How useful is avocado? Tasty and valuable secrets. Useful properties of avocado

26.09.2019 Beverages

Avocado or alligator pear (alligator pear), as this fruit is also called in some countries, belongs to the family of flowering plants of the laurel order, which also includes cinnamon, camphor and noble laurel. Mexico is considered the birthplace of the avocado, and this fruit got its name from the Aztec word "ahuacatl" (huacatl), which literally translates as "testicle". Apparently, the shape of this fruit caused such associations among the ancient Indians.

Avocado is very popular in vegetarian cuisine, it is actively used instead of meat in sandwiches and salads due to its high fat content. It is used as a base for making Mexican guacamole sauce, and also as a topping for some types of sushi. In some countries, such as Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Brazil, avocados are often used to make milkshakes. It is sometimes added to ice cream and other desserts.

Composition of avocado

How useful is avocado? Its benefits are undeniable, this fruit is rightfully considered one of the most useful foods on the planet, since it contains over 25 nutrients necessary for a person. It contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, as well as copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Avocados also contain dietary cellulose fiber, protein, and several beneficial phytochemicals such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione, and lutein, which help the body defend itself against various diseases. In addition, it is one of the most high-calorie fruits, due to its high fat content. Despite this, avocado is considered a dietary product, since almost all the fats that make up it are monounsaturated, that is, useful, easily absorbed by the human body.

Why avocados are useful: effects on various organs and systems of the body

It is worth noting that avocados are not only an excellent dietary product, but are also actively used to maintain normal functioning and strengthen various body systems. Here are some examples of the benefits of avocados:

  • Keeping the heart healthy. Avocado contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which help to regulate the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood. High homocysteine ​​levels increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In addition, the fruit also contains vitamin E, glutathione and monounsaturated fats, which have a positive effect on the heart;
  • Reducing cholesterol levels. This fruit is rich in beta-sitosterol, a compound that is effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. According to the study, in patients with mild hypercholesterolemia who consumed avocados in their diet for 7 days, the following changes were observed: a 17 percent decrease in total blood cholesterol, a 22 percent decrease in LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides, and also an 11 percent increase in HDL (“good” cholesterol);
  • Normalization of blood pressure. Avocados are an excellent source of potassium, which is involved in the regulation of blood pressure;
  • Good vision. The fruit is an excellent source of carotenoids (lutein), which are known to prevent the development of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, so the benefits of avocados for vision are obvious;
  • Anti-inflammatory properties. Compounds found in avocados, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, have anti-inflammatory properties, thereby reducing the risk of inflammatory and degenerative disorders;
  • Regulation of blood sugar levels. The monounsaturated fats found in avocados can change insulin resistance, which is involved in regulating blood sugar levels. Avocados also contain soluble fiber, which keeps blood sugar levels stable;
  • Prevention of birth defects. Avocados are rich in folate, a B vitamin, better known as folic acid. A high folate content is important in the prevention of birth defects such as neural tube defects and spina bifida;
  • Reducing the risk of stroke. The high folic acid content of avocados may also protect against stroke. The study found that people whose diets are rich in folate have a lower risk of stroke;
  • Cancer prevention. Eating avocados helps suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells. And the oleic acid found in avocados is effective in preventing the development of breast cancer;
  • Fight free radicals. Avocados contain glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in the body;
  • Rejuvenating properties. Being rich in antioxidants, this fruit helps prevent the signs of aging. And glutathione, which is part of the avocado, in addition to slowing down the aging process, also strengthens the immune system and helps strengthen the nervous system;
  • Improving the absorption of nutrients. Studies show that eating an avocado salad increases carotenoid absorption by five times;
  • Skin care. Benefits of avocado in body care: The use of avocado oil in the preparation of cosmetic creams is due to its ability to nourish the skin, making it soft and velvety. Oils derived from this fruit are also good for treating psoriasis and other skin conditions that cause redness and irritation of the skin.

benefits of avocado for children

Avocados are classified as safe fruits, such as bananas. Therefore, pediatricians and nutritionists recommend it for use as complementary foods with mother's milk from 6 months. The high content of vitamins and minerals (more than 11 different items, including vitamins A, B2, B3, C, E, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, etc.) allows you to fully satisfy the child's needs for them.

As a rule, avocados are given to children as an independent dish. However, it can be mixed with honey, breast milk, boiled potatoes, and boiled or baked pumpkin.

Negative impact on the human body

Separate parts of avocados, such as peel, leaves or bark, due to the large amount of toxic fatty acids they contain, have a detrimental effect on the body of various animals. Thus, eating them is harmful to cats, horses, rabbits, cattle, birds, rats, fish, etc.

As for the human body, avocado can only have a similar effect on it in cases where the person who eats it suffers from allergies.

Avocado or as it is also called, Perseus americana, "alligator pear" or "forest soap" is a fast growing evergreen tree native to Mexico. Currently, it is grown on an industrial scale in Brazil, America, Africa and Israel. From one plant it is possible to collect up to 250 kg of fruits. The fruits of the tree are also called avocados, the beneficial properties of which are explained by the vitamins, macro- and microelements found in their composition.

Composition of fruits

Avocado fruits are a one-seeded berry, which can be oval, round or pear-shaped, its mass can vary from 200 g to 1800 g. Its peel is dense green or dark green in color. A ripe avocado has an oily flesh, usually yellow-green, sometimes green. Cutting the fruit in half, you can see a large seed, the radius of which reaches 2 cm.

Of the minerals in avocados, there is phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, calcium. But most of all it contains potassium, and even in bananas it contains less than in the “alligator pear”.

Of the vitamins in fruits, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, a precursor of retinol, vitamin D and B vitamins were found. However, avocado is especially enriched with tocopherol, which is a natural antioxidant, normalizes the metabolism of substances, supports reproductive function.

Important! In addition, the fruits contain phytohormones that slow down the aging process of the human body.

Useful properties of avocados are explained by its composition. The pulp of the fruit does not contain harmful carbohydrates and lipids, so they are allowed to be introduced into the diet for diabetes. But for weight loss, this product is not very suitable because it contains 160 kcal per 100 g.

Important! Avocado is included in the World Book of Records as the most high-calorie fruit. Therefore, you should not use it for a mono-diet, it is better to include it in a vitamin diet for weight loss. It contains a natural fat burner L-carnitine, which not only promotes the breakdown of natural fat, but also speeds up metabolism.

In addition, the benefits of fruit for the body are undeniable:

  1. Due to the content of oleic acid, avocado prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol in the body.
  2. Potassium, which is part of the fruit, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, so they should be consumed in case of myocardial infarction. If hypertensive patients eat avocados every day, then over time they will return to normal.
  3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the fruit pulp improve memory processes and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  4. With anemia, especially in children, it is useful to introduce avocados into the menu, as it contains cyanocobalamin, iron and copper, which normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The fruit helps maintain healthy teeth and bone tissue, as it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, as well as carotenoids that are involved in the formation of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, phosphorus improves brain function.

Important! Regular consumption of avocados normalizes intestinal motility, relieves.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, the fruit must be eaten in the midst of colds. It will not only help not to get sick, but also speed up recovery if a cold has not bypassed.

Undeniable for men, because it is a natural aphrodisiac and is used to increase sexual activity, stimulate spermatogenesis.

In oncology

In cancer, avocado inhibits the division of cancer cells and prevents the spread of metastases. Scientists have found phytonutrients and phytochemicals in the pulp of the fruit that can destroy and suppress the development of certain types of malignant neoplasms. And the antioxidant glutathione contained in fruits neutralizes the harmful effects of about 20 different carcinogens.

Important! Vegetarians, as well as those who want to build muscle, need to regularly introduce this fruit into the diet, as it contains vegetable protein - an analogue of meat.

During pregnancy

The pulp of the fruit, due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, has a good effect on the development of the fetus and the woman's well-being. Avocados contain folic acid (vitamin B3), which is so necessary during gestation. After all, it is precisely its deficiency that leads to the low weight of the fetus, the development of various pathologies of the neural tube and congenital anomalies, for example, such as the cleft lip. The monounsaturated fats contained in the pulp are necessary for the development of the brain, organs of vision, adipose tissue of the child and the growth of the placental barrier.

If you make puree from avocado, mix it with olive oil, apply it on the skin and leave the mask for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with water, this will protect against the appearance of stretch marks on the body during the period of bearing a child.

Mainly used in cosmetology. It is part of various masks, creams, shampoos. It contains ascorbic, nicotinic, folic and essential fatty acids, retinol, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin and various minerals.

Thanks to this composition, the oil, especially during menopause:

  1. It prevents the development of mimic wrinkles and skin pigmentation.
  2. Protects the skin, eliminates dryness and peeling.
  3. Promotes rapid healing of small wounds.
  4. Activates the production of elastin and collagen.
  5. , makes them stronger, prevents the formation of split ends.

The oil can be used not only externally, but in cooking for dressing salads, frying meat, seafood and vegetables.

Avocado seed useful properties

But the peel, pit, and leaves of avocados do not differ in useful properties: they contain the antifungal poison persin, which is dangerous for animals and humans. It can provoke allergies and cause dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.


Unfortunately, avocado also has some contraindications for use:

  1. You can not eat fruit with hypersensitivity.
  2. If you are allergic to other citrus fruits or latex, you should refrain from eating fruits, as a cross-reaction to avocados is possible.
  3. The use of fruit during lactation is contraindicated, since the enzymes that make up it can cause intestinal disorders in a child.

Important! The beneficial properties of the avocado itself and the oil from it are preserved if they are consumed raw. During heat treatment, most of the nutrients are destroyed.

The fruit does not have a strongly pronounced taste, so it can be combined with many products:

  • bread;
  • chicken meat;
  • vegetable, fruit, meat and fish salads;
  • seafood (shrimp and red fish).

You need to eat it only in its raw form, without subjecting it to heat treatment.

The avocado pulp is quickly oxidized by oxygen and darkens, while most of the active components are destroyed, so that this does not happen, the cut fruit must be sprinkled with lemon juice. This will not only help preserve the attractive appearance of the fruit, but also its beneficial properties.

How to peel an exotic fruit

Using a knife, make a deep incision around the entire circumference of the fruit around the bone that is inside it. Then start turning the two halves of the avocado in opposite directions, if it is ripe, it will be easy to separate them from each other. On each half, make a vertical incision, slightly move the skin aside, pull it and it can be easily removed. Cut the fruit carefully so as not to damage the bone.

How to choose

If you are going to buy an exotic fruit, pay attention to its appearance.

It is very strange, but some people do not know what to attribute avocados to - vegetables or fruits. Since it does not have the sweet taste of other fruits, it is often considered a vegetable. Avocado is a fruit that grows on trees. The yield of each tree is approximately 100-200 kilograms. There are over 400 varieties of avocados in the world today.

A little about fruits

The peel of the fruit is of two types: wrinkled and smooth. There is no specific color. The shade starts from light green and sometimes reaches dark colors. The pulp of the fruit is light green in color, more like a cream. It melts easily and tastes like a nut. In the very center of the avocado is a rather large pit.

When the avocado is fully ripe, it will take on a slightly sweet flavor. The fruit has an oily flavor and combines the taste qualities of a pear and a pumpkin. Fruits are sent for sale solid. The ripening process lasts for several weeks, and already at the end the peel becomes so soft that it forms a small dent when pressed. Avocado pits can be grated and used as a flavoring.

History of appearance

The name appeared due to the ancient language of the Aztecs and is translated as "testicle". There are several reasons for such an interesting name. First, its oval shape. Secondly, the fruits always hang in pairs.

The Indians learned one secret: avocado has a stimulating effect, and during military campaigns, soldiers were forbidden to use it. An interesting fact: for a long time, the fruit was mistaken for a kind of nut.

A little about the benefits

"Alligator pear" is the second name of avocado. What is useful fruit? To begin with, it should be noted that the high protein content contributes to the fact that avocados can replace meat in our daily diet. The fruit does not have cholesterol, but is rich in iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium. This tropical guest is the best ally for female beauty. Masks prepared on the basis of avocado fruits help in the fight against cellulite, restore facial skin elasticity and help strengthen nails.

Another thing that avocados are useful for is that they will help people suffering from heart disease no worse than pills. This is an excellent tonic for our body, in America it is widely known as an aphrodisiac. But the most important thing that avocados are useful for is that they have a unique ability to strengthen human memory.

There are a lot of answers to the question, avocado - what is useful. There is such a terrible disease in the world as cancer. So, this tropical medicine can protect the human body from the appearance of cancerous tumors.

As you already understood, this fruit is simply unique. How is it useful for older people? Thanks to the lutein found in avocados, the fruit will help prevent vision loss, which means you won't have to wear glasses any time soon.

Beauty secrets

How useful is this fruit in cosmetics? The healing properties of avocado oil are known due to collagen. This protein is an important element for maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Thanks to the useful substances contained in the fruit, oil is obtained from it. It has a delicate texture that easily penetrates and moisturizes the skin. It is also a good stimulator of metabolic processes, gradually returning youthfulness to the skin.

In fairy tales, it was often said that beautiful ladies wanted to find a rejuvenating tree or apples. And even today, each of us is ready for anything, just to prolong the youth of our skin. In the modern world, for this you do not need to send your loved one to distant lands, it is enough to send him to the supermarket so that he brings the rejuvenating avocado fruit. How useful a tropical fruit is for the skin, we learned, it's time to discover the secrets of making face masks based on it.

Face masks

In avocados, useful substances are found in the pulp of the fruit, so when preparing masks, it is she who will be needed.

Purifying mask

1 st. l. mix avocado pulp with 1 egg. Add 1 tsp. honey and mayonnaise. To the resulting mass, add 1 tbsp. flour. This composition is applied to the face and kept for 15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Mask for oily skin

1 st. l. crush the pulp. Add 2 tbsp. l. any dairy product (milk, kefir, curdled milk). This mask is kept for 15 minutes and washed off with cool water. It removes excess greasiness and mattifies the skin of the face. Thanks to milk ingredients, it whitens the face a little.

Hair masks

What avocados do for women who have unhealthy hair is that it is an ambulance for restoring, strengthening, as well as hair growth. Such masks are considered the most effective. If you decide to make an avocado mask at home, then it’s better to buy an overripe fruit and use a blender to turn it into porridge. The mask can be applied without other ingredients to dry or damp hair. But it will be effective only for those who have healthy hair. This procedure is suitable for prevention. Ingredients are added depending on what type of hair you have.

For oily hair

Mix the crushed pulp of one avocado with 1 tsp. honey and 2 tbsp. l. kefir. Apply the mixture to your hair and hold the rod with a film and towel for at least 30 minutes. It can be done even at night, nothing will happen to the hair. Wash off in the usual way.

For density and hair growth

Heat up 1 tsp. avocado and castor oil, mix and add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Keep this mixture on your head for 1 hour. It is important to wrap your head in a towel.

For dry hair

2 tbsp. l. colorless henna pour hot water for 15 minutes. Add the pulp of 1 avocado and 1 tbsp. l. preheated castor oil. This mask will restore even the most damaged hair.

That, in fact, is the whole answer to the question of how avocados are useful for women in cosmetology.

How to eat

Before proceeding to our next question, we will learn how to peel these healthy tropical fruits. They are cut along the bone, that is, forming a circle near it. Then they take her out. You can remove the skin from half of the cut fruit or chop it into slices, and then proceed to cleansing. Now you can get down to the question of how avocados are useful and how they are eaten. It is useful in that it does not even contain a gram of cholesterol, which is why it is so popular in dietary nutrition, but more on that later. We have considered the use in cosmetology, now let's proceed to cooking.

Using raw avocado for salad

The fruits are cut into slices and soaked in 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Cut half of the red onion into strips (the thinner the better). Cut 100 g of cheese into cubes. Cut 100g cherry tomatoes in half. Cut lettuce leaves. Grate lemon zest on top, mix and season.


2 buns cut in half. The pulp of one avocado is mixed with 0.5 tbsp. l. curry. Grease the halves of the buns with the resulting paste. A layer of lettuce leaves is placed on top, then sliced ​​radish and cucumber. The sandwich is ready.

Well, here we learned a little more about how avocados are useful, and how they are eaten raw.

Avocado desserts

Any housewife is always for a healthy diet in her home, and avocados are one of her allies in the fight for such a lifestyle. In the summer, when there is no desire to bake something, but you want to cook something unusual, various desserts come to the rescue. We will tell you more about the benefits of avocados and how to use them.

Pistachio and avocado mousse

An incredibly simple yet effective mousse that takes 8 hours of freezing in the refrigerator to achieve a silky-soft texture. No whipping, even the most thorough, can achieve such a result.

1 st. Peel the pistachios and soak in water for 3 hours. After that, pour out the water and dry the nuts. Pour dried pistachios into a blender, add 0.5 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. water. Whisk. Remove the resulting mass for 5 hours in the refrigerator. 3 chilled avocados cut into large chunks Transfer the chopped fruit and nut mass to a blender, while adding a little sea salt, 1 tsp. lime juice and 1/4 tbsp. water. Set the speed to high and beat until smooth. Divide the mixture into molds and refrigerate overnight.

Well, our piggy bank of knowledge about the benefits of avocados, and how to use it in cooking and cosmetology, has been replenished. But the usefulness of the fruit and its scope does not end there.

For those who want to lose weight

Since the calorie content of the fruit is too high (100 gr. - 160 kcal), many losing weight refuse to use it. But this is a big mistake. Many, probably, thought about the benefits of avocados for weight loss. Despite the fact that the fruit contains more than 70% fat, it is an excellent helper for weight loss. After all, the composition includes healthy fats, namely monounsaturated acids, which reduce the level of cholesterol in the body. If you follow a diet that includes this healthy tropical fruit, then you can lose a couple of kilograms in a week. And this is not a joke! Avocados should be eaten 4 times a day. And it is also very important to stop using sugar, bread, soda and alcohol.

This is how 1 diet day looks like:

  1. Breakfast. Put fat-free cottage cheese in half an avocado. Drink a cup of green tea with this sandwich.
  2. Dinner. A bowl of vegetable broth. Prepare a salad of 1 egg, half an avocado fruit, 1 fresh cucumber. Fill 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. You can also add a little cinnamon and ginger to the salad to enhance the effect.
  3. afternoon tea. Prepare an avocado smoothie with the addition of any citrus fruit.
  4. Dinner. A glass of yogurt, half an avocado and a couple of slices of boiled beef.

Avocado benefits for men

Among the ancient Aztecs, the fruit of this tropical fruit served as a symbol of strength and endurance. No wonder they called the male genital organs this word. It's not even about looks. In avocado, the beneficial properties for men are expressed in the fact that it restores potency. And if you use it regularly, it will even strengthen it. There is an opinion that fruits can also increase fertility.

For those who do physical labor, it is also useful. After all, the fruit is able to restore lost energy. Substances contained in avocados destroy cancer cells. Men who are addicted to tobacco should know this fact, since smoking is the main cause of oral cancer.

Women's Health Benefits

In avocados, the beneficial properties for women are expressed not only in masks. For example, it can be used by young mothers while breastfeeding, as it contains vegetable proteins that are useful for the newborn.

It is useful to include this fruit in your daily diet for women in position. Such beneficial properties will positively affect not only your well-being, but also the health of your baby. But, like any exotic fruit, it can cause allergies, so if you are prone to such a disease, then it is better not to use it.

Useful properties of avocados and contraindications

So many useful properties of this fruit have been listed, but nothing has been said about the dangers. Like any product, avocados have their own contraindications, although not many. Firstly, you can not use it for people prone to allergies to citrus fruits. Secondly, be careful about the bones of the fetus, as they adversely affect our health and are very toxic. They must be thrown away immediately after cutting the avocado. If there is a desire to grow this exotic fruit at home, then you can use the stone as a seed. Do not leave them in a conspicuous place if there are small children at home. It is also contraindicated to use this product for people who are allergic to latex, as the fruit can cause serious harm to health.

How to choose an avocado

The fruit should be fairly firm, but there may be a slight dent when pressed. Do not buy fruits that have large dark spots, as they are spoiled. Pay attention to the base of the avocado. There shouldn't be any rot. If you purchased an unripe fruit, then put it at home in a dark place, and in a couple of weeks it will ripen.

As you understand, there are no harmful substances in avocados, only contraindications. This is a truly unique and useful product that nature has given us. A person can only use this exotic fruit correctly and thank the Aztecs, who discovered all the beneficial properties of avocados.

Why avocados are useful and why nutritionists recommend including them in your daily diet. We tell you why you should not be afraid of its high calorie content and what measure of avocado consumption will only benefit the figure. How to choose an avocado, how to store and cook it in order to preserve all its beneficial properties.

Fruits, as important sources of vitamins, must be present in. For those who are losing weight, nutritionists advise eating them in the morning, since in addition to vitamins they contain carbohydrates (mainly sugars) in large quantities. But for avocados, an exception is allowed. This exotic delicacy has a unique composition that is not characteristic of fruits and a huge number of useful properties.

What is an avocado, what is its composition

Avocado, or alligator pear, is the fruit of an evergreen tropical plant of the same name. It naturally grows in the countries of Central and South America (Mexico, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, etc.) and is cultivated in the USA, Spain, Australia, some African countries, as well as in the Caucasus.

The fruit is pear-shaped, round or oval in shape, quite large, it can reach 20 cm in length and weigh up to 2 kg. Delicate yellowish or greenish flesh of the fruit is hidden under a tough dark green skin. The taste of avocado is not too similar to fruit - the fruit is unsweetened, oily, reminiscent of a vegetable or nut.

Due to the diversity of its composition and high nutritional value, the avocado has become a Guinness World Record holder. An entry about him in the Guinness Book of Records was made in 1998.

To decide to introduce an alligator pear into your daily diet, it is enough to know that per 100 g of fruit you have:

  • about 14 g of fat;
  • about 2 g of saturated fatty acids;
  • about 5 g of proteins;
  • less than 1 g of carbohydrates;
  • about 7 g of dietary fiber;
  • vitamins (A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 5, B 9, C, E, K, PP);
  • L-carnitine;
  • minerals (aluminum, boron, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, sulfur, fluorine, phosphorus, etc.).

Avocado calorie content, depending on the variety, from 150 kcal to 170 kcal.

Despite the fact that the fruit may seem too fatty and high-calorie, it can be consumed in moderation not only without harm to the figure, but also for its benefit.

Firstly Avocados are extremely low in carbs and virtually no sugar.

Secondly, the fats contained in it are easily digested and facilitate the metabolism of proteins.

Thirdly, L-carnitine, or levocarnitine, is an antioxidant and is directly involved in fat metabolism. Therefore, the fats entering the body will not be stored in reserve, and subject to regular training, your own fat deposits will burn faster.

How useful is avocado

Since ancient times, American Indians have used avocados not only as a delicacy, but also for medicinal purposes. Today, its beneficial properties are scientifically proven. So, alligator pear can be used for the prevention and treatment of:

  • cardiovascular diseases (due to the high content of magnesium and potassium);
  • anemia (there is a lot of iron in avocados);
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer (the fruit has enveloping properties);
  • constipation (the fruit has a mild laxative effect);
  • endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus (due to the almost complete absence of polysaccharides);
  • SARS, other infectious diseases (vitamins in the fetus stimulate the body's defenses, help it overcome the infection)

The so-called beauty vitamins A and E make avocados an excellent remedy for many dermatological problems. Fruit oil or gruel from its pulp in combination with other useful ingredients (essential oils, cottage cheese, egg yolk, etc.) are used as home remedies to improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

And yet, the alligator pear is a well-known, very effective aphrodisiac. Due to the appearance of its fruits hanging from the branches of a tree, the American Indians considered it a sacred fruit, identifying the male testicles. The use of avocados has a positive effect on male and female libido, objectively improves the functioning of the reproductive systems of both sexes. Shrimp Avocado Salad is the perfect dinner option before a romantic night out.

But in order for all the benefits of the fruit to be revealed, it is necessary to choose it correctly. Its peel should be elastic, but not oak, not spread when pressed, but slightly pressed through. It should be smooth, without cracks. The color of the avocado should be uniform. Spots on the peel may indicate that the fruit is overripe or has begun to rot.

Can you lose weight by eating avocados?

Helps avocado for weight loss. Due to the small amount of carbohydrates, high fiber content and fat burning properties, this fruit has become the basis of a variety of diets.

For example, there is a weight loss system based on the following principles:

    you need to adhere to a diet for 7 days;

    Eat 5 avocados daily

    in addition to the alligator pear, the menu for each day should contain 3 hard-boiled eggs, 300 g of lean beef and low-fat cottage cheese;

    the daily norm of water is 3 liters.

This avocado diet will result in - 5 kg.

Supporters of proper nutrition, slower but healthy weight loss, can also include an alligator pear in their diet. You can simply peel the fruit, cut it in half, remove the stone and eat it raw. Also, avocados are often used as an ingredient in vegetable and fruit salads, combined with seafood.

It is better to eat a peeled or cut fruit immediately, otherwise, upon contact with air, it will darken and lose some of its beneficial properties. In extreme cases, the uneaten part of it can be sprinkled with lemon juice, put in a container and sent to be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If the fruit lies longer, it will be pointless to eat it. By the way, on our website you can download a memo from our pro nutritionist.

Who Shouldn't Eat an Alligator Pear

Despite the obvious beneficial properties in avocados, there are also contraindications to it, although they are not numerous.

1. Allergy sufferers should use exotic fruit with caution.

In temperate latitudes, avocados are often used as an ornamental leafy tub houseplant. It must be remembered that its stems and leaves are toxic. Children and animals should not come into contact with the tree, and all manipulations with it (pruning, transplanting) are carried out with gloves.

It is valued all over the world for its miraculous properties. This fruit can have a positive effect on a person of any gender and age category. But avocado has a particularly favorable effect on the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. The benefits for women of this fruit are simply invaluable. It improves memory and may also reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease. But this is not all the advantages of this exotic fruit.

What is this plant?

Mexico and Central America introduced the avocado to the world. The benefits for women of this fruit have been known since the time of the Indians. Then it was also used as an aphrodisiac, as it has an exciting effect.

These fruits of evergreen trees have another name that sounds like an alligator pear. For a long time, because of its not too sweet taste, avocado was considered a vegetable, and then a nut, but it is still a fruit.

Now it is grown in Brazil, America, Africa and Israel. One tree per year can produce from 150 to 250 kilograms of fruit.


Avocados can be of different shapes - pear-shaped, oval or spherical, reaching a length of up to 22 cm. These fruits have a dark green peel and yellow, oily flesh. In the very center of the fruit is a bone that should not be eaten, as it contains many harmful substances.

These exotic fruits contain a large amount of various fats and practically no sugar. Thus, in one hundred grams of the fetus there are about 160 calories. In addition, avocados are rich in vitamins such as A, C, B, E, K and folic acid. This fruit also contains sodium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and a lot of potassium.


The benefits of avocados for a woman's body are invaluable due to such a rich vitamin composition. This exotic fruit is able to cleanse cells from various destructive viruses and fight age-related changes. Thanks to the fruit cleanses the blood of cholesterol.

In addition, it normalizes the work of the heart, and also significantly improves the memory of avocados. The benefit for women of this fetus also lies in the fact that it is simply indispensable during pregnancy, as it contains monounsaturated fats that contribute to the development of the child's brain and other important organs.

Alligator pear will also be useful for people suffering from hypertension due to the fact that it can lower blood pressure. Among other things, this fruit is able to increase efficiency, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve irritability and stress, relieve drowsiness and fatigue, and also help increase immunity. Therefore, avocados will be especially useful in winter, when there are epidemics of various colds.

But the beneficial properties of this exotic fruit do not end there. This fruit can prevent the appearance of cancer cells, makes bones and teeth stronger, and also acts as a vegetable analogue of animal protein.

What effect does the fetus have on girls?

However, this fruit has a beneficial effect not only on health. The benefits of avocado for a woman may also lie in the fact that it is able to make the skin more elastic and smooth. With the constant use of an alligator pear, small wrinkles can be smoothed out.

In addition, with the help of oil obtained from this fruit, many girls relieve inflammation on the face, and it can also fight diseases such as dermatitis, acne and eczema.

Despite the fact that it has such a high benefit for women of this fetus in diets, it is invaluable. Due to the fact that his fat does not go into deposits, those ladies who watch their figure can safely include it in their diet.

Many experts have come to the conclusion that this fruit is indispensable for ladies aged forty and older. for women of this age, it became known not so long ago. It turns out that it contains biologically active substances similar to hormones that can fight the decline in estrogen production, thereby pushing back menopause.

Alligator pear will still be useful for nursing mothers, as it contains vegetable proteins that infants need.

Application in cosmetology

But these are not all areas where avocados can be used. The benefits for women (reviews of many ladies are direct evidence of this) can also lie in its use as anti-aging masks for the face, décolleté and neck. To do this, take one tablespoon of fruit pulp and chop it well. Then add five milliliters of cream, two yolks there and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Gently apply the resulting mass on the face, neck and wash off after fifteen minutes. This mask will be especially useful for owners of irritated or overdried skin.

A cleanser is obtained by mixing honey, mayonnaise, flour, alligator pear pulp and a raw egg in equal proportions. For those ladies who suffer from excessive fat content of the epidermis, a mixture of avocado with kefir or yogurt is suitable.

In addition, the most valuable oil is obtained from these fruits, which can be used as an additive to various cosmetic creams, as well as used in massage. It is ideal for the care of nails, face skin, body and actively helps to fight the aging process.

Among other things, cosmetic products that contain avocados can have a protective effect on the skin, protecting it from all kinds of fungal diseases.

Curl Care

From the foregoing, it becomes clear how avocados affect the health and beauty. The benefits for women (the properties of this fruit are simply priceless) do not end there. This exotic fruit is also able to restore hair and fight against their fragility. To do this, you can use a mixture of alligator pear with olive oil and a beaten egg.

Girls who want to grow long curls can try using a mask of avocado pulp and mayonnaise. Also, this fruit can be used as an additional hair care in the summer.


But like any exotic fruit, avocados also need to be carefully used. Benefits and harms to women from exposure will depend on whether all precautions were taken before using this product.

In no case should it be used by those people who have fruits, latex, as well as individual intolerance to avocados. In addition, the stone and leaves of this fruit plant contain various toxic substances that can cause an upset digestive tract and adversely affect human health.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this fruit retains the entire wide range of useful properties exclusively in its raw form, since after heat treatment they become much smaller.

Helpful information

Before buying a fruit, you need to examine it for various spots, it is also important that it is soft to the touch. Do not purchase fruits that have blackened peel or cracks.

In the event that the avocado is unripe, it can be kept at room temperature for a while, but not in the refrigerator, as it can deteriorate there.

It is usually consumed raw, as well as in combination with other products. This will preserve all its wonderful properties and a pleasant nutty smell. This fruit is widely used in various salads or cold appetizers. Also, the taste of the fruit can perfectly complement either spicy and sweet seasonings.