Simple meal for dinner. Chicken breast beef stroganoff with cream

19.09.2019 Grill menu

A cheap but hearty dinner is obtained from potatoes. This product contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and acids.

Boiled potatoes

The potato is peeled and cooked until tender. The cooking time for this product is 20-25 minutes. Serve boiled potatoes with grated lemon zest, or pieces of mint. Potatoes can be watered with either vegetable oil or cow butter. So dinner from simple products turns into a gourmet dinner, due to mint and lemon peel. Sausages, sausages, steak or canned fish can be served with potatoes. Such a combination would be ideal.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Potatoes are cut into small sticks and fried in vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan. Salt the oil before throwing potatoes there, so it will not be sprayed. Cover the pan is not worth it. Often, stirring the dish is also not necessary, the tubers can fall apart and turn into mashed potatoes. Otherwise, the potato will turn out without a crust, and it will taste like steamed. You need to salt the potatoes at the very end, when the dish is almost ready.

Onions and mushrooms should be fried separately. This is due to the fact that mushrooms give a lot of moisture, and potatoes will be stewed if you cook these products in one bowl.

Potato cooked in egg white

You get yummy potatoes if you bake it in an oven in egg white. This dish will take time from the hostess no more than 30 minutes. Tubers of the same size are cut into small sticks no thicker than one cm and are crumbled in a well-beaten squirrel. Protein will need to salt, pepper and add your favorite spices to taste.

The dish is prepared based on eight potatoes and two proteins. Potatoes need to be laid on a baking sheet to each other. The bars should not fall on each other. Prepare such potatoes until tender. He has an unusual taste, while taking into account the fact that oil is not used in its preparation.

Village way of cooking potatoes

The potato is peeled and cut into four or six parts. Oil is poured into a deep pan and heated. When the oil is well warmed up, dip the potatoes into it. The oil should cover the potatoes completely. The bottom line is that the outside of the potato will become golden and crispy, while inside it will remain soft. This dish takes time from 10 to 15 minutes.

Potatoes stewed with onions and carrots

Potatoes are cut in arbitrary shape and poured into a pre-cooked broth, brought to a boil and stewed for 10 minutes. The onion is finely chopped and added to the potato, after about five minutes you can add grated carrots. Potato stew time is from 25 to 40 minutes. Everything will depend on the volume of the dish. Salt, pepper and add spices is to your taste.

Mashed potatoes

A quick quick dinner is obtained if you cook mashed potatoes and serve vegetables, meat or fish to it. Mashed potatoes are a tasty and nutritious dish, and during the cooking of potatoes you can cook fish or meat or prepare a salad.

Meat to Potato Dish

Chicken breast with vegetables

To do everything quickly, and not stand for a long time at the stove, you can cook chicken breast with vegetables. There may be several cooking options.

Option number 1

Chicken breast is cut into portions and beaten with a hammer. Fry it in well-heated oil on both sides for about four minutes. At this time, you need to cut onion, tomato and bell pepper into rings. All this is laid out on top on chicken breast slices, covered with a lid and fried. Five minutes before the end of the preparation of such a dish, grate the cheese and sprinkle the chicken breast with vegetables on it. The meat will turn out juicy, tender, nutritious and incredibly tasty.

Serve such a dish with potatoes, salad, or eat just with slices of bread.

Option number 2

Chicken breast is cut into small cubes or cubes, fried in a pan with the addition of meat. To the chicken in the pan, when the meat is half ready, send the diced onions, grated carrots, slices of tomato and bell pepper. If there are no vegetables in the season, then you can not put them. If you want to get the stewed taste of a dish, you should add water to the meat during cooking. The cooking time is about half an hour.

Pork in cream cheese sauce

About half a kilogram of pork is cut into small cubes, and sent to pickle in cheese and sour cream sauce. Sour cream will need 4 tablespoons, and cheese sauce about three or four tablespoons. Slices of meat will need to be salted and left in the marinade from the sauce and sour cream for about an hour, you can half an hour. After that, the meat will be fried in a pan for 7-10 minutes. The meat is tender, with a creamy cheese flavor. Spices can tarnish the taste of meat, so you should choose them according to your taste, availability and desire.

  Meat cooked according to this recipe will be a great addition to any side dish, and if you decorate the dish with herbs and cheese, you will even get a festive or romantic dinner. A delicious piece of pork will appeal to any man. It will take a little time to prepare, and such a dish will remain in your memory for a long time.

Vegetable dinner

Dinner will be light if cooked from stewed cabbage. Cabbage can be supplemented with sausages, sausage, meatballs, which can be purchased in the form of semi-finished products. Cabbage has a low cost, is good for the body, and can be purchased at any time of the year.

If you stew cabbage with spices, it will turn out even more useful and its cooking time can be reduced. Turmeric is such a unique spice. She will color the cabbage in golden color, which will make an imitation of its full readiness, if there is absolutely no time for cooking. And cabbage in an aldente state will retain more vitamin and will be more crispy.

Frozen Vegetables Dinner

Such vegetables can be bought at any supermarket. A package of such vegetables helps out at any time of the year and at any time of the day. Vegetables are fried in a pan with the addition of oil, obtained tasty, healthy and nutritious. And if the house has boiled potatoes or a cooked piece of meat, then dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes.

Vegetable stew

For stews, you can use vegetables seasonally. Stew can be made from:

  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes
  • bell pepper;
  • luke;
  • carrots;
  • zucchini.

If the stew is stewed with the addition of potatoes, then it is worth starting to cook first. Next, it is best to add onions, carrots, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and peppers. The dish will turn out juicy, vitamin and perfectly complement the pre-cooked meat or meat cooked during the preparation of vegetables.

This dinner is inexpensive and can be prepared at any time of the year.

What to cook for dinner quickly and simply from zucchini

Zucchini is a versatile vegetable that can be cooked with various products. Zucchini combine with meat, other vegetables, cottage cheese, various marinades. Zucchini is quick to prepare, it costs almost nothing. Zucchini stew, boil, fry and bake. The recipe should be selected based on taste preferences and the time allotted for it.

Zucchini soup

A light summer soup with zucchini will be a great end to the evening. Soup can be boiled in meat or vegetable broth, or you can simply season with vegetable or butter. The composition of the soup necessarily includes potatoes; optionally, cereals can be added. You should also put onions, carrots in the soup, you can add bell peppers and tomatoes. Greens and spices will make the taste of the soup more saturated.

Variety of such a soup can be processed cheese, added at the end of cooking. It dissolves perfectly in hot water and will make the taste of the soup richer.

Zucchini fried with tomatoes

Zucchini are sliced \u200b\u200band fried in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Zucchini on the table can be served with mayonnaise, which is mixed with garlic, passed through a press, finely chopped herbs and spices. Zucchini smeared with mayonnaise, and shifted tomato cut into circles. On slices of zucchini, you can also put fried nuts, they will only complement the taste of the dish.

Zucchini and minced meat casserole under cheese crust

  • 3 zucchini need to be grated.
  • 2 onions are fried in a pan until golden brown.

To the onion in a pan add 400 grams of minced meat. Stuffing is fried until half cooked. Zucchini are laid out in a deep heat-resistant form in layers. The layers consist of zucchini, from which it is desirable to squeeze out excess water, cut into slices of tomatoes and minced meat with onions.

Layers are poured with sour cream filling, which is prepared from 150 grams of sour cream and 1 egg. All layers must be salted during laying. The dish is baked in the oven for 40 minutes. Somewhere ten minutes before the end of cooking it is worth adding grated cheese. It will provide a delicious and golden crust.


Porridge is an indispensable food for the body. Porridge saturates our body with nutrients, minerals and vitamins. They are a source of energy and vigor. Porridge can be cooked with meat, vegetables and various sauces and gravy. Such dishes do not take much time and are full-fledged dishes that can be consumed both independently and can be supplemented with other components.

Pita dishes

Pita helps out perfectly when there is very little time for cooking dinner. Pita bread can be stuffed with minced meat and fry it in the form of pasties.

Pita bread can be stuffed with crab sticks with cheese and boiled egg.

Pita bread can be stuffed with cottage cheese, garlic and tomatoes.

Original post by povarru

Culinary Community Li.Ru - Quick Recipes

Whip up recipes

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Tasty and hearty soup is especially good in winter, when many calories are required. And also such a soup goes well after a big party :) I give a recipe for hodgepodge in haste!

Whip cream

Whipped cream - a very tasty and tender cake. Cooking it is quick and easy. To eat with tea and pleasure :) I share the recipe.

Syrniki whip up

Such cottage cheese pancakes are perfect for a quick breakfast or for moody kids who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Hot and aromatic cheesecakes whip up everything!

Gingerbread Cookies

Very tasty gingerbread cookies in a hurry. Cooking is easy and simple, affordable products, a minimum of baking time and a decent result.

Quick Pilaf

A quick pilaf cannot be called real, but this is also pilaf in terms of ingredients. And to taste, in general, very close. A quick recipe for pilaf helps out when there is absolutely no time.


Such delicious and rosy crumpets will always be welcome in your family. They prepare quickly and can be involved in the process of kids. Interesting? Then read how to cook dumplings in haste;)


Airy and soft whites with a delicious filling and a breathtaking smell :) These whites are prepared really quickly, whipped up, although they are made from yeast dough. I share a secret.

Whipped Dumplings

There are no dumplings. And with cottage cheese and with cherries and cabbage. My family loves dumplings with potatoes. When I have very little time, I make dumplings whipped up or lazy. Simply!

Mannick whip up

A delicious semolina cupcake for evening tea will whip up any housewife. This recipe will never fail.

Whip up cheese cakes

Quick cheese cheeses are an incredibly tasty and satisfying addition to tea. Cook them, and your breakfast will become much brighter and more fun :) Fortunately, they are prepared very simply and quickly.

Whipped cutlets

Juicy and tender cutlets for dinner in half an hour. Virtually no effort - and a delicious dish on the table. I tell you how to make cutlets in a hurry!

Whiskey sponge cake

A biscuit is an indispensable thing for any housewife, you can cook it in half an hour, and even with toppings - so here it all depends on your imagination. Light, airy sponge cake in a hurry.

Chebureks whip up

Who doesn’t like pasties? Thin, puff pastry, hot juicy filling. Everyone loves, but cooking is one hassle. And for a long time, and troublesome. But this recipe is the opposite. Cooking pasties in haste!

Sweet buns whipped up

Cottage Cheese Cake

Tasty, delicate and beautiful curd cake in haste. And besides, it’s also useful. It’s easy to cook, but it’s a masterpiece!

Whip bread

The light and unique smell of freshly baked bread will fill your home with aromas of warmth and comfort. It is not difficult for anyone to bake such breads - a quick recipe for bread is extremely simple!

Whipped Honey Cookies

Extraordinarily tender and tasty honey cookies in a hurry will not leave indifferent. Prepare it for children, guests or just for your beloved, it will not take you much time.

Whipped homemade cookies

According to this simple recipe, we get a very tasty and crisp homemade cookies in a hurry. Children can and should be connected to the process :) It’s getting ready very quickly!

Whip up liver

For those who really want to eat, but are in a hurry for business, there is a very tender and soft chicken liver, which we will cook in half an hour. The rest of the time you can spend on vacation.

Whip bagels

These bagels disprove the prevailing opinion that whipping up does not work out anything deliciously tasty. Learn a quick recipe for bagels and break stereotypes!

Whip Curd Casserole

The delicate taste of this casserole will conquer you and your children. A very healthy dish, it is prepared quickly and easily. We study the recipe for curd casserole in a hurry!

Whiskey cheesecake

Cheesecake is a delicious dessert that is loved all over the world. A classic cheesecake is baked and it takes a lot of time. There are cheesecake options without baking. I want to offer more light and simple. Give it a try!

Whip honey cake

A delicious and delicate cake with honey aroma is a good dessert for any family holiday. I’m telling you how to make a honey cake in haste.

Whip up cheesecake

Are guests on the doorstep or wanted something tasty and unusual? Cook a delicious and satisfying cheesecake in haste. It is easy and simple!

Whip yeast dough

Yeast dough for pies, pizzas, bagels and buns in record time. Products from this test will be appreciated by the whole family, and, of course, you. Whip up the yeast dough!

Whip honey pie

If you want to cook something truly delicious with your own hands, then this simple recipe for a honey cake whipped up is what you need.

Whiskey sponge cake

If you have 20 minutes free and really want homemade sweets, then this wonderful recipe is created for you. Just take your favorite jam from the pantry and start cooking.

Whip Cake "Napoleon"

Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for the classic performance of this masterpiece. The taste will not suffer :) So, we are preparing the Napoleon cake in haste!

Whip up pancakes

Wonderful chubby pancakes - a traditional dish on a Sunday morning in my family for many years. Fast and tasty, ruddy and fragrant - what could be tastier.

Quick fritters

This is a great option for a quick and tasty breakfast that you can safely cook before work or children in front of school. Very tasty and satisfying and does not take much time.

Whip up buns

Fast, aromatic and delicious tea buns. Fill your home with the smell of cinnamon, comfort and tranquility. The quick recipe for buns is extremely simple and straightforward - so everyone will figure it out.

Whip up muffins

Pies are good for everyone, but they have a small drawback - eating is not very convenient. Especially for children. Another conversation is muffins. There’s just something to do - for a couple of bites. Cooking fast? You'll like it!

Whip up khachapuri

If after half an hour you are expecting guests, and there is no time to cook something delicious, then fast khachapuri will certainly come to the rescue and will pleasantly surprise your guests.

Whip cake

For those who do not like to stand by the stove for a long time, but at the same time love to treat themselves to sweets. This is a very simple and quick cake, and you can safely come up with a filling for it yourself.


When there is very little time to cook, but you want to cook something unconventional - cook a quick Lasagna according to this recipe. Unusual, tasty and most importantly - fast!

Whip up sponge cake

When you want something tasty and festive, and time to cook just barely, this recipe for a sponge cake will quickly help you out.

Whipped meat pancakes

Fast and unusual pancakes will help to feed a whole family tasty and without special expenses. I’m telling you how to make meat pancakes in haste!

Whip chocolate cake

This cake is perfect for an unexpected holiday or if you just want to quickly cook something delicious for yourself. In any case, its taste will surprise you unexpectedly and pleasantly.

Cheesecake in a hurry

I tell you how a delicious and tender cheesecake is made for those who are sorely lacking time to cook. Everyone can cook a cheesecake in haste!

Whipped Caesar Salad

It happens - you know exactly what dish you want. And you also know for sure that there is no time to cook this according to the classic recipe. Or strength. Or both. Let's try the same recipe, but accelerated.

Whip chocolate cake

Well, who did not have such a state when you want something tasty? Or again, unexpectedly, the guests are on the doorstep ... This recipe is here to help you!

Whip sweet roll

In the evening, when the whole family is assembled, it’s so nice to drink some tea. Yes, not just a seagull, but with something tasty. And the sweet roll will have to come in handy. Cooking!

Whip up soup

If you urgently need to feed the whole family, and time is sorely lacking, then this wonderful recipe is your salvation. It will take you 30 minutes to cook it, and you will get a hearty, rich soup.

Whip cabbage pie

If you think that cakes are long and troublesome, then you are deeply mistaken! From this recipe you will learn how to cook cabbage pie in a hurry, and to please your family and friends with fragrant fresh pastries without unnecessary troubles.

Homemade sponge cake

A delicious homemade sponge cake is suitable for making cakes, pastries and desserts. It is much tastier than the store ones, because the love and warmth of your beloved hands are enclosed in it.

Whiskey sponge cake

Ah, this cozy smell at home, a warm blanket, a cup of tea and a fresh biscuit ... What could be better? And, if you have a plaid and tea, let's take a biscuit.

Whip up borsch

Yes, do not be surprised, it is possible - indeed, borsch can be cooked in a hurry. And a very tasty borscht turns out, believe me!

Whipped Oatmeal Cookies

A healthy, sweet and tasty treat for the sweet tooth is oatmeal cookies in a hurry. A very quick recipe - see for yourself!

Charlotte whip up

Tasty and fragrant autumn cake will cheer you up in inclement weather. It’s easy to cook, and it’s nice to eat. I’m telling you how to make a charlotte in haste!

Whip meat pie

A delicious and satisfying pie will appeal to everyone, especially men. And most importantly, this meat pie is being prepared in haste - you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort on its preparation!

Whiskey donuts

Golden and magnificent donuts will certainly please your children, and it is rare for any adult to refuse such a delicious meal. I’m telling you how to make donuts in haste!

Hot Sandwiches

A great option for a quick breakfast for those who don't have time in the morning. Very quickly and easily you can cook delicious and crispy fast-food sandwiches, which even children will appreciate.

Whip up cold sandwiches

Cold whipped sandwiches are very relevant for students! Fast, beautiful, satisfying and for a large company. I share the recipe;)

Quick pancakes

Everyone loves pancakes, both children and adults, and there are a great many recipes for their preparation. This recipe for wonderful, delicious and lush pancakes that you cook in 15-20 minutes.

Whip up fish pie

The cake is cooked very quickly, because it uses ready-made puff pastry and canned fish. It turns out a very delicious cake that will appeal to all your family.

Homemade pizza in a hurry

A simple and easy option for everyone's favorite pizza. We just use what we have at home and make dough without yeast - and we are ready for unexpected guests to come, and the home ones will be satisfied.

Whip apple pie

Great taste and aroma, ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients - these are the main advantages of this cake. Cook this apple pie in a hurry and enjoy the result!

Whip up buns

A very simple and quick recipe for making buns in a hurry. The dough is prepared without oil and without yeast, and therefore - very quickly.

Cakes in a hurry

A quick hot cake will make your Sunday breakfast much tastier and more varied. Products - minimum, pleasure - maximum :) I share the recipe!

Simple whip up sandwiches

This is, in fact, probably the simplest salmon sandwiches, which will take 10 minutes to prepare. Three simple movements, and we get delicious and beautiful holiday sandwiches.

Fast peasant soup

Tasty and light soup, very inexpensive and cooks fast. Peasant - because without meat and with lots of vegetables. Cooking peasant soup in haste!

Whipped fried pies

Delicious homemade cakes are made very quickly. The recipe for the busy or for those who like to eat, but are too lazy to cook :)

Quick buns

Amazing, fragrant and delicious fancy buns whipped up are obtained according to this recipe. Do not spare a little of your time and bake this miracle, you will like the result!

Mini pizza whip up

If you do not have time, but want to pamper your loved ones with something tasty and hot, the recipe for this dish you will come in handy. Fast, easy and very tasty.

Whip dough

A great option for quick dough, which is good for making pies and savory pies, and is also a great option for baking during fasting.

Whipped Salted Cucumbers

Whipped salted cucumbers are a delicious addition to lunch or dinner. They prepare quickly, look unusual and practically no hassle.

Julien in the pan

Julien in the pan is my dad's signature dish. It goes very well with a side dish of mashed potatoes. I cook julienne in a pan with chicken. Give it a try.

Salad "Beloved Woman"

The recipe for the beloved woman salad will be very popular with men. After all, its preparation will take a maximum of 10 minutes. Simple, quick and not many ingredients.

Favorite Chicken Salad

My favorite salad with chicken is cooked with chicken or smoked chicken. Both options are very tasty. Give it a try.

Pizza in the pan

Delicious, juicy pizza in a pan in 10 minutes - a great dish for lunch or a quick whip dinner. A simple pizza recipe in a pan is especially good for beginners.

Constantly having a “stock” food supply in the refrigerator, any housewife without hesitation will answer the question: what is inexpensive to cook. Eating cheaply, it is necessary to observe the well-known balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and not to forget about living vitamins, getting them from fresh fruits and vegetables.

You can always save by completely abandoning the semi-finished products. In addition, this refusal will drastically improve the quality of food, because all finished products and semi-finished products contain an incredible amount of salt and preservatives.

It is known that practically any dish can be cooked inexpensively. It is worth paying attention to traditional dishes from cereals, mushrooms, vegetables - their simplicity (not only in preparation, but also in the composition) will help you to establish digestion broken by improper nutrition, improve the body and help those who for a long time and often unsuccessfully struggle with excess weight.

Our site offers you a selection of recipes for what you can cook inexpensively.

Mushroom cabbage soup

  250 g of fresh mushrooms or 70 g of dried mushrooms,
  300 g of white cabbage.
  1 carrot
  1 onion,
  2-3 potatoes,
  vegetable oil,
  Bay leaf,
  2-3 peas of allspice,
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Cut the potatoes into strips, chop the cabbage finely, grate the carrots on a medium grater, chop the onion. Fry the carrots and onions until tender. Cut mushrooms into slices and fry separately (pre-soak dried ones). In the broth or water, dip the potatoes, cabbage and cook until half cooked. Then put the fried vegetables and mushrooms in a pan, add bay leaf, allspice and cook cabbage soup until cooked.

Quick onion pie with onion and egg

  For the test:
  280 g flour
  400 g of kefir,
  2 eggs,
  160 g butter,
  2 tbsp Sahara,
  ½ tsp salt
  1.5 tsp baking powder.
  For filling:
  2 eggs,
  green onions

  Cut green onions, lightly warm it with oil, salt, pepper, add hard-boiled and diced eggs. To prepare the batter, melt the butter, add sugar and salt, pour in the kefir and beaten eggs. Mix flour with baking powder, add to the liquid mixture and mix until smooth. Lubricate the baking dish with oil and pour a little more than half the dough into it. Put the filling on it and fill it with the remaining dough. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 35 minutes. Cool the finished cake a little, covering with a towel, then put it out of the mold on a dish. This recipe is ideal for a slow cooker.

Potato "Pizza" (an excellent recipe for "after the holidays")

  3 boiled potatoes,
  2 eggs,
  boiled or fried meat,
  tomato paste
  salt pepper.

  Grate the potatoes on a grater, beat the eggs, salt and pepper. Mix everything well. Put the potato dough in a pizza dish and smooth it, grease with tomato paste. Put the diced meat and cover with cheese. Then put in the oven, heated to 180ºС, and bake until the cheese is melted.

Super-fluffy chicken minced meatballs with oatmeal

  500 g minced chicken
1 egg
  ½ stack. instant oat flakes,
  ½ stack. milk (or water)
  1 onion,
  2 cloves of garlic,
  paprika, black pepper, salt - to taste.

  Mix the egg with milk, pour oatmeal with this mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Chop onion and garlic, add to minced chicken and mix. Add the swollen oatmeal and spices to the minced meat and thoroughly knead the minced meat. Heat the oil in a pan and put the patties on it with a spoon. Fry them on both sides, first over high heat, then reduce the heat, cover and bring to readiness.

Cheese and Potato Meatloaf

  250 g mashed potatoes,
  2 tbsp potato starch
  2 eggs,
  1 onion,
  2 tbsp chopped parsley,
  150 g of hard cheese
  1 clove of garlic
  2 tbsp semolina
  500 g minced meat
  2 tbsp breadcrumbs
  ½ tsp ground coriander
  salt to taste.

  Add 1 tablespoon to mashed potatoes parsley, 1 egg, 50 g of grated cheese and starch and mix well. On a plastic film, put the potatoes in a rectangle 1 cm thick. Chop the onion and garlic and fry in oil, then mix with meat, semolina, breadcrumbs, coriander, parsley and egg. Salt, knead well, beat and lay the minced meat on top of the potatoes with a smaller rectangle. Use a film to roll into a roll. After that, carefully remove the film, and wrap the roll in foil and in several layers of film. Cook the roll on low heat for 50-60 minutes. Remove from the water and when it cools down a little, turn and sprinkle with grated cheese on all sides. Put on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10-15 minutes to make the cheese brown.

  1 zucchini
  1 eggplant
  1 bell pepper
  2 tomatoes
  1 onion,
  2-3 potatoes,
  3 cloves of garlic,
  greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

  Cut potatoes, zucchini, eggplant and sweet pepper in equal cubes. Fry the potatoes in vegetable oil and add the eggplant and pepper to it, fry everything together and put in a saucepan. Place peeled tomatoes, onions, garlic in a blender and chop in a puree. Pour the finished sauce into a saucepan with vegetables, add zucchini there and simmer until the vegetables are soft. When serving, put the ratatouille in a ring, around which pour sauce and garnish with greens.

Chicken Potato Cheesecakes

  500 g of potatoes
1 egg
  2 tbsp flour
  ½ tsp salt
  greens, cheese.
  For filling:
  250 g minced chicken
  2 onions,
  1 tbsp mayonnaise
  some garlic
  spices to taste.

Fry the minced meat with onions and spices, adding garlic and mayonnaise. Cook the potatoes in salted water, drain the water, mash, add the egg, flour, greens. Cool the dough and divide into pieces. Make a small cake from each piece, put them on a greased and parchment-covered baking sheet. Grease each cake with a beaten egg, put the filling on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 160 ° C for 30 minutes.

"Lazy legs"

  1 pack of chicken drumsticks,
  2 carrots
  2 onions,
  1 can of canned corn
  1 stack rice
  500 ml of boiling water or broth,
  salt, pepper, paprika, spices - to taste.

  Peel and finely chop the onion. Grate carrots on a grater. Fry onions and carrots in a pan. Add washed rice to the pan, corn without liquid, mix. Transfer the mixture to a mold, fill with two glasses of boiling water or hot broth. Rub the chicken on all sides with salt, pepper and paprika and lay on rice. Cover with foil, put in the oven and bake for 1 hour at a temperature of 200ºС.

Onion roll with chicken stew

  For the test:
  ½ stack. water,
1 egg
  1-1.5 stack. flour
  For filling:
  3 onions,
  1 chicken,
  1 bag (400 g) of frozen vegetables
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Knead the dough from water, eggs, flour and salt, like on dumplings, and let it stand for 30 minutes. Cut the onions in half rings and fry them until soft. Roll out the dough, put the fried onions, roll into a roll and cut into small slices 4-5 cm wide. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, fry, add frozen vegetables and warm a little. Put onion rolls to chicken and vegetables, add enough water so that it covers the rolls to half. Simmer under the lid until the water evaporates and then lightly fry.

Bomb cakes

  For the test:
  3.5 stack flour
  1 stack boiling water
  4 tbsp vegetable oil
  1 tsp Sahara,
  1 tsp salt.
  For filling:
  5 tomatoes
  200 g of feta cheese or cottage cheese,
  2 cloves of garlic,
  salt, herbs - to taste.

For the filling, cut the tomatoes into circles, mash the feta cheese with a fork (if using cottage cheese, salt it), squeeze chopped garlic into it, add finely chopped greens and mix. To prepare the dough, mix salt and sugar in boiling water, add vegetable oil. Mix water with flour and knead the dough well. Roll half of the finished dough into a large thin layer. Put the circles of tomatoes on the dough no closer than 3 cm from each other. Put the stuffing on them. Next, roll out the second layer of dough and cover it with the first with the filling. With a glass of suitable diameter, cut the pies along the contours of each tomato circle. Walk your fingers along the edges of each cake so that they stick together well. Fry the pies in a large amount of hot vegetable oil on both sides.

Casserole with minced meat and buckwheat

  700 g minced chicken
  250 g buckwheat
  2 onions,
  2 carrots
  2 apples
  120-150 g of cheese.

  Cook the buckwheat and cool. Fry the onion in a mixture of vegetable and butter until soft, cut it into cubes, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cool. Mix with minced chicken, season well, knead until smooth and lay in a layer in a mold. Add peeled apples and grated cheese to buckwheat, mix well and put, slightly crushing, with a second layer into the mold. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200ºС for 25 minutes. Then remove, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven again for 5 minutes.

Lentil casserole with cheese and cottage cheese

  100 g of red lentils,
  40 g of cottage cheese,
  40 g of hard cheese
1 egg
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Boil the lentils until ready in the ratio of cereals and water 1: 2 for 15 minutes, pouring it with cold water. Salt at the end of cooking. If after the indicated time there is water left in the saucepan, drain it, or boil the lentils a little longer without a lid so that the liquid evaporates, then cool. Add the egg, cottage cheese, grated cheese, salt, pepper into it and mix everything until smooth. Grease the baking dish with butter, put the lentils and smooth the surface. Bake in the oven at 180ºC for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

Puff pastry boats with potatoes, meat and cucumbers

  1 kg of potatoes
  400 g of any meat
  1 onion,
  3-4 small pickles,
  500 g of ready-made puff yeast dough,
1 egg
  50 g of hard cheese.

Boil potatoes and mash. Cut the meat into slices, onion in half rings and fry everything as follows: stir the meat over high heat, stirring for 3 minutes, then add the onion, mix, reduce gas and simmer for 10 more minutes under the lid. After that, open the lid and over medium heat slightly evaporate the juice for another 4 minutes. Cut cucumbers into circles, if large - into strips. Divide the thawed dough into 4 parts, roll out, put 2-3 tbsp in the center. (with a hill) of mashed potatoes, in the center - fried meat and chopped cucumbers. On the sides, make longitudinal cuts and pass one strip of dough into the other so that the cut is centered. Give the products the shape of boats, pinch the sides, put on a baking sheet, grease with a beaten chicken egg, slightly cover the center with grated cheese and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25 minutes.

Spaghetti Casserole with Chicken and Vegetables

  1 packet of spaghetti
  3 eggs,
  1 stack cream
  200 g grated cheese
  2 chicken fillets,
  4-6 pickled cucumbers,
  3-4 tomatoes
  salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

  Beat eggs with cream and half cheese, salt, pepper and mix the resulting mass with cooked spaghetti. Put in a greased form, lay on top a mixture of finely chopped fillets and cucumbers, salt and pepper a little too. Then lay the sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes, make a sour cream net over the entire surface. The last layer is grated cheese. Put the mold in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and bake until the cheese turns golden brown.

Very lazy dumplings

  3 stack flour
1 egg
  ¾ stack. water,
  ½ tsp salt
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Sift the flour, add the egg, water and knead the dough. Be sure to leave it for 30-40 minutes to swell the flour. At this time, prepare the minced meat: meat, onion, salt, pepper. Roll out the finished dough with a sheet no more than 1 millimeter thick. Put the minced meat on top and roll it into a roll, pinch the long edge. With a knife, cut the dough with minced meat into columns. Put them in a deep frying pan on a “pillow” of fried carrots and garlic, fill with water, cover and simmer over low heat until all the liquid has been absorbed. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh chopped herbs.

Rice cutlets with cheese

  1.5 stack rice
  2 eggs,
  250 g of cheese
  vegetable oil,
  greens, salt, pepper.

Boil the rice. Combine grated cheese with rice, add the yolks, chopped dill, salt, pepper and mix well. From the resulting stuffing, form oval cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Then fry them in a well-heated pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.

Now you know what to cook inexpensively and tasty. Bon Appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

For its delicate taste and aroma. It will fill with warmth on a frosty day, help wake up in the early morning and give strength.

Delicious pastries for tea will be a great addition to this wonderful drink. You can do it very fast and from the simplest products.

Quick tea baking recipes

Quick baking recipes for tea will allow any housewife to meet unexpected guests.

The easiest way is to make puff pastry puffs.

Puffs "For unexpected guests"

To do this, we need a briquette of frozen puff pastry, which can be bought at any supermarket.

We take puff pastry from the freezer, lay out the layers on the table and wait 15 minutesso that they thaw at room temperature. Turn on the oven.

Roll out the layers of dough, cut it into pieces and give us the shape we need (you can cut into rhombs, squares, circles, stripes).

If desired, you can use any filling (dried fruits scalded with boiling water, slices of fresh fruits, homemade thick jam, etc.).

Lubricate the puffs with an egg, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. We spread our workpieces in a form slightly oiled.
  We send the form to the oven, preheated to 220 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes.

Roll "Gentle"


  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • powdered milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • soda (slaked) -? a teaspoon;
  • thick jam.

Mix all dry ingredients, pour in eggs, add slaked soda and beat everything with a mixer.

Cover the form with oiled baking paper and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes. We remove the form from the oven, turn it over and remove the paper.

Lubricate the surface of the finished cake with thick jam and immediately turn it into a roll. Serve on the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Quick baking for tea is good because it is served “with heat, with heat”.

15-minute donuts


  • whole condensed milk - 1 can;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • flour (how much dough will take);
  • soda (pay off with lemon juice) -? a teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar;
  • vegetable oil for deep fat;

Beat condensed milk and eggs. Add slaked soda. Add flour and knead soft dough that does not stick to your hands.

We cut the dough into small balls and fry them in a large amount of well-heated vegetable oil. Put the fried donuts in a colander (so that the glass is excess oil) and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Delicious Tea Baking Recipes

Fruit Glade Cake


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 2 glasses;
  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder for dough - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin (to taste).

  Mix the ingredients prepare semi-liquid dough  and pour it into a greased form.

Top beautifully laid out slices of fruit. Bake for 30 minutes in the ovenheated to 180 degrees.

Quick baking recipes for tea impress with a variety of shapes and tastes.

Bagels with boiled condensed milk


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • creamy margarine - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg (for coating) - 1 pc;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can.

We prepare soft dough from flour, sour cream, sugar and margarine, divide it into 4 equal parts.

From each part we form a ball. We roll and cut each ball  into 8 triangles (through the center).

  On the wide side of each triangle lay on? tsp boiled condensed milk.

We fold the neat bagels and put them on a baking sheet (you do not need to lubricate it).

Grease the finished bagels with an egg and put in a hot (200 degrees) oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Cookies "Brushwood with condensed milk"


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 2 tsp;
  • yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt -? teaspoons;
  • vanilla sugar (to taste);
  • powdered sugar (for sprinkling) -? glasses;
  • vegetable oil (for deep fat) - 500 ml.

And knead the cool dough of all the ingredients (except for vanilla sugar and icing sugar).

Let the dough lie down for 15 minutes.

We roll out a layer 2 mm thick and cut out circles with a thin glass. Fry the circles until golden brown in boiling vegetable oil.

Ready mugs will take the shape of shells. Sprinkle them with a mixture of vanilla sugar and icing sugar.

The festive version of brushwood is done as follows: 3 cups fasten with a drop of egg white (in the center), fry in boiling oil, holding the middle with a wooden skewer (until ready).

Tea Diet Recipes

Light baking for tea will delight gourmets who are constantly dieting.

Air cake "Cloud"


  • jelly (preferably cranberry or raspberry) - 1 briquette;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • slaked soda - 1 teaspoon.

200 g of sour cream and 50 g of homemade jam (raspberry, cherry, strawberry or cranberry).

Knead the jelly briquette to a powder state, add eggs, flour and slaked soda. The resulting dough should be liquid.

We divide it into 3 parts and pour it into molds (with a diameter of not more than 20 cm), well-oiled oil and sprinkled with flour.

We bake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Cakes should turn out magnificent.

We coat them with cream of jam and sour cream.

If you monitor your weight, you can use any fresh berries instead of sour cream: this will reduce the calorie content of a delicious cake.

Simple baking for tea is affordable even for the most inexperienced housewife.

Delicious Apple Pie


  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sour cream - ? glasses;
  • sugar -? glasses;
  • butter (melted) - 150 g;
  • soda (slaked) -? teaspoons;
  • apples (sour) - 1 kg;

For cream:

  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar -? glasses;
  • an egg - 1 piece.

We prepare soft dough from the components of the top list and put it into the form, leveling it with our hands (it cannot be rolled out). Over the dough stack sliced \u200b\u200bpeeled apples.

  Fill the pie with cream prepared from the components of the lower list (they need to be slightly whipped with a whisk). Bake for 50 minutes in the ovenheated to 180 degrees.

Sweet pastries for tea will gather the whole family at the table.

Tartlets with apples


  • apples - 8 pieces;
  • Raisins - 100 g;
  • rum (or syrup) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • butter - 175 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • milk -? glasses;
  • We bake for 30 minutes in the oven, heated to a temperature of 200 degrees.

    Mix honey with 3 tablespoons of water and bring to a boil. Ready greasy tartlets with syrup  from honey.

    Tea baking, the recipes of which you will find in this article, is notable for the simplicity of preparation and the availability of recipes. Delight your loved ones with the taste of homemade goodies that everyone will like.

In the morning there is always no time to cook, but breakfast should not be skipped. Here are some ideas on how you can quickly refresh yourself to get energy for the first half of the day.

1. Oatmeal with dried fruits

In a small saucepan, heat ½ liter of milk. Add 6 tablespoons of oatmeal and simmer until simmering. Add a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, reduce heat and simmer for a couple more minutes.

At this time, chop some berries of prunes and dried apricots, a few nuts. Add them to the finished porridge with butter.

Using a glass or metal molding ring, make a round hole in the crumb of a piece of white bread. Lubricate the pan with butter and fry the bread (30 seconds on each side).

Then break the egg into the center of the bread, salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs and fry until the protein catches. Put on a plate and enjoy the original fried eggs.

3. Omelet in tomato

With two large tomatoes, cut off the hats and take out the core with a teaspoon. Beat the egg with grated cheese, chopped parsley and dill. Salt, pepper and pour over the tomatoes. Cover the hats with the remaining tomatoes and bake in the microwave for 3-4 minutes.

4. Omelet in a cup

Lubricate the mug with olive oil and break two eggs into it. Salt and beat with a fork. Dice a piece of cooked sausage or smoked chicken and send it to a mug too. Shuffle.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and microwave for one minute. Then remove, mix again and send for another minute in the microwave.

5. Avocado Sandwich

Dry the rye bread in a pan or in a toaster. During this time, chop the tomato and a small one. Season the vegetables with two tablespoons of hummus and a pinch of oregano. Spread on bread and enjoy.

6. Oatmeal pancakes

In a blender bowl, combine ½ cup oatmeal, 150 g Greek yogurt, an egg and half a ripe banana. Add ½ teaspoon of baking powder and vanillin. Whisk. If it turns out to be liquidy, add 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal and mix again.

Bake fritters in a well-heated pan greased with vegetable oil. Serve cooked pancakes with fresh or frozen berries.

7. Cheese porridge

Put 300 g of sour cream in a saucepan with a thick bottom and bring to a boil. While it is warming, mash 200 g of fresh Ossetian cheese with a fork. Add it to boiling sour cream. While stirring constantly, add a pinch of salt and a glass of cornmeal. Cook, stirring continuously, until creamy. Cheese porridge should be viscous and elastic.

Grease the toast bread (or regular whole grain) with Dijon mustard and place on a baking sheet drizzled with olive oil. On each piece, put grated cheese (ideally gruyere) on a coarse grater and a slice of ham. Sprinkle with cheese again and cover with another piece of bread.

Lubricate the sandwiches with olive oil on top and place in a well-heated oven until golden brown. Before serving, you can also pour bechamel sauce.

9. Toast with banana and cinnamon

Lubricate the toast bread or loaf with softened butter. On each piece, put a couple of slices of banana, pour over condensed milk, sprinkle with cane sugar and cinnamon. Cover with another piece of bread so that the butter is on top. Bake for 30 seconds in the microwave or toast in the waffle iron.

10. Toast with peanut butter and fruit

Dry the white bread or loaf in a toaster, oven or in a dry frying pan to form a crisp on top. Lubricate each slice with peanut butter and lay on top any fruit of your choice, such as bananas, kiwi or strawberries. Serve hot coffee toasts.

11. Curd cream with fruits

Mix 200-300 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% with a blender with 3-4 tablespoons of fat sour cream. Add 2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk and whisk again. Serve with seasonal or canned fruit and toast.

12. Banana Berry Smoothie

Combine in one bowl two ripe bananas, ½ cup fresh or frozen berries (such as raspberries and blueberries), a glass of berry juice and a glass of low-fat drinking yogurt. Beat everything with a blender until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.


You can provide yourself with the first one for a week ahead - and cabbage soup stand perfectly in the refrigerator for a week and at the same time become tastier. But the second always lacks time and effort. But something tasty can be cooked in haste.

13. Pasta with cheese in a mug

In a large mug, heat ½ cup of milk (one minute in the microwave is enough). Pour 2-3 tablespoons of thin pasta and send to the microwave for another 3 minutes. Then remove, mix, sprinkle with grated cheese and cook for another minute.

14. Cheese fried eggs

½ cup oatmeal pour two cups of boiling water. Let stand a couple of minutes. At this time, grate the cheese (100-200 g) on \u200b\u200ba fine grater, cut the green onions and pass the garlic through a press. Add all this to oatmeal, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

Fry a couple of eggs in a separate pan. Fried eggs should be laid on top of the oat and cheese mass. Top with greens and pepper.

Mix a tablespoon of mayonnaise, a tablespoon of tomato sauce, ½ lemon juice and chopped basil. Lubricate the bottom of the panini roll with this mixture. Put slices of boiled or smoked chicken fillet and tomatoes on it. Sprinkle with grated cheese and cover with the second half of the bun.

Fry the panini for 3-5 minutes in a cast-iron frying pan, crushing the top with a lid or other pan. A crust forms from below, and the cheese inside melts.

16. Caprese with chicken and avocado

To ½ cup balsamic vinegar, add 2 tablespoons of cane sugar. Microwave for a couple of minutes to dissolve the sugar.

At this time, fry the boiled chicken in olive oil. This is necessary to warm it and get a golden brown. In a deep dish, put the cubes of chicken, avocado, mozzarella and cherry tomatoes (can be cut in half). Pour balsamic vinegar, sprinkle with chopped basil and serve.

17. Spicy prawns with garlic

In a large saucepan, heat 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil. Add 300-500 g of peeled shrimp, 2-4 chopped cloves of garlic and spices of your choice.

Fry the shrimp for 3-5 minutes, so that they turn slightly pink. Then put them on a dish, pour the juice of one lemon and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

18. Fried squid

Clean squid carcasses from the insides, cut off the tail, and remove the cartilaginous arrow. Rinse and dry thoroughly with paper towels inside and out. Cut the squids into rings about 2 centimeters thick, roll in a batter of flour and salt and deep-fry (one minute on each side). Remove excess oil with paper towels.

19. Ham with tomatoes and herbs

Arm yourself with two pans. On one in vegetable oil, fry 500 g of diced ham. On the other - 500 g of tomatoes, cut into large cubes. Season the tomatoes with salt and pepper to taste. Put ham on lettuce leaves and tomatoes on top. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and pour lemon juice.

20. Pita bread roll with ham

Combine the mayonnaise with ketchup (about 1–2 tablespoons each) and garlic through a press. Lubricate the thin mixture with the resulting mixture. The latter is best halved to make the roll stronger. For the filling, use ham or cervelat (should be cut into thin slices) and hard cheese (grate it). Roll the pita bread into a roll and cut into slices about two centimeters wide.

Dice the smoked ham or boiled chicken fillet. Wrap the meat in tortilla greased with tomato sauce, along with fresh cucumber, lettuce and mozzarella. Add chopped cilantro, basil or other herbs to taste if desired.

Heat a burrito in a dry hot frying pan to form a golden crust and melt the cheese inside.

22. Sausages with bacon and cheese

Peel the sausages from the shell and cut each one of them. Hard cheese cut into strips. Stuff the sausages with cheese and wrap with one or two slices of bacon. Put in a well preheated oven for 5–7 minutes. Before serving, grease Dijon mustard or any other for meat.

23. Fricassee with champignons

Cut the boiled chicken breast into strips and sauté in olive oil until golden brown. Then add chopped canned mushrooms or other mushrooms to your taste. Fry for another minute. Then pour sour cream diluted in water with pepper, curry powder and other spices to your taste. Stew until the creamy sauce thickens a little.

24. Cream of champignons

Fry a jar of canned mushrooms or any other mushrooms with one chopped onion in vegetable oil. Do not forget to salt. When almost all the liquid has evaporated from the mushrooms, add 100 g of fat cream. Sprinkle with grated nutmeg and simmer for a couple more minutes. Creamy thick cream is a sign of the readiness of the dish.

25. Pizza on a loaf

Make the filling: 200 g of ham, cut into cubes, 200 g of hard cheese, grate, salt, pepper and season with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and ketchup. Put the dressing in pieces of the loaf, sprinkle with chopped herbs and bake in a well-heated oven until the cheese melts.

26. Bruschetta

Sauce a long loaf or bread for toast with butter mixed with garlic and dry for 1–2 minutes in the oven. Top with slices of mozzarella or other cheese to your taste, then diced tomatoes with chopped basil, seasoned with olive oil and salt, pepper and other spices. Send the finished bruschetta to the oven for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese.

Cook poached egg. To do this, boil 2 cups of water, into which add salt and ½ tablespoon of wine vinegar. Break the egg into arable land or a deep slotted spoon greased with vegetable oil. Gently dip into boiling water and cook for about 3 minutes. Serve poached eggs with hot sauce: mix 200 g of yogurt without additives with a clove of garlic, passed through a press, paprika, salt and pepper.

28. Zucchini in lemon juice

Peeled and chopped into thin slices of zucchini (200-300 g) put in a pan with melted butter (20-30 g). Salt and pepper to taste. Pour the juice of one lemon and simmer over high heat with the lid closed for 5 minutes.


The following dishes can be eaten separately or together with others. Many of them are great for a light dinner.

29. Smoked herring paste

Take the fillet of one smoked herring or and grind with a blender along with 200 g of butter, black pepper and the flesh of one lemon. A homogeneous mass should be obtained, which must be laid out in a glass or plastic container and held in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. With herring paste and Borodino bread, excellent sandwiches are obtained.

When the vegetable has cooled, peel it and grate on a medium grater. Salt. Grind a handful of walnuts in a mortar or using a coffee grinder. Combine them with beets, season with olive oil and serve.

31. Tomatoes with cheese and garlic

Cut 2-3 fresh tomatoes in half. Take out the core with a teaspoon. Two cream cheese curd on a grater. So that they do not stick to the grater and hands, first hold them in the refrigerator. Mix the cheese with 2-3 cloves of garlic, passed through a press. Season with mayonnaise. Stuff the resulting cheese mass with tomatoes.

32. Spicy carrots

Peel 2 small carrots and a couple of cloves of garlic. The severity of this snack can be varied to your taste. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, add the garlic passed through the press. Salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise. This appetizer can be spread on sandwiches or crackers or stuffed with eggs.

33. Carrots with Prunes

Pour 100 g of prune with hot water and leave for 2-3 minutes. During this time, peel and grate 2 carrots on a coarse grater. Cut prunes, mix with carrots. Add 30 g chopped walnuts and season with sour cream. If prunes are not sweet enough, add a teaspoon of sugar.

34. Salad "Student"

The name speaks for itself: a minimum of ingredients and effort, a maximum of nutrition. Also, this salad is convenient to cook in nature.

Drain the cans of canned corn and beans. The latter is better to take in tomato sauce. Mix them in a deep bowl with bacon-flavored crackers and season with mayonnaise. If necessary, salt and pepper.

35. Salad with pear and pomegranate

Wash 1-2 pears and cut into small cubes, chop red sweet onions. Mix it all with the seeds of a single pomegranate. Add a bunch of chopped cilantro, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Season with olive oil and lemon juice. A dietary refreshing salad is ready.

Wash and chop coarsely some ripe tomatoes. Cut the feta cheese into small cubes. Instead of feta cheese, you can also use feta cheese or mozzarella. Peel and chop the sweet red onion in half rings. Mix these ingredients, add a little salt and season with olive oil.

37. Salad with radishes and tomatoes

Wash 2-3 tomatoes and 3-4 radishes and chop coarsely. Peel and chop the sweet red onion in half rings. Combine these ingredients and season the salad with a mixture of a tablespoon of red wine vinegar, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, ½ teaspoon of cane sugar, salt and ground black pepper.

38. Salad with pineapple and celery

Rub one green apple and 100 g celery on a coarse grater. Drain the liquid from canned pineapples and cut them into cubes. Combine these ingredients, salt to taste and season with mayonnaise. If desired, chopped cashews or almonds can be added.

39. Salad with salmon and kiwi

Peel and chop into large cubes kiwi, bell pepper (do not forget) and light-salted salmon fillet. Cut one small onion into half rings. Mix all the ingredients and season with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Add a pinch of salt, sugar and black pepper. Shuffle.

40. Deep-fried champignons

Cut 200-300 g of mushrooms into thin slices, salt and leave for a couple of minutes. At this time, heat oil in a pan. Roll each piece of champignon in flour and deep-fry. You can eat a finished dish both hot and cold.

Cut the brown bread into small portioned slices (approximately 3 × 3 centimeters). Spread them with cream cheese. On each slice put a slice of ripe avocado and a slice of light-salted salmon. Another red fish is suitable - salmon or trout.

42. Tapas with Chicken Nuggets

Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, dip each of them in an egg whipped with salt, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Lay the nuggets into pieces of the baguette, adding a slice of fresh cucumber and tomato.


Not all desserts require hours at the stove. There are those that can be done quickly, but it turns out no less tasty.

43. Raspberry Ice Cream

Beat 500 g of frozen raspberries in a blender with a glass of oily chilled cream, ½ cup icing sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla. You get a thick, cold mixture, reminiscent of melted ice cream. You can eat it like that, but you can send it to the freezer for a short while. If your refrigerator has a super-freeze function, everything will work out very quickly.

44. Cottage cheese and strawberry dessert

In a blender or mixer, beat a pack of granular cottage cheese and 100 g of fresh strawberries. If it turns out liquid, add a banana. If not sweet enough, a few teaspoons of powdered sugar.

There are many quick ones. Here is one of them. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter (enough for 20-30 seconds in the microwave). Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon of vanillin and a pinch of salt. Pour the egg yolk into the cup and beat everything. Add 4 tablespoons of flour mixed with a tablespoon of cocoa powder. Mix the dough with a few slices of chocolate and microwave it for 3 minutes.

46. \u200b\u200bWalnut Cake

Beat 3 eggs with 200 g ground hazelnuts or almonds. Add 100 g of powdered sugar and a teaspoon of baking powder. Mix thoroughly again. Lubricate a small glass microwave dish with butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour the dough into it and bake in the microwave at full power for 5 minutes. Soak the finished cake with boiled condensed milk, whipped with butter, or any other cream.

47. Oranges with pomegranate

Bring a glass of orange juice to a boil with 2 tablespoons of cane sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Then add 2 tablespoons of starch, previously diluted in cold water. Cut the peeled oranges into rings and put in a deep dish in layers, pouring pomegranate seeds and pouring hot orange juice.

48. Grapefruit with cinnamon and honey

Wash a few grapefruits and cut them in half. Sprinkle each half with brown sugar, cinnamon (about one teaspoon each) and pour honey. Put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and bake in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

49. Chocolate tangerine wedges

Melt a bar of your favorite chocolate in a water bath or microwave. Peel and slice a few tangerines. Dip each slice in chocolate icing, and then roll in chopped nuts, such as almonds or hazelnuts. Let harden and serve.

Peel one large banana, cut it along, slightly removing the core. Start it with marshmallows, sprinkle with grated chocolate and cinnamon, pour honey. Wrap the banana in foil and put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.