Olive oil with black truffle. How to prepare and use Gourmet Truffle Oil? Mushroom pasta sauce

03.11.2019 Beverages

In Russia, few people use truffle oil. A photo of it shows that it is a liquid bottled product. Many may have a question: how does it differ from olive oil? Is it really possible to squeeze mushrooms and get oil from them? Yes, the question is quite natural. Truffle - although a precious mushroom, but not fat-containing. But it is very fragrant - for which it is appreciated by gourmets. In order to extract the smell of truffles (periguere black or Italian white) are poured with olive (sometimes grape seed) oil. And the liquid infused in this way absorbs the aroma of the mushroom. Everything, seasoning is ready. In this article, we will look at how to use truffle oil. However, to begin with, let's say that the lion's share of the product entering the market was not even close to precious mushrooms. The modern food industry has long since isolated the component 2,4-dithiapentane from the truffle. It is this substance that causes such a peculiar taste of the mushroom. But sometimes, for a crazy price, you can buy oil infused with real truffles.

salmon appetizer

In principle, this dish can be prepared from any oily fish. Suitable not only salmon, but also nelma or chum salmon. Cut two hundred and fifty grams of fish fillet into thin slices, preferably of the same size. Pour the juice of half a lemon. Add truffle oil - two tablespoons. Sprinkle with a handful of mustard seeds. Mix with chopped green onions and dill. Cover the fish with a lid and leave for an hour and a half. It is customary to serve this appetizer on slices of dried rye bread or on special fish trays.

This recipe uses (four pieces), but they can be replaced with ordinary large champignons. One hundred and twenty grams of prosciutto cut into thin strips and grilled until crispy. Let's leave to cool. Tear arugula (two cups) onto a dish with your fingers. Add six chopped celery stalks with leaves. We chop half of a cool onion in half rings. Sprinkle the dish. We cut the mushrooms thinly, mix them with chopped parsley (two spoons). Sprinkle onion on top. We sprinkle everything with the juice of two lemons. Salt, pepper and mix gently. Top with truffle oil. Sprinkle the finished salad with crispy prosciutto. No more mixing and serve.


We turn to hot dishes, in the preparation of which truffle oil is used. Their recipes are numerous. After all, flavored oil can change the taste of the most ordinary dish, even boiled potatoes. So, on the basis of chicken broth (six hundred milliliters), we cook soup. In a mixture of butter and vegetable oils, fry half the chopped onion until transparent. We cut arbitrarily into small pieces of two hundred and fifty grams of potatoes and celery root. We put it all in the broth. We tie a few sprigs of thyme (thyme) with a thread and also lower them into the soup. When the vegetables are soft, add a quarter cup of heavy cream to the pan. Bring the soup back to a boil, then season with salt and pepper. At this stage, add two tablespoons of truffle oil. We remove the thyme by pulling the thread. Blend everything with an immersion blender. Serve garnished with fresh herbs and drizzled with lemon juice.

Another salad

Despite the sophistication and exotic ingredients, preparing this dish is quite simple. But you need to do a few preparatory manipulations. First, you need to take the petals of one large rose (without the middle with stamens) and pour ice water over them for an hour. So the bitterness will disappear. And secondly, you need to pickle vegetables. A little zucchini, the same amount of daikon (Chinese radish) should be poured with a teaspoon of sesame and 70 milliliters of olive oil, 7 ml of soy sauce. It doesn't hurt to throw a pinch of basil into the marinade. So the vegetables should simmer for one and a half or two hours. We chop the carrot into strips. Lay out on a dish in layers: pickled vegetables, lolo rossa salad, carrots, rose petals. Season the salad with salt and black pepper. From above, over the entire surface, pour truffle oil - about twenty grams.

Tagliatelle with cream sauce

Valuable mushrooms are famous not only for the French province of Perigueux, but also for Italian Tuscany. Therefore, there are many pasta recipes that use truffle oil. In order to prepare this dish, boil four hundred grams of tagliatelle pasta, which we call “nests”, until al dente. Now let's make the sauce. To do this, four hundred grams of beef (you can cut it into cubes of one and a half centimeters, salt, sprinkle with spices and fry in olive oil. Two hundred grams of oil (replacement with champignons is allowed) chop into medium pieces. In the same way, salt and pepper them and fry in another pan. We combine meat with mushrooms and pour four hundred milliliters of cream (not less than 20% fat). On low heat, boil the sauce to a creamy state. Tagliatelle is thrown into a colander to drain all the liquid. Then add the pasta to the boiling sauce. Season with four tablespoons of truffle oil.

Farfalli with porcini mushrooms

Finely chop one red onion and two garlic cloves. Fry them on When the onion with garlic becomes rosy, put the porcini mushrooms (about three hundred grams) peeled and cut into small pieces. At this stage, you can already put a pot of water on the fire to cook farfalli. We call these pasta “butterflies” and “bows”. Probably, it is not necessary to repeat that for the “correct” preparation of pasta, boiling water must not only be salted, but also add a spoonful of vegetable oil to it. This will keep the pasta from sticking together and being crumbly. It is not recommended to rinse real Italian pasta under running water. While farfalli are cooking, pour into truffle (olive) oil. Transfer the drained pasta to the skillet. Warm up in sauce. Putting the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle everything with a handful of parmesan.

Chip are not only pasta and pizza. No less popular on the Apennine Peninsula and risotto. This is not a Central Asian pilaf and not a Spanish paella. The rice in this dish is moderately crumbly, often flavored with saffron and various vegetables. Mushrooms are also used. For the dish, you need to take a special kind of rice - arborio (one glass). Put a mixture of butter and vegetable oils in a deep frying pan. When they are hot, add rice. And fry the grains until they become dull and transparent, like glass beads. Only then pour water or broth (two glasses). Cover the pan and let it simmer over medium heat. In the meantime, we clean five pieces of porcini mushrooms. We wash them and cut them into pieces in a pan. Let's wait for the moment when three-quarters of the liquid has evaporated. Only then pour in two tablespoons of white wine and add a pinch of saffron. Stir and cover again. Drizzle truffle oil over the dish when serving.

Steamed shrimp

For the dish, you first need to peel and boil four medium potatoes in salted water. We clean nine pieces of tiger prawns without touching the tails. A clove of garlic, a pinch of marjoram and basil, on the tip of a knife, salt and three tablespoons of olive oil, grind until a paste is obtained. Put the shrimp in there and leave them to marinate for ten minutes. In the meantime, we will boil potatoes. Let's pump the water. Mash potatoes and pour in half a glass of milk. Fill with three tablespoons Warm the puree so that it does not cool down. Grease the steamer tray with vegetable fat. Let's put the shrimp. They'll be ready in seven minutes. Put puree on a plate. Place the shrimp on top. Pour truffle oil (two tablespoons) and juice left over from cooking seafood.

I really love truffle oil. Many people think that this is olive oil infused with truffles, but in fact this is not entirely true. The most commonly sold oil in stores is the synthetic flavoring agent 2,4-dithiapentane, also known as truffle sulfide, which is the substance that is responsible for the famous smell in truffles. But still, truffles smell a little different. If you pull this smell out of a truffle, you need to make an essence, driving it through an apparatus like moonshine. So imagine how much it will be, this essence. If you just add truffle to the oil and insist, nothing will come of it either: yes, a piece of mushroom will float, but the oil still will not draw out a strong smell.

Truffle oil, of course, is much cheaper than truffle, but also expensive: the euro is now like in space. But, really, you need to add quite a bit of oil, so the bottle lasts for a long time. There is oil with the smell of white truffles, there is with the smell of black ones, and, as with real mushrooms, the former is more expensive than the latter. But it is also saturated, gives a more explosive aroma, and the oil with the smell of black truffles - its aroma and taste seem to spread. So one thing is suitable for some dishes, another is suitable for others. Suppliers bring me different oils for testing, and I choose what I need, to my taste; an important criterion: to smell as little as possible of the actual olive oil. It's simple: if the aroma of truffles is not very pronounced, you will need to add too much oil to achieve the desired effect.

Truffle oil makes food more appetizing, it invigorates the dish with its aroma, complements and enhances its taste. Yes, this is such a win-win flavor enhancer: it is no coincidence that it is even forbidden to use it at many culinary competitions - the aroma hits the nose with a backhand, and you can’t make out all the other little things and nuances. Especially if you abuse it - after all, I repeat, you need just one drop on one plate. Well, two drops maximum.

I really like to add truffle oil to chicken soup - to the most ordinary chicken soup with carrots. Wing or Leg has an Asian chicken soup with wontons - I also add it to it; I spied this in Hong Kong - a combination of Asian flavors with truffle oil. It goes well with different cream soups - from celery root, with cauliflower soup. It makes no sense to drip into borsch - this soup is self-sufficient, bright.

Salads, it also transforms remarkably - almost everything. Probably, it is not very suitable only for salads with seafood, because it has an earthy and very strong smell, slightly different songs are obtained. And to salads from greens, with vegetables, with meat - please. But if you make a warm salad with fried squid and champignons - even though there are seafood, truffle oil will help enhance the taste of mushrooms. And you shouldn’t add it to a salad with mozzarella and tomatoes: then you won’t feel cheese at all, there will be only tomatoes and butter.

It goes great with vegetables. Take at least a celery root - you can raw, you can lightly bake it so that it dries up - cut it, sprinkle it with oil - and that's it, that's enough. The same artichokes are perfectly complemented with truffle oil. And it goes perfectly with potatoes - even with mashed potatoes, even with french fries (we do this, with rosemary and parmesan, we serve it with burgers).

In stew - suitable for that stew with meat, which is made on wine, for example. But you should not add truffle oil where tomatoes are used: one has a very strong taste, the other is no less strong - they will interfere with each other.

Fish has a delicate taste, less pronounced than meat, so if you add truffle oil to it, no fish will remain, there will be only truffle. But with meat - it's great, for example with steaks: you can make a chic pepper sauce for them on evaporated meat broth with truffle oil and coffee.

This oil does not combine with citrus fruits at all, they are too different things. Sauce with lemon juice and truffle oil - well, maybe, although if you want sourness, then it is better to do it with sherry, and not with citrus fruits: truffle needs a languid background, and not just sour water.

Yes, I was talking about seafood, and truffle oil is really not very suitable for them. For example, it will simply kill langoustines. But with scallops - with raw scallops, if you make carpaccio out of them, for example - oddly enough, it turns out well: you just need oil with black truffle, more squat.

Truffles are edible mushrooms that are considered valuable delicacies. They have a spicy mushroom taste with nutty notes and a strong characteristic smell. Truffles are often used in French cuisine. Real mushrooms are very expensive and are sold as a delicacy only in specialized stores and supermarkets. But few people know that, in addition to mushrooms, there is also truffle oil. About what it is, what its benefits are, where it is used and whether it is possible to cook it yourself, we will tell in our article.

What is truffle oil?

Like the truffle itself, the oil prepared on its basis is an elite product, a real delicacy and not much inferior in price to fresh mushrooms. It can be prepared in two ways:

From natural truffles - by infusion of any vegetable oil (usually high-quality olive oil) on natural truffles or residues after their processing.

Of the artificial components - in the production of such oil, the synthetic component 2,4-dithiapentane is used, which is the main aromatic component of truffles. This truffle oil has a fairly stable taste and aroma, like real mushrooms. Although, in fact, natural truffles contain much more unique components that form a flavor and aromatic bouquet.

It is the second method of making oil that is widely used in industry.

Useful properties of truffle oil

Even in natural truffle oil, the percentage of mushrooms is so low that it will be quite difficult to feel their taste and aroma. All these qualities are more revealed during heat treatment and in combination with other products, helping to present the taste of the finished dish in a new way. In addition, truffle oil has unique beneficial properties:

prevents the formation of cancer cells and prevents premature aging due to the content of vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant;

Helps improve the condition of hair and skin, the production of collagen and elastin;

Accelerates metabolic processes in the body and increases metabolism due to the content of B vitamins;

Prevents the development of pathologies in the fetus, so the use of oil is recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning and in its early stages;

It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves sleep, and prevents the negative effects of stress.

Application of truffle oil

This oil will be a great addition to any dish. Its price is lower than that of natural mushrooms, which allows it to be used all year round. In addition, truffle oil allowed chefs to significantly expand the list of dishes with the taste and aroma of truffles, without adding mushrooms to them. Oil is used sparingly. It is enough to add 1-2 drops to the dish so that it acquires a spicy smell. If you pour more, you can spoil its taste.

This oil is widely used in the preparation of soups, mashed potatoes, pasta, risotto and pizza, dishes from potatoes, legumes, meat and mushrooms. For a salad, truffle oil sauce is ideal, to which lemon juice, salt and black pepper are added to taste. It is recommended to add it to an already prepared dish, since it is not suitable for frying. Under the influence of high temperatures, its exquisite aroma is lost. In addition, using such expensive oil to fry meat or fish is quite expensive.

Homemade truffle oil recipe

For self-preparation of fragrant and healthy oil, you need only 2 ingredients: vegetable oil and truffle. Mushrooms are suitable both fresh and canned.

First you need to prepare a clean glass bottle with a tight lid. Then finely chop the truffle. If a fresh mushroom is used, then it is pre-cleaned with a napkin. Sliced ​​mushroom is smoothed out at the bottom of the bottle and poured with cold-pressed olive oil on top. In a transparent dark place, olive truffle oil will be infused for 2 weeks, after which it can be used for its intended purpose, adding to various dishes. After infusion, the bottle is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator.

Truffle oil: price in Russia

As a rule, truffle-flavored vegetable oil or with pieces of mushrooms are sold in stores. The price per bottle depends on how it was prepared. The exception is unscrupulous manufacturers who indicate one information on the label, and the composition of the product is completely different.

So, the price of truffle oil in Moscow ranges from 260 rubles for a 125 ml bottle to 1000 rubles for a 250 ml container. In the first case, the manufacturer offers olive oil, which was infused with the addition of black truffle. The content of the mushroom component in the composition of the oil is only 0.02%. The second option is olive oil with truffle pieces. It does not lend itself to heat treatment during cooking, therefore it retains a maximum of useful substances.

If you want to buy the real and expensive truffle oil, be prepared to pay about 2500 rubles for a 250 ml bottle. It will be difficult to find it in supermarkets, but in online stores, oil is sold in sufficient quantities.

Recipe for fried porcini mushrooms in truffle oil sauce

Fried porcini mushrooms in sauce can be served as a main course with porridge, rice or pasta, or as a side dish for meat. In any case, it turns out tasty, satisfying and fragrant, and the dish is prepared in just half an hour.

To begin with, white or other forest mushrooms are boiled for 15 minutes. Then they are cut into small pieces. Olive oil (50 ml) is heated in a pan along with a sage branch and garlic plates (3 cloves). As soon as the garlic changes color, it can be removed from the oil, like a sage branch. Mushrooms are sent to fragrant oil and stewed with the addition of chicken broth (50 ml) until cooked. The finished dish is laid out on a plate and poured over with truffle oil (2 teaspoons). Additionally, you can cook any side dish or meat.

Real truffle oil is considered a delicacy. It is prepared on the basis of edible mushrooms, which have an unusual nutty taste with spicy notes. Most often, this unique oil is part of French cuisine.

It should be noted right away that truffle oil (or truffle oil) costs not much less than the delicacy mushrooms themselves, so it is not very in demand among modern housewives. But at least occasionally it is worth pampering yourself with dishes prepared with the addition of such a product.

As noted above, the discussed oil is prepared on the basis of rare expensive mushrooms. The most delicious and valuable truffles grow in Northern Italy and Switzerland. They are also found in the south of France.

Oil is produced on the basis of rare mushrooms in two ways at once:

  1. From natural raw materials. When preparing the product, whole mushrooms or leftovers are poured with any vegetable oil. Next, the mixture is infused for a certain time and carefully filtered. Most often, truffle olive oil is produced in this way. The finished product always has a very high cost.
  2. From artificial raw materials. The basis of the product is the aromatic component of truffles. This is a synthetic ingredient. The finished oil is less natural and healthy than in the first version. But at the same time, it has a stable taste and aroma that is difficult to distinguish from real mushrooms. This method of production is used today much more often than the first. It allows you to get an inexpensive product.

It is believed that the creator of truffle oil was an unknown French chef. At his disposal was immediately a large number of valuable mushrooms. To keep the delicacy fresh longer, the professional chef decided to simply pour it with olive oil. After 15 days, the cook had a very fragrant oily liquid at his disposal, which he added to the meat salad for the sake of experiment. He was pleasantly surprised by the original taste of the finished treat. Since then, the culinary specialist began to purposefully produce truffle oil and in every possible way contribute to its wide distribution in cooking.

Features of application in cooking

The main way to use truffle oil is to add it to various dishes instead of fresh mushrooms or as an addition to them.

Professional chefs note that such a product would be appropriate in absolutely any savory treats.

Truffle oil is used very sparingly. It is enough to add just a couple of drops to the dish to bring out the original mushroom aroma. If you generously pour oil into a soup or salad, you can completely ruin its taste. Therefore, you must strictly follow the recipe.

Truffle oil is delicious to add to all kinds of sauces. Best paired with freshly ground black pepper and lime/lemon juice in salad dressings.

It is important to note that the oil under discussion is categorically not suitable for frying foods. This method will completely deprive it of its unique flavor. Therefore, the product must be added to ready-made treats.

Dishes with truffle oil

In modern cookbooks, you can find many options for dishes with truffle oil. These are pastries (for example, pizza), and a variety of cold snacks, and even soups.

Red fish appetizer


  • lightly salted salmon fillet - 200 - 230 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • truffle oil - 5 ml;
  • granular mustard - 20 - 30 g;
  • fresh dill - ½ bunch;
  • vinegar (table) - 60 ml;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Boil water in a small saucepan. Pour salt and vinegar.
  2. Stir and use a spoon to make a funnel in the middle of the container. Very carefully pour into it (with active boiling of water) the contents of a raw egg.
  3. Cook for 2 - 2.5 minutes. Take out with a spoon. Repeat the procedure with the second egg.
  4. Cut the fillet very thinly. Finely chop the dill without stems.
  5. Mix mustard, herbs, truffle oil.
  6. Arrange the fish on a plate, spread the resulting sauce on top. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Top with hot poached eggs and serve immediately.

Salad with truffle oil


  • prosciutto - 130 g;
  • portobello (mushrooms) - 5 pcs.;
  • celery with leaves (stems) - 6 pcs.;
  • chopped parsley - 40 g;
  • red onion - half;
  • arugula - 1 bunch;
  • lemon - half;
  • truffle oil - 3 ml;
  • olive oil and salt.


  1. Cut the prosciutto into strips and fry until crispy.
  2. Pour the prepared arugula onto a large dish, after tearing it with your hands.
  3. Top with small pieces of celery, onion half rings, mushroom slices and chopped parsley.
  4. Drizzle the appetizer with salted olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice (strained from the pits).
  5. Garnish with fried meat pieces.

Drizzle the resulting salad with truffle oil.

Unusual first course


  • frozen porcini mushrooms - 350 - 370 g;
  • milk - 1 full glass;
  • white onion - 1 head;
  • cream - ½ tbsp.;
  • garlic - 2 - 3 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 10 ml;
  • truffle oil - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • thyme and salt - to taste;
  • chopped parmesan - 60 g.


  1. Defrost mushrooms.
  2. In a cast iron skillet, heat the butter with the soy sauce. Add finely chopped onion and garlic to the mixture.
  3. When these ingredients become soft, add the mushrooms.
  4. Simmer the mass under the lid for 7 - 8 minutes.
  5. Transfer it to a saucepan. Pour in cream and milk. Cook 12 - 15 minutes.
  6. Salt the soup and beat it with a blender.
  7. Add thyme. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove.

Pour truffle oil into the already prepared treat. Pour the soup into portions and top it with chopped parmesan.

Risotto with truffle oil

Composition of ingredients:

  • Pecorino (cheese) - 100 - 120 g;
  • shallots - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • rice (Arborio) - 350 g;
  • dry white wine - 80 ml;
  • thyme - 8 g;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • truffle oil - 10 ml;
  • vegetable broth - liter;
  • salt.


  1. Randomly chop the onion and brown in olive oil.
  2. Add rice to fry. Cook together 5-6 minutes.
  3. Pour in the wine. Wait for the alcohol to evaporate.
  4. Pour in the broth. Cook 20 - 25 minutes.
  5. After adding thyme, leave the mass on the stove for another 3-4 minutes.
  6. Send in rice and butter, and truffle oil. Salt it.

Last add shredded sheep's cheese. Mix everything well.

Mushroom pasta sauce


  • forest mushrooms (caps) - 270 - 300 g;
  • heavy cream - 1 full glass;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • truffle oil - 5 ml;
  • mushroom or vegetable broth - 1/2 tbsp.;
  • melted butter, salt.


  1. Warm up the oil. Fry on it pieces of caps of forest mushrooms until cooked. The liquid should evaporate from the pan.
  2. Pour cream and broth over mushrooms.
  3. Let the mass boil and leave it on low heat until it thickens.
  4. Let the sauce cool slightly. Mix with truffle oil.

Serve the fragrant sauce with long noodles.

Shrimp with porcini mushrooms and truffle oil

Composition of ingredients:

  • tiger prawns - 1 kg;
  • frozen porcini mushrooms - half a kilo;
  • dry white wine - 1 full glass;
  • chopped green onion - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • truffle oil - ½ tsp;
  • shallots ("baby") - 4 heads;
  • garlic - 3 - 4 cloves;
  • cream (medium fat) - 2/3 tbsp.;
  • olive oil;
  • sea ​​salt.


  1. Cut white mushrooms into large pieces. Fry in olive oil. Cook for approximately 20-25 minutes, stirring frequently.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic very finely. Place in a small saucepan. Pour wine. Salt and send to a slow fire. Simmer for about 8 - 9 minutes.
  3. Rinse shrimp in cold water and peel completely.
  4. Send seafood along with cream to a saucepan. Boil the mass for 3 - 4 minutes.
  5. Salt, pepper. Leave the contents of the saucepan on fire for a couple of minutes.
  6. Mix with prepared mushrooms. Add mushroom oil.
  7. It has a positive effect on the human body as follows:

  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • slows down aging;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • accelerates the metabolic process (which favorably affects the figure), increases metabolism;
  • when used during pregnancy, it prevents the development of pathologies in the child (it is especially useful to use it in the first trimester);
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, makes sleep stronger and calmer.

If the oil is prepared from a quality base, it can be safely eaten even in an “interesting position”. A product can harm the body only if you are allergic to truffles or when it is prepared from false mushrooms. Today, the sale of fakes is very common. Especially often false truffles come across in online stores. In no case should they be eaten in their pure form and used to prepare fragrant oil.

Truffles are delicious and very expensive mushrooms, especially popular in France and used in the traditional cuisine of this country. Not everyone knows that truffle oil exists. And is it useful? And how to choose it?

What is this product?

Truffle oil is a noble and rather expensive product, if, of course, it is natural. But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find really high-quality products, as unscrupulous manufacturers deceive consumers and add aromatic additives to ordinary vegetable oils that have the characteristic smell of delicious mushrooms. A genuine product may contain a small percentage of real truffle oil or be infused with them (or processing residues). One way or another, the proportion of the mushrooms themselves in the composition is negligible.

If you think you can taste truffles in oil, you are wrong. Even if these mushrooms are in the composition, they definitely will not fully convey their qualities. The only thing you can count on is a pleasant light earthy aroma.

Is truffle oil healthy?

Since there are very few truffles themselves and their components in the composition, the benefits of the vegetable oil itself are more accessible.

Useful properties of truffle oil:

  • It is rich in vitamin E, and it is, first of all, a powerful natural antioxidant. This means that tocopherol neutralizes the adverse effects of free radicals, which can lead to cell degeneration and the development of cancer, as well as to premature aging of tissues and their oxidation.
  • Vitamin E, described above, is also very useful for the skin, because it provides it with good nutrition and intense hydration.
  • It also contains B vitamins, which perform many important functions. So, they take part in most metabolic processes occurring in the body, such as lipid, water-salt, water-electrolyte, carbohydrate and others. And this means that by consuming oil in moderation, you can normalize your overall metabolism.
  • B vitamins are necessary to stabilize and improve the functioning of the nervous system, as they contribute to the restoration of nerve fibers and cells, improve sleep, and prevent the negative effects of stress.
  • It is useful to use truffle oil during pregnancy and at the stage of its planning, as it ensures the harmonious development of the unborn child and significantly reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies, such as neural tube formation disorders.
  • All the same vitamin E will help to put in order the hormonal background, especially for women. In addition, it has a positive effect on fertility, that is, it increases the chances of successfully conceiving and bearing a healthy child.
  • If you use this oil in cosmetology, it will help provide nutrition and hydration to the skin, as well as stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, restoring elasticity, youth and freshness.

Tip: do not use oil in excessive quantities, and not only because of its high cost. Remember that the calorie content of 100 grams of the product reaches 700-800 calories, so it definitely cannot be called dietary and light.

How to apply such a product?

How to use truffle oil? First of all, it is used in cooking. But it is worth remembering that natural truffles lose most of their amazing properties during heat treatment, so you definitely should not fry in this oil.

To complement and transform dishes with such an exquisite addition, introduce it at the final stages of cooking or almost before serving. Try experimenting with meat, fish, side dishes, pasta, appetizers. Also, truffle oil will be an excellent dressing for any salads.

Truffle oil can also be used in cosmetics. For example, try to replace it with the usual vegetable when preparing various masks. It will also be a useful addition to a cream or other remedy. And you can apply it on the skin in its pure form, it is also very useful. And this oil is almost universal, as it has a positive effect on the skin of the hands, face and whole body, and on the hair, and even on the nails.

How to make your own oil?

You can make your own truffle oil. Here's what you need for this:

  • 500-600 ml of vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • a tablespoon of truffles (both fresh and canned are suitable).


  1. If you have a fresh truffle, then you should wipe it with a napkin to remove dirt. Next, cut it into thin slices. Just cut the canned truffle finely with a knife.
  2. Prepare a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Put chopped truffle in it, fill it with oil.
  3. Close the container tightly and put it in a cool and preferably dark place.
  4. Infuse the oil for a week, and preferably two. Strain it if you like, but it's not necessary.
  5. Ready!