Curd drying fried in oil. Butter-fried curd balls: a classic step by step recipe

19.09.2019 Egg Dishes

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not specified

  Sometimes I spoil my family with delicious sweet dishes and prepare cottage cheese balls fried in oil, a recipe with a photo of which I prepared for you today. Curd balls that just melt in your mouth. Of course, to cook them, you need to make an effort and spend a little time, I will not say that this is a five-minute dish. But I don’t want to frighten you with complex processes, especially since there are none.
  In fact, the dough for the balls is quite simple, if you know how to make, then you can quite cope with this dish, but if you encounter some difficulties, then I’m sure that they will be completely solvable. Although, it seems to me, it’s enough to prepare the balls once, and only then you will do everything automatically, without even thinking. It is clear that even adhering to the recipe, each time you will get a dough of a different consistency, because the eggs are of different sizes and cottage cheese of different fat content. That is why it is always necessary to focus on the fact that a good dough for such balls usually has a moderate consistency: it is neither liquid nor thick, but soft and viscous, so that it can easily stick balls from it.
  To taste, you can add vanilla essence or coffee extract to this dough, or you can rub the zest with lemon or orange, or add dried fruits, for example, raisins, pitted prunes or dried apricots.
  We prepare balls in a large amount of fat, of course, a deep fryer is ideal for this. But, for example, I don’t have it, but I still cook such a dessert, because for these purposes it’s quite possible to use a saucepan in which to pour refined oil.

- cottage cheese (fat content not less than 15%) - 250 g,
- granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.,
- table chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- vanilla sugar - 2 tbsp.,
- baking soda - ½ tsp,
- table vinegar (lemon juice) - 1 tsp,
- wheat flour (premium) - 2 tbsp.,
- fine crystalline sea or table salt - pinch,
- oil (deodorized) - 400 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Separately, break the chicken egg into a small bowl and add salt, granulated sugar and flavor (vanillin, zest or coffee extract). Stir the mixture thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.

  Then add the cottage cheese (in order for the balls to be more tender, the cottage cheese must be grated through a sieve or interrupted using a blender).

   After we add the soda quenched with vinegar.

  Gradually knead a soft tender dough.

  From the dough we pluck small pieces, and roll up balls the size of a nut. To make this easier to do, we wet our hands with sunflower oil.

  In the heated oil we put the curd balls and cook them over low heat so that they are well cooked inside.

  We put balls in portions, as they increase in size during cooking.
  At this stage, it is important to warm the oil well!

  Using a slotted spoon, remove the balls on a paper towel to remove any remaining oil.

  Then we transfer them to the dish and sprinkle with powder at will. Smart and very tasty are obtained, which are easy to cook according to our recipe.

  Enjoy your meal!

  Old Les

Recipes for making sweet and savory curd balls.

Curd balls - a great dessert. This is one of the options for making well-known traditional donuts. The dessert is crispy, its calorie content is quite high. Therefore, the dish is not suitable for those who follow their figure.

Butter-fried curd balls: a classic step by step recipe

Most often, curd balls are deep-fried or in a deep saucepan. During frying, the oil must completely cover the balls. One of the most affordable options that every housewife can cook is cottage cheese balls cooked in a pan.


  • 350 g cottage cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups of flour
  • Teaspoon of soda
  • Some vinegar
  • 45 g granulated sugar
  • Frying oil
  • Grind cottage cheese with sugar until smooth
  • After that, enter the eggs and again a little pound
  • Beat the mixture is not necessary
  • After the mass is sufficiently viscous and uniform, introduce flour
  • It’s not necessary that all 2 cups of flour go to make balls
  • Now extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour into the curd
  • As a result, you should get a soft substance that resembles plasticine
  • Wet your hands with vegetable oil or cold water.
  • Such manipulation will avoid sticking the dough to the hands.
  • Shape the balls, their size should be about like a walnut
  • Pour oil into a pan and bring it to a boil
  • Dip balls into boiling liquid. It is necessary that the liquid completely covers the donuts
  • Fry until light brown. Sprinkle the finished balls with powdered sugar

How to cook curd balls in deep fat, oven, slow cooker, boiled: cooking features

Curd balls are not only deep-fried, they can be cooked in the oven or in a slow cooker. To make curd balls in the oven, less curd and more flour are used. In addition, yeast is often added during cooking. This allows the dough to rise well.

  • A crock-pot is an assistant in the kitchen of almost every housewife. With its help, you can not only fry donuts, but also bake or cook them. Most often, products are cooked in a frying or baking mode.
  • When cooking donuts in the oven, oiled parchment paper is often used. The fact is that the dough for balls is quite sticky and soft. It adheres very strongly to the pan. Using parchment paper, you can get rid of the sticking of finished products.
  • Boiled curd balls is one of the options for making lazy dumplings. They are prepared according to the classic recipe. This dish is not only a dessert, but can also be used as a main one.
  • You can cook curd balls not only in water, but also in steam. Therefore, for this purpose you can use a double boiler or slow cooker. To do this, install an additional bowl on it.

How to cook cheese curd balls?

Donuts of this kind differ significantly from the classic ones in that they contain hard cheese. It is best to use Russian or Dutch cheese with a pronounced sour cream flavor


  • 200 g of cottage cheese
  • 250 g hard cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 320 g sugar
  • 20 grams of sour cream
  • A spoon of soda without a slide
  • Some vinegar
  • About 700 g flour
  • In a separate bowl, use a mixer to beat the eggs in lush foam and add sugar, vanilla and sour cream
  • Thoroughly whisk everything, enter the crushed cottage cheese and crushed hard cheese in a blender or on a grater
  • Make the substance homogeneous and introduce flour. The dough may seem a little tough, but it's only at first glance
  • After standing for a while, it will become soft and lush.
  • Make balls from the prepared mass and fry them in vegetable oil
  • Finished donuts can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon

  cheese curd balls

How to cook coconut curd balls?

The flavor of this dessert is simply magnificent. It contains coconut, but it is not added on top of the dish, but in the dough itself when it is cooked.


  • 200 g of cottage cheese
  • 1 large chicken egg
  • Some vanilla
  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 40 g coconut
  • Baking powder
  • 20 g butter
  • Crush the cottage cheese with eggs and enter sugar
  • Pour baking powder and vanilla into small portions.
  • Add flour, it is necessary to get a soft and very supple mass
  • Put the melted butter in the dough, mix again
  • Roll out the dough and leave it for 15 minutes
  • It is necessary that the lumps of cottage cheese are absorbed into the dough and they are not visible
  • Nip off small lumps from a common lump and roll balls
  • The size should be approximately like a walnut
  • Fry the balls until golden brown
  • After you remove them from the oil, transfer to a paper towel and sprinkle with powdered sugar

  coconut balls

How to cook curd balls in chocolate?

You can use any recipe as a basis. It can be cheese-curd balls or with the addition of coconut. The taste is quite piquant due to the use of chocolate glaze.


  • Donut dough
  • 20 g cocoa powder
  • 75 g sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • 150 g milk
  • You must make donuts using one of the above recipes. Choose any recipe you like
  • After frying them, set the finished products aside, proceed with the preparation of the glaze.
  • To do this, melt butter in a pan and add a little flour
  • Hold on fire until light brown and pour cocoa
  • Roast cocoa for one minute, pour in milk and stir continuously
  • It should turn out without lumps. Then add sugar and cook until thick.
  • Balls are dipped into the finished glaze and put them on a plate

  chocolate curd balls

How to cook curd balls with filling, with condensed milk, jam?

Most often they are cooked in the oven. Due to this, the calorie content of the dish is slightly reduced. As a filling, you can use any jam or condensed milk.


  • 450 g of cottage cheese
  • 450 g wheat flour
  • 100 g sugar
  • 25 g pressed yeast
  • 1 cup milk
  • Jam or boiled condensed milk for the filling
  • Heat the milk to a low temperature, pour sugar in it and dissolve the yeast
  • Let them stand for 25 minutes. It is necessary that foam appears on the surface of the liquid
  • Pound the cottage cheese with flour and add the liquid, knead a homogeneous dough
  • Leave it under the film for one hour in the refrigerator
  • Thanks to this technique, the mass is very malleable and does not stick to hands
  • From the prepared dough, form small circles, put the filling on them and roll in your hands to make balls
  • Put the finished donuts on parchment paper and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes
  • Sprinkle finished products with powdered sugar or cinnamon

  curd balls with filling

How to cook curd balls in semolina?

This recipe is quite unusual, because semolina is used in the cooking process. It allows you to make the crust of donuts crispy. The taste of the dish resembles cottage cheese pudding.


  • 80 g semolina
  • 450 g of cottage cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 400 g flour
  • Frying oil
  • Pound the cottage cheese with eggs and add sugar to the mass
  • Add baking soda or baking powder, add flour and make a sufficiently tight dough
  • Pinch and roll small walnut-sized balls
  • Pour semolina onto a flat plate and lay the prepared balls
  • Roll them in semolina, heat vegetable oil and put balls there
  • Keep on fire until brown.

  curd balls in semolina

How to cook diet cheese balls?

This dish can be used as breakfast. If you are on a diet, the balls are not fried.


  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 40 grams of coconut
  • Fructose or sugar substitute
  • Pound cottage cheese with a blender or mixer, it is necessary that there are no grains in the mass
  • Enter half coconut and fructose
  • Roll small balls and roll them in coconut

  curd balls diet

How to cook salted cottage cheese balls with garlic for beer: recipe

Great beer snacks. Crispy crust and garlic cheese flavor are very suitable for a hop drink.


  • 200 g hard cheese
  • 4 squirrels
  • Parsley
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Some flour
  • Pepper
  • Grind cheese in a blender or fine grater
  • Beat 4 squirrels in a separate bowl until fluffy foam
  • Salt slightly and gently mix the cheese with protein
  • Enter peppers, minced parsley and crushed garlic
  • Roll the balls from the prepared mass
  • Roll the balls in flour and fry until crisp in vegetable oil

  salty curd balls

How to make a cake of curd balls with sesame seeds: recipe

An excellent version of the cake that is fraught with a surprise. Inside the chocolate dough are appetizing and fragrant balls of cottage cheese.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • One and a half cups flour
  • 35 grams of cocoa powder
  • 4 large eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 120 g margarine
  • 120 g fat sour cream
  • Vanillin

Ingredients for Glaze:

  • 30 g cocoa powder
  • 50 g butter
  • 100 g milk
  • 100 g sugar

Ingredients for balls:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese
  • 30 grams of coconut
  • 25 g granulated sugar
  • Half egg
  • 50 g sesame seeds
  • Prepare the curd balls by mixing all the ingredients indicated
  • Now start preparing the dough. To do this, melt the margarine on the stove and mix it with sour cream
  • Enter the eggs, add soda, cocoa powder and flour. You should get a thick dough, like a pancake
  • Put the curd balls in a greased pan and pour the chocolate dough on top
  • Bake the product in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees. Estimated time 25-30 minutes
  • While the cake will stand in the oven, proceed to the production of glaze
  • To do this, melt the butter in a pan and fry cocoa powder on it
  • Pour in the milk, and stir constantly, add sugar. Cook until thick, you should get a thick glaze
  • Remove the cake from the oven and when it cools down a little, pour it with chocolate icing

  cake of curd balls

From the cottage cheese, you can make both sweet donuts and a beer snack. This is also an excellent option in order to diversify a standard tea cake. Include these products in your menu and please the children. Kids will enjoy eating donuts with tea.

VIDEO: Curd donuts

To cheer yourself up, sometimes it’s enough just to make delicious curd balls fried in oil. Such a delicious treat can hardly be found in the store. However, even if you succeed, it is unlikely that the quality of the product will be on top. The homemade version of the miniature donuts will be much softer and more magnificent. Air buns can be served with fresh fruit. They will be equally tasty with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, chocolate paste or custard. Here you can experiment for your pleasure.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Servings Per Container - 8.


To make tasty, delicate, tasty fried curd balls, you do not need to look for the necessary ingredients for a long time. All the products from which they are made are very simple and affordable:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fine-grained cottage cheese - 450 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp .;
  • vanilla - 1 pinch;
  • granulated sugar - ½ tbsp .;
  • soda - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

How to make delicious curd balls fried in oil

Mastering the recipe for making delicious cottage cheese balls that are fried in oil is easy. However, the result will definitely not disappoint, since you do not need to own any culinary secrets here.

  1. If all the ingredients for preparing a delicious treat are prepared, then without any delay you can start creating a small gastronomic masterpiece. The first step is to mix the eggs with cottage cheese. Sugar is poured to them. With an ordinary fork, mix the mass until smooth.

  1. In the resulting mixture, you must enter 1 cup of flour, which was previously mixed with soda. Everything should be mixed thoroughly.

  1. Pour another glass of flour into a separate deep bowl. In it, in small portions, using the most ordinary spoon, you need to lay out the dough. Hands will need to form small balls from each serving.

On a note! It is very important to use dry dishes for breading flour.

  1. Now you should choose the right dishes. Great if there is a cast-iron pot. In the absence of such an unenameled pan can be used. Vegetable oil is poured into the selected container. The dishes with it must be put on the stove and set the medium fire. When the oil is heated, it is necessary to shift our cheese balls in it one by one.

Note! Before putting each billet into hot oil, it must be thoroughly scrolled in the fingers so that excess flour crumbles or is absorbed into the dough.

  1. Curd balls must be fried until a golden crust is formed.

  1. Ready-made fried balls from the curd mass should be transferred to napkins or paper towels. This will remove all excess oil remaining after frying.

  1. That's all! Appetizing curd balls fried in oil, ready! They can be sprinkled with grated chocolate, nut crumbs or powdered sugar. In any form, they are very tasty!

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Video recipe

To make the cottage cheese balls that are fried in oil, it was extremely simple, you should use the video instruction:

Curd balls are prepared very quickly, and eaten even faster. They turn out incredibly tender inside, crispy outside and very very tasty. Dessert is also good because any housewife usually has products for it. So, we read the recipe and go to cook the curd balls.

Products for curd balls

You will need such simple products:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese of any fat content - 200 g. Cottage cheese is suitable even from a freezer, but it must be completely thawed and squeezed out of the liquid if it has appeared.
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp .;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • baking powder (baking powder for dough) - 1 tsp;
  • premium flour - 1.5 cups;
  • odorless vegetable oil - 0.5 l;
  • icing sugar - 50 g.

This amount of food is enough for you to prepare a not very large portion of balls. They are enough only for an evening tea party for a family of 3-4 people. If you are waiting for guests or want the dessert to stay the next day, prepare balls from a double portion of products.

How to make dough for curd balls?

The dough is done in an elementary way:

  • Sift the flour through a sieve and mix it with baking powder.
  • Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or rub through a small metal strainer. This is necessary so that there are no extra lumps in the dairy product.
  • Drive eggs into the cottage cheese and add sugar and salt. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  • Pour the flour into the curd base and knead the dough with a spoon. It should turn out to be very soft, but in such a way that balls can be made from it with your hands. If the dough turned out to be liquidy, then add a couple more tablespoons of flour.

How to fry curd balls?

Frying technology is

  • Pour a little flour onto a flat, large plate and spread it evenly.
  • Using a coffee spoon, scoop up a little curd dough and put it on flour. Helping yourself with your hands, roll the ball from the dough. Place the balls on a chopping board dusted with flour until frying. Make the balls small, because when they fry, they will increase in size by about half. If you want, you can prepare balls with filling. To do this, put a piece of chocolate or any nut inside each serving of dough.
  • In a deep, high saucepan, heat the vegetable oil. As soon as a light smoke appears above the oil, reduce the power of the stove to an average. If this is not done, then the balls in very hot oil will burn on the outside, and inside may not bake. Determine the readiness of the oil by dropping a small piece of dough into it - it should quickly emerge and when frying on one side, it will independently turn over to the other side.
  • Put in hot oil only 3-4 balls at a time. If you put them more, then when the balls swell, they will prevent each other from turning over. Also, from a large number of balls, the oil cools faster and the balls may not bake.
  • Remove the rosy balls from the oil with a slotted spoon and immediately spread them on paper towels. The paper absorbs excess fat from baking.
  • Put the balls dried from the butter in an even layer on the dish and grind with powdered sugar.

How to serve curd balls?

In addition to powdered sugar, which is a classic way of serving dessert, balls can be decorated in another way:

  • Pour them with melted dark chocolate and sprinkle with coconut.
  • Dip the balls in jam syrup and roll in white chocolate chips.
  • Give condensed milk to the balls, into which everyone at the table can dip them.

You will find another recipe for curd balls in this video. In it, the hostess also puts sour cream.

Small, but very satisfying and easy to prepare donuts in a pan will turn out no worse than in deep fat. Balls of dough, fried in oil, have a place to be in many cuisines of the world. In France, these are sweet castanoli sprinkled with sesame seeds. In Uzbek cuisine, this is salty bogirsak. They can be served as a simple appetizer with sauce, but our recipe is sweet. A delicious tea party is provided!

Condensed Donuts


  • Wheat flour 500 g
  • Condensed milk 400 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Egg 2 pcs.
  • Soda 0.25 tsp
  • Sunflower oil 150 ml


  1. Beat the eggs with salt and soda. Mix with condensed milk and slowly add flour (as much as the dough will take).
      Roll the dough into a tourniquet, cut into small pieces and roll into balls. In size, they should be about hazelnut nuts. Sauté in oil.
  2. Serve the condensed milk donuts hot, sprinkled with powdered sugar. They will turn out even more satisfying if you add a little cottage cheese. In this recipe, the most “difficult” thing is rolling balls, but they are fried instantly.

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