The fastest sponge cake. Quick biscuits

03.08.2020 Fish dishes

Biscuit in translation from Italian means “baked twice”. The classic biscuit is made from flour, sugar and eggs. The recipe for a delicious biscuit can also contain cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, chocolate, etc. Cooking a biscuit, as a rule, does not take much time. It is because of the speed of preparation and the excellent result that many housewives love to cook biscuit dough. Products made from it are lush and delicate. Biscuit baking can be very diverse. Distinguish between a biscuit for a cake, roll, pastries, etc.

How to make a biscuit? A simple biscuit recipe, however, has some cooking characteristics. Well-beaten egg whites and yolks with sugar and flour give the baked goods splendor. The quality of the biscuit largely depends on the freshness of the eggs, as well as on the temperature of all the ingredients included in the composition. The duration of the whipping and the baking regime play an equally important role. Our recipes will tell you how to make a biscuit. Cooking a biscuit at home will not be difficult if you adhere to all the rules of preparation. To obtain the most lush and tender biscuit, it is recommended to carefully separate the yolks from the whites so that they do not mix. Whites are harder to whisk if yolk or fat gets into them.

There are many biscuit recipes. A dough recipe can include grated lemon or orange zest, vanilla sugar, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, poppy seeds, raisins, and other toppings. They must first be mixed with flour. In a classic biscuit, the recipe for which consists of eggs, sugar and flour, you can add sour cream and kefir. Sponge cake with sour cream and biscuit with kefir are even more delicious and fluffy than the classic one. The sour cream biscuit recipe will not cause you any difficulties. Chocolate sponge cake, the recipe for which includes cocoa powder, is especially popular with children who require regular chocolate sponge cake preparation. We advise you to definitely prepare a very popular biscuit with apples - charlotte. You can even try making a biscuit without eggs - in vegetable oil and soda solution.

Biscuit dough is used to bake cakes for cakes. The biscuit cake recipe can be found on our website. The combination of a biscuit with various creams, fresh berries, fruits and nuts allows you to get a variety of delicious pastries. An important ingredient for such sweet products is biscuit cream. A biscuit cream recipe can include cottage cheese or chocolate. Curd biscuit can contain curd both as a filling and as a component of the dough.

How to prepare a biscuit? There are two ways to prepare this treat - cold and hot. Beat whites only in completely clean dishes, without traces of fat. If the whites do not whip well, then they need to be cooled. Beat the whites until a stable foam is formed. Excessively whipped proteins with small bubbles, when baking, lead to the fact that the dough shrinks. The yolk should be rubbed white with sugar and beat until foamy. You need to mix whites and yolks immediately, while adding flour.

Warm preparation of the biscuit speeds up the process. How to make a hot sponge cake? In a water bath at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Beat eggs with sugar right away. Such a biscuit turns out to be denser and more crumbly than a cold-made biscuit. It is best to beat the resulting mass in an electric mixer, but you can also manually. The finished dough must be immediately poured into special molds and baked immediately.

How to bake a biscuit? A delicate structure and a thin crust are obtained only if the biscuit is baked correctly. You need to bake the biscuit over even medium heat. Do not open the oven while baking. But the finished biscuit must be left for a while in an open oven. This is done so that it does not fall out. Freshly baked biscuit is poorly cut, so after baking it is advisable to keep it for about a day.

How to bake a biscuit quickly? You can also microwave the biscuit. This method is simpler than the previous one. The dough itself is rather dry, so impregnation is needed for the biscuit. As an impregnation, you can use chocolate, various syrups or alcohol.

Make a biscuit! Recipes with photos on our website will tell you how to do it right.

The biscuit is the main part of the cake. It is very important that it is soft, fluffy, moderately sweet. We will show you how to make a biscuit at home.

You will need:

  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 150 gr;
  • wheat flour - 0.1 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 gr.

Step by step cooking:

  1. We take a sieve and sift the flour through it twice.
  2. We break the eggs and carefully separate the whites from the yolks. You cannot allow even a drop of yolk to be in the mass of protein.
  3. The egg bowl must be washed and wiped dry. This is the only way to whip the whites to the required consistency.
  4. Pour 75 grams of granulated sugar into the yolks and add vanilla sugar.
  5. Grind the ingredients until a thick, whitish mass is formed. This can be done with a mixer or whisk.
  6. Shake the proteins until a soft fluffy mass.
  7. Without ceasing to beat the mass, slowly pour out the remaining sugar. The result should be a thicker mass (solid peaks).
  8. Separate the third part from the protein mixture and transfer it to a bowl with the yolks.
  9. Gently mix with the yolks and add flour sifted through a sieve.
  10. Transfer the rest of the proteins and knead the dough. Don't overdo it.
  11. Prepare the desired shape for the biscuit and fill it 2/3 full, as in the oven the dough will rise to the very edges.
  12. We preheat the oven to 180 degrees. The baking time is 35 minutes. To keep the base of the cake as fluffy as possible, do not open the oven for the first 20 minutes of cooking.
  13. Gently remove the soft, tender biscuit from the mold, let it cool.

Cooking in a multicooker

Grocery list:

  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 0.16 kg;
  • wheat flour - 0.16 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 11 gr;
  • a piece of butter.

How to cook a sponge cake in a slow cooker:

  1. We begin to cook according to the standard procedure.
  2. Put the whites and yolks into bowls separately.
  3. We whisk the squirrels until solid peaks are formed.
  4. Without stopping whisking, add sugar, pour out the proteins and add vanilla.
  5. When a soft homogeneous mass is obtained, add flour chopped through a sieve in a thin stream.
  6. Gently knead everything with a spoon.
  7. Process the sides and bottom of the multicooker with a piece of oil.
  8. Transfer the dough into a bowl, smooth its surface with a spatula.
  9. It remains to select the "Baking" program in the multicooker menu and set the time to 50 minutes.
  10. At the end of cooking, you can open the lid and use a toothpick to check how well the dough is baked.
  11. We take it out of the bowl, cool it. It remains to coat with cream, decorate, and a soft delicious cake is ready. Enjoy your tea!

Honey cake base

Recipe composition:

  • honey - 90 gr;
  • four chicken eggs;
  • flour - 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • soda - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a little lemon juice into the baking soda.
  2. Divide the whites and yolks into separate cups.
  3. The whites are whipped with 75 grams of sugar with a mixer until fluffy.
  4. Pour the other part of the sugar into the yolks and shake until a white cream.
  5. Pour honey into a tall bowl and put on fire.
  6. As soon as the honey begins to foam, add soda to it and cook until it acquires a brownish hue.
  7. We shift half of the proteins to the yolks. Mix gently and add flour.
  8. Pour honey.
  9. We spread the rest of the proteins.
  10. Knead the dough with a spatula.
  11. Cover the biscuit mold with baking paper, grease the walls with vegetable oil.
  12. We heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees. We bake a delicacy - 30-40 minutes.
  13. Check with a wooden stick to see if the inside is damp. If everything is baked, remove the biscuit from the mold and start making the cake.

Chocolate sponge cake

A recipe for those who love chocolate cakes and pastries.

Basic products:

  • instant dry coffee - 15 g;
  • sugar - 180 gr;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • six eggs;
  • vanillin - 2 g;
  • boiled water - 80 ml;
  • cocoa - 35 gr;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • flour - 150 gr.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Combine flour, baking powder and cocoa, pass them through a sieve into a bowl.
  2. We boil water.
  3. Pour 50 ml of water into coffee, stir.
  4. We take out the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, break them, mix with sugar and beat.
  5. You will get a thick creamy mass.
  6. Continuing to stir the mixture, pour 30 ml of boiling water, add sunflower oil and process with a mixer.
  7. Add a mixture of flour and cocoa, gently stirring the dough with a spatula.
  8. Pour brewed coffee into the dough and mix again.
  9. We take the mold. Its shape and height depends on the type of cake you want to bake.
  10. We spread the dough into it. Do not forget to coat its surface with oil.
  11. We send to a hot oven for 40 minutes.
  12. As soon as the biscuit has cooled, transfer it to a plate.
  13. The base for the cakes can be cut into several cakes, you can leave it as it is.

No added eggs

You will need:

  • kefir - 0.2 l;
  • vanillin - 9 gr;
  • flour - 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • baking powder for dough - 20 gr.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. We immediately turn on the oven and put it on preheating.
  2. Grind the flour using a sieve.
  3. Pour baking powder and vanillin into it. We mix.
  4. Pour butter into a bowl of kefir, add granulated sugar. Stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the kefir mixture into the flour mass.
  6. Knead the dough with a whisk, bubbles should appear on its surface.
  7. Prepare the cake pan: cover with baking paper, or grease with a piece of butter.
  8. Pour the dough into it.
  9. We bake the biscuit for 20 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.
  10. We open the oven door only in the last 15 minutes so that the shape of the fluffy biscuit does not settle.

Custard biscuit on boiling water

The choux pastry comes out of the oven airy, with a million bubbles in a tender dough.

Products required for the recipe:

  • flour - 0.15 kg;
  • steep boiling water - 55 ml;
  • baking powder - 12 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 160 gr;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour baking powder into a cup of wheat flour, mix with a spoon.
  2. Pour the eggs into another bowl, add sugar to them and process with a whisk until a thick creamy mass.
  3. Pour flour into the egg mixture through a sieve.
  4. Beat the dough, pour in the vegetable oil and mix again.
  5. Boil water into a kettle and pour it into the dough.
  6. Beat the dough easily with bubbles with a whisk.
  7. We warm up the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  8. Protect the biscuit mold from burning by covering it with baking paper.
  9. Pour the slightly thin dough into a mold and place it on the shelf in the oven.
  10. Prepare the base for the cake for 40 minutes. At the end, you need to check with a toothpick how well it is baked.

What you need to take:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • flour - 200 gr;
  • three eggs;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • sour cream - 125 ml;
  • butter - 0.1 kg.

Cooking option:

  1. Soften a lump of butter in the microwave. Enough 30 seconds.
  2. Load it into the mixer cup, add sugar and turn on the appliance.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes fluffy, break up the butter and add the sour cream.
  4. Mix flour and baking soda and pass through a sieve.
  5. Pour the mixture over the eggs, beat again. The dough turned out.
  6. Prepare the mold by lining it with baking parchment.
  7. Turn on the oven in advance and heat it up to 190 degrees.
  8. Transfer the soft, fluffy dough to the mold. It can be round or square, depending on the shape of the cake you are interested in.
  9. Bake the biscuit for 60 minutes.

Lush sponge cake for 4 eggs

Following this recipe, you will get an unusually fluffy, fluffy sponge cake for your cake. It is prepared simply, and you do not need to waste time separating the whites and yolks.

You will need:

  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • four chicken eggs;
  • baking powder - 14 g;
  • premium flour - 0.15 kg.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Turn on the oven immediately and set its temperature to 180 degrees.
  2. We take deep dishes, pour out the yolks along with the whites.
  3. We go through the mixture with a mixer at high power.
  4. As soon as the eggs turn into a fluffy foam, start adding sugar without turning off the mixer.
  5. We take a sieve and sift the flour through it into a lush egg-sugar mass.
  6. Add baking powder, continue to beat with a wooden spatula.
  7. Do not add all the flour at once, otherwise the biscuit will turn out hard and heavy. Better to sift the flour in several approaches, stirring the mass in between.
  8. Grease the baking dish with a piece of butter, sprinkle with flour.
  9. The food is cooked for 35 minutes at 180 degrees of the oven.
  10. Cool the finished pastry, carefully remove it from the mold and cut it into cakes.

Sponge cake is considered to be the most popular in the baking section. It is worth noting that it will definitely not be a culinary masterpiece, but its taste will be at its best, and if you consider that it is not difficult to prepare, then you can forgive him everything.

Moreover, you can buy ready-made biscuit cakes, this will significantly save time and simplify the cooking process.

If you want to do everything yourself, then you should know how to make a delicious biscuit for a cake at home. Do not panic, because this is a fairly simple process, it takes little time.

Making a classic cake sponge cake

The biscuit turns out to be very fluffy, it will give your cake a special tenderness.


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • sugar 190 g
  • flour 240 g.
  • baking powder 2 tsp
  • vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. First, we separate the yolks from the whites.

2.Slightly salt the whites, then beat with a whisk at low speed.

3.The result should be the same mass as in the photo.

4. Take half of the sugar, pour in and beat on.

5. Continue the process until the foam begins to pull along with the whisk.

6. Now we do the same with the yolks: pour in the sugar that remains and beat. The mixture should lighten and increase in volume.

7.Must be approximately as shown in the photo.

8. Transfer the mass with the yolks into a bowl, then add the proteins in small portions and mix immediately.

9. Now you need to sift the flour, then add baking powder. Sift again, but into the egg mass. We do it slowly.

11.Add refined butter to a baking dish and lightly sprinkle with flour. You can use baking paper instead.

12.Put the whole dough into the mold. If you have enough time and energy, then you can immediately divide it into cakes and bake them separately. We will cook in one go, divide into layers in finished form.

13. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the biscuit for 35 minutes. Using a wooden stick, you can check the readiness: it must be dry.

14.Turn off the oven, open and leave the biscuit there for a while. Now you can gently take it out and place it in the refrigerator for a short time, be sure to cover it with cling film.

15. Take a large and sharp knife and divide our dessert into cakes. They must be very fluffy.

Video recipe:

Bon Appetit!!!

Cooking a chocolate biscuit


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • flour 6 tablespoons
  • vanilla.
  • cocoa 3 tbsp
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • sugar 6 tablespoons
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Cooking process:

1. We will start preparing the biscuit in the same way as in the previous recipe. First of all, we need to separate the whites from the yolks and beat them well separately.

2.Add equal amounts of sugar to the whites and yolks, beat them again.

3.Mix the whites with the yolks, beat the resulting mixture with a mixer.

4. Sift the flour and add to the total mass.

5.When a small part of the flour remains, add 2 tablespoons to it. cocoa and then sift.

6. Take a wooden spatula and stir the whole mixture until smooth.

7.The result should be a dark brown dough that will be smaller in volume.

8. We melt in any convenient way 1 tbsp. butter and mix with a little dough. After that, add to the total mass, then mix thoroughly.

9.Do not add butter to the total mass, in which case it will take much longer to stir the dough. Thanks to the butter, we should get a creamy biscuit.

10.Move the dough into a mold and place in the oven. We set the temperature to 180 degrees. The biscuit will cook for about half an hour, after 20 minutes, check the readiness with a wooden stick.

11.The prepared biscuit should cool down at room temperature.

You are probably wondering what happens if you make a biscuit without baking powder? In fact, the taste is almost the same, only the height of the biscuit and its porosity will change. Decide for yourself which dough is best for you. It all depends on the specific situation.

This is what a biscuit with baking powder looks like.

It was not used here.

If you need fluffy cakes, then of course you need to add baking powder.

For dense dough, it is not required.

Delicate cake strawberry cake based on curd mousse

The first step is to make a classic biscuit, the recipe for which we told you at the beginning of the article.

Cut off a thin layer from the top.

We place it in a mold and fill it with sweet syrup. Mix 100 ml to make the syrup. water and 50 g of sugar.

Ingredients for the cake:

  • strawberry yogurt 1 tbsp
  • cottage cheese 200 g
  • gelatin.
  • icing sugar 1p.
  • strawberry jelly 1p.
  • fresh strawberries 0.3 kg.

1.Mix yogurt with cottage cheese, add powdered sugar. Using a mixer, mix the mass until smooth.

2.Pour gelatin with water and wait until it swells.

3. Now you need to heat it up, do not bring it to a boil. Then we mix the curd mass with it and mix thoroughly with a mixer.

4. Pour the mixture on top of the biscuit and refrigerate for 60 minutes.

5.Wash the strawberries and cut them into thin slices.

6. Fill in the strawberry jelly layer. You can read how to dilute it on the package.

7. Lay out a new layer of strawberries on top and fill in the jelly again.

8.Send to the refrigerator. As soon as the mass hardens, you can take a sample from the cake!

Bon Appetit everyone!

Condensed milk cake at home

This is a good dessert, both on a weekday and at any feast.


  • egg 3 pcs.
  • sugar 150 g
  • flour 150 g.
  • butter 250 g. For cream.
  • boiled condensed milk 0.5 cans.
  • chocolate 1 bar.
  • peanut.
  • jam.

1.Create all the eggs, beat with a mixer at low speed. Put sugar in and start stirring faster. After 5 minutes, a light foam should form.

2. Slowly add flour and mix thoroughly.

3.Fill the mold with dough and put it in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

4. Our biscuit is ready. Let it cool for a while, then divide it into 2 cakes.

5. Each cake must be soaked in jam. We breed several tablespoons. jam in a little water and smear the biscuit.

7. Evenly coat one cake with chocolate cream, glue both cakes together, coat the top with cream again.

8.Slightly fry the peanuts and use a fine knife.

9.Grate chocolate and mix with peanuts.

10. Decorate the top of the cake with chocolate-nut powder.

Our cake with condensed milk is ready! Let it stand in the fridge for a while to thicken the cream. Divide the cake into pieces and serve. Bon Appetit!

Homemade sponge cake

1.We go back to the beginning of the article and make a classic biscuit. We cut it into 2 cakes.

2. Now you need to make butter cream, which requires butter and condensed milk. We mix both components using a mixer, add vanillin.

3.We saturate the bottom one cake with jam. Anyone will do, choose according to your taste.

4. Apply a layer of cream on top.

5. Put the second cake on top, coat its top as well.

6. Now cover with cream all parts of the biscuit, sprinkle with chopped sweet breadcrumbs.

7.Use bizet cookies to decorate the cake.

8. Sprinkle the top with grated chocolate and our dessert is ready.

Video recipe:

Prepare the ingredients for the biscuit.

Lightly grease a baking dish and cover with parchment (or grease, sprinkle with flour and shake off excess flour).
Sift flour 1-2 times.
Separate the whites from the yolks.

The whites must be separated from the yolks very carefully so that not a drop of the yolk gets into the whites, otherwise the whites will not beat. Also, the bowl in which the whites will be whipped must be clean, without traces of fat. Better to wipe it down with a paper towel dipped in vinegar or lemon juice.

Put the yolks in a bowl, add half the sugar and vanilla sugar.

Grind the yolks well with sugar until they increase in volume and whiten the mass.
The yolks can be ground with a fork, whisk, mixer or rod grinder.

Place the whites in a clean bowl or mixer bowl.

Beat the whites on a medium mixer speed until a light, fluffy foam forms (until soft peaks).

Without stopping whipping, add sugar in a thin stream.
When all the sugar has been added, continue whisking until the bowl is tilted (or turned over) and the egg whites are poured out of the bowl (be careful not to interrupt the egg whites).

Add a third of the whipped whites to the yolks.

And gently, from top to bottom, mix with a silicone spatula.

Add sifted flour to the yolk mass.

And mix well.

Then add the remaining whipped egg whites.

And very carefully, with movements from top to bottom, as if lifting layer by layer, mix the dough.

Advice 1. The dough does not need to be stirred for a long time so as not to destroy air bubbles, due to which the biscuit rises.

Tip 2. You can add grated lemon or orange zest, sifted cocoa, chopped nuts to the biscuit dough. These ingredients are pre-mixed with flour. If cocoa or nuts are added to the dough, you should take less flour by the same amount. Also, some of the flour can be replaced with starch.

Tip 3. The form is filled with dough no more than 2/3 of the height, since when baking the biscuit increases in volume by about 1.5 times.

Place the dough in a mold and smooth the surface.

Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 30-35 minutes.
Carefully remove the biscuit from the mold, place on a wire rack and let cool.

Advice 1. During baking, it is advisable not to open the oven door for the first 20-25 minutes, otherwise the biscuit may fall off. But, if not necessary, it is better not to open the door during the entire baking time of the biscuit.

Tip 2. The biscuit is ready if it has shrunk a little, the edges move away from the walls of the form and when you lightly press on it with your fingers, the biscuit springs, and the fossa quickly recovers.

If the form is not covered with parchment paper, you need to walk along the edge of the form with a knife and separate the biscuit from the walls of the form. Cover the cooled biscuit with a napkin or paper towel and let it rest at room temperature for 8-12 hours (then, when soaked with syrup, the biscuit will not get wet and crumble when cutting ).

Enjoy your meal!

To make a biscuit, we need flour, sugar and eggs.

Form for diameter - 20 cm (or square 18x18).

Note: some recipes use 100 g flour and 20 g starch instead of 120 g flour. Biscuits with starch fall off less during baking, but crumble more when cut and are less plastic. This means they are not suitable for rolls.

Real biscuit dough does not require any additional leavening agents (such as soda, leavening agents, yeast, etc.).

The quality of the biscuit dough and the future biscuit depends on the freshness of the eggs. The fresher the eggs, the fuller and better the biscuit will be. To determine if they are fresh, you need to break and pour one egg onto a saucer. It is fresher if the yolk is a tall dome, and the protein encircles it, and only a small amount of liquid spreads over the saucer from the bulk of the protein.

For clarity, I photographed two eggs.

The one on the left was demolished by a chicken just a few hours ago. The one on the right has been in the refrigerator for a week. Do you see the difference? In the first, the protein is collected around the yolk, and in the second it spreads over the dish. The first egg is good for a biscuit, and the second is only good for scrambled eggs.

Separate the whites from the yolks. It is important to do this so that even small droplets of yolks do not get into the whites, otherwise the whites will not whip well.

Beat the yolks with 2/3 of the sugar until a light, homogeneous mass is obtained.

It will be possible to stop when the sugar grains disappear in the mixture, and it itself becomes white and frothy. With my mixer speed, it takes me 6 minutes.

Beat the whites.

The dishes for whipping the whites must be completely clean, without traces of fat, otherwise the whites will not whisk well. Whisk the whites until a stable foam is obtained. If the dough contains too small bubbles, it will shrink when baking. If the whites do not whip well, they need to be cooled, add a little salt, citric acid or a few drops of vinegar. It takes me 5 minutes to whip the whites.

Add the remaining sugar to the whites and beat until shiny (about 1 minute).

Mix together the protein and yolk masses. This should be done quickly, not in a circular motion, but lifting layer by layer so that a sufficient number of air bubbles remain in the dough.

Pour in the sifted flour and gently but quickly stir from bottom to top.

Pour the finished dough quickly into prepared molds or onto a baking sheet and bake immediately, otherwise air bubbles will escape from it, and the biscuit loses its taste and tenderness.

It is convenient to bake a sponge cake in a split form, the bottom of which must be greased with oil or lined with baking paper. Do not grease the sides of the non-stick pan, otherwise the dough will only rise in the center of the pan during baking. If a mold without a non-stick coating is used, then the walls of the mold can be greased with oil.

You need to bake the biscuit over even medium heat. The oven should be preheated 10 minutes before placing dough products in it. You should not put the biscuit in a hot oven, as a hard crust can immediately form on the surface of the product, the biscuit will burn on the outside, but will not bake from the inside. For baking, the optimum temperature is 200 degrees and the time is 20-25 minutes.

During baking, especially in the first 15-20 minutes, the biscuit should not be shaken, as it may settle and not bake.

Readiness is determined with a wooden skewer or toothpick.

The baked biscuit should be left in an open oven for a while so that it does not fall off. If it is immediately exposed to the cold, it may settle.

The average height of the finished biscuit should be approximately 4.5 cm.

The finished biscuit is easily separated from the walls of the mold, when pressed with a finger, the dimple quickly levels out, the upper crust of the biscuit is golden brown. Putting the finished biscuit on a damp cold towel will make it easier to remove from the mold.

Tip: a freshly baked biscuit is poorly cut and poorly saturated with syrup, so it is recommended to stand it for about a day after baking, or at least at least 8 hours. So that it does not dry out at the same time, you must wait until the biscuit has completely cooled down and wrap it in plastic.

Tip: the finished biscuit can be frozen. To minimize labor costs when preparing for big holidays (birthdays, New Years, etc.), the biscuit is best prepared in advance and stored in the freezer. After defrosting at room temperature, it tastes the same as freshly cooked.

Bon Appetit!