Skinless chicken thigh recipe. Chicken thighs without bone and skin recipe with photo

13.08.2019 Beverages

Fillet of thighs is an inexpensive but tasty part of chicken. From the specified product, various dishes are obtained that can be served for both lunch and dinner. Of course, the best taste of chicken thighs is revealed if they are cooked correctly. Today we will find out what characteristics this product differs in and what methods of its preparation exist.

How to separate the pulp from the skin and bones?

From the chicken thigh, it is possible to prepare wonderful and hearty dishes that are appreciated by both adults and children. You can get an interesting and satisfying treat in as many different ways as possible. There are both simple and rather complex recipes for preparing these parts of chickens. But in any case, before starting direct cooking, you will need to cut the meat - to separate the pulp from the skin and bones. This is done as follows.

  • First you need to separate the lower leg from the thigh, if it is attached to it. To do this, a well-sharpened knife must be inserted into the connecting gap at the junction of the articular parts, and then cut the indicated parts. Remove the rest of the meat that is nearby, so that you can separate the drumstick from the thigh completely, without residue.

  • Next, you will need to bend the leg in order to find the joint located in the space between the lower leg and the thigh itself. Try to bend the specified part in several sections until you succeed. The place where the chicken leg bends is the joint.
  • Now place the chicken thigh, skin side down. Make a small incision on the joint to the end, so that you can divide this element into two separate parts.
  • If you accidentally hit the bone when you are separating the thigh from the lower leg, then you will need to carefully move the knife until you stumble upon the place you need, in which it will be as easy as possible to separate these components.
  • These procedures must be carried out exclusively on a clean cutting board. Only with such kitchen appliances will you reduce the risk of germs from the table or other surface getting into the product to zero. Plus, with a cutting board, you minimize the chance of damaging the tabletop with a sharp knife blade.

There are a number of cutting attachments that are best suited for the steps previously described. Some people think that knives with an elongated and narrow blade, like knives for fillets, are perfect here. Others believe that clean kitchen scissors or regular scissors will work better. Of course, you can easily use a regular vegetable or boning knife.

  • Cut off the skin when cutting the thigh. Of course, there are recipes that do not require pitting and peeling. If you need to remove these components, then it is worth cutting off the membranes between the muscle and the skin in order to remove the latter. Gently bend the skin with your fingers to remove the thin membrane.
  • It should also be borne in mind that it is possible to remove the skin after deboning, and if necessary, trim the thigh. Some kitchen masters turn to such procedures in advance, while other chefs start them after. There is no specific time frame. It all depends only on the personal preferences of the cook.

  • Now you need to shorten the bone. Working on the bottom half of the chicken thigh, make an incision from the top end down to the base, while moving as close as possible to the bone itself.
  • The half on which there was or is the skin should "look" down.
  • Note that the incision must be made fairly deep so that you can remove most of the bone. Be careful not to accidentally cut the other side of your thigh.
  • Next, cut along both sides of the chicken bone to get more of this part.
  • You will need to rid the meat of the cartilage located at the top or bottom of the bone. Use a well-sharpened knife to cut the hardest piece of cartilage by pressing the bone against the meat from above or below the cut.

  • Next, you need to cut the meat under the bone. In this case, the knife should be moved from one end of the bone to the other, dissecting the connective membrane, which attaches the pulp to the bone.
  • If you are using scissors, you just need to cut through the membrane and muscle. If a knife is used, it will be better to file it slightly.
  • Keep the knife as close to the bone as possible so as not to lose extra pieces of meat.
  • Never cut this section towards your fingers, or you may accidentally cut yourself.
  • Pick up the bone and pull it up and away from the thigh meat as you cut.
  • It may take several approaches before you can completely remove the bones from the chicken thigh.
  • Make short peeling cuts to completely separate the bone from the meat.
  • After removing the skin and bone, the fat pockets on the food should be inspected. Remove them using a knife.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Chicken thigh is the most juicy, dense and tasty meat with a characteristic dark shade. The calorie content of this popular product is about 185 Kcal per 100 g. Such chicken fillet cannot be called dietary, but this does not make it less useful. This product contains such components as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, PP. In addition, chicken thigh fillet has:

  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • amino acids;
  • protein.

If we consider the BJU of this product in more detail, then:

  • easily digestible proteins in chicken thighs are present 21.3 g;
  • fats account for 11 g;
  • for carbohydrates - 0.1 g.

KBZHU of this popular and tasty product is influenced by its weight. So, in different dishes, this indicator may also differ. It is unlikely that an ideal light and dietary treat from chicken thigh fillet will work, but it cannot be called harmful either.

This product may not be suitable only for people who are allergic to it. First of all, this applies to dishes in which the thigh is cooked with the skin.


You can cook a wide variety of dishes from chicken thigh fillet, from simple to exotic. This product is quite simple and not capricious to prepare. It can be combined with a wide variety of add-ons. For example, a rich-tasting dish cooked in a creamy sauce is very popular. Such a chicken acquires a juicy and aromatic taste. Also, many hostesses cook chicken thigh in batter, cream and sour cream. A variety of marinades are suitable for the specified meat.

Due to its versatility, chicken thigh fillet is a popular product that many housewives choose to create their culinary masterpieces. Let's consider in detail several interesting methods of cooking such meat.


Fillet of chicken thighs makes excellent chops that can make both adults and children fall in love with their taste. There are a myriad of options for preparing this rich dish. Let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for cooking the most popular and aromatic ones. Chicken chops in bread crumbs and with a chicken egg have a wonderful taste. To prepare this treat, you will need to stock up on the following components:

  • 4 chicken thighs;
  • 50 g breading;
  • salt to taste (preferably a pinch of 4 - this will be enough);
  • refined sunflower oil - 30 ml;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 1 chicken egg.

You can proceed to the direct preparation of a hearty meal.

  • First, prepare your thighs properly for cooking. Be sure to remove the skin from them and rinse these products thoroughly.
  • Remove bones from all thighs.
  • The next step is to beat off the chicken. Next, roll each thigh in breadcrumbs.
  • Shake the chicken egg thoroughly, dip the breaded thighs into the resulting mass.
  • Pour sunflower oil into a preheated skillet. Place the thighs in breadcrumbs on this base.
  • Fry the meat on both sides until a delicious brownish crust appears.
  • After that, the dish can be served.

Such chops will be especially successfully combined with vegetables, various buckwheat pickles or mashed potatoes.

Thigh chops cooked in tandem with mayonnaise or mayonnaise sauce have no less bright taste. Such a treat turns out to be juicy if you cook it correctly and strictly follow the recipe. So, let's take a look at what components are needed to create this culinary masterpiece:

  • 3 pcs. chicken thigh fillet;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise (if it is not there, it is permissible to use kefir);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper if desired;
  • bread crumbs - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Let's take a look at all the steps for cooking chicken thighs with mayonnaise.

  • Prepare the fillets. Rinse and remove the skin. There should be no bones in the chops either. After preparation, the fillets should be laid out in two layers of cling film and beaten off on both sides (but only slightly, no extra effort is needed).

  • Now the chops need to be sprinkled with salt and pepper, spread on the meat with garlic, passed through a special press.
  • Next, each piece of beaten meat will need to be smeared with 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. The resulting blanks should be put in piles and left in the marinade for 1 hour. Fillets should be marinated in the refrigerator.
  • Now you need to heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Roll pieces of meat on all sides in croutons.
  • After that, the meat should be sent to fry. Fry fillets over low heat until a golden brown crust forms on each piece.

You can serve such a juicy dish with an expressive taste in a variety of combinations, however, the tandem of such chops with vegetables will be the most successful. In search of an interesting and memorable taste, you can turn to the preparation of aromatic fillet of chicken thighs in batter with Provencal herbs and soy sauce. This dish will surely amaze even a capricious gourmet with its unique aroma. Let's look at what ingredients will be useful for you to create this dish:

  • 8 pcs. chicken thighs;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons flour;
  • 4 tablespoons bread crumbs
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • Provencal herbs optional;
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • plain mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil.

Now on to the tutorial on how to make those juicy chops.

  • First, prepare the meat - rinse and remove any excess. Beat your thighs lightly, then sprinkle salt and pepper on them. Brush the chicken with the soy sauce, mustard, salt, pepper, herbs and garlic.
  • Next, beat the chicken eggs thoroughly, add a little milk there and salt a little. Pour flour and breading into a separate bowl. First, dip the chops into a beaten egg, then into the flour, then back into the egg, then bread with croutons.
  • Before frying the thigh fillets, you should thoroughly warm up the skillet with vegetable oil. Spread the meat and grill on both sides until you see a crust formed.

Such ready-made chops can be safely served with absolutely any side dish.


Many housewives consider chicken thigh roll as their signature dish. Treats like these have an interesting and versatile taste if prepared correctly. Of course, making rolls is a little more difficult than simple chicken chops. Let's figure out how to prepare such culinary masterpieces in order to amaze with the wonderful taste of all household members or guests who have visited you. Wonderful chicken rolls with bell pepper have an interesting taste and aroma. To prepare them, you need to stock up on products such as:

  • boneless chicken thighs - 3 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian green pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • salt and pepper if desired;
  • special seasonings for chicken.

Now we will consider step by step how to make delicious rolls from all of the listed ingredients.

  • As with other recipes, the thighs must first be prepared for subsequent cooking. Then the meat should be grated with spices for chickens, slightly beaten off to make it easier to wrap and coat inside and outside with olive oil.
  • Next, you should proceed to the preparation of all the ingredients necessary for cooking the filling. Rinse the peppers well, then cut them into thin strips. Peel the onion and cut into thin slices.

  • Place the chicken thigh skin side down and spread the chopped peppers and onions on top of the meat, alternating between the last ingredients. Now you can gently roll the chicken thighs into small rolls. Secure them with toothpicks so they don't accidentally turn around.
  • Now chicken rolls can be safely sent to be fried in a simple frying pan or grill. This should be done until a golden crust forms on the meat. Flip the thighs frequently so they cook evenly.
  • When the frying process is complete, you will need to get the toothpicks out of the rolls, because the latter will already hold the correct shape if cooked correctly.

Chicken thigh rolls cooked in tandem with mushrooms also have a fabulous taste. To create this tender and juicy treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 6 chicken thighs;
  • 1 onion;
  • fresh champignons - 300 g;
  • 20 g of honey;
  • 30 g mustard;
  • 60 g mayonnaise;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp paprika;
  • pepper and salt if desired;
  • vegetable oil.

Now let's take a look at all the stages of making mushroom rolls.

  • Peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings.

  • Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in running water, then carefully cut into small slices. There is no need to chop the mushrooms into cubes, since it will be much more difficult to twist chicken rolls with such elements, and most likely they will not keep their shape.
  • Pour unscented oil into the skillet. Place the chopped onion in it and fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown. Next, add the mushrooms to the onion and continue frying until the mushrooms are ready (soft).
  • Add chopped garlic, salt and pepper to the ingredients. The prepared mushroom filling should be transferred to a separate bowl, leaving excess oil and juice in the pan.
  • While the mushrooms will gradually cool down, you need to properly prepare the chicken thighs. In this case, only the bone should be removed, and the skin should be left with the meat for further cooking.

  • Next, cover the meat with a special cling film and beat it off, but only from the side of the pulp, not the skin.
  • Sprinkle salt and pepper over the pulp. Next, you need to stuff the chicken with the prepared ingredients - put the fried mushroom filling on the narrow edge of the chicken blanks, and then we twist them. Note that the skin should cover the resulting roll.
  • Put the rolls in a special form, greased in advance with oil. The workpieces should be as close to each other as possible. After that, you need to mix honey, mustard and mayonnaise, and then dilute all this with paprika, salt and black pepper. Mix everything well, and then apply the resulting mixture generously to the chicken rolls.
  • Such an interesting dish should be baked in the oven at 190 degrees for about an hour.
  • The readiness of the mushroom rolls can be determined by the degree of their ruddy. As soon as an appetizing crust appears on the blanks, they can be taken out and served.

Other popular foods such as hard cheese and tomatoes can be used as the filling in chicken rolls. These ingredients get amazing taste when combined with aromatic sweet peppers. Consider below a list of all the ingredients required to prepare such an interesting treat:

  • 4 chicken thighs;
  • 4 sweet canned peppers;
  • 4 slices of good hard cheese;
  • 1 tomato;
  • soy sauce to taste;
  • salt and ground black pepper are also to taste;
  • ground red pepper if desired;
  • 50 g bread crumbs;
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Such rolls should be prepared as follows.

  • Remove all excess from the thighs and lightly beat them, then put in a separate bowl. Next, drip soy sauce on the beaten meat, but keep in mind that there is no need to moisten the chicken too much.
  • While the thighs are soaking in the marinade, cut the cheese into small cubes.
  • Salt the thighs a little, sprinkle with red and black pepper. In each piece, place a piece of sliced ​​cheese and pepper. Roll up the edges of the meat and secure them using toothpicks.

  • Next, you need to thoroughly roll your thighs in crackers and spread them in a preheated frying pan with already poured butter.
  • Fry the chicken rolls on both sides.
  • Cut the tomato into cubes and place in an empty space in the skillet.
  • Then the meat should be covered and cooked for 10-15 minutes.

Rolls filled with cheese and ham are very tasty and juicy. To prepare this dish you need:

  • 5-6 boneless chicken thighs;
  • 100 g ham;
  • 100 g of good hard cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of canned green peas
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • salt and spices to taste.

Let's consider step by step how to make delicious rolls from the listed products.

  • Chop cheese and ham into small cubes. Add garlic and peas to these ingredients. Sprinkle pepper on the listed ingredients, season with half of the sour cream.
  • Next, you need to turn the thighs so that their skin "looks" down. Rub the meat with salt and spices.
  • Place a little filling on the wider part, and then roll the thigh into a fairly tight roll.
  • The resulting blanks must be laid out as tightly as possible to each other in an already prepared baking dish. On top, the meat must be slightly salted again.
  • Coat the chicken rolls with the remaining sour cream and mustard and move the dish to the oven. There, it should be cooked at a temperature of 200-210 degrees for 20 minutes.

What to serve with?

Chicken thigh is a versatile product. It can be boiled, and stewed, and fried, and started with different products, and then baked. The imagination of the cook here is practically unlimited. It is worth noting the fact that chicken thighs can be served in tandem with a wide variety of side dishes. The most successful and common options are hips with:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • stewed vegetables;
  • light salad;
  • rice;
  • pasta.

Take advantage of the advice of culinary experts and experienced housewives.

  • Only cook fresh chicken fillets. Choose it carefully, paying attention to the appearance of the product and its smell. Meat of an unhealthy color, having an unpleasant aroma, is not worth taking - a delicious lunch or dinner will not come out of it.
  • Beat the meat lightly before cooking. Don't overdo it with extra effort.
  • Always rinse meat thoroughly before further cooking, even if it seems completely clean to you. Do not neglect this rule.
  • Experienced chefs do not recommend buying boneless chicken meat in the store, because usually the "cleaning" of such products is not carried out very carefully - excess pieces of meat are cut off. It is better to remove the excess yourself.

  • Fillet of thighs without the addition of hot spices and herbs can be eaten by pregnant and lactating women. In addition, you can safely turn to such dishes for additional recuperation.
  • Remove bones and skin from thighs gently. Avoid pointing the knife or scissors towards your fingers - there is a high risk of serious injury. Proceed as carefully as possible.
  • Chicken thigh fillet can be cooked not only in the oven or in a frying pan, but also in a regular slow cooker. Using this kitchen technique, you can make many different dishes, from simple to very original.
  • If you are preparing chicken rolls, then the filling for them should not be cut into large slices or cubes. It is advisable to cut these elements into neat slices, otherwise it will be difficult to roll the rolls, and they will look less appetizing.

Don't go overboard with spices, salt and pepper. Too many of these additives can ruin the taste of your lunch or dinner.

  • It is recommended to store chicken thigh fillets in the coldest part of the freezer. Experienced chefs advise to cook something from frozen meat for 9 months. Do not leave these foods in the freezer for too long, as this will negatively affect the dishes that will be cooked from them later.
  • Before sending chicken fillets to the freezer for storage, it is recommended to carefully pack it in a special freezing film, thick paper or the same thick aluminum foil. Place your thighs in sealed plastic containers or special bags. Vacuum bags of different sizes can also be used.

For information on how to cook thigh fillets, see the next video.

The boneless is very diverse. Meat is fried, baked in the oven or original dishes are prepared using a multicooker.

Stuffed boneless chicken thighs. Recipe

Unusual meat rolls are perfect not only for a family dinner, but also for a festive table. Of course, you will have to spend a little more effort on this dish, but the result will be worth it.

Ingredients needed:

  • Chicken thighs - six pieces.
  • 200 g of champignons.
  • 100 g carrots.
  • 100 g onions.
  • 150 g of cheese.
  • 70 g ketchup.
  • 50 g mayonnaise.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Dry basil.
  • Black pepper.

The recipe for boneless chicken thighs in the oven with a photo we have posted below:

  • Wash the champignons, free them from films and cut into thin slices. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil until golden brown and transfer to a plate.
  • Grate the peeled carrots and finely chop the onions.
  • Fry the prepared vegetables, then return the mushrooms to the pan. Cook the food together for a few minutes and place in a separate bowl.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix half with the filling.
  • Wash and pat dry chicken thighs. Then carefully remove the bone.
  • Fill the thighs with the filling, holding the meat together with toothpicks, and place them on the foil. Fold the edges so that they form high sides.
  • After that, start making the sauce - combine mayonnaise, ketchup, grated cheese and chopped garlic.
  • Preheat oven and transfer the foil basket to the baking sheet.
  • Brush the sauce over your thighs and bake for about one hour.

The finished treat can be supplemented with vegetable salad or boiled rice.

Thigh Multicooker Recipe

Experienced housewives know that modern kitchen appliances will help them out in any situation. So, if you are expecting guests, then prepare a delicious and satisfying dish for them according to our recipe.


  • Chicken thighs - four pieces.
  • Soy sauce - a tablespoon.
  • Dijon mustard - a teaspoon.
  • Honey - one teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - one tablespoon.
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste.

This boneless chicken thigh recipe shouldn't be too much of a problem for you:

  • Wash chilled chicken thighs and pat dry with paper towels. After that, make incisions and remove bones through them.
  • Mix the soy sauce, honey, spices, and mustard separately.
  • Place the chicken in the marinade and refrigerate for half an hour.
  • Turn on the appliance and grease the bowl with vegetable oil. Lay on the bottom of your thigh, skin side up.
  • Set the "Baking" mode and cook the dish for a quarter of an hour. After that, turn the pieces over and bake them for another 20 minutes.

Chicken thighs can be served with your favorite side dish. For example, with potatoes or stewed vegetables.

Chicken thighs in the oven

Professional chefs and hobbyists alike appreciate the juicy meat and great taste of chicken thighs. This time we invite you to prepare an original dish for an everyday or festive table.


  • One kilogram of chicken thighs.
  • 150 g of hard cheese.
  • Eight spoons of mayonnaise.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Greens.
  • Salt and spices.

Read the recipe for boneless chicken thighs in the oven here:

  • Cut the cheese into thick slices.
  • Gently free the chilled chicken thighs from the bones, being careful not to tear the skin or cut the top layer of meat.
  • Rub the blanks with salt and your favorite spices. After that, gently place the cheese slices under the skin.
  • Place your thighs in a baking dish.
  • Mix mayonnaise with chopped herbs and garlic passed through a press.
  • Brush the resulting sauce over the skin.

Roast chicken thighs in a preheated oven until cooked through.

Chicken rolls with egg

The unusual design of this dish will surely be appreciated by your guests. This time we will need the following products:

  • Chicken Thighs - Servings
  • Boiled eggs - the same amount.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Spices and salt to taste.

The boneless chicken thighs recipe is pretty simple:

  • wash, remove cartilage and bones.
  • Sprinkle the fillets and skins with salt and then rub with any spices.
  • Place the chicken egg on the edge of the piece and roll it up. After that, tie it with a thread so that the filling does not fall out. Do the same with the rest of the products.
  • Fry the rolls in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then transfer them to a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Bake the dish in a preheated oven until cooked through. You can cut the rolls into rings before serving, or serve them whole. Remember to cut the threads off the rolls while they are still hot.

Grilled chicken thighs

This recipe will appeal to those who like to spend time in the country or go to picnics with friends. For this dish you will need:

  • Boneless Chicken Thighs - 100 g.
  • Olive oil - 1/4 cup

For the marinade, take:

  • Natural yogurt is an incomplete glass.
  • Ginger root is five centimeters.
  • Garlic - four cloves.
  • Turmeric - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Powdered chili pepper - one teaspoon
  • Lime juice - one tablespoon.
  • Salt to taste.

The recipe for grilled boneless chicken thighs is quite simple:

  • First, prepare the marinade. Place the peeled and diced ginger, garlic and a little water in the bowl of the food processor. Grind the food until it becomes a paste. Then add spices, lime juice, yogurt and salt to them. Stir the ingredients again.
  • Rinse well, peel it off and make cuts in several places.
  • Place the fillets in a large bowl and top with the marinade. Cover the dishes with cling film, and then put them in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.
  • Cook the meat on the wire rack until golden brown. Then flip it over and brown the other side. During the frying process, you can grease the fillets with marinade and olive oil.

When done, sprinkle with chopped herbs, onion rings and garnish with lime wedges.

The Kiev's cutlets

From chicken thighs, you can make juicy and very tasty cutlets with herbs and butter. To create a wonderful meal for the whole family, take:

  • Four chicken thighs.
  • Soft butter - 150 g.
  • Dill greens.
  • Salt and ground pepper.
  • Eggs - two pieces.
  • Milk.
  • Flour.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Vegetable oil.

Without a bone? The recipe for Kiev cutlets can be found easily:

  • Let's start with the stuffing. To do this, chop the herbs and combine them with butter.
  • Cut off the skin and remove the pit.
  • Beat the fillet with a hammer, not forgetting to first cover it with foil.
  • Season the thigh with salt on both sides, and then brush it with spices.
  • Place the filling on the edge of the blank and roll it up.
  • Place the future cutlets in the refrigerator to harden the butter.
  • Beat chicken eggs with milk.
  • After a while, remove the blanks from the refrigerator, roll them in flour, then dip them in beaten eggs and bread crumbs.
  • Deep-fry the patties and then place them on a napkin to remove excess fat.

Serve with your favorite side dish.

Chicken thighs with vegetables

A simple recipe will help you prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family or invited guests.

Required products:

  • Four hips.
  • 400 g green peas.
  • 400 g carrots.
  • Two boiled eggs.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • One tablespoon of sour cream.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper to taste.

So, prepare the stuffed boneless chicken thighs. The recipe for the dish is pretty simple:

  • Cut the boiled carrots into cubes.
  • Remove the skin from the thighs and remove the bones. Chop the meat finely.
  • Combine chopped boiled eggs, carrots, peas, fillets, salt and spices.
  • Sew up the removed skin with cotton thread, and then fill it with minced meat. Then sew up the rest of the holes.

Rub the blanks with garlic and bake in the airfryer for half an hour. Ten minutes before cooking, brush the skin with sour cream.


We hope that in this article you will find a suitable boneless chicken thigh recipe for yourself. Cook delicious meals for your family and often please your loved ones with new ideas.

And it’s a pity that people deliberately give up the opportunities that an ordinary frying pan gives. For example, today I want to show you several recipes for fried chicken thighs, from simple and quick, to beautiful and sophisticated, which are not ashamed to be prepared for a festive table.

Well, for those who avoid fried, I suggest that you read the note on thighs.

How to fry crispy chicken thighs

Let's start with a very simple yet delicious golden crispy chicken recipe. Despite the simplicity, the meat turns out to be awesome, the resulting crust does not release the meat juice and it remains soft and tender inside.

We don't even need a list of ingredients. All you need is the thighs themselves, starch and salt and pepper


1. Wash the hips, cut off all unnecessary and ugly ones and dry them thoroughly with a paper towel.

Drying is an important stage so that later the starch does not soak and turn into lumps.

2. Put the meat on a plate, salt and pepper on both sides.

3. Then sprinkle it with starch, making sure that it covers the thighs with a thin layer over the entire surface.

This is also an important point. The better the breaded pieces are, the more reliably they keep the juice inside, which gives an additional plus in the absence of splashing when frying.

4. Now heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, poured 1 cm thick and put the meat in it so that the pieces do not come into contact with each other. Fry over medium heat for 6 minutes on each side and place on a plate. Then we put in a new batch.

5. And now one small, but very important point. After the second batch has been fried, return the first batch to the pan and fry the thighs until a firm golden crust forms. This will take another 5 minutes of frying on each side.

You can check the readiness of the crust by tapping on it with a fork.

Bon Appetit!

How to deliciously cook poultry in a simple marinade in a pan

Another simple, but rather long recipe due to marinating. But it's worth it.


  • Hips - 5-6 pieces
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - tbsp
  • Sulfuric peppercorns - 8-12 pcs
  • Rosemary - 1 tsp
  • Ground garlic - to taste


1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. After that, add salt, sugar and spices (except garlic) to it. Stir, wait until the water boils again and remove the pan from heat. We wait until it cools down to room temperature and fill the meat with it so that the water covers it completely.

Cover the bowl with meat with cling film and remove to marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

2. After an hour, put the thighs in a colander to drain the brine, dry them with paper towels and sprinkle with ground garlic on both sides.

3. Well, it remains to put the chicken in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry it on both sides over medium heat until tender. 10 minutes on each side, turning occasionally.

Bon Appetit!

The most delicious recipe in teriyaki sauce

I don’t know about you, dear readers, but I really love dishes cooked in teriyaki sauce. And in my opinion, this sauce is just best combined with chicken meat.


  • Chicken thighs - 5 pieces
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Dry ginger root - 5-6 thin rings
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Sugar - 1/3 cup (glass - 200 ml)
  • Soy sauce - 0.5 cups
  • White wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  • 1 wedge of grapefruit or lemon
  • Starch - 2 tablespoons


1. Prepare the sauce. Combine honey, ginger, chopped garlic, sugar, soy sauce, bite and grapefruit (in general, everything except starch and meat) in one small saucepan.

Put the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to low and let the sauce simmer for 5 minutes.

2. Now you need to prepare the thickener for the sauce. This requires 2 tbsp. Stir starch in 50 ml of water.

3. Remove the saucepan from heat, filter the sauce through a sieve, add starch to it and mix well. Put the sauce on low heat again for 3-5 minutes so that it thickens enough.

4. Remove the finished teriyaki from the heat and while it cools down, prepare the thighs: wash, dry and cut off all excess. Then put them in a bowl, pour over the sauce and stir. Then cover the bowl with cling film and leave the meat to soak for 2 hours.

Do not use all the sauce for the marinade, leave a couple of spoons to serve it separately with the dish.

5. Well, now all that remains is to fry the meat in a preheated pan with vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes on each side over medium heat.

There is a lot of sugar in the sauce, which turns black when fried. To reduce the effect, turn the meat frequently over the fry.

Ready. Bon Appetit!

Video on how to cook chicken in an unusual way (in beer sauce)

And this is perhaps the most unusual recipe that I have come across. I am sure that the light hop aroma in the meat will not leave anyone indifferent.

Fried thighs with sour cream, onions and garlic

This recipe can be called classic due to the simple set of products and the consistently great taste. The peculiarity of the recipe is that the thighs are not prepared as a whole, but cut into small pieces. Therefore, the ideal option would be to use boneless meat. This is not difficult to find in most supermarkets today.


  • Boneless chicken thighs - 4 pcs
  • 1 medium onion
  • Garlic - 6-8 cloves
  • Sour cream - 250 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Greens


1. Wash my hips, cut off the excess and cut into small pieces (3-4 centimeters). Then we send them to a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry for 10 minutes over medium heat until golden brown.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and the garlic into thin slices. We send to the meat. Put only half of the garlic prepared. Fry for about 5 minutes, until the onion softens.

3. Now salt, add sour cream and stir. Fry for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until most of the liquid has evaporated.

4. After 10 minutes add the remaining garlic, wait another 5 minutes for it to give off its aroma, remove from heat and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Ready. Bon Appetit!

Sauce Pan Stew


  • Chicken thighs
  • Onions - 1 pc medium
  • Carrots - 1 medium
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Wash and dry the thighs with a paper towel, cut the onion into small cubes, rub the carrots on a coarse or medium grater.

2. Fry carrots with onions in vegetable oil until soft for 8-10 minutes.

3. While frying is being prepared, salt the meat, pepper and roll in flour.

4. Fry the chicken on both sides until golden brown in vegetable oil over medium heat.

5. Then put the fry to the meat, add 1 glass of water (preferably only boiled), cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.

Ready. Bon Appetit!

Unusual cooking of thighs with potatoes

How do you usually stew chicken and potatoes? Fill with water and cover with a lid? But my children love just this way of cooking. Its uniqueness is that the potatoes are not immediately stewed, but first they are fried and turn out golden on the outside and baked on the inside.

Much like the delicious "rustic potato" from fast food restaurants.


  • Chicken thighs - 6 pieces
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Salt - 1 tbsp spoon
  • Curry - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Turmeric, hot red pepper, ground black pepper - to taste


1. Wash the meat, dry it and put it in a deep bowl. Add salt and spices and rub the meat thoroughly with them. Then we leave it to marinate in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and rub with spices too.

3. Put the potatoes and marinated meat in a preheated pan with a little vegetable oil.

4. Fry over medium heat until a golden crust appears on the chicken. After that, turn it over and fry it on the other side.

You also need to remember to turn the potatoes.

5. Well, then cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to minimum and simmer under the lid for another 15 minutes.

Ready. Bon Appetit!

How to properly grill chicken

Well, the last recipe for today is interesting in that following it, you can cook meat both on the grill and in a grill pan. A big plus of this method is the absence of oil for frying, which is important for people who follow the figure.

I counted 8 recipes. I am sure that you saw the one you were looking for and be sure to prepare it in the near future.

And I have everything for today, thanks for your attention.

Cooking time: 35 mins

I suggest you cook very simple and delicious chicken thighs without bone and skin, a recipe with a photo of which will allow you to serve a tender and juicy chicken steak very quickly. Unlike white chicken meat, meat from the thighs is more juicy, it takes a little longer to cook than a chicken breast chop, but only for a few minutes. Be sure to add a small handful of frozen or blanched green peas at the very end of cooking, it will absorb the meat juice and become very tasty. I also advise you to learn how to cook chicken thighs with prunes and garlic.

It will take 35 minutes to cook, from the indicated ingredients you will get 2 servings.

- onion - 1 pc .;

- chili pepper - 1 pc.;

- olive oil - 25 ml.;

- green peas - 150 gr.;

Rinse the thighs with cold water, blot with a napkin to remove excess moisture.

We take a well-sharpened knife for peeling vegetables, trim the skin, and gently pull it off the thigh. Then we cut out the bone, keep the knife as close to the bone as possible.

We unfold the fillet cut from the bones, in places where the tendons were attached to the joint, seals may remain - carefully cut out, trying not to violate the integrity of the piece.

Cover the fillet with cling film, gently beat it off with a rolling pin or a smooth hammer so as not to damage the meat fibers.

Cut a small onion head into several parts. Cut a pod of red chili into rings. Chop the garlic cloves coarsely. Add a teaspoon of coarse table salt to the garlic, chili and onion, grind the ingredients in a blender or grind in a mortar until smooth.

Rub the thighs with seasonings, rubbed with salt, add about one tablespoon of olive oil. We put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes on the lower shelf.

Sprinkle a cast-iron pan with olive oil, heat it up strongly, put the chicken thighs and fry over medium heat until golden brown, first on one side.

Turn the meat over, fry for 2-3 minutes, add green peas and cook everything together for a few more minutes. Sprinkle the chicken with thyme before serving.

Chicken thigh recipes

The best chicken thigh recipes are collected here. You will always find them in recipes made from meat products. We also have five hundred and sixty-eight recipes with soy meat.

Chicken thighs in puff pastry

Finely chop the garlic, mix with salt and pepper. Put a slice of cheese, bacon under the skin of the thighs, grease the outside of the thigh with the garlic mixture. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick, cut into strips 5 cm wide. Wrap dough over each thigh. For a lioness, an egg. You will need: chicken thighs - 8 pcs., Puff dough - 500 g, bacon - 8 slices, garlic - 2 cloves, hard cheese - 8 slices, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, egg - 1 pc., ground black pepper, salt

Chicken soup with vegetables (2)

Place the chicken thighs in a frying pan preheated with some oil and fry until golden brown. Cut bacon, potatoes, carrots, zucchini and celery into small cubes, finely chop the onion. Fry in oil, stirring occasionally. Pour over vegetables. Required: chicken thighs - 6 pcs., Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, bacon - 3 slices, onions - 1 pc., chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. spoon, potatoes - 2 pcs., carrots - 1 pc., zucchini - 2 pcs., celery - 1-2 stalks, chicken broth - 1 l, green go.

Stuffed chicken thighs

Using a thin knife, remove the bone from each thigh (the bones need to be pushed out, as it were, without cutting the meat on the thigh). For the filling, cut the cheese, bell peppers, carrots and sausages into long strips, mix everything. Divide the filling into 4 parts, then gently. You will need: chicken thighs - 4 pcs., Hunting sausages - 4 pcs., Cheese - 100 g, carrots - 1 pc., Sweet peppers - 1 pc., Sour cream or heavy cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, mustard - 2 tsp, salt - 1/2 tsp, ground black pepper, vegetable oil - 1/2 cup

In the legs, make an incision from the inside along the thigh bone and remove it along the joint. Rub the chicken legs with salt, pepper and fry on a piece of vegetable oil until tender. Disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences, chop the beans and bell peppers. Saute the vegetables. You will need: chicken legs - 2 pcs., Puff dough - 200 g, vegetable oil - 50 g, broccoli - 60 g, fried mushrooms - 60 g, bell peppers - 60 g, green beans - 60 g, leeks - 2 feathers , garlic - 1 clove, butter - 2 tsp, black pepper mo.

Stuffed chicken thigh

After removing the bone, beat the chicken thigh, salt, fill with minced meat from finely chopped cheese, orange, minced garlic and herbs. Bake until tender. For the sauce, combine cream with wine, juice and cook for 2 minutes. Serve your hip with & nbsp. You will need: chicken (thigh) - 180 g, ricotta cheese - 60 g, garlic - 2 cloves, oranges - 1/2 pcs., Boiled asparagus - 50 g, parsley, salt - to taste, thick cream - 1/2 cup , white wine - 2 tbsp. spoons, orange juice - 2 tbsp. spoons

Chicken thigh with fruit

After removing the bone, marinate the thigh in orange juice, salt and pepper, fry in oil with cognac until tender. Cut the tomatoes into slices and simmer. Cut the fruit into cubes. Serve thigh with tomatoes and fruit, half. Required: chicken (thigh) - 200 g, avocado - 1/2 pc., Grapefruit - 1/2 pc., Cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons, orange juice - 2 tbsp. spoons, olives - 6 pcs., tomatoes - 2 pcs., green lettuce, ground black pepper, salt to taste

Chicken thigh with eggplant and herbs

Remove the skin from the chicken thigh, remove the bones, leaving the bottom. Beat off the pulp, put sweet pepper and eggplant fried with cilantro greens, season with spices. Roll the chicken meat into a roll, peel the bone, wrap in foil and &. You will need: chicken (thigh) - 216 g, eggplant - 20 g, sweet pepper - 20 g, cornmeal - 3 g, cilantro - 3 g, vegetable oil - 20 g, frozen chanterelles - 90 g, sour cream - 40 g, dill - 5 g, peeled pine nuts - 10 g, leeks (feathers) - 5 g, Goth pancakes.

Homemade chicken sausages

Homemade sausages chicken ingredients I took 1.2 kg of chicken thighs (6 pieces). Separate meat from bones and skins. With this amount, we got only 5 sausages (about 2 servings). My husband and I had enough for a test, but you increase proportionally if you need more. C gr. Required: Chicken thighs - 1.2 kg, Cream (20%) - 150 ml, Mustard (ready-made) - 1 tbsp. l., Salt (to taste), Pepper (to taste), Peeled pork intestines - 50 cm

White beans with zucchini ragout and oven-baked chicken thigh with sage

Cut the zucchini into cubes, put in a saucepan with olive oil and add all the spices, turn on the fire and fry for 3-4 minutes, stirring all the time, add water and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. We take the foil and grease it with olive oil, put the thighs and sprinkles on it. You will need: Chicken thigh 2 pcs, Zucchini 1 pc, White beans 4 tablespoons, Spices for zucchini stew (green hops-suneli, white pepper, thyme and sea salt), Thigh spices (paprika, sage, thyme and sea salt)

Chicken legs with rice and green peas

Sprinkle the chicken thighs with salt and pepper and heat the butter and olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. When the butter begins to sizzle and foam, toss the chicken pieces into it and fry on both sides until golden brown (about 10 minutes). After squeezing. Required: Chicken thighs - 1 kg, Butter, Olive oil, Onions - 1 head, Garlic - 3 cloves, Turmeric, Chicken broth - 250 ml, Bay leaf, Water - 1 glass, Long grain rice - 1 glass, Frozen green peas - 1 glass, Salt, black pepper m.

Boneless Chicken Thighs

Chicken thighs without bone and skin, a recipe with a photo of a quick dish from poultry meat. In less than half an hour, you can prepare a delicious, juicy chicken chop with aromatic spices. Marinade for chicken meat is based on recipes from Asian cuisine. It is moderately spicy and spicy; boneless chicken will marinate in it very quickly.

This recipe is suitable for dietetics as it is low in fat.

It will take 30 minutes to cook, from the ingredients specified in the recipe you will get 2 servings.

- chicken thigh - 350 g;

- ginger root - 10 g;

- ground cinnamon - 3 g;

- sesame oil - 10 ml;

- black mustard seeds - 5 g;

- white onion - 1 pc.;

- green onions, salt, oil for frying.

Wash the chicken thighs with cold running water, then pat dry with paper towels. A large broiler chicken thigh is sufficient for one serving of an adult.

The skin from the chicken is easily removed, just pick up the edge with your fingers, you will have to tinker with the bone a little longer. So, remove the skin, insert a small kitchen knife between the bone and the meat, as close to the bone as possible, carefully cut off the fillets.

Expand the fillet, remove the visible fat. Lightly beat off the meat with the back of the knife.

Season the chicken - squeeze the juice from half a lime, sprinkle with ground cinnamon and curry. For two servings, about half a teaspoon of cinnamon and the same amount of curry is enough.

Put finely chopped ginger and garlic into the mortar, add about 3 g of coarse table salt, grind until a homogeneous gruel is obtained, add to the meat.

Pour sesame oil over the chicken, leave it in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes and fry it.

Lubricate the pan with any vegetable oil for frying, heat well, put the meat. Fry for 4 minutes on one side.

Turn over, add the sweet white onion, cut into quarters, sprinkle the chicken with black mustard seeds, fry for another 4 minutes.

Serve hot boneless and skinless chicken thighs to the table, sprinkle with green onions before serving.

Cooking recipes and photo recipes

Chicken thighs stuffed with mushrooms

Chicken thighs stuffed with mushrooms will be a wonderful decoration for a festive table. The main thing in the process of preparing them is to carefully remove the femur. It is very easy to do this, it is enough to have a long, sharp knife. The entire cooking process is presented in detail in our step-by-step photos.

Ingredients for cooking chicken thighs stuffed with mushrooms:

  • chicken thigh - 1 kg (about 6 pcs.)
  • mushrooms (fresh champignons) - 200 g
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • fresh herbs to taste
  • sunflower oil

Recipe chicken thighs stuffed with mushrooms:

Put garlic passed through a press and chopped hot pepper in a small plate.

Add salt, juice of half a lemon, mustard. Do not throw away the skin and the remaining lemon pulp, but put it aside.

Stir all the ingredients of the marinade.

Rinse chicken thighs in cold water, dry with a towel. With a sharp knife, carefully remove the inner bone together with the cartilage.

Beat off the chicken thigh with a kitchen hammer. This is done so that it can be stuffed with mushroom filling.

Place the meat in a deep plate, add the mustard marinade. Gently rub each thigh with marinade and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Rinse the mushrooms, cut into small cubes.

Chop the onions in the same way.

Place the onion in a skillet with sunflower oil and fry until golden brown.

Add mushrooms to the onion and cook until mushrooms are soft.

Put the mixture in a deep plate and cool.

Grate hard cheese and chop the herbs.

Add cheese and herbs to the mushrooms.

Add salt and stir the filling with a spoon.

Put the chicken thigh skin side down, add the mushroom filling.

To prevent the filling from spreading during cooking, fix the edges of the stuffed thigh with a toothpick.

Put the mushroom thighs in a baking dish greased with sunflower oil, place the slices of the reserved lemon around the edges.

Bake the stuffed chicken thighs in the oven for about 40-45 minutes at 180-190 degrees.

Chicken thighs prepared according to this recipe go wonderfully with a side dish of rice or boiled potatoes.

Add the recipe to your favorites!

I wanted to cook chicken wings in sweet chili sauce, but, unfortunately, they were not in the store. Only chicken thighs remained, I decided to marinate and cook them. Without going into details, I put the packaging in the basket, and when I came home I found out that they were boneless! This was all the more not included in my plans, because these shapeless pieces of chicken asked to be stuffed with something. I had to get out on the go and that's what I did.

You will need:

  • boneless chicken thighs 1 kg
  • sweet chili sauce 2-3 tbsp
  • vegetable oil 3 tablespoons
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • bell pepper 1 pc.

I marinated chicken thighs in sweet chili sauce. which can now be bought in many supermarkets. In my opinion, this is the perfect, balanced ready-to-eat chicken marinade. If there is one, there is no need to invent anything. Although I still had to invent, after seeing the shapeless pieces of chicken, I immediately realized that they would have to be stuffed with something. And since I was not ready for this, I stuffed it with what was in the refrigerator. There was a red bell pepper in the fridge, which I cut lengthwise, and slices of Mozzarella.

Step-by-step photo recipe for cooking:

Wash the thighs, dry with a paper towel, put in a bowl, salt, pour in the prepared marinade and vegetable oil, squeeze the garlic through a press. Mix everything well.

Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes. In the meantime, the thighs are pickled, peel and chop the bell peppers and cheese.

Spread your hips out on the board. Top with cheese and pepper.

Roll the filling into your thighs and secure with a toothpick. Place in a baking dish. I put a sprig of dry rosemary and 3 allspice peas on top. Bake the thighs in the oven at 200 ° C for 25-30 minutes

After 15 minutes after starting to bake, remove the baking dish and brush the thighs with the liquid and fat until they are browned. Repeat this procedure 2-3 more times until the end of baking.

After 25-30 minutes, the stuffed thighs are ready.

The only downside that makes this part of the chicken a little less fond of is the sheer amount of fat. If you don't like fat either, scoop it off with a spoon and discard it. Pour the remaining liquid over the dish while serving. And don't forget to take out the toothpicks. with which the hips were fastened!

The thighs turned out to be very cute and juicy. Yes, not everything in life happens the way we plan, but that doesn't mean it's bad!

Stuffed chicken thighs. A short recipe.

  • boneless chicken thighs 1 kg
  • sweet chili sauce 2-3 tbsp
  • vegetable oil 3 tablespoons
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • bell pepper 1 pc.

Marinate chicken thighs in sweet chili sauce, add salt, garlic and vegetable oil. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Wrap slices of cheese and slices of bell pepper in your thighs, secure with a toothpick, put in a mold and bake in the oven at 200 ° C for 25-30 minutes.