Lemons and urolithiasis. What is citric acid for? The benefits and harms of the product

26.09.2019 Egg dishes

All housewives have a bag of spices among the spices, the use of which is very common and popular in everyday life. We are talking about a substance such as a food additive E330. Most likely, it is used as a home remedy for descaling, indispensable in preservation and during cooking. The beneficial properties of citric acid are far from being exhausted by this.

What is Citric Acid

By chemical definition, it is a derivative of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. An acidic intermediate with a white crystal structure comparable in appearance to granulated sugar. The biochemical role of this substance in the organic cellular respiration of animals, plants, and microorganisms is extremely important. In some plants it can be contained in high concentration (a vivid example is citrus fruits, sources of vitamins). To understand what citric acid is, you need to get acquainted with its properties and effects on the human body.

What is citric acid made of

Chemistry owes its discovery to the Swede pharmacist Scheele, who isolated the substance from unripe lemon fruits. The product melted at a temperature of 153 ° C, decomposing upon further heating into carbon dioxide and ordinary water, easily dissolved in water, alcohol - worse, ether - very poorly. The original production of the tobacco plant makhorka from citrus juice and biomass has replaced modern synthesis. In industrial production, lemon is made according to the formula for synthesizing sugary products and mold fungus of the Aspergill genus.

What can be replaced

In everyday life, such a product is available, and is presented in many stores in packs of prepackaged powder, 50 grams each. If you do not have the right ingredient at hand, for food use at home it is possible to replace citric acid with juice, squeezing out an ordinary lemon, for canning - with vinegar. The squeezed juice will replace its use for cosmetic use at home.


In chemical terms, the Citric acid product is called 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic organic compound, a weak 3-basic carboxylic acid, and is an antioxidant. The structural composition of citric acid is directly determined by the Krebs cycle, where acetyl components are oxidized to carbon dioxide and the final formula C6H8O7 is formed. Essential compounds and salts are referred to as citrates, "acid salts".


The substance is known for its medicinal properties due to its biochemical formula. As an activator of energy metabolism, it helps to accelerate metabolism, helps to cleanse excess salt, harmful toxins, relieve intoxication, and antitumor effect. All these properties of citric acid are positive when applied in a limited way, without harm and danger, but in a limited amount it is allowed for comprehensive use.


It appears in the following action:

  • cleansing from salts, slagging;
  • improving digestive function;
  • increased visual acuity;
  • stimulating the burning of carbohydrates;
  • decrease in gastric acidity;
  • promoting the release of toxins through the epidermis.

This is not a complete list of the benefits of citric acid for the body. The antitumor effect, increased immunity, improved absorption of calcium, normalization of the activity of almost all physical systems, including psycho-neuronal and endocrine-immune systems, are of general essential importance. Its influence as a health regulator is very important.

The use of citric acid

  • in the food industry: as a flavoring agent, acid regulator and preservative.
  • in medicine: use in products that improve energy metabolism, metabolism;
  • in the cosmetic field: in the manufacture of various cosmetic products, including those with a whitening (for dull skin) and an effervescent effect (for baths);
  • in the oil industry: to neutralize the acidity of solutions after alkalization during the drilling process of wells;
  • in construction: as an additive to cement and gypsum materials to reduce the setting rate;
  • in everyday life: chemical technical cleaner;
  • the use of lemon together with hydrogen peroxide: to etch and solder printed circuit boards.

Every housewife has citric acid in the kitchen. The benefits and harms of this dietary supplement for humans are usually rarely considered a subject for thought. But how can you be so inattentive to the product that we eat so often? Let's correct this omission and go on a scientific reconnaissance dedicated to citric acid.

Citric acid is not taken from lemon

The name of the supplement directly indicates that it is extracted from the popular citrus fruit. In the 18th century, the Swedish pharmacist Scheele actually used unripe lemons for the production of such acid. But in our time, it is too unprofitable to extract sour crystals, which are indispensable in cooking, from fruits.

The acid, which everyone calls lemon for old memory, is now extracted from sugar, sweet beets, molasses or sugar cane by fermentation in the liquid of molds. Citric acid is a dietary supplement with significant benefits and harms from other chemicals. In fact, it is a preservative and flavoring agent, designated as E330, but it is premature to argue that it is better to avoid its presence in any food and drink.

Valuable properties of the additive under the "E"

Citric acid, despite the fact that it is extracted chemically, has properties that fruits with pronounced sourness have. Not only chefs and connoisseurs of culinary art are happy with such "E" - citric acid is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Intensive cleaning

Toxins and toxins leave the body due to the effects of lemon. Also, this supplement will thoroughly cleanse your blood vessels, drive out harmful cholesterol, and stop the quiet onset of atherosclerosis.

Stimulation of immunity

With low immunity, during epidemics and in the off-season, it is very useful to add citric acid to water or tea. If there is no fresh fruit on hand, these sour crystals will help the body successfully defend itself against disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

Gift for the stomach and kidneys

Food with the addition of citric acid is digested faster and better than without beneficial crystals. Lemon gently cleanses the stomach and intestines from unwanted accumulations without irritating the mucous membranes. Thanks to E330 dissolved in warm water, the kidneys are freed from sand and small stones.

Hangover Fight

Yesterday there was a breathtaking feast, but today you can't find a place for yourself? Of course, the arguments that you need to know when to stop remain valid. But a cocktail with citric acid will show you mercy: it will work to accelerate the breakdown of ethanol and remove it from the body. The liver will not be overloaded - this organ will have a chance to recover.

The cheapest rinse aid

To kill germs in the mouth, reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums, and get rid of an unpleasant odor, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy for a mouthwash from the next advertisement. A solution of ordinary citric acid will cope with these problems just as well.

Respiratory health

Moderately warm water with sour food powder is suitable for gargling with sore throat and sore throat. If you regularly drink such water, you can relieve the condition with bronchitis and pneumonia, remove mucus from the respiratory tract and speed up recovery.

Beautiful skin

Compresses and wipes based on a weak solution of citric acid give the skin whiteness, eliminate age spots and freckles, acne and other rashes, defeat excessive oily face, combined with enlarged pores. But such procedures cannot be carried out more than once a day (preferably in the morning), and after sunburn they are completely contraindicated.

Make sure that the concentration of the solution does not exceed the figure: 5 parts of acid for 1 part of water, otherwise burns are possible.

Water with citric acid, the benefits and harms of which, when applied externally, strictly depend on the concentration, will remove the yellowness of the teeth and nail plates. Such a nuisance usually haunts smokers. To restore the natural beauty of a smile and manicure, wipe your teeth and nails with gauze soaked in a weak solution of lemon, and then rinse off the remnants of the product with plain water.


Any experienced housewife will confirm that meat and fish dishes, salads, including fruit salads, will be enriched with delicate overflows of taste if poured with water in which citric acid is dissolved. The harm and benefit to the body in this case will be clearly different: you will enjoy delicious food and rejuvenate - in the absence of contraindications, it is impossible to call such food dangerous.

Ideal figure

The acidic powder E330 contains substances that break down fat and improve metabolism. Lemon will significantly enhance the effect of diet and exercise selected for weight loss.

"Sour" recipes for a cheerful mood

Undoubtedly, the listed aspects of the benefits of citric acid will cheer up everyone who cares about well-being and impeccable appearance. In addition to using the powder as a food additive and the basis of a healing solution, you can prepare a health drink from lemon lemon (5 g of citric acid, a little fresh mint, lemon balm and a piece of ginger are introduced into 1.5 liters of distilled water).

Many people drink tea with citric acid. The benefits and harms of such tea drinking are ambiguous: on the one hand, the drink will have medicinal properties, but it is important not to abuse it so as not to provoke negative reactions.

Citric acid is not entirely straightforward!

In the use of citric acid, you should take breaks.

Hypertensive patients who consume lemon juice every day run the risk of severe headache and stroke, and people without any diagnoses - with caries. In case of gastroenterological diseases, it is not necessary to test the mucous membranes with acid, despite the fact that it does not have a particularly aggressive effect. Pregnant women should try to avoid chemicals, even the most beneficial ones. Also, a small percentage of the population is allergic to this product.


Lemon is the most common remedy for treating most diseases. Only not everyone knows about the healing properties of lemon and how to use them. Read our collection of the most effective traditional medicine recipes using lemon, apply them in your daily life and stay healthy!


Description: Lemon belongs to the Rutaceae family, the Orange subfamily and the citrus genus. In addition to lemon, this genus includes tangerine, orange, citron, brigaradia, grapefruit, etc. According to the established classification, all these fruits are called citrus fruits.

The chemical composition of lemon has become known relatively recently. And this discovery was associated primarily with the study of its medicinal properties.

Sailors who made long sea expeditions noticed that the use of lemon in their food is the best way to prevent such a terrible disease as scurvy.

In 1910, the Polish scientist Funk discovered that, in addition to carbohydrates, fats, proteins and salts, foodstuffs contain some other vital substances for the body. He was the first who was able to isolate them in a relatively pure form. Funk called them vitamins (from the Latin vita - "life" and the chemical term "amine").

The main ingredients of lemon are of course water and citric acid. But besides, it also contains vitamins that are essential for the body. Lemon contains the most vitamin C, which is indispensable for proper metabolism in the body and is involved in tissue nutrition.

Along with it, lemon contains vitamins A, B 1, B 2, and D, as well as a vitamin that is characteristic exclusively of citrus fruits: citrine (vitamin P). In terms of its chemical composition, it is a complex phenolic compound with high biological activity and healing qualities.

It is this combination of a wide range of substances useful for the human body that makes lemon an irreplaceable food product and a valuable medicinal and cosmetic product. After all, a rich set of vitamins is what a person always lacks for productive activity.


- Arthritis
- Polyarthritis
- Atherosclerosis
- Rheumatism
- Shortness of breath
- Hypertension
- Hypotension
- Fainting
- Expansion of veins
- Strokes, heart attacks
- Paralysis
- Disorders of the heart


1. With arthritis it is very useful to drink a mixture of citrus juices (especially grapefruit), celery and birch. You can also drink a glass of water with lemon juice every morning before breakfast.

2. An effective treatment for arthritis is considered a weekly fast with daily use of distilled water with lemon juice. Joint pain may worsen at the beginning of treatment, but it will weaken later.

3. For arthritis, as well as polyarthritis, such an external remedy with lemons is recommended. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons and mix it with equal amounts of vodka and refined kerosene. Add 2 teaspoons of grated laundry soap, mix well the resulting composition. In the evening, apply the mixture to sore joints and massage, then wrap with a cloth and leave until morning. It is recommended to use synthetic fabric for the first two nights, and natural cotton for the next two nights.

An ancient unique recipe for the treatment of joint and rheumatic diseases with lemons.

In this section, we will focus on one sensation a century ago. At that time, several "numbers" of the illustrated magazine "Novy Listok" began to enjoy increased demand, in which the "newest" and "amazing" method was published. treatment lemon juice. Numerous people who were healed literally flooded the editorial office of "Novy leaf" with letters of thanks.

They even had to publish sensational material in a separate brochure. We are talking about pre-revolutionary materials, that is, the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
Modern doctors and healers have the proposed method treatment may, apparently, raise some objections, since for the full course treatment it took no less than 200 lemons!

However, judging by the reviews, this method was very effective, and therefore it will not hurt us to learn more about it.
Lemon juice was recommended primarily for treatment articular rheumatism, gout, as well as gall - and kidney stone disease. Already in those days it was known that these diseases are caused by an excess of uric acid in the body. This overabundance occurs due to a violation of purine metabolism, due to excessive consumption of foods rich in purine bases (meat, fish, legumes, tea, coffee, cocoa), wine and vodka products.

In particular, with gout, the excretion of uric acid from the body is delayed, a in the joints and periarticular tissue, needle crystals of sodium urate are deposited and dense nodes are formed.

Treatment was based on the newly discovered property of lemon juice to remove uric acid from the body and dissolve its deposits. In addition, it has been observed that if the blood is freed from uric acid, the blood pressure goes down. The pulse quickens, mental and physical labor becomes pleasure, failures in life no longer produce a depressing impression.

And now let's give the floor to New Leaf:
“We are often asked how should be treated; how much juice should be drunk, whether at one time or several, at what hours of the day, etc. To this we can answer that there are quite accurate rules treatment does not exist yet, and experience has shown that there is no special need for them: some patients took their daily portion at a time, others drank it in several doses; results treatment in both cases were the same. It is possible, perhaps, to recommend that at least an hour elapses between the intake of the juice and the intake of food, so that there are no changes in the composition of the gastric juices. "
People who are disgusted with lemon juice can safely add saccharin to it, which is known to be 100 times sweeter than sugar.

However, let us note now that juice should always be consumed from fresh lemons just squeezed out; only then will the desired success be achieved.
We recommend using thin-skinned lemons because they are juicier; the juice is squeezed out with a small press, which can be obtained at any store. Lemons must first be peeled, like an apple. How much you need to drink to recover depends on the patient's condition. With acute, rapidly passing rheumatism, success can be achieved sooner than with chronic or chronic.

In general, you need to adhere to the rule that lemons should be drunk from 150 to 200, while increasing each time the daily portion of juice until improvement occurs; then in flow take the last highest portion for several days, and then gradually reduce it. The main thing is for the patient to observe himself; if any painful symptoms from the stomach are found, then the patient must either stop treatment or reduce the reception. And in such cases, you can resume after a few weeks treatment without any harm. Here we attach a diagram treatment, which, if necessary, can be easily changed.


1- and day drink fresh juice of 1 lemon
2nd day -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 lemons
Day 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 lemons
4th day -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 lemons
Day 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8 lemons
6th day - -- -- -- -- -- 11 lemons
Day 7 - -- -- -- -- -- 15 lemons
Day 8 - -- -- -- -- -- 20 lemons
Day 9 - -- -- -- -- -- 25 lemons
Day 10 - -- -- -- -- -- 25 lemons
Day 11 - -- -- -- -- -- 20 lemons
12 day - -- -- -- -- -- 20 lemons
Day 13 - -- -- -- -- -- 15 lemons
Day 14 - -- -- -- -- -- 10 lemons
Day 15 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8 lemons
Day 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 lemons
Day 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 lemons
Day 18 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 lemons

Most drink this amount of lemon juice without much difficulty, while for some the task is less achievable.
Since for a successful treatment it is necessary that the maximum intake of lemon juice be at least 18-25 pieces per day, then it is very important to make this intake for the patient, as easy as possible, and therefore it is recommended to divide the entire daily portion into several doses.

If there is no noticeable improvement as a result, then you can increase the portion without fear of harmful consequences. If the patient's body allows, then the highest dose, as, for example, in this case, juice from 25 lemons, you can continue to take in flow weeks or more.

It is often feared that taking such large amounts of citric acid did not react badly on the stomach and did not lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. Whoever is afraid of this must either refuse completely treatment lemons, or start with small receptions, gradually increasing them until you are convinced that lemon juice is completely harmless. We, at least, do not know a single case when treatment lemons caused stomach ailments.

On the contrary, people who had previously suffered from poor digestion were unexpectedly cured and could eat what was previously forbidden to them. However, we leave this question open and once again advise patients to observe themselves carefully. It should also be noted that this treatment sometimes helps with skin diseases, which doctors should pay attention to.

On the other hand, one cannot deny the harmful effect of lemon juice on teeth, especially those that have lost enamel. This harmful effect can, however, be avoided by drinking the juice through a glass tube, putting the latter further into the mouth so that the juice does not get on the teeth. We also recommend that you rinse your mouth with a light solution of baking soda after taking the juice, which will neutralize any acid remaining in your mouth.

As for the lifestyle that you need to lead during treatment, then experience has shown that there is no need to change it. It is only necessary to avoid alcoholic beverages that produce stomach acids and favor the development of gout and other diseases.
To speed up results treatment it is desirable that the patient avoid eating foods containing uric acid, such as meat, eggs, beans, peas, mushrooms, strong tea, coffee and cocoa.

In chronic diseases after the first course treatment the disease sometimes comes back. In such cases, the shortened course should be repeated. treatment according to the following table:

1st day 1 lemon
2nd 2 lemons
3rd 3 lemons
4th 4 lemons
5th 5 lemons
6th 4 lemons
7th 3 lemons
8th 2 lemons
9th 1 lemon

Total 9 days 25 lemons.

And here are the reviews of grateful patients

“It is with the greatest joy that I inform you that I have been cured of rheumatism with lemon juice, which I resorted to after having traveled in vain for treatment to Wiesbaden and Teplitz.

I held on during treatment strict diet, avoided alcoholic beverages, sometimes drank a small glass of wine or Pilsen beer only for dinner.
Even now, having finished the course treatment, I drink juice from 1-2 lemons with tea or water, adding a little saccharin instead of sugar. I do not suffer from a stomach; on the contrary, I have learned from experience that lemon juice strengthens the gastric nerves and is very beneficial for the intestines. In my house, lemon has become as much a necessity as my daily bread.
I will be happy to recommend your brochure to everyone.
Theodore K. "

“Four years ago, my daughter caught a cold and fell ill with severe rheumatism. Her joints in her arms and legs were swollen and she was in excruciating pain. As prescribed by the doctor, she bathed in our (Odessa) estuaries, took mud baths, rubbed herself with ointments, drank powders, made hot salt baths for herself at home in winter, went to resorts, where she again was treated with mud baths - all this did not bring any relief.

Then I remembered that I have a brochure about treatment lemon juice. I decided to resort to another home remedy and invited my daughter to drink lemons. Fortunately, she agreed.

First time she drank at night 5 lemons, in the second already on an empty stomach also 5 lemons, then all on an empty stomach 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 18, 16, 15, 14, 10, 10 and 8 - a total of 301 lemons. Already on the 5th day, the swelling of the big toes passed, and on the 10th day, the swelling and joints began to subside; the pains stopped. My daughter has a great appetite, and during treatment did not complain. Only when she took large portions at one time, she felt a little nausea, and then not for long.

From 15 lemons we began to divide the juice into several doses, thanks to which the nausea also disappeared. The patient drank juice through a glass tube.
She was healthy two weeks later. The following is also curious: in the past, her nose was bleeding very often. Unexpectedly, thanks, apparently, to the action of the lemon juice, it passed too. For 9 months now, she has been feeling great.

You see, the effect of lemon juice was amazing: a disease that was not inferior to any means in two weeks treatment juice completely passed. Lemons not only did not have a harmful effect on any organ, but, on the contrary, caused an increase in the tone of the whole organism. This incident aroused in me confidence in everything that the brochure was talking about.
S. Kornshtein, Odessa ".


The approach to the treatment of any disease should be INDIVIDUAL.
We advise you to read the recommendations of your attending physician and consult him before taking herbs, they can cause unwanted effects!

In the kitchen, any housewife always has an irreplaceable product - citric acid. Many do not even realize that it is used not only for preparing various dishes, but also for medicinal purposes, cosmetology, in everyday life, and even in the oil industry. The substance has a crystalline structure of white color, has many benefits, but there are some precautions when using it.

Composition and chemical properties, glycemic index

It was first obtained by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele in 1784 from the juice of not yet quite ripe lemons. In science, it is called the food supplement E330, which is a natural or synthetic antioxidant. The technique of extracting from citrus fruits, needles, from the stems of tobacco crops was not very effective, because the amount received was minimal. For the production of large volumes of lemon, specific strains of the molds Penicillium and Aspergillus are now used.

The product has a high content of vitamins E and A, as well as useful minerals - sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus. E330 additive dissolves quickly in water, when heated to a high temperature it decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

Chemically, E330 is a tribasic oxycarboxylic acid, and its esters and salts are called citrates.

The glycemic index of citric acid is quite low - it is only 15 units. Caloric content is 1 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Where is citric acid used?

The product is used in cooking, as a remedy, cosmetology, everyday life and other areas. Its unique properties are noted:

  • Combines easily and quickly with other chemicals.
  • Excellent solubility.
  • Completely safe for the environment.
  • The lowest level of toxicity.
  • Has a wide range of medicinal properties.
  • It is a water softener.
  • Acts as a cleanser.

Important!Throughout the CIS, E330 is included in the list of approved food additives. This antioxidant belongs to the group of safe substances for health.

General Health, Organs and Systems Benefits of Citric Acid and Citric Acid

The product is useful in many areas, but most of all it is distinguished by its medicinal properties. Many do not even realize that not only citric acid itself has a positive effect, but also water with its addition.

2. Citric acid is used to cleanse the intestinal tract of harmful toxins and bacteria.

3. Warm drinking water with a food additive cleanses the liver. This drink promotes the production of bile, is useful for the normal digestive process. Drinking one glass of such water daily on an empty stomach will help to improve the work of your intestines, relieve constipation and heartburn.

4. Reduces the risk of irritation of inflamed skin (boils, acne).

5. Water with citric acid is a wonderful way to cleanse blood vessels and arteries.

6. This drink is useful for people suffering from high blood pressure. One glass of citric acid water will instantly boost your health.

7. Has a positive effect on the oral cavity. When rinsing, it kills all bacteria and germs, freshens breath.

8. Citric acid is one of the substances that minimize the risk of diseases of the joints, tendons, ligaments.

9. The daily inclusion of one glass of water with citric acid in the diet strengthens the immune system.

10. Food supplement E330 has a positive effect on the skin. By its action, it regulates the moisture content of healthy skin, making it firm and elastic.

11. During a hangover, water with citric acid will bring you invaluable benefits. The drink will detoxify the entire body.

Features of the effect on the human body

This valuable substance is found in many foods that provide many benefits to humans, but sometimes it affects our body in completely different ways.

Benefits for adult men and women

  • The use of citric acid in food increases the amount of calcium in the body of an adult several times.
  • This food supplement helps to normalize the endocrine system.
  • It is a means of preventing the development of cancer cells.
  • The product helps in the fight against kidney stones. It breaks down the minerals that contribute to their appearance, and also removes those already formed. The more of this substance in the urine, the more effective the alkalization process.
  • Citric acid also benefits the circulatory system. It reduces the risk of metabolic acidosis, thereby protecting the body from serious illness.
  • The active substances of this product neutralize free radicals in the body and act as antioxidants, thereby reducing the risk of various tumors.
  • In men and women, with the help of citric acid, the digestive system is improved, the metabolism is accelerated.
  • For the beautiful half of humanity, she is simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. When using citric acid, the skin of the face becomes smooth, wrinkles are removed and a rejuvenating effect is observed.
  • As a peeling, this substance will help get rid of age spots, acne. After cleansing the skin, the face becomes light and radiant.
  • Benefits of citric acid in hair care. If you add a little powder to water, then they will become lighter, silkier and healthier.

Beneficial properties for pregnant and lactating women

  • Expectant mothers are strictly forbidden to take various medications, so tea with citric acid will be an excellent remedy for flu and colds.
  • Water with the addition of this powder will become an indispensable assistant in removing puffiness from hands and feet, both during and after pregnancy.
  • For normal bowel function for expectant and nursing mothers, lemon will be simply priceless.
  • The light solution helps in the production of lactose.
  • Improves the functioning of the immune system of mothers and babies.

Benefits for children

If you saw the food additive E330 on the packaging of baby food, then there is no reason to worry, it will not bring harm at all. Citric acid brings many benefits to the child's body, but it should be used with caution in food. For a child, the daily dose of the substance is about 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

If your child accidentally ate a lot of pure citric acid, you should urgently call a doctor or give him a glass of milk to drink. You can also drink plenty of water to induce vomiting. Exceeding the daily norm can cause allergic processes, which are quite difficult to identify without specially tested tests.

Benefits in old age

Over time, our body begins to age and many changes occur. In old age, a person is faced with various diseases, water with citric acid will help in the fight against some of them.

The daily introduction of this drink into the diet will improve the quality of vision several times, relieve joint pain, minimize the risk of varicose veins and blood clots, improve the general condition, and also give strength.

Special categories

For people diagnosed with diabetes, experts recommend using citric acid to lower blood sugar. Drinking warm water and this substance will help you regulate your levels on a daily basis.

Potential danger and contraindications

Citric acid brings not only benefits to the human body, but also harm, in some cases:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use a food supplement for stomach, oral and esophageal ulcers.
  2. You should always adhere to the daily dosage, otherwise you can cause irritation of the skin and gastric mucosa. The consequences of this can lead to serious poisoning and illness.
  3. Avoid contact with eyes and nasopharynx, as this can cause severe burns.
  4. People who are allergic to citric acid are strictly prohibited from eating it.

Recommendations for use. Which is healthier - citric acid or lemon?

To avoid disastrous consequences with this product, you should always adhere to the daily allowance, which is about 4-5 grams. Before use, it should be thoroughly dissolved in water and divided into several parts. You need to consume such a drink 20-30 minutes before a meal.

If we compare two such valuable products as lemon and citric acid, then, of course, lemon will outweigh its merits. It contains some vitamins and minerals that are not in the food substance, but it also has beneficial properties that are absent in this fruit.

How to use in cooking

Citric acid is used in many dishes. It is added to carbonated drinks, tea, jam, fruit puddings, jellies, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, to canned food, processed cheese, etc. It becomes an irreplaceable assistant in home canning.

One of the simplest homemade cold drink recipes using this product is as follows:

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Citric acid - 2/3 tsp.

Pour one spoonful of sugar into a saucepan, heat and bring to brown. Add hot water and pour out the remaining granulated sugar. Then pour the lemon into it and mix everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool.

Eating for weight loss and diet

This substance contains antioxidants that cleanse the body of harmful toxins, speed up metabolism, and burn fat. This effect occurs only when you often eat foods containing a lot of citric acid: lemon, black currant, orange, tangerine.

But it should also be remembered that to get rid of excess weight, the use of some products will not be enough. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, as well as exercise.

How to Pick a Good Product

To buy a quality lemon, you should always look at the date of manufacture on the package - it should not exceed three months. The color is slightly yellowish or colorless. The consistency should be free-flowing, not sticky, with a sour taste. Be sure to check its water solubility.