Sorrel soup with egg (classic recipe). What can you do, cook from sorrel? Fresh and canned sorrel dishes: recipes

02.09.2019 Fish dishes
  • 500 g of chicken meat;
  • 2½ liters of water;
  • salt to taste;
  • 5-7 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 bunches of sorrel;
  • a few sprigs of parsley;
  • sour cream to taste.


2. Okroshka with sorrel on kefir


  • 6 potatoes;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 bunch of sorrel;
  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • ½ bunch of dill;
  • ½ bunch of parsley;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 8-10 radishes;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir.


3. Salad with sorrel, corn and cucumbers


  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • ¼ a bunch of dill;
  • ½ bunch of sorrel;
  • 300 g canned corn;
  • salt to taste;
  • sour cream or - to taste.


Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool and peel. Cut eggs and cucumbers into small cubes. Chop the herbs. Mix these ingredients with the corn after draining the liquid. Salt the salad and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

4. Sorrel omelet


  • ½ l of water;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 bunch of sorrel;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of milk;
  • ¼ a bunch of parsley;
  • ¼ a bunch of dill;
  • 50 g butter.


Place a pot of water over low heat, add salt and bring to a boil. Dip the sorrel in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then drain in a colander. When the water drains, chop the sorrel into small pieces with a knife.

Chop the onion and fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Add sorrel and lightly fry too.

Whisk eggs with milk, add salt, onion, sorrel and chopped herbs and stir. Melt the butter in another skillet. Spoon the omelet mixture over and sauté over medium heat until the omelet is firm.

5. Sorrel sauce


  • 150 ml heavy cream;
  • ½ bunch of sorrel;
  • 50 g butter;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of chicken or vegetable broth - optional.


Pour the cream into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Chop the sorrel finely and lightly fry it in another saucepan with melted butter.

Pour in the cream, add the spices and simmer until thickened. If the sauce seems too thick to you, pour the broth into it and mix well. Sorrel sauce goes well with fish and chicken.

6. Patties with sorrel, green onions and eggs

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  • 600 g flour;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • 8 g dry yeast;
  • 250 ml of warm milk;
  • 80 ml of kefir;
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 bunches of sorrel;
  • 1 bunch of green onions.


Sift flour, make a depression in the middle and add sugar, a pinch of salt and yeast. Pour in milk and kefir, stir, cover with a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then pour in the butter and knead the dough well with your hands. Cover with a towel again and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours.

Boil three hard-boiled eggs, refrigerate, peel and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the herbs and place them in a preheated pan for a minute. Transfer the onion and sorrel to a bowl and season with salt. After a few minutes, drain the resulting juice and mix the herbs with the egg.

Divide the dough into small, equal portions and form into tortillas. Place the filling in the center of each and mold the pies. Transfer them to a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush with a beaten egg.

Bake at 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes, until the patties are lightly browned.

7. Puffs with sorrel, cottage cheese and cheese


  • 1 bunch of sorrel;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 g


Chop the sorrel into small pieces. Combine it with cottage cheese, grated cheese, chopped garlic, spices and one egg. Roll out the dough and divide into equal squares. Place the filling on each and brush the edges with water. Form puffs by covering the filled portion with the other half of the dough.

Transfer the puffs to a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush with a beaten egg. Place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes, until the puffs are lightly browned.

8. Cheesecakes with sorrel


  • 1 bunch of sorrel;
  • 300 g;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.


Chop the sorrel into small pieces. Add cottage cheese to it and grind in a blender until smooth. Add yolk, salt and sugar and stir. Add flour and stir well again.

Heat oil in a skillet over low heat. Form curd cakes from the curd mass and fry until golden brown on each side.

9. Sweet sorrel pie


  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 350 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 3 bunches of sorrel;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons of potato starch;
  • 1 egg.


Mash the softened butter and half the sugar. Combine ⅔ flour and baking powder, add to butter mixture and stir. Put sour cream in the resulting crumb and mix again. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.

Cut the sorrel into long strips. Add the remaining sugar, cinnamon and half of the starch to it and mix thoroughly.

Divide the dough into two and roll out into two round layers. Put one layer in a mold with a removable bottom and tamp it along the bottom and walls. Sprinkle the remaining starch over the dough, spread the filling and cover with a second layer of dough.

Firmly hold the edges of the layers together. Brush the dough with a beaten egg and make a few punctures on the surface with a fork. Bake the cake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes.

10. Sorrel jam


  • 2 bunches of sorrel;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of water.


Place the finely chopped sorrel and sugar in a saucepan. Add water and place over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, for about 20 minutes, until the jam thickens.

11. Sorrel lemonade


  • a slice of fresh ginger;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 bunch of sorrel;
  • 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • 2 lemons.

The gentle, sour taste of sorrel refreshes in any heat. But sorrel is loved not only for its gastronomic merits: it is also very useful. In addition, sorrel appears in May, and you can collect and cook from it all summer. Until September, the sorrel remains tender and fresh (especially if you periodically mow the meadow with it).

Sorrel brings us the very first spring vitamins and useful elements, it contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamine, phosphorus and iron.

The healing properties of sorrel have long been known to people.
  • improves vision and is used in the prevention of cataracts;
  • has antiviral effect;
  • useful for anemia;
  • strengthens the joints;
  • helps to cleanse the body of heavy metals;
  • used for the prevention of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension.

Important! The oxalic acid found in the plant, in large quantities, can provoke heartburn and contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

How to cook sorrel

During heat treatment, sorrel instantly ... disappears. It becomes ten times less than it was fresh. It first darkens and then turns brown. Moreover, sorrel reaches readiness in literally 1 minute in a frying pan, and even less in boiling water, a few seconds are enough.

So it is better not to subject the sorrel to a long heat treatment, quickly fry or scald it, so as not to lose all the nutrients.

Attention! Due to the presence of acid, sorrel easily reacts with metals. Therefore, you cannot cook sorrel in an aluminum or cast-iron dish, it is better to use an enamel one - an unpleasant metallic aftertaste will not appear in your dishes.

Warm sorrel and potato salad


Recipe for 4 young potatoes

1 bunch of sorrel

1 bell pepper

5-6 quail eggs

2-3 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tsp mustard

1 tsp lemon juice

Step 1. Wash the potatoes, cut into circles or wedges, sprinkle with oil, salt.

Step 2. Wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into large slices. Bake with potatoes in the oven.

Step 3. Boil hard-boiled eggs and peel.

Step 4. Coarsely chop the sorrel. Finely - greens.

Step 5. Beat butter with mustard, salt and lemon juice.

Step 6. Cut the eggs in half, put the potatoes and peppers in a bowl, add the eggs, herbs and sorrel. Stir very gently and pour over the dressing. Serve warm.

Croissants with sorrel and sheep cheese

Photo: 1 pack of puff pastry

200 g sheep cheese

300-400 g sorrel

3 tbsp butter

3-4 hard boiled eggs

Step 1. Defrost the dough. Boil the eggs.

Step 2. Rinse the sorrel, dry on a towel and cut not too finely.

Step 3. Heat half of the oil and fry the sorrel in it for 3 minutes.

Step 4. Finely chop the eggs and blend with warm sorrel. Season the filling with salt and pepper.

Step 5. Roll out the dough into a layer, 1-1.5 mm thick, cut into triangles.

Step 6. Put the filling on the dough in a thin layer, not going to the edge by at least 1.5 cm, crumble the cheese, roll croissants from an acute angle to a sharp one.

Step 7. Bake in the oven, grease with oil on top, until golden brown.

Kissel from sorrel


500 g sorrel

2/3 cup sugar

2 tbsp starch

A pinch of salt

Step 1. Wash sorrel, chop finely, add a little water and simmer.

Step 2. Rub the sorrel through a sieve, add the rest of the water, sugar and cook for a few minutes.

Step 3. Dilute the starch in a little cold water, add to the sorrel and boil for another 5 minutes. Serve the jelly - chilled.

How to prepare sorrel for the winter

The hardest part of this business is finding very small jars. Best of all - 100 grams. You can take jars of baby food, the smaller the volume, the better.

But you will need a lot of sorrel, since a whole bowl of fresh sorrel fits into a tiny jar.

So: sorrel, boiling water and sterilized jars. And even a slotted spoon. That's all we need for canning. The fact is that there is acid in sorrel, and it preserves it.

What to do: the sorrel must be washed, the tough stems must be torn off, cut off, there is no need to cut. Bring the water to a boil and pour the sorrel into it in portions. For 1 minute. Take out the sorrel that has decreased in size with a slotted spoon and put it in a jar. When it is full, close it tightly.

It is best to store in the refrigerator or in the cellar. When you use it, you need to immediately prepare the contents of the entire jar, if the jar is left open, the sorrel will instantly deteriorate. That is why we took the smallest jars. One - enough for a pot of green cabbage soup for four people, very convenient.

Sorrel dishes have a pleasant, refreshing taste, and moreover. Considered to be extremely beneficial to health. After all, sorrel is rich in vitamins and microelements. This wonderful plant can be used to prepare not only traditional green borscht, but also many other tasty and simple dishes. We bring to your attention the most original, simple and affordable recipes.

Sorrel leaves can be used to make cold soups, all kinds of snacks, salads and even ice cream!

Okroshka with sorrel

Finely chop four bunches of sorrel, six cucumbers, and a bunch of radishes. Add to this a glass of canned green peas and green onions. All ingredients should be mixed and poured with a liter of fat-free kefir diluted with two glasses of cold water.

Sorrel appetizer with nettle

Bark half a glass of young nettle leaves with boiling water and chop. Combine the nettle with 1 pound of finely chopped sorrel. Then add two boiled and diced chicken eggs. It remains to fill the dish with mayonnaise or sour cream of your choice and - the dish is ready!

Sorrel ice cream

To prepare this unusual vitamin dessert, grind a bunch of fresh sorrel and then place it in the freezer. Add egg yolk, three tablespoons of cream to frozen sorrel and whisk it all with a blender. You can add honey or sugar to the resulting mass to taste. Divide the ice cream into the tins, then place it in the freezer.

Potato salad with sorrel

To prepare this dish, boil a few young potatoes and cut them into quarters. Place the chopped bunch of sorrel and plenty of chopped herbs in a large bowl. Then send potatoes there, two lightly salted cucumbers cut into pieces. Add four boiled quail eggs, cut into circles, to these ingredients. Stir the salad and season with vegetable oil.

Sorrel and spinach salad

For this dish, you will need half a kilo of spinach and fresh sorrel leaves, as well as four stalks of green onions. These ingredients need to be rinsed and chopped. Next, add two boiled eggs, cut into cubes, to the greens. It is recommended to season the salad with sunflower oil or olive oil with lemon juice.

Sorrel soups

Sorrel-based soups are especially popular and loved by housewives. There are many different ways to prepare it. So, you can add chicken, cheese, raw or boiled eggs to sorrel soup. We offer you the most simple options for such first courses.

Classic sorrel soup

A clove of minced garlic, salve in vegetable oil. Put coarsely chopped sorrel leaves (about two hundred grams) in a saucepan with boiling water. Attach the stewed garlic to it, add a couple tablespoons of chopped parsley. Simmer for ten minutes. Then the soup should be placed in a blender, chopped, add sour cream and cream to taste. The soup can be eaten both hot and cold.

Soup with sorrel in a slow cooker

This soup is prepared very simply and quickly, saving time on cooking. So, first, chop the onion head into small pieces. Chop a bunch of sorrel, dill, parsley and cilantro. The multicooker should be switched on to the "baking" mode, setting the time mode to thirty minutes. Fry onions in vegetable oil for ten minutes, and then send all the other ingredients to a multicooker, salt and pour in a liter of water. It is recommended to pour a beaten egg into the finished soup.

Barley soup with sorrel

This first course can be cooked with meat broth. Cooking should be started by boiling the pearl barley, as this is a fairly long process. While the barley is cooking, do the frying. To do this, grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry it all in vegetable oil. Cut three potatoes into cubes. Sorrel leaves (one hundred and twenty grams) must be thoroughly washed and then chopped. When all the ingredients are ready, send the potatoes to the pot with boiling broth, and after ten minutes add the barley to it. In about twenty minutes it will be possible to fill the soup with fried onions and carrots. Add sorrel five minutes before the dish is ready, so it will retain its useful properties as much as possible. Pearl barley soup with sorrel is served with sour cream and half a hard boiled egg.

Sorrel soup with cabbage

First, cook the broth and bring it to a boil. Toss two diced potatoes into the stockpot. After ten minutes, send finely chopped white cabbage (about four hundred grams) there. While the vegetables are boiling, prepare a frying of chopped onions with grated carrots, add the grated tomato to them and simmer for a while. Put the dressing in the soup. After five minutes, send the sorrel leaves, cut into strips (two to three bunches), to the pan. When the dish boils, you need to reduce the heat to darken the soup for about five minutes. Then you need to let the dish brew, season with finely chopped boiled egg and you can serve the soup to the table!

Sorrel soup with stew

This dish turns out to be hearty and rich, in addition, such a soup is prepared much faster than in broth. So, fry the chopped onions and carrots in sunflower oil until the characteristic color. Peel four potatoes and then cut into cubes. Place the potatoes in boiling water. And after ten minutes, attach the contents of one can of stew to it and cook for seven minutes. After that, send there one hundred and fifty grams of sorrel cut into ribbons. The soup will be ready in ten minutes!

Sorrel and chicken dishes

Sorrel and chicken are an excellent culinary combination with a spicy taste, the main thing is to cook them correctly. We bring to your attention the most popular and affordable recipes.

French sorrel chicken

Cut one and a half kilograms of chicken into medium-sized pieces and fry in butter. When the meat has a delicious golden hue, reduce the heat and add two hundred grams of finely chopped sorrel to the chicken. Next, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about five minutes. When the sorrel has released the juice, season the dish with spices to your liking and simmer for about ten minutes more.

Sorrel sauce

Fried chicken meat can be served with a special sorrel sauce, which will add a pleasant sourness, special piquancy and unique taste to the dish.

To make sorrel sauce, you will need one bunch of this plant. Rinse the sorrel leaves, dry, and then grind in a blender until puree. Add finely chopped herbs, spices, a little lemon juice to the resulting mass and the sauce will be ready!

Chicken sorrel soup

Boil half the chicken, cut into pieces, until tender. Put eight potatoes, cut into small cubes, in boiling broth and reduce heat slightly. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the dressing by sautéing chopped onions and grated carrots in sunflower oil. Sorrel leaves, green onions, dill, wash and then chop. When the potatoes have softened, add to the soup, herbs, fry, bring to a boil and boil for another couple of minutes.

Sorrel patties

Sorrel serves as an excellent base for all kinds of fillings. It is used in the preparation of various baked goods.

Sweet sorrel patties

To make such pies, cook any yeast dough, and while it is rising, you can start filling. To prepare it, take three hundred grams of sorrel, rinse and chop very finely. Put the chopped greens in a deep bowl, and press with your palms so that the sorrel lets out the juice. Basically, the filling is ready. Now roll out the dough, make small cakes out of it and put the prepared filling in the middle of each, sprinkle with sugar. Ready pies place on a baking sheet. Lubricate their surface with a pre-beaten egg, then send a well-heated oven for twenty minutes.

Fried sorrel patties

To prepare the dough, you will need a glass of kefir. Add a tablespoon of sugar, one egg, and two tablespoons of ghee. Gradually add flour (three hundred grams) and knead the dough until it is firm enough. Now move on to the filling. To do this, chop one hundred grams of sorrel leaves and season them with four tablespoons of sugar. Next, you need to roll out the dough into a layer half a centimeter thick and cut it into circles using a glass. Put the sorrel filling in the middle of the circle, then cover with another circle and pinch along the edges. The pies are fried in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter

Many housewives strive to prepare sorrel isim , to delight your family with rich vitamins and refreshing summer meals during the colder months. There are many ways to prepare this product. The most popular methods are freezing, salting, and canning. Let's consider these recipes in more detail.


First, the sorrel leaves should be rinsed well and dried thoroughly. After that, cut the sorrel, place it in airtight freezer containers and send it to the freezer. It is not recommended to defrost sorrel before use.


In order to make a blank in this way, you will need a special wooden tub. True, some housewives manage to salt sorrel in a glass bottle. So, put the previously washed and dried sorrel leaves in a prepared container in layers, sprinkling each layer with coarse salt. Place the press on top. Salted sorrel should be rinsed in cold water before use.

Canned sorrel

Cut the sorrel into large enough strips. Bring two liters of water to a boil and dip the prepared sorrel there. After a few seconds, when the greens have slightly darkened, remove the sorrel with a slotted spoon and place in a pre-sterilized jar. Add a small amount of water to the jar, then roll up.

Thus, sorrel dishes allow you to significantly diversify the diet, as well as provide the body with a whole range of nutrients.

If you think that only green borscht can be cooked with sorrel, read this article. In it you will find recipes for salads, sauce, omelet, pancakes, dumplings, cheesecakes and drinks with this healthy greens.

Sour sorrel is a cultivated plant that people grow for medicinal and culinary uses. The most popular sorrel dish is green cabbage soup (green borscht). But is it possible to cook something else with it?

Sorrel salad with egg: recipe

In the spring, when the body is in dire need of vitamins, I really want to eat some kind of green salad. You can satisfy your desire already in May, when the sorrel leaves in summer cottages and vegetable gardens reach 10 cm in length and become edible.

RECIPE # 1:"Countryside" salad with sorrel and egg.
To prepare it, you will need simple and affordable products:

  • sorrel - bunch
  • lettuce (optional) - bunch
  • radish - 200 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • green onions - bunch
  • greens
  • salt pepper
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
Sorrel salad with egg: preparation of sorrel.

Sorrel salad with egg: preparing the eggs.

Sorrel salad with egg and radish.
  1. Boil hard boiled eggs. Cool them, peel and cut into halves or cubes (optional).
  2. Wash sorrel, lettuce, and all greens thoroughly with cool running water. Leave it all in a colander to make the glass.
  3. Wash the radishes, cut the tails, cut into thin halves of the rings.
  4. Chop the sorrel, lettuce and herbs as small as possible. Mix with egg and radish.
  5. Use sour cream as a dressing.

RECIPE # 2: Salad with sorrel and quail eggs.

You can safely put this salad on the festive table. Take for him:

  • sorrel - bunch
  • radish - 50 g
  • cereals (bulgur or quinoa) - 50 g
  • celery (stems) - 100 g
  • green apple - 1 pc.
  • salad - 1 bunch
  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp spoons
    lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • grain mustard - 1 tsp

Sorrel salad with quail eggs.
  1. Start with cereals, rinse and boil. In a quarter of an hour, until it comes to readiness, you will have time to prepare all the other ingredients of the salad.
    Also, immediately put the quail eggs to boil. Cool them, peel and cut into halves or quarters.
  2. Place in a blender half a bunch of sorrel, olive oil, lemon juice and mustard, whisk until smooth.
  3. Wash the apple, radish, celery and spinach, dry and chop. Then mix with cereals and season.
  4. Serve the salad garnished with quail eggs.

Fresh sorrel salad with cucumber and egg: recipe

You can prepare this salad when the young and crunchy ground cucumbers appear. Take:

  • sorrel - bunch
  • cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • corn - 200 g
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • herbs, salt and pepper

Sorrel and cucumber salad with canned corn.
  1. Boil eggs, peel and cut into small cubes.
  2. Wash the cucumbers, if their skin is too rough, remove it. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes. For the salad to be beautiful, the egg and cucumber cubes should be the size of a grain of corn.
  3. Drain the corn and put it in a bowl. Add egg and cucumber.
  4. Cut the washed sorrel into strips. Chop the onion and herbs. Add to salad.
  5. Season the salad with mayonnaise.
  6. Optionally, this salad with sorrel can be laid out in layers, served in a glass salad bowl or portioned glasses.
  7. If you add crab sticks to the dish, you get an interesting version of the classic crab salad.

VIDEO: Green salad with sorrel, fennel and cucumber

Sorrel and spinach salad

Both sorrel and spinach are very useful greens, but, so to speak, not for everyone. Try to make a delicious vitamin salad out of them, your family might love it. Take:

  • sorrel - bunch
  • spinach - bunch
  • green onions - bunch
  • parsley - bunch
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • green or black olives - 100 g
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp spoons
  • vinegar - 0.5 tsp
  • water - 0.5 tsp
  • salt and pepper

  1. Place the eggs on a hard boil.
  2. Wash off all the greens, let them drain.
  3. Chop the herbs finely.
  4. Peel and cut the boiled and cooled eggs into strips or halves.
  5. Cut the olives into rings.
  6. Make a dressing with olive oil, water, and vinegar and add it to your salad.

Sorrel and tomato salad

RECIPE # 1:"Rustic" salad with sorrel and tomatoes.
For salad, you can take the following products:

  • sorrel - bunch
  • green onions - bunch
  • salad - bunch
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • green garlic - optional and to taste
  • sour cream or mayonnaise

  1. Wash vegetables and herbs, dry.
  2. Since the salad is "rustic", the method of cutting and the size of the pieces does not matter. Chop all the ingredients the way you like.
  3. Refuel the salad and eat to your health!

RECIPE # 2: Tomato salad with sorrel and cheese.


  • sorrel - bunch
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • hard cheese - 30 g
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons spoons
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp
  • sugar, salt, pepper

  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into neat wedges.
  2. Wash sorrel, dry and cut into strips. Mix with tomatoes.
  3. Make a dressing with oil, vinegar, sugar, and crushed garlic. Season the salad.
  4. Rub the cheese and sprinkle it over the salad.

VIDEO: SUNFLOWER salad with sorrel

Sorrel salad for the winter. Canned sorrel dishes: recipes

To be able to eat healthy sorrel in winter, preserve it in the form of a salad. It can then be added to vegetable side dishes, soups and sauces.

How to cook soups from fresh and canned sorrel, read the article "".

IMPORTANT: You can cover the sorrel by itself. For 1 kg of greens, take 100 g of salt. The washed, dried and finely chopped sorrel is boiled in salted water for 10 minutes, placed in jars, sterilized for 20 minutes and rolled up. But you cover the sorrel with herbs, it will taste better.

For 1 jar of blank, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sorrel - 700 g
  • green onions - 150 g
  • dill and parsley - 10 g each
  • salt - 10 g
  • water - 300 ml

Sch (abel is cut.

The chopped sorrel is placed in a saucepan.

The sorrel is boiled.
  1. You should rinse the sorrel and greens for preparation thoroughly and sort out, and then chop very finely.
  2. Place the herbs in an enamel saucepan. Boil water in a kettle or another saucepan. Pour boiling water into a saucepan with herbs.
  3. Add salt.
  4. Boil the workpiece for 10 minutes.
  5. Arrange winter sorrel salad in jars, cover them with lids
  6. Sterilize the cans for 15-20 minutes, roll them up.

VIDEO: Sorrel for the winter: just add water!

Sorrel jam for the winter

Yes, you can make a blank dessert for the winter from sour sorrel. With sour, it will give no more than apple or orange.

Take products in this ratio:

  • sorrel - 1 bunch
  • sugar - 100 g
  • water - 2 tbsp. spoons

  1. Sort the washed, sorted sorrel and cut into strips up to 1 cm wide.
  2. The workpiece will be boiled in a deep frying pan. Put sorrel there, add sugar, pour water.
  3. Cook the jam for 20-30 minutes; by the end of boiling, you should already have sterile jars at hand. Put the sorrel jam there, roll it up.
  4. This jam is best kept in the refrigerator or cellar.

Sorrel compote and jelly: recipes

Try to make drinks from sorrel - compote or jelly.


Take 1 liter of water:

  • sorrel - 200 g
  • sugar - 100 g

  1. Put the water in a saucepan on a fire.
  2. Add sugar immediately, do not stop stirring to completely dissolve.
    When the water boils, add the sorrel, washed and cut into strips.
  3. Cook the compote for 3 minutes.
  4. If you want, you can drink this compote with mint leaves.

Take 1.5 liters of water:

  • sorrel - 500 g
  • starch - 40 g

  1. Wash and chop the sorrel.
  2. Put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water so that it only covers the greens.
  3. Boil sorrel for 2 minutes, fold over a sieve and rub into a new saucepan.
  4. Pour the sorrel puree with 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil.
  5. At this time, dissolve the starch in a little cold water, add it to the boiling water with sorrel puree.
  6. Stir continuously until the jelly boils again, then turn it off.
  7. Drink warm or chilled.

VIDEO: Kissel from sorrel

Sorrel omelet

Sorrel omelet is a healthy cocktail of proteins and vitamins. Make it for your family's breakfast!

  • sorrel - half a bunch
  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • milk - 30 g
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • tomatoes - optional
  • cheese optional
  • salt, pepper, any greens

Sorrel omelet.
  1. Chop up the sorrel that you washed and dried beforehand.
  2. If using tomatoes and herbs, wash and chop those as well.
  3. Rub the cheese if you add it to the omelet.
  4. Beat eggs, add salt and pepper.
    Add milk to the egg mass, whisk.
  5. Add half the sorrel and herbs to the egg mass, mix.
  6. Brush the baking dish with olive oil, and when heated, place the tomatoes on top of it.
  7. Pour in the eggs and herbs.
  8. Place the dish in the oven.
  9. When the omelet begins to brew, add the remaining sorrel and cheese.

Pancakes with sorrel: recipe

Sorrel pancakes taste unusual. They go very well with spicy and salty fillings. And also, they are green, the kids will really like it.
To bake green pancakes you will need:

  • sorrel - 1 bunch
  • parsley or dill - optional
  • wheat or rye flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • egg - 1 pc.

  1. Place the washed and chopped sorrel with herbs in a blender, beat.
  2. Add egg, beat again.
  3. Add salt and flour, beat again.
  4. Fry in a hot skillet like regular pancakes.
  5. For such pancakes, prepare a filling of stewed carrots with onions, cottage cheese with dill and garlic, and suluguni cheese.

Dumplings with sorrel: recipe

Do you like salted dumplings, cook them with potatoes and mushrooms? Try sorrel as a filling.
You will need products:

  • sorrel - 1 bunch
  • flour - 2 cups
  • water - how much dough will take
  • sugar
  • sour cream
  • butter

  1. Knead the classic dough into dumplings using flour, salt and water. Let it stand for about half an hour.
  2. Grind the sorrel and add some sugar to it.
  3. Prepare the dumplings dough. Place some sorrel on each circle and cover in the dumplings.
  4. At this time, your salted water should already boil. Dip in water and boil.
  5. Serve with sour cream or sour cream sauce with garlic and herbs.
  6. By the way, you can cook dumplings with sorrel in a slow cooker.

Sorrel sauce for meat

A green sauce for meat is prepared from sorrel. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • sorrel - 150 g
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • butter - 3 tbsp. spoons
    sour cream - 200 g
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • onion - 1 pc.

  1. Make mashed potatoes from sorrel - boil it and rub through a fine sieve.
  2. Add pre-sugar and salt to this.
  3. Fry the onion in butter until golden brown, add flour to it.
  4. Mix the frying with the sorrel. Add sour cream.
  5. Put the sauce on the fire, bring to a boil, turn it off, let it cool.

Fresh sorrel dishes: recipes

If you appreciated dumplings and pancakes with sorrel, now make pies, cheesecakes and smoothies with it.

You can find recipes for pies and sorrel pies in the article:

RECIPE: Cheesecakes with sorrel


  • sorrel - 1 bunch
  • cottage cheese - 300 g
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • greens
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil

  1. Mash the curd with a fork, add chopped sorrel and salt to it. Stir.
  2. Add the beaten egg to the curd, stir.
  3. Add semolina, stir.
  4. Let the dough sit for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Sculpt cheese cakes, roll them in flour, fry in a pan with butter.
  6. Eat with sour cream or sour cream and garlic sauce.

RECIPE: Fruit and sorrel smoothie.

  • sorrel - 50 g
  • bananas - 2 pcs.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 100 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • green tea
  • cereal flakes
  • mint leaves
  • bitter chocolate - 20 g

  1. Brew green tea in 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. When the tea has cooled, mix it with the milk. Soak no-boil cereal in the drink.
  3. Prepare fruit and spinach - wash, peel, slice.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and beat until smooth.
  5. Pour into cups, garnish with mint leaves and grated chocolate.

VIDEO: Kefir pancakes with sorrel

It's nice in hot summer weather pamper yourself with a bowl of cold soup. Cold green cabbage soup with sour cream and egg is one of the most delicious and popular cold soups. In our family, cold cabbage soup is prepared according to this recipe.

When the word "sorrel", many people immediately think of sorrel cabbage soup, but in this recipe I will tell you how make a pie from sorrel. Unfortunately, this dish is undeservedly unpopular, let's fix it! …Further

2 handfuls of sorrel
4 eggs,
150 g cream cheese
50 g parmesan
20 g butter
4 tablespoons olive oil,
salt, black pepper - to taste.

There are also a lot of recipes for appetizers and salads from sorrel, for example, an excellent salad can be prepared by mixing fresh sorrel with boiled potatoes, onions, boiled eggs, pickles, herbs, mustard, vegetable oil and pepper and salt.

Sorrel filling for pancakes and pies

300 g sorrel
200 g processed cheese
3 tbsp sour cream,
3 eggs,
1 bunch of dill greens,
pepper to taste.

Preparation: In a clean small jar, mix room temperature heavy cream with kefir. Cover the jar with a lid and leave at room temperature for 12-24 hours, or until the cream thickens. Stir lightly with a spoon (the cream sometimes begins to thicken after stirring), close the jar with a lid and refrigerate. The cream will thicken in the refrigerator.

Ingredients: sorrel - 400 g, water - 1.5 l, stale white bread - 400 g, milk - 375 ml, crème fraiche - 250 g, butter - 30 g, salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste

What delicious dishes can you make with fresh sorrel? Everything that is known now.

3. Peel the nuts, or take the peeled ones. Remove partitions and grind. You can roll them with a rolling pin, or you can grind them with a blender. In the first case, they will be larger, and in the second, naturally smaller.

Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender, cool and cut into quarters, cut the onion into rings. Mix the mustard with 1 tablespoon. vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Season the potatoes and onions with this mixture and set aside.
Sort out sorrel and herbs, wash and pat dry. Cut the sorrel into strips, chop the herbs. Cut cucumbers into cubes, eggs into slices. Add the rest of the ingredients to the potatoes and onions, stir and drizzle with vegetable oil.

Smoked sausages, which include paprika, are fine for sorrel soup. Before adding the broth, the sausages must be fried with chopped onions directly in the saucepan in which you will cook the soup. For sorrel, first cut the stems, the leaves are large

Sorrel has been known to people since ancient times, although in Russia it was considered a weed for a long time and they were afraid to eat it. But in vain. Sorrel is very healthy. It appears in early spring, when our body is especially lacking in vitamins.

3. Pour salt, sugar and pepper into the cooled kefir, as well as a glass of sifted flour. Stir and wait for kefir to interact with soda. And it will happen quickly enough. A lot of bubbles will appear on the surface.

How to make a sorrel casserole. Boil sorrel for a few minutes in boiling water, twist in a meat grinder. Saute the onion in a frying pan, add flour, fry, add to the sorrel along with the broth, put out until tender, add grated cheese and butter, salt. Cut the bread into slices, fry, put on the bottom of a baking dish, put the sorrel mass on top, sprinkle with croutons on top, bake until the croutons are browned.

7. When the potatoes are ready, add beets, roots with onions, chopped sorrel and spinach to the broth. Also put meat cut into portions into the broth. Add your favorite spices, salt, pepper to taste and bay leaves.

1 kg of sorrel
2 stacks cream,
500 g of fresh mushrooms,
3 onions,
3 tbsp flour,
3 tbsp grated cheese
3 tbsp butter,
2 tsp salt,
ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook from sorrel methods with a photo. Breaking news today 11/28/2017

Many different variations can be prepared from these food combinations, where our green vegetable can be added in varying amounts. Somewhere it can be the main component, and somewhere it can be only as an additive.

This incredibly useful plant appears in our beds in the spring, when there is still nothing in the garden, and fulfills its extremely important mission: it replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body and pleases with all kinds of delicious dishes prepared from it. Sorrel dishes surprise with their variety: soups, green borscht, salads, sauces, as well as fillings for pies and pancakes. There are even such interesting sorrel dishes as sorrel jelly and sorrel ice cream.

Pour in hot broth and stir with a whisk, avoiding lumps. Bring the sauce to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Season with salt, ginger and freshly ground pepper. Pour in sour cream and heat the sauce, not boiling. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Sorrel sauce is ready!

How to make a sorrel snack. Finely chop the sorrel, boil the egg, finely chop it. Put chopped sorrel in boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, dry. Finely crush the nuts, combine with egg, sorrel and butter, mix.

Borscht made from this green leafy vegetable can be cooked with or without meat. And although our article is under the heading "Vegetarian dishes", I will tell you how to cook it with meat. But if you want to make a lean version, then just remove the item with meat. Everything else is prepared in the same way. Well, the cooking time is naturally reduced.

Sorrel cabbage soup is a very popular dish in early spring, when these herbs are just emerging. Prepare delicious vitamin and nutritious cabbage soup that can be served hot or cold. …Further

Since ancient times, sorrel has been used as a medicinal plant, including Avicenna. It has a tonic effect, activates the liver, improves bowel function, cleanses the blood and reduces pain syndromes caused by various causes. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including colitis and enterocolitis, it is very useful to eat it.

I will not describe here how to bake pancakes. There are dozens of recipes in a special section on how to cook them. Pancakes are needed thin, follow the special link and there you will find a recipe for yourself to choose from.

Thoroughly mix finely chopped sorrel, radish slices, finely chopped onions, apples and chopped garlic grated on a coarse grater, put in a salad bowl, season with sour cream, sugar and salt to taste.

Fresh sorrel dishes cooking secrets and tips. New details.

Put chopped sorrel in a saucepan, add a little water, put on low heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes until soft. Strain the resulting broth, rub the sorrel through a sieve and return it to the broth. Dissolve the starch in half a glass of cold water and mix thoroughly. Pour water into a saucepan with sorrel, add sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Then pour in the diluted starch in a thin stream and, while stirring, bring everything to a boil again, remove from heat and cool.

In the fresh green season, it's time to make a sorrel pie. The recipe for pie filling is as easy as shelling pears. And knead the yeast dough to your taste - in margarine or butter, sweet or not.

When the first greenery appears on our beds, we are happy to celebrate - spring has come into its own. What grows on our summer cottages before anything else? That's right, this is rhubarb, and we already have a whole cycle of recipes using it. These are various main courses, and sweet dishes and preparations for the winter in the form of jam.

Add sifted flour, egg yolks, 50 g grated Parmesan, salt and pepper to the puree. Mix well. Sprinkle the table with flour, put the potato dough and roll it into a long sausage with a diameter of 2.5 cm. Cut the sausage into 2 cm thick slices. Boil the gnocchi in portions in boiling salted water until they float. Transfer the finished gnocchi to a plate.

Sorrel recipes are especially hot in the spring. Cooking sorrel does not require any special skills. The site has recipes from sorrel with photos that will help diversify your menu. Sorrel does not belong to salad greens due to the high concentration of oxalic and malic acid. But for soups, snacks and pie fillings, sorrel is irreplaceable. Only sorrel has such a huge range of flavors - from sour in soups to sweet in cakes. All due to the fact that during heat treatment the acidity decreases. But in some dishes, for example, in green cabbage soup, where sorrel creates the main taste, acidity lasts more than one day after cooking. For sorrel salad, choose one of two varieties - young leaves without stems or spinach sorrel. It differs from the first in thin narrow leaves.

Now that you know the basic rules and have recipes at hand, you can easily and simply prepare any dish from this healthy and tasty, loved by children and adults, green plant called sorrel.

Fresh sorrel recipe video. Detailed information.