How to fry pollock fillet in a pan. How to deliciously fry pollock in a pan with a crispy crust

19.09.2019 Egg Dishes

Pollock is a wonderful fish. Having an amazing neutral taste, the product goes well with many components and dishes. Most importantly, there are almost no bones in this fish, so you can eat it with great pleasure.
The most popular way to cook pollock is roasting. A simple dish in a pan perfectly complements any side dish. The main thing is to properly fry the fish. The rosy slices of pollock are so mouth-watering that when you look at fried fish alone, saliva will flow. Well, talk about taste ?! He is awesome. After trying a piece of fish, you can swallow your tongue!

Grocery list

  • - 700 grams of pollock.
  • - 100 grams of flour.
  • - the egg.
  • - 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • - to the taste of salt.
  • - a pinch of ground pepper.

The sequence of cooking pollock in a pan

1. You need to choose a good carcass of pollock. Fish should be of high quality. It is important to pay attention to the color of the fish in advance. It is necessary to exclude carcasses with a yellow coating and an unpleasant odor. Using frozen fish, it is worth resorting to the natural process of defrosting. Rinse and clean the fish, cut the fins. Cut pollock into portions.

2. Pour salt into a bowl with pollock slices. We must not forget that the fish has the property of quickly salting out, so a lot of salt is not required, a pinch will be enough.

3. Pepper the fish. Mix everything well.

4. Break the egg into an empty bowl. Pour in the same milk. Stir everything well with a whisk or a fork.

5. Pour flour on an empty plate.

6. Warm up the pan. Pour oil into the bottom of the container. Oil does not need to be spared, it should cover about 1-2 millimeters of the bottom layer of fish. If there is not enough oil, the fish may burn or even stick to the pan. Dip the pieces of fish in the egg mixture. Then, generously roll them in flour.

An excellent home cook is one who can make a gastronomic masterpiece from the simplest product, right? Simple fried pollock can be so deliciously fried in a pan that it seems like a fabulous meal from “1001 Nights” - without exaggeration! In addition, an important condition for a balanced diet will be observed - a variety of menus and nutrients in the products!

Pollock is a very tasty fish, almost boneless, with universal gastronomic properties. Its neutral taste is harmoniously combined with acidic, and salty, and spicy components of dishes, only shading them and making them brighter.

The easiest way to cook fish is to fry it in a pan, serving with gravy or sauce. There is no doubt the claim that mashed potato is the best side dish for fried pollock.

The calorie content of fried pollock is only 114 kcal per 100 g, if you fry it without flour or crackers. Perfect for a light dinner! But if you fry the fish in a frying pan in flour and eggs, then, accordingly, its calorie content will be higher, but not too much, of course.

How to deliciously fry pollock in a pan

Before frying pollock, it must be cleaned of small scales, select a black film from the inner cavity, rinse and dry with a cooking cloth. Fish can be cut into pieces together with the ridge, or you can separate the fillet and cook only it.

The question arises, how much is this type of fish fried in a pan?

It depends on the size of the slices - large fish need 10-12 minutes for readiness, small fish - 7-8 minutes. It is not necessary to fry the fillet for a long time - no more than 2-3 minutes on each side.

The fire is initially kept medium, then we fasten, cover with a lid for another 5 minutes to fry the fish well. If you overcook it, then it becomes dry and rubber, as, indeed, all seafood.

Preparing fish for frying

Often, when buying frozen pollock, we plan how tasty it is to fry it. Before frying frozen fish from the store, you must slowly defrost it in the refrigerator. Therefore, we recommend preparing the fish the next day after purchase.

When defrosting in water or in a microwave, it loses not only its natural aroma, but also becomes dry and rubbery.

How to fry pollock in various breadcrumbs

In flour

This is the most common way of frying pollock in a pan. Salt the fish, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry.

As a rule, they serve it to the table with gravy. Pollock is a low-fat fish, and when frying without a protective shell it loses moisture and can turn out to be rather dry. Flour also plays the role of a “shell” for locking moisture in fish.

How to fry pollock in flour, a chef's recipe video

In breadcrumbs

In breadcrumbs, fish is cooked a little differently than in flour.

A simpler cooking option is to simply roll the fish blanks in breadcrumbs and fry them in a pan for 2-3 minutes on each side to a beautiful golden crust.

How to fry pollock in breadcrumbs, video recipe from the chef

In walnuts

Another breading that is very rarely used by home cooks is walnuts. You can roll pieces of fish only in chopped nuts, or you can use a three-stage breading, as in recipes with breadcrumbs.

We prepare the nut breading as follows: fry the kernels in a dry pan, let them cool and crush with a rolling pin until crushed. If you try to grind in a blender or coffee grinder, the kernels will start to produce oil and the breading will not be reliable.

Nuts give fried fish a very soft spicy aroma and taste, and it is served with sweet and sour sauce.


Batter is a salted mixture of flour and eggs with the consistency of sour cream. It is enough to dip the fish blanks in batter and fry them in vegetable oil. Very quick recipe.

How to cook fish in batter, video recipe from the chef

How to fry pollock without flour, recipe with marinade

To fry fish without flour, it must first be marinated.

We wash the fish, dry it with a culinary napkin, salt, sprinkle with fish spices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave for marinating for 15-20 minutes. Next, fry in a small amount of warmed vegetable oil.

The fish retains its shape, does not fall apart and does not lose moisture. At the end of the frying pan, cover the pan for a few minutes. Now we are pleased to share with you several recipes for fried pollock.

Pollock fillet with tomato sauce


  •   - 500 g + -
  •   - 100 g + -
  •   - 2 pcs. + -
  •   - 2 heads + -
  •   - 2 pcs. + -
  •   - taste + -
  • by preference + -
  •   - 1 tbsp. l + -
  •   - 2 tbsp. l + -
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l + -


This wonderful recipe for fried pollock fillet is remarkable in that there is no one indifferent to the dish after the first piece sent to the mouth.

  1. Salt the fish fillet, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour, dip in beaten eggs and fry on each side in a pan until cooked. We spread the fried fillets on a flat dish in one layer.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes, three carrots on a coarse grater. We spread the onion in a frying pan with heated butter and fry it until golden, then add the carrot to it and fry for another 10 minutes.
  3. While the vegetables are fried, we dilute the tomato paste in a cup of water until smooth and pour it into the ready-made vegetables. Bringing our sauce to a boil, we improve its taste with salt, spices, sugar and lemon juice. We achieve a gentle sweet and sour taste. The sauce should not be liquid, but have the consistency of thick sour cream. To do this, we need to boil it, if it turned out to be liquidish.
  4. Now we collect the sauce with a tablespoon and put it on top of each fried fillet. After finishing work, let cool and place in the refrigerator for impregnation, for two hours. Done!

Serve the fish fillet with chilled tomato sauce. If desired, you can sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Fillet of pollock with tomato sauce, video recipe

Fried pollock, recipe with gravy

This recipe allows you to fry pollock without flour (if desired), and stewing in gravy makes it a very fragrant, juicy and versatile protein dish with any side dish.

For the dish we need:

  • 600 g pollock
  • 2 small onions,
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • Salt and spices.

Step by step cooking of pollock in a pan

  1. Cut the pollock into slices or separate the fillet and prepare only the fillet. It is only your choice! Roll the salted fish pieces in the flour, fry them in a pan on both sides and put in a saucepan for further stewing. It is better to mix flour with spices - it tastes better.
  2. Finely chop the onion, three carrots on a fine grater. First we send the onion into the pan, after a few minutes - the carrots. Fry vegetables in butter for several minutes.
  3. In another bowl, mix the tomato paste with flour (2 tbsp), adding a little water. We achieve a homogeneous consistency, and then pour 500 ml of pure water. Stir and pour into a pan with vegetables. After a short time, the gravy will thicken (due to the flour), therefore it is better to stir it constantly. We taste it, if necessary, add salt, spices, sugar, lemon juice.
  4. Pour the gravy into the dishes with fish slices and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • 1 onion,
  • Flour,
  • Salt,
  • Breadcrumbs,
  • Oil for frying.
    1. Separate the fillet from the fish skeleton, beat it off with an easily blunt knife edge, salt.
    2. Fry the onion in a small amount of butter until golden.
    3. Cut each fillet in half across the fibers. Put the onion on one half, cover with the second half. We get a fish sandwich, which we roll in flour, then lower it into a beaten egg and fix the form with breadcrumbs. We get a two-layer pollock fillet in breadcrumbs, which we fry in a pan with boiling oil on all sides.
    4. Serve portionwise - put a sheet of green salad on a plate, place two sandwiches in breadcrumbs on top, decorate with a slice of lemon.

    This type of fish is a universal product. Recipes of fried pollock, including its fillet, which we examined, are the most popular among home cooks. But the juiciness and softness of this fish allows us to experiment OUT OF LATER!

    Pollock is an unpretentious and inexpensive fish available to every family. She cooks very quickly, does not have a specific fish aroma, which is why she is loved even by children. In addition, pollock goes well with almost all vegetables, cheese, mushrooms. We offer the most interesting recipes for pollock fillet.

    Pan fried pollock fillet

    It’s easy to cook tender pieces of fish in a skillet. It turns out a fish in a golden crisp, melting in the mouth. The dish is prepared in an elementary way, and it can be eaten both in cold and in hot form.

    To prepare a pound of pollock, you will need:

    • a pair of chicken eggs;
    • flour - half a glass;
    • salt, pepper - a pinch.
    • sunflower oil - 60 ml.

    Pollock fillet should be thawed at room temperature - so the fish will retain all its taste and beneficial properties. We will only have to cook everything for roasting.

    1. To do this, whisk eggs with salt and pepper with a whisk.
    2. Preheat a frying pan with vegetable oil.
    3. Slices of pollock in a egg, and then flour and put in a frying pan.
    4. We fry on both sides over medium heat, turning over as ready.
    5. The finished fish acquires a golden color and a delicious crust.

    Pollock will gain a pleasant sourness if you pour lemon juice over it before frying.

    How to cook fish in the oven?

    Pollock is considered a diet fish, and therefore it is advised to eat to everyone who wants to get in shape. The protein of this fish is very valuable, but at the same time easy to digest. The main thing is to fry fish without fat. To cook diet pollock, we suggest using the oven, and topping up the dish with low-fat sour cream and onions.

    The perfect complement to the fish will be fresh celery and parsley.

    We will need:

    • pollock fillet - 600 g;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • sour cream - 200 ml;
    • salt, pepper to taste.

    We put the fish on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil. Salt and pepper. Lay onion on top of pollock pieces, cut into thin half rings, and fill with sour cream. We cover the fish with foil and put in the oven preheated to 220 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, remove the foil and let the fish brown. Serve with lettuce, cherry tomatoes and a large bunch of fresh herbs.

    Simple appetizer - pollock fillet in batter

    Fillet of pollock in batter is a great appetizer that always flies first and never bothers. The batter can be anything - on beer, on milk or sour cream. Choose your option, and we offer affordable kefir batter. This dough turns out to be airy, the sweet and sour taste of which perfectly harmonizes with fish.

    Prepare the following ingredients:

    • kefir at room temperature - a glass;
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • flour - half a glass;
    • salt pepper;
    • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
    • the batter will be even tastier if you add a little (dessert spoon) of sugar to the dough.

    From the kefir, flour and eggs, knead the dough. By consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream. We cut the pollock fillet into pieces a little larger than a matchbox. We heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Saving on oil is not worth it, because otherwise the fish will not evenly fry. Dip the fish in the dough, toss it into the pan and quickly fry on both sides. Put the finished pieces on a paper towel - it absorbs excess fat. We eat fish warm or cold - as you like more. Very delicious pollock in batter with barbecue sauce.

    Steamed in a slow cooker

    Pollock fillet in a slow cooker is an ideal choice for slimmer girls. The dish is ideal from the point of view of nutritionists, and the taste of such pollock is not inferior to many expensive varieties of fish.

    For cooking, we need:

    • pollock fillet - 700 g;
    • lemon juice.

    Pickle the fish in lemon juice. So she does not even require salt, which is very important for everyone who is losing weight. In a slow cooker, we will prepare a special grill (it always comes with the appliance). Pour water at the bottom of the multi-bowl, grease the grate with oil and put pieces of fish on it. Close the lid and set the "fish" mode. We are waiting for a signal about the end of cooking - pollock can be served.

    The best accompaniment to such fish is broccoli or cauliflower, which are also easy to steam.

    Stew with vegetables and sour cream

    Pollock stewed in a pan can be cooked with any vegetables. In the summer season, perfectly complement the dish with ripe tomatoes, bell peppers, young carrots and onions.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 3 tomatoes;
    • 3 small carrots;
    • large bell pepper;
    • large onion;
    • half a glass of low-fat sour cream;
    • salt, pepper to taste.

    But the best spice for such a dish is ordinary black ground pepper.

    1. Fry the fish in a frying pan and lay the pieces aside.
    2. In the stewpan spread the julienne vegetables and stew them until soft.
    3. We combine vegetables with fish, pour sour cream on everything, let it boil and turn it off right there.
    4. Let the dish cool slightly and serve.

    Such pollock is ideally combined with buckwheat, rice and literally melts in your mouth. He is good in hot and cold.

    Fillet cutlets

    Pollock cutlets are surprisingly juicy, delicate. Since pollock does not have a pronounced aroma, even picky children like cutlets, which is why such cutlets are often included in kindergarten menus.

    Prepare the following ingredients:

    • pollock fillet - 800 g.
    • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • a crust of white bread;
    • milk - 100 ml;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

    The cooking process does not require special skill:

    1. Scroll the fillet through a meat grinder. Grind onions into cubes and fry in butter.
    2. Add the onion, crust of bread, soaked in milk, into the minced meat, drive in the chicken egg and knead thoroughly.
    3. We form small cutlets.
    4. We heat the skillet, put fish blanks in hot vegetable oil and fry them on both sides.

    Ready cutlets are laid out on a flat dish. We serve them with mashed potatoes, fresh herbs and pickled cucumbers.

    Under the vegetable marinade

    Pollock fillet in the oven can be cooked under a vegetable marinade from onions, carrots and tomatoes. It turns out an amazing dish that is very tasty, both hot and cold. The taste becomes especially saturated the next day, when the fish and marinade are saturated with each other's juices.

    Prepare the following ingredients:

    • carrots - 3 large root crops;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • pollock fillet - 700 g;
    • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l;
    • bite 5% - 3 tbsp. l
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

    Dice the onion, three carrots on a coarse grater. We pass the vegetables in a pan with the addition of vinegar and tomato paste. Put pollock in a baking dish, salt and pepper to taste. From above, distribute the vegetable marinade in a generous layer and cover everything with foil.

    Bake the dish in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Serve chilled. The fish in the marinade blends perfectly with boiled potatoes and cauliflower puree.

    Casserole in the oven with potatoes

    You can make a wonderful dish of fillet - a casserole with fish and potatoes under a cheese crust. The casserole is popular with adults and children, and it is easy to cook it for dinner, because it takes very little time to cook.

    We will need:

    • potatoes - 4 large tubers;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • pollock fillet - 600 g;
    • mayonnaise or sour cream - 60 g;
    • vegetable oil - 50 g;
    • any hard cheese - 50 g;
    • salt, pepper to taste.

    We will cook like this:

    1. Peel and cut the potatoes into circles. Boil in water for 5 minutes, then drop it into a colander and fill it with cold water (so the cooking process will stop immediately).
    2. Cut pollock into thin strips, pickle in mayonnaise or sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
    3. Dice the onion and fry until golden.
    4. In a baking dish we spread a layer of potatoes, on top a layer of pollock and fried onions. The last layer will again be potatoes.
    5. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise and put the casserole in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.
    6. Bake until the potatoes are golden (about 20 minutes).

    5 minutes before the end of baking, sprinkle the casserole with a layer of grated cheese and let it melt. It’s better to cut the dish 15 minutes after being ready - so the casserole will not fall apart. Serve it with herbs, salinity or fresh seasonal vegetables.

    Cheese soup

    Fish soup with cheese is a light first course that can be cooked in minutes and is eaten even faster. For cooking, it is worth looking for a special “soup” processed cheese of good quality, and it is possible with slices of mushrooms.

    What else needs to be prepared:

    • pollock fillet - 500 g.
    • potatoes - 3 tubers;
    • a bunch of parsley.

    Alaska pollock soup should not be cooked for future use - it loses in taste. The optimal serving is calculated one to two times.

    1. In a pan, boil water, and meanwhile, cut the fillet into small pieces.
    2. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes.
    3. We lower it into the pan first - pollock is cooked almost instantly and if you put it early, it will fall apart.
    4. When the potatoes became soft, put the fish in it and dissolve the processed cheese in a hot broth.
    5. Add finely chopped parsley, try the salt and turn off our soup. He's ready.

    We eat such a first dish with garlic buns or with brown bread.

    Korean fillet hee

    It is possible to cook fillet of pollock in a very unusual way - in the form of a hot snack hehe. Such a fish serves as a decoration for any holiday table and is very loved by men. For cooking, we need: a package of spices for Korean carrots, vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l, vegetable oil - 100 ml, a clove of garlic.

    Cooking in steps:

    1. Cut the pollock fillet into small pieces.
    2. We fall asleep with spices “in Korean”.
    3. Squeeze a clove of garlic.
    4. In a frying pan we heat the vegetable oil and a smoke just appeared, add vinegar.
    5. The amount of vinegar is up to you: whoever loves the hot option can increase its amount or vice versa.
    6. Pour fish with hot vegetable oil with vinegar.
    7. Mix.
    8. We put on top a small press (for example, a plate).
    9. We clean it in the refrigerator for the night.

    Fish should be infused and thoroughly soaked in marinade. We serve it on the holiday table or just as an addition to any fresh soup. Such a savory appetizer to chicken soup with dumplings is very tasty.

    As you can see, there are many ways to cook pollock. The main advantage of his fillet is that there is no need to cut fish, free from entrails, clean the skin and remove bones. The only thing that is important is to choose the right carcass. It should not have a dense ice crust - otherwise, the fish will melt and it turns out that the piece is very small. Experiment, choose your favorite recipe and often arrange fish days for loved ones. Enjoy your meal.

    It is difficult to call pollock an elite fish, but if it is cooked according to the correct recipe, then this fish will become very appetizing. It is important that this fish variety is not oily. Even in oil, fried pollock is a fairly low-calorie dish.

    My grandmother prepared fried pollock according to several recipes, and the main secret is the addition of lemon juice and seasonings. The aroma of the cooked dish was - go crazy! Although you can cook deliciously and just fried pollock with onions. Fried pollock fillet looks more presentable than slicing, but it does not matter.

    Fried Pollock Recipe in a Frying Pan

    The recipe is designed for four servings.

    Cooking in 20 minutes.


    1. 1 medium pollock fish
    2. 1-2 bulbs
    3. Salt to taste
    4. Spices - a third of a teaspoon or to taste
    5. Flour - four tablespoons
    6. Vegetable oil - about four tablespoons


    • 1. First, prepare the fish. We rinse, cut the fins with scissors and cut into pieces. Salt the fish and sprinkle it on all sides with spices, let it lie down a bit, soak the salt.
    • 2. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan and wait for it to hiss. We roll pollock on both sides in flour, put in a pan. Fry the fish until a golden crust forms.
    • 3. Cut into large rings onion, you can and half rings. Thickly chopped onions will taste juicy, and if cut thinner, you get a more delicate addition to the fish.
    • 4. We prepare the onion at our discretion. It can be attached to the fish, or you can fry the fish, remove it and put the onion on the same one. We make sure that the onion does not burn out, but acquires a golden color. Add the onion to the fish after turning it over.

    After frying, excess oil is removed from the fish with a paper towel. Served with vegetables, cereals, pasta. Here is such a simple but very tasty recipe for fried pollock with a photo. We hope you enjoyed it! And now pay attention to the pollock recipe in batter, which is located below, under the photo.

    Fried pollock in batter

    The output is four servings. The whole cooking process takes 40 minutes.

    This is a pretty diet dish, but the taste is great. Batter generally softens any dry fish and makes it juicy.

    What we need in order to cook fried pollock in batter according to the recipe:

    1. Pollock fillet - half a kilogram
    2. Flour - 150 grams (glass)
    3. Milk or liquid cream - ½ cup
    4. Two eggs are enough
    5. Lemon juice - squeeze out half of the fruit
    6. Seasonings - ground coriander and paprika
    7. Salt by eye, salt, as you used to
    8. Pepper - you can add a pinch, at your discretion.
    9. Vegetable oil is suitable for anyone. The amount usual for frying.

    Stages of cooking fried pollock:

    • 1. First, pickle a fish. Washed, chopped, put in a bowl, sprinkled with lemon juice. Then they salted and sprinkled with seasonings. In such a company, the fish gains juice for a maximum of half an hour.
    • 2. We make batter from cream, flour and eggs. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt, pour in milk or cream, and gradually, gently whisk along the way, add flour. No lumps! All together, one more time, we beat from the heart and the batter is ready.
    • 3. Then the simplest thing is, carefully dip our fish in the finished batter and send it to a very hot pan. We put the pieces so that they are not cramped in the pan, otherwise everything will stick together. Slices of fillets will be ready in 7-10 minutes. This is the time to fry until golden brown on both sides.

    It is noteworthy that pollock in batter is very tasty as freshly prepared, hot, and when it cools. Garnish according to your imagination - vegetable, potatoes.

    Fish with sauce will look much more interesting. The sauce generally ennobles any dish. Sauces for fish are prepared on the basis of cream, tomato, mustard, herbs, yogurt. Accordingly, they are called creamy or tomato, etc.

    For example, take a classic white sauce specifically for fish. On the floor of a liter of fish stock put one yolk, two small pieces of butter, three tablespoons of flour, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

    Fry flour on one of the pieces of butter. Cool the mixture, add cool fish stock. We stir until all lumps dissolve. Add the yolk, salt and pepper. Beat everything gently and bring to a boil again. But do not boil! Otherwise, spoil everything. In the cooled mixture, add a second piece of oil and lemon juice. Pour the juice a little, starting with a dessert spoon and try not to do it.

    Fried pollock with carrots

    Cooking time - 1 hour.
      Servings Per Container - 4.

    The composition of the products for fried pollock with carrots:

    • 1. 1 fish pollock.
    • 2. 2 onions.
    • 3. 1 carrot.
    • 4. 2 stack. milk.
    • 5. The salt.
    • 6. Black pepper.
    • 7. Flour.

    Cooking fried pollock with carrots

    1. Initially processed fish. Using a knife, scales are cleaned, fins, tail and head are removed.
    2. The fish is cut into small pieces. Carrots are peeled and rubbed with a coarse grater. Slices of fish pepper, salt and fall off in flour.
    3. A pan with sunflower oil is heated on the stove.
    4. The fish is fried on both sides until golden. Chopped onions and grated carrots are laid out on it. Add milk, salt and pepper. The frying pan is covered with a lid and stewed over a small fire for about half an hour. Ready pollock is decorated with parsley.
    5. Pollock fried calories are low, so it can be consumed by absolutely everyone and at any time, even during the diet. As a side dish, you can serve a salad of fresh vegetables.

    Fried pollock with onions

    Cooking time - half an hour.
      Servings Per Container - 4.

    Ingredients for fried pollock with onions:

    • 1. 1 fish pollock.
    • 2. The salt.
    • 3. 2 onions.
    • 4. Seasoning for fish.
    • 5.4 Art. l sunflower oil.

    Cooking fried pollock with onions

    1. Even a novice chef can cook fried pollock with onions. Initially, the fish is washed, the entrails are removed from it. Then it is cut into portioned slices. They are salted and seasoned with your favorite spices or dried herbs.
    2. The fish is rolled in flour and sent to a hot skillet with vegetable oil. Pollock fried until golden brown on both sides. During frying fish, you can prepare onions. It is cleaned and cut into rings or half rings. On the thickness of the onion will depend on its juiciness. It is better to make it thicker.
    3. Onions can be fried with fish or sent to a pan after the pollock has been fried. And then mix them together.
    4. Before use, fish can be removed with a paper towel. Pollock roasted calories are small, and this action will make it even more dietary. This dish is suitable for any side dish and vegetables.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Pollock is one of the most delicious and affordable types of fish. How to properly and tasty fry pollock, read below.

    How to deliciously fry pollock fillet?


    • pollock (fillet) - 900 g;
    • lemon - half;
    • pepper;
    • wheat flour - 80 g;
    • salt;
    • refined vegetable oil.


    Defrost pollock fillet in a natural way. Then we wash it and always dry it. Then we cut into slices, pepper, add salt and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Breaded fillet in wheat flour and sent to the pan with pre-warmed vegetable oil. Fry the fish until golden brown over low heat, and then place it on paper napkins to remove excess fat.

    How to deliciously fry pollock in a sesame pan - recipe


    • pollock (fillet) - 3 pcs.;
    • white sesame seeds - 50 g;
    • pepper;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • salt;
    •   refined.


    Rub the pollock fillet thawed under natural conditions with salt, pepper and cut into pieces. Beat eggs lightly, pour sesame seeds in a bowl. Dip the pieces of fish first into the egg, and then roll them in sesame seeds. Fry the fish in a pan in hot oil until cooked.

    How to fry pollock with onions and sour cream carrots?


    • pollock fillet - 800 g;
    • pepper;
    • carrots - 180 g;
    • onions - 180 g;
    • refined vegetable oil;
    • sour cream - 180 g;
    • salt.


    In a vegetable oil heated in a pan, put the chopped onion, fry for about 2 minutes, and then add the chopped carrots and simmer until it is soft. Cut thawed pollock fillet into slices and send into a pan with vegetables. Cook under the lid for about 7 minutes, then crush the fish with salt, spices, pour sour cream and stir. Cook under the lid for about 15 minutes.

    How to fry pollock in batter?


    • pollock (fillet) - 0.5 kg;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • dry paprika - 15 g;
    • wheat flour - 180 g;
    • coriander - 15 g;
    • pepper;
    • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 50 ml;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt.


    Wash the thawed fillet and dry it, cut it into pieces. Then we put them in a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice and crush with salt and spices. We cover the container with a lid and leave it for 20 minutes so that the fish is marinated. Now prepare the batter: break the eggs into a bowl, add salt to them and beat until smooth. Pour in the milk, slowly pour the sifted flour and stir well. When the fish is marinated, take a piece, dip them in a batter and place in a preheated pan with oil. Fry the fish until cooked on both sides.

    How to fry pollock with a crust?


    • carcasses of pollock - 1 kg;
    • salt;
    • wheat flour.


    My pollock carcasses, we clean the insides, be sure to remove the black film. We cut carcasses into pieces, roll them in flour. In a pan, heat the vegetable oil, put the fish boned in flour and fry for 3 minutes over high heat. Then we turn the slices, salt and fry for another 3 minutes. We turn over again and cook for the same amount of time. You do not need to close the pan when frying, because we want to get a delicious golden crust.



    We clean pollock from the insides, remove fins, tails, heads. Cut the fish in portions, rinse well, slightly add salt and crush with spices. Coat each slice with mayonnaise and leave for 20 minutes. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, warm it well. Each breading is breaded in flour and fried to an appetizing golden brown on one and the other side. Bon appetit to all!