. Stir, fry for 7 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with pomegranate seeds.

Calorie content per serving 263 kcal

Cooking time 40 minutes

5 points

Warm salad of chicken hearts with lettuce and lollo rossa

For 3 persons: chicken hearts - 500 g, 20% sour cream - 200 g, onions - 1 pc., garlic - 2 cloves, lettuce - 150 g, lollo-rossa - 150 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., ground black pepper, salt

Wash and clean the hearts. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, fry the onion until golden brown. Add hearts, fry for 15 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated and the hearts are browned. Season with salt, pepper, stir, leave to cool. Peel the garlic, grate on a fine grater. Pour sour cream into a deep bowl, add garlic, salt, mix well. Tear the lettuce and lollo ross leaves with your hands. Place hearts and lettuce slices on a large platter. Serve sour cream sauce separately.

Calorie content per serving 200 kcal

Cooking time 30 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

Chicken soup with giblets

For 6 persons: chicken stomachs - 300 g, carrots - 1 pc., chicken broth - 1 l, celery - 1 stalk, fennel - 0.5 tsp, bay leaf - 2 pcs., soy sauce - 50 ml, tagliatelle noodles - 100 g, onion - 1 pc., salt

Clean chicken stomachs, cover with cold water, cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove from broth, cool, cut into thin strips, drain water. Peel the onion, chop finely, peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, put in the chicken broth along with a whole stalk of celery. Top up with 1 liter of water, cook for 15 minutes. Add a pinch of fennel, bay leaves, soy sauce, chopped stomachs, add salt, cook for 10 minutes. Add noodles, stir, cook for another 7 minutes. Leave the soup for 5 minutes to infuse.

Calorie content per serving 215 kcal

Cooking time 55 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

Chicken liver with chanterelles

For 4 persons: chicken liver - 500 g, chanterelles - 250 g, onions - 2 pcs., Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l., flour - 3 tbsp. l., sage - 0.5 bunch, ground black pepper, salt

Peel the chanterelles, rinse, dry. Rinse the chicken liver, blot with a napkin. Peel the onion, wash, cut into thin half rings, fry in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) until golden brown. Salt and pepper the liver, roll in flour, fry in vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) in another pan. Place the liver in a bowl. Fry the chanterelles in the same pan in the remaining vegetable oil. Add 200 g of water, simmer for 3 minutes. Add liver, sage leaves and sautéed onions. Stir, fry for 2 minutes, remove from heat. The dish can be served sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Calorie content per serving 370 kcal

Cooking time 40 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

Skewer of hearts and vegetables

For 4 persons: chicken hearts - 0.5 kg, honey - 1 tbsp. l., soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l., dark balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l., cherry tomatoes - 200 g, Frize salad - 150 g, ground black pepper, salt

Mix honey, vinegar, soy sauce. Wash the hearts, place in this marinade. Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. String the hearts on wooden skewers, place them on the middle wire rack. Place a baking sheet with water at the bottom of the oven. Bake kebabs from hearts for 20 minutes at 180 ° C until golden brown. After the kebabs are ready, take them out of the oven, salt, pepper, remove from the skewers, string on other skewers, alternating with cherry tomatoes. Serve with frize salad. Can be garnished with a sprig of rosemary.

Calorie content per serving 165 kcal

Cooking time from 3 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 4 points

Giblets pie

For 6 persons: chicken giblets - 900 g, onions - 2 pcs., carrots - 2 pcs., vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., puff pastry - 1 pack, ground black pepper, salt

Rinse giblets, peel, grind in a blender. Peel the onion and chop finely. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the onions in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan until golden brown. Add carrots, fry for 5-7 minutes. Put the minced meat in the pan. Fry, stirring occasionally, over medium heat for 15 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated. Season with salt, pepper, remove from heat. Divide the dough into two parts, roll out into layers of the same size. Cover a baking sheet with oiled parchment paper, put one layer of dough on it. Spread the filling evenly on it, cover with a second layer, pinch the edges. Bake in the oven at 200 ° C for an hour.

Calorie content per serving 370 kcal

Cooking time 2 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

Giblets casserole

For 4 persons: chicken liver - 200 g, chicken stomachs - 100 g, chicken hearts - 100 g, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l., onion - 2 pcs., 20% sour cream - 200 g, potatoes - 8 pcs., dill, parsley, ground black pepper, salt

Peel the onion, chop finely, fry in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) until golden brown. Rinse and cleanse the liver, hearts and stomachs. Leave a few pieces in a separate bowl, and pass the rest through a meat grinder. Put the minced meat on the onion, salt and pepper, add a little water, simmer under a closed lid over medium heat for 30 minutes. Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, cut into circles. Finely chop the greens. Cover a baking sheet with oiled parchment, put a layer of potatoes on the bottom, salt and pepper. On it - a layer of minced meat, sprinkle with chopped herbs (leaving a little for decoration), cover with another layer of potatoes. Combine sour cream with a little water, pour the casserole with this mixture. Cut the left offal into small pieces, fry in vegetable oil (4-5 minutes). Decorate the casserole with fried giblets. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes until golden brown. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Calorie content per serving 450 kcal

Cooking time 1,5 hour

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

Chicken liver in red wine with apples

For 4 persons: chicken liver - 500 g, onion - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., green apple - 1 pc., semi-sweet red wine - 70 ml, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l., cinnamon - 1 stick, salt

Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings, fry in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan until golden brown. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add to the onion, fry (5 minutes). Rinse the liver, put it with vegetables, fry over medium heat until all the liquid has evaporated and the liver is browned. Add wine, salt, simmer, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes. Cut the apple into small pieces, add to the liver, simmer under a closed lid over medium heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add cinnamon stick.

Calorie content per serving 315 kcal

Cooking time 40 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points
